#woaahh story of family guy
universeisahologram · 7 months
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tv headed creature and ferret headed man are basically my self insert ocs.... since, theyre two of my sonas. FUcK IT IM REMOVING MY ONLY ONE SONA RULE, I CAN HAVE MULTIPLE SONAS AND NO ONE CAN STOP ME anyways
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two insane men and their hideous beast
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moquall · 6 years
Dissidia Final Fantasy : SECRETUM~秘密~ (Part 2 / 2)
Please read Part 1 first before you read this.
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P.S : This part will cover Act 4 till Epilogue also my thoughts for this live reading so it will be longer. For those who have read Part 1 i accidentally delete, please read my new Part 1 because i add Act 3 there. just click “dissidia secretum” tag in my blog. (inserting an url here sometimes will hide this post from search result ==“) and sorry it took so long to post this.
Summary from part 1 :
Under Materia’s order, Cloud, Squall and Tidus went to investigate a mysterious light that fell into dissidia world but what they found is a man with no memories. Together with this man, they continue their journey but it turned out to be something unexpected. 
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Cloud and Sephiroth are in the Floating Continent, surrounded by a thick fog. He keep attacking Sephiroth to buy him some time because Sephiroth will chase Squall and John if he isn’t willing to fight
Cloud : He is not our enemy ! Sephiroth : You were deceived. (Sephiroth keep attacking Cloud) I won’t let you escape. Cloud : That’s my line ! Don’t think you can catch me easily ! Sephiroth : Alright. Nothing change if we move place.
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Cloud escaped into Cornelia Plains and hide on the tree like John did before. He is surprised Sephiroth didn’t realize at all but just when Cloud attack him, Sephiroth dodge it.
Cloud : What’s your purpose ? Why are you after John ? Sephiroth : Didn’t you heard it from the goddess ? That man is hiding a powerful resources. Cloud : John is hiding it ? Sephiroth : You sure don’t know anything, huh ? That train crashed here because it’s after the man’s power. Just like me. Cloud : Then it’s obvious. Whoever John is, I will not hand him over to you Sephiroth : Oh.. Cloud : We are a team ! It’s time ! finish him !
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"The wind suddenly blew and it was a coincidence. But Sephiroth responded to my instruction as i was determined because i have a friend."
Sephiroth : You insolent ! Cloud : I am not alone afterall. You’re the one who proved it ! Sephiroth : Foolish ! Cloud : Let’s go ! Sephiroth !!
Meanwhile, Tidus is inside Phantom Train. He is surprised it’s different then the one he knew (The Sending) and it makes him trembling. He tried to call “the old man he know” and something that looked like a pyreflies transform into the man with sunglasses and appear in front of him. Tidus asked Auron if he board this train but answered he heard that the phantom train derailed and he saw Tidus when he tried to send his thoughts. (Okay i don't know the right translation for this one. I'll explain later)
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seriously, didn’t expect to see Auron as ‘cameo’ in this live reading and Ishikawa-san wear sunglasses  *badass*
Tidus think Phantom Train carries the dead like The Sending in Spira. Auron asked him to persuade the souls for not leaving the train because the souls boarded this train is in unstable state. If they held a grudge and leave the train , they will turns into a monster. Why the souls wanted to leave the train so badly because normally, the dead boarded the phantom train must accept their death but this time, one of the souls escaped carrying a the treasure that will revive the dead and the souls think if they have it, they will be revived.
Tidus realized John is probably the one Auron mentioned since he lost his memories and is looking for summon but doesn’t know if John really has the treasure. Auron added no one knows if the treasure is really exist and even if they have it, doesn’t mean it will grant their wish to be revived. The commotion is getting worse so Auron told him they can’t ignored this.
Tidus : If they wait here, The Phantom Train will depart, right ? Auron : Right. but it’ll take some time. Tidus : Okay. I’ll do it. Auron : Speak as you like. They hear your voice. I’ll stop them if someone trying to talk with you. Tidus : O...Okay.
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“Listen to me ! Please don’t be panic ! We don’t know if the treasure is really exist or not but if you force yourself searching for it, turn into a monster and start rampaging, It means the end for you. Maybe it’s fine if you turn into monster only in this world but what will happen to you if you return to your own world as it is ? It sounds selfish if you said it’s better if you leave yourself here but you want your living family and friends to do whatever they want and keep smiling but because of your fault, it’ll hurt them more. Leave the one who escaped this train to me . Everyone.. Let’s finish your story for once ! I don’t know anything about the Phantom Train but there was a similar ritual like this in the world I knew. I am a little scared but I think it’s important. If they end it, I don’t know when but I’m sure someday you’ll meet them again in the real world . I’ll prove it to you soon so just wait and see !"
