#willow rosenberg ( season 7 verse threads. )
ofdaiisyflowrs · 3 years
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@lunartricked​ sent an ask!! ::  2,3,4,5,6,7,8
asks for people with a multimuse or multiple rp blogs
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2. Which muses do you wish had more interactions?  I have quite a few muses that I wish had more interactions. A lot of them aren’t getting very many as it is. A few of these muses include :: Freya Adachi, Lilith Thompson, Elle Woods, && Haruhi Fujioka. Since adding her to the blog, Freya’s had no interactions, while the others have had a few, but not many.
3. Which muses do you currently have the most muse for? Lenny Grayson && Annaleigh Lancaster for sure! To be honest, I almost always have high muse for Lenny. Her things often get done first because of it.
4. Name a muse you have written in the past. What was your favorite thing about this muse? One character I have written in the past is Tara Markov // Terra from Teen Titans. I’ve always loved Terra as a character. She starts out as a sweet, socially awkward girl, who just wants to fit in and do good in the world. But then she falls into the wrong crowd and goes down a dark path. In the end, she regrets her choices and risks her life to make things right again. I love that she got a redemption arc in the end.
5. Name a muse you wish to write in the future. What’s your favorite thing about this muse? I have this idea for an OC that I’d love to write, but I haven’t gotten around to working on her about page yet. She doesn’t have a first name yet, but I’ve got some of her backstory in my head. She’s the daughter of Pegasus and Cyndia. She was born a year before her mother passed away and her father is over protective of her. He tries to keep her out of the spotlight as much as he can and she’s also schooled from home by special tutors. By the time season 1 of yugioh starts, she has no idea her father plans to use shadow games to try and bring her mother back to life. And when she does find out, she is very upset. This muse is a sweet girl with a kind heart and a bubbly personality. I think her personality is what I like about her the most. I know a lot of people aren’t fans of OCs who are related to canons, so I don’t know if she’ll get many interactions, but I’d still love to try and write her at some point.
6. How is your multimuse blog organised? I have a tag dump tag where I put all of my tags. I have a resources post where I post the links to everything I use on the blog that isn’t mine. I have a google document with my rules and the links to my muse pages. As well as an interest checker. I have a pinned post at the top of my blog with links to my google document && interest checker. And on my desktop version of the blog there’s a navigation page with links to everything important. I also try not to post too many ooc posts and sometimes I’ll delete certain ones after a while to keep my blog clean.
7. Do you have crossover verses for the muses on your blog? Yes! A lot of my characters have crossover verses && alternate universes. I will list all of the muses with crossover verses below :: this also includes characters with verses in more than one yugioh show. The muses include :: Annaleigh Lancaster, Lenny Grayson, Jillian Nakamura, Cordelia Brennan, Lexie Reynolds, Quinn Fabray, Haruhi Fujioka, && Willow Rosenberg.  All of my characters are crossover friendly though, so if anyone ever wants to do crossover threads with them just ask!
8. Which of your muses deserves better? Honestly, so many of my muses deserved better! A lot of my characters have been through so much in their lives. Sometimes they just need someone to hold them and tell them everything is going to be okay.
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vacanpaathy · 5 years
Full Name: Faith Lehane           Orientation:  Bisexual Age range: 16+                         Shipping availability: Open Occupation: Slayer                   Muse Availability: Main
Called in 1998 when her predecessor Kendra Young died at the hands of Drusilla, and the last Slayer to be called by the original succession line abolished in 2003. Born in Boston, Massachusetts, Faith had a difficult upbringing and life, which left her with various trust and emotional issues. Though she found some stability with her Watcher, Faith retreated to Sunnydale when they were brutally murdered by the vampire Kakistos, where she became a friend and ally of Buffy Summers and the Scooby Gang. However, numerous events and circumstances took a toll on Faith's better judgement and she defected to the side of the evil Mayor Richard Wilkins, helping him to carry out his Ascension, able to find the stable father figure she always wanted. On the day before the climactic Graduation Day battle, Faith was critically injured by Buffy and put in a coma, from which she awakened eight months later.
She proceeded to wreak even more havoc in Buffy's life and then attempted to kill Angel in Los Angeles as part of a deal with Wolfram & Hart. However this was a ruse by Faith in order to get Angel to kill her instead as Faith had actually become remorseful of her past deeds and wanted to end her life. Nevertheless, with help from Angel, she came to terms with her past and willingly surrendered herself to the L.A.P.D. to face the consequences of her actions. Three years later, Faith busted out of prison to assist Angel Investigations in containing the recently released Angelus, subsequently returning to Sunnydale with Willow Rosenberg after Angel was re-ensouled to assist the Scoobies in their battle against the First Evil and its army. 
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Basically anything that would fall in that season. Potentially up for some alterations later as I solidify things.
Basically anything that would fall in that season. Potentially up for some alterations later as I solidify things.
From her time fucking around in LA and in Prison and all that.
the Alternate Universe created by Cordi’s “I wish Buffy had never come to Sunnydale” wish. Idk i just want it
She was never Slayer, just a totally normal gal. While running away she ends up in Sunnydale when she stumbles into this world by accident and is immediately over her head because like….. Hellmouth. No one is safe.
FAITH is the Slayer who gets the 7 season TV series about her escapades with her Scooby pals saving the world on the Hellmouth in Sunnydale.
Faith gets turned, when??? Good question. Open for LOTS of different variations. Mechanics in the works. Options for Souled and Unsouled versions.
Still retains the majority of her canon info like being a chosen magical super demon killer but with some of the more BTVS-specific stuff put to the side to better mesh with other paranormal / supernatural / fantasy fandoms / premises when needed. Exact details will vary thread to thread.
For when other muses are distinctly non-magical and meshing the two won’t really work well. Faith does Crime. 
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