#with BoJack being my perfect type as a partner
skinnypaleangryperson · 3 months
Bojack Horseman is the last piece of media that I would have expected to have a consistently enduring fandom. It's pretty much non-existent on an average day on Tumblr, but it's obnoxiously popular on other forms of media daily, and it kind of feels like tumblr is dying out in most content anyway, and even on here there's still a decent amount of content that's posted daily that is decent enough for a piece of media that was canceled years ago and wasn't super popular or mainstream even when I was out. It impresses me daily, it's a good thing, since BoJack is the love of my life anyway and is boring as it is, really all that I need for the rest of my sad, lonely, pathetic life.
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pinkandpurple360 · 5 months
i worry that if asmodeus and fizz split up asmodeus would just be depressed forever 💀
like yeah eat the rich and all but boy literally was telling fizz he’s the best thing to ever happen to him in his ~6000 years of living. like picture finally having the one thing you never thought you could/should/would, then losing it (even if for valid reasons), and being implicitly/explicitly told you shouldn’t do the thing you never thought you’d do that brought you happiness because of how you exist. doubly so if lilith/sarah are canon. like a pandora’s box. he could never go back to feeling how he did pre-fizz love again.
idk man ain’t perfect and no one’s owed anything including a relationship, but that’s my big hurdle right now regarding blitzfizz. guy seems so happy, but fizz doesn’t always. stolas can choke tho idc about his feelings
God the way people baby this man. One fanfic/AU and everyone wants my head lol. This is all reminding me of how Edward used to be talking about Bella. It’s the same way for Stolas. There’s no happy ending here no matter which way it goes.
Having your first love ripped away by tragic circumstances and kept apart by lies is fine if they’re both imps, but a rich person having to part with their first crush?? Unthinkable. They’ll literally explode and die without them. I just don’t get why rich sheltered characters get so much more gentleness and extra care.
As it stands those two Goetia are basically stans of the two imps with no life outside of them, isolating themselves from the people who’ve always been there for them by ignoring or causing animosity with them, all for the sake of their obsessive secret sex buddy or partner….that’s romance?
How is this show claiming to be in the maturity level of Bojack when you guys can’t even handle a Diane and Mr Peanutbutter level of breakup? You feel that way, because his character is just being obsessed with Fizz. His life spins entirely around him and around sex he’s painfully one dimensional. Also he’s a tragic character no matter when and how they separate. They can’t break up because Oz will cry and cry and never stop crying forever. Doesn’t the fact it’s all based on a lie bother anyone? This is clearly some type of setup going on.
Being implicitly explicitly told that—-stop right there because. False. There is no ‘you should never have that’ Love changes you and just because you break up with your favourite performer doesn’t mean “oh I can never ever love ever again” like damn.
I don’t even think this has anything to do with blitzfizz or shipping in general I wouldn’t even mind if Fizz stayed single at the end as long as he was happy again and his world was more than his sugar daddy.
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tcthetouch · 4 years
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𝘴𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘳, 𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳 – 𝘺𝘦𝘢𝘳-𝘣𝘺-𝘺𝘦𝘢𝘳 – 𝘪'𝘭𝘭 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘥𝘦 𝘮𝘺 𝘦𝘢𝘳, 𝘵𝘳𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵 (𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵'𝘥 𝘣𝘦 𝘴𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘵). 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘩𝘢𝘶𝘯𝘵 𝘮𝘺 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵.
『 dev patel. twenty-nine. cis man. he/him. 』 oh heavens, is that LOUIS BHATT from CHESTNUT DRIVE i see roaming around mapleview? minnie may’s always calling them -OBSESSIVE & -IMPATIENT. i happen to think they’re not that bad! they’re a pretty cool ARCHIVIST at MAPLEVIEW PUBLIC LIBRARY and every time i’ve seen them, they’ve always been +ORGANIZED & +RATIONAL. i hope i see them around again! 『 may. 21. est. she/her. 』
hello hello ! after some delay,, i am here,, w information on louis ! while my roommate’s boyfriend makes the weirdest noises i hate it !
triggers: near-death/death, something that’s suicide attempt -adjacent but... not directly a suicide attempt because the end goal wasn’t actually death, terminal illness ( cystic fibrosis - but no, not 5 feet apart )
Louis was born and raised in Mapleview, NC. His parents had moved to the Carolinas after years in LA, finding that… maybe the reason they were having trouble conceiving was because of the stress of city life? 
Perhaps that was true. Perhaps that wasn’t. It probably wasn’t. Indeed, it was probably just dumb luck that they finally succeeded when his mother was 36, a late pregnancy which prompted them to keep a close eye on little Louis’s health. 
When he came out perfectly healthy on the 7th of December, they simply could not have been more joyous. So they celebrated him, born on a lucky day. 
He started his life as a fun-loving guy! A kid who played with everyone turned into a teenager who had no shortage of friends. Being a bit of a stoner, he wormed his way into a tight-knit group… that was pretty much full of other stoners.
However, his fun-loving nature changed on a fateful day when he and his friends found a man, so close to death. They managed to get him to the hospital in time to save his life, but Louis was changed that day. Their hometown hero status didn’t mean much to Louis – no, he just wanted to become acquaintances with the man and figure out what it was he saw during those moments of half-death.
And so acquaintances they became. The man telling Louis that he saw nothing, recalled nothing, felt nothing… it brought both terror and peace to the young man.
It also brought morbid curiosity. He began withdrawing from his friends and family, really only continuing to speak to Adrien and their other friend (wc on main!) as they had actually been there. They’d shared that experience that Louis’s therapist called ‘trauma.’
A few months after the incident, his curiosity got the better of him. He didn’t hope to die – not really – but he hoped to come close. He stuck a knife into an electrical socket and… saw nothing until his parents found him – thank goodness – just in time.
And yet, he’d never been more at peace.
However, no one in his family was necessarily ‘good’ at dealing with problems. Instead ot talking about it, instead of sending him to a therapist, they all just pretended it never happened after they paid off the hospital bill. He wasn’t suicidal, just curious! 
So he began applying to colleges – all was well! Although he was accepted into the Carolinas’ more prestigious universities, such as Duke and Wake Forest, he wound up attending his safety school out of adoration for its campus: University of North Carolina at Asheville (UNCA, s/o to myself because this is where I go!)
He began his studies with the intended double-major of Literature and History and he was doing well. He was shining in college, too distracted by Whitman’s ego to worry about the concept of death.
Until he met his college girlfriend, that is.
