#witnessed ; but it doesn't mean that anyone that stood on the opposite side has to be in his grace and vise versa. don't acknowledge him
karmicbound · 2 years
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________________ HEADCANON: 001. KAEDEHARA KAZUHA. 
Revolutions come to an end - often times, leading to many chapters unfinished. A sentiment that Kazuha shares, still feeling undeniable scorn towards the Raiden Shogun and those were, and are affiliated with her army. No, it is not solely because of the death of his friend. Tomo chose his own path, and was able to see the greatness he sought for. What he detests, and will never forgive - is to believe that one, Archon or not, believes they have the right to take away someone’s vision. Someone’s recognition, their hopes and ambitions. Left to spiral into someone that is unlike who they used to be when they burned brightly. 
To shoot others in the back with your bow and arrow, whilst wearing a vision at the hip... such hypocrisy. All while some gave away their lives, their very souls siphoned away just so that they could wear a delusion that would help them fight. 
Resolve came so quickly, it almost didn’t seem real. The chapter seemed to have closed, and people have resumed with their lives - but Kazuha often times travels with Beidou in an attempt to flee from his own feelings as much as possible. Though he loves Inazuma, and he misses his friends greatly, he cannot deny the hatred he feels burning deep inside of his chest. Especially since he had always been someone to think, and see things in a more positive light. Accustomed to be as free as the wind, not even tethered down to his emotions. But death and loss? It changes people, hardens a part of their soul. 
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stanzoeywade · 3 years
Queen B Girls pt 2 (feat. Rosie Hughes)
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Our brand new hyper-fixation, aka the only one brave enough to go head to head against Poppy Min-Sinclair.
Who exactly is she?
Unless you've been a hermit for the past year, and have no clue who miss Hughes is, allow me to get you up to speed.
Where do I even begin?
Her first day in Belvoire was iconic, donning a Henley shirt straight out of Target, and as Poppy would say she looked like the epitome of a back to school Target ad. (Sorry Rosie, but your outfit choice was not it.) However despite her brave, but tragic sense of style she still had the gall to confront resident bitch Min-Sinclair.
Needless to say, newbee Hughes managed to snag every social rejects' hearts due to her down to earth persona where she became an overnight sensation. The elites loathed her whilst the normals absolutely adored and idolised her. Whereas Poppy was feared by the campus, Rosie was beloved by the masses. As she stood up to the blatant elitism plaguing the halls of Belvoire, that no one else had the courage to do so.
Despite her newfound fame, our lost little lamb had no clue about her sudden rise to stardom. She was clueless about the T, and to be honest I'm quite offended by her lack of knowledge.
Anyways, despite becoming popular, her demeanour did not change. She was still approachable and friendly, in contrast to Poppy’s barbed personality, Rosie was a breath of fresh air.
Her dispute with Poppy ended in victory, in which she is now the shepherd to Belvoire's flock. The irony of it all, who knew a farm hand could be our queen?
The whole award show was a disaster, but I've got word from a reliable witness that the two archenemies were seen sneaking off before the winner was announced. Y'all know what I'm talking about so don't don't pretend you don't know. Also, I'm looking at you Ohio, the captain of the Rosie and Poppy ship. 😏
There are also some really blurry photos that have since been deleted under the behest of the Min-Sinclair heiress, in which they were seen by the fountain having a full on make-out session. I mean to be fair, the sexual tension is visible, and there's a fine line between love and hate. Opposites attract, and in this case the polarisation of their clashing personalities seemed to have let them find each other, like magnets, but instead of repelling they were pulled towards each other. They have much more in common than what meets the eye. The two of them basically have the whole of Belvoire on their shoulders so maybe in the midst of it all they found kinship with each other?
Oops, I got a bit side-tracked but hey, it's not my fault that their relationship has so much flavour.
Okay, back to Rosie.
Her style has changed from Henley toting to Octavia Olivier couture. Rumour has it that our queen has bagged herself a role as one of the models for this upcoming fashion week. She's listed as a model in Octavia's line-up. I, for one am looking forward to it, whether she sinks or swims. It'll be entertaining either way.
Although, she's our beloved queen, it still doesn't deter her from being an absolute dumbass. Don't get me wrong she's lovable and all but her sheer stupidity is baffling. I mean this in the nicest way possible but, I guess you kinda have to be a dumbass to stand up against Poppy, so? 🤷‍♀️
Miss Hughes is also new money, which must make it all the more humiliating for Poppy, who comes from a distinguished family that dates back to the early days of New York. Therefore, it's no surprise that she went all out to try and make Rosie disappear, I mean she went from peasant to multi-millionaire. I'd be pissed off too if a clueless fool comes to my turf and snatches my crown with just a wave of their hand. Especially since Rosie doesn't seem to realise how lucky she is, but it's not about me. It's about the fact that dreams do come true so if you're one of the social rejects reading this, then there's a slim chance (maybe 0.00001%) of going from trash to class.
Anyone who's reading this would be lying to themselves if they haven't been charmed by Rosie, I mean, all of Poppy's clique seem to think that Rosie's not bad, judging from the fact that they were all seen going out together. - Oh, to be popular and rich in Broadway. - In fact I'd say she's charming enough to attract the likes of Benji, who's obsession landed him a small stint in jail, expulsion and a restraining order. (three birds with one stone, but hey it was deserved.)
Her sarcasm is also unmatched, seeing as most her banter with Poppy seems to be backhanded compliments, if not downright insults - is that sexual tension I smell in the air? - their small squabbles are legendary. Get you someone who argues with you but then gives you a tender look when they think no one is looking. 😏 Yes, I'm talking about you Rosie, no one looks at their enemy that way.
Despite her easygoing and carefree nature, Rosie is actually pretty reserved, opting to spend time in solitude. It's not a secret that she hates the pedestal that's she's on, which I don't understand because if I'd literally kill to be in her shoes. However, there are few pictures surfacing where she's been seen with her arch-nemesis, and they lowkey look bomb together, I'm almost jealous until I remember that it's Poppy we're talking about.
