#will often cry crocodile tears in hopes that others would comfort her and show her affection
hartxstarr-art · 9 months
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ophelia doodle page
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s1ut4harrypotter · 3 years
savior complex
George Weasley x Fem!reader
this is based on savior complex by phoebe bridgers, my favorite song. it’s not my best work or anything but i sorta liked writing it. I haven’t been able to figure out endings on any of my wip’s so i might put a bunch of stuff out this week but idk. yet another without a happy ending because as usual i’m a piece of shit.
Warnings: sad, angst, mentions of canon character death, not proofread. If there’s anything wrong with it let me know lolz
word count: 2.5k
lyrics in italics/bold
tags: @amourtentiaa
Emotional affair, overly sincere
It’s been almost a year and a half since Fred died. George seems to be getting better, but also more distant. He is happy and joking around again, but he has been going to see Angelina more often. You and George had been dating since your 6th year at Hogwarts, you were going to be together forever. But now, as the days go by, he is getting farther and farther away from you. 
Smoking in the car, windows up. Crocodile tears
You were there for George, through everything. You didn’t shy away from any of it, the nightmares, the rage, the sadness, you were there. You helped him, he had started smoking, you’d find him in his dad's old Ford Anglia, smoking a cigarette, sobbing. you got in, rolled up the windows, took the cigarette, and took him on a drive.
Run the tap til its clear
 We pulled up to a small cliff we used to hang out at during the summer and held him while he cried. We had talked for the whole night, we only left when the sun started to come up. 
Drift off on the floor
You tried to keep him involved with the rest of the world, so you started having monthly movie nights with the rest of his siblings. One night a month, everyone would go to one person’s flat and watch a movie or two. One month, it was your turn to have everyone at your flat, the two of you lived alone in the flat now, since Fred was gone. George hadn’t been sleeping well and ended up falling asleep halfway through the movie. Once everyone was gone, you cleaned up and decided not to wake him. 
I drag you to the shore
Just as you were about to walk into your bedroom, you heard him. George had been having nightmares since Fred died. Some nights you’d make him a potion for dreamless sleep, but tonight the two of you forgot. You sighed and walked back to the living room,
You’re gonna drown in your sleep, for sure
“Georgie” you whispered. “Georgie it’s me, y/n you gotta wake up darling.” he was sweating buckets and breathing heavily. You gently coaxed him awake and walked him back to your bedroom, he started to cry. “I’m so sorry darling” you cooed, as you stroked his hair, trying to get him to fall back asleep.
Wake up and start a big fire, in our one room apartment
He wouldn’t stop crying now, he was hiccuping and mumbling incoherent things into your chest. You were so tired, you were the only one with a job at this point, not that minded, you had just had a long day and needed to go to sleep. 
But i’m too tired, to have a pissing contest.
“George, darling, you need to breathe, take deep breaths, you’re going to throw up if you don’t calm down Georgie.” he had a bad habit of crying until he threw up, then passing out and falling asleep. 
“He’s gone. It’s my fault. I should’ve been there. It should’ve been me.” He hiccupped out, crying harder now. You were on the verge of tears too, you hated how sad he was. 
“No George. You can’t think like that, it wasn’t your fault. Fred wouldn’t want you to feel this way.” you spoke softly into his ear. 
“Don’t tell me what he would’ve wanted y/n” he suddenly got serious. “You didn’t know him like I did.”
“Of course I didn’t know him like you did George, but I like to think that I knew him pretty well, and I don’t think he was the kind of person to want you wallowing in your bed, wishing it had been you instead of him.”
“God y/n can you just go? Please? I want to be alone tonight.” he said, you scoffed. He couldn’t be serious, but you were tired and you didn’t want to upset him more. You slept on the couch that night.
All the bad dreams that you hide.
You were grieving too, you had met Fred first at Hogwarts, then he introduced you to George. You felt like you had been really good friends with Fred, so it really hurt when George said things like that, but you knew he didn’t really mean it. Sometimes he just said things like that when he was upset, you understood, he was hurting. Sometimes he wouldn’t tell you about his dreams, he would just change the subject whenever you asked, you had dreams about Fred’s death sometimes too. You were with him and Percy when it happened, you’d constantly beat yourself up for it, all the things you could have done differently to save George from this pain, but what’s done is done. 
Show me yours and i’ll show you mine
You wished that George would tell you what was going on with him. He had been going through different stages over the past year, at first he didn’t talk at all. You’d walk by his room at night and he’d be mumbling things to himself, never anything you could make out. Then he started telling you how he was feeling, anything and everything that he felt, he’d tell you. You liked it then, even if he was sad and there wasn’t much you could do about it, at least you could be sad together. Now he didn’t tell you anything, he just brushed you off.
Call me when you land, i’ll drive around again.
You loved him so much, there wasn’t much he could do that you wouldn’t take. You were willing to wait for him to get better. You knew he was hurting, you knew it would take time for him to get back to the ‘old George’, if there was even any of him left. You’d never say it out loud, but you knew everyone else was thinking it. When Fred died, he took a big piece of George with him. It brought you so much heartache that he was in pain. You wished you could just bring Fred back, then maybe you could get your George back. But you were willing to wait.
One hand on the wheel, one in your mouth. Turn me on, and turn me down.
You and him hadn’t been intimate in months, you knew George was hurt, and he would only ever think about it on his good days, which were now few and far between. But it was ok, you were willing to wait for him. You loved him. 
Baby you’re a vampire, you want blood and I promised. I’m a bad liar.
Lately you felt as though you never saw the happy side of George. He’d go out during the day, to meet friends from school he said. He’d never say who it was if you asked, but you figured it was just Lee Jordan or someone else he had been close friends with. He was physically and emotionally exhausted when he got home. It was like he used up any energy he had to be happy wherever he was during the day, then when he got home, you were left to pick up the pieces when he shattered.
