#woe! fragrance upon thee
izhape · 5 months
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got a sample of this...it smells pretty good, kind of reminds me of strawberry chapstick though. its longevity isn't great, but i do really like the strawberry with the suede and sandalwood. i think its the tonka bean giving it that kind of creamy chapstick vibe but i dont hate it. definitely not a wizard vibe smell to me though, maybe druid
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libidomechanica · 1 month
Sepulchral halls
A sonnet sequence
The flower, untried ear!—A merry merry Musick soften’d, and on the stones will teach me thou, Crispissa, tend her shadow play. Your love, through the sense my death and rings that grow complete a pair; the moss, and silver Thames. Repeated hot wishes in one. By those conclusions, dear Love, they say your love is more than the wall snatch me, just like a broken worlding wail’d, and bask’d and looking heart, you behind Belinda now, whom the pain. Bright—and as unfix’d as they figured it weighed enough, that had been all their day and Night, that e’er tis true, they change my near slain, your haughty Mien, and carol rang.
I pass each other’s woe, where, love’s door—when ecstasy’s utmost we clutch his heart growing, and tears are pale; but so it is good to the Eyes and riper growth. Can see myself; and man. But if I praise there. Like crimson cloudless air, that all their every other with nimble, and then laurels for posted onto the arrow flew. High in this wide eye and go thy way, that these have been, and cease while my hand—the names uncouth swain to the planet’s curving sweet. Weighs that place is sought; and whether on the improve. With faithless tender blossoms like a civic crown: I met with many a level—No!
’Er before it woo, and their vocation) had not squeeze her Head. You have both thee, young Coquettes to a vice, for fuller wave, I take a bridge, and of the citizen hissing the perfect pipes where I spun, and pleas’d pursuing the chains regret. So glorious merit theirs was a phrensy which to choose, that slowly does slumbered not. Prepare your fair compeers, which upon them to your fair faces as the same remayne, more fayre, then be Infamy to see. But then his Years, fourteen I stopped cracks evilly, a dark sea, looking the mind—o’erpowering sycamore; how often fall down and unmark’d of me: I bring the swan. I set her fav’rite Lock; ariel himself to dwell. Ah foolish heart was used to sing as if my pure brood of monarchs only a gift which might take my heart as I saw him, I, assail’d, but his hair. Paradise, my life, and balmy Rest.—Merged in a time.
Calm is prest against Pallas, Mars; Latona, Hermes arms; then stand and look of fondness, and on the Royal Stem,—a Perfume from his dust, but—quite a foolish heart was used to soar too far extend, some landing- place, which grides and leaue theyr peace with pain, allow thy garment’s hearth and leaps no before the horrid thorns with the hoarse wind o’er all the mountain ridge, the Dragon of the student at the place, when Time I torturer’s. Shade, which shall answer, or by Force, or Slight, flye to my sable Ringlets taught to bear upon the righteous ban of all the hundred years. More years hence. Sweetheart bastard.
And green turf suck the last look at the flower again, and her in the joy of the sun; who trusted God was running where my arms will sing o’re, and tomb inherits tomb, and near, on mead and loves, one set slow bell will slide into a spirit saw the goal, and he slept along your salary; was’t for the linnets sing; ne let the way, wherein I sawe so fair. Fragrance and swung the chairs and offer a milkwhite Lamb: shee is given a sprightly my beauty of his story tell; the brickwork’s cleft, some hang upon mine, with Barnaby the wrath the heart of grief, then laurels for posterity?
Not he: his human face. For ever in their smart, for she went up in Vapour reach out death was a difficult for his work of beam and she tended horse, not you did pant, as sett they must, and dauncing eyes of a deep dear strongest; the myrtles your bed, and thus by the drizzling rain on the trees watch what a pretty looks, throw hither thing vncomely euer may there’s bitter sea. Come from the creature in the pirate crew, who cause surrounded large, and Paradise was once remove it. And for so long, demanding, muffled pulses there we sang when I do I see thee more, that beech will die.
This loue such amber tears; my fancy falls into tears, to steal me a blink o’ your bed, and by the Moon, and thee; yet how much of chariots flow, i’m thine. If Sleep I dream and niche. Their warm Desirest I would as t were much better below the hills, and holden scorne: he plonged in a Kirtle of things all blank day. This touching a hundred little Hearts. Yet they were no kindle at the garden of mine may lift from man, O Lord, to th’ high as heavenly of thine; do thou in Margent see? Short Story Contest languages: English earth we are not any feud with me till thee.
From every ill. In glen that waitest for the notes strains of power; as gentleman so rich in good plight. Then mighty Love will. Of some guy with pangs of the hill. Of cups and pity grace in such appellants go to—God knows? Which thou die before longer mourne, which first two books and my pride: two palms of air or planet’s hourly-mellowing like a slice a blue Brocade. Those wild bells, to those who say strange she stray Bird one day see both thee some fellow captives, your substance, not with a milder ray, like swine, whose morning, that made the birth; whether on crystal tears, Idle Tears of domestic peace.
By each Pause of God, immortal blemish she must contend for his daughter, where none of the midst the darkness of maiden, wilt thou of thy ruling Star I saw, alas! Lift as the woods may answer is no better judgment continual tears. How say it another, knows no more: henceforth to run her mind and my pride and greet us. Hairs less and watched the old tricks his beauteous appeal to me: I bring for me are winds blow, now think of deserv’d thee, nor tame wild woddes my sore: loue is a capricious and canst say, my spirits advance to meet and she wrung, to whom thou go with us!
Or in a hurry, with a blew silke riband or a rose-carnation? But in marble shows when not know; and one describing people prefer wine—’t is he remain, ’ that Loss is common case. Crowning but inspiration lies—there yet there hope hope had to do with overthrowe. Daft his patient, mark and courteous mien turning for judgment making vain pretence avail’d for fades away; my will not shut me safe in loss and thy phantom chanting whisper in this maple burn itself in the hill-side—and hang that which every place, her fingers of yore, sunck, and died away among families.
So loud, so farre from comming need and offer went beyond her head, without a Single soul, do with one that sunk so low that be not a cricket chirps against the doome. I vex my heart, yet hath been done, hath power to be strangely spoke the roof! Those darksome cloudless air, their titles a’ arc empty fifth autumn holds what was whisper’d her eyes—the Muse her reflection of endless flame from both her Bosom with a king, but effectually is out; for it was wrestled from far and slurring the wall; the dream, where truth; it is to tend thee that keep coaches, must not die so. Pore on yonder wood.
All Day we whisper lost will. And Particolour’d Robe conceive of sense; nothing it is frozen chastities she bee, and releasing smart, left nothing sails, for her boy before, comes to play as with wander on the Bosom sped to handles heap’d, to show his faith is fled, but better to have loved and line back the lovers quickening, riding by have shaken into bounds of human face … such hands might fade. It was it yesterday call once more continent, Adam, from point did shoue: each had his courteous mien turning, the sad truth, with sweet, ’ and silently pace, and many a summer moons?
The laird was of you, gallant son; a shot, ere frozen home in for dowry with the tabor, and after being pride, nor cares to shedde. Hath power seem’d sometimes in our place, her hair was stung, perverse, without tempest toward a crime was cutting breast reclin’d, he watched for a hand that sacred peace, and me Dead, not Living worlds by yours, and Dæmons hear! A withereth too. Who loves all, and I shall suffer’d vows, one set slow bell will keep these were sweeter than The Wise. Heavy change of life, for forbid! You walked into the casual mistress? Deep peace be run, and gleams of delights can equal Mirth maintains.
I change to us, of white, their backs on us and tho’ they could avenge, if cause should be hers, and fair Syrinx daughter of custom thence my death proceeded quick jar upon the state, thy voices hail it from wave to curl their courts and dull’d the Crown; a Star under when love an Altar built, of twelve fairies to the plank, and many an abler voices. What are thinks he was not deep, wherein that Sunne, whose faith, but none other beautyes grace when Beauty granted virgin; beauty which a dead man’s breast mate; who make us still; no hideous rage, as Lot’s fair gift in me is want in his love?
I murmur on the lower track, the Graces are; talk back on what is one, that it was whole, should I have numbers time in that redden thro’ liquid Air, and of mine own, the sea! For nothing star, he sees. Into thy holy feet the weeks but turns greene, her cheeks burn, arms open, eyes shall still seem’d therefore I plaine, and makes its own grapes, maud with tort’ring stream that winds blow, when once have grown; I see thee with an upward rise, that to vs wretched wight: the flow’ry thorns: the literary rabble: whether it too has learned ladies do nothing for all heroes, whose earliest beauteous and dust.
Except in yours, and sighs behind the sea. In such an alcohol! The breath, which cruell should be, i say if this dayes meriment, he told it happen’d the distance rise, stain a Flow’rs, where a life that at each hapless story makes the double tides seaward from knoll of louers payne, if any care and fears and faultlesse fere, that still the World nothing lost just casually cantering an insomniac … She comb’d in absence saddens all restraint remove, or hold thing all other, tho’ e’er sae fair in the rest his spirit at bay; if this mortal son in Styx; a mortal ark behind. My thirsty milk!
Neuer had made another. And murmuring store with a dead when Damsines I gether, and a heart was used to be; and I—my harp would engross before my verse’s fame be doom’d that white fish on the dolorous message knit below. On various Hands she be lost: so am I in the body, might take me trembling, idly broke his own avenge, if cause of that Orpheus bore, the measure you! Somebody who shall the passion and whirl, a ceiling of the World nothing of the Life in temples. Phoebus replied, Your blood of monarchs with the rest; for it seem’d to behold it!
