#with a surprise cameo from Deputy Dakota
writinanon · 5 years
Against Regulation
Yay! Here is one of my commissions that I finally got completed! I’m still cleaning up @wafflii‘s even though she says she’s happy with what I gave her. This one was for @azm0n and is JoeyXDep/JosephXDep, leaving it up in the air if August gets together with either of them.
  The small building in front of her was both welcoming and intimidating. Recently transferred into Hope County, August Guiterriez was the fresh-faced Junior Deputy Sheriff, having come from large cities she had felt that the rural area would be a good change of pace once she graduated from the academy. She pulled her hair back and straightened her uniform. She felt better in the uniform than she had in her pencil skirt and blouse. She didn’t do feminine very well, in her opinion. It didn’t matter what her friends told her; she knew what she saw when she looked in the mirror. But she liked to try. Because maybe one day, one day she could see what her friends saw too.
 “Well, are you gonna stand there or go inside?” A voice with an Australian accent asked. She turned sharply and there was a man a little taller than her standing there. He had a soft scruff on his face, cinnamon brown hair, and warm brown eyes. He was smiling at her and she realized it was Doctor Lee, the psychiatrist that evaluated criminals to see if they were fit to stand trial as well as offering criminal profiles. He was there at her interview because he also evaluated the members of the department.
 “Just nervous I guess.”
 “Don’t worry mate. Once this probationary period is over, you’ll be an official Deputy and we can drop that stupid ‘Junior’ part.” He chuckled and gently touched her shoulder; she caught the glimpse of a silver wedding band on his finger before he released her and headed for the doors. “But that period can’t even start is ya ain’t in here.” She straightened up and nodded. She needed to meet the other members of the department. She could do this. She passed the academy with flying colors. She walked into the building and was stopped by a kindly elderly woman with greying red hair and soft green eyes.
 “Hello, you must be the new Deputy!” She smiled brightly and nodded. “I’m Nancy and I run the front desk. Nobody in or out without me knowing. Everyone’s waiting for you, go on in honey. Nice to see you Benny!” She felt a little relieved and walked in. Ben gave her a light pat on; Whitehorse was waiting for her with several other people. Ben moved from her shadow her and around to stand beside Whitehorse and a woman with blonde hair pulled up in a bun. Her eyes were a sharp icy blue and though her face was covered in freckles she looked menacing.
 “Everyone, this is our newest member: Augustine Guiterriez. Treat her with respect and make sure you show her the ropes.” Whitehorse called and the other people looked at her. She blushed and fidgeted slightly under the attention.
 “Welcome.” A man with long brown hair said with a grin. “I’m Staci Pratt. The sulky one is Joey Hudson.” August looked over and was blindsided by one of the most beautiful women she had ever seen. Hudson punched Pratt in the arm.
 “I wouldn’t be sulking if someone remembered my coffee.” She hissed before smiling and August swallowed. “Nice to meet you. I’ll be your partner.” She held out her hand and August took it. Her hands weren’t soft but they were oddly gentle in their firm pressure.
 “Please call me August.” She managed and Hudson smiled.
 “Joey then. I’m sure you’ll do great.” There was a strange sort of determination in her voice but the source of it was lost on August. Someone coughed and she turned to see the blonde woman.
 “Name’s Mercy Stein. I’m the leader of the EMT and Search and Rescue branch of the Sheriff’s department.”
 “Aren’t those supposed to be two branches?” August blinked.
 “Oh, you are a city kid.” She chuckled and there was an odd lilt to the way she rolled some of her letters. “’Fraid I ain’t gonna steal her after all then.” She shrugged and motioned in a circle.