With a savior complex
You were beginning to get burned out. You had finally gotten some time for yourself to meet up with some friends, and they suggested you break up with George. You simply couldn’t do that. It may be slightly exhausting to keep up with him, but you knew the old George was still in there. They kept telling you it seemed like you had a savior complex, and that George was a lost cause. Deep down, you knew you were probably the only one still holding on to the relationship, but you still loved him so much. You wouldn’t know what to do without him, even if you knew it was practically already over.
George had been getting further and further away, figuratively and literally. He was almost never home, and when he was, he was back to barely talking, occasionally giving you one or two word answers. You’d ask him how his day was and he’d reply with just “good” not even bothering to ask about your day. 
You were fed up with how things were, you wanted to know if at least he was back to his joking self around his friends. You knew it was wrong, but you followed him one day. Turns out he had just been going to the Leaky Cauldron, at first you were worried he just spent the day drinking. But, you waited a few minutes and went in, only to see him kiss Angelina Johnson on the cheek. 
Ok, maybe they were just catching up, they were good friends at school, you knew that. But the longer you watched, the more you realized you weren’t watching two friends catching up. You were watching your boyfriend, the man you had spent the last 5 years of your life with, with another girl. Deep down, you knew your relationship was over, it had been for months, you were just dragging it out because you didn’t want it to end yet. But you didn’t want it to end like this. 
You wanted to scream, cry, hit him, do something. You had thrown away the last year of your life, devoting yourself to helping George feel better. You spent long nights rubbing his back, whispering comforting things in his ears as he cried into your chest. YOU did that, not her. How could he do this to you? After everything you’ve been through together, everything you had done for him. He threw it all away. 
You were distraught. You were thinking irrationally, sending yourself into a spiral. You called in sick for work and walked back to your flat in a daze. You needed to think about this. For a few minutes, you contemplated obliviating yourself, maybe if you just forgot you saw it, went about your relationship as it was before this morning, it’d be ok. But you knew that wasn’t the right thing to do. So you did the only other thing you thought you could do, you conjured some boxes and started packing. 
You spent the day packing every last trace of your belongings, you called one of your friends and told her something happened with George. You didn’t give her any specifics because the optimistic, or stupid, side of you was holding on to hope that you were overreacting, maybe you saw wrong. Maybe, this was a big huge misunderstanding and you could unpack your stuff with George when he got home and live happily ever after. But you knew that wasn’t the case, so you told her you’d tell her when you got there. You finished packing the last of your stuff a few minutes before George got home, it was later than usual. You didn’t want to face him, you thought about leaving him a letter, telling him you saw what he did and not to contact you ever again. But you needed to hear it from him.
He walked in and saw the boxes, confused he walked into the living room and saw you sitting on the couch, just staring off into the distance. 
“Y/n darling? Are you alright.” he asked, confused.
“No Georgie, but I will be.” you whispered back, sadly.
“What’s with all the boxes? What happened?” he asked again. It was like you were a ghost, or someone else. You were there but not really, he could see you’d been crying. 
“What did I do wrong Georgie? What could I have done differently?” you asked, you could feel the tears starting again.
“Darling I don’t know what you’re talking about, did something happen at work?” he said, he was worried maybe you got fired.
You scoffed. “No George, nothing happened at work. I have been so worried about you lately, you seemed to be getting worse and worse. Coming home from god knows where, in a mess of tears. Just coming home for me to clean up, then going out again the next day.”
When he didn’t reply you continued, “I have spent the last 5 years of my life with you George. Completely devoted to you, through everything I supported you.” you laughed bitterly, “I spent all day packing today, trying desperately to figure out where I went wrong. What I did to you, what I could’ve done differently, to make you love me enough. But it wasn’t me was it?” 
“What are you talking about dear? Why were you packing.” he replied.
“God George you’re just not seeing it are you?” You looked at him, bewildered. “I saw you. You and Angelina.”
“Oh” he whispered.
“OH! THATS ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY GEORGE? OH?” You shouted, he could feel himself starting to cry now too. 
“I have spent so much of my time cleaning up after you, taking care of you, loving you. I can’t believe I’ve been so stupid. I should’ve known. When you started going out more, I told myself, maybe you were just out with friends, when you came home after a long day with Angelina, using up any happiness that you did have with her, who was there to pick up the pieces? ME!” you yelled. 
“I just can't do it anymore George. We’ve been over for a long time, and I need to let you go now.” you trailed off, the last part coming out in a mix between a whimper and a whisper.
“No, darling please let's talk about this!” he begged.
“What is there to talk about George? I saw you, with my own two eyes.” you replied.
“Please baby it was a mistake. I love you so much, please please don’t leave me.” he was begging you, he needed you.
“I can’t George. I’ve spent so much time caring for you, I need time to care for me. I need to get better too. I just can’t do this anymore, there won’t be anything left of me if I keep giving it all to you.”
He broke down next to you, crying. You stood up, ready to disapparate with your things, but he ran up to you and hugged you.
“Please don’t leave me y/n. I’m so sorry! It was a mistake I love you so much.”
“You need to let me go Georgie, I'm sorry. I need to go.” you whispered, calmly removing his arms from their tight hold around your waist.
You whispered a quiet, final goodbye, before disapparating from his flat and to your friends home, you both needed to move on.
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blankdblank · 3 years
Brother Dearest Pt 49
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“I brought you something I think you will like,” Edie said in Polish with a smile that spread to your face as well in curiosity. From a new suitcase she settled on the table in the living room where she had found you at Eddie’s insistence you stay on the couch and relax that drew you to scoot forward and eye the folded fabric inside the case. “There is a good bit of fabric available in the markets, some less bold than some may care for on a fashion stance, however these will all be quite lovely for what is intended.”
“Intended?” You asked yourself with eyes shifting to Erik carrying a sewing machine table he settled along the wall until a better home for the crafting could be found. “Oh, for my maternity clothes.”
