#btvs one shot
Mistletoe- Spike
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Pairing: Spike x Reader
Characters: Spike
Warnings: N/A
Request: Wattpad- Hello! Can I have a spike x (gender neutral if you do can) reader that they up kissing under the mistletoe and later confess they like each other
Word Count: 406
Author: Charlotte
It was hard to not find Spike infuriating. Being a vampire, you instantly felt the need to dislike him but also his personality was far from helpful in bringing you around to him. The more time you spent with him, the more you wanted to stake him but that didn’t mean part of you wasn’t intrigued by the vampire you were stuck spending time with. You hated the fact that you found him attractive, you hated the part of you that felt intrigued by the vampire.
You were currently on Spike watch, stuck in Giles’ apartment making sure Spike didn’t do anything too stupid. Even with the festive decorations around each room, reminding you it was coming up to Christmas, you couldn’t find the spirit you’d normally feel when you were ready to pull your hair out due to the current company.
“I swear, Spike,” you huffed. “If you keep on complaining, I’m going to handcuff you to the shower again.”
You had planned to make a cup of tea, but you feared what you would do with the kettle if he continued to follow you around the apartment, moaning about the conditions he was kept in and how much he disliked every little thing about his current life.
“All I’m saying is that this is an inhumane,” he frowned.
“Well, you’re inhuman so that seems rather fair.”
Spike made another whining noise just as you entered the kitchen, forcing you to spin on your heel to snap at the vampire. Before you could say anything, you noticed him looking up at the sprig of leaves hanging above you in the doorway.
He smirked. “Well, I’m not one to break tradition.”
Your jaw stiffened at the thought, unsure if it was from wanting to kiss him or from hating the idea but maybe it was a bit of both.
“If you think I’m going to kiss you, then you’ll be mistaken.”
He took a step closer to you, lessening the gap between you.
“Don’t pretend that you don’t look at me when you think I’m not paying attention,” he said, letting his hand wander to your hip.
“I-I-I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you croaked, your throat becoming dry.
“Of course, you don’t sweetheart,” he chuckled.
You went to try and argue for your pride but before another word could escape you, he had closed the gap between you, your lips pressing firmly together.
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all-seeing-ifer · 1 year
seeing buffy being so happy and giddy about her slayer powers in tabula rasa and knowing she can only be this carefree when she doesn't even remember who she is is soooooo crushing. and man what an episode for sarah michelle gellar like the difference between regular buffy and buffy without her memories is so palpable in everything about how she carries herself
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jennycalendar · 3 months
i really forgot that willow, xander, and cordelia do the heavy lifting re: investigating this episode! i have two thoughts on this.
it is unbelievably, immensely cute and sweet that these kids are so ready to prove buffy's innocence and figure out exactly what was up with ted through after-hours detective work, and it so demonstrates their incredible capacity to work both as individuals and as a team! willow is the one who figures out the cookies are drugged, xander is the one who ate the cookies and proved they were drugged (in my book this counts as helping. this is xander's form of helping), and cordelia is the one who finds ted's records and address. they all do so much. they are all so smart.
giles's contributions to this situation are a net zero, because he is very busy getting shot by jenny and then getting taken back by jenny. a+ work from giles all around.
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enigmatist17 · 2 months
Just a fun idea that hit me after watching the shitshow that is season 3 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Part 2
Bright blue eyes stare down the small gurgling bundle below in a bassinet that had seen better days.
"Are you soddin' kiddin' me?"
The baby coos at his voice, before starting to cry when he doesn't pick it up. Spike sighs, and after dabbing some blood from the poor demonic bastards that tried to kill him for snooping around, he carefully lifts the little boy up and into his arms.
"Oi, none of that fussin' now, it'll be alright." He keeps his tone soft as he rocks the little baby back and forth, the cries dying down after a few minutes. "There we are, no cryin' needed."
Spike had just been out for patrol like any other night when he'd picked up a strange scent near the docking district, the vampire zeroing in out of curiosity. Some demons had set up shop in one of the lesser-used warehouses, a mostly militant group judging by the fact they were all on a constant lookout, guarding the source of the strange scent while they seemed to just wait.
It was a baby, small thing that he couldn't pretend to guess the age of, crying out constantly for comfort.
So, gracious man he was, Spike went to town before the demons knew what hit them. He was two demons down when he realized the baby had stopped crying and started giggling at the violence around it, and Spike couldn't help but laugh along with it. Now, here he was, the Slayer of Slayer's holding a baby that smelled like his grandsire and was hungry with the way it was wiggling.
"Right...uh, let's get you somethin' ta drink yea?"
