#wiping to enemies or a boss I can handle but oh my god losing hours of progress because of your internet
fawnshy · 1 year
fellas, is it gay to lose your solo deep dungeon run because your internet was down for fifteen seconds
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petertingle-yipyip · 7 years
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//Requested: Klaus is the reader’s boyfriend. Whenever Klaus goes out fighting people, the reader bums around w Kol. Kol gets a lil handsy and Klaus gets pissed. Ending is up to me//
//warnings: handsy Kol, HELLA PISSED klaus, threats and mentions of blood//
“I’ll be home soon, Love.” He promised. He kissed my forehead and sprinted out of the house. I blew out a sigh and crossed my arms, slightly annoyed that I was left at home. Again. Like a child!
At least once a week, Klaus left me in the compound while he took care of one of his many enemies. Pro to dating the most powerful man in history, I never had to worry about his safety or my own. Con of dating the most powerful man in history, he had a lot of enemies and they all came for him.
Klaus had his reasons for leaving me at home when he went out. They were stupid reasons, but reasons. He didn’t want to be worried about my safety while he was fighting and he didn’t want anyone to use me against him. Which I understood but I was almost 800 years old. I could take care of myself.
But I entertained myself while he was gone for the most part. Generally, I bummed around with Kol. He was like a younger version of Klaus, just with less brooding and paranoia. Tonight would be one of the nights I bugged the baby Mikaelson.
“Kol!” I yelled as I walked the halls. I found him lounging in the front room so I dropped next to him and threw my legs over his. “Nik left. Again. And I’m bored… Again.” I pouted.
“Off to vanquish the evils of New Orleans again?” He laughed, tilting his head to look at me. “What a fool he is.”
“You’re telling me.” I laughed. “He’s always ditching me to go rip some hearts out. I mean, I can totally keep up. Would you leave me behind while you fought your enemies?”
“Of course not, Y/N.” He smiled softly. He reached over lazily and took my hand. “I’d never leave you anywhere.”
“See?” I replied. “Nik is an idiot!” I threw my arms forward. “I mean, I guess I get why he leaves me here to be bored out of my mind for hours on end but I’m about to just start following his dumbass to these secret fights cause it’s looking a little sketchy from my position.”
“Are you starting to suspect my brother?” He chuckled. "How foolish would he be to lose the best woman any man could ask for. A woman so strong and beautiful."
“Maybe, I don’t know.” I shrugged, ignoring his stupid comments. See, Kol has this habit of trying to get me to react to his charm but after a few hundred years, it starts to be just flat annoying. “He’s trying to protect me, so he says. But I can handle myself!”
Kol and I continues to talk for the hours Klaus was gone. I left my legs draped over his lap since I was comfortable, but Kol kept a hand on my leg, slowly running his fingers up and down. We ended up talking until we fell asleep in front room. The last thing I remember before nodding off was Kol’s hand getting to be above my knee and I had slid further down the couch to be comfortable.
“What the hell is this?” Klaus walked in yelling. I jumped at the sound of his voice and ended up falling off the couch. I landed on the floor, on my face, with a loud groan. I looked up and saw Klaus in the middle of the room, his arms crossed and a frown on his face. His shirt was splattered with blood and blood trailed from the side of his lips. “Is this what happens when I leave you here?”
“What are you talking about?” I groaned, still groggy from sleep. I slowly pushed myself up and felt a pair of hands on my waist lifting me to my feet.
“This!” Klaus screamed. I looked over at him and saw him gesturing to me and Kol.
I glanced over my shoulder and saw Kol standing with a slight smirk and his grip tightened on my hips slightly. Possessively almost.
“Uh, Kol?” I said and he looked over to me with his bottom lip between his teeth and his eyebrows raised. “Hands, please.”
“Right, sorry.” He smirked and stepped back, removing his hands from my body.
I shook my head slightly and crossed the room to stand in front of Klaus, who skirted around me and held his brother by his shirtfront. I spun on my heel and saw him slam Kol against the wall.