Overall, Hughes is interesting to say the least. Who knows, maybe if she stops dancing around her feelings Belvoire might have a brand new power couple. (All the Poppy and Rosie shippers form a prayer circle with me, we can manifest this into existence if we all try)
The T
Taglist: @somewillwin @uhh-the-green-thing @jmojellybae @simp-pony @made-me-deep-blue @uselesslesbianfr @it-lives-in-braidwood-manor @belvoiresqueenbee @alexlabhont @samanthadalton @crazzyplays @sparring-hyena @baexpoppy @cloakanddaggerthings @somin-yin @narierei2709 @shows-simp-card @thatwhorefromnextdoor @ashleyfenner @cloud9in @calraquin   @wolfietheduckyou @promisedneverwrite @penda-bear
A/N: I made one for all the girls and hopefully I post them soon hehe
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{Dead Poets Society} These Four Walls - Part 1
Cameron now rooms with Todd. It was his choice, of course. He and Todd have so much in common. In a time of grief, their similarities will bring them together. That doesn't mean they'll stay that way though.
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Cameron rooms with Todd now. He suggested the idea to the administration at the end of the Fall term. His argument: they both mesh well together. Their personalities, interests, and habits match enough to make for an excellent accommodation. It would allow Richard to maintain a full Welton experience, while Todd would have an "accountability partner." Cameron gave a dead poets honor Welton Warbler Salute to Mr. Nolan that he would alert him personally if Todd so much as considered acting out.
A change like that should needs face-to-face addressment. So, he went to tell Todd. He spent about an hour searching Walton's campus. He asked anyone and everyone, including complete strangers, if they had seen 'the blonde with crooked teeth who probably just cried.' Life liked screwing with him though. He found Todd in Meeks and Pitts' room. The fates want him to play Heracles, he guesses.
After Neil's passing, the administration made an unofficial rule that the faculty should separate the remaining members as much as possible. Seating charts kept them in opposite corners. Their free periods got rescheduled. They no longer remain in the same extracurricular activities. Anything left of the society now remains under intense watch. That didn't apply to the dorms though. Welton had come under fire a few years back after several students claimed that a teacher had gone through their personal belongings without consent. They had a safe haven. Cameron knew they wouldn't take it for granted.
When Pitts answered the door, Cameron flinched. He expected to get slugged. The rumor mill labels Pitts an angel. His Methodist faith making him an intensely pacifistic person. There exists one outlying story though - Pitts choked someone out in the chemistry lab. No one knows the full story, just that Meeks started crying beforehand. Since then, no one messed with either of them. Meeks has had it out for Cameron ever since Charlie got expelled. Really, Meeks never got off his forced emotional roller coaster ride. Two best friends down, his mind races from sorrow to rage, only to repeat itself. That messes with a mind. His mind repeats the first bullet to the heart followed by a second soon after. Cameron knows his role in that second absence. Witnessing your boyfriend consistently on the verge of a breakdown isn't a great experience. Pitts would kill anyone who made Meeks sad. God only knows what happens when Meeks cries.
To Cameron's surprise, he remains alive. Pitts gave a sheepish, disappointed look. Graciously, he remained cordial. Miraculously, Cameron didn't get slugged. "Cameron. What's up?" Cameron shifted his weight. "Have you seen Todd? I need to speak with him." Pitts bit his lip. Eyes glancing leftward, he sharply breathed in. Moving to the side, he extended an arm inviting Cameron in. Todd laid on Meeks' bed, curled up next to Knox. Knox had taken leadership after the whole fiasco. Cameron had seen Todd hang around Knox a lot more. Knowing Todd, he just needed someone to hold on to. Last he heard, Knox was still going strong with Chris. rumors said he was with her ex but that's irrelevant When he walked inside, Meeks stood up from his desk. He scowled, briskly charging towards Cameron. Pitts predicted this, side-swiping Meeks. Meeks started cursing. Cameron couldn't recognize the language. At least Pitts knew it, responding in rough whispers. That just made Meeks even angrier. In a rare moment, Meeks didn't want Pitts holding him.
Knox started shifting, slowly sitting up. Cameron knew he'd get only one chance. If he doesn't take it, Todd will learn the in a less sensitive way. He'd also get a black eye. The culprit doesn't matter - he'd get a black eye.
He took a knee, getting to eye level. Todd's eyes moved towards Knox. Knox whispers that Todd decides if he wants to hear Cameron out. Todd says he'll do it. Knox responds that he'll have to show some courtesy then. Todd nods, almost like a child. He curls his knees up. Turning his attention to Cameron, his silence indicates his willingness.
Cameron wouldn't take this for granted. He just needed to make sure that he phrased this properly. "I spoke with Mr. Nolan today." Todd remained silent. "You'll be rooming with me next semester." Todd didn't even blink once. "I'll be moving in tonight. The administration's demand - not my choice." Todd stared into his soul. Cameron started going off on all the positives of the new arrangement. Knox remained silent, like Todd. His faced twisted into displeasure then disgust. To keep himself from striking Cameron, he began stroking Todd's hair. Scalp messages always made Todd feel relaxed and calm. Meeks did them. Charlie did them. Neil did them. He must've picked up on it recently. Usually, Todd receives them when he might start crying. Next time, Cameron won't kneel.
Todd leaves in the middle of Cameron's explanation. He just stood up and left. Cameron trailed off.
The second Todd got out of sight, all hell broke loose. Meeks launched himself at Cameron, grabbing him by the collar. Shoving up against the window, Meeks started choking him.
"You've got a lot of fuckin nerve." Cameron heard these words as he turned purple. Pitts sprung into action, prying Meeks' claws off of Cameron. Hooking his arms under Meeks', he starts maneuvering him to the other side of the room. Knox got in-between them. Knox tried letting Cameron have some breathing room, but he still cornered him. "Cameron, you got some explaining to do." Knox's voice expressed anger and confusion. "Todd shouldn't be alone now. I offered myself to the administration so he can have someone." Knox soured. Really, his mood envenomed. "I could've roomed with him." Cameron scoffed. "Stick is doing just fine. Besides, Nolan doesn't trust any of you. He wouldn't allow it even if I tried." Meeks started breaking out of Pitts' grip. "So you're his little lap dog? Making sure the wittle wambs get back in line?" Cameron stopped his calm demeanor. "I'm stating the facts. If Todd doesn't room with me, he'll be alone. I'm trying to prevent another Dalton here." Meeks' vision became red. "He got expelled because of you!" Meeks broke free, rushing across the room to unleash a nasty right hook. Knox got in his way. Acting as a barricade, he allowed Pitts to snag Meeks again. Cameron took this as his cue to leave. Weaving away from the enraged erudite, he cautiously escaped. As their voices fade, he could hear both Knox and Pitts try calming Meeks. "He's not worth it, man. He's not worth it." "Babe, please stop...."
