lebontonrp · 4 years
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                            LADY CAROLINE SPENCER-CHURCHILL
age: 26 status: unmarried social ranking: 8 number of seasons including the current one: utp ancestral seat: blenheim palace, woodstock family: the spencer-churchills of woodstock place in family: youngest child and only daughter of the late duke malborough faceclaim (suggestion): sophie skelton
weaknesses: (at least three and no more than five) strengths: (at least three and no more than five)
• please include a short biography (any important points in their life you want to mention + some personality aspects)
• at least two headcanons about whatever you wish
connection 1: (you can message current muns or create a connection) connection 2: (you can message current muns or create a connection)
    ... this character is penned by jane ! ( blog tag )
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lebontonrp · 4 years
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title: princess royal. age: 30. status: betrothed to the crown prince of portugal. social ranking: 10. house: house of hanover.  place in family: firstborn daughter, and third child of the king. faceclaim: sai bennett.
weaknesses: self - seeking, entitled, obstinate, meddlesome, vain. strengths: enthralling, generous, confident, non - chalant, quick - witted.
the middle child squished between many sons, but the first daughter, for a moment, amelia was the beloved child. whilst she had not been one more son to secure the dynasty, they already had two of these and, besides, she was a healthy, pretty babe, and her parents pushed aside their short - comings to dote on her. another brother soon came along, but it would be a few years until the youngest hanover was born, and, for that while, amelia could do nothing wrong, and, by the time her sister was born, the damage had already been done. 
a saccharine girl raised with no limits grew into a spoiled young woman — amelia was affable when she wanted to be, and she has a penchant for charming people, but her temper when she did not get what she wanted became as well known as her infamous beauty. while her father distanced himself from his wits and her mother grasped the helm, amelia fell through the cracks ; beautiful and rich, there was little she was not granted, and few could deny her, something she took advantage of by indulging herself in the best this world had to offer, including food and feasts and the season ( by far her favorite part of the year, even though she was far too high to compromise herself ). her position above the squawking debutantes and noble bachelors, however, did not stop her from meddling in their affairs, ever curious of the latest scandal and what match could she take the most enjoyment in concocting. it became a habit for the princess royal to become fond of some lucky souls and arrange their fate every year — either that be for better or for worse.
overly - indulged by her parents from an young age and with her youth marked by the political repercussions of the napoleonic wars, amelia was given enough freedom to believe herself without need for matrimony. why would she tie herself to a man? to become his inferior, whose only purpose is to bear babies until she dies in the child bed? her distaste towards a proper match was observed, even if begrudgingly, and amelia has enjoyed her freedom for over three decades now, reaching an age when lower born women would be considered spinsters, or almost matrons. she is, technically, engaged to be married with a portuguese prince — one of the most steadfast allies of england against france, the portuguese family has fled europe to brazil with the aid of the great britain in 1808, and for five years now, her hand has been promised to a prince she has no intention of ever meeting, much less marrying. the princess royal has been adamant in her dismissal of the match, forgoing correspondence with her intended and continuing her routine, without much regard for her impending marital status, going as far as keeping a few paramours to distract herself with.
though amelia is unconventional and, at times, troublesome, she is still a hanover, and despite her short - comings and rebellions, she does care for her family. from an young age, she has decided to overlook the issues between her parents and their management of the country, and, for most part, kept herself at distance from politics, absorbing but remaining tight - lipped and unintrusive on such matters if they do not disturb her, while gathering a soft pull with a part of the aristocracy, a power that is not entirely dismissive, even if not often used for anything particularly important. her peace seems short - lived these days, as her brothers become more competitive against one another, but amelia has already claimed she has no intention to pick a side, as she does adore them enough not to voice out who is her favorite ( albeit it is likely she, ever egocentric, would be inclined to pick the one brother who would bother her less ).
as much as she is interested in the life of others, so were them at hers, and amelia does not seem to hold many qualms to deny them a peek. from early on, she became a favored muse for artists who would sketch and paint and sculpt masterpieces after her ; often, when she was satisfied with the result, she would allow these nobodies to enter society and to become notorious artistas, all due to her patronage ( yet another thing that boosted her already bloated ego ). at times, her portraits differed from the conventional formal ones, and gave room to less than favorable talk — she did not mind this either, and has often been seen enjoying whatever is published about her, as long as it is not boring. if there is one thing amelia abhors is boring.
