#wip 'astyria's star'
druidx · 1 year
Happy Worldbuilding Wednesday mate <3. I know you have multiple settings you write for, so pick your favourite for the following:
What is your favourite legend in the setting? How old is the legend? Does it have any basis in the reality of your world? If so, what actually happened?
Howdy :D Happy WBW to you
I'm going to answer this for Astyria's Star, because the worldbuilding in that is fantastic; it's just a shame that the novel to go with it never panned out.
My fave legend is the one I wrote for SPC Challenge Two (though I didn't make it very legend-y in that 🤔️ Maybe a bit too factual).
The short of it is that the great hero Muir was sent with a dozen Braves to investigate why the waters around a particular area had become intolerable to life; and he found Vorr, the god of fire and earth, angrily raising the seabed. For the impertinence of watching Him work, Vorr sent a wave which drowned all Muir's Braves, so Muir was forced to flee.
At the time the novel Astyria's Star was due to be set, the legend would have been thousands of years old - akin to us today telling tales of Thor and Loki.
It was a true event, however, and tells of the first acid-age caused by a surge in volcanic activity, which made the waters of Ilma inhospitable to life for a short time in the western part of the archipelago.
The story in Challenge Two was intended to set a backdrop of Ilma's current acid-age, to show that it's not the first time in Ilma's history that volcanic activity has threatened the population - but never to the extent they're facing in Astyria's Star, which is close to an extinction level event.
Thanks for the ask!
(I should really share more of the world from Astyria's Star - it's brilliant, if I do say so myself. I just don't know what to do with it, now I've abandoned the novel...)
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druidx · 2 years
A Year of Writing - 2022 Writing Wrap-up
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I quite liked doing the "Your Writing Year in Review" thing last year, so decided to do it again.
➼ Quick Stats
Total Written - 92,157 words Average Words/Work: 4,388 Started in 2022 - 33 works Finished in 2022 (started anytime) - 21 works Published in 2022 (started anytime) - 36 works Number of Works still in Progress (started anytime): 79 Mostly wrote in: August, October & Dec (4 works each) Longest work completed or added to in 2022: The Ruby Falls (181,884) Shortest work completed or added to in 2022: wip - elo the 'beggar' (96) Top Genres: Fantasy Top WIP(s): The Ruby Falls Top OC(s): Aderyn, Mio, Rowan, Caseswing
Below the cut: 2022's Plans, Work I'm proud of, Work that shows I'm still learning, Breakdown of 2022, Plans for 2023, ICYMI
➼ What were my writing plans for 2022?
❌ Finish The Ruby Falls by April, published by October
✅ Finish some of the then-68 WIPs from 2021 and prior
I managed 7 - 5 Oblivion fanfics, and 2 Starbound fanfics. 7 is better than 0, so I'm counting this objective as completed.
➼ Work I'm most proud of
It's a tossup between Abecean Blue and Tales of the Starbound: The Barkeep's Tale. I'm fond of the descriptions and flashbacks in Abecean Blue, but The Barkeep's Tale shows just how much I've grown and learned as a writer.
The Barkeep's Tale was started in 2015, and while admittedly it was part of a NaNo and I knew then it wasn't perfect, I thought it was reasonably well crafted. But when I rewrote it - nearly from scratch - and read it back, I realised just how much I've improved - mostly in the last 2 years.
➼ Work that shows I'm still learning
The Need for What We Can't Have, Long Past Dawn, and Strawberry Fizz. I can't write men. I can't write gay men. I can't write romance between men! Why are men so hard? (puns not intended)
All of those pieces feel tremendously flat to me. The descriptions are fine, but when it comes to men emoting, the dialogue... I just don't feel there's the same pizzazz as if you asked me to write a feral she-goblin.
➼ Breakdown of 2022
There have been a lot of IRL things going on this year, and I just haven't felt as creative as I have the past few years. The trip to Iceland was inspiring, yet that and the trip to Denmark took huge chunks out of my year (both were nearly 2 weeks each).
That being said, when I look at my stats for complete fics over the years, I can see that 2022 was nearly on par with 2020, with 21 vs 27. And even though I finished more works in 2021, my word count was much lower. I feel like I'm now at a happy balance between word count and finished works.
I also feel like I'm finishing a lot more things recently, even if they are fanfic, where historically I was writing novels and then running out of steam on them. I'm not sure if I can apply that to the past novels I've never finished/ edited enough to publish. Honestly, I don't know what I want to do with them at all...
➼ What are my writing plans for 2023?
Post The Ruby Falls.
Finish stuff. Post more 'For Posterity' items. Study Romance? Read more.
IDK, everything beyond The Ruby Falls is flexible currently.
➼ In Case You Missed It
Here's the list of all my work posted in 2022 (including some older works), separated by universe.