A victim of cystic fibrosis, Louis knew their time was likely limited to perhaps another decade and a half (unless scientific advancements were made – you see, he would’ve switched majors, but he wasn’t STEM-minded in the slightest). They decided they’d make the most of their time together and, as Louis was taught to do, largely ignore the elephant in the room.
To receive a Masters in Library Science (MLIS), he transferred to Appalachian State University (“App”) with his girlfriend by his side, earning her own Masters.
Things were simply beautiful. Everything was looking up. He felt just as much peace as he had in half-death, but it was in life! 
But… complications got complicated!
A clinic had his girlfriend getting special treatment… but it also had her near other CF patients. And they couldn’t even be sure she wasn’t on the placebo! So, after a few treatments and instances of getting a bit too close with some of the other patients, her condition worsened and things… were not looking spectacular.
This was around the time Louis completed his degree at 25 (did I do the math right?). They initially had plans to marry after they completed their courses, but gave up any ideas for large weddings and were officiated by a friend who signed up online. Their plans of moving somewhere bigger – still in state, so as to make travel easier, but bigger, nonetheless – were also cut short. Louis’s parents advised him to do what they had done and return to Mapleview, a calm life that they thought had allowed them their pregnancy.
Louis figured it was an idea worth trying. It wasn’t as though it would improve her condition, but it would improve her overall quality of life, right? 
When he was 27, she succumbed a bit early to her illness. And he was at peace with that. He missed her – dear god, he missed her – but she’d returned to the night sky, the stars that he could see. 
However, his life has since become incredibly rigid and routine. His obsessions worsened after her death, as did his craving for cleanliness and overall order. Being an archivist was perfect for that, but was terrible for most other aspects of his life. 
Yes, yes, his quality of life deteriorated.
He’s essentially become Jane Kerkovich-Williams from the iconic Happy Endings, suggesting better organization systems… in stores dedicated to organization. He no longer attends therapy, refusing to agree with their diagnoses. Because he’s fine. There are no problems. Indeed, quite the Type A.
But also on a sliding scale that could put him in a very Judah Mannowdog from the Bojack Horseman (why do I keep taking inspiration from this show-) box. Depends on the day.
was a sociable kid and teenager. withdrew after finding a man on the brink of death with his friends and became lowkey obsessed with death. (suicide attempt-ish tw) stuck a knife in an electrical socket because he had to know what was beyond life, but not necessarily bc he wanted to die (end tw). everyone ignored that. went to unca and fell in luv w a girl who had cf. went to app state to gain an mlis. her disease worsened during a clinic. moved back to mapleview. she died. rip ip. wasn’t the typical Grieving Widower™ bc he figured he knew what was on the other side and it was nice! but,, his mental state did worsen and his obsessions, need for organization, and overall type-a demeanor amplified. 
connection ideas:
** all are open to any gender
childhood friends (0/??)
high school friends (0/??)
his other bff (wc on main!) (0/1)
high school girlfriend/boyfriend/partner (0/2)
ppl he went to college (unca + app) with (0/??)
ppl who knew his wife before she yeet’d into another plane of nonexistence (according to louis, at least) (0/??)
overall there’s more potential w past connections on louis than on judith aflhskdj
feel free to like or hmu if you’d like to plot!
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francesbeau · 3 years
The Moon Signs of Bojack Horseman Characters
Just my opinion, I am not aware of the canon moon signs if there are any. :)
Mr Peanutbutter - Leo Moon in the 7th House: Although it may seem stereotypical to give the character who loves attention a Leo placement, I do actually think this makes sense. A key component of the Leo moon is that they love to entertain others and have an easy flow of charisma. Both things are applicable to Mr peanutbutter and we can see this most prominently through the various types of events he puts on within his house ie. a reality TV show, election campaign etc, etc. Another, more negative aspect of the Leo moon is their childish nature that can be transmuted into arrogance. We constantly see Mr. PB engage in very childish acts, such as buying Diane a belle themed library, and his childish nature can be argued to be one of the main facets of his personality that he tries to eradicate towards the series denouement. As the Moon represents relationships with the parents, specifically the mother, this childishness can be reflected in the parents outlook on life. Whilst there is no indication Mr Peanutbutter sees his parents as childish as the audience we can deduct that they most definitely are, partly from being dogs and also their inability to teach him about ‘important’ matters, such as death, preferring to say that a dead relative has gone to a ranch and is having a relaxing time. Because Leo is represented by the lion another key factor of Leo moons is there obsession with pride, we see this multiple times throughout his trajectory but more importantly we see him take pride in his friends accomplishments, Todd’s various creations, Bojack’s role, Diane’s intellect - this love of other people transpires to his Leo moon being in the 7th house. So, the 7th house is ruled by Libra and because of this people with the moon in this house can place a lot of emphasis on romantic relationships, finding love to be the sole benefactor to their emotional upkeep. He definitely does have his emotional security come from his romances, shown very clearly through his inability to remain single - the childlike nature of the Leo moon comes into shine when in these relationships too as he often only pursues women who are a lot younger than him. Many argue that this is due to a darker desire for unfair power dynamics but I see it as hum just trying to find a woman who shares his youthful ideals, someone like pickles. 
Bojack - Scorpio Moon in the 10th house: Again, it may seem redundant to give the cynical character with a bad childhood a Scorpio moon but I do actually think it matches up well. The Scorpio moons relationship with the mother is known to be turbulent, with the mother often not providing the child wit the correct emotional nurturing. But another aspect of the mother is that she can be seen to be highly secretive, this is definitely true for Beatrice, she is secretive about her affection for Bojack, secretive about Henrietta and secretive about her own family life, never actually recounting any of these tales to Bojack until she gets dementia. Scorpio moons are often praised for their keen sense of ambition, and as we follow Bojack through his later years we often forget that he was a highly ambitious man, writing to secretariat, doing comedy clubs, constantly trying to find jobs. As for the negative aspects, these moon signs can be moody, vengeful and judgmental. Throughout Bojack’s character arc we see him desperately try to expel these traits in himself, failing miserably thus causing a drug/alcohol relapse. This is because these traits are innate to him, through his fixed moon sign. Another thing to mention is that the Scorpio moon is ruled by Mars, the planet of aggression, this helps us to understand why Bojack is so overly agitated of his own emotions and even sometimes the emotional needs of other people, such as Gina. Something else which is quintessentially Scorpio moon is that they are secretive about their feelings, and whilst this is partly true for Bojack we watch within the first two seasons how he uses his negative emotions to create a best selling book, this is because of the moon in the 10th house. The 10th house’s main focal point is career and it is because of this that Bojack has a harsh aspect within his chart - the innate desire to keep his emotions unspoken and the desire to be successful and use his emotions to advance his career. And from this we see that Bojacks desire for recognition (probably stemming from the lack of nurturing as a child) out-weighs his Scorpio influence, this leads me to believe that the moon in his chart has some positive aspect relating to his midheaven, Chiron or north node. 