if she is interested in the artistic talent of others, amelia’s is subpar at most. her most prominient accomplishments lay in a gregarious vein, born from the urge to entertain and, eventually, to be entertained : she is proficient in several languages, including german, french, spanish and italian, having recently picked up on greek, and she is also a skillful singer, being yet able to play the harpsichord. foreign dignitaries from her mother’s homeland record that around the time of her sister’s birth, the five year old amelia performed a musical piece that enchanted the prussian delegation. to this day, she is one of the most enthusiastic about the foreign visitors in the hanover court, often attempting to acclimate them to the english society habits.
known for her good humor even in the face of criticism, amelia has a deep dislike — she will fight the idea that she is terrified of them, of course — for bugs, particularly flying ones. for that reason, she avoids spending too long outdoors, and often gives away flowers that have been sent to her.
connection 1: lover — though amelia has been engaged with a prominent foreign royal for a few years now, she has her fair share of lords who seek to court her. publically, she entertains with some chastity and cheek, but it is a best known secret that she has a paramour she favors above all the other lordlings, even if there are no good intentions between them ( and, according to the two of them, no romantic feelings in the accord ).
connection 2: lady - in - waiting— ever since she was old enough to properly attend the season, amelia has been sent high - born maidens of honor. those who charmed the princess royal were often given a very favorable match, though, lately, amelia has been less willing to part with her friends, and purposefully kept one or two of these women at her side. it is likely this certain lady shares her mistress’ distaste towards marriage for whatever reason, and prefers to remain alongside the princess royal enjoying the passing seasons.
… this character is penned by robin ! / @amabiliter
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lebontonrp · 4 years
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age: 20 status: debutante  social ranking: 5 number of seasons including the current one: first season ancestral seat: highway manor, wiltshire family: the addingtons of wiltshire place in family: the youngest child of viscount sidmouth faceclaim: hailee steinfeld
weaknesses: demure, insecure, naive & easily frustrated strengths: trustworthy, kind, witty & charismatic 
Sophia was born at a time when her family was settling into their new reality. Her mother was beginning to understand what it would be like to be a step-mother, and her father was just beginning to understand what it was like to find love again after having lost. Her birth was significant. Though she was not the boy her mother had wished for, she was the piece that brought her mother officially into the Addington family. With her birth came a shift for them all, bringing them all together as a family. 
Despite the fact that she was the half-sibling to the rest of the Viscounts children, Sophia never felt different from the rest of her siblings. She grew up much the same as any other baby of the family, clutching a doll to her chest as she followed her older siblings around like a shadow. Perhaps getting underfoot at times, Sophia has always looked up to and adored her siblings, finding herself fiercely protective of them all.
Always dressed in hand-me-downs, Sophia has never been one to really stand out. She was always reading or doing needlework, and her temperment never really pushed her to being the kind of young woman who desired attention. She was often much happier sitting in a window seat, curled up with a good book and a cup of tea, rather than tending to visitors or watching her sisters when callers came.
The thought of being introduced into society (and most importantly the Ton) has been a thought that has raced through Sophia’s mind since her eldest sister first stepped foot into society. The idea of dances, flirting, and finding a husband has been a daunting yet exciting prospect. As a romantic at heart, Sophia hopes to find a match that would be that of fairytales, but she knows that something like that might just be the stuff of her novels.
Sophia has never really been able to play an instrument, despite her mother trying to teach her multiple times. She doesn’t have an ear for playing. She also has 2 left feet but has been taught to make up for her lack of co-ordination with charisma. 
To occupy her time ( and to get out of the house some days) she volunteers at the local parish, reading to children, sewing clothes, and feeding the less fortunate. 
In the summer months, Sophia spends a lot of time outdoors in the garden. It’s been a solace for her ever since she was young. 
connection 1: Lifelong Best Friend (Kind of self explanitory - someone who she can go to when she doesn’t want to burden her sibings with her ‘woes’) connection 2: Unrequited/Crush (Perferably someone who is lowerborn who either works for the family or who Sophia has bumped into and has grown fond of them). 