 “Everyone you see in this room makes up the law enforcement for the whole of the County. There aren’t any cities out here, there’s only two towns and everything else is villages. Hell, the hospital is in next county over. It’s why I’m a double branch and our station is up in the mountains. And why I’m the only one here. Speaking of I gotta go. It was nice meeting ya. Hope we work well together.” She shook August’s hand and then headed for the door. August turned to face her other coworkers. Ben was smiling warmly at her and gave her a thumbs-up. She felt a lot more tension ease from herself. Then she glanced to where Joey and Pratt were arguing about who was supposed to bring coffee and felt a new tension take its place. She could totally do this. She was a professional.
  August didn’t get to see Mercy very much at work, but that wasn’t surprising. It was nice however to sit in the bar, the Spread Eagle (which she snorted at the title the first time she heard it) and drink with her after a long shift. Sometimes it was easier to ignore her attraction to her partner than others. And sometimes Pratt loved to rag on her and tease her and be a frat boy. She understood that she was low man on the totem pole but sometimes it was a little much.
 “Staci being an ass again?” Mercy mused over the lip of her beer. They were sitting out in the small patio on the side of the bar, fairy lights above them on the wooden bodega they were under.
 “Oh my god yes! Ugh he’s just such a jerk.” August grumbled and took a long swallow from her bottle. “I mean I get it, I’m new but fuck off man. That shit got old three weeks ago.”
 “Look on the bright side, only a little over two months to go.”
 “Yuk don’t remind me.” She settled back into her chair. “At least Joey’s being understanding and standing up for me. She’s a great partner.” She smiled and when there was no following comment she looked over at Mercy.
 “You like Joey? Romantically?” August tensed faintly, recalling that Mercy was from the Rural South. “Ain’t exactly a good idea to date your partner.”
 “There’s nothing wrong with what?” She blinked and looked deeper at the blonde. She gave a faint smirk and pulled a pair of dog tags from around her neck, there was also a wedding band hanging from the chain, it looked like a man’s.
 “I won’t claim it’s a universal thing, but in the platoon of the Marines I was stationed in? No one gave a single fuck who or what you were interested in as long as you didn’t get us in trouble with it. I’ve lived by that motto since I was eighteen.” She settled the chain back down, below her shirt. “But if you were talking to my bible thumping bitch of a mother? Or any of my siblings other than Peter and Simon? You’d be 100 percent right in the stereotype.”
 “I’m sorry.”
 “Don’t be. It took my squad mate taking me down on the mats several times before the mentality stuck because of how I was raised. But back to the issue of you and Joey.” August blushed and hunkered around her beer.
 “I just… I think she’s bright and gorgeous and kind and funny and awesome.”
 “I’m not telling you not to pursue this but maybe you should talk about getting transferred to Ben or me then? Again, it’s not a great idea to date your partner, especially since it would have to be in secret.”
 “Right. Oh shit, that is in the handbook.”
 “If you were to transfer to Ben or me it wouldn’t be against the rules.”
 “I thought you didn’t want me.” August teased. Over the weeks Mercy had come to like her and take her under her wing for living in ‘the sticks’ as she sometimes called it. She had so many words, some of which she’d never heard before, for living in the rural end of nowhere.
 “Eh you ain’t so bad. And you can be taught. That’s the key thing. Some of those flunkies comin’ into my station think they know everything ‘cause they’ve had a little medical trainin’. Shit goes out the window when you gotta perform a tracheotomy in the dark while your partner’s fightin’ off bears and cougars who wanna eat your patient.” Mercy tended to slip into a drawl when she was annoyed or angry. “Shit’s fuckin’ annoying. Cunts oughtta get screened better but probie period gets most of ‘em.”
 “You’ve been spending a lot of time with Ben, huh?” August laughed a bit. That was one of his favorite curse words and he could often be heard grumbling it when he looked at the news. Mercy paused and gave her a confused look before she laughed and almost slammed her drink down. “What?”
 “Oh honey no. No, don’t get offended now. I jus’ realized we ain’t told ya. Benny and I are married. Have been since I got outta the service and he moved here to the states with me. Shit, ain’t I showed you pictures of our little girl?”
 “Dakota? She’s your daughter? I thought she was your niece!”