After his speech, Auron gave an applause and praise him for his wonderful speech. Tidus decided to go back to his friend and bring John here before he turn into monster while Auron stayed at the train to make sure nothing bad happened. Tidus ran and leave the train while seeing him off, Auron laughed “I got a great story to share.“
It started with John’s monologue
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“All of sudden, the voices of lament resounded in my head. it was painful and feels like my head is going to explode. But that voices were a part of my memories. A long time ago, I couldn’t protect the woman I love. She lost her memories due to an accident and I was rejected because I made her parents sad. But a year after I left, the village was attacked by enemy country and killed her. It seems she regain her memories and call my name before she died. I don’t care what people say but I shouldn’t leave her that time. I want to meet and talk with her once again. With that determination, I keep continue searching for a legendary treasure that will bring the dead back to life. The treasure was hidden in a cave which is under enemy country’s control. I keep walking through trackless path, avoid myself from the monster, I don’t know how many times I was about to die. I clunged into the rock that seemed to collapse and climb it. At last.. I finally found a glowing stone. That’s right, It’s not over ! I found what I’m looking for. And now, It’s time to wake up from this weird dream !”
Meanwhile, after running away from Sephiroth, Squall is walking while carrying unconscious John on his back. It reminds him with “that time”
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“I’m tired. He is heavy.. It’s just like that time. I carried her and walking, keep walking, worried.
Rinoa, Wait for me..”
Squall didn’t realize John is awake until he heard his laugh.
John : hehehe.. Squall : HAH ?! John : Hehe.. Sorry for letting you carry an unpretty guy, Squall. Squall : When did you wake up ? John : Who knows~. Joking aside, Sorry for troubling you. I’m Okay. (John get off from Squall) Squall : ...Let’s go back. John : Yeah..
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Cloud : Ukh.. It’s not over Sephiroth : It’s enough.. Cloud : What ? Sephiroth : The treasure has arrived.. (John and Squall return to aid Cloud) John : Sorry to kept you waiting ! Cloud : John ! Squall ! Squall : I’ll back you up ! John : Me too ! Cloud : No, you can’t, John !! John : Eh ? Woahh !! (Sephiroth attack John) Sephiroth : Useless effort... Squall : Do not underestimate us !! Cloud : John, step back ! John : So you wanted the legendary treasure, huh ? Sephiroth : Oh.. John : I see.. Sephiroth : Give it to me.  (Squall and Cloud keep attacking Sephiroth) That’s too bad. Tidus : TAKE THIS ! (Tidus attacked Sephiroth but he dodge it) I made it !! John, you have the treasure, right ? John : Maybe yes ? Tidus : Are you sure ? You sure you have it ?  Woaahh !! (Sephiroth suddenly attack Tidus)   Squall : Stay focus !!! John : Okay. Leave the rest to me. Cloud : What’s happened with you ? John : All i must do is give this man the treasure, right ? Tidus : John.. John : Come on, niisan. Sephiroth : It’s over.. Tidus : Watch out ! John : FLAME OF REBIRTH, PHOENIX !!
John summoned the immortal bird, Phoenix. The summonstone on John’s chest shined brightly and Sephiroth saw the summonstone was damaged, and left the scene, completely gave up the summon. And Tidus's monologue start.
"The Summon, Phoenix's summonstone. It was the treasure's true form. The fire bird flying while scattering its warm light. It's the first time i saw this but i feel relieved. Phoenix flew toward the Phantom Train and the train, now bathed in flames and sparkling, flew to the sky while carrying a lot of souls. for them to be reincarnate someday”
Cloud asked when did John found the summonstone and John answered he had the stone but completely forgot about it which prove he regained his memories. Tidus realize John should board the train before he turn into monster but since the phoenix save him, he was revived. They see the summonstone filled with cracks. Squall assumed they can’t use it and Tidus thought Materia will complain. Cloud suggest to report and tell Materia the truth and the four returned to Materia’s tower.
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John : Thank you, I owe you a lot. Squall : Yeah, you caused a lot of trouble. John : (chuckle) What a cocky. Cloud : Thanks for your help. It will be tough if you didn’t summon Phoenix. John : No problem. But I will be dead for sure, if you didn’t help me that time. Tidus : Well.. It’s fun going on a journey with you, John. John : Yup ! Well, see y- Squall : Wait ! At least tell us your name. John : Haha.. Sorry. I got used with the name “John” so I think it’s okay if you keep call me with that name. Tidus : Right ? Since you got your memories back, we haven’t heard your real name. By the way, you are a thief, aren’t you ? John : T-H-I-E-F ? call me Treasure Hunter” . My name is Locke. LOCKE COLE !
there are something I haven’t mentioned yet and I think it’s important.