Princess Carolyn - Capricorn Moon in the 2nd house: I honestly believe Princess Carolyn fulfils every trait of the Capricorn moon, she is essentially the archetype of an ‘emotionless, hardworking’ woman who secretly has a lot of emotions she keeps secret. Practical, sensible, rational and ambitious are all traits of the Capricorn moon that align perfectly to her approach to life. The most Capricorn moon emotion she exhibited was when she looked into the mirror and said ‘serves you right for having feelings’, when I watched this, as a Capricorn moon, I instantly thought that she must have a Saturn ruled moon as she way she represses emotions and sees them as weakness is so quintessentially Saturn. A positive trait of this moon sign is that they can have a strong sense of worth and because of this can set clear boundaries with others - this is something she masters as the show progresses and it was truly great to watch. However, a boundary she always fuses is her emotional attachment to work. The Capricorn moon gets a lot of self satisfaction out of their achievements so it is no surprised Princess Carolyn struggles to create a healthy distinction between these two important life aspects. The episode, ‘Ruthie’ was a perfect example of the Capricorn moon in its fall - with her looking at the prospect of a child as more of a project than a really fun, exiting moment, this highlighting her inability to separate the work from the home life. Much like the Scorpio moon, this moon placements often has a tough time with the mother figure in their life. This is true within Carolyn's life. The Capricorn moon often has a mother who is either too strict, too domineering, too harsh. Or a mother who is too neglectful - particularly emotionally. The interesting thing about Carolyn’s mother is that she is both, she was constantly emotionally unavailable towards her daughter and often neglected all of her children's needs, forcing Carolyn to have to look after her siblings. On the other hand, when Carolyn falls pregnant at 18 her mother switches to the overly harsh parenting approach, conducting Carolyn's life to stay at home and be a mother. This relationship with the mother links closely to the moon being in the second house. The second house is ruled by Taurus and therefore equates to wealth, however when the moon is in the second it can represent a negative attachment to money and material possessions. We see through the fact she grew up in a ‘poor’ household and through her attachment to her necklace which she believes was really expensive, which, of course turned out to be really insignificant and cheap. However, the energy between the Capricorn moon in the second house gives one a fantastic work ethic towards making money - something which is obvious through Carolyn's personality. Having a Capricorn moon makes sense in her relation to Bojack’s Scorpio moon, she sympathizes with his rough childhood whilst also being able to maintain a strong outward show of being the ‘good agent’.
Todd Chavez - Moon in cancer, 11th House: Because the moon is in its ruling planet in Cancer we see that those with this placement are highly sentimental and open to empathy. This is reflected in his character as he repeatedly empathizes wit the plights of the character around him, always trying to maneuver himself into helping others. This deeply sensitive placement has the negative trait associated with all cancer placements and that is that it is passive aggressive. So whilst Todd is not a massive aggressive character we see the moments of confrontation surrounding him to be subdued and therefore passive aggressive. This placement craves emotional; support and intimacy from the Moher, intimacy that they may not be allowed - we can see this reflected in his kidney dilemma towards the end of the series. As for the moon being in the 11th House, this house can often represent a lack of understanding and a feeling of otherness. Despite Todd's positive moon sign, no one really understands how he feels, ever. His dad doesn't understand his lack of ambitious, Bojack not understanding his need for comfort and all characters not really understanding his asexuality. This placement bodes well between him and Bojack as they both have water moons allowing them to have an unspoken bond, emotionally with one another. Todd never pushing Bojack's Scorpio moon to indulge in emotional conversations. This moon also acts nicely with Carolyn’s earth moon, explaining why Todd took on the role of Ruthies babysitter. 
Ralph Stilton - Moon in Virgo, 5th house: A common trait of any Virgo placement but especially the moon is nervousness. This is definitely apparent in Ralph’s character. The Virgo moon is also known to be critical, both to themselves and to the outside world. Ralphs middle class lifestyle granted him the ability to judge and we can also infer that, through his timid nature, he is self-critical. The Virgo moon’s relationship with the mother can be characterized as fairly unpleasant. With many of these mothers being critical of their children and desiring their children to be perfect. This is definitely shown in Ralphs family who dislike Princess Carolyn from the beginning, his mother is overly critical of his partners here. The moon is comfortable in the 5th house and because of this, this placement gives a person who cares about others feelings and has others interests at heart - this helps to evaluate why he is such a ‘pushover’ to Carolyn's needs. In terms of compatibility, the reason in which he and Carolyn worked well together is down to the fact they are both earth moons and therefore have a lot of the same goals, expressions of emotions and similar experiences. 
Sarah Lynn - Moon in Taurus, 1st House: The moon  in Taurus can be described as the most indulgent Taurus placement die to the vulnerability of the moon, this is actually a really good placement for emotions, making the subject process emotions quite well and be, generally quite empathetic. This is shown in Sarah Lynn’s dying speech to Bojack, where she is openly emotionally and has a magnificent ability in articulating the raw emotions and experiences of her life. She also caters to the emotional needs of others, an example being where she offered to get really high with Bojack when he came to her upset. However, this coping mechanism is de not great and we can relate this to the indulgence of the Taurus moon. This moon loves the finer things - seen through her extravagant house but this moon also loves to over indulge - seen in her addictions. This moon craves emotional security and security in general, maybe explaining her attachment to toxic figures in life. The Taurus moon’s mother may be seen as materialistic by the child. This is seen in Sarah's mum who forced her child into acting too young just so she could be rich. This moon can be argued to be placed in the fist house for multiple reasons. People with significant first house placements can be seen to be idealistic and youthful, this corresponds to the fact that even as she approaches middle age she remains very childlike. The first house also responds to appearances and approaches to life, something which is integral to Sarah Lynn's character and also to her emotional satisfaction, with, in the end, her realizing that it all means very little. In terms of compatibility, her Taurus moon compliments Bojack's Scorpio as both fixed signs are on an axis to one another, explaining their draw to each other, whether that be platonically or romantic.