“Klaus, what are you doing?” I sprinted to stand by his side.
Kol kept a stupid smirk on his face, as if he was getting exactly what he wanted and he was winning. Klaus had moved his grip to Kol’s throat and a fire burned behind his eyes that I had never seen in person. The fire that would cause men to cower and women to faint from fear. The fire that caused people to lock their doors and pray to whatever god they followed that he would keep walking. The fire that made grown men weep and beg for their lives. The legendary Klaus Mikaelson fire.
“You’re really going to do this in front of Y/N?” Kol pushed. “Go on then. Show her the man you really are, the man everyone fears.”
“Don’t, Klaus.” I tried to reason, placing a hand on his arm. “Please, talk to me. I’ll tell you anything you want to know and I’ll tell you the truth. Compel me if you really don’t trust me any other way.”
“Careful now, she’s willing to be compelled. You know how she hates that… I think that you’re scaring her that much she’s willing to do anything to get you to stop.” Kol commented with an amused smile. “Better watch out Nik, she just might leave you now and save herself some drama.”
“Go wait in our room, Y/N.” Klaus said in a low, demanding voice.
“No.” I said and swallowed hard. “I’m not one of your lackies that you can boss around. I’m your girlfriend, Nik. Your partner. Your equal.”
I crossed my arms defiantly in an effort to prove that Kol was wrong, to prove that I wasn’t scared of Klaus. I had seen Klaus angry before, considering the fact that I’m stubborn and can be a brat. But I had never seen him this angry. I wasn’t scared for myself. I would heal. physically and emotionally. No, I was scared of what he would do to anyone else.
“Go, Y/N.” He said angrily.
“Make. Me.” I challenged.
“You know, Y/N.” Kol laughed and pushed Nik’s hand away since he was distracted by my challenge. “None of this would be happening if you were with me, Darling.”
Nik’s attention moved to his little brother and the fists began to fly. The boys landed punch after punch on each other, moving from one side of the room to the other at vampire speed. I stood frozen, waiting for the perfect moment to intervene. And suddenly, I found it.
Kol had taken the upper hand for a second, slipping away from Nik’s attack and right towards me. I ran up behind him and snapped his neck so he slowly slipped to the ground.
“Now can we talk?” I asked, gesturing to the empty room. Klaus had a cut above his eyebrow that was healing, blood dripping from his nose and mouth. I didn’t know what blood was his and what belonged to his brother.
“Do you always shack up with my brother while I’m gone or was this the first time?” He laughed without humor as he dropped onto the couch.
“Do you hear yourself right now, Nik?” I laughed, moving to stand in front of him. He laid across the cushions, hanging his feet over the armrest. “I mean, honestly. Do you realize how ridiculous you sound?”
“Well, Y/N,” He said, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth. “When I walk in and see you tangled up in his lap, what else am I supposed to think?”
“And what am I supposed to think when you say you’re going out to kill this group and that group but you never bring anyone with you?”
“Oh, please.” He rolled his eyes. “We’ve talked about this. I go alone so I don’t have to worry about you getting hurt.”
“Or in the way, right? Because god forbid someone is there to have your back in case something goes wrong.”
“Yes, because a girl who creeps around with my brother while I’m out is exactly who I want looking out for me.” He added sarcastically. “Have you been rendezvousing with Elijah as well?”
“Why don’t you trust me?” I yelled in desperation. Klaus and I argues fairly often, but none of the arguments were this serious. Generally, they were just about what to do with threat or that family drama.
“Why should I?” He yelled in return."You're just like everyone else! Acting like you care when in reality you want something from me!"
“Christ, what do you want me to say?” I laughed, pushing my nails through my hair. “That I’m sorry? That nothing happened? That I don’t love Kol the way I love you? That I’m tired of you leaving me here and throwing yourself into the flames? Why do I even bother.. Clearly you don’t care...”
“Save the dramatics, Love.” He waved his hand. “I don’t need you to bring out the water works, there’s no point. You’re just upset you got caught so you’re trying to convince me other wise.”