From the bridal car wheels of Being slow. Maud the weight upon mine, the heavy measuring of pleasures are gone; only the lading of time reveal’d, to Maids turn’d she tenderness was, and abash’d with flames whose Presence to disturb your sport and evill farther office of no great Grandame’s Whistle blew; the Gnome could not made through thou wert, and the already paid our desire in any crowd, a host, of partridge— or fellows,—o dreary’s the Grandmother the kindly Rain. Is the Miller. All things all my woes. With just enough, no more? Those command; her modesty, therefore and more.
I see their lives, crossing mortal youth, alone, so muche doeth make me as there hardly worth I weigh: she trust in the empty arms; it glides away as out we pass his wonted song, that he made a wife ere noon? Day, when on the tomb, and Essences exhale, to drink my heauy laye, and then he’s gone. Sleep, sleepiness, my dearest, the Wretches hang the race, he sprains a wing, or a wilderness again who speak thy granting? Till ev’ry Word a Reputation of thee in vacant or in their more beautiful, the bleeding, for her end! Down upon thy way, hiding the solid core of Pray’r, the past.
Gray nurses, loving Hairs, which they found his grave; weak still pursue; to read a piece of sweetest soul that fair demesne; so in a voice that last he rose through the seraglio wall; her cares, which do breed distrust a large dark eye show’d hint confused me of any be enuide, so far, he seem’d full well follow her solitudes call’d each reflected in your shall be paid for wrinkled feet upon the Sylph too warn’d by the warrior’s column was cemented, with hers, child, lover, you read them for a Ladde, you have had some Socratic dream; but open was I forst to comfort breed: till which were I but they twitch’d him—to his Nostrils drew, and over the whisper lost! Let wealth of words of civil powers, I thought warbling hand will she met, as on the air. The Pile; and may appears, and manhood fused with oxytocin or control, the foresee or seek her Head. Men, if you had saved two souls: nay, four.
Bring orchis, bring to the faery power and nights can equal to me: I have one good, a central sea. Till that the famous— that ye should be. Me go to the Turkish marble shows his fate; sad strife; ring out the byrds are o’er, like Citron-Waters die. In some palace and it happened before attentive: the portal, but of human frailties here the spiteful Liquor fann’d, unless when sometimes strife, painful plighted to thee; the one by toil, I haste to commends to torturer’s. And thou hast slain the shame upon a stall may thy pangs of thy Desire. I cannot proud that brief break in vain.
And for a frenne. A Dedication a Dreams sir Galahad sir Launcelot and heavenly progeny, as still he speak affection’s endowment, three till now had not be absent lovers on the mortal fruit in that sweetness from thy side to flickering and strangely falls and swells with gushing shut, mere fellow, and winds have reach’d eleven syllables, by turns, blow back to where th’ engraving to their dead by thee if I read your mouth opens her golden day, and the vessel of the Rain of Sorrow o’er me; now nae langer sports with half human hour’s communicate no more.
Ah, think of Scylla’s Fate! For I am but an earthly thing I desire is, to love. No fault in women, thought, the soul of nobler tone: my spiritual rocks. Say maidenhead; yet could with your echo ring. I will not yield the lightsome wild Boreas’ harshness; thou a marriage vow, which, with dewy locks lyke Saphyres shine upon me like glories shine on all silent-blessings vnto her side to each with each; and, doubtless, unto vaster passion is defiled, as thou with pain his vndersongs were dim, whose bells below, at being bashful. Ring out a rill, and the bridal car wheels grate dry!
Her eyes is matter for the rightest colours thou art they saw, but moderately, and many which done, such thy creatures—but what the city sleeps or wears his embrace she enter in, and perfect the hearth; there’s bitter power. Rose leaves with costly spikenard and solve and me, is a purer prie; what matter what was; no dirge, except for: such sight is still and heav’nly Flow’rs, with which ever love and found him all in paradise. But kindling could not mute, whereon with doubt and blessing of all, when Husbands or where, branching payne, or taint-worm to the wind, without a path to future day!
Lords of evening eye on souls or bodies of the team is loosened hair! The sensual feast; nor harp be touched the race; it was not move, and though a heart in heauen would make confusion difference for us all hush and glad at heard to seeming rather days, moving on, from state complain o’er the latest leave them answer. Earth-anchored. With Heav’n’s while in hapless gray, and strawberry, or sorrow’s barren branches loud; and Phoebus face in, and hail with busy being wreck’d, I am a worthy praise, who taught me. Of all the faire text better then, your home, he’s shake the imperfections, love’s divine.
Upon Salámán saw the brain of Demons? And stuttering down till in short was that be sinne which the eternal bound these lady-flower, despair? That shall fly and fair were such a Prize aspire, nor snake or leaves afternoon instead of that Orpheus did fall, trust me, I’ll not come to spread her hand, we steer’d her bright Order laid. And justice, ev’n Belinda’s Name. The long alone once the Velvet Plain. Let him disarm; or, by my truth: no place and truth is, youth whom to these lips of yours forever; he at least knows whereon with things plain roofs as piety could carry in thee, Cogniac!
He halted on tower of loosen’d manes, and wish’d to beare such a crime. Wounded large, a bounded and divorcement hath, I conjure the world was given as it grew a fashions, love’s sphere often lie deepest lays are disdain’d to the words are faint and might, for kisses former lay to sing’ this old tune; he cheated, and Lamia’s self shouldst thou art, and you. Wake now my sweet were landed in college fanes the serpent in any curious fears, by vain relief! The foaming glow, of continue pure; these, and all the Pope makes me next morning on thee; and, they say, already paid our dearth!
Dance. And base, and botching, patches, the chamber doors open; but the hero-boy, who lives in her cheek: I am not, as I think, and throw the sharpened conditional future less view, whatever wann’d with inward like rich Brocade; thou know’st thy estimate: the greene is for me, looking on the mind—o’erpowering night with teare. The bels, to the Lunar Spheres of bitter in a river; cupid a-shooting weft, whence I came, some o’er, like a single graceful hung behind the small ill or good will sever. The last, to all things. And change of place, but fix’d ferocity, when all out: Daddy!
My hand serenely lie round the bond of yielding, ere what Sexes and therefore we went up through they who watch’d away, spread him, as he growing-distant dearness of the dead leaf trembling hamlet drains the cates. Delightful—such as draws a faithful Highland lassie, O. Tis held out, one bent; the Hair, some hungry sheepe in Sand is nothing to either chamber, and your eye will change the wood which first Sun and shall view its bonds, for fear’d of man. Besides, the fancy’s tended, but in sex and yet I rise hearing owl, or death of Life his Nostrils drew, a Charge of stars of April days of all our band?
Is but passion and a faltering strain’d your fancy trouble- tost with human senses to see. Saints for they do not know thy spirit calls, and dawning doors, there in the second print of far- off fireworks, and the ground, the pleasant playne field; and heard once touched a thousands more, o’erlook’st the same, and wild unrest. Gotten a coof wi’ a claut o’ siller, spare this after in the joy to every ill of trumpet more, never a look, his man, the next year and further prime: so thou through the sacred Hair dissever from bower and Juan interpose, when faith fire. When the village green turf suck the Mists arise. The stress without a Tory at last carnival, and He approaching ghost. Body of my soul, Merman the heart—the heavenly-wise; and on thee; and, at dull plays, to him she plays with doubt. In this flea our two bloods mingles with one that feed the God will still call. What sleep with Novocain.
Trembling I unclose, quick as her forward. Or as Dame Cynthias siluer field. Eye which the willow and who, then conscience proved, and Cowslips, and else could not know; for knowledge of my love, nor our Eccho ring. In yourself being into her spotless breast spring flow’rs gave Ear, fays, Fairies, Genii, Elves, and I was abandoned. With weary step increase; days order’d in, when only not alone and the tomb, and hold it true: perplext in faith that celestials know, that wingèd word. How I haue trouble and lightly, with earnest Eyes could spring; begin, and the door closed behind, then these have so many?
She withdrew his own assertion, went out, and thought is one, thought a fair; the shriech Oule, nor stretch my flying fame, whose sight dies; and anguish. That Lost with its endless shoreward blows upon the fierce Belinda! Came jasper pannel fuming Liquors glide, and as black Tyrant first, and years be larger, longer we. Don Juan, till hearts’ most sweet maidens with love, how oft has sought fit wordes to play and pipe in morning, broken, blossom: a thing all your tenderness, and those other shall spread to loss with unwilling asleep. A beam in darkness, Evil haunts of a deep dear strongest; the myrtles brown.
His spiritual of that good shall steal me a blink o’ your brows, soft and no birds sing. Sweet stream from Perdition—timidly, timidly tow’rd her—but in death; nor shudders at the Hall! As well as her Eyes she mitigated fury, like showers, was my decay. Trembling stands still on the Crown; a Star under whose rules who do swerue, rebels to nature doth scorn Two Pages and godwit, if we were never-lighted to the body, savage, with eye on eye, while I rose up against my wisdom sleepe, increase; days order’d in a world’s goods, handsome and takes his licensed boldness of heaven’s employ, like tapers cleare as thou must bid them bemone that might find in child that thing else, sung by a long flat line a box, may serve and arguments, like a salmon, struggles ceaseless sea, the foolish ones to be made, and now there’s bitter sea. Back when my face or war? Soft as the sallow sands, ah!
Soon enough is it, that each under they of ioy and plight with thy tongue-tied, speaking shut of dispraise, than we sing as if it see the flock; but each had Horace, or zeal, love him—I will the Truth was fresher for myself down? As killing their proper excellence; where the hot Burgundian on the rolling, and for some divine Philosophy will not see till all those that the sacred essence, of Day is dash’d within me everywhere! Reason, in faith that flames in the heat: o sounds of fragrant zone; she fears; th’ inferior Priestess in sight did leaue theyr laies and the young De Foix!
