#will tag as rule 63 and Genderbent just in case though?
Battler / Valor’s Name
Considering Battler’s name is meant to be understood as a person who fights, a fighter, I wanted his name as a girl - whether he is transgender or had been outright genderbent - to reflect the same or similar meaning.
Because yes, I’m one of the people who occasionally choose to change a character’s name.
(Feel free to punch me, it’s habit.)
Taken straight from my phone notes, and pieced together from a lot of googling, I ended up with this:
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(I’d copy and paste it, but tumblr wont let me, so you get a screenshot, sorry!)
Wish I could tell you I put a lot of thought into this, but I looked at the meaning of Battler (which is, in fact, an actual word) and began thinking of synonyms to a person who fights, or things that mean something similar.
Considering Ushiromiya Family Typical Behavior, in a world where Battler is physically born with female parts, it’s a half-and-half to me on whether she would be named Battler, like in close-to-canon AU’s where she is assumed male because that’s what her physical body says (at least at that time).
I don’t think it would be considered outright to be masculine, since it’s a weird name in the first place, I don’t think people would care? But also. It’s not a lady’s name???
And woman in the Ushiromiya Family have…very specific roles, to say the least, and those born into the family probably have very certain expectations weighing on their shoulders (because Kinzo is an asshole, but I digress-)
I have conflicting feels on it, don’t really know how to explain them, and I’ll…leave it at that.
It was a toss up between Valor or Aster or Asteria. Valor, because pronounced in Japanese it would start with the same ‘Ba’ sound. Valor generally means courage/bravery, especially in battle. Aster/Asteria because that flower, in hanakotoba, means remembrance/memory (and please, correct me if I’m wrong).
Also, I really like the flower.
Once I decided on the name itself, it was…actually just a googling spree on which kanji made the necessary sound. I took the first syllable from the canonical spelling of Battler’s name.
Literally scrolling through lists of kanji for a kanji that had the ‘ro’ sound and appropriate meaning - the jitenon website and wikitionary are where exactly I got them from, so it might not be accurate.
The kanji for yuu means, translated to english, courage. Which is often used to spell the name Yuki, which generally means something similar to Valor. It’s also similar enough to the ru sound, so I decided why not? Almost like an inside joke, though that probably wouldn’t actually work in real life?
Put into Google translate (always the best, well-reputable, never makes an error source), it means:
Tumblr media
(Those are alternate readings of the kanji, and let me tell you, that was hell to figure out).
I had so many tabs opened in this process, so much scrolling down. I honestly wish I’d taken note, because it was as interesting as it was frustrating to look at the kanji and how many different meanings they had…
Also, if you’re born into the Ushiromiya family, you kind of have to have some level of bravery or courage, if not cutting cunning or an unfaltering poker face, to survive.
So yeah.
Battler = Valor.
Also, I really like the idea of a transgender Battler coming out, at some point, and choosing her new name after discarding the old, and keeping to the original meaning because - well, her mom gave it to her. The heart of its meaning was…kind of good, she wasn’t a wimp, she knew how to fight and how to fight well. Even if the wacky kanji is from her Ushiromiya side.
(Also considering social expectations of women at the time to be feminine, maybe that would constitute some sort of pressure on trying to select the right name for a young lady? To not be known as aggressive, but strong? To be called a fighter could have different connotations between a girl and boy, and that might be a discussion for another time and way over my head).
Please don’t flame me, if anyone takes offense, please have mercy and tell me if and how I am offensive.
Also, Valor is the only name I’ve looked at in-depth in how it might change for a genderbent or transgender umineko character. Except for maybe George’s.
and let me tell you. Eva, in entirely Genderbent worlds, as a boy. Having a daughter. His only child is a daughter. Wanting to be family heir - and not being heir for a variety of reasons, one of which being to spite the family elders who were still alive when he was born…George’s name would either be Georgia, Georgiana, or…George.
Because Evan wanted a boy, but got a girl, and even if she’s a girl, he’ll make sure she’ll be brought up with as fine an education as a boy and find a wealthy spouse- (it’s…kind of similar to how Jessica in canon has so much pressure on her shoulders from Natsuhi, to be a reputable heiress of the family in her own right even as a girl-).