I ground my teeth together and reached over, throwing his feet to the ground to make him sit up.
“You listen to me, Niklaus. Don’t talk. Don’t interrupt. Just sit and listen to me for once in your life.” I said seriously, leaning forward and using his legs to brace my hands on. “If I wanted to be with Kol, you’d be the one on the floor with a snapped neck. I’ve been with you for a long time and I love you. I love you more than I have ever or will ever love anyone. I trust you. But obviously you don’t trust me. You don’t trust me to fight along side you and you don’t trust me to stay here without you. I am not a child that needs a babysitter, nor am I a puppy that needs a leash. You need to get your priorities in line because I am tired of this.” I pushed myself off his lap and turned to leave the compound.
“Now where are you going?” He groaned. I turned and saw him standing as he crossed his arms in annoyance. Extremely mutual annoyance, might I add.
“Away from here.” I shrugged. “You’re not in any mood to talk nor are you in any mood to listen. So, I’m going to stay with a friend until you settle down and are willing to listen to me.”
“Just come to bed, Y/N.” He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “We can settle this tomorrow.”
“Call me if you want to talk in the morning then.” I blew him a kiss and sprinted out the compound and down to Marcel’s place across the river. Marcel and I had stayed on better terms than he and Klaus so when I showed up at his door, he didn’t question it. He simply brought me a pillow, some blankets, and a AB- blood bag.
Everyone told me that I should never go to bed angry, especially if I cared about the person I was in a fight with... But that night I went to bed hurt. I went to bed lonely. I slept alone and so did he. I didn't know what he felt, hurt probably. Betrayal most likely. Did he regret pushing me away, the things he said to me? Did he regret letting me so close to his heart? Did he mend things with Kol? Would he trust me again? Should I even stay in New Orleans? Do we just need a break from each other?
I slept on Marcel’s couch that night with a million questions plaguing my mind and received no words from Klaus until the morning. I dreamt of him, of what I would say the next time we met. Of the way his eyes softened when I entered the room. Of the way he understood every part of me. Of the nights he would randomly bring me home a gift because he saw it and thought of me. I dreamt of everything we were and everything we could be. I woke the next morning with an emptiness in my chest and one person on my mind... Niklaus Mikaelson.
He called around ten, asking if I would meet him for breakfast so we could talk. While I wasn’t too thrilled, I knew we had to so we could move past this. I did love him after all. Marcel brought me the change of clothes I kept at his house for occasions like this so I changed and left to meet my idiot of a boyfriend.
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qiaoyifan-fan · 7 years
Today- GaoQiao (pt.3)
Aaaand that’s the end of Gao Yingjie’s POV. I do plan to do Qiao Yifan’s POV, but that probably won’t be until next month as I will be out of the country.
And I’m sorry I can’t really write romance LOL
Gao Yingjie’s POV: pt.1/pt.2/pt.3
Qiao Yifan’s POV: 
Warning: definitely OOC, and does contain spoilers
Gao Yingjie had heard of Team Happy. Almost everyone had, after all. They were the ‘dark horse’ of the Challenge Tournament, so to speak. A Battle Mage named Soft Mist, Steamed Bun Invasion the Brawler, one of the most infamous Ninjas- Deception, Sleeping Whole Summer Again the Berserker, a Summoner called Concealed Light, the Cleric Little Cold Hands, and a Warlock named Windward Formation , led by God Ye Qiu’s, no, Ye Xiu’s Unspecialized character, Lord Grim. But to him, the most important player was the Ghostblade. Qiao Yifan and One Inch Ash.
Qiao Yifan had improved greatly. As Yingjie watched One Inch Ash attack over, and over again, he wondered about the player behind the account.
Yifan, you’re doing so well. I’m sorry that I’m not there with you.