"No - I won't stop until he fries!" Cameron knew what Meeks felt. He's angry too.
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"Mr. Cameron, thank you for meeting with us."
Cameron stared down at his shoes. He'll burnish them later.
"Tell us how Mr. Anderson is fairing this semester."
Cameron raised his gaze. Words started flowing.
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A/N: My first multi-parter! I've always wanted to post fanfiction before. I feel super giddy oh my gosh. It's not my best - I feel like if I don't post this it'll become overbaked.
Addressment is an old timey word, a noun that means addressing someone.
Pitts and Meeks converse in either pig-latin or Italian. Take your pick.
Knox might be with Chris... he might be with Chet... he might be flying solo. Depends on my mood moving forward.
Pitts frowned trying to calm down Meeks
Title taken from 4 Walls by f(x). Probably their prettiest song, mysterious and mystical. A real vibe.
I don't have a set schedule for parts 2 and 3. These next couple weeks are jam-packed. Just know that they'll be longer (not sure how much yet though).
Also - gRaPhIc DeSiGn iS mY pAsSiOn
As an unoriginal scrub, I want to give credit:
@srj901 made me develop an obsession with Cameron. no like the majority of my planned DPS stuff focuses on Cameron in some way like what happened There's something about her writing y'all.
@aedan-mills James P. Wilson inspired the Todd-Cameron rooom arrangement. This is where I first got exposed to it. You should read it.
Catstaff's Richard's Redemption on Ao3 really inspired me to post this. I read it after the initial conception of this work. It's really interesting how far back this fandom goes. i'm not making this Todd/Cameron just so we're clear
(I'm sorry y'all if you don't want to be tagged - I just like giving credit where it's due).
Side-Bar: Apparently there was active DPS Tumblr base in 2014? I did find an "Ask the Dead Poets Society" blog that was active for six years which only stopped posting in 2020 but like... I thought that was a one-off? Smaller fandoms always have cool backstories.
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fluffyferalkacchan · 3 years
Kacchan & Deku: Win to Save and Save to Win - A circular path of parallels (part 1)
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Okay so it had probably already been talked to death by now, but i'd like to write a detailed list of how Midoriya and Bakugou's respective paths are and had always been paralleled since the beginning. And it's not just with the whole "save to win and win to save" thing, which is the most obvious textual part of it, but there are a lot of more subtle hints along the way too. I mean in nearly every single arcs, for each of Midoriya development, Bakugou had one too (albeit in a completely opposite direction).
This post is also partly in response to some anime-only fans who complained about Bakugou's development in the Joint Training Arc coming from the left field... Which actually isn't? Like Kirishima said it had never been as obvious before but there were definite hints about it and I'll try to show them as thoroughly as possible in this post.
Warning ! This post will be quite long and will contain Manga Spoilers up to chapter 317 in part 3!
¤ From the Pre-UA era To Deku vs Kacchan: their starting lines
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(more under the cut)
When I said that the parallel started early, I really meant early. In fact, it started as early as the very first panel they were in.
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I think it is very telling that the first time we saw them, Midoriya is trying to defend another kid, while Bakugou is seen using his quirk (and actually introducing the reader/viewer to the whole concept of quirk in the first place). It tells us right here, right then on the very first second, that Midoriya Izuku is physically weak but a savior at heart and Bakugou Katsuki has a strong quirk but is a bully asserting his dominance.
This of course led to diametrical beliefs on what a hero is and should be and we've got those two very iconic moments to illustrate:
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And of course it reflected into their behaviors, even as kids.
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What I find really interesting in the way those flashbacks were presented is that Midoriya's saving moment was told through Bakugou's POV, while Bakugou's winning side was seen through Midoriya's eyes.
Those moments were deemed important because they deeply impacted the witnessing party and not actually the "wining/saving" one.
(I think someone commented once that while the river scene was highly pivotal for Bakugou, Midoriya probably doesn't even remember it. And likewise Bakugou probably doesn't remember fighting and winning against some random older kids, but Midoriya definitively does. And I totally agree!)
At those moment both Bakugou and Midoriya saw in the other something that they were clearly lacking and their reactions to this realization were wildly different as well.
"He doesn't take himself into account, you know. Something doesn't feel right. It makes me wanna keep him at arm's length. Back then, I ignored my own weakness, so I ended up bullying him" - Bakugou Katsuki
"You who had so many things I didn't have... To me, you were an amazing person much closer than All Might! That's why I keep chasing after you!!" - Midoriya Izuku
Midoriya saw this amazing kid kicking ass with his strong quirks and his first reaction was admiration and wanting to get as close as possible to this person, because he was all too aware of his own weakness and shortcoming.
Bakugou saw this selfless kid trying to help him and displaying qualities that he didn't have and his first reaction was to lash out and push that kid as far away as possible because he didn't want to recognize his own weaknesses and shortcomings.
Which, you know, probably describes their entire childhood dynamics haha...
... and then the sludge villain happened.
And it brought with it the iconic "My legs moved on their own" and "Your eyes were begging for help" moments which we all know about of course, but this scene also had another more immediate parallel that I'd like to talk about.
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Bakugou tried to fight the sludge villain on his own but ultimately failed to win.
Midoriya tried to rescue Bakugou on his own from the sludge villain but ultimately failed to save him.
The sludge villain was a reality check for both of them, in a "Nope kiddos, you might aspire to be heroes, but you still have a very long way to go. Here let's insert an All Might to show you just how far away your goal is," kind of way?
Anyway fast-forward 10 months of intense training to prepare for the UA entrance exam.... and really do I even have to mention this?
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I mean the only way it could have been even more textually obvious is if Midoriya had been ranked sixth instead of seventh so that his name would be right next to Bakugou's... like there's even this panel explicitly pointing everything out.