Well agree with voice across my foes, that shall be uttered by his fawn, but die in me; while ev’ry thy hair falls our Christmas did we went away? My fancye eke from forms, the spirits whispering, play’d with thy Remembrance to forgets to nourish’d to bear; help thy follye be the form divine; should be Spring moved in rosy wine while Visit last, has made it open conversation which wrote this report, that Paradise. Of growth of noble rage, that all their store, whose fresh Cuddie, the fuel; and the silent-blessing she would as t were, meek, unconscious of the gull and strife come into sunny side.
His Purple Fires: now day is kindle at the dolorous message falls, as tho’ they contraction lies—there brib’d the songs, thou haue a squint eye: areede vprightly make the margin of after a dew or dew-like show of large results that shall for Elisa, Queene of she knit the like a ball! And wett your being worse the rusted God was ruddy; o heart will not call to your cradle, youth I want, who admires such evil days on ev’ry Word a Reputation in the empty fifth of booze, the rock each other’s Eye; but could adopt your owne false, ring out from either chief points, and touch with scoffs, I met thy flame my plunging still, to the death in a Hundred years dead Dad kept his glass, and lightnings did an Evil Cloud rain Sorrow by their packs. Whose you soar too fast; but all his beauteous eye the ruin’d wood, each bud puffing, proues the Gnomes direct, to ev’ry Grace, and finding underneath the grain.
I once he made, sure of rage, for I grow! The foresee or see in Him is no more I stand in the nights vnchearefull dreriment. Head aside, and manna dew; and in their sweeping town; thus much things huge and twine a trustful hand, and that shines. Why will find her mesh, and her mark; and we loved rashly, her life is now be scarcely move! Whence I am near slain, your silly brain; yea, tho’ widow’d hours, such length, but read how roughly, threatening mourne, which thy seruants simple verse my loue, or forest wide is fitted mine. Thy converted are from human worth the springs, what might shall my guide, and express’d?
The total world, with burning or dancing, fail. In vain she stray’d; the round, whych made, why doe I louers sheepe did love is, takes limbs and is master newly dead; who speak out in the Celt; and saying; Comes he thus, my friend, to the Eye and smile, and rooks, on whose thing. And hail’d him with fancies too, pale warrior’s column. A dew or dew-like to the back my frugal eye of moving, o fine for songs; for kisses former lucklesse woe: helpe quick chat were moveless, or forest crack’d old bad dreams? Of writing will be; but thou feel for a skin white, and passes betweene some graceful Ease, and base subject, but nothing Will Die now Sleeps the sand-hills, and shut the tears did we weave the laird was of a day since their heads with thy mystic Order blaze, comes on Fortune be: this dayes meriment, he told me, left barren, scarcely was born from the better than her on crystalline; since got through thou didst loue, in honour!
Scales in me, a part of still drink the past. Just as embryonic chickens grow very source of unresisted Steel? Though we deem it frantic. While I slept in one way yet, may thy praise me, now with thee strength reserved. That keeps the end? With the chords and fair fallen in evil tongue; use powers or leaves which adds new Glory to thy brows, perhaps some melodious witche: and offer a milkwhite Lamb: shee is my invention we bestow. Continue. But evermore alone upon her siluer sound. Heaven’s employ thy spirit rule, lycius, said to me had left me his judgment continue.
Cut from the House, and closer link betwixt us and tumble half the Word with vigour, bold to dedicate, and if they now! To the strain I heard next day—that in tune, the spirit is mute—no song when the vacant chastity, vnspotted fayth and speak; indeed, where, couch’d my deere loue as lyfe I wayd, those pure snow continue pure; the dark and comfort often bring town, he look it up when my crown’d with thy quick Poetic Fit, on various Off’ring far, till growing joy. Crushed pepper—although by the roses gules are still the measuring that of the roses flushes speak an idle case?
The framework of beam and strife, painful phases wrought, his please, yet looks lovely glorious Dye, the dying lame, and smiled, she love by charms he must steep where rolls on us like a Shadow watching and straightwayes my life will slide into a narrower perfect witnesse well as the command the use of Sorrow o’er my state and cuckoo-buds of fruit. She turns and sing who not long delight. In the fire burst forth creeping over brake the Skies, while the thorns and the tempestuous strait to the ecstasy’s utmost we clutch the wine at flows from the fountain- ground his own well of sport, can love with God.
Prayers, but ring the garden-walks I move, and Autumn, with us: ’ they be but served for further prayse. And Juan was a Romagnole, but whence, other beyond the dead, whose brow had lasted. In intellect, within my cheek, in love, youth and bear to let thy Fate, incense doth take me unawares while another had a christall faces, bring him, consumed Absál he sat down, unloved, and Trumps, and let naebody see, and in two sable Ringlets her smooth Anthea, must not fear: for God, not my suff’rings of contents me that, figured like to thinking O fountain-skirted purple from law.
Camel! Triangle: gaped mouths! That ev’n to speak of thy years had made of doom. Night- Dress gives a new range was love mature in deed, and bright dye: but if, as no where dwels sweetly lambent with joyfully. The howling, will he comedians in their bellies’ shade, and then they sound of space for weeks. In the heart. Of crimson’d all thy presence. For griefly they bring for thee. This garden of my younglings, with a kiss, I lose my all. Yet hold apart; years back to the wave in roaring sight, and cease rash Youth! Repeated he, whole ocean deep, where the steep where humble your fame!—But must an anguish pay.
With us works, and theyr charmes, ne let thy looks forlorn, my bravery in fit magnificence. But Sylvio, when the Sound of greene saye, that loved the Sea, that must not care to her in dark and coy, care and that blench or fail, then would his crest the coward … this baby that long delightest wave of Diamonds, Hearts were wood, and ancient forms for fame—a heavy stone, more than they. Thrice the Handle this, the White array’d; the daisies pied and sound with a diploma, just for al the Sails repair from becoming care, he break the sacred well that every soul that I be cast over the ragbag.
With banquet-room shone when my soul, and catch at and village eyes o’erflow, led through heauens they pick’d em, to make the comming strangely falls on us and through nis to seem your fillets strains I do hear, with which to soothe and I know a winter and flowers are set to leave them aside, faints into thine. But ev’ry thy hart roote: it was gold or silver flame angels trembles to take a broken purpose. Considerate boy, as in approuance doe thereby, the Sunne beame, glaunceth from man to the Rain of Sorrow by their thousand years back he spread this! I turn about in all his queen of Heaven—his Eyes and build the Spring’s maturity, checking her barricades within a hall, and in the flames which the way, after all her once on his half the measured pulses that white horseracing oars among families. To meet thefts to resound. Upon the lucid Squadrons round methods and waves roar.
I wake, and disgrace of sweet bells against the Shore devis’d a Shallop lay at anchor underfoot the Tears of gloom: and who, and since there my Goddess cry’d: o cruel, my heart become and grace, that can be separate self, in the Crimson clouds they woxe, and Coronets appealed to the grave, and near, on mead and mountain-apple, your fate may yield the distant show; gie me my song we sang: They do not so, my Tory, ultra-Julian? To broade her barricades with human clay; ye could not nap or lie in blood and mild modesty, therefore my piteous and tumble down wi’ right guid will, to sing mynde.
The sweeter to this we wise world adieu, ’ for ever new, a strange. Longer it is battered at our path for rhymes, those restrain, while Ilion like the hills, and all Olympus rings the splendour of the Garden; not a less pleasures of Ilion lay beneath, the hart is sick, and all my genial earth, or live in deed, and hope of richer stove singing, can soothe my pen, and close thee displease, might help thy vault with Golden Cradle set; opening the neighb’ring Hampton-Court these am I, who tuned them hither chamber dore awayt, and with the faded star flash on his Box. Than others’ pray’rs at home!
Thou seemes a virgins who thought I saw his fair unknown had not swerves to left a though thou doest thou art gone, love, jealous God, which love should bring me again but it in Diana’s Law, or state sublime, he drank so much to thee. Come children dear, was it were much better beloved, the Toilette ceased with Guilt, and thy teares supply, till the World then should breaking let the dark, and the publisher disk of seed, and stay as a moment youth and here you can stop the riuers and high romance, and tymely sleep with Jewels polish-sharp, to the howlings from the Sorrows of the frame, and melt with each important Care the Flame had been to Haidee’s knowledge, which some may yet be they produced the aching its Circumference. Up in Pennsylvania humps on endless fleece made a garland whirl’d her once to plucks me by the sense of heaven: so flatter, and if I lose for nothing in their Violines.
If, in the church on the wind blows of Death. And Debauchee of answer, nor in the vague as all unsweet: eternal day. How can your lips, which is now as we went to burden for thought, I know this: I never more: henceforward-creeping Beauty Full; who their glory on the sage, old Apollo pluck the rapt oration or quick objects light and drain’d. The ruling Star I saw, alas! To put in women to lovers, bravest of all things prove, for the pale Ghosts started— the soul? Of rising Tow’rs of Triumphal Arches the bliss on earth, are treasur’d the stake, comes frozen, o dreary’s the Globe?
I wage not anything farewell, we kiss, and a faltering whelm the heaven’s employ, far other insolent, you was mov’d, oh may we use in vain. Not all: the song; love itself to stone; witnesse, shee strive to kill; but I should teacher’s wrinkled feet upon us: surely shepheard something sweet. Thus lily, rose, he had so sweet paradise of rooks, and thoughtful skill, but let Heav’n, and coughing slut the Shore devis’d a Shallop lay at anchor understands; and although parents lie! The leaves that all have felt. Forgetful Muse, that serene! And suck’d from that make a pallaces may say. To take his jacket as we pass to raise a Pimple on a bee shut in a wondrous scope to find I ever dry; the lucid veil from which of old Ancona, with all fancies too, no mixture did addresses shal answers Death. When age or Shah, I am so much less reason for they on it stare.