 “Fuckin’ little shit forced me through goddamned six hours of hard labor. She inherited my family’s dramatic genes.” Mercy chuckled and wiped a tear from her face. “But it does show that a relationship with a coworker is possible. Sure, Ben and I were married before we settled here and before we picked our jobs but we still work closely together. And don’t get sick of each other.”
 “I wow.” August was blown away but now that she looked back on it, Ben always stood beside her, and the wedding band on Mercy’s tags matched Ben’s. “Okay. So, after my probationary period is up you think I might be able to ask her out?”
 “Well I think you should test the waters before then but definitely put in to transfer as soon as you can so you can follow this.” Mercy took a drink. She chuckled faintly. “Can’t believe we didn’t tell you. Shit’s insane.”
 “I’m trying to wrap my head around the pair of you.”
 “We met while I was on vacation in India. You get leave and sometimes it’s not long enough to go home. Or Home isn’t an option.” Her eyes darkened. Mercy didn’t speak much of her family but August did know she didn’t have good relationships with anyone but her twin brother and her youngest brother. “He was there taking a break from studying. Needed to find himself or something. It was a dark time for him. I don’t ask too much just remind him he survived it. But we met because we were in the same hotel and were pretty much the only tourists that spoke English. We spent two weeks hanging out and doing dumb things together. We thought we’d never sea each other again. Until a year later, I took my leave and went to Australia. And it’s a small world apparently. We met up for every one of my leaves after that and kept in contact. It ended up a coin flip that decided he move to America with me. We got married a few months later. Dakota came along after we settled here in Hope.”
 “That’s so romantic. It’s like you were destined.”
 “Maybe. Anyway. We were trying to talk about you.”
 “Yeah but I’m not as interesting as that.”
 “Of course you are! August you’ve got a lot going on for you. But I get it if you feel like you have to hold back. Sometimes it isn’t easy fitting into a department and risks aren’t always worth the reward.” Mercy gave a soft sigh. August looked to her friend and smiled.
 “I think you’re right. I need to test the waters. I shouldn’t jump in without knowing if transferring randomly will be worth it. Or if I’ll lose a friend.”
 “The Spring Equinox Festival is coming up. Ask her to that. Makes for a good casual date.” Mercy offered and finished her drink. “You finished? It’s about that time.” August drained the last of her drink and stood up.
 “Oh my god, it makes so much sense why Ben’s always picking us up.” Mercy snorted and they headed to the bar to settle their tab. There was a man with slicked back hair and nice clothing there, talking with Mary-May. She was glowering at him and turned to look at them as soon as she could.
 “Come to settle your tab?” Her voice was icy.
 “Are you bothering Ms. Fairgrave?” Mercy’s voice had shifted, matching her now tense posture. The man smiled benevolently and wrapped his knuckles on the wood of the bar.
 “Well hello Ms. Stein, I worry about a woman of healing sinning in a place like this. Drink does terrible things to the hands. And mind.” Her voice was velvety, dark, but most importantly contained a familiar accent. It sounded very similar to Mercy’s.
 “Well, bless your heart, John Seed. But there ain’t a thing to worry about with me. See, I believe that a person is defined by their actions and not an outdated book.” She smiled, all teeth. “But since you love to thump those pages you might revisit the chapter on neighbors, wives, and coveting.” The man’s face turned red but his smile never dropped. His bright, bright blue eyes moved around Mercy and pinned August. Those were very intelligent eyes.
 “I don’t believe you’ve introduced me to your friend. Hello I’m John Seed, privet Lawyer.”
 “August Guiterriez, I’m the newest Deputy.” He held out his hand and August would have shaken it if Mercy were still standing between them.
 “I suppose I shall try again tomorrow night then Ms. Fairgrave? When your father’s in?” He lowered his hand and looked to her.
 “He’ll tell you the same damned thing. Now get outta my bar.” He held up his hands in mock surrender and left.
