ambiguousinnocence · 3 years
☯️: our muses share a new years' kiss.
it wasn’t a holiday he’d ever celebrated before ,  back on neverland ,  where the days passed unnumbered ,  so he didn’t understand the hype of it ,  but he was never one to turn down a party .  there was also talk of new years resolutions ,  becoming a better person ,  of course ,  peter wasn’t interested in any of that ,  only the loud ,  rambunctious crowd that had gathered .  half of them were stumbling over each other ,  shouting loudly and he saw a few of his own boys mixed in among them .  peter had always thrived in chaos and a party held a different sort of energy than a fight ,  but he enjoyed the adrenaline all the same .
“ five ! ”  the crowd began to shout ,  an energy buzzing throughout the group .  he had no idea what they were shouting for ,  but he felt himself infected by the crowd’s excitement .  “ four ! ” by then ,  he’d figured he’d join in ,  if only to add to the chaos .  “ three !  two !  one ! ”  the room erupted into cheer ,  peter screaming himself despite having no idea what he was screaming for .  he was shouting when he somehow managed to hear wendy over the crowd ,  tugging on his sleeve insistently as he seemed to be basically ignoring her .  
he looks down ,  excited and breathless and is surprised to feel her tug downward on the front of his shirt .  figuring she wants to say something ,  but her voice will get lost in the noise ,  she’s so short ,  he leans down closer to her height .  her lips meet his without any warning and he doesn’t respond at all at first ,  because for a moment ,  he isn’t sure how to .  it’s not like it’s their first kiss ,  but peter’s still taken by surprise .  a part of him wants to fall into it ,  after all ,  her lips are the sweetest thing he’s ever tasted .  but there is a bigger part of him that always wins out ,  the part that clings desperately to a childhood long lost .  he breaks away ,  free hand shoving at her shoulder as his face contorts in anger and confusion .
she knows there are only a few moments when he will allow this intimacy .  rarely ever in public unless it is a show of power ,  and in private only when he’s let his guard down enough for her to take advantage of these new feelings he doesn’t understand .  “ what did you do that for ! ? ”  he’s standing his full height once again ,  angry voice booming throughout the party so everyone in the room has turned to look at them .  his dark eyes look almost black in the light ,  but they are alight with pleasure watching her shrink under all the eyes ,  grasping desperately for some explanation .  “ why do you always have to  ruin  everything ? ”
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cessairhuxley · 6 years
when: october 12th where: the bookshop who: @wndybird / closed starter
he likes to visit the places the fables frequent.  where they’ve settled into the world.  to see what kind of niche they try to squeeze themselves into.  and he can’t imagine a greater irony than a living story working among the very pages onto which they had been written.  the bookstore was a place that told of their origins, their lives, their loves, their -- happily ever afters ( lies, lies, lies. )  the books seemed to reach the last page too soon, however... they miss the ‘forever-ever’ in which the ‘happy’ wore thin and fragile.  where true love turned into bitter hatred.  he can’t imagine -- why -- that’s the most interesting part of the story...              --( when the characters, suddenly free of the boundaries of their narrator lose their two dimensional -- blandness.  where their inspirations, wants, needs, desires, cease being a simplistic straight line and become tangled, chaotic, complex... )--
sometimes he wonders how many of them might have read their own stories.  seen the flaws in the narrative and the artistic licence taken with their lives.  how many might be thrilled... or furious... or despairing...
...it really is one of his favourite places. to flip the pages and discover other lands, realms, worlds. so much potential.
right now, he’s perusing the ‘honesty’ shelf, the free book exchange.  books in trade, words for words.  though his gaze does turn, fixes the attendant with an unwavering gaze, a conversational nature to his tone as he addresses her -- polite, courteous... to any observer, he’s just another customer interested in exploring literary wonders.
❝ miss darwin, i wonder if you could give me a recommendation -- i’m afraid i’m not too familiar with the latest... offerings. ❞
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goldxlocked · 6 years
Date: the evening of October 14th
Location: outside the bookstore 
Status: closed for @wndybird
"WENDY!” SHE CALLED. Her voice was followed by a rhythm of footsteps as she ran to catch up with the woman. “There you are! You were supposed to wait for me.” Marigold looped her arm through Wendy’s and nearly dragged her further along down the path they were walking. After a minute, she looked over her shoulder, then dropped her arm back to her side. “Some guy was following you,” she explained. Peter’s anger forbid a friendship between the two and though Mari respected Wendy’s wishes to keep the boy happy, she could find a loophole in every law. 