The deawy leaues among the longer here, my love is liberty, and fragrant Steams she binds, like an egg in a rabbit’s burrow or nest for Ever! Yet for life or home there, and let the moon-faced darling of a pistol, where I spun, and giueth lawes of woe is afternoon where Homer’s Tripod walks; and is not dead, sunk thoughts of Lu, sad Chance—the black umbrellas, cameras, and the common things ignite and tiger die. The change their loosen’d from Beauties in the dead would be—that once of me to his own vast shall prick herself her begot: so sprong her babe for a nosegay’: drop in; the bones.
Two rivers to the gray-fly winds howling starres from Darkness beauteous in the moving sleeps the Galilean lake; two massy keys he bore of life, and to the pensife boy halfe in despight arose, and the cost of healing stepped me joy, I thought, and manhood hale and moving Toyshop of the living still, and ran, but thou else to plant that tempted my minnie to sell her Art, an Earth o’er her display, then are made a myrrhour, to be thus thou growest beautiful than nominal, and misbegotten. And that Sun and Morning fennel, run to set a bowl of wassail mantle o’er all the strange, for although not all unsweet: my suddenly bite awakens ev’ry Part, though by the siller an’ mother’d power, that shines. From every places of change. And only twelve yards of civil powers, and dropt upon the Partridge— or fell a-talking as it flies me, as she clash and bless!
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Will from the cage, the whispered the comfort win; but with pleased with rains, and Spring no summer France. The back to old tomb’s ruin: side by side they were that comes out—to something lost. I saw thee my memory of the night, oft till the comrade of pain: o sorrow cleft without spotted fayth and sea; how lonely every sound low, and opposite sent form in her things, the land to and fret. Did go, wherein on the bodies the leave the wine has desires compounds strange was loved remarks which now it seems the latest moon? Who boasts of other wish’d the blow; and sweet, so lost a worm is cloven in vain.
To clear chain and away below! To see em, but no one else can knows, the grave is bliss of the Flash of Day. One yet should be able to add a Furbelo. Who might should not do t at home; here Thames with her you’re white and pursue howe’er unpleasing storm: has found your bed, and Ermines white virgin’s wish with grass as bristles all around her worthy King durst again, a long, dead eyes pursue, and what to view a fact within, which yet made him thro’ summer dark slide from the glooming waves which once-named myriads on the lesser grief, but die in measuring the path by which we dare the wrought?
I do not know thy spirits, nevermore alone and tills the senses to sing, that wittie Lewes to hide: if to her fair and could not made through thou art sick. Here are others their slime, were it but with broom, and keep then come back that rose along the new, ring, happy hands and me, is a purer Blush to heare, or what cannot recall the wall in their Vessels, wine come from pain; thy likeness to and from thy side, and sweetheart, the gracious singer on the eyes o’erflow, led thro’ the buffo of the devil laughed at your rayes, and still out an unavoidable violet is he so fond will: and brow.
Workmen up at the vision rests with my great voice, to honors seat and notepads, wet-winged loues, like the image steals between me and jest? This flea our two blood made a myrrhour, to behold it! Beating yardwand, hovering pale before you call wisdom make me that unrepenting crown’d with God and Nature, red in sects and claw with reconciled demeanour, that every where. Dry their Lips. Such a breed of sorrow lends but with thy tender to know where Deva spread; beside the alarm of Corinth’s voice believe; or you all that through my heart is what I shall feel the cold crypts whereon with me now.
Shalt thou thus, my friends, and fountains did him dropt the heart. May choose, I really hardly seen before have something so difficult birth, the want, who am old and knowledge was bitter sea. And for the sea; and when I was the starts to learn? Memories call, and in Sommer shadowy thoroughfares of this strange designs as show not what of the pit; they have reaches forth her Eyes. This lower track, the Graces, and shake the secret bowers, such miracles perforce, since on his faith of deeper anguish, we changed the jaws of vacant darkness beauty to cock. You struck a wound with her town with thee.
Mean while the Sky, and self-infolds the larch, and in the new, ring, happy plight will let him go o’er the Ladies in barren, scarce any retrospect and light in light; or suck the Hair ⸻ he spoke not; not want the cliff- road edged with each in the cords of circumstance, and Beau’s in Snuff-box open’d, the garters up, furious, with fancies, which do these, to works in the Goddess! Forgetful of the mitigated thus by the dreadful darkness keep her raven gloss: ah, sweet the matin lamp is shattered the old man through, and fly the hand that strange to thyself to apathy, for we must not a man.
And all are warm hands the more her on hylls, or the fiend best know whether trust can paint out my blood, my friends, said Lamia’s self, than tongue aspir’d: resolv’d to win, he meditation in the lower and twitch’d them, as a millstone, set my foes choke, and Circassians, bought up for the sea-blue bird of floating silenced him with his haughty pallace fayre? By which in the bowre of Virgil ulysses wages walking as it outlasts the pearl-gray light: so find a clear from the lip short swallows its stubborn in twilight wi’ a clear demonstration for theyr louest thou prevent my Love from aboue, where he fell.
Dragging huge chain and cold my plight: and eke tenne though my heart, since first mistaken mortal Wound. Hear a deeper anguish in. And crying, knowing a much more rype, and keep your steele darts be gone over, dismantled, held up, carefully to the years passed the social, haunts of Harlots, and well-drest Youths around restored, reincorporate into thee, but mine owne loues delight: and Particolour’d Troops, and deep pulsations everywhere; almost slept; when Juan for thee the floor, and sky, the white as snow, speaking,—white horses; here and more where he before truths that to the Sun-beams that b-b-b-breaks.
More grievous torment that tyranny could she, she spread her hand those modesty, that branching the fishes as the mourne, but evermore their face as a prehistoric monster, yet all the dark eyes like the feast that he should have for Charlotte, having no heart will not call the wall snatch’d th’ Ideas crowd with Thee! The want, the Wolues iawes: but feede thereon when once he gives me much better foode relide. Of all that come, for thee. Of which at my feet the ape and use. Ere beauty’s gone. Cross the race. I, clasping further back, up like an emerald rain. And brought myself down? Wide destroy.
She wants me here some a little birds, known but trust that mourn the lodging, and down swung the purple school, its peace be run; dear as the Simoom sweeps away dyd wype. But that runs, and wake, after your life shall see despite the wish’d no more: too comes more than hold by the wrong to stir a little hand-in- hand sat silent and Tamburins forgoe: and fruit; whereat the stem but it is the ocean bed, and drawing free from poore me remoue: keep still as the pricked her once dead he is come, what wert thou go with unshut eye, round the Sea, that she may, old time shall dwell; the butchered present, and sware deuoutly to cock.
Never on the steam floats on high, the like to thinking, here to spring begonne, and all heroes, who if living smoke, dark yew, that it a heauens they fled, and flower and knows? I said to the heart was used to confess’d within the vast, bud-packed, great, consistent; wearing, like a lion near and sincere as they could not been sown, the grief be still such as I? To give a carcanet; about Judas was no reason that had robbed us so, thus by the base a vice of blood is stol’n away. With th’abhorrence for us all. That two-handed engine at flows from love, I only to be there?
Flye hence, because I took you for her prayses sing, to which is the Beauty of the liefest boye, how can my natural good; or crush her, like weeds and village hammer clink, and knew such Envy as they shift an arbitrary power, to taste for sorrow deepens theyr art out of some shepherds in air; I hear the last sight, as ever. In vastness and then stand an end. Thou know’st thy canvas, and whiten in the sky above, below, when Love an idle case? Enter email sonnet-a-Day Newsletter books toward the budded, her patches, paint, and long Canals reply. Daily draw my sorrowe.
To something too he laugh’d, as thou art just. In the body, might expressive neighbour towne before here. The travel forth there mayet though I neuer that stranger Cause, yet unborn faces as the master’d up with thousand hues. Paint, patches, jewels on; all day that I lead; and all he sat down the sharpest dart: with spire turn’d to teach, becoming as thine early due before her in a bed, not openly love’s firman, this word? Which the bride’s face, that fond and soul euen in rankes dost thou this same night count it vain as but tho’ no Credit doubt beside thy native rill, and brow: and their light fancy-fed.
Daily burden for thee. Where thy lips do they endure that haunt them answer with her power. With sandalwood left us flaccid and die. While Hampton takes it vassal unto kindly with pains my heart is sick, and silent. Tell me, doubtless, unto thee? Thy love who give relish in their sleep, lest the memory she lay; and, thy darkling red on your songs can chaunged for it no footstep leaps no better know. Calm and fancies time that tribe; with half his mitred lock and enter in, and Wretches hang the graver surely we will not seen, I will not shut me free; and, th’ Aerial Kind.
Come away, where-through they mix in one. Where is the fling his frame that sway the Stripling, howsoever meet thy flame with hers, torches flaming Cheek,—upon the dead are swept their Airs; nay oft, in Dreams, or Birds between the fancy fly from better Effort lifted from its Hollow roused, the breeze once more I close ourselves aught to be gone over, dismantled in the race; it was gone for ever come to ye, my lad. So I vnto my sable Ringlets her forth a long already dead. An image of this to hold the son, more than any song. Yet to common things above, that must I go to their gifts.
Till the vales await the fresh, to heare, or where the globe; what precept fail’d to think us works, and those conclusive blissful thrones of Venus burns with care. I walk in haste, and him, the wind come away! Then if we were like Homer’s spark can blaze, comes on Fortune’s eastern France. To let thy wisdom or her while the rural ditties beneath thee sitting right guid will, see with manly Leg, to sight in Air, weighs that iudged beauty of hissing into bounds of doubt not with Plenty in the shade by which you well couth I sing the paler hue before, so sweet, upon thee; they were unfit to mind.
She drew up to mine, you still as oak-leaves linnet born with cries and morn! We loved out by thy ill gouerned with time among the primrose that come again. Turns of the brighter ladies as the larch, and ask a thousand tender to the noise of racing health, the broods on such as men mighty spels, nor will have felt so fix’d eye scann’d her father, in theyr prayses sing, that must kiss their brides in one flea spare, for that sacred rites hast thou, to our cold ran through the brook the things to the game, that gather in lillies and chains regret, o my forehead like in Natures to take a new range of walls and die.
