ramshacklestar · 2 months
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@wishkept sent || ♡ Director, Deuce, Rook
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Send ♡ to see what my muse thinks of yours || Accepting
(Director) They are kinda getting friend zoned here, but Yuu still has a lot of trust in them and there isn't going to be any changing that. Sort of like she feels connected to them in some way, strikingly similar to how she feels around Grim. ;3 ●●●○○ | ATTRACTION ●●●○○ | AFFECTION ●●○○○ | INTEREST ●●●●● | LOYALTY ●●●●● | TRUST
(Deuce) Deuce is her good boy while Ace is her the bad boy and she adores both her boys. Deuce she is much more attracted to though and out of the two the one she's more likely to pursue. ●●●●○ | ATTRACTION ●●●●● | AFFECTION ●●●●○ | INTEREST ●●●●● | LOYALTY ●●●●● | TRUST
(Rook) Rook Yuu definitely see's more as a mentor figure, and she respects and appreciates him without question. However, he also sketches her out and the fact he seems to know everything about everyone does freak her out significantly. Of all the residents of the school, it's him she is concerned about finding out her secrets. ●●○○○ | ATTRACTION ●●●○○ | AFFECTION ●○○○○ | INTEREST ●●●●○ | LOYALTY ●●●○○ | TRUST
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fellowhonest · 17 days
"You like apples, right?" They say, pushing an apple into his hands before (gently) offering Gidel one as well. "Welcome to the dorm. You want a room on the ground floor or upper floor? And no, you can't turn the building into an attraction. I won't stop the ghosts from pranking you if you try." (From the Director)
" You know what they say, an apple a day keeps the doctor away ! " he hums in a sing-a-song tune as the apple in his hands is thrown for a spin, safely landing right back into his hand and rolling smoothly across his whole arm and coming onto the other. Warm orange hues glance at the other apple rolling towards Gidel as the child gently stops the apple on the table then silently glances up at him. A small nod of his head is granted and the child offers him a warm smile back and takes the apple into his hands, wasting no time in taking a few bites.
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" Tsk figures, oh come on my friend, where is your entrepreneur spirit ! You have a nice little spot on your hands, you should make the most out of it ! "
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gamenu · 26 days
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          [ distance ] across a large space, sender blows receiver a kiss - from Rook
                                                  -- @wishkept
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Give her the smooches!
          The little fairy had been hiding out, she truthfully didn't feel a need to participate in flying class. Why, so she could stand there and go through drills she's done since she first came into being? Besides, she's got a perfect grade in the class. She could stand to miss a few. And i wasn't like she wasn't being productive either!
          Perched in the tree, carefully hidden behind a bit of the foliage, Naira was working on blueprints. She had a lot of plans, and a lot of projects she wanted to get done. Using this time, she could make head on a lot of them. With her glow dimmed, hidden as best she can without dangers around her, she worked. Occasionally looking down at her peers doing their drills, something struck her odd.
          As small as she was, and as hidden as she was, no one should have been able to see her. But. . .it almost felt like Rook was looking at her from under the bill of his hat. What was only a very tiny window of foliage to her, should have been damn near invisible to anyone that far from her, and that big as well. And especially on the ground. Yet. . .she couldn't shake the feeling.
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          It wasn't with malice, but more with a playful mirth. Like he knew she was there. Only mildly startled by the revalation that her speculation was true when he subtly blew her a kiss while others were focused on their own drills. All the little fairy could do was wave back, Rook was a friend. And he had eyes sharper than a hawk's.
          Honestly. . .he could rival the Far-Seeing-talent fairies back home. He might be able to give them a run for their money, she thinks.
          Still, if nothing else, Naira can take solace in the fact Rook knows she's there. If something should happen to her in her little hiding spot, at least one person would know where she was. And who better than a trusted friend?
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blotlcss · 1 month
@wishkept asked: hc + 🚬 for a headcanon about a bad habit hc + 🤥 for a lie-themed headcanon
Thematic Headcanons. || Open
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🚬- Another bad habit of their's is that if their hair grows out they tend to take a strand and chew on it. It's something that they do subconsciously and usually happens when they were studying. Outside of cutting their hair regularly to sell, this is another reason they keep it short.
🤥- Thinks lying about their identity is a hassle but knows having a female student in an entire campus full of boys is a recipe for disaster. It's one of Crowley's very few good ideas. Too bad a majority of the main cast have figured it out by the time book 7 rolls around. Luckily no one seems keen on misusing this information for blackmail.