 “What was up with that?”
 “That was John Seed. He’s the youngest of the Seed Brothers. You’ll meet them soon enough. Jacob is the oldest, likes to sulk around the Veteran’s center, then there’s Joseph, he’s the one who brought them here and he’s a preacher. His… Cult of Christianity is known as the Project at Eden’s Gate.”
 “You don’t like them?”
 “It’s not about that. It’s…” Mary-May sighed. “They’ve tried to get my father to close the bar because it’s against their ‘morality’ to have a house of drink. They ran the strip club right out of town. John’s been buying up all the property he can get his hands on and they’re so secretive about what they do. Now look. I ain’t gonna tell someone their version of God is wrong. But when their version of God starts trying to take my livelihood? Then we’re gonna have problems.”
 “There’s been more and more disappearances since they moved in too. Sometimes we find them and they… To be honest it looks like they overdosed on something but we can’t find the usual drugs in their systems.” Mercy looked at the door. “They’re dangerous, try to stay clear okay?” August frowned and nodded but looked towards the door. It didn’t seem right to discount them for some strange circumstances, though their attempts to shut down the Spread Eagle weren’t good. But they had good reasoning, maybe there was a peaceful solution?
  In the following two weeks August didn’t find any time to be alone with Joey, Pratt had figured out what she was doing and was using it against her.
 “If you’re not gonna help then shut up.” She hissed and he grinned at her.
 “I am helping Rookie.”
 “Your definition of helping is strange.” Ben’s voice cut in. Both jumped and turned to look at him.
 “You are so silent man!” He grinned and winked.
 “My wife taught me a thing or two about stealth. Something you might want a lesson in Pratt.” He settled on the edge of August’s desk. “How’s it going?”
 “I just can’t find the right words. Like I don’t wanna sound like I’m pressuring her, I don’t wanna sound like I want a date-date, and I don’t wanna sound too casual.” August groaned softly and put her head on her arms. Ben patted the top of her head.
 “I’m sure you’ll figure it out you’ve got a month and a half to go yet.”
 “Would you mind if I came over and had dinner with you guys and brainstorm with Mercy?”
“Come on Mercy can’t hold your hand the whole time.”
 “Advice and hand holding are two completely different things.” Ben stated stiffly and smiled at her. “I wouldn’t mind and Dakota always enjoys meeting new people.” She grinned and they settled in for another quiet day.
  Dakota, the rambunctious little girl, was just as bright and happy as all the pictures of her and videos implied. She squealed brightly and happily bounced around, showing off her large plush bear named Cheesy. Mercy smiled and welcomed her into their home.
 “And this is the kitchen.” August was given a tour by the tiny girl and Ben and Mercy laughed before Ben scooped the little girl up.
 “It’s time for dinner Kotie!” He teased and tickled her, causing her to shriek with laughter.
 “We’ll talk after dinner since it’ll be Ben’s turn.”
  Mercy and Ben’s home was cozy. Their den was more cordoned off from the living room where Ben and Dakota were working on the Kindergartener’s ‘homework’ of coloring a picture of their home.
 “I just don’t know what to say! How do I not come off as creepy, or too invested, or like a teenager with a crush?” August grumbled and Mercy nodded and settled into her seat.
 “Well I suppose it’s more about phrasing, asking her to go with to the festival definitely implies a deeper relationship wanted but asking to meet implies alone and a much more casual way.”
 “Yeah but how do I open? Hey Joey you wanna go to the Festival that’s like a month away and then possibly date me?”
 “I’d leave the ‘date me’ part off for now. But maybe ripping the bandaid off is the best approach?” The blonde offered.
 “Maybe. I just… What if?”
 “The world would be wasted on what ifs. If it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be. Don’t torture yourself over this, kiddo.” August looked into sharp blue eyes and the friendly warmth there was enough to ease her fears, for the moment. “It’s okay to be nervous but you can’t let it rule you. I mean you got through the police academy and you transferred all the way out here. That takes guts given your city girl nature.” August laughed at the gentle tease.