In case, you missed. The gods didn’t summon Locke. He escaped the Phantom Train while the train was in the rift and he fell to World B. Since he is in this train, I think he died after he got the magicite in Phoenix Cave and before reunite with others in FFVI. Phoenix revived him but i dont know why he lost his memories. Squall, Tidus and Cloud found him. That’s where Locke’s journey in dissidia NT started.
Kujiraoka said on June 2018’s livestream that Secretum happened after the last battle.
It was mentioned on the script which is included in premium edition also famitsu interview with Kujiraoka, that the man in black cloak is actually SEPHIROTH’S CLONE. Kinda makes sense since I wondered how did Sephiroth ended up in Phantom Train. Also the tone Morikawa-san use when he act as Sephiroth's copy is different than the usual Sephiroth.
There is a small chance Phoenix appear as summon in NT since the summonstone filled with cracks. This is also Kujiraoka’s answer from the interview.
IMO I don’t think Auron will come to NT which is SaaaaaaD because first, he was in the phantom train and the train leave World B after that. Second, Auron has same Japanese VA with Squall (also Cait Sith from VII and Qator from Type-0) so even if he comes to NT, maybe not in next season pass. (if the datamine "leak" is true). Not sure about that though.
And some things I don’t really understand :
How Sephiroth know about Phoenix, and what Sephiroth is going to do with it.(At first i thought just like Materia with the weather trio, he knew it from Spiritus but i doubt it since most of Spiritus's warriors are like "i don't care with this war. I have my own ambition.")
It’s about Sephiroth’s copy. Why his copy is in the Phantom Train ? Did Sephiroth control it ? or what ?
Okay actually I don’t really understand how Auron ended  up in Phantom Train. Here is the dialogue.
Tidus : アンタも、この列車に乗ってたのか?(You board this train too ?) Auron : いや、魔列車が脱線したと聞いてな、厄介事かと思念を飛ばしたら、お前の姿が見えたということだ。(No, I heard the Phantom Train derailed. I thought something bad happened and I saw you when i tried to send my thoughts. Tidus : 魔列車ね…(Phantom Train, huh…)
According to my Japanese friend, 思念を飛ばす is something like telepathy. Like, communicating with someone but we only hear their voice and we can't see their real form. The sfx when Auron greet Tidus sounds like he is transforming from pyreflies to his physical form. I understand this idiom but doesn't know how to translate this one to English. anyone here have an idea for the right translation ?
Also for Squall’s “Whatever” , He is actually said 「別に/Betsu ni」. It’s one of his catchphrase along with 「悪かったな../Warukatta na」in the Japanese version of FFVIII. Even though the translation of “Betsu ni” doesn’t always mean “Whatever” in English, I decided to translated it all to “Whatever”.
In this live reading, I got to see a different side from the characters. I was surprised to see Squall yelled “Johhhhnnnnnnnn!!!” when Locke asked him for nickname also being such a “jerk” to protect his friend. Cloud stopped the quarrel between Squall and Tidus also Squall and Locke is something I never see before. Even though we all know Cloud and Squall are both the 'silent' type, Squall interact a lot with Tidus and Locke but Cloud is the calm, helpful also “the neutral one” in this live reading and he care and trust his friend. Maybe people will think it’s kind of OOC and tbh that's what I thought at first but I think it as “different or new side” we didn’t get to see after the ending of their game.
I personally love seeing how they interact with each other, especially the four and it kinda remind me a little with Braska (Cloud), Auron (Squall) and Jecht (Tidus and Locke). I don’t say they have same personality, It’s just their interaction and role here reminds me with ossan trio from FFX.
But I'm dissapointed because Cloud, doesn't interact much like Squall and Tidus. His spotlight is during his battle with Sephiroth even though I have had enough seeing this two fight ==" . (sorry to FFVII fans especially Cloud or Sephiroth’s fans :p ). And even though secretum story is about Locke, Auron came as 'guest' was a big surprise. Kudos for Ishikawa-san to play as two character at the same time.
Didn't expect it's too long. Good story with favorite casts, favorite seiyuu, some things that will bring your memories back to series related and what i love is they used the original tracks for the BGM in most of the scene like Vivi's theme during Tidus and Locke's scene in Alexandria, Blue Fields during Squall's monologue, Forever Rachel during Locke's monologue in Act 6, etc. The aftertalk is full of laugh. The casts teased Producer Hazama (who was the host for this event) a lot. Nomura also came and as usual, as the voice from heaven (XD). They even talk a bit about Kingdom Hearts.
I’m glad to see Locke, Rinoa and Yuna scene in Dissidia NT have some reference to secretum, at least in the Japanese version. 
It’s the first Final Fantasy live reading and I hope they hold another in the future. Even Ishikawa-san wished Square Enix will hold another dissidia live reading but with all casts and PLEASE COUNT ME IN FOR FULL CASTS OF DISSIDIA LIVE READING.
Let me know your thoughts about this live reading.
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