#winter used to be my fav season but seasonal depression kinda took that from me LOL autumn superior
arinakaard · 9 months
im gonna sound like a party pooper but im so glad the holidays are about over i need winter to be over
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voyage-in-the-dark · 8 years
Tagged by @empathdean I’m not going to tag anyone and I’m just doing this for fun bc I thought the questions were cool and I like to analyze myself lol.
what is one fictional character you feel is similar to you?
This is actually really hard to answer. My mind actually draws a total blank despite me reading around 200 books a year lol. Part of it is that there’s very little ISFJs in fiction; most of them are Fi-doms (especially ISFPs), and I rarely feel a high degree of relatability. Cough calling authors out to STOP writing Fi-doms and Ni-doms please for the love of God
Okay, I found some characters I relate to: Zoe from Troubled Waters (she has this passive/reflective air; but she’s also way more dynamic than me), and Gentian from Bones of the Fair (she has this detached quality where she finds a lot of things amusing, which I totally relate to; but she’s also way more lowkey than me).
favourite season(spring/summer/autumn/winter)?
Probably autumn or winter for the cold temperature. 21 years of living in humid 30 degrees temperature every day is enough heat for me for the rest of my life, thanks.
what country/countries would you like to visit if you could?
Every country possible lol. Every culture and country has its own unique and interesting feel that I would love to find out more about.
describe your fav type of ship/friendship dynamic.
Sorry guys, most of my examples are het.
1) Irresistible force meets immovable object: Lizzie and Darcy from Pride & Prejudice (Zoe/Darien from Troubled Waters; Tess/Bakhtian from Jaran). Lizzie and Darcy have this wonderful push-pull dynamic -- irresistible force meets immovable object is one of my favorite dynamics of all time. The way the two of them bat the conversation ball to each other is so witty and playful and fun to read and also intensely charged. They’re both so proud and so prejudiced, but they’re both willing to bend towards each other.
2) I don’t know how to summarize this dynamic, but the best example is Attolia and Gen from Queen’s Thief. I love when the female character is competent, powerful, and older and the partner is playful, younger, and cheerful. I am trash for this type of dynamic and this type of female character. (Maskelle, Rennyn Claire, Ista...)
3) Can’t describe this either, but Moon and Stone from the Raksura series. Moon is suspicious, firm, honest, and protective (I’ll eat my hat if he’s not an ISFP, but I do think he’s kinda hot lol), while Stone is indifferent, grumpy, and has an overinflated sense of his own importance (he’s just a grumpy grandpa). The two of them have this amazing  grumpy grandpa/suspicious son dynamic that’s hilarious, they get exasperated by each other all the time. I love this kind of mentor-student relationship (Ripred and Gregor from Underland chronicles, Haymitch and Katniss from Hunger Games too)
4) Sibling relationships. Gregor and Boots from Underland chronicles. Katniss and Prim from Hunger Games, Eliza and Angelica from Hamilton. I love sibling relationships, but it’s astonishingly rare to see siblings who get along or are even close in fiction.
fav food from your culture?
(Off the top of my head) I’m not sure whether all these count as my culture but they can all be found in Singapore: my mom’s food, Korean hotpots, any kind of kimchi food, mango pudding, laksa, dim sum, any kind of food with mala spice, mochi ice cream..........
what is one book/film/story that left a mark on you in some way?
It’s too cruel to choose one. The few names that have shaped me a lot are: Harry Potter, His Dark Materials, the Raksura series, the Queen’s Thief series..........
if you could have any superpower, which would you choose and why?
Speak, read, and understand any language I want. Not only is it massively convenient, I also love languages. I’m just imagining myself reading the Pokemon Sun Pokedex entries in all of its 9 playable languages HAHA.
fav genre of music?
Hamilton and The Hamilton Mixtape LOL. I know they are albums and not genres but honestly their sound is so good. I only remember I like pop.
what is your fav myth/fairy tale and why?
Persephone, because of that wonderful retelling David Almond gave in Skellig:
“We thought of Persephone for a while in silence. I imagined her struggling her way toward us. She squeezed through black tunnels. She took wrong turns, banged her head against the rocks. Sometimes she gave up in despair and she just lay weeping in the pitch darkness. But she struggled on. She waded through icy underground streams. She fought through bedrock and clay and iron ore and coal, through fossils of ancient creatures, the skeletons of dinosaurs, the buried remains of ancient cities. She burrowed past tangled roots of great trees. She was torn and bleeding but she kept telling herself to move onward and upward. She told herself that soon she’d see the light of the sun again and feel the warmth of the world again.”
And the women of the Iliad and the Odyssey -- Penelope and Helen of Troy. Penelope because it’s never clear whether she has been deceiving her husband all this time -- and I love to think she is so devious and enigmatic that it’s impossible to pin her down. Helen because they worshiped her. She is almost half-divine in the text. She is this enigmatic, elusive and charismatic presence, as though the words are too small to contain her. 
what subject(s) would you study in school if there were no restrictions at all?
I don’t know what subjects these are, but I want to learn about: eco-systems (Planet Earth-style lol), all branches of literature, linguistics, politics, world religions/religion systems, history (depressing as hell but I want to learn), and social/cultural anthropology.
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