 “Yeah, yeah country girl. You gotta take care of this city girl and make sure she doesn’t break a nail or something.” They laughed, which was apparently enough to draw the attention of Dakota as she zoomed into the room and bounced on her heels in front of Mercy.
 “Mommy! Mommy can we play outside with the sparklers tonight? Can we? It’s still bright out! I wanna show Ms. August the spinney trick. Please?!” She dragged out the last word and pouted. Mercy sat up and gave a wry smile.
 “Well we’ll have to ask Ms. August about that then huh? You up for going outside for a bit?” It was clearly an out to keep talking or to go home.
 “I’d love to see Dakota’s spinney trick.” She grinned and the little girl punched the air before pulling on Mercy’s hand.
 “Come on Mommy! Daddy said he’d get everything ready!” Once Mercy was standing it was August’s turn to be gently tugged on. She stood and Dakota gripped her hand. “Come on I’ll show you the way!” She rushed forward pulling the Deputy with her. She laughed and heard Mercy chuckling as she followed.
  August finally had everything she wanted to say in order. She had the perfect idea and knew exactly what she wanted to mean. With only a few weeks to the Festival she felt confident that this wouldn’t be seen as something with pressure. She had ‘prettied’ herself up a bit too, wearing a bit more than her standard foundation and neutral lipstick. She highlighted her eyes with some nice wings, she gave a touch of blush, and she tinted her lips pink. She felt more confident than ever. She had this in the bag.
 “Hey.” Joey smiled. Oh no, the words died on her tongue.
 “Hey, what’s up?”
 “Not much, I was wondering if you would like to come out for drinks tomorrow night after work? It’ll be nice to meet up outside of work and I wanted to ask you something important.” August felt her heart stutter and then hit double time.
 “I’d love to. Meet up at the Spread Eagle?”
 “Definitely, best place to get a drink with friends.” Joey grinned and moved to her desk, Whitehorse calling her away after a moment with Mercy at his side, a grave look on her face.
 “Well at least one of you finally bucked up.” Pratt’s voice cut through her happy bubble. She glanced over at him and then shrugged.
 “Sometimes letting the other person come to you is the right thing to do. Forcing yourself on other people isn’t cool.”
 “I never have to force it. The ladies love Staci. Have I told you I can fly a helicopter?”
 “Sure, you can.” She rolled her eyes, still feeling too giddy and excited to let him get her down.
 “I mean maybe it was because you finally put some effort into your look.” Oh, but he was determined, wasn’t he?
 “What do you mean?”
 “I mean the eyes, the lips, looks good. Maybe she finally appreciated something nice to look at.” Happy feeling gone. Nagging cold doubt thy name is August. She couldn’t let him know he got to her though. “I certainly do. It’s nice to know you clean up good.”
 “I don’t dress for you or Joey. I dress for myself.” Half truth but he wouldn’t know it. Pratt scoffed but before he could say anything else Joey was back, looking fuming mad about something. “What’s wrong?”
 “Freaking Seeds. Apparently, someone called in a possible domestic dispute at the Stein-Lee residence. The concerned citizen? John Seed. He apparently heard screaming from his little airfield at his ranch and was ‘concerned’ about them.”
 “What?” She and Pratt blinked.
 “Yeah so Mercy and Ben are tied up explaining that they have a five-year-old and she screams and plays. So, Ben’s gonna be gone until tomorrow so we’re basically on standby for that missing persons case, we’ll have to go over the evidence we have again and wait for his profile tomorrow.”
 “I’m sure he didn’t mean to cause trouble.”
 “Yeah, sure.” Joey grumbled. August rubbed her neck. She gave a small smile.
 “We can cancel drinks tomorrow if you need?”
 “No way!” Joey blinked before grinning. “Let’s not let that asshole keep us from having a good time.”