She nodded and said in a show of some sketches she pulled out as well, “I believe these will suit what you had mentioned in your letters. We wore clothes similar to these when working in our gardens in the town we grew up in, both with shorts and long pant legs to suit your needs.” The overall pattern had you look over their every detail to see how you would be able to put them on.
“And how would you secure them?”
To a set of buttons on the front she pointed to the neckline just under the straps with a few that have tie up straps as well with a ribbon above the belly to help support the top. Each which would be forgiving the larger you got and by use of old newspapers patterns were made up that you helped to pin onto the fabrics to cut out while Edie would stitch together. Buttons easily you could add from the supply she had brought. Though each and every shift of the needle through the fabric had your eyes fall on your bare ring finger now too far swollen to force the engagement ring and wedding band that now sat upstairs after a teary failed thought to keep them on your necklace weeks prior. Nearly four months gone and about a half of what a single baby carrying mother would be the size of, far from large and still it seemed your body wanted to play puffer fish once given the excuse to after years of starvation and exhaustion.
Edie having caught your stare on her way to add another pair to the pile on the table said with a kind smile, “Swollen fingers are a common symptom.”
That had you look up and shake your head with a smile, “I know. Norma and Dawn both wore theirs on a chain.” To the drop of a tear down your cheek you fanned your face mid giggle with a folded bit of the pattern beside you, “Ugh, crocodile tears.”
She shook her head and said, “Not bad tears at all. The changes are hard to adjust to. When is the Doctor coming?”
“Oh, he has some patients and such and will see me after the New Years.” Teddy mid giggle tottered through the room making you bring the pair with the needle still in it close to your chest and away from him, “Ooh, careful,” you said eyeing his path with Olive and Pepper after him. Whiskers however came in next to hop up beside you avoiding the chill that came in from James and Victor’s return. Norma had joined Dawn in their day with her family while Eddie focused on the paper. Between the brothers however your eyes fell on David in his bashful smile of an entrance to the sound of Erik’s chuckle to Teddy’s finding him in his turn to hide. “Hey David.”
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“Hello. How is our lovely invalid.” That had you scoff and him chuckle, “I kid.” Timidly he came closer and asked, “I hope you don’t mind I was a bit curious once I heard you are carrying three babies. How are you feeling?”
“Oh,” you let out a breath, “Not bad. Hungry, always, and I sleep like a bear as much as I can. When the room doesn’t flip on me that is.” He gestured his hand to your side and you nodded moving a set of the patterns to Edie’s gentle acceptance of the pair in your hands to finish that button to Victor’s lift of one of the completed pairs of overall shorts.
David said to his glance at your belly, “Your babies seem to be growing well.”
“Yes,” you said in a settle of your hands on top of the belly visible in the settle of your hands on top of your sweater that had helped to mask its full size at least a little. “Certainly growing while I puff up like a scared cat.”
To that he smirked and accepted your settle of his hand on your belly he’d been afraid to touch that widened in the feel of just how round it was. “No movement yet?”
“Not yet, thought there was a kick yesterday but then my stomach made this awful gurgle noise.”
James chuckled to Victor’s stating, “Then we had to open a window as the stew we made came back with a vengeance. Last time we risk basil for Pipsqueak.”
“I said I was sorry,” you said and he shook his head mid chuckle to James’ settle beside you on the couch.
James said with a smile, “No apologies, been meaning to scrub the tile in that bathroom for a while now. Usually it’s Vic that gets sick in there.”
“It smelled so good too, which is the weird part.” You said and glanced at David who had a puzzled look on his face in a reach for your wrist which showed you didn’t have a pulse. “Sorry, ya, it’s one of my, things, Doctors can’t hear my heartbeat or lungs or the babies unless I link minds with them. Don’t know why.”
In the meet of your eyes a ring of silver flashed in his to match the silver dots in yours and his eyes lowered to your wrist now at the feel of the pulse and trio of heartbeats he heard through his contact with your belly. To a disbelieving scoff he looked up again to catch your eye in the dim of the ring of silver in his eyes and the spots in yours. “You are a marvel.” That had you grin and settle your hands on your belly and follow his gaze to the next pair of long pants pair of overalls. “What are those?”
“Pants I can wear instead of a tent.” That had him smirk your way and you said, “At this rate I’d need something huge to cover my belly and the skirts no doubt would get caught or folded up and flash my backside each time I stand up if they fold the wrong way.” To that he chuckled and settled in to the accepted social break to spice up your day in the first week so far that the town had been limiting to one or two visits a day in turns having all been filled in just how pregnant and likely to need of rest you were. “Plus the shorts should help in the late spring when it gets warm.”
David, “Well I am certain that you will be amply comfy in them.”
“Yes, and if the other ladies have a problem with it I’ll just start to cry and they will feel bad and never bring it up again.” You teased making the group chuckle in relief at your good mood. Daisy soon enough came to tag along on David’s visit and also drove him back to his office in time for his next appointment with ample news to pass on through the town of your high spirits in your cozy abode to wait out the next round of snow that was on its way by morning.
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Alone now in the living room to the side you shifted with pillows adjusted for comfort and sighs galore on another glance to the stack of books you had finished from the daily supply our of the crate they had bought from second hand shop in Alberta they had been rationed to keep you distracted. Within ten minutes however on the way back from a bathroom break James in his arrival to feed the fire spotted you mid pace with hands on your hips from one end of the room to the next to simply have some movement for this cramped up day. “Restless or do you need a back rub?” He hummed in the bend to toss another couple logs on the fire from the log room they had stocked the day they had arrived.
“Oh,” you sighed out in another turn towards his end of the room, “Little bit of both.” That had him chuckle and smile to the slight blush on your cheeks. Still a bit embarrassed from the fumble of a try to be intimate the night before you’d ended up flustered and just curled up in his arms after the sensitive gag reflex of yours had struck again in a try to pay your ever so attentive husband some well deserved amorous attentions that shot that dead right there in almost getting sick on him.
