#with a cute fuffy scarf
bri-the-nautilus · 10 months
Eleonora/Roderika outfit swap
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image by zlofsky2nd on Twitter
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ex-vengeancedemon · 2 years
In the Name of Being Honest
Hey, I wrote a Fuffy fic! Fic inspired by this post by @starsandmoongay
Summary: Buffy finds a scarf she lent Faith. Buffy's POV on Buffy and Faith's fight during Graduation Day Part I. Title from Taylor Swift's song All Too Well.
Buffy had forgotten about it.
She didn’t know how she could have forgotten about it.
She’d lent Willow a hat once - a cute, white knit one - and had badgered her friend about it for weeks when she kept forgetting to return it. Buffy didn’t even really care about the hat, she had plenty of them, but it was a cute accessory and she didn’t just forget about those.
But the scarf was a different story. Not that there was anything particularly special about the scarf. It wasn’t designer or new or even all that expensive.
She had picked out the red cashmere scarf when she was about fourteen during a shopping trip with her parents. Like the scarf, the shopping trip hadn’t been anything special. Maybe they had been doing some school shopping or just killing time on a slow weekend. It wasn’t often that Hank got enough time off work to come with on such occasions, but he’d been there that day. Buffy remembered both her parents smiling, both at her and at each other, back before Buffy was ever called as a Slayer. Buffy didn’t recall noticing the underlying tension between her parents back then or, if she had, there was none that day.
It was the last time Buffy could remember really being a normal girl.
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r41nbowrumpusp4rty · 4 years
this is not what yall signed up 4 when u made the mistake of following my blog, but i wanna talk bout some ideas i had about a new toy line so imma ramble into the internet void.
I like to keep up with toy lines that come out and in that vein i also like to trash talk blindboxes when theyre done wrong and praise them when done right. In an ideal world you could buy just one blind box and have fun with what you get, and minimal waste. theres also the want to be happy with what u get even if it wasent the ONE you wanted, I usually see this done best with quality in the product and every character being well designed. i once saw a doll line that had poofy scented hair and you could see what color hair u get through the packaging, which makes a ton of sense to me cus to a child the hair color on a hair centric doll is the most important thing.
all of this was context to talk about a new toy line ive been following where u unwind a ball of different yarns to find a cute plush animal and all the stuff u need to make a buncha crafts. now i can talk about what i think would be cool in the next series of this toy line,
1 i think it would be rad if the box it came in looked like a lil house and the window u see the yarn ball through looked like the window of the house.
2 I think the outer most yarn on the ball should indicate something about the pet, a lot of blindboxes will split their characters into themes like "fairy tale" or "desserts" and i think having a yarn color scheme for each theme would help in making sure that u get something u like. another idea in this vein would be having the box house from idea one have something on it to indicate what kinda animal u r getting like a horse box would look like a stable or a dog house has a dog bone outside.
3 they should switch up some of the crafts, rn we got pom poms, frienship bracelets, a pet collar and a bed. their social media also shows different methods to do each craft which is cool. I think some crafts they could have in the future are things like fingerknitting (maybe starting with a pet scarf and working up to sewing the scarves together into a blanket for your pet), sewing together a lil bag so u can take ur pet on adventures, if they dont make the box a cute reusable house they could make a cut out loom or a box weaving project where you cut slits n the box an weave the yarn to make it look like a basket. i also like the idea of making pet clothes and stuff too. maybe they could include a lil knitting spool in the center instead of the pom pom maker. another tool that could go in the middle is a friendship bracelet circle loom thingy and in the mold of these things they could make it look like a dinner table or somethin. it seems like theyre aiming the base craft at a younger audience and using the online videos to show more complex ways of doing it, which is good but kids are smarter than a lot of people give em credit for, they can do a lot more kinds of crafts. last note on this, the fluffy most "yarn" on the outside works great for pet bed stuffing but if theres no pet bed project you could change that outermost yarn to a bulky fuffy kind for finger knitting.
4 they outghta think through the yarn colors more, more different colors in each ball so each of ur diys look different, but also having the colors make sense for the pet (which is why splitting the pets into themed groups would be a good idea(another thought is to have one of each animal per theme)) and any charms they include could be better matched to the pet
5 how are there not any traditional yarn pets (sheep alpaca rabbit ect) ?! i know all the yarn is acrylic but it would be so cute. on the instructions there should be a "fluff your pet out" step on the instructions (just write it cuter like "give your new pal a few pats to smooth them out" or something) its not vital but i think it would add something nice.
6 the lil charms for friendship bracelet (if they redid that craft) would be cooler if they were a bit more pet accessory esq, like it could be a charm but it also is a comb (blunt and wide tooth to keep the yarn hair nice) or a pet toy charm like a little mouse or a
7 the youtube should expand to more accessible crafts 4 kids, i remember being a youngin and wanting to do crafts from a book but lacking all the supplies, with this u r only missing sisscors and you can take the knowledge from these crafts and use whatever yarn u want for them and re do most of them missing clips or charms. They could show how to knit with pencils or maybe even show some papercrafts like a simple origami drawer to hold your pets belongings.
final thoughts (if you made it this low i commend your fortitude though my poor grammar) I like this toy line and can see how it could be a toy that a child gets and treasures for many years, i also like the different ways to do each craft. I hope that this toy line dosent end up one of the more "collect them all!" types cuz while that might work well for the instagram moms with youtube channels where they get paid to review toys it dosent work as well for the kid whose been saving up their pocket money and wants to get something that they will have a ton of fun with.
just in case anyone up in the raveltales office sees this, i promise i can be more coherent, and i do have more nifty ideas ;)
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