  August looked at herself in the mirror. Her dress was a soft navy blue with a few splashes of color in the form of pink and white flowers. She had her hair swept back, gently tucked. She’d taken Mercy’s advice and was wearing comfortable sandals and her favorite jewelry. Her makeup was simple, highlighting the deep warm brown of her eyes, making them look like chocolate pools shifting between dark and milk easily, and she darkened her lips a little more. She added a hint of bronzer to her blush, highlighting her cheekbones and making her face look thinner. She looked beautiful. She looked feminine. Her phone started ringing and she noticed it was a Mercy on skype.
 “Hey, looking good August.” She grinned, there was flour on her cheek.
 “That’s a good look for you too. What happened?”
 “I’m making a cobbler and Dakota’s helping.”
 “I said sorry mommy! I didn’t know it would go ‘splode!” Dakota’s voice called from somewhere below the camera. Mercy looked down and her phone shifted as she changed her grip.
 “It’s fine. Just means you get an extra bath tonight.”
 “Yesssssss! Hey. You got this.” Mercy’s attention suddenly flipped back to August and her teasing smile widened and she gave a thumbs up. “Call if you need anything okay? I just wanted to check in and make sure you were okay.”
 “Thanks. I’ll let you know when I get there and if I need a ride home.”
 “Don’t worry about the time either. You know Ben and I don’t mind. And Dakota sleeps like a rock.”
 “I’ll be fine. Go back to making your cobbler.”
 “There’ll be a piece waiting for you tomorrow.”
 “Thanks. Thanks again Mercy.”
 “Don’t worry. You got this.” They hung up and August glanced at herself again. She had this. She could do this.
  Joey was already there and waiting for her when she arrived. She grinned and headed over, nodding to Mary-May, feeling her heart beat double time. Joey looked different out of uniform. Her hair was styled in a braid and she was wearing long dangling earrings. She looked lovely in her stylishly ripped jeans and a nice blouse. She perked up seeing August and blinked a bit.
 “Wow I wouldn’t have pegged you for a dressy girl. You look great.”
 “Thanks. Have you ordered yet?”
 “Yeah, Jen’s grabbing our drinks Mary-May said you and Mercy are here enough for her to know your drink order.”
 “Oh, excuse me.” A soft voice said and August turned to move from the way of a woman with three beers in her hands. She set them down but didn’t sit she turned and smiled brilliantly at August. “You must be Joey’s new partner, August! It’s great to finally meet you! She talks about you all the time.” She gave a quick hug before backing off. “Oh sorry. I’m Jenny. Sorry.” She awkwardly stuck out her hand and smiled nervously.
 “Yeah I’m August.” She felt like there was a knife sliding between her ribs but she gently took the woman’s hand and shook it. “it’s nice to meet you. Joey hasn’t said a word about you.” At this Jenny turned and frowned at Joey and Joey blushed.
 “I don’t like to mix my personal life and work.”
 “You could at least tell people I exist.” Jenny mumbled and August felt so fucking awkward. “I know we haven’t been together long but I’d have at least thought you’d have told your partner about me.”
 “It’s no big deal!” August cut in and settled as Jenny looked at her worried. “Really. Did you need me to cover for your paperwork because you’re planning a secret get away? You coulda just asked.” She laughed and felt it managed to sound real. She was shattering inside. She missed her shot. She blew it. Pratt would never let her live this down. And Mercy’s gentle concern and attempts to console her will be worse.
 “Oh uh no. Do you also have a usual food too?”
 “Hm? Oh, Mercy and I eat appetizers, I was pretty hungry earlier though so I grabbed a sandwich at home.” She couldn’t stomach food. Honestly if it wasn’t for the fact that she didn’t want to seem rude she’d be chugging her beer, wanting the alcohol desperately.
 “I’m getting a burger what do you want?”
 “Same babe. Thanks.” Jenny nodded and went back to the bar. “Hey so uh I wanted to ask if this was okay?”