On the day of the Challenger Tournament final, Gao Yingjie flew to City H. He only told Wang Jiexi, receiving permission with an understanding nod. He didn’t know whether Happy would win or not, but either way, he had to be their for Qiao Yifan. As he was flying, he watched the tournament. It was only until the plane landed, did the tournament end with Happy’s victory.
Yifan! I’m coming! I’ll see you in person soon and tell you my feelings. In person… In front of Team Happy… Alone…
Gao Yingjie froze as he took his first step out of the airport. Was he really ready for this? Would Team Happy accept him? They would be rivals now, would Yifan hate him? Would he reject him? He rushed back into the airport, asking a staff member for paper and something to write with. After frantically scribbling down his letter, he rushed to call a taxi, heading to Xing Xin Internet Cafe.
Thankfully, when he arrived, no one noticed him. Team Happy’s fans were all celebrating and causing a commotion, no one had noticed the him quietly slip in. They were all gathering in a small group, chanting, trying to encourage someone, or someones, to continue drinking. It looked as if the people drinking must have been extremely drunk. Many cups and some bottles were strewn on the floor. He walked quickly to front desk, trying to attract the attention of the current manager.
“Ah…Sister? Excuse me…Sister?” Gao Yingjie tried to ask the manager, who was playing Glory.
“Yes?” She didn’t look up from her screen.
“I would like to meet someone from Team Happy…”
“Like I’ve said many times, Ye Xiu is currently… Ah! You are Gao Yingjie, yes? Tiny Herb’s successor?” After glancing up at him, she excitedly attempted to help him. “Who are you specifically looking for? Sun Zheping and Ye Xiu are actually knocked out now- Sister Mumu and Sister Rou Rou are trying to get them back on their feet. Can I have your autograph? Everyone else is supposedly having a drinking competition over…there.” She pointed to the growing mob.
Yifan? Drinking? He can’t handle any alcohol, can he? Is he okay? I have to check on him!
“Thanks, sister!”
“Wait… my autograph?”
“Later, I promise!”
Gao Yingjie tried to weave through the mob, clutching his letter tightly. After some struggle, he finally saw the mess called Team Happy. One loud, older man was laughing freely holding and spilling the cup of beer in his hand. Wei Chen, Windward Formation. To the right of him was a man in his twenties, wearing glasses. Despite the suprising amount of empty bottles in front of him, he didn’t seem all that drunk. He’s…handsome. An Wenyi, Little Cold Hands. Sleeping on his shoulder was a younger boy, dainty, almost petite, his face a cherry shade of red. I can’t really tell who he is. He seems cute, though. Next to him was a man wearing a hood. He was only holding one small cup of beer, and yet every sip he took flushed his face even more. It seemed as if he was trying to act with an aloof face, but his flush betrayed him. Mo Fan, Deception. On the left of Wei Chen sat two boys, attempting to fight, or at the very least, they attempted to struggle. The taller, blond one, was laughing hysterically as he shook the smaller one. The shorter one was looking as if he was doing anything and everything he could to not throw up. Steamed Bun Invasion, Bao Rongxing. Concealed Light, Luo Ji. Then that means…
Yingjie’s eyes moved to the petite boy, who was now conscious. Now that he could clearly see him, it was obvious that it was Qiao Yifan. Qiao Yifan started to chat with An Wenyi, his face still an adorable shade of red. As they spoke, An Wenyi seemed to blush. Qiao Yifan leaned in to say something in his ear, and whatever he must have said caused An Wenyi to turn freakishly flushed. Yingjie saw red. He wanted to walk over there, and carry off Yifan into the sunset, anywhere away from this person who would even dare to speak with Yifan in front of him, and so closely too. And yet… Yifan looks happy. Maybe… Maybe he likes him. He is handsome. Better looking than me, at least. And they look so close…
I’ll just leave.
Gao Yingjie, trying not to cry, pushed back through the crowd, bumping into a woman.
“Ah! I’m s-sorry! I-I just was r-rushing! I’m r-really really s-sorry! I-” He quickly bowed in apology, trying not to look at the tall woman who was most likely glaring holes into his back.
