#with people with different levels of tech usage/ways they talk and type/timelines on how quickly they expect stuff/first language & dialect
songofwizardry · 6 months
i like organising things but what i do not like is the experience of trying to run something that requires input from like three different lots of people on four different groups all of whom i communicate with via text when the other lot of people has asked me for something, always after 8pm at night, and always (no matter how serious the matter actually is) all these conversations take on some varying tone of urgency in my brain bc if they do not answer or we don't have a decision before i go to bed nothing will get done until i am back from work the next day at 5pm. truly most annoying experience.
#rants#text post#my post#i don't generally mind not being liked is the thing#i would much rather be efficient and useful#but when it's people i'm actively organising with who are also doing this on their own free time as volunteers etc#and really they're doing their best and i'm doing my best and it's nobody fault it's just there's a lot of varying communication via text#with people with different levels of tech usage/ways they talk and type/timelines on how quickly they expect stuff/first language & dialect#and lots of moving parts#shit goes wrong so often in so many little ways#and you do sound like an asshole (or you worry you will sound like an asshole)#and like it's always fine but god so many moving parts and people#truly the best thing i've learnt is 'don't take it personally' with this shit#like it's not that deep things will move on etc etc it's done so much for me#bc shit will go wrong and people (me included) will say stupid stuff and change the text you wrote in a way that minorly annoys you or#prioritise something you wouldn't have prioritised or used language you wouldn't have#and like in the end?#as long as we can all move on and the work gets done and people are supported and fed and action gets done?#and like while it's easy to take things personal in this type of stuff people are often a lot more generous than you'd expect when you're#judging yourself harshly#anyway as i type this some of the knots i was stressing about have *just* come untangled and i can send off some positive 'thing is done!'#texts before i sleep#so that's really nice!! see. things are good. i still don't like the running back and forth BUT things do work out#thanks for coming on this journey with me folks
0 notes
incoherentham · 7 years
Strategic Review: July 2017
Every month or so I do a review of how my life is going. I’m posting these here now
Got a new whiteboard
Lovely tea kettle introduced to the kitchen, I have silicon spatulas now and misc. good food to good.
[redacted] moved out, we have a nook and more kitchen space again
Had a positive fight with partner!
Got my work travel expenses reimbursed
Been reading machine learning papers, and am starting to comprehend the code I look at.
Made adjustments to my hip bag like a pro fixer-er of stuff
Lost my gold fidget spinner
Boxes boxes everywhere
Keep dropping social engagements
Anxiety feedback loops between partner and I. We've improved, but not solved this problem.
I really really want to set up a merchant stand but don't see how to
Fucking deleted last review by accident
What’s on my Hot Loop:
No soft edges. Demand personal space first.
Track hours usage
Meditate Breakfast
Evening Tea
Stick to the basics of reasoning
Do the most important thing first
Build Feedback Loops / play in the dirt
Trust your instincts
Clothes decimation
Sample new clothes from piles every Sunday, save what I actively like. (Autosave socks and underwear, because judging those is hard.)
Detailed Inventory
earplug necklace
eye mask
toothbrush, razor
weighted scarf
phone, microusb chargers, portable charger
laptop, mac charger
makeup bag, backpack, hip bag
fidget spinners
Level Grinding
Assertiveness CoZE
Annotate code
Keep up with ML news
ML papers list
Sort probationary clothes
Send refund cash to bank
[redacted] docs
Inbox zero: feedly x3, gmail, alumni forum
Study cuda programming
Listen to Stanford human behavioral biology lecture series on youtube
Learn low-level and hardware programming
Speak out loud along with misc. tech conference talks subtitles
Cultivate loving-kindness mindset
Write a CBT chatbot
Endorsed Heuristics
The goal of a postmortem is to expose faults and apply engineering to fix these faults, rather than to avoid or minimize them
Carry a dry erase whiteboard for notes
Use wet wipes periodically
Most critical piece of meditation is rewarding yourself when you notice distraction and return
Taste the supplements you take
80% confidence intervals = 10-90% = 1:4 bet
Government should default to inaction
Use "what situations would make this go away?" to consider confusing impulses
Loving-Kindness meditation
Look out for self-aggression when working on self-improvement, it’s counter-productive.