Original Series - Astyria's Star
Summer Prose Challenge 1 ~ 450. At the abandoned council chambers at Gont Point, Astyria considers the perils the people of Ilma face due to the rising acid seas. Read on Tumblr
Summer Prose Challenge 2 ~ 680. A grandmother recites a folk tale to her grandchildren. Read on Tumblr
Summer Prose Challenge 3 ~ 490. Astyria’s nephew has to complete a school assignment. Read on Tumblr
Summer Prose Challenge 4 ~ 920. We join Astryia at a council meeting to hear the options for dealing with Ilma’s climate issues. Read on Tumblr
Summer Prose Challenge 5 ~ 1,120. A talk show host discusses the current climate issues on Ilma. Read on Tumblr 
Original Work - 'For Posterity' Items
The Web ~ 176. How the spider invited its web. Read on Tumblr 
Lost on the Moor ~ 206. A girl with paranormal powers is on Dartmoor. Read on Tumblr 
The Frustrated Writer ~ 853. A girl complains to the reader that she has writers' block. Read on Tumblr 
The Fox ~ 437. A girl meets a fox. Read on Tumblr 
When I am old... ~ 273. A description of a woman's old aunt. Read on Tumblr 
Hungry... ~ 546. A woman's sick husband bites her, and she becomes very hungry. Read on Tumblr 
England Expects ~ 247. An old man reminisces about people taking responsibility for their community. Read on Tumblr 
GM Mutated Cheese ~ 282. A young boy experiments with cheese. Read on Tumblr 
Closure for a Silver Shilling ~ 328. A gravedigger is having trouble digging a grave. Read on Tumblr 
Other Original Works
The Need for What we Can't Have ~ 341. A mining clerk considers his religious colleague. Read on Tumblr
Uncertainty in the Weather ~322. A farmer's daughter reminisces. Read on Tumblr
While the Sun Shines ~ 850. Mio enjoys a picnic with some of her residents. Read on AO3 or Tumblr
A Place No Good Man Should Go ~ 420. Oganesson introduces Yasahama to the Black Market. Read on AO3 or Tumblr
Tales of the Starbound: The Barkeep’s Tale ~ 3,240. Just a regular night in the Desert Rose; good times with good hooch and better company. Read on AO3 or Tumblr
Tales of the Starbound: The Miner’s Tale ~ 3,380. The logs of mine guard Devon Parker, detailing a year and a half of adventure. Read on AO3 or Tumblr
The Temple of the Fading Light ~ 592. Mio investigates an ancient temple and learns the dark secrets behind it. Read on AO3 or Tumblr
The ‘Shroom Witch ~ 785. Mio visits an agaran witch for help destroying the Ruin. Read on AO3 or Tumblr
TESIV: Oblivion - Modern AU
Strawberry Fizz ~ 219. Martin and Baurus take a summer holiday. Read on AO3 or Tumblr
Long Past Dawn ~ 646. Martin isn't fond of parties or unwanted female attention. Baurus has a solution... Read on AO3 or Tumblr
Self Indulgent AU ~ 8,274. The Hero of Kvatch is Martin’s Biological Child. Read on AO3 or Tumblr
Spiritus Alco Custodiat ~ 451. A jest from Jena turns swiftly sour. Read on AO3 or Tumblr
TESIV: Oblivion - Vanilla
The Foundling ~ 700. Comic Script. Rhiannon's origin story. Read on AO3 or Tumblr
Abecean Blue ~ 514. Martin extols the virtues of the Abecean Sea; After his death, Rhiannon goes for a dip. Read on AO3 or Tumblr
Rowan Hunts ~ 1,803. Jauffre has gone missing; Rowan hunts him down and brings him back Read on AO3 or Tumblr
A Restless Pillow (Begets No Rest) ~ 1,650. Rowan is an insomniac due to too many people pestering xir in sleep. Read on AO3 or Tumblr
Bring the Fire; Brave the Cold ~680. On a snowy day at Cloud Ruler, Rowan discusses the theory of magical fire. Read on AO3 or Tumblr
No Knight in Shining Armour, Xe ~ 4,780. What happens to Rowan between the end of the MQ and Accepting an Invitation. Read on AO3 or Tumblr
Per Necessitatem ~ 1,940. A description of Rowan performing the Dark Brotherhood's Purification Quest. Read on AO3 or Tumblr
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druidx · 2 years
April Roundup/ WIP Whenever
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What was on the Task List for March:
❌ Write/ Rewrite/ Edit more of The Ruby Falls ✅ Post WIP Intro for Astyria’s Star ✅ Post worldbuilding fics for Astyria’s Star to Tumblr and RoyalRd ✅ Post WIP Intro for Igazinyoka 
What have I been doing?
Well, I got sick on 6 April for two weeks, so while a lot looks like it's been done, it's all been crammed into the first and last week of the month...
➼ I wrote 'official' WIP intros for Astyria’s Star & Igazinyoka; and an 'unofficial' intro for What Alexis Did Next, which is queued for next month. (I guess the difference between types is how many graphics are in use?)
➼ I managed to post the short stories for Astyria’s Star to Tumblr, but not yet to Royal Road.
➼ I completed a craptonne of tag & answer games that have been stacking up since mid-last year. They're all queued up as I didn't want to swamp people with tags.
➼ I somehow convinced my broken brain to come out with two short Starbound fics (linked below, under ICYMI); I've also been building a bunch of stuff for the Spring Prompt list in Starbound (building is easier than writing when one is sick).
➼ A lot of the character development tag & answer games I've done have been focused on improving the Blades for The Ruby Falls. I'm stuck on rewriting it, so I thought developing these characters would help (because all Bethesda gave us was cardboard cutouts). Ideally I want them all to have a bit of blurb outlining their background, why they became a Blade, and any personality quirks. I'm also working in Heroforge and Canva to create reference images. That is going okay - I'm having plenty of ideas, but not much in the way of formal output.
What’s next?
Write/ Rewrite/ Edit more of The Ruby Falls (?)
Fill out the Blades better, as mentioned above
Post worldbuilding fics for Astyria’s Star to RoyalRd
Continue posting applicable drafts from @Druidx into @Dru-Reads-Writblr; answering old asks & tag games
Check masterposts are up to date
Start brainstorming fic ideas for TES Fest 22
Maybe more WIP intros, for things that are semi-abandoned?
A Place No Good Man Should Go (Starbound), Tumblr ~ AO3 :: Oganesson introduces Yasahama to the Black Market.