“Woah! You’re Gao Yingjie, right? Little Qiao’s friend?” Ah?
He looked up at the woman, realizing that this was Chen Guo, the boss of Team Happy and owner of the internet cafe.
“Y-yeah. I was going to visit him, but it looks like I have to visit him some other time. He’s…busy,” Gao Yingjie attempted to fake a small laugh.”Oh! Can you give him this later? It’s for him. Thanks- I have to go soon. My flight is in an hour.” Yingjie pushed the letter into Chen Guo’s hand, then dashed out the door.
I guess today just wasn’t the day.
Oh. I forgot to give the lady her autograph.
Gao Yingjie didn’t really contact Qiao Yifan after that. The only times he interacted with him was at Boss fights. And even then, they had no reason to talk with each other. They were enemies. After giving a curt greeting, they had to try and kill each other. Gao Yingjie didn’t mind. That much. It was easier that way. Like this, Gao Yingjie wouldn’t have to ask if Qiao Yifan had gotten his letter. Yingjie wouldn’t have to ask if Qiao Yifan knew about his feelings or not.
Of course, they would eventually meet. The first time Happy fought Tiny Herb, they never had an individual match, only fighting against each other in the group battle. He never considered the probability that they might fight individually, but that thought was challenged today- Tiny Herb and Happy’s second match.
“The second individual match! Happy’s Qiao Yifan and One Inch Ash! Tiny Herb’s Gao Yingjie and Kind Tree!”
Gao Yingjie froze as his teammates looked towards him, his heart torn. He still loved Yifan, and he was so happy that they could be considered equals. But, they were equal as enemies, and he had to win. He didn’t want Yifan to lose, of course, but someone had too. And it couldn’t be him.
After I win… I will tell him. Today. I will-no, I am going to tell him.
“The second individual match! Team Happy’s Qiao Yifan and One Inch Ash wins!”
As he sat back down in his chair, he ignored the reassurances and attempted comforts given to him by his teammates. Instead, he thought about what he should, or even could, do.
Could I even confess to him, now? What if he- what if he laughs in my face? Would I still even be worthy? It’s even possible that he likes someone else now… His imagined his Yifan in the arms of another- one particular boy in glasses- and tried not to cry.
Even as he fought in the team battle, his thoughts still lingered on his Yifan. He had no problems ordering the team to focus Little Cold Hands. While a natural tactic, Yingjie took some pleasure in watch Little Cold Hands try and run away. Eventually, Yingjie’s jealousy got the better of him, and he made a few critical mistakes. Kind Tree finally ran out of health under the haze of dark ghost boundary.
“Team Happy wins!”
Gao Yingjie started to tear up as they lined up to shake hands. His tears finally fell as he came to Qiao Yifan. Both juniors of their teams, starting together, and yet ending up at vastly different places.
Quietly, Yifan handed him a tissue so he could wipe his tears.
“Yifan, you are so strong now…”
“You are still a genius, Yingjie.”
“But that doesn’t matter, does it? We lost.”
“Practice more. We’ll meet again on the battlefield.”
“Next time, I won’t lose.”
“Okay.” Yifan lightly smiled, then turned back and walked away with his team.
Yingjie watched the hallway Yifan had disappeared on, his heart hurting.
In the end, I never got to tell him.
I’ll prove myself to you, Yifan. I’ll show that I am worthy of you. I won’t lose. Not to anyone.
Happy against Samsara. The final match of the tenth season.
He left City B with Wang Jiexi, Liu Xiaobie and  Liu Fei, planning to watch the last match of the season. He knew that a few more pro players would go to this match than usual. He at least knew that Lu Hanwen would be going, as well as Dai Yanqi.
As they arrived in the stadium, Lu Hanwen and Dai Yanqi dragged Xiaobie and Liu Fei to somewhere he didn’t know, leaving him alone with Wang Jiexi as they took their seats.
“Yingjie? Yingjie? Little Jie?” Wang Jiexi waved his hand in front of Yingjie’s face, trying to get his attention.