 “Huh? You and Jenny? Yeah, why wouldn’t it be?” Because it was slowly murdering her inside? Did Joey know. Oh god was this her trying to let her down easy with proof? What had August done to make her think that was necessary?
 “I know it feels a little third-wheelie but Jenny’s also new to the area and doesn’t have a lot of friends. I figured I’d introduce you guys and maybe you could give her a hand too?” Joey gave a soft pleading look. August’s heart melted and ached.
 “Yeah sure no problem.” She murmured and then pulled her phone. “Oh, my landlady needs me to come back, she forgot to let her dog out and since she’s out of town she asked if I can do it.” Joey blinked at how fast she spoke but nodded.
 “Hey no problem. I’ll give you a ride there and have Jen keep out table.”
 “Nah it’s okay. Like you said it’s a bit third-wheelie. Have a good night Joey. I’ll see you at work on Monday.” She smiled and sped out waving to Jenny who looked confused but didn’t give chase. She stepped out into the chilly night and took several deep breaths. Trying to hold back the tears. She could feel them streaming down her face and promised herself she wouldn’t sob. She pulled her phone back out and realized she couldn’t see it clearly enough to call Mercy. She was about to flick on voice command when someone cleared their throat.
 “Hello, I’m sorry to bother you but you seem to be in distress.” His voice was soothing and she looked up blinking as gentle blue eyes looked at her in concern. “Is there anything I can do to help you?” She wiped at her face and managed a smile.
 “Not unless you know how to heal a broken heart.” She muttered and he made an understanding sound.
 “I’m Joseph Seed, I’m the Father of the Project at Eden’s Gate, however I don’t have that power. All I can tell you is that the Lord is watching and He sees your suffering.” August blinked and finally took a good look at the man. He was wearing worn jeans and cowboy boots. He had on a nice white dress shirt and a black vest over it. He had scarred and tattooed forearms. His face was covered half with a beard but his eyes were still bright and concerned, peering at her from over the top of yellow sunglasses. His hair was pulled back in a bun but looked like it wouldn’t be too long if it fell free.
 “I’m Deputy August Guiterriez.”
 “Ah, my brother mentioned you looked familiar. Would you mind walking with me Deputy? I would feel much safer with a woman of the law at my side.”
 “Ha, uh I wouldn’t want to burden you with my presence. You should probably get back to your brother.” She sniffed and rubbed at her face again, now able to look down at her phone properly.
 “You are no burden August.” He assured and motioned to the street. “There is a lovely band playing tonight at the park. Please join me for a bit?”
 “You know what? Sure.” She put her phone away and they started walking.
 “It is a lovely evening. Spring is truly beginning.”
 “Yeah. So, what are you doing out?”
 “It’s not important really. What about you? What’s broken your heart Deputy?”
 “I missed my one shot with someone and now… Now I have to watch them be happy with someone else.”
 “I’m sorry to hear that. But perhaps it is for the best. Rumor has it you’re new to Hope and there is still much for you to see.”
 “I’m not that new. I’ve been here for almost half a year!” He chuckled softly and held up his hands as they continued to walk.
 “My apologies. You’re not new. If you might direct me to the Veterans Center some time?” August blushed and frowned at him.
 “Okay so I haven’t been all around the county, yet. But I will. I’m gonna be a Sheriff one day you know.”
 “I believe you.” He assured and they continued on in silence for a beat. “Have you ever thought that you were meant to feel heartbreak so that when the one truly meant for you found you, they would help you heal as you would help them heal?”
 “What do you mean?”
 “Perhaps your lost chance is much like mine. A long time ago I had the chance to have a family with a wonderful woman, whom I loved dearly. But it would have come at the cost of never finding my brothers again. Sadly, that chance passed me by. I have felt her loss and the loss of that family ever since, despite regaining my brothers. I can’t help but wonder if I have truly missed my chance at love, at happiness sometimes.”
 “I’m so sorry.” August paused and gently placed her hand on his arm.