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shackld · 2 months
send 🪵 and i'll say a positive thing about my own blog
no one loves chief more than me and I represent the sexiest side of the chief fanclub. thank you. makai 2024.
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stygia-n · 4 months
When was the last time you actually got some rest? (From Vil)
lack of sleep starters! // @wishkept
"Rest? Who has time to rest?" Idia seems almost offended at the mere thought of deigning to sleep when there's so much hype around all the new releases happening this week. New games, new anime seasons and even a new single from his idol group are all going to be out in the same week. "It's like back-to-back special events happening IRL, if I miss even one I'm never going to experience that launch day serotonin!"
It's all on top of his schoolwork and projects of course. Idia may be easily excitable when it comes to his hobbies, but he's not irresponsible. That said, the bags under his eyes are more prominent than usual, and the serious answer to Vil's question would only earn him a concerned and probably very stern look. Idia would like to avoid that, thanks.
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"Whee hee hee! And the new season of my fav anime is dropping tomorrow, I can't wait..."
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pomfiores · 4 months
@wishkept said: Present and happy to serve, Your Majesty 🧎‍♀️
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jinanreona · 2 months
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@wishkept sent:
"A question for you, Kingscholar." Malleus tucks a hand under his chin, tipping his head to the side as he studies his fellow dorm head. "What advice would you be willing to give in regards to earning a woman's romantic affection?"
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He gives a disinterested hum at the other's voice, only half listening as he continues in his solo game of chess. It's only when the other's query sinks in that emerald eyes settle on the fae, the lion doing little to conceal his amusement. Malleus Draconia asking for romantic advice? He had to wonder if the world was ending or was the other so infatuated with this 'lady' that he's desperate enough to ask Leona of all people for help.
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"...Advice huh?" The curl of his lips in a mocking smirk is hint enough that Malleus may not here the advice he wants, Leona giving the other little time to respond to the rhetorical question as he continues, "I could write you an entire book and I doubt it'd be any help to you, lizard. You're 'bout as smooth as that goop the bat makes~"
Of course that didn't mean he wasn't curious who had caught the fae's attention. It wasn't like the guy frequently had a partner to parade around. "So who is it? Someone from the island or back home?" Or is she even real? He was tempted to say as much, but held his tongue for now. It was best not to push the other's buttons too much lest the fae storm off at his teasing.
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muraenide · 8 months
Go off about Jade's fanons 💜
Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion.
An unpopular opinion I have is that I do see Jade capable of throwing a tantrum. I've written in some, albeit rare, asks where Jade did the closest thing one could call a tantrum, especially for Jade. His tantrums aren't fiery and widespread like Floyd's tend to be. Jade rarely lashes out, but he does have a temper. He can get upset. He can frown and pout, and since I've been playing twist again recently, I see that it's actually more obvious than I last remembered it:
Jade smiles when he's mocking or insulting someone
Jade smiles during inappropriate moments, usually when something bad happens to someone else, even if Jade isn't the one behind it
Jade smiles when he's saying something with a different meaning compared to what he deliberately lets out
Jade smiles in general when he's speaking to someone else
Jade smiles a bit more when he's unusually nervous
but also,
Jade frowns when something is deeply serious or when he is genuinely upset
Jade's lips form a thin line, a neutral expression when he does not like how things are going at the moment
Jade's frown is reserved for rare, seldomly seen occasions, but it is enough to prove that he does actually have feelings even if he tends to be incredibly subtle with them
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ramshacklexprefect · 11 months
@wishkept liked post
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Yuu stood next to Rook watching everyone dance. "Did you find anything good for Vil?" He asked swaying a bit to the music. Azul had said he would dance with Yuu. Though the other was soon approached by many other mages. Most of the group had been pulled into the dance. He had quickly rushed to stand with Rook. "I was trying to find him something fun for his room!" Yuu prattled fidgeting with his hands eyes glued to the other students dancing.
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ramshacklestar · 7 hours
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@wishkept sent || "Good news," Felis starts as they wipe sweat from their forehead with their sleeve, "the hot water's back on. Bad news, I think I ran through Ace’s generosity by getting him to help me fix it, so it'll probably be a day or two before he's willing to help out again. But, we can take hot showers now."