“Hmm..? Oh! C-captain? Yes? What is it?” stammered Yingjie, his thoughts of Yifan interuppted.
“You…like Little Qiao, right?”
“It’s been obvious for a while now.”
“O-oh. Please, don’t tell anyone! If Liu Fei finds out she’ll tell Yanqi, and if Yanqi finds out everyone will find out, including Yifan andIreallydon’twantthattohappenorelsehe’drejectmeand-”
“Calm down. And you’ll have to tell him eventually, or it’ll be too late. Don’t beat yourself up about what might happen. Waiting too long causes more heartbreak than initially being rejected.” Wang Jiexi stared out to where Team Xing Xin would be sitting. “It’s better to tell them as soon as possible. Being too late- knowing that you might’ve had a chance is one of the most painful things in the world. And besides it’s not as if you’ll- well, if you gather enough courage you might find out.”
“Captain…Are you okay?”
“It’s starting now.”
“Glory’s tenth league- Glory’s champion’s, Team Happy!”
He should’ve been cheering, and yet, his heart hurt more than ever. Qiao Yifan made it. He was a part of a champion team- proving he was better than people had originally assumed of him. He was no longer small and invisible. Yingjie was no longer good enough for him.
He- He’s a part of a champion team now. So am I- but have I contributed to that? I’ve probably been dragging our team down. Now, will I have to single-handedly win a championship? Yifan needs someone worthy of him. Someone who is worthy enough to be loved by him.
Today, I finally realize- I am not that person.
“Yingjie, let’s go and congradulate them.” Wang Jiexi stretched, and stood up. “You don’t want to keep Little Qiao waiting, do you?”
I… I kind of do.
“Oh…Of course not! L-let’s go!”
They walked over to where Team Xing Xin was talking with other players. Seeing Yifan -with An Wenyi, of course- Yingjie dashed off into the other direction, running into Chen Guo.
“Oof! Ah! Gao Yingjie! I-I’m really sorry!” Chen Guo rubbed her head with a sheepish smile.
“Oh…It’s fine. I ran into you, after all. Don’t worry about it!” Frantic to leave, Gao Yingjie hastily apologized and tried to continue running away, but stopped by Chen Guo’s firm hand.
“No, that’s not what I’m talking about. Remember last year, when you gave me that letter? I had lost it, and had never given it to Little Qiao. In my embarrassment, I didn’t even tell Little Qiao that there was a letter. I’m really, really sorry.”
What? He- He didn’t reject me?
Oh no.
“Are you alright? You look a bit pale, is everything okay?” asked a soft, familiar voice.
It was Qiao Yifan.
“Wha- Oh! Yeah, I’m fine! I’m fine really. It’s just- I’m in a bit of a rush right now I have to go-” Yingjie stammered out, not exactly knowing what to do in a type of situation like this. He considered running, before quickly being interrupted.
“Yingjie! I love you! I always- Ever since meeting you I…” Qiao Yifan trailed off as he saw that Yingjie was starting to cry. “I…I should go-”
Gao Yingjie grabbed Yifan and pulled him, his lips meeting Yifan’s.
It was a pure kiss. It was passionate, romantic, but not overly so. It was one of longing. One where they poured all of their pent up love into.
They pulled away when Gao Yingjie ran out of breath, and he noticed that his Yifan was crying as well.
“Yifan...I love you too. Since our first meeting.”
It was only then that they realized everyone around them were cheering.
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theselkiesea · 7 years
4, 6, 15 for the kisses, 17, 24, 29, for the sweet moments. Lets say... choose any three darling. Don't all have to be one fic. :)
Oh my God, first off these were so much fun to do. Secondly, I love how I wanted to write something cute….yeah, these aren’t cute. I don’t think I’m ever meant to write cute. But there’s three prompts here, each over 400 words so only read if you’ve got the time. The first one is Bioshock related, second is my original motel series and the third is Arkham Knight. Enjoy!