Diane - Moon in Gemini, 12th House - Being ruled by mercury, Gemini moons are often very mercurial in nature, this definitely applies to Diane who ultimately makes this nature the basis of her entire career, from working at Buzzfeed to writing a book. Gemini Moons have a proclivity to other think every action they do, often thinking that they are making the wrong option. This is such a fatal flaw of Diane's character, from romantic relationships to Jobs she is always shrouded by worry and thinking that how she acts will be perceived in ways she does not want. This is especially poignant in her speech in one of the last episodes of the final scenes surrounding trauma and how it influences her writing. Gemini moons, as a byproduct of the planet mercury, have a natural proclivity to judge others, this cynical nature is definitely a key aspect of Diane's personality, being heightened when she argues with other characters, such as Bojack who, after his Oscar, she judges vehemently. The Gemini moon tends to have a lighthearted relationship with the mother, someone they perceive to be smart and caring, this of course does not transmute with Diane's family and for t his reason I believe that Diane’s moon is square the sun - giving a general variety of tension to any relationship - also signifying a bad familial bond. The 12th house, amongst other things can be seen as the self-enemy. The aspect of yourself that you seem to ruin. And it does seem that Diane's emotional outbursts repeatedly ruin or altercate different situations and relationships she is in. Specifically in the character arc of her trying to write a book. She acts as her own worst enemy, repeatedly self-sabotaging by other thinking about her own ability to even write a book. In terms of Moon signs we see Diane having a massive lack of compatibility with all the aforementioned characters, this just pertain to how it seemed she felt throughout the show, constantly misunderstood by the people around her. 
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stellaseas · 4 years
I think for the most part I liked the last few episodes of Bojack Horseman but there were some parts that really aren’t sitting well with me. I am in a bit of a bad place right now so there is a part of me that wants to blame it on that, I wasn’t as successful as putting off watching this as I have been with other things but if there were ever a group of writers that encouraged discourse...it’s the Bojack Horseman writers.
The first and perhaps more glaring to me involves Diane and I’m probably having a strong reaction to it because her story in this last season has hit so close to home with her struggles with depression and meds and writing. Scribble Diane? I understand that Diane. Overall I appreciate what they did with her, but a big part of her moving on and being able to take the steps she needed to was because she had a supportive partner and sometimes in this last half it almost felt supportive to an unrealistic degree. For a television show that tried to be (and more often than not succeeds to be) too damn real. Maybe I’m basing my reactions on too much on my own experiences, but being lucky enough to have a partner that would stick by you through all of that plus weight gain and relapses and give you space in a relationship (if you consider a relationship as an equal give and take) made Guy seems almost “too perfect” at times. The relationship had it’s hard times but never enough to feel as real as other parts of the show. Aside from one moment where we see Guy make a face while hugging Diane, he doesn’t seem all that put out by the emotional investments he’s making that don’t seem to be equal on Diane’s part. Again overall I still like this storyline but even the very tidy off-screen long distance “my boyfriend at the time” fake out seemed too easy and at least for me unrealistic. It’s hard for me to imagine there are a lot of guys like um, Guy, out there in the world. In fact, while I sit here and type this, I think it’s the storyline I’m having the strongest emotional reaction too. Wouldn’t it be nice to meet a guy like Guy (someone who’s endlessly patient with your bullshit and lets you live in his house while he goes off to work and doesn’t care about the weight you gain and is always checking in on you and rarely gets bothered by symptoms even when they effect his ability to enjoy things) but he’s not real, it’s more fantasy than anything, a nice “what if” that would be unfair to ask of any real world person.
The second part, and this is more minor in comparison, involves Princess Carolyn and Judah. At first I was really happy about what I saw with them but the more I think about it, I’m not so sure. I was and am elated to see him back and see a good amount of time dedicated to him both in and out of the office but...did I want them to be romantic? Or did I want Princess Carolyn to find a person that understood her and supported her as a true friend and partner in her work life? Because...she’s still his boss and we’re recognizing the power Bojack had in his relationship with PC when he met her, shouldn’t we acknowledge it with PC and Judah? I know they didn’t have sex right away but isn’t that power thing still apart of their relationship at least for all the time we see them together? I think Ralph was still a good romantic part for her and is it all that realistic for PC to be able to so perfectly marry her work and romantic and family life all into the same relationship? Is it still a balancing act if there’s really only one (okay two counting the baby) people to balance?  I think the writers wrestled well throughout all the seasons with PC’s quest to “get it all” and I’m glad they showed other women struggling with it too. But then in end, she does get it all? Is that something that’s still possible in this day and age? I don’t think PC had to reckon with some of her shitty behavior the way other characters did, I think she definitely meant well...most of the time and had more challenges to face in life that (unlike Bojack) originated externally from things beyond her control (and not because of the bad choices she made) so ultimately it doesn’t bother me that much, but it does stick in my mind. 
I think both issues can be summed up in the same way. Were they satisfying? Yes. Were they deserved? Yes, as much as anyone deserves. Am I happy about it? I think so? At least, coming off a year where so many big endings were so unsatisfying or lazy or thoughtless or based not in character or story or theme, Yes. Did they feel real? In a way that was relatable? Or probable? I...don’t know.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Be honest with yourself, are you proud of your actions? Yes. If there’s one good thing going for me it’s that I’m happy with the things I’ve done, overall. I regret few of my actions.
Have you ever had an operation? No, and the thought scares me to be honest. I get uncomfortable with the idea of being put under anaesthesia or being cut open D:
Favorite sit-down restaurant? Yabu, Frankie’s, or Mendokoro Ramenba. Missing all these places bigtime, too. I can’t wait to start getting my internship money, heh. Chicken wings will probably be one of the first things I’d buy.
What have you eaten today? I had sushi bake with nori sheets in the afternoon, during a lull at work.
Who has made you laugh the hardest in the last week? Rhett and Link, if people from YouTube count. But Angela made me laugh quite a bit today, if you’re looking for an irl person.
If you had to get a tattoo on your face to save your life, what would it be? But would I be down with the tattoo...? Probably should have been the first question you asked, haha.
What is something you find romantic? I like different ways of saying I love you without having to say those words. Like, “I thought of you when I saw this,” or “Should I drive to you?” or “Did you get home safe?” Those are my favorite things to hear when in a relationship; it makes me feel I’m looked out for, which I appreciate.
What is your style? Sometimes I like going the 90s route with graphic tees and high-waist denim jeans, but other days I like to look more modern or chic.
If you could be doing anything you like right now, what would it be? Not that I enjoy doing it, but I’d love to visit Nacho’s resting place right now. I’m just not sure if I’m allowed to go out at this time. I’m certainly hoping he wasn’t alone today and that he got a lot of love.