        ... this character is penned by kate ! / @scphiaa
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lebontonrp · 4 years
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title: duchess of richmond, wife of the duke of richmond  age: 31  status: married social social ranking: 8  number of seasons including the current one: 12  ancestral seat: chatsworth house, yorkshire; lismore castle, ireland  birth family: the cavendishes of devonshire  married family: the lennoxes of sussex  place in family: firstborn daughter of of duke devonshire  faceclaim: jenna coleman
weaknesses: self-doubt, squeamish, too used to freedoms, particular, a bit high maintenance  strengths: warm and caring, friendly, as kind to her staff and common folk as she is to the gently bred, generous, hardworking
How rare indeed to be a product of love. London’s high society is not known for producing love matches. Sure, some grow to care for their spouses over the years, but to marry because one fell in love is a rare thing indeed. And yet, the Duke of Devonshire seems to have set something of a precedent for his children. Perhaps it was that they grew up watching two parents annoyingly in love, or perhaps it was that the Duke was happy to allow his children a great deal of freedom int heir childhood. Whatever the case, it seems that the Cavendishes have sought love in the ton rather than advantageous matches. This truth bears true for his eldest daughter, one Clarissa Cavendish, who spent much of her childhood on the family’s palatial country home of Chatsworth House ad the remainder at their city dwelling surrounded by finery and parties from a young age.
Clarissa, unlike many young women, was not in a rush to join the throngs of debutantes, happy to spend her late teens and early twenties in short skirts and with her nose in books. It was not until he was 23 that she allowed herself to be proffered to the gentlemen of the ton but she did not make a match her first season despite a few courtships. In fact, she did not make a match at all, far happier to play chaperon to her younger siblings until the ‘right one’ arrived, until her fifth season. Oh, certainly suitors arrived each year, proposals all too common in the household, but Clarissa turned each down flat becasue she ‘did not love them.
By her fifth season, her poor mama was all but tearing her hair out. Of course both the Duke and Duchess wanted joy for their children, but five years seemed more than enough. Thankfully for the Duchess’ peace of mind, that was also the year the young Duke of Richmond graced the ton with intent to find a wife. Everyone says that reformed rakes make the best husbands, but most of the ton doubted anyone could make a reformed man of your Duke of Richmond, but Clarissa and the young Duke found themselves drawn together and she found he was in fact not such a rake as the ton believed. A faltered affair a few years prior had left him sour on love for a time but the pair were quickly harmed by one another and the wedding was set as the first event of the winter season, drawing all of the ton away from the country homes to witness it.
The past four years seem to have been blissful for the couple, but by now every mama on the ton knows one should expect an heir. There are whispers, none too kind, that the lack of one means the Duke had returned to the days of his wandering gaze, not so satisfied with his choice of bride after all. Only the Duke and Duchess of Richmond know if there is any truth to such gossip and neither has spoken on it. For all that anyone can tell, the are together often enough, throwing lavish and exciting balls and parties, holding salons amongst their friends, and seemingly content. Perhaps the season will out the whole story.
• Clarissa hated the ladies arts as a youth and put off learning to sew and embroider and lay a table until she was nearly in her first season.
• At the time of her debut, many people who knew Clarissa only by her rank, family reputation, and pretty face expected she would be favored by the queen when making her debut. In fact she might have, had she not tripped over her own two feet a little and that one mistake cost her a first season marriage.
• Despite their fairly liberal upbringing, Clarissa knew nothing of marriage or producing children beyond that it happened after marriage and would be managed by the husband. This has caused her come frustration, as an heir is expected but she lacks knowledge of the finer points of how to assure it happens.
connection 1: A lifelong best friend another lady of breeding who went through the marriage market with Clarissa and perhaps did not make quite so exciting a match as her friend but they have remained as close as ever despite this.  connection 2: A lady’s maid who has become confidante and friend to Clarissa since she married into the Lennox household. This girl knows about the sort of bawdy things proper ladies are never taught and is determined to help her lady with her heir issue.
… this character is penned by laine / @inambiguam
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lebontonrp · 4 years
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                                            MISS GEORGINA FLEET
age: 24. status: debutante. social ranking: 3. number of seasons including the current one: 1. family: the fleets of london. place in family: second born child and only daughter of mr. richard fleet. faceclaim: anya taylor - joy.
weaknesses: self - serving, guileful, compulsive liar, envious. strengths: enterprising, malleable, patient, sensible.
a hearty babe with the palest of hair, georgina abigail fleet was born on a particularly nippy november evening, with winds that howled as loudly as she had upon arriving into the world, if the gossiping midwife was to be believed. an unexpected but welcomed addition to the fleet household, she was to be but another piece in the grand plan that stirred within the ambitious mind of richard fleet, a budding businessman, and thus, she was raised accordingly. bellies had to be tied so that she might receive fine education and finer companionship, instructed in etiquette and ushered into pianoforte lessons that just so happened to be attended by the daughters of the heaviest pockets in london. while her mornings were then spent in the company of articulate young girls with silk ribbons and pristine - white socks, her evenings were filled with heavy labor ( or as heavy as her father would permit for his only daughter ), straining her eyes under the flickering candlelight as she read through the news reports in review for errors and then formed the types on presses, fingers stained with warm ink.