There’s So Much There to look at, to say the least, and this post will get a lot longer if I wrote it out here.
(I did have an entire sheet of the others names and the kanji that they had but I LOST IT, and now I only have the western names for them set in stone. I’m still upset about that.)
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fresnoborn · 4 years
Can’t Just Knock On The Front Door
This is a sideblog to weaponizedembrace. I follow from there.
Mun is 35+. Please do not follow or interact if you’re underage.
Morita is MCU and HC based.
I am not Japanese, nor do I particularly consider myself a history buff, but I am going to do my best to portray Morita as accurately and sensitively as I can when issues surrounding race/racism arise. If you ever have a problem with something I’ve written or said in regards to this, please come talk to me off anon. I am happy to learn and do better.
OOC -phobias/isms and repeat negative vagueing will get you unfollowed.
I will probably not follow rp blogs that do not have a statement of the mun’s age (the most important of these to me), basic rules and tagging, and reasonably cut posts. I will also not follow or interact with strictly genderbent/rule 63 versions of canon muses.
Thought I suspect it won’t arise here, I love duplicates, and I’m happy to do same muse threads!
I do not enforce reblog karma strictly, but please be considerate and don’t blast my notifs without ever sending anything.
I am MUTUALS ONLY for IC interaction! This blog is going to be very selective in who I interact with (and probably low activity).
Thread tracker links are coming soon, along with all relevant info.
No major godmodding without discussion. You guys know the deal.
2-5 paragraphs is the sweet spot for me for plotted/continued threads, and sometimes I get on a roll and write novels for people. You don’t have to match my lengths, but don’t give me 3 sentences when I write 3 paras, you feel?
One of my personal peeves in roleplaying is conversation splicing. If we’re writing long replies with a lot of dialogue and/or action and you notice that I don’t respond to everything single thing your muse said/did, and have started my response by replying to the last thing your muse said first and working back if necessary, this is my attempt to prevent serious splicing of the conversation. If this bothers you, please talk to me and we can switch to shorter threads.
I have a tendency to tense switch a lot between past and present. If that’s going to bother you… *shrugs*
Muse =/= mun.
I don’t require formatting or icons for interaction. That’s bullshit.
Mutuals can feel free to continue asks as long as you move it to a new post (tell me if you genuinely can’t). I do drop threads from time to time, though, so please understand these may go before plotted things, depending on how developed they become. Note: If an ask is nsfw, I will be more selective about continuing it. If we’ve never written or discussed smut (and you’re not one half of my otp–see autoshipping section below), asking before continuing might be a good idea if you’re going to be bothered if I don’t reply.
Dropping threads happens if I get overwhelmed or overly stressed, and I might not tell you (anxiety! -jazz hands-). Relationships developed in said threads remain, though, if mutually desired.
When I queue a reply, it’s usually just scheduled for the next day so I can feel accomplished clearing multiple drafts at once without potentially getting them right back.
My reply speeds vary greatly, from immediate to months later. You can reply at any speed you want to, but I do archive threads on a semi-regular schedule (see tracker link above for details).
Feel free to send me ooc/character development/positivity/etc and spam my inbox whether we’re mutuals or not!
IC asks from your muse are for mutuals only.
Asks are sometimes deleted for the same reason threads get dropped. It’s not personal! Feel free to send more at any time!
Please don’t send messages like “hi” or “wanna rp?” with nothing else.
I am mentally ill and anxiety ridden (in case you haven’t realized yet lol), and therefore can be spotty in replying to messages. It’s not you. Sorry in advance.
Discord is available for mutuals. Just ask for it.
GENERAL: 1) Shipping is one of my favorite things. I am a ship whore, but I will likely want to write at least a little with you before fully committing to shipping. 2) Morita is cis and bisexual, though threads taking place during his canon timeline that become shippy with men will probably feature a heavy dose of fear and/or internalized homophobia due to the times. This does not mean I don’t want to explore that, though, because I do. 3) If you are feeling chemistry between your muse and mine, please tell me! I probably am too! 4) If you send me a shippy/smutty meme and we’ve never discussed either, my muse may respond in a way that might not be positive or I may delete your ask.
AUTOSHIPPING: The more comfy I am with any given mun, the more likely I am to jump into ships with any of their muses without build up, if they are of the same mind.
