Closed RP
@wingsandcoffins​ liked this for a starter from Feral Rook 
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Rook had just finished a gig at a bar. He was happy to have made it through the night without feeling like tearing someone apart. It sucked that his only real skill needed to be around other people for him to make money. But he needed the money. He was trying to get out of this place. Move away from his waking nightmare. He stepped out of the bar, guitar slung over his shoulder. He wasn’t paying attention, just trying to get away as soon as possible and he bumped into someone. “Sorry.” He grumbled. He couldn’t be around any more people. He was going to snap. He was so damn hungry but this was not the time. 
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shireentheunburnt · 2 years
Safety in the Darkness
Shireen, after what had happened to her so recently at dawn, now found a great deal of comfort in the depths of the night. Melisandre had, it seemed, been afraid of the dark, so the princess found little place more welcoming, more safe for her, than the late evening and earliest morning hours. The red woman loved the light, and so the girl welcomed the protection the darkness offered her from the terrible priestess...
Even if she ran into a wight in the empty corridors she traversed, it would be far better than coming across her. At least they were honest in their evil intent to cause harm.
Sweet lies and glittery tricks were the priestess’ specialty, Shireen’s mother herself had told her so. A malicious truth was better than a saccharine falsehood.
The girl sighed to herself, cradling her charred stag figurine to her side as she walked, lost in such terrible thoughts that she knew would lead to nightmares were she to attempt to lay down her head... Thankfully, an unexpected distraction drew her from them somewhat.
Attempting a welcoming smile, not wanting the stranger to think her forlorness was their doing, the princess paused in stride to give a half-curtsy. “Hello, My Lady, I don’t believe we’ve met. I am Shireen Baratheon, daughter of Selyse Baratheon-” she didn’t speak her father’s name often, even in introduction, now- “please may I ask your name?”
The girl hoped the woman was all right, to be wandering at this late hour...
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carelesswhispersx-a · 2 years
"Sorry pal... last call is last call. You can come back tomorrow." The soft voice mused before Rayne turned away from the last patron at the bar and started cleaning up. It was an easy night, even though some of the customers seemed to want extra attention from her, but she would play along... as long as they tipped well.
With her back turned to the rail, she casually glanced up to the mirrors, catching him in the reflection heading her way. A small gasp came from her before she spun around and left the bar side for a second.
"Steffyyyyyy!!" She giggled before hugging him tightly. "When did you get back into town?"
"How many times have I told you not to call me Steffy?" He says before wrapping his arms around her and hugging her tightly "I just got back into town a few days ago but I've been a bit busy so I couldn't come and see you." Steff then whispers in her ear "Had to send some very juicy soul to hell for their punishment now, didn't I?"
He leans back out from her ear and keeps his arms around her just holding her to him "Since when have you become a bartender? The last time I was around you were working days at a grocery or something of the sort, what happened with that? Did you get fired or did you quit?"
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bloodyxballetmoves · 2 years
@wingsandcoffins asked Rayne giggles, knowing full well that Dylan is in a later rehearsal as she sends him a bunch of 'teasing' pictures.
Dylan looks through the pictures on his phone and chokes on the mouthful of water he had just taken from his bottle "What the fuck is this and why the hell is she sending it now? She knows better than to pull this shit when I have to wear tights."
(Txt: Ray) You had better be in the bed when I get home, or I will have to find you and put you in it.
(Txt: Ray) Oh, and I'm going to have some real fun trying to explain away the hard on those pictures gave me too.
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talesfromahs · 2 years
The purring that was emanating out of the hybrid was a sign she was still somewhat awake, though her eyes had closed and remained shut as he pampered her. Truth be told, this was the first time anyone had washed her hair since she was a child... and that was many moons ago.
A small 'mhmm' came from her as he rinsed her hair out and another noise came when he asked if she was asleep. She had dozed off for a moment, though he had a point. "'m not asleep... but I'm nearly there..." Her voice was soft, and now a little heavy with sleep. Her wounds had mostly closed, looking better than before, but still looked bad. "I suppose I can let you get out..."
Once again taking her time, she slowly got out of the tub, making sure to wring out her hair before wrapping a large towel around herself. This time, she leaned herself against the sink as she brushed through her hair before braiding it for bed.
