forevru · 7 years
Met bae 9 Times this year 🙏🏽
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conny-vegas · 7 years
#travisscott #wireless2017 #wireless #germany #biebertourmerch #ffam (hier: Commerzbank-Arena)
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jacksfilm · 7 years
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mylunabeam-blog · 7 years
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Absolutely incredible festival look by @paulina__kwiat Why not get some glitter for your next festival? Sale now on!!! ・・・ #wireless2017 🙅🏽
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bucksmusicandevent · 7 years
Community and Wireless, the detox which didn’t work…
First year Music and Live Events Management student Lauren Robinson recounts her adventures at Community Festival and Wireless 2017.
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Sunday 25th June, where it all started…
A few weeks before this, I was approached to see if I wanted to be a Health and Safety intern at the famous Wireless festival in Finsbury Park. Without any hesitation, I said yes and little did I know that this was going to be the opportunity that would be the make or break for the career I want to go into.
So, it’s very early on a Sunday morning, I’m rather hungover from the night before for my birthday night out and I’m lugging literally every piece of clothing I could own onto the train. After about an hour and a half I arrived at Finsbury Park and was sent up to induction, where I would be working for the next few weeks. I was greeted by fellow student Phoebe and was then met by Serena, who was now my boss. The first day was really slow as there wasn’t much to be doing so we kind of had the day off and sat in the golf buggy with the security for the majority of the day.
For the next couple of days in the lead up to Community, I was inducting everyone who came on site and giving them wristbands to ensure that could get onto site. Phoebe and I swapped between the induction office in the boneyard and a small tent near the production gate. This was a really vital and interesting role as I got to meet nearly every single person who came onto site and learn what they were doing so I managed to gain some amazing contacts! At some points this did become a bit boring as it was just reading the same piece of paper over and over again and we couldn’t leave the induction cabin in case more people came onto site. However, I soon found myself becoming best friends with the security manning the boneyard. In the afternoons when I was in the tent near production we got to go into the office and help with the licensing team, which entailed a variety of jobs. I spent around 2 hours searching for pop up tents for the next weekend!
The night before the festival I spent helping licensing putting up signs and ensuring that the site was festival ready and was there until around 9pm. It was so interesting to see the last minute rushes to get everything ready for the next day.
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Saturday 1st July – Community!
My first ever time working the day of festival had come around! I arrived at 7am and helped out licensing to put up signs and general little things which they needed help with. I also spent an hour pipe lagging, which let me say is a very boring job but one of the production girls came along with me so I was able to have some good company and speak to one of the team who I hadn’t really spoken to before. I was given two responsibilities for the day. One was looking after the girls running the lockers and another was checking the bars were keeping their ID checks up, this proved to be difficult as not many of them spoke English and didn’t understand what we were asking them to do. The day flew by so quickly and I was able to go in and out of the arena to see who I wanted. Earlier on in the week, I made friends with one of the guys doing the screens and he gave me a wristband to watch Catfish and The Bottlemen from the side of the stage and then I moved to the top of the FOH tower. This was such an amazing experience and was amazing to watch the crowd reacting and thinking that was only me a few years ago!
The next day was very slow as it wasn’t a traditional build and break, just a rejig ready for Wireless. We spent the day looking through lost property and trying to go through emails too see if we could match up any one’s items. As the sun was still shining down on us, the team went to the pub for some well-deserved celebratory drinks, this is where the detox not working comes in. After a week in Budapest before coming to site, my plan was to have a nice detox which lasted for about 5 days, from this day on it didn’t go so well and before I knew it, it was the early hours of the morning and I was only just rolling into bed! However, this did allow me to get to know the team really well and they reassured me that I was doing really well and they were so grateful for everything I was doing for them!
The next few days I was again up at the induction office seeing in the people for Wireless. The days were getting hotter and one of the days it was unbearable to stay in the cabin it was that hot! Throughout the week I was asked to help out with lost property and we managed to get quite a lot of the items back to their owners which was good, we definitely made a few people happy! Again, when I wasn’t doing inductions I was helping out with licensing and putting up signage, which really helped me to get my bearings of the site as a few things had swapped around from Community. On Tuesday, Thursday and Friday another intern came which meant that I could go down to the offices and do some other bits other than inductions.
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Friday 7th-Sunday 9th July – Wireless!