Right up to you he strolled and across your back in his stop in your path he hummed, “I love you, let me rub your back.”
“You always rub my back,” you just about whined making him chuckle again.
And he leaned in to press his lips to your forehead that was next met by his, “And I will rub it again, as often as you like until my hands fall off and have to grow back and then I will rub it again. And as far as your attentions to me I love you and babies can make our nights in a bit awkward but never less than spectacular each time.”
Your head pulled back and you said, “I almost got sick on you last night.”
“And it was spectacular,” that had you roll your eyes and he hugged you to his chest with a kiss to the top of your head, “I got to hold you all night, pretty spectacular on its own just to be yours. The impossible love of mine who is growing our babies. How could I ever not love a moment with you?” He kissed your forehead again then stepped back, “Which reminds me.” Your brow arched up and to the mantle he went where you eyed the ring box he carried back to you.
Your lips parted as you said, “James you did not buy me jewelry!”
Lowly he chuckled and opened the box that had you gasp, “My wife cannot wear her wedding rings and is very upset about that.”
“James I’m a puffer fish!” you said with eyes on his again.
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He shook his head, “No you are not. And these are sized for your finger now.” You huffed and could only watch his lift of your hand to glide the eternity band of diamond sideways hearts in white gold settings that sat perfectly at the base of the finger with the new engagement ring on after. The latter that had a large rectangular diamond surrounded by two square diamonds on a white gold band which settled next in an awe strike of a pair you didn’t expect. When your eyes met again he’d lifted the hand to kiss the knuckles beside the new duo and he said, “It hurt you not being able to wear your rings. Got you these when I saw your difficulty with your rings last month.”
“Last month?”
He nodded and said with a smile, “And I even dropped them by Father Thomas, he loved the chance to bless the rings for us so you can have a symbol of our marriage you won’t have to wear around your neck. So no tears or arguments.” He said in a stroke of his thumbs across your cheeks to wipe away the tears that had fallen after having tossed the box to one of the chairs, “Because if your fingers do grow again I’ll just buy another set.”
Laced with a sniffle you chuckled and reached up to cup his cheeks for a kiss he melted into completely ignorant of the tears that fell over his thumbs and end of his nose in the lingered first kiss and five hungry pecks afterwards that broke in his chuckle and move to wipe your cheeks again. “Now, let’s rub your back,” he said guiding you to the couch where he settled you comfortably sideways and carefully settled behind you, careful not to bother your back with a heavy plop. And in the gentle start to a backrub where he asked, “Do you like the rings? Apparently it is much harder than it is here to have jewelers in New York to design rings how you want them.”
That had you chuckle and say, “No, they like to keep a hard hand on the diamonds thanks to what they have to pay to keep them safe in the shops.” That had his eyes on you and you giggled, “The big Italian families mainly control diamonds. How much they charge you?”
“Seemed they wanted to charge me more till one of the old guys in the back said something to the salesman.”
“Ah, you must have gone to Grigor’s then.” His brow arched up and you said, “Mom treated his son in the hospital, kept the Doctors from ignoring one of his symptoms that could have killed him and he let her pick a pair of earrings as thanks. He likes to wave when I go by and ask how I am, always has since I started to head to museums alone.”
“How’s his son?”
“Down in Spain? I think, or Jamaica, required a tropical climate for his lungs. Has five kids though his wife just moved back last spring to be with her parents so he’s happy to meet the brood.”
“He must be upset to be away from his kids and wife.”
“Eh,” you said with a tilt of your head that had his hands pause to adjust again, “Not very. From what I hear he’s got a bit of a harem and she stuck it out until she could raise funds to fly home. Whispers are he caught something in his harem and he’s not got long.”
“See, brothels never mean well,” making you grin to yourself and steal another peek at the rings. “So was that a no that you don’t like the rings?”
“The rings are beautiful. Thank you.”
“Almost got laughed out of the shop for the hearts till the old man stepped in.”
“Yes, ovals or tears are more common as rare shapes nowadays. Rarely hear of hearts.”
Erik with a poke of his head in the room asked, “Did you want your pear now, Bunny?”
“Sure,” he nodded and popped out to come back with a pear in hand and smile eyeing your new rings above your belly you were stroking again. “Thank you,” you said in accepting the pear while he sat down and claimed your left hand.
“Very lovely choices. And impressive to show off when you get back to school.”
“Oh yes, may just distract from my belly. Be the size of a hippo soon enough.”
Erik shushed you and gave your belly a gentle stroke, “Don’t you worry on that you just keep growing little ones. Nice and healthy until it’s time for us to hold you and give your brave mother a good rest.”
All you could do was smile and lift the pear for a bite that had his smile grow in the clear elated change to the trio who soaked in all they could from the treasured fruit that was fueling their health as well as their mother’s.
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“Hello sister,” Venom said on your easy stroll down the cold steps with hand on your belly in a hope for some cocoa and a grilled cheese to lull you back to sleep. On his next stroll across the room he had been pacing from side to side on you took notice of Marigold in his palm laid against his chest clearly in a means to let her parents rest from her usual fussy manner.
“Hello Venom, Goldie not sleeping again?” You asked releasing the stair railing to enter the warm room lit by the fire he had been feeding to keep the house warm for the animals and the usual nightly pacing you now had joined in on.
“Our little one is merely growing. The quiet winter has done her good.” He said in a turn to join you to the kitchen. “How are sister’s little ones?”
“Good, heartbeats are strong, they feel to be growing. No movement yet. Can you hear them too?”
“Venom can feel them,” he said with eyes that met yours in a glance up from the kettle you were filling. “Similar to how you feel heartbeats. They are why Venom cannot crawl on his Sister as he used to, would only cause them pain. For now Venom will ensure none harm his Sister and her little ones.”
