#with ur fuckin chest left open for enemies to stab
damnilovefaerghus · 7 months
Have you ever thought
Yurificating ShezRod?
I have not! It's mostly that if I did think about it, my mind gets bogged down in the logistical details of the AU far too quickly, so it becomes less a cute thought experiment than a gnarly worldbuilding exercise. Since just with Rodrigue:
His relationship of loyalty to Lambert and the Kingdom (and his own repression) would have to change if he were instead a woman and Lambert stayed king. Would Rodrigue have been betrothed to Lambert from the start in this universe, to keep the Fraldarius-Blaiddyd ties close? Would (she) even have ended up duke, rendering the whole thought process moot?
Or does making Rodrigue a woman imply that to keep the friendship between (her) and Lambert strong Lambert would've also had to be female, meaning the whole Issue with Patricia changes? Does that lead down to F!bert having to hide her relationship with Patricia for different reasons? Isn't that a more fascinating story to explore?
And what about F!rigue's relationship with Felix in this universe, if (she's) Felix's mother instead of father? Does Felix's vitriol against (her) take on way, way worse connotations if he's still a guy? Is the only way to fix that by making Felix female too? But then if *Felix* is female then all of (HER) relationships now also have to change in plausible ways, and exploring how Girl!lix and Ingrid (even if Ingrid doesn't change genders) struggle and hurt each other in the wake of Glenn's death feels like it might be even more interesting as yuri--
... etc.
This isn't to say any of it is a bad idea, and I can think of at least 2 compelling semi-toxic yuris from that bullshit I just wrote down. But I'm pretty sure Shezrod wouldn't even be the most interesting yuri ship in that AU at that point, and the AU setting itself ends up becoming way, way more compelling than any relationships I could focus on.
tl;dr: worldbuilding-minded Extreme COnsistency At All Timse people should be kept far away from cute fluffy thought experiments for their own good, and possibly everyone else's
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