spnbaby-67 · 7 years
Christmas Stockings
A/N; This is for Steph’s Winter with Dean/Jensen Challenge, my first ever challenge. I think I failed the 1,000 word limit tho, sorry Steph I just kept one with ideas. I hope you like it, it’s my very first one ever. (Bites nails) thank you @secretlyfurrydragon for beta’ing this for me, all other mistakes are my own.  My mom passed away in 1998 with Multiple Myloma Cancer that part in the story is true, and for me. I stayed in my room for two weeks before I faced the world again, she was my best friend and we done everything together as if we were sisters. She protected me from my abusive father until the day he decided to turn on her, I took matters into my own hands. the van con package the reader gets, its only a dream that i wish to go. only my mothers cancer is truth in this. but here I said it was four years ago, but in reality it was 20 years ago this week on Thanksgiving that I lost her. I hope you all have a fantastic Thanksgiving. #winterwithdeanchallenge (Thank you Steph for letting me participate) 
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, scared reader, pregnancy news, mom’s memories Mentions of Cancer
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Here you are sitting in the living room with your husband’s family on Christmas day, you had some news to tell them but at the same time you were scared out of your wits. Your left leg was bouncing like crazy, and your palms were sweaty. Your heart was racing, and you bit your bottom lip so hard you knew it would be bruised tomorrow. You were scared to tell them, because you haven’t even told Jensen, so there’s no telling how he was going to react.
You decided to wait to tell them, since you’ll be together, as you would have backup just in case Jensen wasn’t happy. You knew he would be but in the back of your mind you still had your doubts. You really haven’t thought about having babies right away after only being married a year, however, things changed and now you’re pregnant.
You had been down all day, but you had your own reasons why. You lost your Mom on Thanksgiving day four years ago, and things haven’t been the same for you. She was your best friend and you done pretty much everything together. She even helped you with meeting Jensen, and that will be a day you won’t never forget. Her death took a part of your heart when she passed of cancer as you stayed in your room for days ignoring the world.
You received a package in the mail soon after and you let it sitting there for least two days before you had the forced yourself to open it, seeing it was from your Mom. Tears fell down your cheeks as your hands were shaking while opening it. You didn’t know what could be in it but you knew your Mom always had ways of surprising you. Once opened, your eyes grew so wide it was unbelieveable. She had managed to get you Gold tickets and all the photo ops imaginable to Vancouver Convention with Jensen and Jared. She had arranged you to also spend a day on set.
And that’s how you met and fell in love with Jensen Ackles who is now your husband. You loved and missed your Mom so much, that a day doesn’t go by you wish you could see her for five more minutes. She was the first to know about you being pregnant as you went to her gravesite to tell her. You miss her so much it hurts every day, but you know she is no longer in pain and you’re glad she’s not. Your thankful for everything she has done for you, even from above.   
You remember the day you found out, it was November. It was Thanksgiving day actually, you were at the Ackles home in Texas and certain smells you normally loved, made you nauseous. Jensen’s Mom Donna came over to you when she found you leaning up against the wall.
“You ok Y/N?” she placed her hand on your shoulder for comfort.
“Yes, thank you. Just a little tired, we have been working a lot lately. Plus the jet lag and time zone changes.” You assured her that had to be it, and she left it at that. But she kept her eye on you.
“Ok, you let me know if there is anything wrong alright?” She looked at you with that mother look that you missed so much.
“I will, thank you.” She smiled at you and went to tend the to the turkey.
You shook your head out of your thoughts after Jensen came to sit next to you and placing his arm around you. “Babe, are you ok? You look a bit nervous about something.”
You swallowed hard, “Um, no. I’m fine, just tired.” You shook your head nonchalantly.
He let you snuggle up to him while you watch the children open their presents, you felt nervous but you knew you couldn’t wait to tell them. You tried so many different ways to tell them but nothing seemed to go as planned. So you decided the next best thing, as the closer the adults got to opening their  presents, you were a nervous wreck. Jensen noticed and looked at you.
“Babe? You’re not alright, what’s wrong, please tell me?” He stood by your side.
You pursed your lips together to gather your senses and moved yourself away from Jensen long enough to get the presents you had been hiding. “I um have my own presents I need to give to you, and your Mom and Dad.” You came out with a box all equal sizes, nicely wrapped with Santa on them.
“Babe, you didn’t have to do that.” Jensen looked at you with love.
“It’s ok, I think you’re going to love this present. I hope?” You let out a deep breath you had been holding.
Donna comes over to you, “Y/N, no matter what I’m sure it’s amazing. You’re already our gift as you love our son with all your heart. That there is always a mother’s dream,” she pulls you into a hug.
You smiled knowing you made the right decision, “Ok, um I need you three, Jensen, Mom and Dad to open yours together at the same time. No peeking Dad,” you look over at Jensen’s Dad who was trying to do just that.
“What? I wasn’t doing nothing.” He tried his best to hide the guilty look on his face by looking down at the present in his lap.
“I’m watching you Dad,” as he lifted his head you winked at him.
The rest of the family members looked at you, Mackenzie had that look in her eye as she looked at you from afar. Josh watched on. Jensen opened his box to see a Christmas stocking with his name and year on it inside filled with something, and took out the items one by one. His face grew wide seeing everything in pink wondering why you were giving him baby items, needless to say he was shocked more when he saw the ultrasound.
“Um, babe?” he wanted to act confused but even through his happiness he couldn’t do it. “Does this mean what I think it means?” You could tell he was surprised.
You nod your head as you looked at him and his parents who had also opened theirs with the same reaction. “Oh my,Y/N!!” Donna yelled with excitement as she ran to hug you followed by Alan. “Do you realize how happy we are to hear this sweetheart?” Donna told you with tears in her eyes.
You swallowed so thankful that they were happy to hear this, “Thank you, I was so scared.” You hugged them both, and they let you go when you saw your husband.
“Jensen?” You look over at him still staring down at the ultrasound. “Babe?” You broke free from the hugs and also from Mackenzie and Josh congratulating you, then walked over to Jensen. You stood between his legs “Jay, baby say something please, you’re scaring me.”
Before you knew it, Jensen had stood up and wrapped you in a hug kissing you everywhere with tears in his eyes. “Thank you baby, the best Christmas stocking ever.” He kisses you again, and you wrap your arms around him as he twirls you around.
“Merry Christmas Jensen,” You say as you look at him.
“Merry Christmas Y/N, I love you so much.” As he kisses you.
“I love you to Daddy.” You wrap him in your arms and you thank him for giving you the greatest gift ever.
@torn-and-frayed @nanie5, @secretlyfurrydragon @secretimpala67
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