So yeah... nothing to add there, *shrugs*
After that came the Quirk Assessment Test:
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I'm going to come back to this later on in a more detailed way, but regarding their personal development; Midoriya's development is external while Bakugou's is internal. And I don't quite consider the quirk assessment test as "progress" for any of them yet because both of them sort of completely miss the point.
Aizawa told Midoriya "How can you save anyone if you can't move after one hit?" which had the underlying message of "It's not okay to hurt yourself"... But Midoriya totally went like, "Okay then I'll just hurt myself in a way in which I can still move afterward!" So yeah he is just sidestepping the problem here, but well there probably wasn't anything else he could do here.
As for Bakugou, he had always feel threatened by Midoriya's presence, but not in a fighting skills context. They are not really competing on the same field and it had never occurred to Bakugou that Midoriya could really beat him in a one-to-one fight.
As hilarious as the thought of Bakugou truly believing that somehow Deku had managed to take head on building-high robots quirkless is, I think what really happened is... Bakugou saw his own 0 rescue points and thought "Oh... so that's how Deku got in. Damn nerd probably went and save shitty extras left and right!". Which is a more realistic feat to manage quirkless. Anyway my point is, Bakugou realizing Midoriya isn't quirkless should have been a "Shit! He's leveling the field and standing on my playground now!" moment...
But no, what overpowered him here is the thought that the whole time Midoriya had been hiding his quirk from him and went like "What? Am I not good enough for you to use your quirk on me?! STOP LOOKING DOWN ON ME!!! EXPLAIN YOURSELF RIGHT THE FUCK NOW, SHITTY DEKU!!"
So yeah... kind of missing the point too.
Which is why the quirk assessment test wasn't really their starting point but more like them trying to look for it but missing it?
Speaking of starting lines... Let's move on to the Deku vs. Kacchan first round.
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B"From watching the match, it appears Bakugou acted n to surpass Bakugou, All Might pointed that those were the first passionate emotions Midoriya had shown other than "I want to be a hero!". This was the very first moment where Midoriya's desire to win was stronger than his desire to save.
As for Bakugou, this was the moment where he truly he realized that Deku is a threat and not just through his natural heroic/saving disposition like before but on the battlefield which used to be 100% Bakugou's area of expertise. And if even with his non-existent control of quirk Deku had managed to win to such extent, what would happen when Deku managed to truly master his own quirk? Total defeat?! Bakugou is self-aware enough to realize that while his own fighting skills and quirk mastery could still progress, they were already near the top with a not wide enough margin for improvement.
This was the moment where Bakugou realized where he truly stood compared to everyone else around him and that if he wanted to reach the very top again, then only relying on his fighting skills and his quirk control would never be enough. This is what prompted out his feelings of "I have to change or I'll be left in the dust".
And since Deku went and encroached on Bakugou's playground and beat him in the process, there's no way in hell Mr Complete and Irrefutable Win over there wouldn't aim to do exactly the same at some point.
Anyway the two gifs above showed us their motivation to reach their respective Win/Save side of the spectrum, but they both have big issues they need to work on in order to do so.
"From watching the match, it appears Bakugou-san acted on his own because of an obviously personal grudge. As as All Might-sensei said previously, it is foolish to launch a large-scale attack indoors.
In the same way, taking into consideration the damage he received, Midoriya-san's plan was also rash." - Yaoyorozu Momo
Yaoyorozu's analysis was super spot on and hit straight where their weaknesses lie: Bakugou needs to stop acting on his own and learn to cooperate with/trust his teammates and Midoriya needs to stop hurting himself/self-sacrifice and learn to properly control his quirk.
Both of them also have these super heavy shackles that keep pulling them down and impeding their progress at every turn:
Bakugou's complex feelings and emotionally explosive baggage towards Midoriya that makes him go feral and irrational at the drop of a hat and clearly prevents him from properly considering Midoriya as the rival that would keep pulling him up
Midoriya's total and utter idolization of All Might that gives him a tendency to imitate his idol and clearly prevents him from properly realizing and unlocking the potential of his own quirk
And at that point, they clearly don't realize how cumbersome those shackles could be if left unaddressed too long.
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Anyway... this episode/chapter was called "Bakugou Katsuki: Starting line", but I think it can be considered both their starting lines, because this is when they were made aware of what they are lacking and showed their resolve to change.
Midoriya's progress and development is intrinsically linked to his quirk mastery and fighting style, which are inherently physical skills (which is where Bakugou's excels in). It stands to reason then that his progress would therefore be very flashy, hard to miss, and highly praised due to the external aspect of his development.
On the other hand Bakugou's progress and development hinges on him properly getting in touch with his emotions and connecting to other people in healthy way, which are inherently inner-strength qualities (which Midoriya has no shortage of) . It stands to reason then that his progress would therefore be very subtle, mostly unnoticed, and hardly taken into account due to the internal aspect of his development. (Like it'd probably only takes him having a full meltdown or throwing himself in front of someone else for other people to notice how far he had gone!)
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mcyt-amber-tftsmp · 3 years
𝐈 𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐑𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐈𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 {𝐑𝐚𝐧 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫} 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈𝐈
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Part I : Growing Feelings
Request?: Liznix_
Character: Ran
Side Character(s): Technically the rest of TFTSMP The Pit Cast!
Story-type: The first part is platonic and a bit romantic at the end but the second part is romance and slightly angst
Story Length: 6450 words
AU or Not: Assassin! Ran AU! And a few of things would be different
Time Period: Future and technically the Subbin Empire
Plot Summary: hmm well i was thinking something like Ran is an assassin that infiltrated the games to assassinate the king (King Porkius VII) and the reader is someone close to the king, so ran tries to get close to them to get close to the king, but ends up falling for them accidentally and is conflicted about what to do.
Small Info: The Reader would be the king's younger sibling who is a few months younger than Ran who is 17 and the Reader is 16! Also instead of Jackie winning it would be Ran who would take John's place in fighting against Jackie!
Y/N = Your Name H/L = Hair Length H/C = Hair Color E/C = Eye Color
Trigger Warning:
- Mentions of killing and assassination - Falling into a huge conflict - Death - Slight blood and gore - Slight Catcalling
Normal Warning: Cringe writing cause yes- ✨
Third Person Point of View~
At this point Ran was thinking over what just happened. He denied the fact that he could have fallen for you and just stayed quiet. He had to do his mission for the sake of you staying alive and him as well. He felt very weak at this point.