They smile, dropping the last few tools into the box salvaged from some other part of campus. "Little wins, right?"
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“You really are a miracle worker sometimes Felis.” Even if they had help from Ace, Yuu felt relatively certain about the fact that he was going to complain about it later if he hadn’t already. Their fellow freshman friend being notorious for complaining while all Deuce could do was look on in annoyance, but for the most part Yuu was used to his antics by now. “I’m sure he’ll end up going off about it later if my phone is already blowing up of course.” She didn’t have the thing on her at the moment to really check though, the device spending sufficiently more time on her nightstand than actually being in her hold. 
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“He’ll get over it though and hey with everything we’ve done to get him out of trouble asking for the occasional favor shouldn’t be a problem.” At any rate the fact that they could use their own shower again instead of using the one at the school definitely put her mind at ease. The notion of someone walking in as she used the showers in the locker room always keeping her on edge; not that she really expected anyone to do something like that on purpose. 
“Hopefully one day we can get this dorm moving regularly again though, but yes I have to agree that even a win no matter how small, is a win in the end.”
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fellowhonest · 11 months
The Director gives him a long side-eye, a smile beginning to form as their lips twitch. There's a certain level of smugness in their expression as they remark, "Could've told you that everyone at NRC would be more trouble than their worth. You might've had more luck with RSA if you'd gone there instead."
They soften at the sight Gidel though, and dig into their pocket for a piece of candy for him.
"But if you do decide to make your own school, be prepared for a lot of headaches. Wish you the best though."
The fox offers them a subtle stinky eye in return, not very fond of the expression he's greeted with, chin resting between his fingers as he falls into thought for a brief second. While he can agree on one hand about that, there is no point in lying to himself since he knows what he got himself into. He knows that brats and delinquents was what he NEEDED from the start, since goodie two shoes would never even dream of skipping class or engaging into such a suspicious advanture. Of course he knew it was gonna be a headache but in the same time he was also a realist and knew that he doesn't really have a choice than deal with these brats on a daily. He instinctively moves and gently pulls Gidel closer to him.
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" If i allow any of the students that would come into my school to become such insufferable brats as these ones i would very much throw all of them out in the sea, i assure you " he pipes in with a playful smile, after all, now he is the boss of his own life and now there is nobody to force him to deal with brats so he will not just let things slide so easily anymore if naughty kids cross the line of his patience.
" Ah but we'll see what the future holds, perhaps we can exchange some stories in the near future, Prefect, since one i'm sure i will be stepping onto this port once again " he summons his cane with a spin " Nevertheless, when that day comes, i hope i'll have the pleasure to find you doing much better and be more free from these brats "
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gamenu · 7 months
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         "I managed to borrow a few pearls for you to study, dear." Beryl shifts, her tentacles gently setting three pairs of pearls where Naira can easily reach them without being in danger of getting wet. Her gills flex, drawing in more of the humid air of the surface, and let out a soft whoosh sound as she breathes.
         "These here," the tip of a tentacle gingerly nudged the rightmost set of pearls, "were grown up here on the surface in a lab by humans. The magic is... drier, I suppose, than the rest, but it is stable. The people wouldn't tell me too much about how they were made," she frowns slightly but the expression smoothes out after a second, "but what I can tell you is that some amount of transformation magic was involved. Perhaps there's fairies in your Hollow who could tell you more?"
                                                  -- @wishkept (feat. Beryl)
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         "Thanks, Mama Ashengrotto." The fairy watches curiously as she slides the pearls towards her. Gently picking up the set on the right as she nudges them gently, she holds them close, studying them as much as possible. They were round and smooth, as pearls are. But while not to the naked eye, she can definitely feel the magic in them. She can feel the difference in them. The one left on the table had a much. . .denser magic. Almost like the pressures of the sea.
          As for the pair in her hands, they did feel lighter. She could definitely feel the Clumsy magic in here. "I think. . .i' would be possible. Azul decided ta humor me an' look fer tha funny creatures tha' make tha pearls outside his dorm. He let me keep it! But. . .they won' be ready fer a long while. If I can see wha' tha Clumsies here did, an' ask tha fairies back home fer advice, we might be able ta expedite tha process withou' hurtin' tha critter."