While the Sun Shines (Starbound), Tumblr ~ AO3 :: Mio enjoys a picnic with some of her residents; trouble stirs when they discus who's brought them together
SPC Challenge One (Astyria's Star), Tumblr :: Astyria wanders the abandoned council chambers at Gont Point, considering the perils the people of Ilma face due to the rising acid seas, and asking why the Gods test her faith
SPC Challenge Two (Astyria's Star), Tumblr :: A grandmother recites a folk tale to her grandchildren
SPC Challenge Three (Astyria's Star), Tumblr :: Astyria's nephew has to complete a school assignment; his father helps
SPC Challenge Four (Astyria's Star), Tumblr :: We join Astryia at a council meeting to hear the options for dealing with Ilma's climate issues
SPC Challenge Five (Astyria's Star), Tumblr :: A talk show host discusses the current climate issues faced by the people of Ilma with a priest and a doctor
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druidx · 2 years
SPC Challenge One
Universe: Astyria's Star (Original) Context: This was written in 2010 for the Protagonize Summer Prose Challenge - a challenge designed to lead you through some world-building exercises. I do not recall what the prompt for Challenge One was. CW: General sense of doom, anxiety about the future Words: 440
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Astyria stared out of the high arched window, watching the gulls wheel and call. The ocean was grey as the stone building surrounding her; as the cliff below, from which it was cut. The sky did not look promising - low, heavy clouds, black and bruised, hung sullenly in the afternoon sky. Astyria reached out and unhooked the cut crystal pane of the window, pushing it outwards to let in the stiff, anxious breeze. She leant out, tucking a wanton strand of black hair behind her ear, and sniffed at the air. Brine and seaweed made for a heady perfume. A touch of ozone said the storm would soon be here, bringing lightning and thunder with it. Astyria pulled back with a sigh and carefully latched the window closed. She paused for a moment, her head bowed and her hands resting on the cool, polished stone of the sill, wondering how bad the storm would be this time - how many would lose everything. If it wasn't for Brendig, she herself would have lost hope of finding a solution long ago. But even his fire dwindled with each passing drop of the clock. Her eyes again sought the sky, the nearing thunderheads and the blanket of clouds. Somewhere up there, far above the clouds and in the neutrality of space was her answer - if only she could pierce the veil and find it.
Astyria sighed again, and turned back to the ancient, empty, council chamber, looking around at the dozen high-backed stone chairs of the chamber, and the tapestries that hung on the walls behind them. Slowly, with a measured and reverent pace, Astyria stepped over the mosaicked floor, her soft leather shoes and long dress causing nought but a whispered sigh, barely disturbing the silence of the room. Gently she ran her fingers over the fading silks of blue and grey and green, tracing the motifs of fish and oar, wave and shell. As part of the fabric crumbled away from her hand, she sighed again, touching at the swirls of her own pearl collar – bright against her tan skin – and recalled a not-so-far-off time when the colours of the tapestries had been bold and bright; when the sun shone golden, and the gods of sea and shore had not abandoned them.
Her face crumpled, her fist clenched, Astyria lowered her head momentarily, before looking up at the lowering sky through the crystal dome above the centre of the chamber. "How many?" she whispered. "How many more storms will you send to test us Arctus?" She stood for a moment, waiting, but only the sough of the wind was her answer.
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druidx · 2 years
SPC Challenge Five
Universe: Astyria's Star (Original) CW: Fictional Religion Words: 1,120 Context: This was written in 2010 for the Protagonize Summer Prose Challenge - a challenge designed to lead you through some world-building exercises. I do not recall what the prompt for Challenge Five was.
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Behind the camera, the stage manager held up three fingers. “And we’re live in 3,” he said. Assistants rushed off into the wings of the set. “2,” he folded down a finger, as the presenter, a pale, blond woman in a crisp turquoise trouser suit sat up straighter and flicked a strand of hair back. The stage manager folded his last finger, just as the audience began to clap and cheer, and with a final thumbs-up, the presenter began.
“Earlier today, the Council of Viroy called an emergency session to be held at the theatre in Canann. In a statement issued a few hours after the session had begun, the Chancellor said it was the Council’s opinion that the latest acid age cannot be halted, and as such the building of generation ships – massive space craft that will take us to the third planet in the orbit of ST18362, colloquially known as 'Astyria's Star' – will commence immediately, and all resources will be diverted towards building the ships and evacuating the planet.
“As many of you may have seen by now, this has lead to mass riots and protests, with the sacking of several churches as well as the destruction of government property relating to the evacuation work. The Council is requesting citizens remain calm in these trying times, and security forces are recommending people to stay inside. As yet there has been no laws passed stating evacuation is mandatory, however many fear this will soon be the case.” She shifted her weight on the pale blue sofa and turned to the two men sat beside her, one in a suit, the other in dark red robes.
“We’re joined today for this special episode of The Kyra Show by Cleric Eade, a leading priest of Vorr, supporting the opinion that leaving the planet is an act of blasphemy, and Doctor Rohm, a strong proponent for the scientific community's suggestion that leaving our planet is the only way to ensure our survival as a species and as a people. Later in the program, we’ll also be speaking to several families who have been in some of the worst storm-hit areas.
“Now, Cleric, we’ll start with you: what exactly is your opposition to the new move by the council?” “Well, obviously Kyra,” said the cleric, his tone grave. “This is an affront to all the Gods, not just mighty Vorr. In leaving the planet they have created for us, we are turning our backs on them and their love for us. Everything Vorr, Wai, Arctus and Ishka have given us, in their separate domains, has been because they care about us and wanted us to survive.” “So, do you deny that what the scientists are calling the latest Acid Age, is even really happening?” “Obviously not. The signs are visible to everyone. All our top theologians agree this was some kind of test of the Gods from the very outset, and we began failing it the moment the council split its resources and considered abandoning the planet. After all, has Arctus not sent more and more violent storms? And has not Ishka withdrawn her bounty, and Wai drowned our lands? “But we believe it’s not too late, that there is a still a chance for us to redeem ourselves in the eyes of the Gods, and that is to stop this silly notion of leaving the planet. If we stay put, the Gods will forgive us and restore the planet to it’s former glory. For did not Engay say, 'Even when we have swum out of our depth, and begin to despair of seeing land again, Wai is still there to hold us'?”
