#wish my cat groups could have jaguars but sadly not. they do have bob cats tho and gray wolves
nightly-ruse · 1 year
Some people believe that the etymology of the word jaguar is from the Tupi and Guarani languages; yaguareté, yagur and yaguara all roughly have the same meaning, focusing on the fierceness and strength of Jaguars.
I’d say this is accurate as jaguars have the strongest bite force of all big cats, at 1,500 pounds per square inch! This is due to their impressive jaw muscles which can be used to hunt prey between 1 and 130 pounds! (2.2 to 286.6 lb)
I love hearing the origin of words idk I think it’s really interesting. Seeing what exactly they came from, like jaguar being from words that meant fierce and strength.
I did know about their amazing bite force it is crazy like really wild. I feel like a lot of people would think tigers would have the strongest bite force which makes sense but definitely not. If I remember right cheetahs have some of the worse bite force. Another L for them
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