4. A Drunken Kiss - Character: Vivianne Warren
“Do you remember when this place didn’t look like shit?” Vivianne laughed as she opened up another bottle of Arcadia Merlot. In her other hand she held a cigarette which she brought it to her lips and inhaled deeply then past it to Daniel. He took a couple of drags then dabbed it on his wooden desk, not bothering to dust any of the ash away.
“But ya still come here even though it looks like shite. Ya be movin’ in ta the Pink fecking Pearl any feckin’ day now. Don’t know any splicer who’d pay ta fuck you though.”
“Fuck you, Daniel!” she shouted, lifting the bottle to throw at him but stopped, not wanting to waste the alcohol. “I’m the only friend you’ve got left now. Your brother scampered off to be with that bitch so if you want to be my friend, you better be nicer to me.”
Daniel grunted and clutched the side of his head as it thumped in pain then gulped down his own drink hoping it would ease the pain. It didn’t.
“Hope you plan on sharing that.”
He twirled the bottle in his hand and glared at her smugly then downed the full bottle, thinking that being drunk would help him with his headache. Streams of alcohol spilled from the corners of his mouth and rolled down his cheek and neck, he didn’t bother to wipe them away.
“Fuck you, Daniel” she said again, pouting and took another drink.
“I think I might be drunk enough ta kiss yah, love” he slurred.
Vivianne hiccupped and looked Daniel up and down, then hiccupped again. “Me too, pal. But I think I’m about to pass out.”
“Oh for fecks sake, get over here, now!”
Grunting, Vivianne wobbly climbed over his desk and ungracefully slid off it, sheets of paper and other objects falling to the floor with her. She leaned her head on his leg and tried to find the will to stand back up but Daniel grabbed her and sat her on his lap, holding her tightly.
“Yer a pain in the arse, love” he told her then kissed her. It was sloppy, the mixture of alcohol and smoke was revolting, but it didn’t feel wrong. Vivianne melted into his arms, for a moment she forgot these past few months. She had lost everything. Her job, friends, the love of her life and was betrayed by someone she trusted. But Daniel was still here.
He’d have to do.
17. A Love Bite - Character: Lola Hopkins
Lola clocked herself out for her break and went into the staff bathroom to fix herself up. She straightened her white blouse and undone the two top buttons, put on a fresh coat of red lipstick and a spray of perfume and she was now ready to seduce her boss.
He hardly ever worked from the motel but this morning he had come in, out of the blue, to sort out paperwork and hadn’t left his office for a few hours. Lola had worked at the Redbark Motel for three years, her boss had flirted with her a lot in the past but she always rejected him, he was a married man with two children, it wasn’t worth the possible hassle.
In those three years she had seen him bring back countless of woman, he’d either fuck them in one of the rooms or his office and would hear everything. And once the girls would leave his wife would turn up to see him and Lola would smile, keeping her bosses secrets silent. Now her curiosity had built up and she had an itch to scratch.
She knocked on the manager’s door and waited for him to answer.
“Hold on!” he called out. She waited for a couple of moments then the door opened.
“Lola? Is everything alright?”
“Yes, Mr Harvey. May I have a word with you, please?”
“Of course, come in,” he stepped aside to let her through then shut the door, “So what do you want to chat about? If it’s about hiring new staff I’m currently going through the applications and-”
“I want to have sex with you” she interrupted and flashed him a smile.
He didn’t say anything for a few seconds, he studied her expression and noticed the little changes she had made and smirked. He leaned against the door, wetting his lips in thought.
“Well I’m flattered, Lola, but I’m a married man. I couldn’t cheat on Karen” he said, his sarcastic tone challenging her.
Lola rolled her eyes and stepped towards him. “Oh please, you’ve had so many affairs here!”
“How many?” he questioned.
“I lost count after you went up into the twenties!”
With speed he clamped his hand over Lola’s mouth and pushed her up against the wall, glaring down at her. “Keep your voice down! How dare you come into my office and demand something like that from me, who the fuck do you think you are?”