“Right then,” said the presenter. “Now, Doctor Rohm, you and your fellows are saying that this acid age is an unstoppable natural phenomenon that will destroy the planet, and that leaving is the only way to survive?” “Basically yes. However I should like to point out that while the planet may or may not perish, the high levels of acidity in the water will render the planet inhospitable to us and therefore unlivable. This is why the government has rightly called for a mass evacuation to put into place, before our islands are completely submerged by the increasingly corrosive seas.” “So you don’t believe that this is some kind of test set by the Gods?” “No. Not to belittle our reverend friend here, but we have proven that this acid age has been caused by the undersea volcanoes and vents in the Nexi Ring of Fire-”
“Yes, and is it not Vorr who controls these volcanoes?” the cleric said, interupting. “Have we not faced these trials before? We did not run then, why should we now? We stayed and proved ourselves worthy, which is exactly what we should be doing now-” “Wait a moment,” the doctor shot back, “I think you’ll find, as it states in every history textbook, that that was a singular volcano, confined to a localized area. What we are currently looking at is a planet-wide extinction-level event. While it started with the Nexi Ring, almost every charted volcano, including some thought dormant, such as Vorr’s heart, have begun venting-” “Yes, and I think you’ll find that our populations have also never been greater. Obviously, this is a direct challenge-”
“Cleric Eade,” said the presenter, firmly. “I believe you’ve made your opening remarks. If you would allow Doctor Rohm to do the same? Thank you,” she added as the disgruntled Cleric sat back. “Doctor?”
“Yes, as I was saying. The rising acidity levels have been caused by the outpouring of caustic gases from these vents and volcanoes. This heating is causing the polar ice caps to melt and the sea levels to rise, downing many of the lower-lying islands. The rise in water levels has also lead to a disruption of the planets weather patterns and thus the violent storms. "Additionally the lessening of fish stocks is due again to the rise in acidity levels, as the majority of sea creatures can only live in very specific pH bands. My colleagues and I believe that the situation will only worsen and hence why leaving the planet is the only answer. I am very glad that the council has listened to reason, and has gone ahead with the move to take the population of the planet to Astyria’s Star.”
“Alright then gentlemen,” the presenter held up a hand. “We’ve heard the basics of the arguments. Now I think it’s time for us to join Hudra Denough on the isle of Ruim. Ruim has been one of the worst storm-hit areas. Let's see what the people there think of the Council's decision. Over to you, Hudra.”
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druidx · 2 years
SPC Challenge Four
Universe: Astyria's Star (Original) CW: Politics Words: 930 Context: This was written in 2010 for the Protagonize Summer Prose Challenge - a challenge designed to lead you through some world-building exercises. I do not recall what the prompt for Challenge Four was.
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“Settle please, Councillors. Settle please,” the Chancellor called out. “I know this isn’t anywhere near as pleasant as Gont Point, but we must make do in the present circumstances.”
Astyria glanced around the more modern building - shining glass, varnished wood and precious steel - that had been commandeered for the council’s emergency use. It seemed to have been some kind of theatre, given the tiered seating and the dais on which the Chancellor was sat. Slowly around her, the noise subsided, as the council took its seats and stopped its chattering.
“I now call this session to order,” the chancellor began. Astyria leaned over to the woman sitting next to her. “Councillor Breaken,” she whispered, “I really don’t see why I am here.” “Please, call me Saris,” the councillor whispered back. “And you are here because the council has requested an update from all the contractors working on a solution to our current problem. Since you are in my constituency, you get to come along with me.” “Even the backup plan?” The councillor looked at Astyria. She was a strong looking woman, Astyria thought. Heavily tanned, with high cheekbones, her intricately carved Mother-of-Perl collar helped show off the status she held. “Especially the backup plan,” Saris whispered. Astyria gave a small sigh as Breaken returned her attention to the session, and began to look over the assembled councillors.
Many of them she had never seen before, but there were a few she recognised from the news - those with Coalescences of over twenty islands. However, given the importance of this meeting, not only were all the councillors and guests like herself present, but also the heads of each island. The room was packed with an array of hues of skin and cloth, and some thoughtful administrator had arranged the seats geographically. Far to her left sat the ones who lived closest to Arctus: their skins white turning to olive. Most of their clothing was in bright, primary colours, because (Astyria had once been told) many of the plants they used would only grow in the colder climates of the north. As her eyes followed the curve of the seating, she saw how the majority of the central seats were taken up by those like herself - light to medium tanned. Astyria smiled, recalling the night she’d helped Joishi with his homework, explaining that their planet had an axis tilt of 35º which meant the best places to live were on the numerous islands a few hundred miles from the equator.
There were a few colonised islands closer to the equator, their representatives sitting not much further to her right. They didn’t tend to wear much of anything if they could help it, and what they did wear was usually white or the sandy colour of unbleached fabrics, standing out in stark contrast to their ebony skin.
Astyria turned her attention back to the session. “And so,” a man on the dais was saying, “with expected resources evaluated to be very low by the time the generation ships are made, we have attempted to make each one a self-contained ecosphere so that the little we will have to take with us is not wasted.” One of the other councillors stood up, an older man from the Northern end of the room. “Of course,” he said. “We would hope this would be the case anyway. Do you see many synthesised products in this room, sir? Even with some of our newer technologies making resources more readily available for exploitation, oil and metals are still precious gifts, not to be used frivolously.” There was a murmur of assent from the room.
“Obviously, councillor, we would not dream of wasting these assets. The majority of the materials used will be things we can harvest directly from the seas or beaches. After all one of the major components of the nano-factories used to build the elevator and the ships is silicon, a direct derivative of sand. Everything we plan on using, right down to the power generation, will be - for what it’s worth now - sustainable, or used with as little wastage as possible.” “So, if we do in fact have to leave, we will be leaving the planet mostly intact?” “Yes, councillor. Though it would be more beneficial if we were able, once the entire population was aboard a generation ship, to be able to nanofactor the planet and take with us more materials.”