though she was given innocent reading material deemed appropriate for her age and gender, she was also exposed to the truths in the paper which she devoured greedily as she aided in the print house, squirreling the knowledge and building personal reports based off the news until she developed her own penchant for writing, however fanciful her attempts were. balanced between two worlds and forced to play imposter among better bred ladies, georgina soon fell into the joys of journalism and story - telling as a means to express her true self, bettering with practice much to the displeasure of her maid, who often wished for her to get her head out of the books and into the embroidery hoop. as the fleet newspaper gained more interest, leading to larger orders and more presses, her hours as little assistant to her father grew shorter and shorter until she was left in the company of the women in the house ─ the print houses were deemed inappropriate for a young woman of her caliber and her hands were now not allowed to feel the weight of labor for fear that she might develop callouses.
to reflect the success of the newspaper, georgina was soon sent to a preparatory school for girls, where she was expected to be molded into a proper lady, worthy of a great match upon her season’s debut. once afforded the freedoms of girlhood with only her mother and maid to mind her affronts, she was forced to settle into the quiet of the countryside though she often lamented on the lack of excitement in her letters back home. her only reprieve had been the weekly issues of the paper that came with an adoring note from home. though her interest in the outside world was seen as odd for a blossoming teen, she excelled in the studies of languages and household management, and her childhood lessons in the pianoforte were not for naught, making for a well - rounded young woman whose only vice was her fondness for the written word and the ink that was ever - present beneath her nails. easy - going in nature, georgina made fast friends with the other girls in school. her penchant for tight - lipped observation, seemingly disinterested in petty squabbles and fleeting rivalries yet enduringly patient to plights of a teary - eyed maiden meant that she became trusted confidante to many, betraying their secrets to the confines of her diary alone ─ while seemingly innocent in adolescence gossiping, what she now holds over a few of the ton’s ladies may unsettle some seats, though what she plans to do with these secrets remains to be seen.
returning to london at eighteen, as a fresh - faced graduate from preparatory school, she had been eager to find a place within the print house, hoping to resume dutiful assistance as she once did, and for a while, georgina had been indulged in her interests out of the affection in her father’s heart, allowed to write pieces for the gossip column and even a singular short story for the children under an anonymous moniker, so long as she promised to keep refining her appearance and personality in preparation for her first season. yet she had settled into a comfortable routine, growing confident in her literary abilities and, in response to this sudden surge of interest, it was advised that her ambitions be tempered, lest she invited ruin to the family. as her prime approached, sculpting her body into that of a woman and softening her features until she was as beautiful as her mother was rumored to be at her age, the young fleet daughter found herself slowly but certainly guided away from the inkwell and paper, pleas falling on shuttered ears.
though she has been prepared to enter the season from childhood, with an emphasize placed on a need to find a nobly bred husband to further elevate the fleet family in london society, georgina cannot help but feel like a fraud in soft silk, even as she plays to the games of courtship by instinct, feigning demure ignorance whilst concealing the bite of annoyance in her smile. with sensibility bred into her by necessity, she understands the sacrifices that have been made in her name, all so that she might reach higher than any fleet had before her, secured in the knowledge that while affection and wealth were fleeting elements, a noble title would always earn her respect from the masses. yet unlike in her childhood, when she had accepted the demands of her family without complain, rebelling only through the written word, the debutante finds herself growing resentful at what she must do to ensure the future of the family ─ while she is certain that her family loves her, she cannot help but feel used, especially if she is to be sold like cattle to the wealthiest titled bidder. falling into old habits of deception and trading secrets, georgina grows envious of her peers who are able to enter the season in pursuit of love without the qualms of wealth or status and, while she remains the very image of long - suffering duty, she cannot help but wonder if there is another path for her beyond the one that had been decided for her since birth.
though she had been young when the fleet newspaper was first founded, georgina remembers the struggles of her family vividly and these memories are the reason that she suffers through the preparations for her first season ─ much has been sacrificed so that she might have the best possible future and she feels as though she owes it to her family to do well. yet her exposure to the news and the power of the written word has opened her mind to endless possibilities. temporary indulgence in her literary pursuits only seems to have created a growing hunger for independence that her family now tries to stifle and while she stomachs their demands, playing the part of doe - eyed maiden whilst passing a promising smile to the right suitor, she cannot help but yearn for freedom ─ to live, to write and to love.