He feels a little bad leaving the baby in a shopping basket outside of a grocery store when he breaks in to steal formula and other baby things, but it was better than trying to balance a wiggling bundle with his stolen goods. Luckily, the little tyke was fine, and after a quick trip to his crypt to feed and change the little guy, Spike was glad the baby finally falls asleep, wrapped up in his duster as the vampire didn't really have anything better at the moment. He knows that something bad must have gone down to separate Angel from his kid, which in and of itself was a shock, and he winces at the beginning of dawn on the horizon.
"Looks like it's you an' me until tomorrow kid, then off to L.A to the big poofter." Thankfully, the kid sleeps through most of the day, allowing Spike to rest before getting up to prepare for the trip. Anything he doesn't mind losing is packed neatly in the trunk of his DeSoto, and Clem is happy to watch his place until his return, his friend bringing a car seat with a grin.
"You weren't going to drive all the way to L.A without the little guy being safe, right?"
"Who, me? Nah." Clem's stare is all the response he gets, and it's not long after the vampire is heading out of town, the baby laughing along with Spike when he mows down the Sunnydale sign on the way out.
"That's a good lad!" The drive to the City of Angel's was relatively boring all things considered, Spike whistling as he fiddled with the radio. "Just you and me kiddo, open road and all that."
The baby laughed, kicking his little feet when Spike landed on an acceptable song, the vampire fighting the urge to throw his hands up. "You're definitely Angel's kid, bloody Barry Manilow..."
Eventually, the city appears over the horizon, Spike driving with one hand while feeding the little blighter with his other one. He'd had to stop to fix the little guy up a fresh bottle at a random gas station, allowing the attendant to fuss over the little guy while he waited for the bottle to get warmed up. Whistling along to one of his songs, Spike advanced into the city, admittedly a bit lost on where Angel's bloody hotel was as he scanned the less populated streets. It took about two hours to finally nail down the Hyperion, Spike nearly slamming on the breaks when he was about a block away from the pure scent of anger and despair that slammed his senses, getting enough of a grip to continue until he parks just behind the hotel.
"Okay little thing, your Da' needs you somethin' fierce." Spike cooed to the baby before unbuckling the infant and swaddling him back in the duster, fighting every instinct telling him to flee as he headed for the hotel's garden entrance.
"Ello?" Surprisingly, the lobby was empty, Spike adjusting his hold on the baby as he looked around. "Anyone 'ere?"
"Coming!" Someone yelled from a floor above, and Spike waited a bit impatiently as he heard someone running. "Sorry about that, welcome to Angel Inves-" A shorter woman Spike had never seen stopped in her tracks, eyes zeroing in on the bundle in his arms after she remembered to breathe.
"'Ello luv, reckon you can help me find Angel?" Spike plastered on a smile, lightly bouncing the infant when he cooed in his sleep. "Found somethin' of his."
"Um..." The woman stammered before sprinting back up the staircase she'd come down from, Spike's hackles raising even further than they already were about a minute later as there was a sharp change in the air.
"Here we go kiddo, keep Uncle Spike alive, yea?" He whispered as he shifted into his demon face, looking at the stairs. Angel appeared in the blink of an eye, his own demon out, and his yellow eyes bore into Spike's own. The man looked like shit, his clothes clearly days old and dark rings circling his eyes from lack of sleep, his skin shades paler than Spike had seen in a long while.
"I didn't do nothin' to yer kid, all healthy an' everything." Spike led the conversation with a slight grin, glad he no longer had a beating heart to betray his nervousness as the older man regarded him in silence.
"Where?" Angel has moved his eyes to the infant, those amber eyes softening back to brown as the demon retreated. "Was he hurt?"
"No, some group had him, waitin' for orders I reckon for whatever they had planned." Spike held still as Angel slowly began to approach, the air still sharp with rage and heartache. "How long?"
"Two months." The strangled response he let out almost took Spike off-guard, hazel eyes flickering up to his own. "Can I?"
"The fuck am I gonna do with a kid?" Spike scoffed, his hands gentle as he set the infant in his father's arms. "Want my duster back, when he's all comfy anyways."
"Yea..." Angel wobbled as he looked down at his son. Choosing to be nice, Spike pushed Angel against the couch behind him before he had a chance to drop, face shifting back to its human visage when Angel let out a low growl.
"What's a bloke gotta do to get some blood 'round here?" Spike ignored the warning as he looked around, seeing a set of offices behind a large desk with a hum.
"Move, and you're dust." A voice from behind him stopped Spike in his tracks, and the familiar clink of a loaded crossbow made him roll his eyes. "Angel, you okay man?"
"Mind tellin' your bleedin' pets to let a man drink in peace? I was nice and everything."
"He's not going to do anything, Gunn, leave him alone." Angel's tired voice cut through the tension without much effort. "Could you get me some clothes for Connor, and check on Wes?"