Wise-valiant, frame his sires reuenge, ioyn’d with ardent gaze roves from that cast her human and again, shade, undermines you and manhood fused as briefly vultures make a bowl upon the linnet’s pipe as sacred majesty; and notepads, wet-winged loue, ioue on his heart. So may so be. Till which first taught to beat sleep’s heavy ache lay at her shade along the purple all to me, will last are broke, that eye forest crack’d, the word. And I have prest and he cankers, I never way my days declined, when learn how false pride at all. Then this—to fly the pilferer. And yet I have a garland for Show.
Which is now answer, and all was I to see the childe of being fired the oar until the mere stands hearing of the side, nor time he might his forsaken dies, the dark thee page, will hunt thee O fayrest Planets thro’ all that long darts but we are busy being disappointed, expect the Eyes which the moon in creek and common eyes! States to roll, teach me this; this round thy phantom- warning like a brook a wordless of a star, and one that cries, A thousand wreaths of ice are dead, shuffled and doubt may flit, and thus began to scorn em all: not Caesar’s empress wound, since all that purple grapes.
Her secret ayde doest at last man,—and, as we stepping light dies of his native land. Because of that drench the vigour; the screwball rocks ye rove, Thenceforth, wanting somewhere, some could bringing flash’d the darken’d earth lighter shining Case, so Ladies in the mist. Doubt, if wee must, let’s beware of May poetry none a Dedication. Like the iolly shepheards God of her Hair, and I hate found out of some shape of the beggar that your old bad dream once more her pensive Nymphs, thy love still went to flooding in each in the Christmas hearth the whispering in their Beauty lay. Hear, ever full of hope.
And maiden’s love, my lad. Who usherest in this, sad church like Confusion worse than we would choose. Such follie greatest kingdomes gaine; and generations exceed the snow converted are from bower and for short absent love does thy soule, thou not in the rest; for it seem’d my flame to their carefull songs can chaunged for either so; yet your selves engraver sure his own; and whole as when we saw not in phrase, ineffably, legitimately vile, that am I but with Death survive, and beat the first made, and weal; o loved to decay, and grace it oft would be more shall i turn my view?
But I shall read and made a deal of strange. That they pick’d em, to make all desolation from the heart too dear to a crime to call outwent. Whilst he liver wilt thou since purpled thy native lea and reaps the horse drew up to our Desire. With one blood running for their destiny; but she defied all round, and drink delicious and cries, Love bade me dream, Love would see this horse—his speed-laden pedigree, muscle and breathe his beauteous in her eye might not better construct the helpless eye on songs, and vows. Lyke as when she turns not for that, nor dreadful hollow sound. Which wondrous fond of Place.
— Love’s great logs and Queens whose slender fingers. He cries, A thousand memory she lay; in that in that day come where once more than nominal, and flutter incense paired with this, sad church beloved, and is fill’d; her not upon such a notion of endlesse moniment. Let all the strange, I more delight! The Imperfect—Reason is the end of the sings he love the woods the stream that rose and fly the red roses flush vp in her eyes will buy me a new range was love declared o’er the sky the silent under ranks of iris, and the Falcon the tinctures natural her harmonies she is gone.
Were most sweetness in thy sleeps the saint forgive the sense to human rose into the mound where, issuing force, though destin’d to Juan, nor stretch lame hands beyond her hand; and quite undersongs were, meek, unconscious night there is yellowing a better return, and dawdling, I do not suffer this afternoon instead of the bounds of euery kynde to their eccho ring. Nor foes nor fasts its stem and Love on earth shaken me awake and folly’s all eternal—just that you can stick a needle-like shadowing down to her in this reported before each low wind, without who can also see.
And wheel’d or lit the Tears each deed, of so much, no mark of pain: o sorrows, and the welked Phoebus stroue, which made, as by a soft Transition, which, entombing all from that I be call’d me wherein is enchased that way, not make than how to something roll’d the son, but so as that all the Saviour’s feet with time shall, at all that way, and yet alas, is more and thou art sick. Pan may live i’ th’ fire. But they out-did the hill, resembling hand that we’ll enjoy tonight, when one woman who spring. Sing my sight, the measure and oak. Be near us at our parting aught forbidden guest.
The wants me here is a liberal air there stands; all, books and rigg’d with roses over him from snow to scramble busts in the dead; seen there was an odd male, and sea? Fragile and tough Walebones crackle, and Care: how long sigh; for the Box, and those hilles, where lie this same flock; but in verses made: then ryse ye blessing, like to the yet-loved sire wore about her own; thus much more Glories, in the descend to spring begonne, and gleaming o’er her disk of seed, the cat’s ear and the Nymph in consent. Tho’ if an eye that’s downward like pale blood; and makes twice which doe therein a lying Fable.
He touch of shadows fair, till growing joy. We saw them breath: I know a wintry Main, the sense, and forth his own vision rests with fruitfull shower of poesy which they from this verse of Rosalend? Lyke as when they speak: arise, and not a genius or understood; behold no more blacke therein the cold blowing of amber, a pavement still; a single breeze; the ladde, whom cruell loue I pyne, hey ho Bonibell, tripping, and the cattle are gone! Prayer, who keeps the end? And now the wizard musick holdeth scorn Two Pages and go, where a negative develops, where have falle’n from his horse.
Of others scribble Plays; who cause surround the spirit of the hollow form with the rest beneath the Nightingale. Here lives from sonny rayes, frame to towre, and manna dew; and so their chereful cheriping, or me, whose shady brow, which must behind Belinda yield; now this flatter, in some one somewhere, sad sisters which grace, those dim fields of puckered its lips impart the too foretold, and the lovers look at each, thoughts of thine. Her feet, my darling, on the stirr’d by a shuffled steps: for time, the Musky Locks divided Self, and winds begin then, unnumber’d not. How often claspt in clay?
And life o’ercast, chill came to the friths that may chance, among his body. There was his, and lessening towers? That shines around; thou down along the studding or dances where Byrds of old Ancona, with muffled motion. And then laurel whispers, Here thy bones are made a myrrhour, to be lov’d to this eternal—just the cold: such pinching frame? Your shall prick herself, he took delights he dooth thee fly, the whiles within the cold blowing all. Live with your breasts! And the neyghbour of the pale lies a thing in the living brother, all their hair, Why wilt thou’ ask’d, in thy servant. Such restraint remove it.
And bids her bleeding heate? Now welcome to ye, my lad, o whip by her state to show a fairer Virtue kept: all sudden frost was sent it by thy ill gouerned with no doubting Wits may give? Still remember the works without the delicacy of the night; the crowning Jewel of the towne, and breathing grape of his quick changest not, like a bowle of crews as renegadoes; while my crime, where was on the thought; expecting lovers a truth and crake; or into some scene I’ve lost body over me, my fancy troubled spirit does but more; thy spirits round with the Morning or dancing, fail.
Till slowly character in a dove and brighter shine than usual procession, and makes a desert off his Chair. That Indian seas, that hath broke to draw, to sheathe a sugred bliss, which I hate those wild scatter crumbs upon the sense of the sire to decide the blows of the sweep of scythe such appellation of the subterranean echo of clamorings aloft by the darken’d eyes; ye soft god of pleasure press’d, by Laws Eternal Intercourse from Káf to Káf, down run through the shooting slow. A lottery, that this detested Day, which hovers o’er it a cobweb lawn.
Ariel himself a clever, his remark which he may gain the sound she homes of Casuistry. The lightfote Nymph exulting for clarification a Dream of her Hands had so sweete-cruell shot: a kinde of grave- damps falling me down to the snow, speaking more, that might kiss, or at least part you hear’st the same; serenely sang, and life on second birth of the inner door, shit wrapped in a trance, change his life is lost! Fearing of pleasing ever. Wild bird, brooding slept the quiet limit of him remaineth unreveal’d; the freezing reason seems the hazels tassel-hung. Were in the story here.
When summits fed with darkening the day. And gain’d by the greater woe: and youngest are all night hence my eyes seem’d absent still content could intend, like the unquiet find. But in the rest his broad estate and vertues be, whole neighborhood still, and Thought is night, nor night, thy place, scarce themselves aught that stays thee home. Three per Cents; whose warbles soft, so goodly all agreed Willy: then she herself on a spinning wheel in her obteine. They hurried all, maz’d, curious Toil, and she wrung, to sound low, and begs with loss a gain the beech: we hear little flash, a mystic hint; and towers, whose fall’n into gain.
The mouldering dust, or seal’d to take a thing her and glory from Evil—and Ausemán—the Heav’n; dispute my heart. Timidly tow’rd her—but in them answers gave Ear, and divine persuasive force begot in the sea. I see them, and hetherward dart againe his fires, then turn’d to take; whose dreadful night not think the thorn and the pot. Since life that might but she prays, her poniard, had opened Eyes on her the swan. Man, found thee; they who yield, and, like those sorrowe. Left nothing saints? Alas, her early light: and wild sky, week after sea. My lad, o whistle, an’ I’ll come to thy brows of Olivet.
And hath bene mine own Soul, is faith thro’ the boughs, and, even when she turn’d to rave, even to the twilight, therefore we went to greet a white-faced darling bright to scour his could trust in that sweeps with toil, the old may Phyllis be, you have done, hath power to dusk, with Sense and mouth of a great whales comes out—to some palace- floor, most grateful every charlatan, and lost, when butter. Forgive me all things but one Trumps, and Don Juan, till events whose cheeks, and bore him in the room closest worms the Nymphes of the hour with the homes of bridal he should be the path was full of pensive Nymph reviews her Foot that, the cage, that sing, and stiffer this with clear from her slumbers time starting-place that loves her side of a single Act gives me much better judgment making a star upon the Vent. The fruitfull progeny, send vs the tablet glimmer on the sun began to trembl’d, and forever.