Meanwhile, Jackie and Genevieve were fighting in the water dome thing and lastly Jackie won. You were pretty much not sure who to root for considering you liked them both and were good fighters but the boy won.
Porkius then told him to tell the three of them to come up for the Three Person fight. As Jackie went down he saw Genevieve being carried down to be healed. He felt bad but he didn't really have a choice.
As he went down he called, he found John and Bartholomew and told them that it was the Three person fight right now and told them to get ready. He saw that Ran wasn't here so he went to search for him only to find him in a corner putting his forehead against the wall.
"You okay Big Man?" Jackie asked which brought Ran's attention to him as he looked down.
"Yes and no." he responded to the shorter boy as he lifted his head from the wall.
"Well whatever is bothering you I hope you figure it out cause now it's your turn along with two others! Best of luck! I am rooting for you!" he said giving him a slight pat on the shoulder and running off.
Ran watched him go as he got ready to go through the water. He went up first whereas John followed him through the same one. They waited for a few for Bartholomew to get up from his side which he took a bit longer to come considering he is drunk.
After Bartholomew came up everyone was giving him a weird look considering he looked different. He technically said that you would have to look good if we had to survive in fights. Ran just shook his head at his words. He was too drunk for his own good. You on the other hand was thinking as to who left the alcohol downstairs.
The fight commenced after Porkius set off the zombies and made them literally swim through air to fight each other which was kinda difficult. At this point the entire thing was like a show until Porkius disabled the dive mode thing and now everyone was fighting like normal except zombies were chasing them.
Though the zombies were chasing John the most and Ran technically came out from the opposite area and started to attack John while Bartholomew was behind him. Before anyone knew it was Bartholomew and John fighting each other while Ran was using his strategy of being as isolate as possible.
"Ran is the only person here whose technique we have not witnessed yet. This is his first battle." Porkius said and as he did Ran took down Bartholomew.
Now it was just Ran and John who now had to fight each other to get the one spot in the Final Round.
"Oh my gosh! It's officially Ran versus Grievous." Karl exclaimed.
You on the other hand was amazed with his fighting skills and was quietly cheering him on. You were hoping for him to win at least.
"Oh he has he already has an entire army after him I think I am good." he said running the other direction laughing at his own words.
"No!" John wailed trying to attack Ran as he continued laughing.
"No I think I am I think I am completely fine actually I think I literally just have to keep on running away from that guy." Ran said continuing to run laughing.
This made Karl and you laugh at his words and what was going. To you he was actually pretty funny and to be honest this was the first time when you saw him goof off a bit especially here and his humor was pretty nice.
"I don't think that will work. The zombies are not very fast." Porkius said as Ran stopped.
"You're right they aren't." Ran said turning on his heels and started to fight John.
"You have to get much faster zombies next time king." Karl said turning to look back at the two fight.
You noticed that John was giving Ran way more hits than Ran was and was about to shoot him with an arrow but Ran quickly dodged it and lunged at him with his sword and struck a blow to John  making his fall unconscious as Ran stood victorious.
((Author: You really couldn't do what I just wrote here in the episode now could you Ran?! 🤦🏻‍♀️))
Ran literally thought he was going to lose and that rush of adrenal really nearly killed him. Luckily he was able to control himself from doing that. Karl was technically shocked along with Porkius with Ran's surprise attack. You were pretty much amazed at this.
He was quickly dismissed as John was taken away. God he felt about nearly killing him. He quickly went down the steps as everyone excluding John who was being treated right now looked at him as Watson and Jackie came up to him and congratulated him.
"Good job mate. You did well." Watson said to him while giving him a pat on the shoulder.
"Congratulations Big man! I will see you at our Final fight!" Jackie said with a grin.
At this point Watson was like a dad to him while Jackie was a younger brother.
"Your parents would be proud of you right now." Watson said which made Ran's eyes widen.
He slightly frowned as he looked down. He knew they wouldn't knowing what he was doing here in the first place. He had to quickly respond since he didn't want to them to get worried.
"Yeah they would be... if they still lived..." He said the last part a bit quieter which Watson was able to catch and felt really bad.
"I-I am sorry mate I didn't know." Watson said apologizing as Ran sighed.
"It's fine dad- I mean Watson. Sorry about that." He said quickly apologizing since he accidentally called him 'dad'.
Watson smiled. No one really called him dad that much but he was a pretty good fatherly figure towards everyone and Ran calling him dad was something he liked. He went to him and gave him a warm hug which surprised ran a bit. It has been a while since he got a hug.
"I don't mind you calling me dad ran, it's fine really. I am just letting you know I am here for you if you ever need me." Watson said.
Ran was shocked at his words. he felt like crying but he didn't want to seem weak. He wanted to tell Watson everything right now but he didn't want to knowing that it would ruin everything. He slightly hugged back as he thanked him.
After all that Jackie and Ran were now fighting in the Last Round though what Ran found out was how Jackie carried at least three Totems of Undying and he made a quick strategy so he doesn't use any of them and would able to kill him off without him coming back three times.
The fight didn't last too long Ran used his strategy and whenever he saw Jackie about to use a Totem of Undying he would simply somehow make it fall out of his hands whilst trying to use it and before he knew it he fell unconscious as ran won the event. The entire crowd was cheering for Ran as Jackie was carried down to be treated.
They had to wait for a few minutes for all the gladiators to come up. Once they all did Porkius literally told Ran to just kill them all of altogether. You knew well that this wasn't what was supposed to happen and you told Ran to just fight them unconscious and that's basically it.
Ran technically fought of all of them minus Jackie and Watson who were just keeping their distance not fighting at all. ran was able to make them all fall unconscious and was made General while Watson and Jackie ran off somewhere which the king didn't seem to notice nor care.
Oh and a Karl was basically able to take all the footage of the show which you were relieved since you didn't want him ending up like all the other ones which have somehow messed up. Then Karl just went somewhere and vanished which kind of made Ran suspicious but he shook it off knowing he had a mission to complete.
Ran's Point Of View~
I exited the stadium following Y/N. Technically the king was going to be here for a while and I had to go with Y/N which was okay for the time being. Before I could get down the stairs I heard a small 'psst' and looked behind me to see Watson and Jackie. Watson quickly came in and handed me a paper which looked like an address.