What is the best movie you have ever seen? Good Will Hunting.
What makes you attracted to the person you like right now? Intelligence.
What, if anything, is too serious to be joked about? I don’t appreciate jokes on miscarriages and rape, and those that poke fun at transphobia. Jokes on suicide and mental health issues can sometimes be offensive, but it depends on the context.
How long was your longest relationship? 4 years.
Would you rather live in a castle or a spaceship? I’d take the castle. I personally prefer the spaceship a lot more, but I feel like I’d be barfing in there a lot lmao. Also, the amount of controls and buttons that I’ll have to move around will probably overwhelm me.
Have you ever felt unimportant in someone’s life? Unfortunately, yes.
Has someone ever made you a Build-A-Bear? No. Not my gift of choice either, so I’d say it’s a good thing that no one has made one for me.
Did you have any unread texts this morning? I don’t think so, no.
What are your initials? RIAC.
What is your definition of “having sex”? I don’t feel like describing it in detail lol, just look it up.
Who was the last person you were “in a relationship with” on Facebook (including anyone you may have put “in a relationship with” for a joke)? I never used that feature on Facebook. I don’t like sharing too much personal info on there, because Filipino relatives tend to be nosy and gossip around lol. All they need to see are the memes I share and my political stances.
Do you think a relationship with a 16-year-old girl and a 35-year-old man would work out? Do you think age differences like that (when they’re under 18) should be legal? 16 years old...say that again, but slowly. That’s pretty disgusting.
Were you ever “the other man/woman”? How did it turn out? How do you feel about it today? No. I’d never want to be; I wouldn’t know how to deal with it if I ever found out I was one.
What do you think of open relationships? If your partner suggested it, what would you say? i dont care what other people do, but that is not for me.  < Sums it up well.
Would you ever date out of your race? I’m open to it. I don’t see why I shouldn’t be.
Who were you with yesterday? Just family, but I was mostly by myself.
Have you ever had a reptile for a pet? Nope.
What time do you have to get up tomorrow? My work starts at 9 AM so I always have to be up by then, but because I like taking a shower and polishing the work I did the day before, I personally like to be ready anywhere between 8–8:30 AM.
Have you ever kissed anyone with a tattoo? I never have.
What kinds of alcohol do you like? I like cocktails; I like having a good, chill time with friends and I’m usually not in a hurry to get drunk, so cocktails are the perfect drinks for me for most situations. As for hard drinks, I usually go for tequila shots and whatever Bacardi is.
Did you have a swing set when you were a kid? We didn’t, but as a kid I regularly came over to my cousins’ place who did have a playground and they had a variety of swings that I loved riding.
Can you do the alphabet in sign language? Incompletely.
Have you ever been so hurt that you wanted to stop feeling completely? Of course.
State you most want to visit? Illinois, but only for Chicago.
What is a book that you really want to read? I’m not really eyeing any at the moment, but I’m currently reading Midnight Sun. Except by ‘currently’ I really mean reading a few pages or so once a week lol. I’ve always been terrible at reading books as a teenager/adult.
What brand was the last lotion that you used? I don’t remember anymore. I don’t use lotion often.
What color is your underwear? Green.
What was the last type of cookie that you ate? Sandwich cookies. They were Oreos.
If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be? In a happier place, mentally. I’d give an arm and a leg to be there rn.
What genre was the last song you listened to? R&B I think.
What sort of surveys catch your interest and which ones bore you? I like ones with random questions or those with themes that I can relate to, like college or film surveys. I can’t say I enjoy surveys that ask what kind of X you are and then just lists down traits that you’re asked to bold or not. Bolding surveys can also be kinda bleh, but I like putting my own twist on them and elaborating on each entry so that I don’t finish them too quickly.
What books do you usually enjoy reading and which do you not enjoy? I enjoy autobiographies. I don’t like the fantasy and epic genres, or anything that has too many fictional or supernatural elements.
What is something that you really want to try, whether it’s a hobby, food, etc.? Baking! I feel like it would be therapeutic for me, so it’s something I want to get into. It’d be awesome to master chocolate chip cookies.
What websites do you frequent most often? YouTube these days, for sure. I also use a lot of Google Suite for work.
The last person you found attractive — what did they look like? Big eyes, medium-length hair, bright smile.
If you could go back in time, would you prefer to go forward or backward? this question is so jacked LOL. "if you could go back, would you go foward?" go away. < Hahahaha true, but I’d go forward in time. I want to fast forward to feeling happy again, if that will even be the correct guess.
Post a link to the last video you watched online. Aw man, your timing made me a little sad. I’m currently watching the GMM episode that featured Kobe Bryant a few years ago.
Is there anything bothering you at the moment? You bet there is.
What color was the last shirt you wore? I’m wearing a black and white striped shirt right now, but the one I wore before this had a leopard print.
What sort of things do you like to post or look at on Tumblr? I just do surveys full-time now, man. I hopped off the fandom side of Tumblr 6-7 years ago and this has been my ~main blog since, if I had to call it anything.
What scent was the last candle you burned? It was just a plain candle that we had to light up because we had a blackout. I don’t really get my own candles to relax or whatever.
What type of people are you usually attracted to? I’m demi, so it will always differ. I don’t have a ‘type’ of person.
Do you collect anything? If so, what? Can’t say I do.
When you look to your left, what is the first thing you see? What about the right? I see my bed on the left, and the wall and the glare from my phone on the right.
What room are you currently in? What color are the walls/floor? I’m in my bedroom. Walls are white, floor is brown.
What color is the last blanket you used? Pink but it has polka dots of various colors. My light is currently turned off and it’s dark, though, so I don’t feel like reaching for my blanket just to list down its other colors.
What do you smell like right now? I think I just smell like person...I wasn’t around strong scents today.
If it was possible to celebrate a holiday everyday, which would you choose? That would get boring really fast, but idk...Christmas, I guess? It’d be nice to have big grand dinners everyday and to see regularly relatives I only see 1-2 times a year.
If you could compare yourself to a celebrity or character, who would it be? Mr. Peanutbutter from BoJack Horseman. Loyal, wacky, covers everything up with humor, very expressive when it comes to love.
Which male celebrities do you find attractive? Timothée Chalamet, Troye Sivan, Mark Ruffalo.
Which female celebrities do you find attractive? Kristen Stewart, Kate Winslet, Rosamund Pike, Claire Foy, Courteney Cox, Mila Kunis, Emma Stone.