A darker tanned woman stood up. “And what if parts of the population want to stay - do you propose nanofactoring them as well?” she asked. “Well, no...” The engineer looked at the Chancellor for help. “That, I think, is a debate for another time. Thank you, Tolen,” said the Chancellor. The man nodded and moved back to his seat. “I believe we have thoroughly established that the planet may well be unsalvageable. The issue now becomes: do we continue our efforts to evade the latest acid age, or do we move to commence building the elevator, and the generation ships, at once and proceed directly with transporting the world’s populous to Astyria’s Star?” A thrill ran through Astyria at hearing her name mentioned, but the Chancellor was continuing, “We will now take a short break. Please discuss what you have heard, then we will vote on the matter when we reconvene.”
“You see my dear?” Saris said to Astyria as the council began to rise and shuffle out to the refreshment area. “That is why you are here.”
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druidx · 2 years
SPC Challenge Three
Universe: Astyria's Star (Original) CW: None (ask to tag) Words: 485 Context: This was written in 2010 for the Protagonize Summer Prose Challenge - a challenge designed to lead you through some world-building exercises. I do not recall what the prompt for Challenge Three was.
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Lachlan sighed. He lent his hand on his hand, and pushed the pen through his dark hair, scratching at his head. The empty paper glared up at him, reflecting the light globe. He glanced at his textbook, and the history book he’d got from the library. The young boy sighed again and swung his legs against the desk leg. “Hey boy-o,” said his Fer, putting his head around the door to Lachlan’s room. “It’ll be bedtime soon, okay?” The boy huffed and flopped back in the chair. “But Fer! “ he said. “I have this assignment to do, an’ it’s due tomorrow an’ I can’t do it! It’s too hard!” Lachlan flopped his arms down and hit the desk with his pen. Lachlan’s father nodded to himself and stepped into the room. “What’s the matter Lac?” he asked. “It’s this stupid history thing. Teacher says we have to pick an event, that has to be more than a century ago and write about it. But there are so many, and she never said how we have to write it. And,” he added darkly, “she said she would know if we just copied a book.”
Lachlan’s Fer came and sat on his bed. “Which one do you think sounds the most interesting?” his Fer asked. “Umm.” Lachlan looked through the books again. “I like this one, about the first council at Viroy. It has all that stuff about them meeting on the point of Gent, and all the heroes bringing the wise people from all the islands and speaking for their people. The speeches are a bit boring, but I like how Silma says about building the council chambers, an’ how they’ll stand forever because Wai an’ Arctus an’ Vorr an’ Ika commanded it, just like the wise people believed that the gods were commanding them to stop fighting and make the council. Oh! and then, all the braves and all the wise people turn to her, and say Silma should be the head of the council? I like that too.” “Alright then,” his Fer said. “Why don’t you write it like a news report?” Lachlan screwed up his face. “Like it happened only yesterday?” “That’s the idea,” his Fer said, standing up. “But you’ve only got a half-hour before bed, okay?” Lachlan nodded. “Okay Fer,” he said. “Umm, Fer?” His Fer paused in the doorway. “Yes?” “Is it true the council got split up cuz of the storms?”
Lachlan’s Fer paused with his hand on the door and lowered his head for a moment before looking at his son again. “Yes, it is Lac.” “D’you think there’s ever gonna be a council held at Gent point again?” Lachlan’s Fer frowned at him a moment. “Why don’t you let your Tant Astyria worry about that. You just finish your assignment, and remember lights-out in 30.” “Yes Fer,” Lachlan said and put pen to paper.
0 notes
druidx · 2 years
SPC Challenge Two
Universe: Astyria's Star (Original) CW: volcanic eruptions Words: 680 Context: This was written in 2010 for the Protagonize Summer Prose Challenge - a challenge designed to lead you through some world-building exercises. I do not recall what the prompt for Challenge Two was.
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"Granmai, Granmai! Will you tell us a story?” The woman, her face like old leather, looked up from shelling beans at the three children. "Granmai, please?” said another, her little fingers gripping at a scrap of green cloth. The old lady looked over the children, their eyes excited, before glancing at her son. He paused his vegetable chopping, shrugged and smiled. "All right, but just a short one, until it's time to eat. Come then, sit down and be still.” She passed the bowl of beans to the children's Fer, as they settled down in front of her. The old lady shifted her skirts and leaned back against the basalt wall.
"Way back,” she began, "when our islands were as drops of sand in the infinite ocean, the area that we know now as the isle of Agra began to bubble; boiling as the pot your Fer is tending. The people of the islands around, those of Etha, Ibum and Dalsis, felt the sands beneath them quiver and tremble, as though a giant walked their islands-”
"Pah! Everyone knows there's no such thing as giants.” "Ah, but Joeshi, the world then was not as it is today. There were no artificial islands like Karuna, there were no bridges that connected everyone to everyone. All those people had were their canoes, and all they knew were the islands a few days paddle away. Now, may I continue? Very well then. "The sands trembled and the sea began to change colour. The waters surrounding Ibum became rough without cause. The people of Dalsis told of strange creatures washing ashore-”
"What kind of strange creatures, Granmai?” "Hideous monsters from the depths of the ocean, with long tentacles, or needle-like teeth. On Etha youngsters, like yourselves, came back from swimming burnt and sick. The people were worried and went to their elders, who in turn sent messengers to the other islands to call a council. Not, of course, like the council on Viroy, but a gathering of all the elders of those three islands.
"All the elders said there must be an investigation, and so ten of the strongest from each island were sent to investigate. They paddled away from the group of islands, searching for the cause and came across swathes of sea filled with dead fish and the birds that ate them. The braves carried on, finding the water growing steadily choppier, and that their paddles rose from the water smoking, the wood scoured away. But they continued on until they came to where the water boiled and the stench was awful. They made to turn back, not only having found the cause they sought but because the wood of the canoes had begun to blister and smoke.