Casey follows her out of the bath and gets a large fluffy towel for himself, drying off before wrapping it around himself. Then he goes over to the sink where Rayne is leaning and gives her a tender little kiss "I love you and if I knew the guy that did this he would be having his ass kicked by a friend of mine right now because I can't fight worth shit and I can't mess up this beautiful face." He chuckles and gets out his hair dryer and a brush, starting to work on his hair.
He didn't want to go to sleep with a completely wet head so he ran the dryer over his hair a couple of times and then turned it off. His hair still a little damp from the bath. Casey then turns toward the bedroom and reaches out a hand for Rayne "Come on, you need your rest and when you wake up those wounds will most likely be healed and you won't have any more pain from them."
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iincantatorum · 2 years
#1 Parent - Maverick
Send “#1 parent” for an AU where my muse is a single parent.
Maverick never told Rayne about this aspect of his life, where he has a child. It was a daughter, his own biological daughter who was living with his own wicked and despicable mother, Maleficent. He came from old money, a mother who was cold and closed off but genuinely loved Maverick's daughter who was only three years of age.
But since their relationship was getting more deep, he should disclose this truth to her.
"Rayne, I need to tell you something. I'm... a father. A single parent, and I hope that doesn't change anything but if it does, I understand Rayne."
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@wingsandcoffins asked *Brush*
Xavier flinches slightly as her hand comes into contact with his worst scar, it was a scar on his stomach from his time on the streets when one of his so called friends had tried to stab him with a broken bottle over money for drugs, and looks at her out of the corner of his eye "That scar is why I don't trust people as easily as I used to anymore. If someone you call a friend can do something like this to you then who needs enemies."
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      "I have been to far too many cemeteries today,               how about we go out for some gelato?”
@wingsandcoffins​ // closed.
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skxrbrand · 1 year
It took a lot of careful planning... and a lot of alcohol to carry out the plan, but in a flash, the hybrid plops an indestructible, irremovable, bright and colorful flower crown on the other before disappearing into the air.
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Joke on you, he doesn't fear the color pink.
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devildungeondm · 2 years
@wingsandcoffins​ | continued from here
She seemed shy. Almost cute in how bashful she was acting under his scrutiny. At the mention of her brother, Eddie pouted. Hellfire was in desperate need of some female players. Not that he disliked his friends, but he always wanted more than dudes participating.
It seemed this kind of game was a turnoff for most girls; they were too busy with make up and going goo goo gah gah over whoever graced Teen Beat magazine.
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 “--Shame; would’ve loved to have a lady fair as part of the quest. Hold old’s your brother?”
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secondplympton · 2 years
Fuck... Even though Rayne locked her door, she left the bathroom door wide open... and forgot Casey had a key. She was driving her motorcycle to the store and some asshole cut her off, making her have to veer off the road into the ditch. She was alright, and so was her bike, but the guy kept driving, leaving her there flipping him off.
Now sitting on the toilet, Rayne had managed to clean up her arm, but she had just started taking care of her leg when he came in. "I-I'm fine... someone ran me off the road and kept driving..." She murmured, shaking her head. "I promise, it's just a little road-rash..."
"Someone running you off the road is not fine Rayne. If I knew I could take you to a hospital or a doctor, you would be on your way right now but since I know that I can't because they ask to many damn questions you're going to sit there and let your boyfriend clean up your legs for you since you seem to have already gotten your arm all ship shape already." Casey kneels down in front of her on the bathroom floor and looks at her leg "Damn, that's got to hurt like fuck."
He takes a washcloth from under the sink and puts a little bit of rubbing acholic on it then gently puts it to her leg and starts to clean the small but spread-out wound. "This getting dirty could get you infected, and we don't want that do we so I'm going to be an overprotective basket case and clean it with a little bit of this and then we'll be done with it okay?" Casey says as he continues cleaning and in a couple of minutes finishes "There one clean leg, you don't hurt anywhere, do you?"
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qceensofkings · 1 year
@wingsandcoffins liked for a starter
The blonde isn't the least bit surprised to receive a call in the late hours of the night, just before she's about to let her head hit the pillow. But considering they haven't had a case in the past couple of days, she can't really complain. She's been getting antsy without anything to do.
Olivia takes a quick shower before throwing on the first shirt and pair of pants that meet at the center of her closet. She flips her cell phone open and dials the number for Peter and Walter to notify them of where they're meeting.
When they pull up to the scene, it's already taped off and police are swarming the place. A witness has been sat aside with a police officer until Fringe shows up.