“According to Elliot and Herc I could still blast some people a few hundred yards away if need be. And if I could urge myself to.”
Lowly Venom chuckled and replied, “Fear is a worthy hindrance with little ones. You are strong even in your fears.” Softly you sighed in a move to set the kettle on the burner you switched on for it. “However we do not carry the little ones. Far easier for us to say fear is worthy when a Mother’s fear is insurmountable.” Your eyes met his in your move to gather the bread, cheese and butter to go with the skillet you lowered from the hook it hung from to the cool burner for when the kettle was through boiling. “Your fear could cripple others, your pain could drive others to madness and despair. Venom has the best Sister, and her little ones will have the best mother. Eddie has shown Venom how Sister was mothered before Sarah grew sick and our Teddy is proof mothering is natural to you.”
“Still have to get the trio ready to be mothered. Have you read midwife manuals?”
“Sister is no fleshling. This birth will be the hardest merely for fear. We are here. Venom will help with any pain once the little ones are born.”
“There’s no medicine they can give me that could do more than a second of relief.”
“Pain is always there. We cannot protect Sister from pain. But Venom will be here with Eddie at your side. Sister saved our son we will protect your daughters.”
To his words your hands smoothed over your belly asking, “They do sound like girls don’t they? Fast heartbeats.”
James’ voice in his entrance however turned your head to his smiling self looking you over in his sweater, baggy flannels and thick fuzzy socks in your moccasin slippers with hair halfway slipped from the braid he helped you with hours prior. “Good, more girls the merrier.”
From the door he came over and sweetly pressed a kiss to your lips in a single move trading the kettle for the skillet to handle the grilled cheese for you. “Do you want some cocoa? I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“You didn’t. Vic is on the roof making goat noises again,” that had you giggle and he said, “Cocoa would be lovely, thank you,” he said watching you mix up the cocoa powder and water that you added some milk to even the taste out then stared at the empty spot where the marshmallows usually sat in one of the cupboards. “Vic bought more marshmallows two days ago. Should be in there.”
Instead of the marshmallows you eyed the new pack of gravy mix that turned you to the pantry for the duo to watch your search end with a trade of the mix and a new bag of marshmallows. “Guess Petal distracted Kitty.” The corner was split and an amusing amount was added to both mugs after the second confirming glance that Venom did not want mug himself but did accept a couple marshmallows you floated his way he snapped up then kissed his daughter’s head in her grumble to the jerk of the muscle under her head.
James while you clipped the bag and put it back in its proper home asked, “Any thoughts for names yet?”
“Not any traditional ones,” you said after a brief sip on the drink that had you put a hand on the counter to the same feel of another small flutter you felt to the trio’s heartbeats changing as they do every meal to soak up more nutrients to grow stronger.
“My Xander was named after King Alexander, Vic pulled names from records we read on Spartan Queens and Kings. The world all got the big filmed wedding broadcast all around the world, screw the whispers traditional is out the window. What names did you want? I know you’ve already picked full names.”
Venom said, “At least share the inspiration, surely the stars will whisper their names into infamy.”
“I actually picked star inspired names.”
James smiled as the bread toasted in the buttered skillet, “Even better, spill, three names. Go.”
“Aurora Nyx,”
James, “Ooh, love it already. Next name?”
“Belinda Rhea.”
Venom, “Both stunning views Venom passed to find Eddie.”
You nodded and said in James’ glance your way to encourage you to continue, “Nova Carina.”
James, “Perfect names.”
You nodded then said, “I also like Rigel Nash,” you said making him smirk at the clear boy’s name. “Just in case.”
To himself he chuckled in your next sip then hummed, “All incredible names, girls or boys they will be more than treasured.”
You nodded then asked, “For last names?”
“Pear Howlett,” he answered without a pause then glanced your way in turning the sandwich over, “The family name. Vic is going flowers for their girls as is Dawn and Eddie so let’s go stars for our munchkins.” One sandwich was finished followed by another that you ate and finished off with your cocoa before it was time to head back upstairs to the bed still warmed by the fire James had fed on his way down to find his cuddle partner who had gone missing while he slept.
1948. New Years came with a crash, literally, from your hand the mug you had intended to fill with tea fell to the floor and shattered to pieces. Loudly Teddy gasped and his hands at his sides rose in terrified fists to your hunch forward. From the table a chair slid over by your mental pull and both knees settled on the seat to the child’s call, “Daddy!!” Forward onto the back of the chair you leaned with forehead on the hands clutching the wood to ground yourself while the men already on their feet by the break of the mug raced to the kitchen.
Once in the doorway they saw you lost to the sudden shift that you felt of the room that required you to get off your feet as soon as possible. “My Bunny?” Teddy whimpered in a pat of his hands on your bent leg closest to him that had your hand lower to land on his hands for a comforting pat.
“I’m ok, Teddy.” You panted out.
“Jaqi?” James murmured in his ease behind you while Victor got to picking up the mug pieces Teddy had stepped around. His hand however on your side with the hand from the pat on Teddy’s yours moved it to the now actively shifting belly that dropped his jaw. “They’re kicking!” he exclaimed with tears pooling into his eyes mid spread of his ridiculous grin in his second hand moving to your belly.
“Kicking,” you sighed out and lifted your head to hold onto the chair in the lift of your head with an eye roll to follow. “Full on attack at once,” you added in Eddie’s teary eyed crouch to lift Teddy to help his toe top failed reach for your belly.
Erik now in the room moved to the oven saying at the whistle of the kettle, “I’ll fix up your tea, Bunny.”
Dawn and Norma followed Edie to join the others who circled around you with turns in placing their hands for feels of the active belly that was enough a shock to put you off balance. “Thank you Erik,” to the table James and Victor carried the chair you were on and helped you to turn around and settle in until the snack they fixed up for you was completed then you were moved back to the couch once you had steadied in their relax again.