I arrived on site at 9am each day and as inductions had now finished I was helping licensing again. On Friday morning, I was helping to put up signs to direct people to the festival from the two tube stations. I was again asked to help with the locker girls, which on the Friday morning was a bit of a commotion. The gates opened an hour earlier and we couldn’t get in touch with girls and people were queuing for their lockers. We had to wait around 45 minutes for the girls to arrive and we were unable to open them ourselves due to money handling. I was also in charge of collecting the bar tally charts for the number of people they had ID’d or refused, which this week was a lot easier! I had to collect these at 2pm, 6pm and 9pm. Collecting the tally’s for 9pm was good as it allowed me to be able to watch the headliner for each day whilst collecting them.
On Saturday, I was allocated the same jobs again which an extra task of seeing if one of the independent bars would ID be. To cover up my wristbands I had to wear my jacket but as it was so hot I also had my sunglasses on, I did look slightly odd! I took off into the arena without anything to show I was working and about 20 minutes later managed to come back with two jägerbombs, which I saved to enjoy for later! As a consequence of this, they had to shut for 20 minutes later and were kept under a close eye to ensure they were doing ID checks.
On Sunday, again I had the same jobs but was given an extra job to carry out throughout the day. I had to go around and take as many pictures as I could for the event manager of signs, toilets, stages, etc. I enjoyed doing this as it meant I was out in the arena and could watch the acts throughout the day. I was going to watch egress, however, event control was too full which meant I unfortunately was unable to do this. I was able to round off an amazing weekend watching The Weeknd from the disabled viewing platform. After the show had finished all of the team stayed for some more celebratory drinks and said some goodbyes to those who were leaving that night.
Monday was again very slow. I helped with inductions for those coming to break the site apart until lunch time when I helped lost property again. I also had to go through every tabard to ensure the security companies had given back the right amount and the right numbers, this wasn’t the most pleasant job I’ve ever had! Around 6pm we were allowed to leave and it was time for me to say my goodbyes. It was really sad to leave the site as spending 3 weeks with the same people made us into a little family!
I had the most amazing time and am so grateful to be able to take part in such an amazing opportunity. I was so worried that I might not enjoy myself or go away thinking I didn’t want to work in festivals anymore, but working these two events has made me only ever want to work in festivals. I made so many new friends and a little family who I hope I can see again! I would honestly recommend anyone who wants to work in festivals to do an internship, even if it is something such as health and safety because you get to make so many amazing contacts and see everyone who comes onto the site. Not once did I regret taking the internship unpaid and I would seriously say to anyone thinking about this as a con that the experience you can is priceless and will mean so much than some money will, especially everything that you learn and the new friendships you get to make! Whilst I was working at Wireless, I was offered an internship at Creamfields and straight away said yes! I can’t wait to get back to being stuck in a field making a whole new little family!
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ekpoesito · 7 years
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#Wizkid #SFTOS album launch party #WirelessFest #Wireless2017 l📷Kymages #ekpoesito
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gfrshshit · 7 years
This just happened 🙏🏾 @wizkidayo brought out @yxngbane #wireless2017 #disturbinglondon
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conny-vegas · 7 years
#bae is on #stage #wireless #wireless2017 #wirelessgermany @justinbieber (hier: Commerzbank-Arena)
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conny-vegas · 7 years
#beginner #wireless #wireless2017 #wirelessgermany (hier: Commerzbank-Arena)
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conny-vegas · 7 years
#seanpaul #wireless2017 #wireless #wirelessgermany (hier: Commerzbank-Arena)
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conny-vegas · 7 years
#seanpaul #wireless #wireless2017 #wirelessgermany #gimmethelight (hier: Commerzbank-Arena)
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conny-vegas · 7 years
#seanpaul #wireless2017 #wireless #ffam #germany (hier: Commerzbank-Arena)
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conny-vegas · 7 years
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#seanpaul #wireless #wireless2017 #ffam #germany #shakethatthing (hier: Commerzbank-Arena)
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conny-vegas · 7 years
#wireless2017 #wireless #jessglynne #ffam #jessglynne (hier: Commerzbank-Arena)
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conny-vegas · 7 years
#jessglynne #takemehome #wireless #wireless2017 #wirelessgermany #ffam (hier: Commerzbank-Arena)
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conny-vegas · 7 years
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#jessglynne #wireless #wireless2017 #wirelessgermany #partyhard (hier: Commerzbank-Arena)
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