          She knows that's the only way the Animal Talents will agree to help. But she needs the Water Talents as well, creatures under the sea would need their combined efforts. However, the actual craft of the communication pearls would come down to Naira and her skills. While the pearls themselves wouldn't change, the particular infusion of magic would be hefty and extremely specific. There's also no telling how they'll react to fairy magic of all things. Maybe the dust talents can help her. They could ration out properly and give her an adequate diagnosis on things. . .
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         "I think I'll need everyone's help back home ta make this done righ'. If we're expeditin' tha process, we're gonna need ta be precise about it." Placing the pearls down, she quickly scribbled down their measurements, the magic she felt, how much she felt, and then continued on. "When I visit home, I'll write down everythin' I'm told an' then come back here, if tha's okay?"
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shackld · 11 months
Mak it's almost here. Almost anniversary time ✨️
Are you excited???
Am i excited,,,,, am i excited,,,, for the one year anniversary,,,,, of the game i've been playing since the literal start,,,,,, and have been writing the mc of it religiously,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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stygia-n · 2 months
"Soo..." Ortho drawls slowly, brows raised as his flames flicker gently. "At it again, huh? Which is it this time, Idia? Idol catgirls being body worshipped and mind broken by a fan that doesn't want to share them with the world? Stoic but maybe a little sadistic researcher finds a new specimen that he can't help but want to take apart even though he's also tempted to keep them as his companion?"
They're all just guesses, of course. This wasn't the brother he'd grown up with, lost, and then dragged back into the world by sheer force of will and a burning need to make things right. But Idia, any Idia across the cosmos, was an ideal candidate for bullying teasing.
And even if he couldn't see the other boy's face, the Shroud flames were emotive enough that he could have a good idea of whether his prank worked or not.
"Oh wait I think I know! A marine biologist out on an expedition loses his vessel in a storm, and he's rescued by a merman who turns out to have risqué intentions of his own!" He laughs, snapping his fingers like he's cracked some kind of firewall. Ortho grins, the corners of his eyes curving up as he folds his arms and rocks back on his heels. "Did I guess right? If not I can probably hack in on my own." Truly he is the best.
Nope. No way. Nope nope nope. NOPE.
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Idia covers his ears halfway through Ortho's monologue. He is not subjecting himself to hearing such unholy words coming out of his brother's (?) mouth!
The whole point of having a username that could be anything you wanted is anonymity! No one is supposed to find out who he is online, and anyone with good sense and a of common decency would know not to look over a person's shoulder...
Idia now doesn't know whether he wants to keep covering his ears or hide his face to convince himself that if he can't see Ortho, then Ortho can't see him. Sometimes Idia just wishes his hair was made of real flames, so that he could set himself on fire and die. Unfortunately, the best it can do right now is flicker weakly, almost dejectedly, because of how utterly embarrassed he is.
His head snaps up at the mention of Ortho attempting to hack into his accounts. "Absolutely not! Seriously, can't a guy write his fanfics in peace? I'll have you know, this is a very wholesome and family-friendly piece! The spicy bits aren't planned to happen until after chapter 16, because I value character development and interpersonal relationships between characters in addition to emotional connections developed beyond their canon! Not that there's anything wrong with some PWP, to each their own, but..."
A moment of silence settles between them before Idia looks back down at his tablet and starts jotting something down. "That last one you said isn't a bad idea, actually..." he mumbles to himself above the blips of his typing.
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crimsontroupe · 1 year
❝when i look at you, i feel i’m gazing at a distant star. ❞ - Aite to Dia @wishkept
"...I wonder why is that." There are theories, of course. Diamont frowns, looks up at Aite for an instant. Long nails scrape at the tome he always brings with him, a comfort item more than anything at this point. "It might be because I am not from here... but it seems that such a thing is not that uncommon."
If that was an attempt at humor, it'd be best left alone. He is not great at such things, after all. Aite is a curious person - Dia's personality either has people stick to him like glue out of curiosity, or they quickly go off their own way due to how impossible it is to get anything out of the sorcerer.
"... But while that may look like a joke, magic functions the same but differently in other planes. Apparently." Now he is going off about something else entirely. Well, it is still tangentially related. He is going to take advantage of that. "So it might feel familiar but not.
They might work differently and have different values, but the fundamentals are still there. I would say that this is how magic is usually connected." He nods, more to himself than Aite. There is a short pause. Another question blooms in his brain. "What do you usually feel when you look at other people? Or do you not feel anything at all?"
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