#woah color theroy
kiungsleeps · 2 years
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I’m sorry I’ve had such bad art block T-T
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dcbutinamrev · 3 years
Once again, all storyline for Captain Caribbean belongs to @skyetheesorceress I'm merely writing out my theroies and my visions from my head for oncoming chapters with her permission of course (instead of acting them out as I impatienly wait for chapters to be updated)
I'm not sure if this relates to the plot, but Alex tree swinging and Laurens teaching him how to swim of a sort has been in my head ALL. FREAKING. DAY. (Takes place after Ch. 5 or what I think would be after Ch. 5 or something)
“WELL, HERE WE are,” the Marquis says as himself, Laurens, and Hamilton hop off the ship to the island, Hamilton fully dressed in his proper attire now, and land onto the sand surrounding the island. Hamilton huffs out a breath as he scans the familiar area. He was just here, not too long ago. He grimaces at the memory of Laurens, in whom he thought was an angel, and shakes his head. The gray, ominous clouds begin to fade, revealing the evening glow from the sun fading behind the ocean in front of them.
“Okay,” Laurens whistles as he marches on further towards the beach. He rests his hands on his hips as he tips his head back and glances up, searching for something to use as shelter and protection. He turns back to Hamilton and Lafayette and the rest of the men. He claps his together, gathering his men to attention. Of course, not Hamilton’s. Laurens rolls his eyes and clears his throat before he could continue. “First things first. Shelter or some form of protection.”
Hamilton whips his head towards Laurens, giving him an accusing look. He snarls, his fingers twitching. “Excuse me? Who gave you the orders, sir? Need I remind you that I am Captain? You are merely a prisoner!”
Lafayette sighs heavily and pinches the bridge of his nose. “Mon petit lion, please--”
“No!” Hamilton snaps, whipping his head towards the Marquis, who just merely raises his eyebrows with shock. Lafayette watches with a pleading expression as Hamilton begins to shake his head, squeezing his eyes shut and huffs as he crosses his arms over his chest, watching as his Captain begins to act like a child. “No! No, absolutely no. I am not listening to that stupid….stupid…stupid...stupid…”
“Alexandre,” Lafayette finally says now, gripping both of Hamilton’s shoulders tightly forcing him to spin around to face him. Hamilton growls low, a deep rumble coming from the back of his throat, very much like thunder before he finally gives Lafayette his true and full attention. “Listen to me. I know you are upset. I know you don’t like this and neither do I. But in order to get out of this hell alive, in order for me to protect you from them--” Lafayette gestures his head towards Laurens who digs at his nails as he waits impatiently before turning back to Hamilton. “--we have to work together.”
Hamilton doesn’t reply but merely ducks his head towards his chest as if in shame. Lafayette sighs and lifts Hamilton’s chin up to meet his eyes. Lafayette’s heart cracks somewhat due to the forlorn and exhausted expression upon Hamilton’s face before him. “Just please, mon ami, try to be reasonable.”
Hamilton blinks once before he feels his eye twitch and jerks his head away from Lafayette’s gasp and marches off towards the distant woods surrounding the sandy beach part of the island. Hamilton huffs as he finds himself a rock to sit on and looks off to the distance, away from them. Lafayette sighs and shakes his head, clicking his teeth. He tenses when he sees Laurens marching up in his peripheral. Laurens stands beside the Marquis, his arms clasped behind his back and head tipped back, raising an eyebrow. He glances at the Marquis in questioning. “He isn’t going to forgive me? Is he?”
Lafayette shakes his head, finally turning to Laurens. “Non. Not for a while, anyways.”
Laurens turns back towards Hamilton, who still sits upon the rock a few feet away from them, eyeing that bright red-brownish hair of his. Laurens tilts his head to one shoulder, furrowing his brows together as he watches Hamilton, a few strands of his hair blowing with the breeze. Laurens doesn’t know why, but he could feel the corners of his lips quirking up slightly. Though, he feels Lafayette’s eyes on him and he clears his throat, pressing his lips together in hopes it would hide the smirk.
“As you were saying, Captain Laurens?” the Marquis says, breaking the silence between them.
“We need to find shelter, obviously. Who knows how long we’ll be here,” Laurens says.
Lafayette nods. “Agree.” He glances over at Hamilton for a quick moment, worried but turns around when to give his men the orders.
As men scurry about, Laurens glances over his shoulder as well, staring at the mysterious beautiful man. He turns around to find Lafayette and the men starting to chop off trees with their swords, one tree creaking before it finally tumbles over. Laurens huffs and follows, chopping until another tree tumbles over, hitting the sand with a thump. He then turns to glance at the mass of trees surrounding them, his sky-blue eyes widening.
Just what has he gotten himself into?
Laurens doesn’t know how long it’s been since he began his task at creating a cabin of some sort on the island’s beaches until he notices the sun fading, the sky turning from a deep purple to completely black. In his peripheral, he sees the Marquis starting a fire, a couple of men bringing food they managed to find to cook. Laurens pinches his lips together and grimaces when sees a dead squirrel on a stick.
