#with both Siri and Malve skewing towards Barbie and Corina Brianta lacking significant Kenergy... I really need more Kens
reverienne · 1 year
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@aylaaescar inspired me so here's "Who's Barbie and who's Ken?" featuring my main blorbos at the moment.
Barbie: Emerald Aeducan (DA:O) Serena Amell (DA:O)
Ken: Corinne Varyn (Wayfarer)
Whatever crime they committed, they regret absolutely nothing: Kallista Tabris (DA:O) Juliander Strzygomski (Shepherds of Haven)
If you think this is enough to make them panic, think again - they'll be getting out of this mess: Bogumiła Niepołomska (Shepherds of Haven)
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