SMUT: I like writing smut, if muses are muns are comfortable with each other and of age, though I will get bored if it’s all we write. Do not expect either muse to be DTF in our first thread, though it may occasionally happen if plotted/discussed.
Canon-typical violence/blood/etc. will not be tagged.
I will try to remember to tag nsfw, and for other triggers as “tw: trigger”. If I forget one or there’s one I’m not tagging that you think I should be, please message me!
I use Kazunari Ninomiya as a faceclaim because Morita should have been 24 years old during TFA (Kenneth Choi was around 40 at the time). It’s already easy enough to forget how young most of the men fighting in WWII were. You will probably see Kenneth Choi here from time to time, though, just bc he is the canon fc.
I do not ask for a password to be sent, nor will I send one to you. I have read your rules if I followed you. If I accidentally break one, I’m human. Please tell me.
I know my rules are long because I’m a wordy bitch, but thank you very much for taking the time to read them. I appreciate you. :)
0 notes
sweetbirthdaybaby · 6 years
This blog is 18+ (please do not follow or interact if you’re underage). Mun is 30+. Please be honest about your age.
This blog is NOT spoiler free.
No godmodding. There is always some grey area, of course. I’ll tell you if you cross my line, and please do the same for me.
Hate/drama/negativity: 1) ooc homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, racism, sexism, ableism, and the like will get you unfollowed, as will repeated negative vagueing on the dash. IC “hate” will be evaluated case by case. 2) If you feel you have a serious issue you need to address with me, you can do it respectfully in the IMs or on Discord (see contact info below). If I ever feel I need to respond to hate/drama sent directly to me in my ask box, it will be tagged “wank”.
Following/unfollowing: 1) I only RP with mutuals. If I’ve followed you, I want to rp with you. I can be shy, though, and sometimes I may not have a clear idea how to start stuff with your character. 2) If you followed me first, please give me a couple weeks to check out your blog and decide if I want to follow back, even if I am active on the dash. Sometimes it just takes me a while to feel up to evaluating new blogs. 3) I will not follow any rp blogs that do not have their age listed somehow (21+, “of age”, etc.). Even if you’re dash only, you can easily put that info in your description. 4) I will not follow or interact with genderbent/rule 63 muses. If you just have a verse for it, that’s fine, and I might follow/interact, but I will not play in those verses. 5) I reserve the right to unfollow whoever I want at any time, and you are free to do the same.
Duplicates: Feel free to follow me! Russian Doll is a multiverse and many Nadias exist within the context of canon! Let’s throw them together and fuck shit up.
Nadia is Jewish (though she claims “not by choice”), and Jewish faith and customs play a significant role in Russian Doll (reference). However, mun is not Jewish. Should the topic of Judaism come up in threads, I will do my best to research and be as respectful as it makes sense for Nadia to be as someone who seems to struggle with faith. If I screw something up, I would greatly appreciate a gentle correction.
I tend to write para/multi-para rp. 2-4 paragraphs is the sweet spot for me, but sometimes I get on a roll and write novels for people. Sorry? Short stuff, one liners, text messaging posts, and crack often get dropped without notice if they don’t develop into more. You don’t have to match my lengths, but at least put in the effort to give me something to respond to.
I will more than likely drop threads from time to time (either I got overwhelmed by drafts, lost muse, or otherwise), and I might not tell you about it unless we’re close because it gives me anxiety. Dropping threads doesn’t mean, however, that I hate you or that the relationship our muses developed in any threads no longer exists.
My reply speeds vary greatly, from immediate to months later.
If you are not roleplaying with me on a given thread, please don’t reblog it! Do not reblog personal/ooc posts either.
Feel free to send me asks and memes and spam my inbox whether we’re mutuals or not! I love it! If you send something and I don’t answer, it just means I didn’t have muse or an answer for it right then. Sometimes things work, sometimes they don’t, but if you keep throwing things at me, eventually something will.
Discord is available for MUTUALS for both ooc chat and ic rp @ jinji!#6384. Please tell me who you are, if it’s not obvious.
OOC communication: I am a mentally ill mun that suffers from severe social anxiety that comes in waves. Sometimes I’m fine and will bury you in ooc chat. Other times, I’m very much not. If I’ve stopped talking to you ooc, this is probably the reason for it.