from the ages of nineteen to twenty one, she was permitted to write for the fleet newspaper under an alias. choosing the name ❛ george ❜, she has penned several pieces for the gossip column, remarking on fashions and real estate, betrothals and marriages, as well as pregnancies, with secrets learn through her circle of friends. she has also written a short story for children, published in the paper, which happened to be her last submission before her writings were halted by her family.
connection 1 : ( preparatory school mates ) ─ from the ages of thirteen to eighteen, georgina was sent to a girl’s preparatory school in the countryside, where she made many easy friends and some close sister - like bonds. these would be young women, close to her age, who trusted her with their secrets as young girls are prone to do. while some may have kept correspondence with her after graduation, there are a few with more personal secrets that georgina was privy to knowing and these women would seek to keep her quiet, either through threat or bribery.
connection 2 : ( mentor or guardian ) ─ now that georgina is entering her first season in the ton, she is armed with uncertainties that she is careful not to display in public. however, there is one person, likely an older female who has been through several seasons herself or has already been married, that has taken the young fleet daughter under her wing. whether this is done as a favor to georgina’s father or because they have met and mingled prior to this or because they simply see promise in her, this person has made georgina into their little pet project for the season and, if she is not escorted by her own family, she is likely seen in the circles of this person.
         … this character is penned by annie / @georginafleet
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lebontonrp · 4 years
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                                        HRH PRINCESS MARY
title: princess of the united kingdom  age: 25  status: unmarried social ranking: 10 house: house of hanover  place in family: secondborn daughter and youngest child of the king  faceclaim: charlotte hope
weaknesses: opaque, stubborn, envious, insecure strengths: observant, pragmatic, curious, beguiling
as the baby of her family, the princess mary occupies a uniquely privileged position. on one hand, the monarchy seeks to protect her, use her as proof of a fine and healthy next generation but on the other she hardly knows her parents. for all their virtues, they are responsible for an entire kingdom not merely their children and so her upbringing was left to others as was typical for royal children. since reaching maturity, she’s found the ton, the season, and all its intrigue rather entertaining and she treats it as her own personal playground, securing any and every invitation if only to seek out a bit of gossip along the way and stir the pot when the mood strikes. the lives of others are far more interesting than her own as far as she’s concerned.
still, people talk. at twenty five years old, they wonder if the bloom has gone from the rose and whether she will end up a spinster before a union is ever secured much like her elder sister but mary tries not to mind for she can’t picture herself getting married without at least the possibility of love. the only hiccup in her fantasy is that love matches and passion aren’t suited for princesses who are only trotted out when political alliances require some symbolic union to finish the deal. over the years this has lead to a series of unrequited infatuations, always men unsuitable for marriage who she could rarely divine even a moment alone with without a chaperone. her infatuations never last for too long because in her heart mary is a realist and the power of the crown is not to be trifled with over silly romantic notions but the temptation remains. it was five years ago that a tutor was brought in to assist the princess with her study of poetry and she fell for him, mad with puppy love as she flirted and pursued until he admitted to feeling much the same way. nothing truly untoward took place between them but a chambermaid found the pair in a compromising embrace leading to a swift coverup. the maid was found a new position at one of the country estates and the tutor was sent packing for fear mary would become the talk of london. for the first time she realized that her emotions had lead to the upheaval of two lives and that her position came with consequences so in recent years, she only loves from afar and secretly fears another upset, preferring her fantasies to reality.  
1. the princess is an avid reader and when life becomes overwhelming she is happy to escape within the pages of literature. she boasts one of the most prominent personal collections in the country.
2. mary prefers the countryside to london where she feels less like a fish in a bowl. she enjoys the fresh air, sprawling estates, and privacy that she’s afforded there.
3. mary is attracted to all sorts of people and has had numerous female friendships that have developed into something more tender and romantic in nature.
1. infatuation ; someone mary has admired from afar but hasn’t truly pursued out of fear and apprehension.
2. confidante ; someone she confides in and vice versa. they write to each other when they’re apart, using aliases to protect their secrets. still, all secrets have a price and should the correspondence fall into the wrong hands it could mean trouble for all involved.
