#will this post make sense to mtl fans who are not into metal as a genre
hellyeahskwisgaar · 2 years
MTL characters but in totally different metal genres
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Hope they make side projects with these
I think Nathan actually doesn't go well with black metal because of his deep death growl vocal and he isn't skinny enough so yeah death metal is best for him but as Dethklok plays MDM/DM music so I had to choose something different.
Pickles, he really fits in stoner genre things cause he's an ACTUAL stoner, smoking bunch of weeds and bongs. Plus its stereotypical outfit looks pretty good on him too. Smoke weed everyday
Skwisgaar should start another side project which plays viking/folk metal but not the kind of Korpiklaani/Equilibrium folk style, more like Moonsorrow or early Ensiferum. Oooor kinda like Falkenbach. Well I kept listening to Bathory albums(viking metal era) when I drew him.
Toki may play power metal for ✶ 🎀 𝓀𝒾𝓉𝓉𝓎 𝒸𝒶𝓉𝓈 🎀 ✶ just like Hevisaurus does to kids, tho he's Norwegian and looks like he's somehow connected with black metal - his appearance on 1x16, having a friend who is a fan of black metal - everyone knows he's the naÏve guy in the band so only power metal can protect his childlike innocence.
Murderface was the hardest one to come up with but I guess 80s thrash metal will be the best. Curly hair(I guess so, no one has trapezoid shaped hair in real life) and his vest which reminds me a battle jacket. Planet Piss is sounding to groove/industrial/nu metal and groove metal was inspired by thrash/heavy metal so it makes sense.
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And these are my inspirational songs for this post
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dichromaticdyke · 6 months
skwisgaar feminism word salad response anon on another tangent again !! (is 💉 taken for an anon sign off? didn’t see so in ur beloved anon tag but i’ll be usin’ that for ease of communication on both ends)
regarding the shows take on gender: i definitely agree in the sense that it has a lot to say about gender, as well as the take of “deliberate critique of misogyny” vs “the show kinda also sucked with women” co-existing statements!!! i think in this case it just makes the internalized misogynistic fandom space behavior so much… worse in that sense, though? yes, the show did suck with women and their focuses, but with the show’s critique of celebrity + metal culture thus lending dethklok to view women of objects… it just feels like when the fandom discounts women in the show just as easily, it’s falling into the same trap dethklok does and i would argue that gets into the whole other issue of glorifying dethklok despite the fact they’re portrayed (initially, anyway) in a sort of always sunny in philadelphia “don’t be like this” way. which then turns the fans into a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts but that is a WHOLE other tangent-
either way, it’s disheartening to watch at times.
as for depth of the show vs sometimes it’s not that deep, even for how the fans react:
1. i adore ur analyses please continue having these fits of divine madness
2. i agree sometimes it’s not that deep! sometimes fans just want to watch two guys kiss! and that’s okay!
and i definitely agree that people don’t leave their implicit biases at the door when entering fandom (and i am forever grateful you do not leave your gender studies degree at the door either; truthfully, i would not feel so open critiquing the fandom with any other creator, as your perspective is inherently unique due to a variety of factors)
but i guess my whole perspective is… yeah, it feels a lot like there’s a portion of the fandom that doesn’t work on their inherent internalized misogyny, even on tumblr, which goes back to your post regarding skwisgaar finding all women beautiful and how his willingness to sleep with fat and elderly women has become a joke to many. of course, it also gets into fatphobia, lookism, and ageism, which honestly the ageism confuses me considering most folks are also thirsting after literal middle aged cartoon men but i suppose in their minds it’s different because they’re men and “not geriatric” or something.
in the latter case: cowards, all of them, as there is an inherent beauty to aging (and skwisgaar would agree)
(also im sorry for word vomiting in your inbox AGAIN there’s so many thoughts and not enough words but like ily and everything you do for the fandom. ur brain is galaxy level always)
ehehe don't apologize dear! i'm honored and proud that i've created a space where people do feel comfortable to talk to me about feminism and lesbianism despite the overwhelming focus on men within this community (again, understandable given the context of the show, but it doesn't make it any less exhausting sometimes).
i don't really have much to say in addition to this, you hit so many points i agree with! i remember some mtl creators talking about how if you can't meaningfully recognize where the show is satirizing oppressive thoughts and behaviors and instead reinforce those behaviors through your own actions, then you're not mature enough to be engaging with the show, and that's pretty much my stance on it! again, as we've mentioned, there will always be people who don't unpack all their internalized biases, and it's very easy to let those slip through even in good faith, but that's basically the viewpoint i have.
dethklok can be genuinely awful people sometimes, and we're not meant to agree with them on everything, and we have to remember that. as much as they've become massive comfort characters to me, i would guillotine all five of them irl.