“If he comes back, I have a pocket knife,” she assured. She pulled the small blade out of her pocket and flipped it open for show, then flipped it closed and tucked it away again. “Don’t worry. It’s only for show. ... But don’t tell anyone that,” Mari added earnestly. “Why aren’t you walking with Peter or one of the boys? Don’t know how you could fucking miss it, but apparently Fabletown isn’t all fairy tales and rainbows anymore. Who knew?”
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ambiguousinnocence · 6 years
❝ That’s not fair! ❞ / ❝ You say that so often, I wonder what your basis for comparison is? ❞ / ❝ I do believe in you. ❞ / ❝ We’re choosing the path between the stars. ❞
❝ That’s not fair! ❞
he can’t help being taken by surprise at that accusation ,  it’s one he’s thrown himself more than once ,  but he’s not quite used to hearing it .  he can’t help but laugh at the thought ,  the sound a cold ,  cruel knife on his lips .  just a vain little boy ,  how can he possibly determine fairness for others ?  “ not fair for who ? ”  he asks ,  eyebrow quirking dangerously .  “ not fair for you ? ”  his smile curls into a snarl .  “ oh ,  poor wendy , ”  he drawls ,  pity in his voice the only way he knows how to use it :  ironically .  “ she’ll have to hover around peter ,  taking care of him so dutifully for just a little while longer before she gets what she wants . ”  he steps in closer to her ,  with a dangerous speed ,  stopping only when his face is mere inches from hers .  “ you live for it , ”  the words are a growl ,  his lips a snarl .  “ and they say i’m selfish . ”
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❝ You say that so often, I wonder what your basis for comparison is? ❞ 
his brows furrow instantly in anger at that .  how dare she draw attention to the fact that he has no basis for comparison ,  just about everything is new for him .  “ what it has always been ,  wendy bird .  what i say it is . ”
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❝ I do believe in you. ❞
the words mean more to him than he cares to admit .  they don’t hold their power here ,  like they did back in the homeworld ,  but they still hold power over peter .  and suddenly ,  he can understand why the fairies needed belief like they needed air .  “ will you always ? ”  he asks with that childish innocence that makes him so easy to love .  “ that will be all i ever need ,  wendy . ”
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❝ We’re choosing the path between the stars. ❞
his eyes are turned up and filled with light ,  a weightlessness that he can only describe as flying because he’s done that before .  just the sight of the night sky makes him feel as though he could float away from this world ,  find his way back to mermaid lagoon .  but wendy’s voice brings him back to where his feet are planted firmly on the ground beside her ,  and one sideways glance at all is all he needs to remind him that he’s not a child anymore .  that neverland wouldn’t want him ,  it would be against his own rules to go back now .  “  what if it’s a path we never see again ? ”
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drunk mad tired & busy 👌🏻👌🏻
Send ‘drunk’ to receive a drunk text from my muse.
[text to Wendy D.]: w end y! !! did u know that its a wlawys a joy to have u in the classroom
[text to Wendy D.]: you are s o intelligennt and sw eet i hope you mature to eb an amazing woman
Send ‘mad’ to receive a mad/angry text from my muse.
[text to Wendy D.]: Wendy. I trusted you with the keys to my office because you said that you were in a tough situation. I made a risky decision to help you because you have been nothing but stellar in my classroom. But to sink this low and use the keys that I gave you to retrieve an answer key for someone else?
[text to Wendy D.]:Don’t bother telling me who it was for because I already know, Wendy. Academic integrity is a serious offense, and I have no choice but to write you up.
[text to Wendy D.] This is nothing but disappointing coming from you. 
Send ‘tired’ to receive a slow/sleepy text from my muse.
[text to Wendy D.] Oh dear, it seems that I am running a little late.
[text to Wendy D.] I miiiight have slept through my alarm but just tell everyone it’s traffic okay?
[text to Wendy D.] They don’t have to know :P
Send ‘busy’ to receive slow texts from my muse.
[text to Wendy D.]I have to cancel office hours today because of an emergency. 