Her eyes gazed up with fright into his, this wasn’t how she expected things to go. She started to think she had made a mistake, he could fire her for this. “I’m sorry Mr Harvey, please, I’m so so sorry. Don’t fire me, please” she begged, her voice muffled by his hand.
He chuckled. “I’m not going to fire you, I can’t lose anymore staff. And…I suppose, you have been loyal to me all these years. I think you deserve a little treat.”
He released his hand from her mouth and trailed his fingertips down her neck and crossed a little spot like he was marking an x on a treasure map. Lola opened her mouth to ask him if she could leave but before she could he pressed his lips to her neck and trailed kisses to where his fingers were placed. Her cheeks started tingling, the soft sensation gave her a desireable warmth in her chest but it was short lived when his teeth bit down.
His tongue rolled around the spot he chosen and he sucked and nibbled until he squeezed a moan out of her, when he pulled away, he came up to her mouth, inches from her lips but did not kiss her.
“Hmm, I think I’ve changed my mind, Miss Hopkins. See me after work.”
24. Slow Dancing - Character: Madcap
She looked at the broken boy tied to the wheelchair but she still approached him cautiously. Blood old and fresh was splattered across his face and outfit, she was sure that many of his bones were broken, the Joker did a good job of beating within inches of death. But he was still alive.
He didn’t respond. She stepped closer then reached out and poked his shoulder, still nothing. Madcap searched up her long sleeves and went through all her hidden pockets and brought out a cassette. She skipped over to the cassette player that sat on the counter, rewound it to the track she wanted and let it play.
The song was a sweet romantic violin piece, it sounded scratchy in certain parts due to its age but it still sounded nice. She hopped into the center of the room so that she was facing him then folded her arms, her
long sleeves getting tangled in the process, she regretted not changing into something more suitable for what she had planned.
“Hi Jason…I’m Madcap, but you already know that, eh…my real name is Emily, I think you actually might already know that too,” she paused, her face flaring red with embarrassment, “Man, I’m glad you are unconscious right now, this is so awkward. I’m sorry that Uncle J has done this to you, I mean, I like fighting you but…I didn’t think he’d take it this far.”
She sighed and cursed at herself, then continued. “I wanna tell you this, even though you can’t hear me, and I know we’re enemies but I think you’re really cute. Wow, it feels good to get that off my chest! I know that things would never work out between us. We’d try to kill each other time and I don’t want to be in a relationship like Uncle J’s and Harley.”
Madcap slowly began to move behind him, her eyes watching out for any signs that he was now awake then carried on when she was sure.
“So, I was thinking, because we can never be together, and I doubt you’d ever have a crush on me but, I was wondering if it would be ok if…I could have a dance? I’ve never been kissed before but you’re unconscious so that wouldn’t be right. And I know you’re tied to this wheelchair but, spinning you around counts as dancing right?”
He didn’t reply.
She sighed again and grabbed the handles then unlocked the wheelchair’s brakes. She began to move the chair swiftly back and forth, trying to travel with the music then as it got quicker she was spinning Jason around, but not too violently.
“This totally counts as dancing!” she giggled gleefully. The song slowed down until there was silence and Madcap still twirled Jason in smooth circles until the cassette automatically stop and rewound itself. She couldn’t stay much longer, Joker would be returning soon, he’d be furious at her if he caught her here.
Swiping the cassette she tried to match up were Jason originally sat and propped his head into a more comfortable position.
“Thank you for dancing with me, Jason. Maybe one day I’ll get a kiss from you” she smiled.
“What?” he croaked. Jason’s eyes could barely open but she looked into his, her heart panicking and beating so fast she couldn’t think straight. Her hand grabbed the back of his head and her grip was tight, she pulled back and he hissed in pain.
“Don’t tell him I was here! If you do, you won’t die at his hands but mine,” she threatened, “Thanks for ruining my lovely evening!”
She released his head, spun around and sneaked off into the shadows and hoped that the Joker hadn’t been to her cell.
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