"You got it, man." Gunn hesitated before heading back upstairs with the smaller woman from before. Spike flipped him off before going to Angel's office for a proper drink, only to find that most of the blood in the fridge had gone way bad.
"Peaches, 'ave you been eating?" Spike grabbed a beer before returning to the lobby, getting a blank look as his response. "You're an idiot."
"Accurate." A voice Spike did recognize agreed with him, Cordelia descending the stairs with a basket in her arms full of stuff for the baby. "Speaking of didn't realize you were back, Spike."
"Cordelia," Spike gave her a small nod when she looked over, the same exhaustion and grief that Angel had mirrored in her eyes. He was fairly surprised to see how easily she took the kid from Angel's arms, putting Angel to work preparing a changing space with a raise of her eyebrow. "So, little blighter's called Connor?"
"Mhm, that's right." Cordelia bounced little Connor as she regarded the younger vampire. "You didn't know?"
"You think Peaches 'ere would tell me? You're off your nut you are." Spike flopped down onto a free chair with a scof, sipping his beer. "Do have a question, bloody how?"
"Darla got pregnant because of some mystical mumbo jumbo." Cordelia shrugged, jumping when Spike choked on his beer.
"Darla got pregnant?!" The vampire stared as Cordelia handed Angel his son. "Also when was Darla bloody alive again?!"
"Man, you really are out of the loop, huh?" The former Sunnydale resident put her hands on her hips with an amused look. "Let's get dad here all set and in bed, and I'll fill you in."
"Toss in beer, and I'll be good." Spike shrugged, downing whatever was left, as Angel rolled his eyes at the two. He had changed Connor and swaddled him in a blanket rather than leather, setting the duster aside.
"I am here you know."
"Uh huh." Spike grinned, getting out of his seat and grabbing his coat. "Thanks for my coat back little guy, makin' yer Uncle Spike proud that you liked it so much."
"Uncle Spike?" Angel's eyebrows disappeared into his hairline at that, his childe giving a cheeky grin as he began to follow Cordelia and Angel up and further into the hotel. "Oh no."
"I saved 'im from a soddin' demon group, I think that earns me an Uncle title." Spike whistled, Connor squealing in laughter at his voice. "See? Loves me already he does!" Angel groaned as the trio headed up a floor, the smell of blood hitting Spike in the face the second his foot hit the landing. "Someone's hurt."
"Our friend Wesley, he tried to stop the guy responsible for taking Connor and got his throat cut for it." Cordelia supplied when she noticed him sniffing the air. "Touch him and you'll be dead before Angel can blink."
"On my best behavior." He smiled, amused yet impressed with how calm she was. "Who tried to steal a bloody baby?"
"Holtz." Angel couldn't stop the snarl that escaped him at the name, Spike blinking in shock as he followed his grandsire down the hall. "Made a deal, came back to kill me but tried to steal my fucking son instead."
"I'm assumin' he's dead and gone?"
"Something like that." Spike shivered as Angel finally stopped at a door and entered his room after Cordelia opened it for him, the younger watching the two curiously. Angel clearly had something with the Cordelia girl, handing her his son once more without hesitation to drag a crib over to his bed, Cordelia sliding up to his side as if anticipating his arms reaching for Connor. Seeing Angel practically melt at a gentle hand on his cheek as he was guided to sit on his bed was surprising; he was lying back and holding his son close despite the fact Spike was only feet away.
"I'm going to get fangboy caught up, you better sleep or so help me Angel." Cordelia smiles as she heads for the door, a stake Spike didn't see before being twirled in one of her hands. "Treat a lady to 10pm coffee?"
"Course luv." Ever so chivalrous Spike offered her his arm, the other pausing before taking it with a hum. "Tell me where to go yea?"
Twenty minutes later, the two were sitting in a coffee shop, Spike hanging on to her every word. Cordelia filled Spike in on everything he'd missed over the last year, leaving him absolutely speechless by the end. What the hell was he supposed to think, startled that Wolfram and Hart could even bring back dead vampires, but that it somehow resulted in a vampiric child that should not have been remotely possible. Cordelia watches as he sips his coffee a few times, emotions she can't quite place swirling around in those brilliant blue eyes before he looks up with a shrug.
"Sounds like L.A is a lot of fun."
Cordelia shrugged and sipped her caffeine, leaning forward with a small grin.
"So, tell me what's been up with you?"
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smartycvnt · 5 months
Creature of the Night*
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Title: Creature of the Night
Summary: Faith sneaks away to hook up with Ash.
Warnings: smut, bottom faith, top reader, oral (f receiving)
Word Count: 956
Faith hated being stuck in the same place. Sunnydale attracted its fair share of evil freaks, which was great, but Faith was still bored. There wasn't nearly as much for her to do with Buffy there. Maybe Faith wouldn't have minded things so much if it was just Buffy, but the nerd herd grated on her nerves. She couldn't just go out and do her thing with them constantly breathing down her neck.