[text to Wendy D.] Send me your availability. I recently have this new pumpkin (spice) bread that I’ve wanted to try, and if you want, I could bring that for you to try :)
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ambiguousinnocence · 3 years
slurred words 👀👀
“  wendybird , ”  he whispers on an exhale ,  almost like a sigh ,  but his expression is nearly undreadable .  what does he think of her ? “  she is quite like a bird ,  isn’t she ?  all frail bones and delicate skin .  soft skin ,  ”  he adds ,  as an afterthought .  “  i like having her around .  i couldn’t say why other than that she adores me ,  and i adore being adored .  ”  of course there was more ,  plenty of girls adored his good looks ,  his rebellious attitude ,  but he didn’t seem to care for any of them like wendy .  “  sometimes ,  though , ”  he chuckles lightly ,  almost fondly .  “  she can make me so angry ,  you know ?  she gets under my skin like no one else .  ”  perhaps if he would let himself ,  he would see that that in itself was something .  “  and she …  ”  he falters ,  but he’s gone this far and just the right overamount of alcohol has made him negligent of that cage he keeps locked up tight around his emotions ,  those things he pretends he doesn’t feel .  “  sometimes i think she’s just a reminder of all that i’ve lost . ”
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( ✉ → sms ) why is april fool’s the only day of the year where people critically evaluate news articles before accepting them as true?
[text to Wendy]: Good question! I suppose it is due to the fact that nobody in this day and age wants to be wrong. And on a day where you are supposed to tread carefully on the world wide web and assume everything is a prank until proven otherwise, I believe that is why people take especially good care to read through what they re-post out of fear of seeming gullible.
[text to Wendy]: What do you think?
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ellabellamy-blog · 6 years
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ella b. bellamy maid at castle of dreams & animal lover.
featuring... @wndybird & @rvsethorned & @milo-james-thatch
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date: october 17th location: his office availability: closed to @wndybird 
Sharp eyes were reviewing the scores of the latest tests. A red pen rested against the knuckle of his middle finger, the sound of the occasional scribble filling the air of his otherwise quiet office. There was a small smile on Milo’s face as he reviewed the test in front of him, proud of the B that his student had gotten.
“Nice improvement, Craig.” Milo said to himself, tucking the graded test into a somewhat neat - well, neat for his standards - pile by his hand. 
Marking the finished test as a chance to take a break, Milo leaned back in his chair and sighed, stretching his arms over his head. He pushed back his glasses by the rims and stood up to get the blood flowing in his sore back and legs. A wince took the form of a wrinkled nose when his joints cracked, followed by a sigh of relief.
That was when his door nearly slammed open to reveal the small figure of Wendy. The sight of her never failed to bring a smile to his face, though the manner in which she entered Milo’s office caused a quizzical expression to appear. Rarely was she aggressive - always staying late or coming into Milo’s office hours for a relaxed conversation and a cup of tea.
“Hello, dear.” Milo greeted warmly, leaning against his desk and gesturing for her to come inside his office. “Always a pleasure to see you, Wendy. What can I do you for?”
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ellabellamy-blog · 6 years
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ellalala she doesn’t think the glasses suit her?? she obviously needs glasses
ft @wndybird
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ambiguousinnocence · 3 years
Mastigophoiba : ) : ) : )
Mastigophobia: My muse punishes yours for something. (aka the one in which me and ren have 0 chill)
“  what was that ?  ”  his voice is dangerously cold ,  a sharp knife brushing intimately against her skin .  he takes a moment to enjoy the confusion in her eyes ,  then the realization followed instantly by fear and regret .  emotions were always displayed so exquisitely against her delicate features ,  her lips curling to form an apology ,  but he’s already shaking his head .  he moves to sit on the edge of the bed ,  patting his thigh for her to come and join him .  if there’s one thing that could always be said for wendy it was that she was smart ;  she knew what was expected of her .
she laid face down across his lap without a single complaint or protest ,  pale digits already curling into the blanket in preparation .  the first smack comes unexpected ,  without warning , drawing a delicious sound from her .  “  count for me .  ”  she shoots him a look over her shoulder half shock ,  half fear ,  and he can’t help thinking she looks so beautiful like this .