If you could marry one of your favorite celebrities and have a happy relationship until the end of your days, who would it be? I’d go with Mark Ruffalo, heh
What song are you listening to at the moment? I have Good Mythical Morning on, not music.
What is currently on your desk? Just my headphones at the moment. I usually use my laptop on the desk too, but right now I prefer to be on the floor just because.
What brand is your computer? Apple.
What are the last things you ate and drank? For eat, I had sushi bake with nori sheets. For drink, I had water.
How often do you take naps and how long do they usually last? I take naps in the afternoon but only on weekends now, because work. How long they last always varies, depending on how hot it is in my room. Higher temperature = quicker, less satisfying naps.
Which season do you wish lasted all year? I definitely wish we got rain all year.
What is the last part of your body that itched? My back.
Is there anything that you should be doing right now? Nope. My day is over and I’m happy to take a survey or two tonight.
Is there anything you’re craving right now? Pad thai. I did ask my dad to make it again, so I should expect it any day soon.
How do you take your tea? I don’t drink tea.
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gutsxalucard-blog · 5 years
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Below are a list of DBZ Cos Ready to rp with. I usually rp as Gohan
Gohan Son/Son Gohan
Hero of Time, Hero of the Mystic Sword
Human-Saiyan hybrid
Saffron Henderson (kid) & Brad Swaile (teen +)
Son Bulma| Status 《Alive》
Son Goku| Status 《Deceased》
Bardock| Status 《Deceased》
Fasha| Status 《Deceased》
Goku (martial arts), Bulma (inventions, education & tech) and Tapion (swordsmanship)
Best friend:
Ginjo-shu (Chi-chi and Yamcha's son)
Love interest:
Bubble the Majin (from an alternate universe)
Unlike his canon counterpart, Gohan is selfish, intelligent in both fighting and inventing, he also is still short tempered but calm and a lot more confident confronting enemies.
However, he is caring and lighthearted in his downtime like his dad but pulls no punches in battle and never underestimates his opponants.
Intelligence level:
Genius in fighting and technology. Is well versed in wormholes, repairing and Building as well as a strategic confident but not cocky fighter.
{Hair color} Purple (respectfully same as Trunks and this version of Bluma who retains her manga version hair color)
{Hairstyle} resembles cannon Gohan's hairstyle.
{Eye color} blue
{Boots & Gloves} made by Bulma with Capsule Corp logo on the boots.
{Gi} inspired by Goku, altered by King Kai upon personal request.
{Accessories} Tapion's mystical sword, ocarina and scarf.
Job occupation:
Helps Bulma run Capsule Corp and is a Z-fighter under the leadership of Piccolo. Training to be an inventor/business partner while keeping in top physical shape.
{Raditz, Vegeta, Nappa, Turles, Lord Slug, Dr. Willow (replaces Dr. Gero), The Ginyu Force, Frieza, Leech, Cooler & King Cold, Bojack}
Attacks, Abilities & Transformations:
Personal {Scatter Shot, Flair Shot, Hyper Wave Buster, Spirit Sword, TK Blast, TK Push, TK Shield, Mystic Kaio-ken (kaio-ken + Rage Boost mode changing red ki to white into a perfected version of the technique), Dragon Knee Strike (executed with his knee similar to the Dragon Fist)}
Tapion {Brave Cannon, Brave Slash, Melody of Containment (activated with Tapion's Ocarina through a melody and can trap enemies within his ocarina and summon and control them if they're weak minded.) }
Super Saiyan form is potentially achievable but he has not achieved it yet so far in his story.
Second strongest under Kami fused Piccolo.
Tapion's Sword and Ocarina
Gohan took up an interest in Wormholes and with the help of his mother, instead of a time machine, they managed to construct a device Bulma ends up calling a "Universe Hopper" which gave him access to create small windows to wormholes.
The son of Bulma and Goku from another universe. Most of what has been discussed by Masakox in his what if vids had come to pass in the first few stories that were told except that his tail was removed on the day he was born since she knew the reprocutions of having it around and Goku died finishing off Frieza with Namek still blowing up.
However, unlike his version, not only did he get to train with his dad and King Kai but also Tapion in swordsmanship and after the Namik saga it becomes more of a traditional adventure story with Gohan, Leech and Ginjo-shu mirroring Goku, Bulma and Yamcha in DB up to when Gohan reaches adulthood. They even get to visit other worlds thanks to Gohan and Bulma's new wormhole tech.
Gohan grew up with Ginjo-shu and Leech twins of Chi-chi and Yamcha and sparred together. They even teamed up to face new threats along their parents as occasional Z-Fighters.
He never masters the Kamehameha since he wanted to stray away from being cliche and respect that the technique was his dad's Roshi's and Krillin's since he already learned to master and unlock a new perfected form of Kaio-ken which he named "Mystic Kaio-ken" (a nod to the Mystic form of the cannon Gohan) and basic martial arts from his father, that it was enough to develope his own techniques.
Being that he's more of a fighting and technological genius thanks to his mother Bulma. In this universe, Goku had died after Namek had blown up unable to make it out in time. However, at this time Goku had married Bulma and they had a child. Goku is last seen on Namik as are the three as a family. He sacrifices himself to finish off Frieza deciding to stay dead and pass on the toech to his son Gohan so he can start having his own adventures with Leech and Ginjo-shu and return frequently to join the z-fighters when a new threat arrives. This is his story.
Nonexisting characters of this universe
{Cell, Buu, Abdroids, fusion, Janimba, anything/anyone from Super.}
Deceased Characters
{Raditz} killed by Piccolo
{Vegeta } killed in the Saiyan Arc by Gohan
{The Ginyu Force} by Goku, Gohan and Krillin
{Bulma} by Frieza which triggered Goku skipping SSJ to an ascended SSJ. Later revived by Dende's Dragon Balls.
{Frieza} killed by Goku
{Goku} died from Namek expliding sacrificing himself to kill Frieza. Requested to remain dead.
{King Cold} killed by his son Cooler due to a disagreement
{Lord Slug} By Gohan and Piccolo
Living/ Reoccurring characters
{Bulma (died once but brought back to life), The Z-Fighters, Turles (reoccurring villain), Cooler}
Additional story changes to other characters
Chi-chi got together with Yamcha and they had twins. Chi-chi also has been an established Z-fighter and fights along side her husband Yamcha after Goku died giving her inspiration and reason to join. She did quit for a while to help raise her two children but later joined again with her children also becoming members of the team.