They forced her to be too good. Faith knew that as a slayer, her alignment was on the "good" side, but still. Faith liked being a rebel. She had always been a bit of a troublemaker. Two slayers was a mistake, and maybe, just maybe, she wasn't really meant to be a slayer.
"These stupid little posters don't do you justice," Ash said as she dropped down from a tree branch. Faith glanced up at the tree above her. There was no telling how long Ash had been waiting up there for Faith to arrive. They had made these plans weeks ago, but Faith kept backing out. She'd never admit it, but a part of her was afraid to be alone with Ash.
"I'm not really interested in your lines," Faith said as she grabbed onto the lapels of Ash's jacket. Ash opened her mouth to protest that move, but Faith kissed her instead. Faith had heard all about Ash's authentic and ancient fashion from when she was turned. Ash had a tendency of talking about things that didn't really matter, so Faith had learned a lot during the brief period of time that Ash had helped them out.
"You're not interested in courting, I know. I wasn't when I was alive, either." Ash smirked. Faith went in for another kiss, this one heavily reciprocated by Ash. It was a bit odd kissing a vampire, but Faith was into it. The coolness of Ash's lips was like a little shock. Although, Faith had begun to find a lot about Ash shocking as they got to know each other better.
Faith could only imagine how far ahead of her time socially Ash must have been. According to Angel, Ash hadn't changed one bit since they had first met hundreds of years before. If anything, Angel claimed that Ash had only grown a little tamer throughout the years. Every so often, Faith could understand what he meant by some of the things that Ash said.
"This is a very interesting use of leather," Ash said as she ran her hands along the inside of Faith's thighs. Faith's breath hitched when Ash's fingers brushed against the inseam of her jeans just a little harder than they had elsewhere. Faith was not the type of girl that wanted to wear frilly dresses or anything of the sort, but she wondered about the ways that Ash would have gotten underneath the skirt of her dress to do this.
Faith glanced down at Ash, who was kneeling down in between Faith's spread legs. It was utterly intoxicating to have such a powerful creature focusing solely on pleasuring her. Faith's head would have been spinning if not for the tree bark digging into her back. There would be marks in the morning, ones that Faith wouldn't even bother to explain away to the Scoobies.
"No matter how much some things change, others will always stay the same," Ash muttered to herself. She tugged Faith's pants down just enough to get to what she wanted. There was no way for Faith to move away now, not that she could ever think of it. Faith would have stayed pinned to that tree forever if she could.
"Fuck," Faith moaned. She had a fistful of Ash's hair and tugged it hard enough to get the vampire to hiss. Faith wondered if Angel and Buffy's little love affair was nearly as hot as hers. She doubted it. She doubted that Angel got on his knees like this to service Buffy, or that Buffy would even let him.
Angel seemed far too proud, still stuck in an old fashioned mindset. Ash wasn't submissive by any means, but she knew what she liked doing. Faith had seen Ash feed on someone once, and it wasn't nearly as enthusiastic as this. Still, when Ash looked up at Faith, her face glistened in a similar way that it had before. Only the blood had been replaced with arousal.
Faith felt a tightening in her stomach as she thought about how Ash had looked while feeding. Ash seemed to pick up on Faith's second wave of arousal. Instead of bringing her mouth back to Faith's wanting cunt, she opted to use her fingers instead. Ash's fingers kept a fast and strong rhythm of thrusts mixed with just enough subtle curls for Faith's second orgasm to take her by surprise.
She clamped her hand down around her mouth to keep quiet as she came. Ash let Faith drop forward onto the grass. Faith pressed her lips to Ash's for a kiss, one that was just as messy and broken as she felt. Ash kissed back, nipping slightly at Faith's bottom lip hard enough to draw a little blood. Faith let her lap it up, and once the small cut had stopped bleeding, Ash had vanished into the night.
"Typical," Faith muttered to herself as she fixed her pants. She gave a quick little look around of the area before she moved on. The group was surely waiting up for her, and Faith knew that she was already on pretty thin ice with most of them. The last thing Faith wanted was to get booted out and have to leave Ash in Sunnydale until it was safe to come back again.
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naoa-ao3 · 10 months
A Blessed Mother
Darla heads back to the United States and the bastard who put this THING in her.
Angelus. . . only he isn't her Angelus any more. He's a sniveling, pathetic, beautiful man with only her lover's face to remind her of what once was. . .
There's no fairness and now he's made her a freak, something is alive inside her and it feels wrong. She can feel it growing and starting to kick, the way it suckles on her being and takes her energy and strength. . . she can feel it all.