“  one .  ”  the next one comes before the word has even finished leaving her mouth ,  causing her voice to crack .  she draws a deep breath before she finally says  “  two  ”  and he does it again ,  before she’s even finished ,  smiling that mischievous little devil’s grin .  the longer she makes him wait for the count ,  the sooner and harder he hits her .  of course ,  it doesn’t take long for wendy to find that out and soon enough she’s spitting out numbers before his hand has even connected with her skin .  he finally gives her a moment ,  when they reach twenty ,  kneading the glowing red flesh of her ass almost tenderly .
“  did you learn your lesson ,  little bird ?  ”  he asks ,  and with gentle fingers that had just finished brutalizing her ,  pushes the stray strands of hair from her face .  “  yes ,  ”  he answer is immediate ,  but he doesn’t smile for her just yet .  “  thank you ,  daddy . ”  and his face lights up like the brightest night star .
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ambiguousinnocence · 3 years
Agrizoophobia: Our muses encounter a wild animal.
“  wendy !  ”  there is exasperation ,  almost sternness in his tone ,  but also a level of admiration as she treks fearlessly towards the wolf pup .  it’s teeth are bared at her and despite it’s small size there’s a flash of emotion that courses through peter ,  he won’t name it fear .  what if it attacks her ?  how could she be so reckless ?  wasn’t that his job ?  of course ,  like every living creature ,  it senses the warmth radiating from his wendybird ,  bowing it’s head so she can stroke her soft fur .  the worry dissipates and he allows himself to be totally lost in the moment .  this forest could pass for neverland easily enough ,  the pup in wendy’s arms near an exact replica of her neverland wolf .  he could close his eyes and lift his face up to the heavens and for a moment he could almost believe his feet were slowly lifting off the ground .
“ can we keep him ,  peter ? ”  wendy is asking ,  jerking him back down to earth ,  his eyes shooting open wide .  she’s got the pup in curled arms and it’s already seemed to make an immediate attachment to her .  it was not the only one .  
“  if you wish it . ”
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ambiguousinnocence · 6 years
( ✉ → sms ) i look so fuckigjn GOOD
[ txt  →  wendy ] : ✓ read at 12:53 am
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ambiguousinnocence · 6 years
✧ 🙃
send me a ✧ and i’ll bold all that apply to your muse.
I would kill you. ✧ I would physically hurt you. ✧ I would attack you unprovoked. ✧ I would manipulate you. ✧ I dislike you. ✧ You annoy me. ✧ You scare me. ✧ You intimidate me. ✧ I hope I intimidate you. ✧ I pity you. ✧ You disgust me. ✧ I hate you. ✧ I’m indifferent toward you. ✧ I’d like to get to know you better. ✧   I’d like to spend more time with you. ✧ I’d like to be friends with you. ✧  I’m unsure what to think of you. ✧ I’m unsure how I feel about you. ✧ You are my friend. ✧ You are my best friend. ✧ You are my mentor. ✧ I look up to you. ✧ I respect you. ✧ You are my hero. ✧ You inspire me. ✧ You are my enemy. ✧ You make me happy. ✧ I want to protect you. ✧ I would fight by your side. ✧ I consider you an equal. ✧ I think you are beneath me. ✧ I think you are above me. ✧ I would lie for you. ✧ I would lie to you. ✧ I would sleep with you. ✧ I would sleep by your side. ✧ I would hug you. ✧ I would kiss you. ✧ You are family to me. ✧ I would die for you. ✧ I would kill for you. ✧ I would trust you with my life. ✧ I would trust you with my most precious belonging. ✧ I would trust you with a secret. ✧ I would trust you with my biggest / darkest secret. ✧ I love you (platonically). ✧ I love you (romantically).
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ellabellamy-blog · 6 years
[MSG:] There were containers of weed in the piñata.
[ sent ] ella → wendy darwin: omg wendy[ sent ] ella → wendy darwin: pls investigate and figure out if THATS why i wasn’t invited[ sent ] ella → wendy darwin: why does everyone think im such a good two shoes :(
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ellabellamy-blog · 6 years
[MSG:] I just walked into the room at this party and someone shouted “dibs!”
[ sent ] ella → wendy darwin: omg[ sent ] ella → wendy darwin: i’m not sure whether you should feel flattered or offended???[ sent ] ella → wendy darwin: maybe both?[ sent ] ella → wendy darwin: then again, i’d recommend staying away from whoever said that. sounds a bit shady.
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