"This is my address if you ever feel like visiting me. Jackie is apparently planning in staying with me since he has nowhere to go now. I don't want to keep you waiting so bye Ran." Watson said as Jackie waved me goodbye.
I quickly followed up on the king and stood beside Y/n as we walked in silence. I didn't really know what else to say other than feel my heart beat really fast since I was somewhat close to her right now.
"So how are you feeling about all of this?" I heard her ask me.
"... You could say I am slightly nervous." I responded to her.
"That's understandable. How old are you anyways?" She asked yet again.
"I just turned seventeen last month." I said.
"Oh that's cool. I am sixteen and I will soon be seventeen in five months." She said as I nodded.
Before I could say anything else I heard a whistle and looked to my side to see a man was looking at Y/N which she seemed to notice but she was feeling pretty uncomfortable and to make things worse the man started to catcall her.
I took off my coat and draped it around her and gave a man a threatening death glare which seemed to scare him. Y/N looked surprised the fact that I gave it to her.
"Y-you didn't have to do that..." She said as I shook my head.
"It's fine really I couldn't really get him get away with that. Does this happen often?" I said and asked her as she slowly nodded.
"Sometimes not all the time." She said.
Timeskip to them reaching the palace~
We reached the palace after a few minutes as Y/N was leading me towards my room. As she was doing so I remembered what I had to do originally. I can't really get distracted right now. If I don't do this then I am dead and so is she. God I am just hoping these feelings go away. I noticed that she came to halt in front of a door which I presumed was my room.
"This is your room. I hope you like it. You can get settled in and I will come back after a few to give you a tour around the place." She said before leaving.
I entered the room and it was pretty decent. She did say she was going to come back later to give me a tour of this place. It was enough time for me to try and set my plan. I am basically given a month to do this and if don't do this by the end of the month I don't know what to do. I started to set a plan as I laid down on the soft mattress as I faced the ceiling.
I had already set up my plan on assassinating the king but I just need to find the right time. At this point I feel like my boss has eyes on me whenever I do missions or maybe I am just paranoid. I am just hoping his two men aren't watching my every move.
Right now I am on a tour with the princess, Y/N. I actually like her company. She's nice and very beautiful- okay Ran stop it. You can't get distracted. God I hate this. She showed me around the place. I clearly made a map of the place in my head as she took me down to different places.
The tour was pretty long but interesting. To be honest being a general is something I could have originally taken if I hadn't really been an assassin. After the tour was done I went back to my room after telling her. I was planning on using the training room later. I looked out the window to see it was evening already.
I decided to go to the training room after a few m minutes which I did. The room was a pretty god place for training and other combat practices such as sword fighting, hand-to-hand combat and others. The King had already arrived after I was done with training.
After I had freshened up I had a quick dinner which the maid had given me inside my room. It was a pretty decent meal i got for the first time. Normally I don't get stuff like this to eat but it was pretty good.
After I was done eating I didn't really know what else to do I just thought of going to the garden at the back. It was a pretty nice and well made garden. I headed towards the place as I looked about in my surroundings like it was all new to me which it was but I have seen it a few times already in like a few hours.
As I arrived I noticed a lone figure sitting on a bench and once I came a little closer I noticed that it was Y/N. She looked beautiful under the moonlight. A blush crept up on my face at the thought ad I looked away. God I need help. I just met her a few hours ago and now this. I was able to calm myself down and went to her.
"Y/N?" I said which snapped her attention towards me and he face turned into relief.
"Oh it's just you Ran. Sorry I thought you were someone else." She said apologizing.
"It's alright really." I said and she smiled with a nod.
"You can sit with me if you like?" She asked as I looked at her for a few seconds before slowly sitting down next to her.
"So you like coming out here?" I asked as she nodded.
"It's one of my favorite places to be most of my time. My brother knows I don't like social gatherings much so she just lets me off to be here or in my room most of the time." She explained to me as I listened.
"That's very nice of him. I like the outdoors a lot myself. It's pretty calming to say the least." I said.
Then there was a small yet comfortable silence between us as we didn't speak but the sounds of crickets didn't make it so awkward. I hands slightly shook but I was able to stop it from happening.
"So you love your brother a lot huh?" I asked as she looked at me and nodded.
"Mhm! He's really the only one I have. After my parents died he took care of me the most. He would always think of my safety before anyone else's." I heard her say.
I felt guilt building up in me. After hearing those I didn't feel like doing my job and just wanted to run away from all this yet here I am doing my boss' dirty work which I am not even fond of doing anymore.
"That's... nice. I think I am going to go now. Goodnight princess." I said as I got up and walked back in.
I felt bad for not letting her say anything as I went away bu I couldn't bear it. I thought of just sleeping through the weeks until the last day where I am supposed to set my plan into action. I know I am going to regret this but I already hate it but I have to do it. I can't get distracted at all.
Third Person Point of View~
The weeks weren't so good for Ran as it went by. Everyday whenever he would do his job of getting closer to you, his face keeps on heating up at times.
The first week went by pretty fast.
He would train and do whatever he had to do. He would notice how you and your brother would talk down the hallway. It made him feel more bad on what he was already planning and it just didn't get any easier.
He tried to block out all his feelings so he could focus on his mission. He didn't want you to get hurt but he knew you would be more hurt knowing his brother was killed by someone she and the king trusted the most.
He didn't want you to be stabbed in the back.
But he didn't really see any other choice.
The Second week went by a bit slow. Luckily for Ran it was pretty fine considering he didn't want the months to go away cause he didn't want to do this. His feelings for you at this point was huge. He knew it was pointless having feelings for you knowing you don't even feel the same way so what's the point in having them.
Plus he wasn't even sure how the king will react knowing the General he is, is in love with his little sister. What he didn't know was that you also were catching feelings for him and would sometimes blush whenever he called you princess.
The king may have already noticed how his sister looks at the general. He smiles knowing her sister had maybe found love but he really didn't know if the general felt the same. He didn't want his sister to be hurt.
The third week went by slowly. Ran was right now in a huge problem. More like a huge conflict he wouldn't be able to get out of anymore. He has so many regrets right now. Yet here he is doing this crappy job he has fallen into.
