omar-rudeberg · 3 years
Omg I have been loving your Parallel posts and reading your take away from different scenes. Especially the one you did on colour theories!! How did you learn about all the meaning behind tiny details and nuances? And do you really think they had all of those details so intentionally in their minds when they were creating it? Specifically things like Wille always being surrounded by blue (the Queens outfit for his first statement, his scarf, his bed covers etc), and how golds and yellow kind of followed Simon. I also loved what you wrote about character growth with the two parallel of the boys at the windowsill and the two scenes in the music room.
I just think to be able to notice these seemingly insignificant details and take such clear intention from them is amazing insight on your part and it’s been so interesting to read them then go rewatch the series with all that in mind.
I really hope you’ve got more thoughts to write!
I need you to know that first and foremost I am jaw-droppingly surprised that you took the time to pop in with this message, and it’s so thoughtful and considerate !! Thank you so much ?!
My Young Royals Parallels posts are the first seeds of ideas I thought others may possibly be interested in, and the first content I really made, so they’re like my little babies - thank you for treating them with so much TLC !!
Look, in terms of whether or not the show’s creators had every single minute detail that I’ve alluded to in the front of their minds when planning and shooting the series... no. I don’t think so. Some of it I believe was definitely intentional - all the B L U E in the boys’ end of episode 4 sequence? I’d have a hard time believing that was coincidence, especially with the removal of all their blankets and deep blue pillows for the start of episode 5. The Queen I’m on the fence about, as blue has been a Swedish royal colour for a long, long time, but I do think some of Simon’s golden imagery was very planned. Specifically the “We haven’t done anything wrong.” scene, where the blues & golds (or orange & teal, if you follow modern mainstream film critical colour theory) are screaming that they’ve been put there to serve a higher purpose.
Whether the writers / directors / set designers / costumers / cinematographers had all of this planned out to the tiniest detail or not though is, in my mind, irrelevant. I subscribe to the death of the author theory, which I believe I may have alluded to in my post about ‘blue curtains’. Once a piece of Art is released into the world, there is birthed an Audience for the Art. And this Audience is comprised of different perspectives that will reflect the Art back on itself in different ways, always and evermore creating New Art within the initial frame. As a viewer of Young Royals, you fill in the gaps in the story with your own experiences, and connect the dots in your own unique way. Your Young Royals is not My Young Royals, is not anyone else’s. But some of our beliefs, thoughts, ideas about the show may overlap; your ideas may spark ideas of mine; my ideas may feed into yours. The sincerest joy I have known in this Young Royals tumblr space is that there seems to be this inherent respect between different people’s interpretation of the Art, and willingness to engage with different perspectives to greater your own knowledge and depth of understanding of the emotion in the work. This is community. This is storytelling. This is connection.
Now... you wanna know a secret? I’m not really sure how I’ve come to think in these parallel-esque ways. I despised studying Literature in high school. I did a business degree and am currently working in quite a procedure-driven job. I’m not even a fan of too much critically “Good” media - you know, those books & films & tv shows & plays that people tell you to read/watch, because you simply ‘have to’, because they ‘changed the face of xyz’, generally filled with allegories and symbolism out the whazoo?
But I was a prolific reader when I was younger, so maybe that helped? I’ve been making & playing music since before I could spell my own name. And I’ve always had this innate ability to draw in information, synthesise it together and put out a coherent narrative - both with Things and with People / Relationships, so possibly that too? I also have such a passion for the abstract / absurd / impressionist perspective, and this has led me to think about colour, line, mood and metaphor in intricate ways.
But at the end of the day, I’m afraid I don’t have any real answers, my friend. I’m convinced that somehow Young Royals is just zapping secret sauce through our screens into the brains of us all who have been mysteriously, creatively awoken (again) by it’s siren call.
I’m just following the call & diving in deep.
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