 “All is well. I believe I’ve finally found the right path. I believe we’re all destined for something. I believe that there is a change coming, something we must all be ready for in the end.” He said, ending a bit gravely. “But I feel that there is still time for chances and fate to wave itself into something grand.” They had reached the park. August smiled. She weirdly felt lighter. The faint sounds of a fiddle and drums and guitar drifted lazily over to them.
 “Well we’re here. Safe and sound. I should probably call my friend and ask her to come and pick me up. I don’t really want to go home right now.”
 “Young friend being Ms. Stein? Does she not have a young child? Wouldn’t that wake her?” He asked gently and August blinked. She’d never really thought about it, Mercy always said to call if she needed it but it was probably a forced offer. Not something she wanted to do but would out of duty.
 “Yeah… Yeah she does.”
 “If you don’t want to head home just yet might I ask you to dance? I might not know modern dance but I know a good box step.” He offered his hand and she felt a small laugh bubble out of her before she smiled and accepted.
 “I’d love to.”
  They drifted lazily. Around the well-lit pathways of the park, slowly moving to the beat of the music.
 “You’re a wonderful dancer.”
 “Thanks, so are you.” August hadn’t felt this light in probably years, even when she’d thought that Joey had asked her out. “Have you ever been to the Spring Festival before?”
 “Oh yes. My family and I enjoy visiting and seeing all the vendors and the community come together. It is much more palatable than the other Springtime festival.” He grumbled a bit at the end and she wondered what he was talking about, she’d ask Mercy some other time.
 “Well would you mind if I tagged along with your family this year, it’s still a little new to me?”
 “I thought you weren’t new in Hope.” He teased gently but guided them to a stop.
 “Well maybe I’m looking for someone to guide me.” He smiled, something strange flickering through his eyes before he leaned close and tipped her head up.
 “I shall be happy to be your guide August.” He pressed a soft kiss to her lips and then pulled back. “Might I offer you a ride home?”
 “I’d like that, thanks.” She replied a little breathless.
  Mercy hummed softly and was cautious but August waved her worry off. She was helping to watch Dakota so that the couple could finish packing. They were taking a 6 month sabbatical to not only be part of Mercy’s twin brother’s wedding but also to see Ben’s family back in Australia.
 “You’re gonna miss the Festival.”
 “Sadly, but your twin brother only gets married twice and the munchkin hasn’t seen Nana and Papa since she was a toddler and almost got banned from the Zoo for attempting to ride a crock.”
 “You’re kidding.”
 “I swear she’s part Disney Princess with her animal affinity.” Mercy chuckled before looking at her. “Are you sure you’re going to be okay?”
 “Yeah. I’ve kinda met someone. He talked me down from a near panic attack that I didn’t realize I was having until later when I thought about it. We’re meeting up at the Festival.”
 “And who is this mystery man?”
 “You’ll meet him, when I know this is a solid thing. And not some passing fancy.” It didn’t feel like that. Whenever she saw Joseph something in her felt welcomed, felt right. But Mercy had her qualms with the Seeds and it would take time to smooth things over.
 “Well I ‘spose as long as you’re alright…” Mercy trailed off before motioning to the counter. “The pie ’s for you, peach pear.”
 “Thanks Mercy.”
  August yawned and blinked slowly at the others.
 “Coffee?” Pratt asked, looking a bit like a raccoon himself.
 “Thanks.” He nodded and they waited for Whitehorse to speak, along with the man next to him.
 “There has been video evidence released. It shows that Joseph Seed, is responsible for the death of a man. We’ve issued a warrant for his arrest and he’s hold himself up in his church, surrounded by his cult.” Suddenly August didn’t need any coffee. She was awake and staring at the Sheriff.
 “Marshal Burke is here to help us arrest him given the situation.”
  August stared at the phone in her hand and looked at the images playing, seeing the people and not having it connect to her brain. She felt her heart shatter anew.
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