Bulma in this universe retains her purple hair from the manga to make it easier to distinguish between the two separate versions from the two worlds.
Frieza is female in this world, Goku's mother is Fasha and Krillin ends up with Marron from the Garlic Jr. Saga then with Launch from dragon ball who later got married.
After Bulma's first death on Namik before she was revived, instead of going super saiyan, Goku lost his mind and skipped a level becoming an ascended Super Saiyan (same form Vegeta and Trunks achieved during the Cell saga).
At the age of 10, Gohan had a period of peace after the defeat of Frieza
There's a time skip to when Lord Slug came into the picture then another when Cooler arrived. Bu this time, Gohan is an adult.
Lord Slug, Turles and Cooler are reoccurring villains of this universe and might team up in the future against the Z-Fighters.
Disclaimer: None of these are my original works all rights go to the original creators including the DA user for the adult version of my character: https://orco05.deviantart.com/art/David-Dragon-Ball-Z-OC-347117969
All I did was super impose him and edit the color palette as well as added the sword and ocarina.
Name meaning:
a type of sake
Best friend:
Son Gohan
Attack list:
Fox Claw
Fox Hyper Beam
Spirit Boomerang
Quick tempered, naive, caring, open with his feelings and stuborn to a fault. He's also loyal but also a bit of a hentai. His love interest is yet to be determined.
Ginjo-shu was born along with his twin sister Leech, both offsprings of Yamcha and Chi-chi. After missing her opportunity at her last ditch effort to win over Goku over their promise they made, it was Yamcha who came in and swept her off her feet. It was a relationship meant to be, one that was not onesided and Yamcha to this day still loves Chi-chi and is there for her. Ginjo-shu is the scolar to be the ideal son for Chi-chi and studies hard. He does train once in a while with his parents and has a sibling rivalry with his twin sister who was born from unpredictable circomstances. With her dark side growing, she was unable to surpress her dark nature and turned on everyone becoming the enemy they had hoped to avoid.
After the loss of Goku, he joins his sister and Gohan to journey around the world and to different universes to have adventures of their own.
[B] Name:
Human-Namekian Hybrid (Lord Slug's DNA)
Yamcha/Lord Slug
[B]Attack list:
Beam from mouth
Rapid fire ki blasts
Able to stretch her limbs
Enhanced hearing
Leech is a biproduct of Lord Slug who implanted his DNA into Chi-chi's embryo with the intention to maintain his legacy upon him taking his last breath before dying. Lord Slug was the main villain for the Z-Fighters after Freiza before Cooler's arival. Lord Slug was the last survivor of planet Namik and sought out to avenge Frieza's death since he was working in secret under his influence. With the help of the Z-Fighters, kid Gohan put a stop to Lord Slug, killing him in the process.
After a few years of being raised, Leech showed signs of her darker nature taking hold of her. This forced Piccolo's hand to step in not wanting another Lord Slug on their hands and by this time Piccolo had decided to fuse with Kami since Lord Slug proved to be more than a formatable foe giving him status of being the strongest of the Z-Fighters since he out powers Goku's Super Saiyan mode. Leech was Piccolo's awakening into his turning over a new leaf since he didn't have Gohan to help him out this time.
She later warms up to Gohan and joins him and her twin to have epic adventures, returning to reunite with the others when a new threat arrives.
Although all Namekians are males, Leech was born under unusual circumstances through bioengineering of Slug's DNA into the female embryo creating the first ever human namekian hybrid female.
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brittanyyoungblog · 6 years
OkCupid Profile Examples for Women: Tips & Templates
If you’re having trouble with your OkCupid profile you’re not the only one. The app prides itself on having profiles that are longer than most dating apps, but you might be asking yourself what you could possibly say in 10 prompts that you couldn’t say in one short bio?
Well, quite a bit actually. I’m here to show you that you can (and should) say more in your OkCupid profile. Because on the OkCupid app, the whole game is to find your ideal match, whether your looking for a long-term relationship or one-night stand and that extensive profile is there to help two people (you and your future date) looking for the same thing find each other faster.
Here are some OkCupid profile examples for women as well as a quick overview of what the profile looks like and tips to give you some ideas and inspiration.
OkCupid Profile Overview Before we dive into profile examples for each section, let’s examine exactly what goes into an OkCupid profile since there’s more to take in.
General information This is the easy part and includes your gender, relationship status, orientation, height, body type, ethnicity, diet, drinking style, drugs and smoking style, religion, education, kids, pets, and language you speak.
My self-summary Well, in this case it’s your self-summary, but you get what I mean. This is where you’re going to need to use the bulk of your writing skills since it’s open-ended, is the first thing people see after your general info, and can include anything you want.
What I’m doing with my life This is included in almost everyone’s profile and can either be a short one-liner—something as simple as “I’m a teacher”—or a longer explanation of where you are in your life.
Additional profile prompts After the What I’m doing with my life section, OkCupid will give you around seven more prompts that include things like: I’m really good at, My golden rule, Six things I could never do without, The last show I binged, A perfect day, If I went to jail, I’d be arrested for, What I’m actually looking for, or Six favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food. Depending on the prompt you may want to answer with one sentence or a paragraph. It’s up to you but recommended that you do answer as many as you can.
OkCupid Profile Examples for Women
My self-summary Me: Just your neighborhood A dog-loving, marathon running, accountant. That’s me by day, anyway. By nighttime I’m tearing up the dancefloor at your local disco club. (Fair warning: I’m not a good dancer, just full of blind confidence.) You: Prepared to go on spontaneous adventures and luxurious vacations. Must love mountaintops and warm beaches. Sleep is for the weak.
Most people that know me would say I’m Fun-loving, funny, passionate and horribly addicted to my guacamole. Seriously. I’ll put avocado on anything. That said I’ll also share it with you, if you’re nice. Weekends are for binging BoJack Horseman reruns, improv, and picnics in the park. Mimosas anyone?
One day, I would like to climb Mt. Everest. Don’t you know it’s dangerous? Yes, I do, thanks. Aren’t you scared? Just a little. Don’t you think that’s a little… If you have any more doubtful questions, just move along. I’m a big girl and I’ve been climbing since I was a little kid. I want to stand on the tallest point in the whole world and no one’s going to stop me. Who knows? Maybe you’ll be end up in the party.