"Before they could, however, there was a great up-rushing of the water, hissing and crackling as a black tower broke the surface of the sea, fire spewing from its top. The party was swept up on a great wave, and all but one, the great hero Muir, were tossed out of their boats and into the burning sea. Muir rode the wave in his canoe to the isle of Ibum, to the people waiting on the shore. But though he shouted, they couldn't hear him, and the wave swallowed them up. It carried Muir well over the island and towards Etha and Dalsis, both of which the great wave also swallowed. Muir rode the wave until it died and he came to Aquait where he told the people what had happened, and who gave thanks to Vorr and Wai for his safe return.”
"Granmai, is that why no one lives on Agra? 'Cuz all those people dying?” asked one of the two boys, his eyes wide.
"Not just that. The water is now too acidic for anything to live.” The old lady shook her head. "Anyhow, it's time to up and wash your hands,” she said, standing. "Your Mai and Fer have dinner waiting.”
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druidx · 2 years
WIP Intro: Astyria's Star
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The planet Ilma is dying. The seas that once gave the people of Ilma life now turn against them, rising to cover their shallow archipelagos, drowning them in caustic waters.
With no other solution to fight the tides of change, the Council of Viroy has turned its eyes heavenward. Five generation ships will take them away from Ilma, to a new home, to Astyria's Star.
Despite being the one to find this new home, Astyria Soler still has her doubts. Lauded as a hero, but wracked with anxiety, when the day comes for her and her family to depart Ilma, Astyria is nowhere to be found. Can Tane find his daughter before their time runs out?
Genre: Science Fiction Type: Novelette POV: 3rd omniscient Themes: Parental love, heavy is the crown, mother issues, losing all that you know, change versus tradition Status: 1st draft/ reverse outlining
Astyria's Star was written for NaNoWriMo 2014. It's been basically abandoned, as the setting is amazing, but my plot for the novel was bad. This WIP Intro is mainly to explain the coming worldbuilding posts, which were written in 2010 for a challenge on the now-defunct protagonize.com.
Astyria Soler, late twenties. Astronomer, anxious, lost. "Not trying to brag or anything, but I can wake up without an alarm clock now simply due to my crippling and overwhelming anxiety, so..."
Tane Soler, late sixties. Engineer, steadfast, protective. "I’ve come to a point in my life where I need a stronger word than fuck."
Brendig Soler nee Kermode, late tenties. Astrophysicist, patient, scatterbrained. "My heart is guarded but like… very poorly. The kind of guards that would let 3 kids in a trench coat into an R rated movie."
Huana Teague, mid-thirties. Military operative, efficient, sympathetic. "When someone points at your black clothes and asks whose funeral it is, having a look around the room and saying 'Haven’t decided yet' is typically a good response."
(Be kind - this is lifted straight out on the unedited doc)
Even though she couldn't see the sky right now, Astyria knew the day was clear and fine; they had been lucky, given the recent bout of storms that had passed over Kellè. Astyria paced in the bridal room, the sand passing between her naked toes and the shafts of sunlight passing over her. The room had no windows, but light still found its way through gaps between the lashed bamboo poles that made up the traditionally-constructed room.
Her tattoo itched. She was hot and the room was stuffy. Astyria ran her fingernails lightly over the newly raised skin above her heart. Brendig had wanted a traditional joining ceremony, and at the time it has seemed a sweet and romantic idea, but now she was nervous and doubting. She ran her hands over the skirt of bird feathers and fresh flowers. He'd assured her his parents were fine with absorbing all the costs – after all, he joked, she was taking him off their hands – but this skirt alone must have cost a fortune to make, and the silken bandolier that covered her breasts all embroidered with seed pearls was equally fine. There was a rap at the door to the room.
"Are you ready?" came the voice of her Tant Moana. With no mother of her own, it fell to her oldest female relative to lead her into her new life. "Yes," Astyria said, her soft voice turning into a slight squeak as it emerged from her tight throat. Moana opened the door and came into the room. She looked Astyria over and smiled. "You look beautiful," she said. "Intan would be proud." Astyria gave her a shaky smile back. "Thank you," she said. "I feel a bit silly if I'm honest." Her Tant gave her a knowing look and nodded. "We'll see," was all the older woman said. "Come now, the families are waiting."
She took Astyria's hand and lead her out of the room and onto the beach. The light sparkled off the water as they walked down reed-woven mats along the water's edge towards a double-hulled canoe that sat between two rows of people. It was decked out with flowers, and on both sides of the canoe sat four half-naked young men, paddles in hand and flower garlands around their necks. On the center arch of the canoe stood the wise man. From the opposite direction to Astyria and her Tant, came Brendig and his Mai. He was dressed only in a skirt made of a single wrap of cloth, adorned with feathers and pieces of lapis lazuli. The two older women brought the young lovers to stand in front of the canoe, placing wreaths of white flowers on both their heads. Brendig's Mai and Astyria's Tant helped them onto the arch of the canoe and the four paddlers moved it out into the water.
The wise man took one of their hands each and holding them, said, "Do you promise, in front of Wai and Ishka, in front of Arctus and Vorr, that you will remain together in love and honour, for all the days of your lives?" "We do," Astyria and Brendig said. The wise man took their hands and placed them on top of each other, loosely tieing a rope made of vines and flowers around their wrists. As he did this, he intoned, "Then in front of the gods and your family, you are now joined as one." He raised their joined hands and the paddlers moved the boat back towards the shore. There was a cheer from their friends and family, and as the boat drew closer both their fathers, Astyria's younger brother, Anaru, and a fourth man were waiting with a palanquin to take them to the wedding feast.