Whatever it is she hopes it eats it's father.
She stares out the bus window, they're headed north towards Los Angeles.
Time was when she was a monster too but now people try to touch her stomach and congratulate her.
Oh if only they knew what was growing inside of her.
if only she knew what was growing inside of her.
She put's a hand on her stomach and looks across the bus at a little boy sitting with his mother. He's got huge eyes and dark hair and she smiles at him, hungry. She's always hungry now. The thing inside of her can't eat enough.
She gives him a little wave and the chicken nugget waves back.
He has no idea, the poor, stupid, little thing.
It's a late ride, most of the passengers have drifted off but that's okay. She likes the quiet and she rests herself, tired in ways she hasn't been for hundreds of years. The thing inside of her is making her feel alive and it's disgusting.
It revolts her.
The bus rumbles on and in the distance she can see the city lights, a glowing beacon of humanity drawing ever nearer.
She rubs her belly, feeling the thing inside of her shift.
It's hungry and so is she.
She'd meant to wait, meant to wait until they reached the city but she doesn't think she can.
She smiles again at the little boy, he's playing with a toy dinosaur and he looks positively delicious. She can see his pulse thumping along without a care in the world. He has no idea and neither does she.
This is all wrong, all Angelus's fault but she's going to put it right. She's going to find Daddy and make him pay.
Make him pay or beg him to fix it. She doesn't know quite which one yet. Maybe both if she can manage it.
The engine hums and the wheels turn and she feels so incredibly hungry.
Time was when she could have had anyone she wanted but now. . . now she mostly wants children.
The thing inside of her wants them.
She tilts her head back and closes her eyes, hand on her stomach, hunger growing inside of her.
Almost there.
The city draws near and the hunger becomes insurmountable.
She eats them all, driver included and when she steps off the bus it's with a full stomach.
There's a toy dinosaur covered in blood behind her and she feels better as she sets off towards the city and the man who did this to her.
Angelus is going to be so surprised when she reaches him.
She can only hope the shock will kill him.
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i’m reading like the longest spuffy fic ive ever read right now and am half way through and right now it’s all pain and hopelessness and despair and I just need to keep forcing myself through it cause it’ll get better probably???
everything hurts 😭😭
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greensaplinggrace · 1 year
I support villains rights! VILLAINS RIGHTS TO GET FUCKING R- *gets shot*
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daringdarlingdt · 1 year
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veronyxk84 · 9 months
Missing scene, set in S6 at the end of ep. 6x16 “Hell’s Bells,” possibly replacing the second-to-last scene in Buffy’s living room where she’s talking to Willow and Dawn. Instead, Buffy stops by Spike’s crypt after failing to locate the runaway groom, and they have a conversation. 
Banner by me
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boopsterliv · 11 months
Some permutation of Spike/Jenny/Oz or any pairings within.
Read the fic here
Thank you for making a request, Emma!
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lilatara · 3 months
imagine if the BtVS writers had just...let us ever be mad at Riley.
For writers who so clearly understood an audience's desire to root for an underdog, they never seemed to understand that they needed to give us an outlet for our frustration with Riley in order to "forgive" him.
Of all the worst problems with how Riley is written as a character, these are two moments in As You Were that always boil it down for me.
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After having a year to reflect on everything that DIDN'T work in Into the Woods, apparently the writers' takeaway was that BUFFY needed to apologize. Chasing a helicopter wasn't QUITE humbling enough, I guess. She needs to say sorry to the guy who left her and got married within a year...because clearly SHE was the only one not fully committed to their relationship. Sure.
He, otoh? Has nothing to apologize for.
Now, bear in mind, at this point, we in the audience have watched Buffy lose her mom, sacrifice her own life, struggle through a legit resurrection, but the writers still want us to care that it hurt Riley's feelings that Buffy cried more over Angel than him.
AYW should've been Riley's redemption. He should've shown up apologetic, sheepish, and frankly, if we were meant to get on his side, a little loser-ish. But the writers seemed incapable of getting that you can't make us like a character by just repeatedly telling us he's faultless. They already let him leave once, with Xander lecturing Buffy and us that we had failed to appreciate the best guy we were ever going to have a shot with. But no one was buying. So how to drive it home this time? Have him show up literally "intense, fit, and more handsome than ever", now with new scar! Just like that other guy we know you're into!
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Buffy won't just run after him this time. She'll swoon, she'll pine, she'll be filled with jealousy. She'll be a loser in a bad outfit. She'll smell. She'll be less effective and knowledgeable than the super couple. She'll be caught in a humiliating, intimate situation. And how shocking that this somehow still did not make Riley a fan favorite. Who ever could've predicted? Other than everyone who had already seen it not work in ITW, that is.