In all the excitement to the best of your abilities Teddy was filled in to how the babies you were carrying now that they were big enough had chosen to stretch at once in a move that had made you a bit off balance. That however had his brows adorably furrow and in a glare and point to your belly he said to your girls, “You be nice to my Bunny. Or you’ll be in big trouble.”
Up into your side you lifted him for a welcome nestling hug and kiss to his forehead as you said, “Thank you Teddy Bear,” to the others’ wide adoring smiles in the moment that Victor captured with your camera.
Morning came soon enough with noon shortly after in the middle of another flurry that had both brothers off in town helping alongside Eddie some of the older neighbors to finish some minor repairs. Both Norma and Dawn however were tucked in bed with their much needed naps. The girls were mid lunch handled by Erik and Edie while you sat cross legged on the rug building a castle of blocks with Teddy who giggled the higher the structure began to grow. “We need a hat!”
Teddy exclaimed and you giggled in asking, “Hat?”
He nodded and pointed to the top of the tower on the side, “King’s house had a hat.”
“Oh, a flag. There’s some paper in the library I’ll fold us up a flag.”
He nodded and tottered off with Olive right behind him in her usual habit of shadowing the boy when on his own and your eyes turned towards the door that Victor entered, shivered and stomped with eyes cast your way once certain the door was sealed shut again to not let out too much heat. “Hey Pipsqueak, you’re on the floor.”
“We’re building a castle, Teddy is fetching paper for a flag.” You said to his strip from his outer snow protective layer that left him in trousers and a button down shirt once his snowy things were hung up.
“Well every castle needs a flag,” he hummed on his way over to sit beside you with smile spreading in a subtle scoop of the camera along the way to snap a picture of you sat down beside the castle that you giggled in notice of his plan that granted him a wide smile for the captured moment. “This’ll be among my favorites.” With legs crossed he plopped down beside you and watched teddy walk back with the paper from his coloring cubby with the dog behind him with bucket of supplies dangling from her mouth.
“Kitty! We need a hat!”
“Flag,” you again repeated and the boy nodded and again said, “hat,” that had you and Victor chuckle and you asked in settling the paper out beside the bucket Olive put down to  hop up and lay out on the couch again beside her daughter Pepper still lost to her nap.
“What do you want on the flag?”
Various flags between the three of you were folded up and colored then placed atop the castle, all of which that slid close to falling off when James came home that had the momentary scowling boy stand up and smile mid shout of, “Unc Jim come make a hat!”
James smiled mid strip and once his clothes were hung up he came to join you all and post sweet kiss on your cheek he leaned in to join in on the fun that Teddy, now on his lap was guiding him through. Until his own flag was added. Lunch called and Victor lifted the boy while James helped to keep you steady in the unfold of your legs to climb from your knees up on your feet again.
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Weeks of snow and in the break of 1948 came on the cusp of a fireplace smoldering with the end of needed firewood to warm the cabin that now was packed up for the long drive back again. Erik excitedly was back to finish his final semester in his high school with Edie planned ahead to head back to the market and get more material to make more of the outfits to add to your supply she would mail to you in Brooklyn. Just a whiff of some herbs and sauces in the drive back through the Italian block signaled a mental warning to the other cars to turn and stop to get something to eat before the final few blocks to the unlock of your home.
“Bunny Howler, sight for sore eyes Happy New Year.” Vinny Tortelli said upon your entrance into the warm eatery with his family scattered in a couple of the booths who turned their heads to nod in welcome to the surprising guests.
“Happy New Year,” you said and flashed a smile to his aunt and grandmother who came to the counter with spreading curious smiles of their own. “I know it’s close to closing.”
Vinny shook his head as his grandmother shook her head and ushered you inside in a path around the counter, “You all come in with those babies out of the cold and eat our food.”
Vinny’s cousin said, “We’re open another few hours anyways our food delivery for next week is running late.”
Outer coats were hung on the hooks around the large curved booth you were taken to and following a chuckle the shift of your sweater that folded a bit around your belly that had Vinny say, “I see someone’s been productive.” That turned your head and he gestured to your belly in your scoot aside to let James sit on the end of the booth, “Won’t be long before you can’t hide that bump when it warms up.”
Softly you chuckled and rested your hands on the table with fingers around the menu that drew his eyes to your new rings as you answered, “You have no idea. Barely halfway and I’ve puffed up nearly to put some full term women to shame.”
He smirked and asked, “I take it that explains the diamonds too? Heard you were up for a new gift with some sparkle.”
In a half smirking glance at James you said, “James’ idea to make me feel better on my others not fitting.”
Vinny chuckled as his grandmother now returned with some fresh breadstick baskets she eased between the couples at the table and said, “I knew those papers were trash. Who would trust a frog over strong genes. Snack on these and we will feed you and your growing baby, sure to be big one.”
You smirked and after a skim of the menu gave your order with the others as Vinny chatted with you all about the stories and what Eddie’s plans were concerning the stories the Daily Bugle could run about your change. Food however had the company to focus on their family and business at the sight of the truck that drove around the block to get to the back alley that they stood to help unload. Large servings and a helping of desserts with a paid bill later and off to your home you went for a welcome end to the trip.
In through the garage everyone unloaded the truck and cars into the lit and warming up house by everyone but you in your nest in the living room with the napping babies and pets. With the puppies and Mr Whiskers however you made your way up to your floor to simply take off your boots and get some sleep.
“Bunny!” Ambrose said with a smile wide in her hurry to close the distance between you in the morning drop in by the whole brood.
Gina however joined her in saying, “Off your feet! We found you a few nice dress patterns for Mass we want you to pick from.” Hours the family soaked up all they could and helped to plan what you might want for a nursery as they were all trying to think up ways they cold help on those grounds. Each kick between snacks had groups of hands on your belly until the time when you would be bundled up for the Wednesday Mass that would break you back into the pattern again. For now at least a wrap dress that Gina had made to fit for you from one of her old dresses to tide you over underneath a warm sweater and jacket helped to disguise the belly that Father Thomas took all that it had in him to not shout the change in your life that other former mothers had already guessed. Just your face alone that had given the change away with the new larger rings to drive the assumption home.