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druidx · 2 years
WIP Game
I was tagged in this one by @ayzrules recently, and @homesteadchronicles sometime last year.
Rules: The player posts the names of all the files in their WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. The viewer sends the player an ask with the title that most intrigues them and the player posts a little snippet of it or tells the viewer something about it! The player then tags as many people as they have WIPs.
Here is the list. There... Um... There's a few... (And I'm 90% sure I'm missing some too). I've put the status of the WIP after the title, in case that's of interest too.
Astyria's Star
Astyria's Star (novel) - 1st draft
Princess for a day - 1st draft
OC Intro: Adalhard - Idea
OC Intro: Aveskamp - Idea
OC Intro: Sansone - Idea
A Treatise on Woodlings - 1st draft
Alexis dalliance vs the evil of Titan - 1st draft
Court Shoes - 1st draft
Crown - Idea
Death on the Rise (Fourth Adventure) - Revising
Destiny's New Servants - 1st draft
Elo learns a thing - 1st draft
Elo runs into more trouble - 1st draft
Elowyn Investigations - Revising
Fith Adventure - Revising
Fun at the Faire - Idea
NaNoWriMo 2017 (modern-ish au) - Revising
Prompt 2 - Idea
PTSD is bad y'all - Idea
Second Adventure - Revising
Sixth Adventure - Revising
The Origin of Mrs Henrietta Higgins - Revising
The Origin of Old Red - Revising
The Shield vignette - 1st draft
Third Adventure - Revising
Uht-oh, here comes trouble - Idea
What Alexis Did Next - 1st draft
Who watches the Watchman - 1st draft
Word doodle - 1st draft
No Rest - Idea
OCs - Who the hell is: Kellandra Rhiannon Lorinda Rue - Idea
Cloud ruler temple pov - Idea
My Blade for Thee, Your Son to Be - 1st draft
talis wants some shrooms - 1st draft
The Ruby Falls (MOAU) - 1st draft
Strawberry Fizz - Idea
Not Alone - 1st draft
OCs - Who the hell is: Kicks - Idea
Discovery/ Talis - 1st draft
Fiancee Prompt - Idea
Alchemist vs botanist debate - Idea
Anocar - Idea
Learning to Shoot - 1st draft
subtecxt practice 2 - 1st draft
Other Works
A Little Story - 1st draft
A Modern Anastasia - 1st draft
A stich in time - 1st draft
A Whovian G3 - Revising
Accidentally a Guardian - Idea
Broken Fay - 1st draft
Chopper-Construct dream - 1st draft
DragonHeart True - 1st draft
Homestead Prompt Sept 15 - Idea
Mouth of Silver - 1st draft
Silence in the Snow - 1st draft
The Beast of Bodmin Moor - 1st draft
The Darkness - 1st draft
Tales of the Starbound - Revising
The Cryptid Series
Blue Lamb - 1st draft
Igazinyoka - Revising
The Skinwalker - Revising
The MOW Files
The MOW Files Novel - Revising
mow files nano10 - 1st draft
paralelles - Idea
TAG idea ft RED - Idea
I absolutely do not have enough tags to go with this list, so I'm just tagging my normal crew:
@strosmkai-rum @spacetimewraithwrites @wildswrites @tetrodotoxincs @odysseywritings @ayzrules @morganwriteblr @my-writblr @bexminx @writingingraves @dreamwishing @aalinaaaaaa @wardenoftheabyss @pleaseloathemyveryexistence @jaguarthecat
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druidx · 4 years
Misc Other Fics Masterpost
A list of all other dibbles, drabbles and random writing I’ve posted.
➼ Star Wars
➼ Original Characters
Pella “Cookie” Crom
➼ The Fics
A Bad Start Words: 2450 Third person. A Star Wars RPG fic about my RPG group’s first meeting. Read on AO3 or Tumblr
➼ Thunderbirds are Go
Family Treasures Words: 1700 Third person. An introspective character study on the main characters of the Thunderbirds Are Go series, from the point of view of Kayo Read on AO3 or Tumblr
Cake Dress Words: 225 Penny needs a new dress; Gordon makes quips. Read on AO3 or Tumblr
Chin up Words: 1060 Hard-hitting questions come up during a training session between Kyo and Parker. Read on AO3 or Tumblr
➼ Astyria’s Star (Original - WIP Intro)
Summer Prose Challenge 1 Words: 450 Third person. Astyria wanders the abandoned council chambers at Gont Point, considering the perils the people of Ilma face due to the rising acid seas, and asking why the Gods test her faith Read on Tumblr or RoyalRoad
Summer Prose Challenge 2 Words: 680 Third person. A grandmother recites a folk tale to her grandchildren, Read on Tumblr or RoyalRoad
Summer Prose Challenge 3 Words: 490 Third person. Astyria's nephew  has to complete a school assignment; his father helps Read on Tumblr or RoyalRoad
Summer Prose Challenge 4 Words: 920 Third person. We join Astryia at a council meeting to hear the options for dealing with Ilma's climate issues. Read on Tumblr or RoyalRoad
Summer Prose Challenge 5 Words: 1,120 Third person. A talk show host discusses the current climate issues faced by the people of Ilma with a priest and a doctor. Read on Tumblr or RoyalRoad
➼ Other Dribs and Drabbles - Fanfic
Dinner Time Words: 1,460 Third person. A Fighting Fantasy/ TES: Oblivion Modern AU crossover. Elo is providing in-home protection to Martin & Baurus at 23 Acacia Ave. Read on Tumblr or AO3
Violin inspired Words: 455 First person. A BBC Sherlock drabble inspired by a violin piece. Read on Tumblr
➼ Other Dribs and Drabbles - Original
➼ Original Characters
Shadow ★
The Capelian ★
Ken-seh Gorumn ★
The Princess
➼ The Fics
Drinking to Remember Words: 600 First person. A drabble about drinking Read on Tumblr
Mountains Photoprompt Words: 170 First person. A description exercise based on a picture of some mountains. Read on Tumblr
Window Photoprompt Words: 170 First person. A description exercise based on a photo of a window Read on Tumblr
“Let me go��� Words: 100 Third person. A flash fic for Flash Fiction Fridays prompt of the same name. Read on Tumblr
From Ham Park Words: 235 A woman yearns for the freedom of travel. Read on Tumblr or RoyalRoad
Before It Shatters Words: 800 Civil war shreds the land. The court priest meets with a state advisor to beg his intercession. Read on Tumblr or RoyalRoad
Dearest Mama, May I Come Home? Words: 480 A young man in the 1800s regrets his life choices. Read on Tumblr or RoyalRoad
Moonlight Dress Words: 155 A woman's partner admires her dress, while being underhanded. Read on Tumblr
Can't Fool an AI Words: 415 A spacefarer tries to claim he’s fine; his ship AI sees right through him. Read on Tumblr or RoyalRoad
The need for what we can't have Words: 341 An account considers his colleague  Read on Tumblr
(Last updated 19 Aug 2023)
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druidx · 4 years
"I'm joined by Astyria Soler, who has taken some time out of her very busy schedule to talk to us about the Viroy Council's back-up plan."
