#with no small amount of unrequited Celebrimbor/Túrin
aipilosse · 9 months
gil-galad/elrond for 23 (as encouragement), OR celebrimbor/orodreth for 54 (out of envy or jealousy)?
Celebrimbor/Orodreth is a really big-brained ship. I was very won over by Visitor's version of it in the Mamma Mia AU (btw everyone should read the Mamma Mia AU: here we go again)
Unfortunately, this is not that.
Túrin looked grave as he always did, a permanent line etched between dark brows, but his mouth softened when he saw Finduilas holding out the wreath of flowers.
Celebrimbor's stomach twisted, ugly thoughts rising to choke him. Just a few months ago he thought he could feel only happiness for Finduilas and would have rejoiced to see the soft smile she now turned towards Túrin as he accepted the wreath. But a few months ago he had not seen the bewitching beauty of Túrin: raven-haired, eyes of fascinating matte-grey, smooth pale skin that contrasted with rough black hair on his chin and chest, and shoulders that stunned whether draped in thin linen or chain-mail.
After an evening consuming copious amounts of apple brandy with Finduilas to soften what felt like a stiff parody of their old friendship, he had confessed his jealousy of her.
Her musical laugh had discordant notes. "Túrin son of Húrin loves me not; nor will," she had said before discarding her glass to drink straight from the bottle.
Those were her words, yet in a city full of adoration, only Finduilas seemed capable of eliciting any warmth from Túrin.
Celebrimbor turned to see Orodreth standing next to him with a look of sour discontent that mirrored his own heart.
"You too?" Celebrimbor asked.
Orodreth startled; a guilty look flashed over his face before his scowl deepened. "Valar forgive a father for looking in sadness upon his daughter's entanglement with a mortal," he bit out. "You cannot understand the pain."
"Of course not, my liege." Celebrimbor echoed Orodreth's sarcasm. "Our positions are utterly dissimilar."
Túrin set the wreath upon his head after an elaborate bow to Finduilas. Finduilas laughed and straightened the flowers, standing on tip-toe to do so. The two turned towards the table where Celebrimbor and Orodreth stood.
Celebrimbor thought for a moment that he should try to smile, to at least pretend that envy did not eat at him, but before he could summon the strength, Orodreth grabbed his shoulder and pulled him close.
Their mouths met in a rather painful bump. Celebrimbor's mouth open in surprised while Orodreth's was still in a tight frown. Then Celebrimbor snapped his lips shut as Orodreth opened too wide. He jerked back.
"What!" Celebrimbor could not quite manage a question.
"They're watching!" Orodreth hissed.
Celebrimbor's eyes darted over to Túrin and Finduilas. Túrin's frown had turned adorably quizzical, but Finduilas was staring at them chalky with rage.
Orodreth had a wild look about him, but he was very pretty, and did have the fetching gold curls Celebrimbor had once thought his greatest weakness before being introduced to the concept of chest hair.
They met again in alignment, with sweetly parted lips and gently questing tongues.
There were worse ways to try and mend his broken heart, Celebrimbor thought. And maybe he could finally get Orodreth to let him remake his horribly boring crown.
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