“You must be hungry,” says the Marquis standing beside Laurens all of a sudden.
Laurens yelps with surprise, startled as he spins around on his heel, pulling his sword from his sheath out of instinct. Lafayette’s eyes widen and he tosses both his hands up as he takes a large step back.
“Woah! Woah! It’s just me! It’s just me!” Lafayette says, huffing hard.
Laurens puffs out a breath with relief and slides his sword back into his sheath and runs a hand through his honey-colored hair before shooting the Marquis a dark glare. Lafayette grimaces. “Don’t sneak up on me like that!”
He swallows and nods jerkily. “Aye, yes. Oui. My apologies.”
Laurens nods in asset before he starts marching off toward the fire and the men surrounding it, a couple of them laughing as Meade tells them a joke of some sort. Laurens couldn’t help but smile at this.
“Um...Captain Laurens, sir?” the Marquis says.
It’s then Laurens notices the tenseness around him. He frowns, pausing his walk and turns back to face where Hamilton was last seen upon that rock. Lafayette has his jaw dropped, eyes wide slightly and his face pale as he whips his head sharply towards Laurens and in a hiss, whispers, “Where’s Alexander?”
It’s quiet around them for a moment, the two men tipping their heads up or Lafayette at least, knowing his Captain like his own mind, Hamilton is quite the adventurer, always chasing after something. Lafayette has his head tipped up towards the trees while Laurens, however, remains straight ahead, scanning the below areas of the beach.
Laurens lifts his gaze when he hears a grunt nearby. It’s soft and barely audible but Laurens knows it’s a grunt. In the faintest glow from the moon as their light source, he sees a silhouette atop a tree, branches snapping under his boot as he lifts one arm up, followed by the opposite leg. It’s then Laurens realizes the Captain is climbing a tree. What for? He cannot say.
He clears his throat and taps the Marquis on the bicep. The Marquis whips his head towards him, furrowing his brows with confusion before he follows Laurens’s finger to the silhouette of Captain Hamilton upon the tree. He huffs and crosses his arms over his chest, shaking his head, muttering, “Of course, he is.”
Meanwhile, Hamilton reaches his arm up towards the branch above him on the tree, making sure his grip is firm on the branch before swinging his leg over the branch below him, hauling himself up as he rests his other foot upon the branch across from his left. Hamilton grunts when he feels his chest slam against the wood, panting sharply. With one hand on the branch, he wipes the bead of sweat he fees trickle down his forehead towards his brow before lifting his left arm up towards the branch above him and repeating the same process as before.
Once he reaches a certain height, noticing a vine attached to the tree. Hamilton grins and leans against the bark, shifting around carefully and, no doubt giving the Marquis a heart attack at the moment, as he unties his neckcloth and hooks it around the vine. He furrows his brows together, squinting almost as he tries to find where this particular vine leads too before breathing in slowly and hooking his neckcloth around the vine. He glances down below him, at the millions of feet below, the sand would be soft to land on perhaps but also hard on impact if his plan fails. He swallows before finally kicking his feet off the edge of the branch and pushes himself along the vine. Using his neckcloth as like a hang glider in away, Hamilton slides down the vine towards the trees before him.
His feet kick through branches and twigs and leaves, laughing to himself, until he finds himself in an opening. He sees the Marquis and Laurens below, watching him fling by and grins at Laurens’s impressed expression but his grin soon fades into a frown when he sees Lafayette’s reprimanding look. As Hamilton dips lower, closer towards the sand, he releases his neckcloth and rolls over until he comes to a complete stop at both Laurens’s and the Marquis’s feet.
Hamilton coughs from the sand and dusts himself up as he scrambles to his feet, his curly auburn hair askew, his eyes wide and his blood pumping with adrenaline. He winks at Laurens, who schools his features as he straightens once more and clenches his jaw, presses his lips together, but ducks his head towards his chest as if misbehaved children when his eyes meet the Marquis’s.
Lafayette huffs and clicks his teeth, shaking his head. “Alexander Hamilton. I swear.”
Hamilton couldn’t help but chuckle as he watches his first mate walk off with a humph. His chuckle fades however when he notices Laurens now standing by the shore, taking off his coat and letting it flop on the sand. Hamilton presses his lips firmly, feeling his cheeks flush. Laurens pulls out the tight braid and lets his hair fall loose. He gasps at Laurens’s hair, how bright it looks under the moon’s pale glow. Laurens then unbuttons the white, long-sleeved shirt, gripping the hems of the shirt before slipping it off him. Hamilton doesn’t know why he stares, he shouldn’t. But yet he finds himself staring at the muscles in Laurens’s back, the honey colored hair flowing around him, like a golden halo. Laurens’s biceps appear to be about the size of a cantaloupe or watermelon. Hamilton shrinks, feeling somewhat insecure as he glances down at his own biceps, small as a grapefruit.
Before Laurens could do anything else, Hamilton stomps up towards him, a confused yet curious look about his face. Laurens glances down at him.