- Astyria’s Star
Want to play? Send a 🌹to my askbox and get a random line from a random WIP.
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druidx · 2 years
May Roundup/ WIP Whenever
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What was on the Task List for April:
✅ Write/ Rewrite/ Edit more of The Ruby Falls (?) ✅ Fill out the Blades better ❌ Post worldbuilding fics for Astyria’s Star to RoyalRd ✅ Continue posting applicable drafts from @Druidx into @Dru-Reads-Writblr; answering old asks & tag games ✅ Check masterposts are up to date ❌ Start brainstorming fic ideas for TES Fest 22 ✅ Maybe more WIP intros, for things that are semi-abandoned?
What have I been doing?
➼ I added a whole 3 lines to The Ruby Falls! [insert Incredibles meme, "progress is progress!"] ➼ I edited and posted two of the short stories from Tales of the Starbound (Find the links below, under ICYMI). ➼ I've replied to a bunch of tag, ask, and question games I've had hanging around in my drafts, and also posted some elderly stuff to @Dru-Reads-Writblr. There's still a lot more to go -- I'm down from ~1800 to ~700 [insert Incredibles meme, "progress is progress!"] ➼ Created a WIP intro for The MOW Files Novel. I've currently got 5/9 missing WIP intros done. ➼ Added a few more works to my Master Spreadsheet. For giggles, I've also started recording the POV and Tense each work uses, so I might include that in my Year-End stats. ➼ I've had no inspo for the TESFest Summer Challenge, so I'll probably skip that this year 🙁 ➼ Updated missing works to my materposts & created a new one for Starbound fics ➼ Wrote some stuff for some of the Blades, but it's currently scatty notes and not postable.
What’s next?
Write/ Rewrite/ Edit more of The Ruby Falls
Finish typing up my scatty notes for the Blades and making their ref sheets
Create WIP Intros for NaNoWriMo 2017 (modern-ish au), Elowyn Investigations, Alexis dalliance vs the evil of Titan, and Tales of the Starbound; and give some of them real titles 😆
Post missing Original things to RoyalRd
Finish editing the short Tales of the Starbound fics & post
Continue posting applicable drafts from @Druidx into @Dru-Reads-Writblr; answering old asks & tag games
Tales of the Starbound: The Miner's Tale (Starbound), Tumblr ~ AO3 :: A mine guard's logs, detailing a year and a half at the core of his planet. Tales of the Starbound: The Barkeep's Tale (Starbound), Tumblr ~ AO3 :: Join a barkeep and her patrons as they fritter the night away in good times.
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druidx · 2 years
March Roundup/ WIP Whenever
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What was on the Task List for Jan Feb:
✅ Write/ Rewrite/ Edit more of The Ruby Falls
❌ Put the Finishing touches on Dru-Reads-Writeblr so I can start using it
✅ Upload original stuff to Royal Road
✅ Upload missing fanfics to AO3
What have I been doing?
I've finally managed to tick of some stuff from my to-do list!
➼ I gave up on trying to make @\dru-reads-writeblr look good and just started using it. It has an avatar at least 😅
➼ I've added a few of my original short fics to RoyalRoad (you can find me as DruidX), and in adding them realised that I never really tidied up my larger original works. Maybe after I've finished The Ruby Falls, I'll work on The Skinwalker. I did consider putting up some of The MOW Files shorts, but they're so old I don't think they're reflective of my current ability. I might post (both here and to RR) the worldbuilding shorts I did for Astyria's Star, though -- again, they're older, but they're not embarrassingly terrible enough to keep me from posting them.
➼ AO3 and all masterposts are also finally up-to-date \0/
➼ Progress on The Ruby Falls is still slow as a sedated snail, but I finished Section 2, and am now on Section 3 \0/
What's next?
Write/ Rewrite/ Edit more of The Ruby Falls
Post WIP Intro for Astyria's Star (so the worldbuild shorts make sense)
Post worldbuilding fics for Astyria's Star to Tumblr and RoyalRd
Post WIP Intro for Igazinyoka (because I never did this apparently? despite talking about it from time-to-time 😅)
As I said last month, I know there's a lot of structural changes to make on Section 3 of The Ruby Falls. The biggest one is that I'm going to be combining Section 3 and 4, because I think it makes more sense to have these together from a narrative perspective. I'm also at the point where I just wanna start posting the thing, "no beta, we die like men" style, but I know if I do that, I'll regret it. So all there is to do is keep on chugging on with it. There's not enough of Section 3 done for an except this month. I'm hoping I can pick up the pace in April, because I've fallen way behind my original schedule 😞
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