I don’t require formatting or icons for interaction. It’s all about the writing at the end of the day. I use standard text, and my icon usage is hit or miss.
Shipping: 1) I ship chemistry. I will likely want to write at least a little with you before fully committing to shipping, no matter who your muse is. 2) Nadia generally thinks of herself as straight, but she would not rule out sex or romance (verse dependent) with someone who did not identify as male if the chemistry was right. 3) Depending on what point in her timeline you interact with her, Nadia can very resistant to attachment and long term romances. 4) If you send me a shippy/smutty meme and we’ve never discussed shipping, be prepared for Nads to respond in a way that might not be positive. 4) Nadia is in her 30s and I will not ship her with underage muses.
Exclusivity/selectivity: 1) I will probably never take exclusives for muses that Nadia knows/has interacted with in her canon. I might, however, take mains. 2) Any exclusivity practiced here, if it occurs, is Tumblr-specific unless otherwise specified. Meaning I am willing to interact with “duplicates” of muses I am exclusive with here on other platforms (like Discord) in most cases.
Smut: I like writing smut, but only once muses are muns are comfortable with each other. How long that takes will vary. Nadia is perfectly fine with casual sex, but I may request to fade to black initially if I am not yet comfortable with the mun I’m writing with.
Triggers: 1) The canon for Russian Doll is VERY trigger heavy, including things such as death, drug and alcohol abuse, suicide, mental health, eating disorders, and more. I will try to remember to tag nsfw, and for other triggers as “tw: trigger”. If I forget one or there’s one I’m not tagging that you think I should be, please message me! 2) I don’t need “cancer” tagged, but please do not throw cancer plots at me, or just starts chatting to me about cancer ooc. This could get you unfollowed, maybe even blocked.
Other tags you may want to blacklist: I tag very long posts as “longpost”. Also, I tend not to use large gifs except in responses to ooc asks, but if I ever use more than one per post, or one that’s especially huge-esque, I will tag “largegifs”.
Please know that the things Nadia says and does do not reflect the mun’s personal feelings.
I do not ask for a password to be sent, nor will I send one to you. If I followed you, I have read your rules, and will probably reread them again before interacting. If I break one of your rules, it’s probably because I’ve read 900 rules pages and they’ve run together. Please tell me if that happens, and I will correct my mistake.
I know my rules are long because I’m a wordy fuck, but if you have read this far, thank you very much for taking the time. Know that I appreciate you. :)
Any time I change or update these rules (or any other info page), I will re-link to them in a new post.
0 notes
This blog is 18+ (please do not follow or interact if you’re underage). Mun is 30+. Please be honest about your age.
This blog is NOT spoiler free.
No godmodding. There is always some grey area, of course. I’ll tell you if you cross my line, and please do the same for me.
Hate/drama/negativity: 1) ooc homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, racism, sexism, ableism, and the like will get you unfollowed, as will repeated negative vagueing on the dash. IC “hate” will be evaluated case by case. 2) If you feel you have a serious issue you need to address with me, you can do it respectfully in the IMs or on Discord (see contact info below). If I ever feel I need to respond to hate/drama sent directly to me in my ask box, it will be tagged “wank”.
Following/unfollowing: 1) I follow from weaponizedembrace (this is a sideblog). 2) I only RP with mutuals. If I’ve followed you, I want to rp with you. I can be shy, though, and sometimes I may not have a clear idea how to start stuff with your character. 3) If you followed me first, please give me a couple weeks to check out your blog and decide if I want to follow back, even if I am active on the dash. Sometimes it just takes me a while to feel up to evaluating new blogs. 4) I will not follow any rp blogs that do not have their age listed somehow (21+, “of age”, etc.). Even if you’re dash only, you can easily put that info in your description. 5) I will not follow or interact with genderbent/rule 63 muses. If you just have a verse for it, that’s fine, and I might follow/interact, but I will not play in those verses. 5) I reserve the right to unfollow whoever I want at any time, and you are free to do the same.
Duplicates: Feel free to follow me! Russian Doll is a multiverse and many Nadias exist within the context of canon! Let’s throw them together and fuck shit up. 