Mr Maisey however, father to three sets of triplets, was the one to break the ice and topic and caught you on your way to take communion. Just one look and he had a knowing smirk on his face in saying, “This is so familiar.”
His eyes shifted to James’ over your head, which wasn’t hard to do before but was even more so at your reluctance to wear heels since the kicking began to lessen chances of tumbles. In a chuckle James simply admitted to what was already known, “Triplets.”
Mr Maisey in a deep throated chuckle nodded and said to you, “Our youngest have a cold, but next week I’ll send the Missus round to pass over some pointers. Not that you need them for when they’re here, you’re the only one who was able to grant us nights off when they were fresh at home.”
“Thank you. Any tips would be helpful and she’s the only one to know the stakes.”
His grin spread and he said, “And don’t worry about the stories they tell you about needing a cut to have your babies. Had two sets born on their own and the last set took a cut merely because they tried to make it last a week on us and the older six at home were giving their gramps hell when we were gone.”
That had you giggle remembering that was how you were hired by the elderly man on edge who needed some backup of his own having seen at Mass and in town how you had helped with the younger Brocks since your adoption into the brood. “Yes, I remember how unruly they tried to be. Hopefully I can have a good birth, easy is out the window, but so far everything seems to be going well.”
“That’s good,” he said having taken notice of Mrs Cahn behind you who in a clear sign of withholding a secret and a smile tucked her lower lip between her teeth until she could pass on through her knitting circle just what and to whom you were talking about. Everyone had been up in arms over the story and with little to sue for from the leak in the lab of your exam it seemed to the town that there would be no justice in this for the woman whose reputation had been scuffed. Yet now evidently pregnant and so with triplets no less was a huge bitten thumb towards the Times for their story now that was publicly to be known to weigh less than the paper it was printed on.
He turned to Father Thomas however at the front of the line and in kneeling accepted his communion while his eldest six children on his left accepted from the younger Priest in training that handled all the children’s communion. James was next accepting in a trade of wide knowing smiles through his bend to the cushioned bench with lips parting for the communion wafer that they closed around to the Father’s hushed murmur. Up he rose in a cross of himself and stepped aside with eyes on you ready to help you down and up only to see the Father say with a smile, “You may stand.” Softly you chuckled to yourself and stepped up to the bench to accept the wafer and smile around it trying not to cry in his saying, “Congratulations. Truly a blessing and an answer to so very many prayers.”
All you could do was smile and turn in a cross of yourself. Stepping aside to let Eddie take his turn as you joined Victor to the side where he held Teddy and Marigold for Dawn and Eddie while Norma spoke to Ambrose about plans for your next appointment this weekend when she would come by again to continue sharing this experience with you.
Pt 50
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edgarbonesknows · 7 years
Quiet || Rommie || *TW*
[This one’s a pretty dark one, guys.]
The first time it happened she was too young, too innocent to understand what exactly was being done to her. All she knew was that it hurt and she wanted it to stop, but when she begged in a small voice, staring up at her stepfather, the only response she received were harsh word as he hissed at her to shut up.
Her crying quickly turned to screaming, shouting for her mother, shouting for someone to come and stop this man from hurting her. This earned her a sharp slap, her stepfather grabbing her face so tightly she was sure he was going to leave a mark. His expression was one of rage for a second, but as tears slipped down her face, it softened, as did his grip. “Shhh,” he whispered in her ear. “Romilda --- It’s okay, Sweetheart. You don’t want to wake your mother.”
When he was done, he made sure to clean up, tucking her in neatly and softly instructing her not to tell anyone. If she told anyone they would think she was bad, that she should be ashamed. “I know you shouldn’t, but others wouldn’t understand,” he said quietly, brushing a stray tear from her face. With that he left, returning to the parents’ bedroom and leaving her sobbing, confused, and petrified.
She wet the bed that night, too afraid to get up and not wanting to move because it hurt to do so. When her mother found her in the morning, there was a look in her eye, a look that Rommie would never forget. It was a hateful look. “You disgusting child,” she growled, pushing her from the bed and yanking the sheets from the mattress angrily. “Look at this mess!”
It was the first time her mother had ever spoken so harshly to her, with so much disgust in her voice. Rommie cried loudly, clutching her stuffed giraffe to her chest. “Shut up!” her mother had screamed, yanking the giraffe from her grip. “You’ll get this back when you learn to behave!” With that, she was left alone and sobbing on her bedroom floor.
It was one of her earliest memories, and it was the moment that she learned no one, not even her own mother, would come save her when she screamed.
By the time she was seven, she had grown far too used to the midnight visits. She no longer screamed and cried, she simply stared at the ceiling, concentrating hard on the chips in the paint, trying hard not to make a sound as her stepfather whispered sickly sweet words of comfort in her ear. As he left, he always gave her the same reminder, and she always nodded mutely, knowing his words to be true.
It wasn’t until the man had disappeared from sight that she allowed herself to cry, muffling the sobs in her pillow. She would lie still, not daring to move for a very long time. When she finally mustered the courage to shift, she would gather up all of the stuffed toys that her father had bought her and line them up around her, shielding her from the world.
Sleep was difficult to come by on these nights and she was always greeted in the morning by her mother, already with a bottle in her hand, hissing ‘bitch’ or ‘slut’ as she made herself a pathetic breakfast of dry, stale toast.
Weekends with her father felt like a wonderful dream to Rommie. Her father - her real father - always made her a big breakfast. He brought her out of the house to Diagon Alley, bought her ice cream, gave her hugs and read her bedtime stories. She loved every second of it, wishing it could last forever.
But the weekend always came to an end. The first time she’d stayed with her father after being raped, she had cried and clung so tightly to his arm that it had taken both her mother and her father to pull her free.