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genericaces · 4 months
if u did a tier maker of buffyverse ships i would enjoy it 🙏
This is tricky because ships are one of those things that people can get really passionate about, and I don't want to upset anyone. I try to steer clear of any drama when I can, but I also want to feel free to express my opinions, you know? Because god knows I have them.
I guess I'll say before I wade into any discourse that, disclaimer: my enjoyment of a ship doesn't mean I condone what goes on in it, and I can separate fiction from reality. I try not to moralize when it comes to fictional ships and approach them both objectively in terms of quality and also subjectively to my personal tastes. But I also believe that, at the end of the day, it's just fandom and people should do whatever floats their boat.
So with all that being said, here's my (highly personal!) rankings of the ships in Buffyverse:
C Tier:
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ATS 1x09 - This is the ship with the bomb that Doyle sacrifices himself to disarm. Now it's a good episode, but this is really the only wide shot we get of the boat. I literally forgot that the climax takes place on the water. The interior is fun with lots of stairs and various apparatuses for fight scenes, but it could just as easily have been a basement or abandoned factory. Honestly, I wasn't too impressed by the ship factor. Rating: 4/10
B Tier:
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BTVS 2x13 - You might be thinking, "You're ranking a BACKGROUND ship higher than an actual location?" but hear me out: because the ship is in the background, I actually remembered that this scene had a ship. There's a great fight scene in front of it where Buffy uses the chain along the docks to choke out a bad guy, and then she gets thrown into the water. The ship hangs out in the background the whole time and brings together the whole nautical-themed fight. Rating: Angel diving into the water/10
A Tier:
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BTVS 3x15 - Now we're cooking with gas. We get a FULL shot of the whole ship on the dock. The establishing shots linger on the boat more because Buffy and Faith have a confrontation here. Not only do they have a conversation with someone visibly ON a boat, Faith starts out on the upper deck of the boat then swings herself OFF the ramp to argue with Buffy on the docks. Bonuses for a visually dynamic conversation and the boat representing Faith's plans to fuck off, interrupted by HER choice to get off and get in Buffy's face about it instead. Rating: Saving the girl that's supposed to be your enemy/10
S Tier:
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ATS 3x22 - I know, we're getting into controversial territory here. But look how beautiful this ship is. Is it a boat? A schooner? A yacht? I don't know, but I DO care. Extra points for it being a plot-necessary boat, of course, since they had to get Angel out into the middle of the sea somehow. What's great about this ship is that it's really condensed all the ship elements into a smaller vessel, so you're aware throughout the tense emotional scenes that you're actually ON a boat in the middle of the sea. It really emphasizes Angel and Connor's isolation at this point in the finale, both physically and emotionally. And, I mean, look at this: we actually have a shot that has most of a boat AND most of a person in it. AND it's the climax of a season finale? THIS is the ultimate Buffyverse ship. Final rating: The misunderstanding-to-patricide pipeline/10
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naoa-ao3 · 3 months
How Fragile We Are
After Lilah's death, Wesley reflects on his own mortality and the fragility of life.
Lilah doesn't get a headstone. In all of the chaos and confusion she get's the same treatment as any stinking demon would have gotten. She's buried, head and body and there's no number left to call. If she has family somewhere they don't know she's gone.
Wesley is alone in his grief because no one else cares. What they had. . . he still doesn't even have a name for it and now he doubts he ever will.
The others don't understand. . . and it's not their fault they don't. He doesn't understand either but it hurts and he understands pain.
He understands it well but he's always been good at baring it so he does here, knowing she'll have no head stone and no flowers.
She might have liked flowers but only some dead women get them and she wasn't sentimental and she doesn't like anything any more.
The dead don't care if they get their flowers or stones, only the living care but he failed her in every way possible he thinks, so what's a few more failures on top of the heap?
A few more drops in the bucket?
He thinks about her some nights now, unable to free her from her contract with the devil. . . unable to save her even in death. . . these devil's laughing at him. . . their ancient, leering faces unforgiving and cruel.
All of his training to be a Watcher wasted. . . all of the years spent after meaningless. Lilah dead and whatever was between them gone like smoke in the wind.
These are Wesley's thoughts to bare. He doesn't have anyone to share them with and if he tried he's not sure he could even put them into words. How do you explain what you can't describe?
If they had had more time it might have been different. . . if they had been other people it might have been better and he can briefly imagine a fantasy where things were different but if they had been other people then it's unlikely they ever would have come together. Such thoughts are wasteful and useless. Impotent.
So Wesley bares his pain by himself, his grief that the others don't understand and don't want to understand. . . this thing that sets him apart from them. That probably always set him apart from other people.
He wonders if he'd ever had an inkling that he'd become like this and thinks back to school but it seems impossibly long ago and no, he never would have imagined it. He'd been so sure of himself back then. So arrogant and now he's ashamed of the useless fool he'd been then.