Nadia is Jewish (though she claims “not by choice”), and Jewish faith and customs play a significant role in Russian Doll (reference). However, mun is not Jewish. Should the topic of Judaism come up in threads, I will do my best to research and be as respectful as it makes sense for Nadia to be as someone who seems to struggle with faith. If I screw something up, I would greatly appreciate a gentle correction.
I tend to write para/multi-para rp. 2-4 paragraphs is the sweet spot for me, but sometimes I get on a roll and write novels for people. Sorry? Short stuff, one liners, text messaging posts, and crack often get dropped without notice if they don’t develop into more. You don’t have to match my lengths, but at least put in the effort to give me something to respond to.
I will more than likely drop threads from time to time (either I got overwhelmed by drafts, lost muse, or otherwise), and I might not tell you about it unless we’re close because it gives me anxiety. Dropping threads doesn’t mean, however, that I hate you or that the relationship our muses developed in any threads no longer exists.
My reply speeds vary greatly, from immediate to months later.
If you are not roleplaying with me on a given thread, please don’t reblog it! Do not reblog personal/ooc posts either.
Feel free to send me asks and memes and spam my inbox whether we’re mutuals or not! I love it! If you send something and I don’t answer, it just means I didn’t have muse or an answer for it right then. Sometimes things work, sometimes they don’t, but if you keep throwing things at me, eventually something will.
Discord is available for MUTUALS for both ooc chat and ic rp @ jinji!#6384. Please tell me who you are, if it’s not obvious.
OOC communication: I am a mentally ill mun that suffers from severe social anxiety that comes in waves. Sometimes I’m fine and will bury you in ooc chat. Other times, I’m very much not. If I’ve stopped talking to you ooc, this is probably the reason for it.
I don’t require formatting or icons for interaction. It’s all about the writing at the end of the day. I use standard text, and my icon usage is hit or miss.
Shipping: 1) I ship chemistry. I will likely want to write at least a little with you before fully committing to shipping, no matter who your muse is. 2) Nadia generally thinks of herself as straight, but she would not rule out sex or romance (verse dependent) with someone who did not identify as male if the chemistry was right. 3) Depending on what point in her timeline you interact with her, Nadia can very resistant to attachment and long term romances. 4) If you send me a shippy/smutty meme and we’ve never discussed shipping, be prepared for Nads to respond in a way that might not be positive. 4) Nadia is in her 30s and I will not ship her with underage muses. 
Exclusivity/selectivity: 1) I will probably never take exclusives for muses that Nadia knows/has interacted with in her canon. I might, however, take mains. 2) Any exclusivity practiced here, if it occurs, is Tumblr-specific unless otherwise specified. Meaning I am willing to interact with “duplicates” of muses I am exclusive with here on other platforms (like Discord) in most cases.
Smut: I like writing smut, but only once muses are muns are comfortable with each other. How long that takes will vary. Nadia is perfectly fine with casual sex, but I may request to fade to black initially if I am not yet comfortable with the mun I’m writing with.
Triggers: 1) The canon for Russian Doll is VERY trigger heavy, including things such as death, drug and alcohol abuse, suicide, mental health, eating disorders, and more. I will try to remember to tag nsfw, and for other triggers as “tw: trigger”. If I forget one or there’s one I’m not tagging that you think I should be, please message me! 2) I don’t need “cancer” tagged, but please do not throw cancer plots at me, or just starts chatting to me about cancer ooc. This could get you unfollowed, maybe even blocked. 
Other tags you may want to blacklist: I tag very long posts as “longpost”. Also, I tend not to use large gifs except in responses to ooc asks, but if I ever use more than one per post, or one that’s especially huge-esque, I will tag “largegifs”.
Please know that the things Nadia says and does do not reflect the mun’s personal feelings.
I do not ask for a password to be sent, nor will I send one to you. If I followed you, I have read your rules, and will probably reread them again before interacting. If I break one of your rules, it’s probably because I’ve read 900 rules pages and they’ve run together. Please tell me if that happens, and I will correct my mistake.
I know my rules are long because I’m a wordy fuck, but if you have read this far, thank you very much for taking the time. Know that I appreciate you. :)
Any time I change or update these rules (or any other info page), I will re-link to them in a new post.
0 notes