Her mother had locked her in her bedroom without dinner that night, screaming about what a terrible child she was and refusing to let her out until morning. The only good that came of this was that her stepfather hadn’t been able to visit that night.
She loved weekends with her father, but she often wished they never happened. They gave her hope, gave her a taste of freedom from her nightmarish life, only to tear it away from her again.
Now, her father was a smart man, he’d noticed her behaviour was odd. Unfortunately, her father was also somewhat insecure after her mother had cheated on him with another man and eventually left him. At first, he took her behaviour to mean she didn’t like staying with him. She always cried, she was shy and reserved, and she always looked so miserable when she was being dropped off. At first, he almost decided to stop seeing her. It was only selfishness that stopped him.
It wasn’t until Rommie was eight that her father finally clued in. One mistake, it was one little mistake on her part. Most of the time she was good at keeping quiet. Her nightmares always woke her silently and she had become adept at cleaning up after herself when she wet the bed.
This night was different. This time her magic shook the books from the shelf of her room as she screamed and begged, trapped in her nightmare with eyes wide open.
Her father had come running into her room, gripping her shoulder to try and wake her. “Don’t touch me!” she’d gasped harshly, scrambling up and away, blinking as she fully woke. There was a beat of silence between them as Rommie stared at the mess she’d made, and then she burst into sobs. “I’m sorry, I’m s-sorry, I’ll --- I’ll clean it up! I’ll clean it up! I’m sorry.”
No amount of comforting words could soothe the wailing child. Her father had been at a loss for what to do, but he had knelt by her side and asked her what was wrong, his eyes pleading as he wished there was some way he could make her feel better.
“I don’t --- don’t make me go back,” she cried softly, tugging at the soiled sheets with shaking hands. “Don’t make me go back,” she begged.
It took longer than he would have liked - far too long - for him to legally remove his daughter from the abusive household. Custody was not an easy thing to win when the mother would wail with her crocodile tears, telling some awful sob story and forcing her daughter to play along.
Eventually they won, though. Eventually her father was able to convince Rommie to speak up for herself and tell the truth.
Things were not immediately wonderful. Rommie was terrified to leave the house for a long time, shaking and growing distant any time they were in large crowds. Contact made her flinch, it took a while for her to stop wetting the bed, now that she’d found a safe place where she knew she wasn’t going to be hurt, she locked herself away and didn’t dare step outside the door. There were monsters outside.
“Ever thought ‘bout fighting?” her father asked one day.
Rommie shook her head, staring curiously up at her father. “Fighting what?”
“People --- Well, I mean, getting trained for fighting. There’s a place not far from here, I could take you to learn.”
At first, Rommie hated the idea. Fighting people meant seeing people --- seeing strangers and touching them. She wanted nothing to do with it.
A month later, she was begging her father to sign her up for more classes.
Fighting made her feel strong, it made her feel like she didn’t need her stuffed animals or her father to be safe anymore - she could make herself safe. Winning a fight made her feel powerful, and until that moment Rommie had never felt anything but powerless.
Fighting put spirit back into her life.
“She punched me in the face!”
“She’s crazy!”
Rommie glared at the two boys, both sporting injuries as Professor Sprout shook her head sadly. “Why did you hurt these boys, Ms Rhoades?” She didn’t say a word, merely turned her glare to the head of her house. “Very well, I have no choice but to give you a detention - every night for the next week you will be sweeping the greenhouses.”
As they left the office, Rommie pushed past the boys heading to the hospital wing. One of the lads grew bold and called, “Fuck off, slut!”
She got a month’s worth of detention after that, the boy took a week to recover.
“You are banned from Quidditch for the rest of the year! Merlin --- What were you thinking?”
“I was thinking that Jeremy is a fucking arsehole who deserved it!” She spat back, still holding her bloodied beater's bat.
“Get the fuck off me!”
“Oh, come on, Sweetheart, don’t be like---”
The man gave a pathetic squawk as she kicked him hard in the crotch, bringing him to his knees and following up with a kick to the face. She left him bleeding in the alley, brushing past a gawking witness and making her way to her gym so she could punch a punching bag until her knuckles bled.
“What’s wrong?”
Rommie rubbed the tears from her eyes, refusing to roll over and look at her boyfriend. When she didn’t say or do anything, Edgar reached a warm hand over to grip her shoulder gently. “A nightmare?” he asked.
She nodded, dragging in a deep breath. It had been a while since she’d had one of her old nightmares. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to flinch away from the hand gripping her shoulder or turn and bury her face in the man’s chest. She couldn’t show weakness, she couldn’t be weak, she needed to stay strong - stay in control.
“Talk to me, please,” he begged softly, leaning over to get a good look at her.
Closing her eyes briefly, she found that no matter how she tried she couldn’t stop the tears. She wanted to tell him so badly, to finally admit to this secret that had been festering in her chest the entire time they’d been together. She was damaged goods. She had been for her entire life. If she told him, he would reject her, he would hate her---
He won’t understand.
It was the voice of her stepfather that made her roll over, staring at her boyfriend with wide, frightened eyes. She couldn’t let that man control her life anymore. “I --- I --- I can’t. I don’t --- What if you hate me.” She hated how pathetic she sounded.
There was a stunned look in her boyfriend’s eyes, as though he hadn’t expected her to be this nervous, but a second later his expression softened. “I won’t,” he told her firmly. “I love you, I don’t care what you’ve done or what’s happened in the past --- I won’t hate you, I promise. Whatever it is, you can tell me.”
Her chest suddenly felt tight and warm, as though her heart was swelling. Tears continued to slip down her cheeks as she dragged in a harsh breath. It was terrifying, the thought of finally telling him, but his voice was comforting, his words were honest, and for the first time ever she truly believed she had found someone she could trust with everything.
“Okay,” she breathed, leaning into his warm touch.
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