He wonders what he'll get when he dies.
He finds he doesn't much care if he get's his stone and flowers. He won't for sure then but even now he can't make himself care. Why should he? There are so many more important things to think about and he's lived with death for a while now. He's lived this way and he knows grave stones and flowers are meaningless. After all, what's he done worth lingering for? What's he done worth putting in stone except fail?
He think's he'd prefer to be cremated. Leave no trace. Like he was never here, like he never failed and fucked up.
He almost looks forward to that day.
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ausfortheheart · 10 months
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bait - ANGELUS (btvs)
(angelus x female!reader one-shot)
summary : in a desperate attempt to catch angelus, the scoobies send you in as bait.
a/n: i don't usually write darker pieces of writing such as this, so lmk what you think ! :)
warnings : gets a bit spicy, sexual references, strong language used, angelus hurts reader, mention of blood, a sprinkle of yandere, kinda angsty?? 14+
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"Angel?" You said uncertainly, pushing open the door to his apartment. It was unlocked.
The silence felt consuming, and you swallowed anxiously as you took small steps inside.
His bed was untidy, duvet strewn across the floor, "I came to ask for help, there's a demon-"
"(Y/n)? You're back?" He walked in after you. You forced yourself not to wonder whether he had been following you or not.
His voice startled you and you failed to suppress a flinch. You hadn't seen him like this yet, had only heard the chilling stories that Giles and the others had told you full of the details of what he was capable of. Buffy had been determined to keep you far away from Sunnydale, from the soulless demon, to hide you and ensure your safety. You had been face to face with Angelus before, and it hadn't turned out well. But things had changed, your situation had changed, and your friends needed help to defeat him. No matter the cost.
He looked almost exactly the same as always, except his brown eyes were filled with faux concern. "Are you okay?"
Angelus advanced towards you as your eyes flitted to the clock on the wall opposite. Seven and a half minutes. Then Buffy would be here, and Angelus would be caught and restrained. A couple of minutes. You could do that.
Yet you hadn't entirely been sure of your friends' plan- luring Angelus into one place would surely be something the two-and-a- half century old demon would expect. But your friends - Buffy especially - were desperate, and it seemed that the vampire couldn't resist an opportunity to spend time with you. To kill you, was your assumption. He had made it clear from the start that he delighted in these small games that you all played. What worried you was that he always left as the winner.
"Yeah, I have to write an article on Sunnydale's history; I'm an intern now at the Sunnydale Press." You explained, your confidence increasing, "I figured you could help. I arrived this morning and the others weren't home so.." You trailed off, uncertain if he'd bought it. You were doing a terrible job at pretending and you knew it, but the others insisted that it should be you who stalled Angelus. In the past he had always been slightly more lenient in a situation where you were involved.
"I thought you needed help with a demon?" He jested, and your heart dropped. He knew, and you were fucked. But there was nothing left to do except play along.
The vampire slowly advanced and you moved backwards, "Yes, uh, an article on the history of demons in Sunnydale."
Your back hit Angel's wardrobe, and the man opposite you smiled.
"I've never liked liars." He said absentmindedly, finger lifting your chin as he observed you. The fear in your eyes was evident and he inhaled your scent, distress seeping from your pores. "Tell me, (Y/n)," He began, closing what little distance was left between you. If he had been human, you would've been able to feel his breath hitting your face. You shivered. "-and don't lie," he continued, "do you ever think about me?"
You struggled against him, "Angel I-"
"Don't say his name," Angelus spat through gritted teeth as his hands harshly grabbed your wrists, keeping you firmly in place. "And feel free to keep struggling, precious, but just do it a little more to the left." He groaned.
You didn't respond, breathless and feeling nauseous. The both of you knew that you could easily resist him more if you tried, but Angelus knew that despite what you told yourself you didn't want to.
"At night, when you're in your small double bed, cushions propped up around you, hair down, head leant against the headboard, heart racing, in your thin, thin silk dress," He paused as though he were imagining it right then and there, imagining the fabric, imagining how when it hit the moonlight it was practically see-through, "the one in that pretty shade of periwinkle," his eyes found yours again, and you swore they darkened. You were shaking under his touch, terrified at the prospect of this, monster watching you when you were most vulnerable. During moments you had thought you were alone. Private moments. And how had he even known where your friends had hidden you? "-do you ever think about me?" He repeated, pressing into you as a warning that if you dared to lie, to even consider it, he would know. The frail, wooden wardrobe shook at the movement.
"Yes." You whispered, barely audible, eyes focused on anything but his face.
He removed his hand from your left wrist and tilted your jaw so that your eyes were forced to look into his brown ones. Angel's eyes, yet lacking Angel's warmth.