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the most unrealistic thing about metalocalypse is dethklok releasing blazing star and half their fans not throwing a hissy fit over their sound being different from their first album
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atmilliways · 4 years
I forgot the numbers I was gonna ask you! Cos my food was burning 😂 1, 2, 7, 20?
1. If you’re an author, how many WIPs do you currently have? (Be honest!)
Oh boy, here we go.
Take Me To Church - forever working on chapter 8
Literally Anything - still need to get Toki in the sack with somebody and then eventually get to the promised threesome
Lost in Japan - working on Melmord-to-Nathan chapter, more to follow
Dethkats - I think I might have another chapter partially written that I haven’t posted yet idk, but either way I’ve still gotta get it to the point where they turn back into humans and Charles wakes up in a massive cuddle pile and is just like… okay I suppose this is happening now
What Are We, Pickles? - I might retitle this at some point because it really only makes sense for the first chapter… but anyway there’s totes going to be a smutty Nathan/Charles/Pickles chapter for that someday
Long Schtory Schort - Needs to continue so Murderface can realize all his bandmates are gay and also all paired up except for Pickles so clearly he should make out with Pickles
Untitled Pickleface fic where Murderface is the last to realize that Pickles is trans (but everyone had assumed he already knew)
Untitled Secret Dating fic (still in prompt stage) - Murderface finds out about said secret dating and helps cover for them by acting over the top homophobic; still need to decide who the couple would be
Holiday Chuckles series - I’ve done a smutty meet cute on Christmas, booty call New Years… I guess Valentine’s Day hookup is next, probably followed by Pickles Celebrates The Shit Outta St Patrick’s Day
Pick Up - Needs to continue so Nathan can finish sorting out how he feels about Charles hitting on him and then, y’know, decide how to act on it
BANG! You’re Done - Next bit will be about Nathan becoming Dethklok’s temporary manager after Charles’ “death,” getting to know Toki for the first time and reconnecting with the rest of the guys again (except Magnus feels Threatened by this and is A Douche about it)
Good Metal - Gotta finish that MTL GO crossover where Crowley really wanted to meet Dethklok and maybe recognizes Charles as some minor demon playing hooky from Hell
Under The Sea - an unfinished mermen AU that I was co-writing with a friend back in 2009-2010 that I have permission to revamp and continue, and fully plan on doing so someday
Don’t Say No, You Can Do’s It - This maybe deserves a sequel where the two Scandigayvians figure their accidental relationship shit out without, y’know, hospitalizing themselves again
Untitled fake dating fic (still in prompt stage) - Pickles gets an invite to his ex Tony from SnB’s wedding and ropes Charles into being his plus one
Untitled Nathan/Charles/Pickles fic (still in prompt stage) - Charles and Pickles are a couple, and Nathan gradually works his way in too
Untitled Charles/Pickles fic (still in prompt stage) - The guys find some old secret lover pen pal letters in Pickles’ stuff and speculate about who might have written them, while Charles is half 😬 dont figure out it was me and half 😍 because he didn’t realize Pickles had kept them all these years
Untitled Pickles gives Murderface a Back Rub fic (still in prompt stage)
Untitled Total Landscaping AU (still in prompt stage)
And some more extremely unformed ideas that in no way resemble a specific story yet.
2. What’s next on your ‘to-read’ list? (Fan fiction or otherwise)
7. What’s the last thing you read that made you cry?
Crap, I know it’s happened but I cannot for the life of me remember when or what. I’m sorry, this is a cop out but I legit do not know...
20. Do you have a favorite fanfic or author? If so, tag them/post a link and share the love!
[fanfic asks meme]
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