Python naming best practices
subset of 20 rules of formulating knowledge
PCK seeking
Write down my steps as I solve important or complex but infrequent tasks
Speak simply, slowly
Self-denial is unhelpful
Personal rules for alcohol use:
no more than 3 drinks in 2 hours
have a glass of water every other drink
no drinking when I am already upset
Know the source of a trivia fact for context and a way to verify
Narrow down what type of errors a classifier makes by looking at the confusion matrix
Enforcing optimism is cruel to people in objectively bad situations.
Quantify consequences: how often, how long, how intense.
Freezing or spacing out responses to stress often don't get recognized as stress at all
Buy experiences rather than objects
Scientific theories tend to be not so much wrong as incomplete
Self anti-silencing policy: Share "I disagree but don't expect to the thoughts to be welcomed, so I am not doing so."
Add "Like this comment to express skepticism or disagreement" to FB posts
Check my comments are at least two of (true, necessary, kind)
Instead of offering sympathy, offer money, effort, or time spent coordinating sympathetic people's money and effort.
Offer sympathy and support when friends are in the grip of distorted thoughts, not "reality checks"
Tips to engage cooperation from How to Listen.. parenting book
Ask for feedback with "what did you notice that might be worth looking at together" (h/t Malcolm Ocean)
Start off any rationalist meetup with a game of object-boggle
CFAR mailing list norms
Replace "Middle Class" with "Working Class" in conversation
Establish the shape of an idea to someone before teaching them
Iterated Critique
Push-Pull-Action Critique
Replace "sorry for taking time" with "thank you for giving me your time"
Replace "do not shout" with "talk in a quieter voice"
Replace "refuse" with "said would not" or "did not"
If you aren't describing events, you're probably evaluating them.
Master and Develop branches should be kept constantly shippable
Black-box monitering alerts preserve good signal-to-noise ratio
R tidbits
Seriously limit the amount of on-call and manual work time by a Site Reliability Engineering team members to ~50%.
little bit of Haskell type theory
Try turning it off and back on again
Prefer to prepend vs. append to lists
Python naming best practices
Check the base case in recursive types/functions
Check closed boundaries and midpoints in intervals
Make a function template for complex data definitions
A function returning a Boolean needs at least a true and false test case
Define your data type when directly manipulating similar values
Stub functions so you can test code with unfinished/broken dependencies
Syntax errors accumulate quickly, compile-check often
Write a failing test so you don't forget to finish a stubbed function
You need to write a docstring
Biases to notice
People want to benefit from dishonesty but also consider themselves good people (video)
Regression to the mean
Choice-supportive bias
Scope insensitivity
Gambler's fallacy
The procrastination equation
Memorize individual derivation steps to always follow the fastest path while solving a problem
Don't memorize whole books or articles unless you're about to have an important exam
I must have a specific reasong for wanting to make this anki card
Redudant information in the question of a card will slow down your learning process
When an experienced user starts forgetting cards, it's likely from similar cards with different answers.
Don't try to memorize unordered sets of more than 5 members
Flashcard questions should be short
Minutiae to absorb
1 thousand to 1 million order of magnitude difference = 15 mins vs 12 days
1 million or 1 billion order of magnitude difference = 12 days or 30 years
Cache associativity
MESI protocol
derivative rules
bash shortcuts
reader-writer locks
what is a store buffer
recognizing chump bets in the jane street protocol
Misc scraps
notes from Modern Operating Systems 4th edition
proposed rationalist life timeline
weekly timeboxing summaries
stuff Jake says
mathemetically modeling the usefulness of holding onto stuff
ml papers notes
location of Onward house
ADEPT explanations
formatted nvim text wrapping
relationship meta <3
daily timeboxes
prefix sums, reduction trees
sci-hub.cc lets you get ahold papers, apparently
notes from [redacted] docs
android app for getting around the mobile hotspot limitations
shipnames for rl couples
postmodern jukebox does modern songs in vintage style
Applied Information Economics (h/t Ian Moss)
math concept cheatsheets
how to transfer files between local computers with netcat
Activity cards I'd like to make
why is calibration so hard to practice?
some changes
add dry erase whiteboard carrying
refine going through clothes/posessions plan, changed current clothes in hotloop
chance tasc task
add ml papers
removed day plan
got more specific in my "endorsed" stuff here
add Annotate code, tenserflow learning to tasks
remove Learning C stuff
0 notes