If he had to end a person's life right now it was going to be his but he felt weak to do any of that. He just wished things would get easier for him for the next six days. Though he knew very well that wouldn't be happening.
Six days of the fourth and final week went by. Ran knew his feelings for you were strong. He loved you. A lot. Everything about you was just wow. If he had to describe anything beautiful it was going to be you.
This was now a huge problem. He didn't know what to do. He was just in a huge problem. Either way of doing things would just lead to death. He couldn't do it. But he had no choice. At this point he didn't care. He didn't care if you hated him after all this. She deserves better.
He had an event tomorrow to join the king for dinner with other kings and generals across the kingdoms and empires and he will be poisoning the king's drink. There was no turning back.
"I am sorry Y/N for what I am about to do tomorrow. I hope you one day forgive me." he said wiping his face which were covered in tears.
Let's see how things go tomorrow.
Timeskip to the last day of the month~
Ran's Point of View~
I walked down the hallways with my head lowered as I looked at the ground. Today was the day I would be putting my plan into action. Did I want to do this? No. Did I have a choice? No. Do I hate myself? Yes.
If god plans on sending me to hell for the things I have done then I would be happy. I deserve this anyway. As I walked I stopped for a bit and looked to my side to see the entrance to the entrance to the garden. I took a deep breath and headed towards the garden.
It was a pretty nice afternoon which was going to turn bad sooner or later thanks to me. I let out a huge sigh as I walked around until my eyes landed on a single bright pinkish-red rose. I slightly bent down and slowly plucked it out. Luckily it didn't have any thorns. I picked it up and put it i the inside pocket of my coat.
I then heard a faint voice. I think someone was... singing? I headed towards that direction and soon saw that it was Y/N who was singing. God her voice sounded like an angel. To be honest she looked like an angel who was sent in this world.
I swear I sound like a hopeless romantic at this point. I was about to move away when I accidentally stepped on a twig which stopped her singing as she looked in my direction. God spare me from this embarrassment.
"S-sorry about that Y/N." I said apologizing.
"Hey Ran and its fine really. But how much did you hear?" She said looking a bit nervous as she fiddled with her fingers.
"Um well I think I heard all of it? I am not really sure but all I can say is that you have a nice voice." I said as I went to her to sit down next to her.
"Thanks. You are really kind." She said as I shrugged.
"I guess so." I responded.
There was a small silence between us yet again. I couldn't really believe what I was going to do tonight. God I just hate this. Y/N is so nice and here I am just straight up going to kill her only family.
"So you are going to have dinner with my brother and the people from the kingdom am I right?" She asked which brought me back to reality.
"Yes I am. Are you going to be there?" I asked as I saw her shake her head.
"No. Even if I was I wouldn't be able to go since it's not something I should be there for. Are you nervous?" She asked.
Nervous? Yeah pretty much and not because of the many people going to be there but because of my plan of killing her brother.
"You could say that." I said.
"You don't need to be nervous. Everything will be fine. And here have this." She said and soon enough I felt her hugging me.
"This is for good luck." She finished saying as she released herself from it.
I smiled as I nodded. I noticed that it was getting late and I should get ready. Y/N seemed to notice it too. We both got up from the bench and were about to head off but then I remembered the rose in my pocket.
"Wait! Before I go, I want to you to have this." I said as I took out the pinkish-red rose from the inside pocket of my coat and handed it out to her. "It's for you."
She was slightly shocked but she gently took it from my hands as she smiled.
"Thank you Ran It's very sweet of you." She said.
Before she could do anything and before I could even think, I leaned down and kissed her on the lips. I quickly pulled away. God what was I thinking. She looked pretty shocked that I did that and was technically blushing mad.
"S-sorry. I will be heading off now." I said as I took out an enderpearl and teleported myself to the entrance of the garden.
God I think I just made this even more difficult for myself. Before i could head in, I heard the rustling of a bush. I looked behind me but I saw nothing. Strange... I thought there was something. I shrugged it of thinking it was just the wind. I let out a huge sigh and went to my room to get ready and to poison the drink.
Y/N's Point of View~
I stood there shocked, still not letting go off the fact that Ran just kissed me?! God I am such a blushing mess right now. I am just hoping he isn't beating himself up for doing that. I really like him as well.
I want to tell him but I don't think he is able to now since he has a dinner to attend to. My thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of rustling bushes. I looked to my side to see no one. But I didn't feel like sticking around right now so I just headed for the entrance of the garden to go to my room.
But I just felt like someone was following me. God I think I am just paranoid. But this time I am actually getting the feeling I am being followed or watched. I quickly entered my room and closed the door and shut the windows.
Eventually I calmed down and sat on my bed thinking as I put my fingers on my lips. I blushed at the thought. I liked him a lot. Way more than friends. I decided that I will tell him after this. But for some reason i still felt like I was being watched...
Ran's Point of View~
I wore a decent formal outfit which all generals wear . Of course I still had my white Victorian shirt on me but my coat was a black coat with a green stone on the side like my usual maroon coat.
I was able to poison the drink which was laid at King Porkius' table without anyone present in the room. Though it did make his drink's color change a bit lighter color but I don't think he would notice.
I went out of my room and headed towards the dining pavilion. As I entered I noticed a few kings and generals have already arrived. Slowly and gradually all the guests were here and I was getting even more nervous.
I was introduced and greeted everyone as we all sat down. The king didn't seem to notice the wine was slightly discolored from everyone else's. I was thinking if I should let him have it or take it out right now.
After a few minutes the king was about to start drinking his wine. The glass was inches away from his lips and before I could think of anything I quickly knocked the glass of wine out of his hands and it landed onto the floor. The other guests gasped as King Porkius in shock. I knew I made the right decision.
"What is the meaning of this General Ran?!" King Porkius yelled out.
"Your majesty I can explain! Your wine was tainted and looked different from all of ours. I could tell that it was poisoned." I said immediately which shocked him and the other guests.
He looked at our wine glasses and his one on the floor which was sizzling. He then noticed that he was about to be killed if it wasn't for my quick thinking. Then the next thing I heard was a scream.
Not just any scream. It was a girl's scream and it belonged to Y/N.
