lebontonrp · 4 years
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                                        LADY MARGARET PAULET 
age: 21 status: debutante number of seasons including the current one: 1 social ranking: 7 ancestral seat: hackwood park, basingstoke family: the paulets of winchester place in family: secondborn daughter and youngest child of the late marquess of winchester faceclaim: rose williams
weaknesses: vain, sheltered, naive, impressionable, head in the clouds strengths: kind, playful, creative, musical, idealistic
One’s first season should be marked by celebration, by the joy of new dresses and jewels and the excitement and promise of a future on the horizon. Such things must seem excessively bright after half a year in the black, grey, and brown gowns of mourning. But even the shine of a new wardrobe and the season to come cannot entirely wipe away the loss of a father. Perhaps it is that exact contrast which has poised little Margaret Paulet on the precipice of glory.
By all account, the Marquess of Devonshire was a dutiful father, if not particularly exuberant. His youngest, Lady Maragaret (nicknamed Meg by the same father so recently lost) remembers him to be doting and sweet though the baby of such a family may not be the most reliable accountant. Her childhood was mostly idyllic, marred only by a toddling tumble into the round pond behind Hackwood Park when she was but five and the much more recent loss of her father half a year ago. She had four elder brother and an elder sister to entertain here, after all, and friends about the ton every season. There was little to dislike when one could play music and ride horses to their heart’s content. In some ways she resented growing older, having to be an entirely proper lady instead of chasing around after her brothers. But a lady she became and one the ton seems all to happy to whisper about.
Some eight months past the family patriarch passed, with their eldest brother now having to step into the role and find his sisters a match. No doubt he worries for the youngest, chaperoned by her governess most days while their mother remains in mourning for several months yet. It is a difficult job, and Meg’s dreamy nature hasn’t made it any easier. It’s been all too easy to imagine her wandering off into the gardens at night with someone entirely unsuitable and so her brothers keep a careful watch. Rumors of the ton have it that they may need to be most vigilant with one of the season’s royals, but that remains to be seen.
• Meg is in the running for being the Diamond this season and though she tries to appear humble about it, it 100% will go to her head. She has an idealized view of the title and expects that it will mean she is able to meet “the one” and fall head over heels for them.
• She reads rather more than she “should” based on society’s standards and is never unhappy when gifted a book. She plans to marry into a household with a large library.
• Other than music, the thing Meg most loves in horses and she has quite an eyes for them. She’s been almost perfectly consistent in being able to guess which of the family’s stock will do best as riding, racing, and so on. You can always find her wither in the library or the stables when she’s upset.
connection 1: An older mentor, perhaps a dowager or a spinster, who can tell that Meg might be in for more than she bargained for and has no idea and wants to teach her how to navigate the social circle. connection 2: The out of her league one with whom Meg has/will strike up a flirtation this season. Royalty of some sort, he would be “marrying down” but doesn’t seem to care. Whether they are falling for each other or it’s an arrangement of convenience for the pair of them can se decided between the players!
…  margaret is penned by laine ! / @ladymegpaulet
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