    ... this character is penned by iris ! / @princessmarys
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lebontonrp · 4 years
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                               LADY ELIZABETH CAVENDISH
age: 20 status: debutante social ranking: 8 number of seasons including the current one: 1 ancestral seat: chatsworth house, derbyshire and bolton abbey, yorkshire family: the cavendishes of devon place in family: youngest child of the duke of devonshire faceclaim: maisie williams
weaknesses: cookies, their stubbornness, their tendencies to be reckless attimes, over-dramatic strengths: independent, proud, confident, kind
Elizabeth is the youngest daughter of the Duke of Devonshire. With three other siblings- competitive ones, Elizabeth always did her absolute best to try and one up one, or all of them if she could. She can be over dramatic (often to get her way in her shenanigan’s, which most of the time worked) While she seemed to be successful in her competitions amongst her siblings, she always believed they let her get away with a lot since she was the youngest. Because of this, and now that they are all older, Elizabeth strives to be the best Cavendish child in everything they all do, what she can do.She wants to be the most successful sibling and she will do EVERYTHING in her power to do so.
Elizabeth loves all her family, her siblings, her parents no matter how annoying they can be sometimes. She has a sweet tooth and loves the pastries that the bakers make all the time, her all time favorite being the strawberry cheesecakes or the cream puffs! She loves her family dog, a black lab named Dolly to pieces. She loves stargazing at night from her balcony, the way the stars and the moon shine are captivating
Elizabeth has fallen asleep many times out on her balcony, which has caused her maid to be frightened many mornings when she was not there and the bed still neatly made, only to be found shortly after, curled up in a spare blanket (her star gazing blanket) out by the door.
Elizabeth, when she was younger often snuck home straw animals that she would find either in the garden or out playing. Mostly smaller animals such as kittens or bunnies if she was able.
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    ... this character is penned by faith / @elizabethcavendish
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lebontonrp · 4 years
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                                        LADY MARGARET PAULET 
age: 21 status: debutante number of seasons including the current one: 1 social ranking: 7 ancestral seat: hackwood park, basingstoke family: the paulets of winchester place in family: secondborn daughter and youngest child of the late marquess of winchester faceclaim: rose williams
weaknesses: vain, sheltered, naive, impressionable, head in the clouds strengths: kind, playful, creative, musical, idealistic
One’s first season should be marked by celebration, by the joy of new dresses and jewels and the excitement and promise of a future on the horizon. Such things must seem excessively bright after half a year in the black, grey, and brown gowns of mourning. But even the shine of a new wardrobe and the season to come cannot entirely wipe away the loss of a father. Perhaps it is that exact contrast which has poised little Margaret Paulet on the precipice of glory.
By all account, the Marquess of Devonshire was a dutiful father, if not particularly exuberant. His youngest, Lady Maragaret (nicknamed Meg by the same father so recently lost) remembers him to be doting and sweet though the baby of such a family may not be the most reliable accountant. Her childhood was mostly idyllic, marred only by a toddling tumble into the round pond behind Hackwood Park when she was but five and the much more recent loss of her father half a year ago. She had four elder brother and an elder sister to entertain here, after all, and friends about the ton every season. There was little to dislike when one could play music and ride horses to their heart’s content. In some ways she resented growing older, having to be an entirely proper lady instead of chasing around after her brothers. But a lady she became and one the ton seems all to happy to whisper about.
Some eight months past the family patriarch passed, with their eldest brother now having to step into the role and find his sisters a match. No doubt he worries for the youngest, chaperoned by her governess most days while their mother remains in mourning for several months yet. It is a difficult job, and Meg’s dreamy nature hasn’t made it any easier. It’s been all too easy to imagine her wandering off into the gardens at night with someone entirely unsuitable and so her brothers keep a careful watch. Rumors of the ton have it that they may need to be most vigilant with one of the season’s royals, but that remains to be seen.
• Meg is in the running for being the Diamond this season and though she tries to appear humble about it, it 100% will go to her head. She has an idealized view of the title and expects that it will mean she is able to meet “the one” and fall head over heels for them.
• She reads rather more than she “should” based on society’s standards and is never unhappy when gifted a book. She plans to marry into a household with a large library.
• Other than music, the thing Meg most loves in horses and she has quite an eyes for them. She’s been almost perfectly consistent in being able to guess which of the family’s stock will do best as riding, racing, and so on. You can always find her wither in the library or the stables when she’s upset.
connection 1: An older mentor, perhaps a dowager or a spinster, who can tell that Meg might be in for more than she bargained for and has no idea and wants to teach her how to navigate the social circle. connection 2: The out of her league one with whom Meg has/will strike up a flirtation this season. Royalty of some sort, he would be “marrying down” but doesn’t seem to care. Whether they are falling for each other or it’s an arrangement of convenience for the pair of them can se decided between the players!
…  margaret is penned by laine ! / @ladymegpaulet
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