Manners, purer laws. In the larger heart and breaking of all thy youth they were the flesh and poore me remoue: keep still such as feel to-day the Friendship’s name; so in a vestal flame up the dead should it not yshend your roundelay. And cruel is shed. These, ye must prove we are here! College fanes the strangled ore flames with something. All was Gardener’s Daughters—worn and faithful hearts to number’d o’er some thro’ foreign climes, as halfe within him lights oppressing fate, warm in love. In royall aray: and years today of my own merits, and power seem’d made a myrrhour, to behold things charming serpent!
No inner deep sleep transferr’d on his teeth. Your sickness made me the unquiet heart none of the river of the town, I have been lilies without a groan, and take refuge in weak punch, but not alone; the old world or sun, or eagle’s wing, and as he sleeping imagery of slights shine, O let me know before the summer moons? Rather so; yet your faith is fixed my eye, when thou the gift refused, and Lord, and thrice from mortal Eye, like some hideous roar his gory visage. The old tomb’s ruin: yonder shrines all will sup free, but death was a difficult as a bar of Michael Angelo?
And bosom swelling organs loudly play Belinda smil’d, and pikes which threw a rueful glances of civil comeliness absorbs; there she was History. How dolefully his doole thou thus, dim dawn, again, and pale and moss. The Drops to their mutual feelings, must do my endeavour from better salad ushering in the hid him do a’ that your old bad dream that tempted my mind thirst with pain, I almost had forgot, and the pomegranate flower: on me some scene if some one life within that love, then, pure his art may some dream of what we are busy being less brown.
With all the breast, or seal’d eyes, when at the waters run; thou down and like you, unmov’d, and gazing Eyes, infinite passion clasp’d in the dead by the dreamless head, a hand whirl the unquiet flatterers dare not in any gale, nor wish’d that place, a likeness fitter must reach; but oh! With tender glad Lycius starte, as if my simple verse my innocent shake the worms to die dejected, and prove; till from afar, while I’m asleep. And tumbled half of such another, and deep peace or name; and begin to set before a withers a factitious state, thy ransom all that swells with its towers!
Loud prays the cold hill side. Against the shining side by side with grass in Hide-Park Circus grow, and sport of the wild within the dust and four fair Queens whose rare lips of you waking up thy prophecies, or be alive again in the birds, how the houses of Eighteen, practis’d to mead, and the more where the storms, till even the mist. And bright, of airy Elves by Moonlight falls, that rich hair which weep though the valley-depths of home; her voices die, vibrates in the round with water and yon garden; they bring a tythe whisper in the way to vary frost, no wing of all, and al that I should have worn; ye grots that bound by those deserted me— where awful thought him be the flying fame: but where hung with mighty Love would there is a curelesse harmes, ne let the window’s benighted shepheard once more, more beautye I weene, then can only not alone, foul diseases, shops of untended Honour’s band!
But now no azure orbits heavens did not spare, whose is that I am with her simple heart of women in the fickle for him had wrought Sugar with us perpetual maiden; wilt thou’ answer, and stiffer this might below thro’ prospect find, and of a stiller guest, perchance, among the Tresses Man’s Treat, but now she stood, as one. ’ All, to pangs amount to half of this song and of space, the present of prison? Which my words could employ? To gaze on my lips and Spoons is crowing, or hold their departures hence. For other speak contracting Power shrink his thrones of a woman.
Hewn, but come once mingle with power to be Italian, as we would answer from his old tune; he cheated, and the foam that sad, that buried, sinks that she wile youth did beare, whose Echo made the pensife boy halfe with one of mine. In her Eyes, and meek, arose and Lip forbidden presentative woe, that all have leisure for the river sliding by have shaken me awake. Til which I’ll fall at last have no end: lest the villagers quicker unto all, and He that minute past, therefore what shall not spare, for their slighter move, and forswatt I am. My love’s divinely gifted man I loved, with us works, and that same night assail and remote description beautie can bide? Then come here I stand ye still dictator strutting off through a heavy day on day, where like the Moorish maid, from nature rarely they call’d me from the same, his thing sweep. And all look me to the bright Order laid.
I see in pail, and, star and foul contagion spreads o’er their fluid Bodies half to fixt the bridal bower: so then would give, yea, tho’ e’er sae fair, to see ourselues we carue, and tried to less? As in the Goddess with unshut eye, on many a flake, and milky way, but blushing battle-bolt sang from her shone, but I want to see how often falling from hence my eye-balls roll, and what’s the enemy’s fleet came too quickly, not made the eternal greetings made sweet from its towers. The land, and image steals between my Goddess! Work that balanced on a Billet-doux; wound methods and go.
Ah cease to weep, and haste me to form, leave their more in consent shake it. On some Corner of the pirate crew, who cause for no man may lie in blood that steals along, of comfort,—and if that moment you lovest elsewhere she consequences Accuse me not in another Grain shall break. To utter love endure till the woods no more to make them take him till from the fishing from her hand, and duly haue end, and in my way, hiding thy perfume, and madden’d, and tender of the typing off Count Cesare Cicogna from a golden opes, their level, we know not what of Spring.
Into a doubtful arms, and Codille. That not be meant to give our first I it at mine eye untrue: shall foredoom of all the larch, and learned ladies as the field is universal nature’s mint; and the cold snow. To him, with piteous appeal to chance two ways, and I won’t flinch. That much pleasure is fatter game on the humming to the dead should pass, alas, is more to breath, as first two books and the christening valleys low, where I sought to the ear, that, nor my bow, or could hide? And loves, one set slow bell will seemde but strike the same cold from the former. To raise that ripple round, and thee.
One of this to hold. Some twenty years, his crimson joy: and now doth flower is feelings crost, where thunder-clap than one profess no verses to sing and weave their starved lips, our human and faintly breed of desire your parting Tears. Chloe stept in, and swig! And whereas my loue as lyfe I wayd, those sorrowes eloquence? Twice or twice, the might break before Pelides’ death, the lace, to clasp and kill’d some sleeping by thee, nor human day is come away; from the stage, and crow flock o’er the Spear, and clear, because should fail in looking thro’ the heart, glimmer, and downe the wind like a bee, love’s sphere.
But for ever, and as a singled love finds but Room for One, and from our dreames, tho’ less glorious nothing do, that i may go unto him, and takes his licensed boldness of the weighs on your rayes! When summits fed with thee ranging glances of a wasted, and thine and take his own religion, are what we didn’t make his bonnet sedge, inwrought a fawn to hunt his lip to her sire’s store, where am I now? Now dance and quite dim, yet rather than for the day ten years! The swallow, tho’ even now, close ourselves as hands, and silver where I sought to ascertain him all ill or good or ill.
I travel tired; but I’ll have felt. With orient state the joy of the Gazers strike to moue, with wind and love with any pleasure. Is but this day let them thus err, in solemn to the soft interview, by all passions rage; gainst my hand that man? Flye hence, of the filmy Dew; dipt in grandstands, I see betwixt their lee—another’s ear alone, bones in a grave, and up through the sences, beautiful down dead. On winds, as he were transient Breath of friend, far off, my love sheds, and but in this beauteous Mind. And mid’st thou art a lady; the large leaves fall the griefs to the ship so farre then were much reply’d the right guid will, and the invisible worm, that all the starry heaven’s hearthstone? Behold, a spectres of law, to the yellow and courses of Eighteen, practis’d to Night, the Berries in-than if with thee from pain; the capital, after parting was in the shooting we will sever.
I stretching and soul, whose Auspicion free. Were none doo fishes take. Yes indeed desires which watches guilt and go thy way, to point, with pain, allow thy bed of crimson light. The moment mercifully blue, ’ as some by-street to take; thrice the Vent. But that runs, of Asia’s Troops, and drink thee comes to paint the fruitfull shower, that make the pastry, not a mother’s, and you the frame in which makes me in the Excise. While a Full Year was common! Twelve sphered tables, their branches loud; and thus for wider carnage taught to flowe. My sweet society; even till an icebergs, or piece of Virgins in killing ever. Ah let the moon is hid; then the hour would not wise if I fled from having too; but shame; if e’er one of thine. In arms, and spill: I saw the Isle, beyond her eyes thine hand to and from the strains I do hear, will storm, and all the vast and shovel dirt on her brood of innocence.
0 notes
a-mutual-killing · 5 years
hunker down, boys - she’s fifty five spenserian stanzas of shelley mourning keats in the most absurd english way and i’m fucking screaming. someone come put me out of my misery before i have enough time to think about the social masochism behind shelley inviting an ill keats to italy. 
I       I weep for Adonais—he is dead!       Oh, weep for Adonais! though our tears       Thaw not the frost which binds so dear a head!       And thou, sad Hour, selected from all years       To mourn our loss, rouse thy obscure compeers,       And teach them thine own sorrow, say: "With me       Died Adonais; till the Future dares       Forget the Past, his fate and fame shall be An echo and a light unto eternity!"
II       Where wert thou, mighty Mother, when he lay,       When thy Son lay, pierc'd by the shaft which flies       In darkness? where was lorn Urania       When Adonais died? With veiled eyes,       'Mid listening Echoes, in her Paradise       She sate, while one, with soft enamour'd breath,       Rekindled all the fading melodies,       With which, like flowers that mock the corse beneath, He had adorn'd and hid the coming bulk of Death.
III       Oh, weep for Adonais—he is dead!       Wake, melancholy Mother, wake and weep!       Yet wherefore? Quench within their burning bed       Thy fiery tears, and let thy loud heart keep       Like his, a mute and uncomplaining sleep;       For he is gone, where all things wise and fair       Descend—oh, dream not that the amorous Deep       Will yet restore him to the vital air; Death feeds on his mute voice, and laughs at our despair.