“Just what do you think you’re doing?” Hamilton snarls, his arms folded across his chest.
“Uh...taking a bath?” Laurens suggests, jabbing his thumb towards the ocean waters before.
“A bath?!” Hamilton hisses.
“Yes…?” It sounds more like a question than a prominent answer.
“You can still have your eye on me, Captain Hamilton,” Laurens assures. “I’ll still be in your line of vision.”
A pause.
“Why don’t you come in with me?” Laurens says suddenly, glancing back and forth between the water and Hamilton.
Hamilton freezes. “I beg your pardon?”
“If it makes you feel any better, why not come in with me?” Laurens points, crossing his arms over his chest now.
Hamilton glances out towards the ocean, swallowing hard, remembering the flood from the hurricane when he was fourteen, remembering cold fingers touching his bare ankle under water. He shivers and shakes his head. Laurens arches both eyebrows.
“You can’t swim?” Laurens suggests.
This catches Hamilton’s eye as he ticks his head up towards him. Laurens’s eyes widen with surprise.
“You’re a Captain...and you can’t swim?” Laurens gasps.
“I don’t want to talk about it!” Hamilton hisses, marching off towards the camp they’ve managed to create. Laurens grabs his elbow in time and yanks Hamilton back towards him.
“You’re a Captain...of a ship...a pirate for God’s sake! And you’re telling me you can’t swim?!” Laurens snaps.
“It terrifies me, okay?!” Hamilton barks. “In all honesty, water terrifies me!”
“Then how on Earth are you--”
“I don’t want to talk about it!”
As Hamilton jogs down the beach towards Lafayette and his men, Laurens barks suddenly, “Take your coat off!”
Hamilton skids to a stop and he slowly cranes his neck over his shoulder, giving Laurens a shocked look. “I beg your pardon?”
“You heard me, Captain. Take your coat off.”
“Laurens, if you mean--”
“I mean as I say. Take your coat off.”
Hamilton swallows and nods shakily as he turns around slowly, awkwardly, as he starts to slide off his black coat. He feels Laurens’s eyes on him and feeling slightly insecure, he hisses over his shoulder, “Well don’t look!”
Laurens quickly looks away, his cheeks red.
Hamilton shrugs off his coat, leaving his white shirt on and slides off his boots but leaves his breeches on. He turns to Laurens at the same time Laurens turns to him.
“Now, come on,” Laurens says, gently taking hold of the redhead’s wrist and dragging him towards the shoreline.
Hamilton realizes Laurens’s plan and his blood runs cold, his eyes widening as he shakes his head, trying to make his feet stop from moving. Laurens huffs out a breath.
“Come on. It’s not that bad, I promise. I’ll be right there with you.”
Hamilton still shakes his head, standing just before Laurens. He watches with wide eyes as Laurens sinks into the ocean waters, shivering at the coldness but after a few seconds, his body adjusts to the temperature quickly and he finds himself relaxing. His hand still gripping onto Hamilton’s wrist.
Hamilton breathes in sharply and holds his breath when he feels his feet touch the water. He glances up at Laurens, who smiles softly and encouragingly and nods with reassurance. Hamilton glances around him, making sure no bodies are near. He turns back to Laurens who walks further into the ocean until he comes afloat.
Hamilton shakes his head again while Laurens nods encouragingly. Hamilton swallows and lifts his leg, taking one step forward before doing the same with the other. He does this repeatedly until he reaches Laurens, his chest against his, his hands on Laurens’s shoulders. Never letting go.
“There we go…” Laurens whispers, gripping onto Hamilton’s wrists, dragging him further out into the ocean, sparkling under the moonlight above them. He laughs a little. “See? Told you it wasn’t so bad!”
Hamilton feels something stick to his ankle, feeling fingers perhaps wrap around his ankle after a few moments later. He screams and flings the corpse off as he climbs on top of Laurens, screaming still, huffing and puffing as he’s basically now upon Laurens’s head, his arms wrapped around Laurens’s neck tightly and his legs entangled through Laurens’s arm.
“Laurens! Laurens!” Hamilton cries. “Get me back to the shore, now! GET ME BACK TO THE SHORE! Oh God! Oh God! I’m fucking terrified! I’m fucking terrified! Laurens!”
Laurens chuckles as he rolls his eyes. “Captain Hamilton, it’s alright! It’s alright! You’re fine! You’re fine! It’s just seaweed! It’s just seaweed!”
Once Laurens safely returns the trembling redhead back to shore, Hamilton quickly grabs his coat and slides it back on before turning to Laurens once more.
“Well?” Laurens says.
Hamilton punches him directly in the face before spinning around on his heel, shivering as he makes his way towards the makeshift cabin.
Laurens laughs to himself, clutching onto his injured nose with one hand as he reaches down to grab his red coat lying in the sand. He stares off at the cabin, where he sees Hamilton’s silhouette in the makeshift window from the candlelight coming from within.
“Strong form,” Laurens chuckles as he clears his throat, straightening his clothes.
He nods once before walking off.
“Strong form.”
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