"Good, good." He dragged the words out as his tongue darted out to lick his lips.
Your eyes fell to his mouth, then hurriedly went back to his eyes. He was smirking, he'd noticed.
"And how," his face morphed into a vampire's, "does it make you feel?"
Tears brimmed in your eyes as he grinned, revealing his fanged teeth. A warning. It was pointless- his teeth would end up buried in your neck no matter what you said.
"Good." A salty tear fell onto your cheek, which he instantly swiped away with his thumb. "And I hate myself for it." You mumbled, voice breaking. You had always had an attraction to Angel, even during his relationship with Buffy, and the shame of it was suffocating. She had never been anything but good to you, and you had repaid her by stealing glances at Angel whenever you thought no one was looking.
However now it became clear that someone had been.
"What was that?" Angelus lowered his fangs towards your neck at a tantalisingly slow rate. As though he meant to drag out the pain, to burn this memory into your brain.
Your eyes fluttered closed in preparation as you whispered, "I hate myself for it every, day."
A small scream left your mouth as the door to Angel's apartment was broken off its hinges, clattering onto the floor only inches away from where the two of you were. Buffy.
Angelus slowly pulled himself off of you. As a result of the interruption, his fangs had only managed to puncture the top layer of skin, leaving behind two red dots that quickly began to pool with blood. Angelus licked the smudge of red off of his fangs, making a show of savouring the taste.
Your best friend and mentor, the slayer, began to fight the vampire as you tried to help at every possible opening, but it was no use. He easily escaped.
Your neck on fire, you gently brushed the tips of your fingers against it, pulling your hand away to see them coated in crimson blood. Something told you that Angelus would be back for more.
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thank you for reading!! lmk your thoughts <33
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lesbianabril · 5 months
My S6 BTVS rewrite
I know this season has a lot of haters but I actually love season 6, I don't mind the depressing parts (meaning: most of the season) because I think it all makes sense for where the characters are at, and I think that after fighting a literal God having a season where the villain is Life really works storytelling-wise.
Having said that, though, I think that a lot of things could have been handled better and since all I have are correct opinions I'm gonna tell you what those are.
1. Willow's magic addiction
Basically I think they went too far when the magic became drugs in the most basic sense, when they start acting like she's "taking a hit" every time she uses it.
I think all of the important plot points could have been kept while making willow's addiction to magic about her need to be in control of everything (and everyone). Up to Tabula Rasa I wouldn't change anything, her use of magic is wrong because she starts using it to bend the world at her will, empowered by having successfully brought Buffy back to life.
After Tara leaves her she starts using even more magic while being reckless with it, she injures Dawn and she commits to stop using it because she realizes it wasn't healthy for her or for the people she loves.
I would eliminate Rack and his stupid crack house hide out, and everything that has to do with the physical withdrawal of going "cold turkey".
I think this also makes Willow responsible for her actions, while making magic = literal heroin absolves her of the blame, in the end. The fallout of having to deal with her dependence of it would also be way more compelling.
2. Spike's attempted r4pe
I would keep their toxic relationship and everything that led up to that god-awful bathroom scene, my only change is that I would make it so Spike is trying to turn her instead.
Hear me out. It would make a lot of narrative sense because all through the season he's trying to convince her she's a dark being just like him, he wants them to be equals because he doesn't think himself worthy of her so he's trying to lower her to his level. So, after Buffy rejects him again he's not thinking clearly and, in his desperation, tries the only thing he swore himself he wouldn't do since he loves Buffy because of her goodness.
After it happens, Buffy feels betrayed, Spike leaves and decides to try to get to her level, to truly change himself instead of trying to change her.
This is a minor thing too but in this rewrite after Spike leaves we don't know where he went and we don't see him again until the start of s7 when he already has his soul. I know this couldn't be done because of James Marsters' contract but in my dream s6 we don't know what happened to him so when we see him again everything about his sudden disappearence and current mental state is a mystery and we find out along with Buffy.
3. Xander dies instead of Tara
Ok maybe this one is based on my dislike of Xander and my love of Tara but I think this would work really well:
Willow and Tara haven't gotten together yet, Willow is working on her more controlling tendencies and they're just friends right now. When Warren shows up Buffy is in the garden with Dawn and Xander went up to Willow's room to talk to her, so both Buffy and Xander get shot, Dawn takes Buffy to the hospital and dark Willow is born after she's not able to revive Xander.
After that things are mostly the same, only this time we get a grieving Buffy trying to deal with the sudden loss of both of her best friends. She's devastated and a part of her says that yes, Warren deserves to die.
After everything happens and Willow is close to destroying the world, Tara is the one who shows up, she appeals to Willow's humanity and, through her love and compassion, saves the world.
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