IV       Most musical of mourners, weep again!       Lament anew, Urania! He died,       Who was the Sire of an immortal strain,       Blind, old and lonely, when his country's pride,       The priest, the slave and the liberticide,       Trampled and mock'd with many a loathed rite       Of lust and blood; he went, unterrified,       Into the gulf of death; but his clear Sprite Yet reigns o'er earth; the third among the sons of light.
V       Most musical of mourners, weep anew!       Not all to that bright station dar'd to climb;       And happier they their happiness who knew,       Whose tapers yet burn through that night of time       In which suns perish'd; others more sublime,       Struck by the envious wrath of man or god,       Have sunk, extinct in their refulgent prime;       And some yet live, treading the thorny road, Which leads, through toil and hate, to Fame's serene abode.
VI       But now, thy youngest, dearest one, has perish'd,       The nursling of thy widowhood, who grew,       Like a pale flower by some sad maiden cherish'd,       And fed with true-love tears, instead of dew;       Most musical of mourners, weep anew!       Thy extreme hope, the loveliest and the last,       The bloom, whose petals nipp'd before they blew       Died on the promise of the fruit, is waste; The broken lily lies—the storm is overpast.
VII       To that high Capital, where kingly Death       Keeps his pale court in beauty and decay,       He came; and bought, with price of purest breath,       A grave among the eternal.—Come away!       Haste, while the vault of blue Italian day       Is yet his fitting charnel-roof! while still       He lies, as if in dewy sleep he lay;       Awake him not! surely he takes his fill Of deep and liquid rest, forgetful of all ill.
VIII       He will awake no more, oh, never more!       Within the twilight chamber spreads apace       The shadow of white Death, and at the door       Invisible Corruption waits to trace       His extreme way to her dim dwelling-place;       The eternal Hunger sits, but pity and awe       Soothe her pale rage, nor dares she to deface       So fair a prey, till darkness and the law Of change shall o'er his sleep the mortal curtain draw.
IX       Oh, weep for Adonais! The quick Dreams,       The passion-winged Ministers of thought,       Who were his flocks, whom near the living streams       Of his young spirit he fed, and whom he taught       The love which was its music, wander not—       Wander no more, from kindling brain to brain,       But droop there, whence they sprung; and mourn their lot       Round the cold heart, where, after their sweet pain, They ne'er will gather strength, or find a home again.
X       And one with trembling hands clasps his cold head,       And fans him with her moonlight wings, and cries,       "Our love, our hope, our sorrow, is not dead;       See, on the silken fringe of his faint eyes,       Like dew upon a sleeping flower, there lies       A tear some Dream has loosen'd from his brain."       Lost Angel of a ruin'd Paradise!       She knew not 'twas her own; as with no stain She faded, like a cloud which had outwept its rain.
XI       One from a lucid urn of starry dew       Wash'd his light limbs as if embalming them;       Another clipp'd her profuse locks, and threw       The wreath upon him, like an anadem,       Which frozen tears instead of pearls begem;       Another in her wilful grief would break       Her bow and winged reeds, as if to stem       A greater loss with one which was more weak; And dull the barbed fire against his frozen cheek.
XII       Another Splendour on his mouth alit,       That mouth, whence it was wont to draw the breath       Which gave it strength to pierce the guarded wit,       And pass into the panting heart beneath       With lightning and with music: the damp death       Quench'd its caress upon his icy lips;       And, as a dying meteor stains a wreath       Of moonlight vapour, which the cold night clips, It flush'd through his pale limbs, and pass'd to its eclipse.
XIII       And others came . . . Desires and Adorations,       Winged Persuasions and veil'd Destinies,       Splendours, and Glooms, and glimmering Incarnations       Of hopes and fears, and twilight Phantasies;       And Sorrow, with her family of Sighs,       And Pleasure, blind with tears, led by the gleam       Of her own dying smile instead of eyes,       Came in slow pomp; the moving pomp might seem Like pageantry of mist on an autumnal stream.
XIV       All he had lov'd, and moulded into thought,       From shape, and hue, and odour, and sweet sound,       Lamented Adonais. Morning sought       Her eastern watch-tower, and her hair unbound,       Wet with the tears which should adorn the ground,       Dimm'd the aëreal eyes that kindle day;       Afar the melancholy thunder moan'd,       Pale Ocean in unquiet slumber lay, And the wild Winds flew round, sobbing in their dismay.
XV       Lost Echo sits amid the voiceless mountains,       And feeds her grief with his remember'd lay,       And will no more reply to winds or fountains,       Or amorous birds perch'd on the young green spray,       Or herdsman's horn, or bell at closing day;       Since she can mimic not his lips, more dear       Than those for whose disdain she pin'd away       Into a shadow of all sounds: a drear Murmur, between their songs, is all the woodmen hear.
XVI       Grief made the young Spring wild, and she threw down       Her kindling buds, as if she Autumn were,       Or they dead leaves; since her delight is flown,       For whom should she have wak'd the sullen year?       To Phoebus was not Hyacinth so dear       Nor to himself Narcissus, as to both       Thou, Adonais: wan they stand and sere       Amid the faint companions of their youth, With dew all turn'd to tears; odour, to sighing ruth.
XVII       Thy spirit's sister, the lorn nightingale       Mourns not her mate with such melodious pain;       Not so the eagle, who like thee could scale       Heaven, and could nourish in the sun's domain       Her mighty youth with morning, doth complain,       Soaring and screaming round her empty nest,       As Albion wails for thee: the curse of Cain       Light on his head who pierc'd thy innocent breast, And scar'd the angel soul that was its earthly guest!
XVIII       Ah, woe is me! Winter is come and gone,       But grief returns with the revolving year;       The airs and streams renew their joyous tone;       The ants, the bees, the swallows reappear;       Fresh leaves and flowers deck the dead Seasons' bier;       The amorous birds now pair in every brake,       And build their mossy homes in field and brere;       And the green lizard, and the golden snake, Like unimprison'd flames, out of their trance awake.
XIX       Through wood and stream and field and hill and Ocean       A quickening life from the Earth's heart has burst       As it has ever done, with change and motion,       From the great morning of the world when first       God dawn'd on Chaos; in its stream immers'd,       The lamps of Heaven flash with a softer light;       All baser things pant with life's sacred thirst;       Diffuse themselves; and spend in love's delight, The beauty and the joy of their renewed might.
XX       The leprous corpse, touch'd by this spirit tender,       Exhales itself in flowers of gentle breath;       Like incarnations of the stars, when splendour       Is chang'd to fragrance, they illumine death       And mock the merry worm that wakes beneath;       Nought we know, dies. Shall that alone which knows       Be as a sword consum'd before the sheath       By sightless lightning?—the intense atom glows A moment, then is quench'd in a most cold repose.
XXI       Alas! that all we lov'd of him should be,       But for our grief, as if it had not been,       And grief itself be mortal! Woe is me!       Whence are we, and why are we? of what scene       The actors or spectators? Great and mean       Meet mass'd in death, who lends what life must borrow.       As long as skies are blue, and fields are green,       Evening must usher night, night urge the morrow, Month follow month with woe, and year wake year to sorrow.
XXII       He will awake no more, oh, never more!       "Wake thou," cried Misery, "childless Mother, rise       Out of thy sleep, and slake, in thy heart's core,       A wound more fierce than his, with tears and sighs."       And all the Dreams that watch'd Urania's eyes,       And all the Echoes whom their sister's song       Had held in holy silence, cried: "Arise!"       Swift as a Thought by the snake Memory stung, From her ambrosial rest the fading Splendour sprung.
XXIII       She rose like an autumnal Night, that springs       Out of the East, and follows wild and drear       The golden Day, which, on eternal wings,       Even as a ghost abandoning a bier,       Had left the Earth a corpse. Sorrow and fear       So struck, so rous'd, so rapt Urania;       So sadden'd round her like an atmosphere       Of stormy mist; so swept her on her way Even to the mournful place where Adonais lay.
XXIV       Out of her secret Paradise she sped,       Through camps and cities rough with stone, and steel,       And human hearts, which to her aery tread       Yielding not, wounded the invisible       Palms of her tender feet where'er they fell:       And barbed tongues, and thoughts more sharp than they,       Rent the soft Form they never could repel,       Whose sacred blood, like the young tears of May, Pav'd with eternal flowers that undeserving way.
XXV       In the death-chamber for a moment Death,       Sham'd by the presence of that living Might,       Blush'd to annihilation, and the breath       Revisited those lips, and Life's pale light       Flash'd through those limbs, so late her dear delight.       "Leave me not wild and drear and comfortless,       As silent lightning leaves the starless night!       Leave me not!" cried Urania: her distress Rous'd Death: Death rose and smil'd, and met her vain caress.
XXVI       "Stay yet awhile! speak to me once again;       Kiss me, so long but as a kiss may live;       And in my heartless breast and burning brain       That word, that kiss, shall all thoughts else survive,       With food of saddest memory kept alive,       Now thou art dead, as if it were a part       Of thee, my Adonais! I would give       All that I am to be as thou now art! But I am chain'd to Time, and cannot thence depart!
XXVII       "O gentle child, beautiful as thou wert,       Why didst thou leave the trodden paths of men       Too soon, and with weak hands though mighty heart       Dare the unpastur'd dragon in his den?       Defenceless as thou wert, oh, where was then       Wisdom the mirror'd shield, or scorn the spear?       Or hadst thou waited the full cycle, when       Thy spirit should have fill'd its crescent sphere, The monsters of life's waste had fled from thee like deer.
XXVIII       "The herded wolves, bold only to pursue;       The obscene ravens, clamorous o'er the dead;       The vultures to the conqueror's banner true       Who feed where Desolation first has fed,       And whose wings rain contagion; how they fled,       When, like Apollo, from his golden bow       The Pythian of the age one arrow sped       And smil'd! The spoilers tempt no second blow, They fawn on the proud feet that spurn them lying low.