Tip 1: You in a Nutshell If you ran into the love of your life in an elevator and you had eight floors to catch their fancy, what would you say? This is a good exercise for writing a basic self-summary. Try boiling your life story down. It’s good to start with your job, your hobbies, your passions. Are your friends everything? Do you have a dog that you love dearly? Oftentimes, just this info can offer enough insight for someone glancing over your profile to decide if they should send you a message. So be genuine and be brief.
Tip 2: Passion is Sexy It’s okay if you’re not at the top of your career yet or don’t have it all figured out. The key is “yet.” Passion, confidence, and dreams are attractive, and you can share that stuff here. So whatever it is that you yearn to do in the bottom of your heart, shout it loud and shout it proud. It’s okay if you’re not quite there yet. There’s nothing wrong with that. And who knows, you might find a partner for the journey.
My patronus is A black and white cat. I was hoping for something noble like a lion or stag. Heck, a llama, even. Nope. I got a housecat. If you take the Pottermore quiz and get a dog or a mouse or something like that, feel free to message me. J.K. Rowling is trying to tell us something.
I like to make paintings. Wow, that sounds weird. I like to paint paintings. I’m a painter. Not quite Frida Kahlo, but miles ahead of high school art class. I’m self taught and always look for any excuse to get into my studio (read as tarp on my kitchen floor). Firm believer that there’s nothing quite like the feeling of a brush stroke on canvas or walking through half your house before realizing you’ve left trail of acrylic paint footprints. Artsy or fartsy, holler at me!
My weirdest quirk I was born with an extra toe on my left foot. (It was removed, so don’t ask to see it!) I’m also a competitive partner dancer, who can keep balance for the life of her outside of the dance floor. Is there a connection between ghost toe and my deficiency? I don’t know, mom, is there??
Tip 3: What do you do to pass the time For the doers and makers, movers and shakers out there, what are you doing and making? If you have a closet hobby, what is it? These little quiet passions add depth to your profile. They really help other daters get a feel for who you are. You don’t have to be a master cross-stitcher or certified metal worker, but these activities will make it easy for others to connect and give you something to chat about.
Tip 4: Quirky is in, so let your freak flag fly Yep, it’s true. We’ve officially embraced the weird. It’s a good time to be a nerd, geek, or just a little bit out there. There’s no perfect “normal,” so tell people what makes you different. Acknowledging the things that make you unique and loving them is a great way to show confidence, which is always attractive. Putting your quirks in your profile will always set you apart from the crowd.
Six things I could never do without Water, food, air, shelter, clothes, human attention. There’s probably more, but that’s the best I can do right now.
I value My family. I know it sounds corny, but I’m not ashamed to say it. Family comes first. Blood is thicker than water and all that. We’ve been through a lot together and in those hard moments our strength together is what gets us through. No doubt about it.
I spend a lot of time thinking about The universe and how small we are in it. I could watch space documentaries for weeks on end—that and listen to Neil Degrasse Tyson’s voice. I feel like I’m smarter listening to anything he narrates. Cosmos and chill?
Tip 5: We are what we need We all have the things we need—whether it’s family, god, or Taco Bell’s Crunchwrap Supreme, the things we love aren’t going to change anytime soon. Incidentally, they’re also a great way to show other daters what you’re about. Remember the key is to find common ground and show personality.
Tip 6: I am defined by If you have core beliefs that you can’t do without, best to get them out in the open. Waiting till your tenth date to reveal that you’re an environmental activist and ethical vegan may not be the best approach for finding a compatible mate. The things that keep you up at night keep other people at night too.
A book everyone should read The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway. A friend group parties across France and Spain and teaches us that “classic” books don’t just have to be a slog. It’s a quick, fun read, but still makes you feel the feels. I finished it this summer in just one day and it left me lost in thought and wondering about my next raucous party.
My favorite bands in high school Smash Mouth, and Yellowcard. I know it’s embarrassing. Please don’t judge. I’m ready to be better now I swear! Message me with your most embarrassing fandom, so I know it’s real.
Best day of my life so far The first week after I got my puppy Benny we went to the dog park for the first time. He ran in circles for 10 minutes before tuckering himself out and passing out in my lap belly up. We spent the rest of the day munching on doggie treats and popcorn watching the Flintstones. It’s been three years and he’s still the love of my life, but we’re open to meeting new people.
Tip 7: Artsy and fartsy Talking about what we read and what we’ve seen is house we shoot the breeze. This is your opportunity to get intellectual with your obscure book recommendations or relive your angst of your teenage years with your favorite high school bands. This could be a genuine way to make a connection through sharing your refined current taste or poking fun at your poor past taste. That’s up to you.
Tip 8: The perfect day For some of us it’s finding 20 dollars on the ground. For others, it’s a day of hiking with your best friends. Either way, the little things that rub us the right way say a lot about what we like in our partners. Being honest and fun here will get you more messages (and will help give other singles some good ideas for dates).
My relationship with my mother is the perfect friendship, which is how it should be! We’re a tag team duo for yoga and brunch (sometimes back-to-back). I share almost everything with her, so if you’re going to be mine, you’re going to have to be hers, too. Proud mama’s girl through and through.
You should message me if you’re looking to date in a low commitment, long-term relationship. Finishing up school is my number one priority right now, and I can’t give too much to a deeply invested relationship. You should also message me you’re career driven (it’s attractive!) and can keep up a good banter (also attractive!). Driven, smart, funny, that’s the combo~
I will never date someone that thinks that vacations are for relaxing. Time away from work is for scuba diving, surfing, sightseeing, and anything else that involves not sitting still. I live for adventure and I’m looking for someone to tag along (and occasionally lead the way). Think you’re up for the challenge? Submit your application below. *Due to high volume of incoming applications, we sincerely apologize that we can only reply to the ones that we think are the best fit for this position.
Tip 9: Be upfront and open It’s okay to be genuine. In fact, it’s the best way to be. Being a vulnerable in dating means that you’re confident in sharing yourself, that you’re not worried about being hurt by what people think. Now that’s a good way to be.
Tip 10: Honesty is the golden rule Honest is the best policy. Always has been and still is. If you’re looking for a particular kind of relationship this is a good place to put it out there. Being forward about what you want may save some time and pain coming from mismatched expectations later down the road. On a more simple dating app, you might be able to leave this sort of stuff out, but because OkCupid is so comprehensive it doesn’t hurt to add.
So that’s it! Go ahead and get out there. OkCupid has a longer profile than most other apps, but in the end it’s not too different. As always, the key is to be funny, genuine, and honest. Your natural attractive qualities will shine through. Good luck!
The post OkCupid Profile Examples for Women: Tips & Templates appeared first on The Date Mix.
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