I quickly got out of my chair as the king and a few guards followed me into Y/N's room to see that she wasn't there and instead it was pieces of broken glass on the floor with the window broken. I went over to see anything to help me find and so did a few guards.
I found a scrunched up piece of paper whose hand writing I knew very well.
It read,
You knew the consequences Ran. I sent two of my men look at you do your job to see if you would do it yet you failed me. Now your little princess is with me. If you want her to live then come after me. Then we will see what happens next. Oh and here is the location for it. You better hurry cause your princess wouldn't last forever.
- anonymous
I saw the location was written here. I scrunched up the paper and stood up and bolted out the door. I felt eyes on me as I ran out of the place and the palace altogether. But I didn't care. I had to find her. I can't lose her. I just can't!
As I entered the forest area I was straight away ambushed by his two men. They thought they could take me down this easily. God they seriously don't know that I have done my years of killing and stealth. I was able to take them down and killed them. Luckily I was wearing gloves so my hand-print doesn't get on the dagger.
I was glad to be done with those two and won't be seeing them for like ever. I ran as fast as I could until I reached the location but I didn't see where they were until I heard a faint cry and yelling. I went towards the direction of the clearing and found. I was finally able to find them but what I saw made me livid. He was hurting her and this made my blood boil.
"Leave. Her. ALONE!" I said which made my boss turn around to face me with an evil grin.
She was holding Y/N by the neck with her arms and had a knife in his other hand. I looked at her and she looked so scared and I hated to see this.
"Ah! Ran I am so glad to see you." He said with an evil smirk forming on his face.
"Leave her out of this Nicholas!" I said as he laughed evilly.
"Oh this is funny considering you were about to kill the king." He said which made me freeze as Y/N looked at me confused and scared.
"W-What...?" I heard her say.
"Tell her Ran! tell her how you were about to kill her brother tonight but decided not to and you just joined the Gladiator Event just to get close to her in order to do this job!" I heard him yell.
I didn't hear a response from Y/N. I could tell she was angry but when i saw her face, all i saw was how scared she was and the fear in her eyes. I had an idea on how to get out of this but it was going to be risky.
"Now Ran you either join me and kill the king off or I kill your little princess over here." He said.
"Ran don't- hmph." I saw my boss cover her mouth.
I already had my plan set in motion and I was hoping it would work.
"Alright... I will join you but please... let her go." I said.
"Good." I heard him say as he dropped her harshly on the ground.
"Now come here Ran." He told me as I looked at him as I came close to him.
"You know..." I started as he looked at me slightly perplexed as I took out my enderpearl. "I still remember how you always told me to never let my guard down." I finished.
I looked at my boss's face as it his realization of what I meant and before he could react I teleported behind him and was quickly about to stab him but he countered back but he didn't know I had another dagger and drove that straight in the heart.
I took out the dagger as he dropped dead on the ground. The dagger had blood. His blood. I looked at my now dead boss on the ground with his own pool of blood.
I panted as my heart raced. This was a close call. I looked over at Y/N who was also shocked and surprised. I dropped the blade next to my dead boss' corpse as I helped Y/N up. I expected her to slap me and hate me but she just hugged me. I slowly hugged back not sure what else to do.
"Let's get you home princess. Your brother is worried sick." I said as I led her out of the forest as we walked towards the palace.
Third Person Point of View~
The entire walk was silent as none of them said a word. It was not until that much until you started to speak.
"Why didn't you do it?" You said.
They both came to a halt as ran looked down at the ground. His messy black hair slightly falling over his eyes as he tried to find the right words.
"I never wanted to in the first place but I was threatened to do it. He said that if I didn't he would kill you and your brother which also included me as well." He stopped saying as tears welled up in his eyes eyes as it flowed down his cheeks.
He explained how he got himself into this mess and how much he hated this job he was stuck in. he even mentioned how he never wanted to do it in the first place. He even mentioned how he was supposed to get close and befriend you only to fall in love with you and how she had said his brother was someone who was her only family and that this made him think about his choices of doing it. He never wanted to hurt you in anyway possible.
You looked at him as you felt pity and bad for him. You still loved him and you couldn't hate him for this but the fact that he didn't do it was because he fell in love with you. This made your heart skip a beat. You didn't know what to think.
"Ran I could never hate you. I forgive you okay?" You said as you embraced him in another hug.
He didn't know what to think. You had forgiven him and that shocked him the most. He hugged you back slightly crying. He finally felt free. All the burden he had were now gone. Yet he knew those would still remain but he felt free. After a while you both released from the hug as Ran wiped his face.
"Ran?" You spoke up yet again.
"Hmm?" he hummed in response.
"Did you... regret falling in love... with me...?" She said.
Ran was surprised at her words. He didn't think of anything else as he put his hand on her chin and lifted it to make her look at him. Ran looked at E/C colored eyes. He could get lost in them for days.
Ran didn't hesitate and slowly leaned down and kissed you on the lips. This time you kissed him back while standing on your tippy-toes to slightly reach his height as you wrapped your arms around the back of his neck while one his hands caressed your cheek.
The kiss was long and passionate and had to pull away for air. Ran pressed his forehead on hers as his hand was still on her cheek as his thumb rubbed on it. They both had a smile on their faces.
"I never regret falling in love with you Princess." Ran said as your giggled.
"I love you too Ran." He heard her say.
"I am glad. In case you are wondering I will still remain a General for your brother I am also planning on visiting Watson and Jackie sooner or later and they will be glad if you came along." Ran said as you smiled and nodded.
"I would love to." She said as ran gently picked her up in bridal style and kissed her on the forehead as he chuckled while you giggled.
"Come on now love let's get you home." He said as he started to walk while you held onto him close.
You both reached home safely as King Porkius was glad to see you safe and not harmed or hurt in anyway. He was very grateful towards Ran for protecting you and bringing you back here safely. He felt happy for saving you and him and forever grateful to have him.
Eventually you both did visit Watson and Jackie. They didn't live very far from the Subbin Empire which was fine knowing you could visit them any time. They were both happy to see you two and what you liked was how Watson treated Ran as his own son and Jackie treated him as a big brother.
But Ran was a different case.
He didn't care about his dark past and was finally able to start anew by being a General and having family like figures like Watson and Jackie.
He was finally happy to be with you.
His light in the dark.
The love of his life.
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