#with occasional factoried runes fired emblems and impacted genshins
cursedcola · 2 years
Hey everyone! Important Announcement!
I want to say that I’ll be changing my blog’s format to better fit my needs (I’ve been planning this for some time, which is why I haven’t posted any of my writings recently).
Starting Today: TwistedFantasies will now operate under the name CursedCola
I want to make this my main blog for writings and fandom nonsense. Running so many sub-blogs for every community I’m in is extremely confusing. So I’m condensing under one name.
I will be sorting all my content from now on via tags. Aka. TwistedWonderland material will be found if you always search “twst” or “twisted wonderland” in my blog tags. My masterlist also will have sections for my writings so that everything can be found easily.
This is the last update I’ll be making for a while. Please know that I am still writing for twisted wonderland (as I have been), but now I’ll also be posting content for other fandoms as well.
If you're curious, here are some fandoms you may see content for in the future:
Tears of Themis
Genshin Impact
Obey Me: Shall we Date!
Our Life: Beginnings and Always & Our Life: Now and Forever
Blooming Panic
Error 143
Dragon Age Series
Pillars of Eternity
XoXo Droplets
Fire Emblem Series
Harvest Moon/Rune Factory Series
Stardew Valley
Twisted Wonderland (obviously)
and more! The list only grows as my interests expand. I've never said it on here, but I am an aspiring game dev. so I may occasionally post pieces of things I program/create from time to time. Or recommendations for otome/rpgs/etc of other creators that I think y'all would like.
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kaedesfleawaltz · 3 years
My blog has been cleansed of Danganrumples
Please no more Dangleronpa
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cursedcola · 2 years
Submission Guidelines <3
Greetings, and welcome to my domain. If you’re new here, welcome! If not, then thank you for returning to my page.
My name is CursedCola. I post semi-decent content for various fandoms, my own creations, and the occasional nonsense. You can find the list of my 'current' fixations here:
Tears of Themis
Honkai Star Rail
Genshin Impact
Dragon Age Series
Pillars of Eternity
Fire Emblem Series
Harvest Moon/Rune Factory Series
Twisted Wonderland
Sun Haven
Baldur’s Gate 3
Love and Deep Space
Our Life Series
Otome Games (General reviews)
This list may change as I join/fall out of fandoms, but content from my previous hyperfixations will always be here for anyone to enjoy. I'll make sure to specify if a fandom is not one that I am accepting requests for.
I am also an aspiring game developer! I specifically hope to create fun otome games, and do a genre that's important to me justice! Be them visual novel or otherwise hehe.
When navigating my blog, use the following tags to filter the content you'd like to see:
#colawrites -> for stories and fanfiction.
#colareviews -> for game reviews and recommendations.
#coladraws -> for any art.
#colagames -> for any information regarding game development and projects.
Below you can find my guidelines for submitting requests. I hope you enjoy your stay and give me a juicy prompt! 
WritingMasterList!!: Here
ReviewMasterList: Here (coming soon!)
I am also the current developer of "TWISTED WONDERLAND: "The Hall Of Mirrors". A text-based interactive story that spins off of Yana Tobaso's "Twisted Wonderland". See below for the game's current status:
Production Start: April, 2023 - Early drafts and prompting
Plot Drafting: May - June 2023
Plot Finalization: June - November 2023
Programming: December 2023 - Current
General Guidelines
1) No NSFW requests. I will not write smut.  
2) No requests pertaining to possible triggers for other viewers. Examples of this include themes such as rape, suicide, eating disorders, panic attacks, et cetera. If you cannot decide if a prompt is triggering, please message me. 
3) I reserve the right to turn down any request. I trust that you all know what is appropriate (Ex: No pedophilia, no incest, etc).
4) Please place your requests in my “Ask,” box and not “Submissions”. Asks are for requests, and submissions are reserved for questions/comments/suggestions for the blog. Please do not spam the inbox either. I will respond as promptly as I can to each request.
5) Be kind your fellow viewer. I have zero tolerance for harassment or negative behavior. Do not bring discourse here. Do not bring controversial topics here either or have debates in my comments. 
Submitting Writing Requests
You may submit an ask for one of the following: Head-cannons, imagines, or a one-shot. 
Imagine and headcannon requests can have up to four characters. You can mix fandoms, but make sure to specify. Coontent normally is of higher quality if you do not mix though - just something to note.
One-Shots may only be of one character.
You may re-submit the same prompt with different characters in a separate ask once your first is fulfilled. Please be respectful and understand that others have requests as well. I also need a reasonable workload balance. 
AU’s are welcome. Please specify your chosen AU within the request. 
All requests will be written using gender-neutral pronouns unless specified within the ask. 
Submitting Review Requests
I'm always looking for new games to try out and would love your input! Let me know if there's a game you'd like for me to give a shot!
Final Thoughts
Thank you for reading up until this point. It means a great deal to me! 
You can also find me elsewhere: 
My personal blog (reblogs, shit-posts, etc): here
My Fire-Emblem imagines blog: here
Side note: If you guys ever see a reply in the comments under the name ‘reeeeeeeeecola,’ that’s me lol.
Welp...that's everything! See y'all on the other side.
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