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Olivia is guided to the witness while Peter and Walter inspect the body a few yards away, "Hi, my name is Olivia. I'm with the FBI. I understand you found the victim?"
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bloodyxballet · 2 years
The statement caught Rayne off guard as she finished putting laundry into the dryer. Even though she was an absolute mess at the moment, apparently she was everything Dylan needed. Her hair was up in a messy bun, she had a baggy t-shirt on and a pair of pajama shorts on.
Straightening up, she gave him a small, shy wink before starting the dryer and turning to look at him. "I'm a disaster right now... I don't know how that's possible right now..."
"You look fabulous any time and any place baby. I can't resist you." He walks over to her and looks down at her while titling his head downward and taking her lips in a passionate kiss. When he backs away a few minutes later he's panting for breath and gives her a saucy little wink "I'm surprised that I haven't had to fight for you yet baby."
He chuckles then and gets a thoughtful look on his face "Now me I look like a hot mess all the time but it's a good looking hot mess. I have perfected my look through trial and error mostly error but enough of that." Dylan cocks an eyebrow at her then furrows his brows "I guess you can't really be a hot mess and look good doing it can you?"
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carelesswhispersx-a · 2 years
"Mm, what?" Rayne startled awake, having dozed off for the briefest second. The heel of her palm rubbed at her eyes as she sat up a bit more, struggling to keep awake with Steff.
"I... might have fallen asleep... what were you saying?"
"I'm so exhausted that I can't even feel tired anymore." Steff sighs out and then relaxes back into Rayne's couch. "I haven't slept in five days and I don't know why. There's nothing that I can think of that I've done or that has been done to me that could explain it. I mean someone could have cursed me but I would be able to sense the magic."
He then gets up and starts pacing "I would take something to sleep but noting normal would effect me. I would have to go and get a demon or a witch to do something for me and after much experience I don't trust either one of those."
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bloodyxballetmoves · 2 years
@wingsandcoffins asked "It's fine... I'll take the floor."
Dylan gestures toward the bed with both of his hands "No, I insist on taking the floor for the night or you are going to have a bad morning tomorrow. I'm a boy that grew up living in the woods around his house so I've slept comfortably in places that you would never think of." He chuckles and cocks an eyebrow at her
Dylan tilts his head and then puts the pillows and blankets in his arms down on the floor and starts spreading them out for himself "I'm not really giving you any choice here because sooner or later you will end up with me in the floor with you if you choose this course of action."
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iincantatorum · 2 years
@wingsandcoffins​ from X
No... it wasn't a day where she was granted freedom from the cave, but Rayne took it regardless. Ulysses would have to deal with it when he returned. She didn't go far, however... simply far enough to find a place where she could be alone for a few hours and find peace.
Her mind had been racing since the encounter with the shrouded one within the caves... everything that was said... their actions... she wanted to forget everything... but could she? She was still bound to his rules. The collar felt a little more snug on her neck than usual, but she refused to adjust it. There was no use, for it was stuck where it was.
The fire was roaring as the hybrid sat there, looking into the embers as she voided her mind out. She wanted to be as hollow as she felt, and was nearing there. It wasn't until a little later when she finally passed out, and was found curled up by the fire.
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Ulysses recalled their last conversation, every detail of it from the ups and downs, and decided that things have changed now and there was no way to return things to the way they were before. When a piece of paper is crumpled, no matter how one smoothed the edges and flattened it, it does not return to its original form and the signs of wear would be there. In the same manner, he admitted that he was wrong for treating her wrong, for imprisoning her and forcing experimentations. It was new for him and he was just trying to figure it out. 
He scooped her into his arms and returned to their home. She will return not as a captive, but the woman he was taking care of right now. The answer he gave her was not sufficient, and perhaps he confused her even more. But maybe it was because he was confused himself. It was an uncomfortable place to be in, the state of confusion.
When placing her on his bed, he was careful not to awaken her. Who knows how long she has been out and about, and the ways she dealt with the tumultuous nature of their relationship. He had not been able to look away from the enchanted collar on her neck, and with a swift move and spell he unlocked the clasp and slid it off, exposing the bare area of her skin. Massaging the area gently, he leaned down and gave her a reassuring kiss right on the base of her neck. For Ulysses, it was symbolic as it was an admittance of his true emotions taking physical manifestation.
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