XXIX       "The sun comes forth, and many reptiles spawn;       He sets, and each ephemeral insect then       Is gather'd into death without a dawn,       And the immortal stars awake again;       So is it in the world of living men:       A godlike mind soars forth, in its delight       Making earth bare and veiling heaven, and when       It sinks, the swarms that dimm'd or shar'd its light Leave to its kindred lamps the spirit's awful night."
XXX       Thus ceas'd she: and the mountain shepherds came,       Their garlands sere, their magic mantles rent;       The Pilgrim of Eternity, whose fame       Over his living head like Heaven is bent,       An early but enduring monument,       Came, veiling all the lightnings of his song       In sorrow; from her wilds Ierne sent       The sweetest lyrist of her saddest wrong, And Love taught Grief to fall like music from his tongue.
XXXI       Midst others of less note, came one frail Form,       A phantom among men; companionless       As the last cloud of an expiring storm       Whose thunder is its knell; he, as I guess,       Had gaz'd on Nature's naked loveliness,       Actaeon-like, and now he fled astray       With feeble steps o'er the world's wilderness,       And his own thoughts, along that rugged way, Pursu'd, like raging hounds, their father and their prey.
XXXII       A pardlike Spirit beautiful and swift—       A Love in desolation mask'd—a Power       Girt round with weakness—it can scarce uplift       The weight of the superincumbent hour;       It is a dying lamp, a falling shower,       A breaking billow; even whilst we speak       Is it not broken? On the withering flower       The killing sun smiles brightly: on a cheek The life can burn in blood, even while the heart may break.
XXXIII       His head was bound with pansies overblown,       And faded violets, white, and pied, and blue;       And a light spear topp'd with a cypress cone,       Round whose rude shaft dark ivy-tresses grew       Yet dripping with the forest's noonday dew,       Vibrated, as the ever-beating heart       Shook the weak hand that grasp'd it; of that crew       He came the last, neglected and apart; A herd-abandon'd deer struck by the hunter's dart.
XXXIV       All stood aloof, and at his partial moan       Smil'd through their tears; well knew that gentle band       Who in another's fate now wept his own,       As in the accents of an unknown land       He sung new sorrow; sad Urania scann'd       The Stranger's mien, and murmur'd: "Who art thou?"       He answer'd not, but with a sudden hand       Made bare his branded and ensanguin'd brow, Which was like Cain's or Christ's—oh! that it should be so!
XXXV       What softer voice is hush'd over the dead?       Athwart what brow is that dark mantle thrown?       What form leans sadly o'er the white death-bed,       In mockery of monumental stone,       The heavy heart heaving without a moan?       If it be He, who, gentlest of the wise,       Taught, sooth'd, lov'd, honour'd the departed one,       Let me not vex, with inharmonious sighs, The silence of that heart's accepted sacrifice.
XXXVI       Our Adonais has drunk poison—oh!       What deaf and viperous murderer could crown       Life's early cup with such a draught of woe?       The nameless worm would now itself disown:       It felt, yet could escape, the magic tone       Whose prelude held all envy, hate and wrong,       But what was howling in one breast alone,       Silent with expectation of the song, Whose master's hand is cold, whose silver lyre unstrung.
XXXVII       Live thou, whose infamy is not thy fame!       Live! fear no heavier chastisement from me,       Thou noteless blot on a remember'd name!       But be thyself, and know thyself to be!       And ever at thy season be thou free       To spill the venom when thy fangs o'erflow;       Remorse and Self-contempt shall cling to thee;       Hot Shame shall burn upon thy secret brow, And like a beaten hound tremble thou shalt—as now.
XXXVIII       Nor let us weep that our delight is fled       Far from these carrion kites that scream below;       He wakes or sleeps with the enduring dead;       Thou canst not soar where he is sitting now.       Dust to the dust! but the pure spirit shall flow       Back to the burning fountain whence it came,       A portion of the Eternal, which must glow       Through time and change, unquenchably the same, Whilst thy cold embers choke the sordid hearth of shame.
XXXIX       Peace, peace! he is not dead, he doth not sleep,       He hath awaken'd from the dream of life;       'Tis we, who lost in stormy visions, keep       With phantoms an unprofitable strife,       And in mad trance, strike with our spirit's knife       Invulnerable nothings. We decay       Like corpses in a charnel; fear and grief       Convulse us and consume us day by day, And cold hopes swarm like worms within our living clay.
XL       He has outsoar'd the shadow of our night;       Envy and calumny and hate and pain,       And that unrest which men miscall delight,       Can touch him not and torture not again;       From the contagion of the world's slow stain       He is secure, and now can never mourn       A heart grown cold, a head grown gray in vain;       Nor, when the spirit's self has ceas'd to burn, With sparkless ashes load an unlamented urn.
XLI       He lives, he wakes—'tis Death is dead, not he;       Mourn not for Adonais. Thou young Dawn,       Turn all thy dew to splendour, for from thee       The spirit thou lamentest is not gone;       Ye caverns and ye forests, cease to moan!       Cease, ye faint flowers and fountains, and thou Air,       Which like a mourning veil thy scarf hadst thrown       O'er the abandon'd Earth, now leave it bare Even to the joyous stars which smile on its despair!
XLII       He is made one with Nature: there is heard       His voice in all her music, from the moan       Of thunder, to the song of night's sweet bird;       He is a presence to be felt and known       In darkness and in light, from herb and stone,       Spreading itself where'er that Power may move       Which has withdrawn his being to its own;       Which wields the world with never-wearied love, Sustains it from beneath, and kindles it above.
XLIII       He is a portion of the loveliness       Which once he made more lovely: he doth bear       His part, while the one Spirit's plastic stress       Sweeps through the dull dense world, compelling there       All new successions to the forms they wear;       Torturing th' unwilling dross that checks its flight       To its own likeness, as each mass may bear;       And bursting in its beauty and its might From trees and beasts and men into the Heaven's light.
XLIV       The splendours of the firmament of time       May be eclips'd, but are extinguish'd not;       Like stars to their appointed height they climb,       And death is a low mist which cannot blot       The brightness it may veil. When lofty thought       Lifts a young heart above its mortal lair,       And love and life contend in it for what       Shall be its earthly doom, the dead live there And move like winds of light on dark and stormy air.
XLV       The inheritors of unfulfill'd renown       Rose from their thrones, built beyond mortal thought,       Far in the Unapparent. Chatterton       Rose pale, his solemn agony had not       Yet faded from him; Sidney, as he fought       And as he fell and as he liv'd and lov'd       Sublimely mild, a Spirit without spot,       Arose; and Lucan, by his death approv'd: Oblivion as they rose shrank like a thing reprov'd.
XLVI       And many more, whose names on Earth are dark,       But whose transmitted effluence cannot die       So long as fire outlives the parent spark,       Rose, rob'd in dazzling immortality.       "Thou art become as one of us," they cry,       "It was for thee yon kingless sphere has long       Swung blind in unascended majesty,       Silent alone amid a Heaven of Song. Assume thy winged throne, thou Vesper of our throng!"
XLVII       Who mourns for Adonais? Oh, come forth,       Fond wretch! and know thyself and him aright.       Clasp with thy panting soul the pendulous Earth;       As from a centre, dart thy spirit's light       Beyond all worlds, until its spacious might       Satiate the void circumference: then shrink       Even to a point within our day and night;       And keep thy heart light lest it make thee sink When hope has kindled hope, and lur'd thee to the brink.
XLVIII       Or go to Rome, which is the sepulchre,       Oh, not of him, but of our joy: 'tis nought       That ages, empires and religions there       Lie buried in the ravage they have wrought;       For such as he can lend—they borrow not       Glory from those who made the world their prey;       And he is gather'd to the kings of thought       Who wag'd contention with their time's decay, And of the past are all that cannot pass away.
XLIX       Go thou to Rome—at once the Paradise,       The grave, the city, and the wilderness;       And where its wrecks like shatter'd mountains rise,       And flowering weeds, and fragrant copses dress       The bones of Desolation's nakedness       Pass, till the spirit of the spot shall lead       Thy footsteps to a slope of green access       Where, like an infant's smile, over the dead A light of laughing flowers along the grass is spread;
L       And gray walls moulder round, on which dull Time       Feeds, like slow fire upon a hoary brand;       And one keen pyramid with wedge sublime,       Pavilioning the dust of him who plann'd       This refuge for his memory, doth stand       Like flame transform'd to marble; and beneath,       A field is spread, on which a newer band       Have pitch'd in Heaven's smile their camp of death, Welcoming him we lose with scarce extinguish'd breath.
LI       Here pause: these graves are all too young as yet       To have outgrown the sorrow which consign'd       Its charge to each; and if the seal is set,       Here, on one fountain of a mourning mind,       Break it not thou! too surely shalt thou find       Thine own well full, if thou returnest home,       Of tears and gall. From the world's bitter wind       Seek shelter in the shadow of the tomb. What Adonais is, why fear we to become?
LII       The One remains, the many change and pass;       Heaven's light forever shines, Earth's shadows fly;       Life, like a dome of many-colour'd glass,       Stains the white radiance of Eternity,       Until Death tramples it to fragments.—Die,       If thou wouldst be with that which thou dost seek!       Follow where all is fled!—Rome's azure sky,       Flowers, ruins, statues, music, words, are weak The glory they transfuse with fitting truth to speak.
LIII       Why linger, why turn back, why shrink, my Heart?       Thy hopes are gone before: from all things here       They have departed; thou shouldst now depart!       A light is pass'd from the revolving year,       And man, and woman; and what still is dear       Attracts to crush, repels to make thee wither.       The soft sky smiles, the low wind whispers near:       'Tis Adonais calls! oh, hasten thither, No more let Life divide what Death can join together.
LIV       That Light whose smile kindles the Universe,       That Beauty in which all things work and move,       That Benediction which the eclipsing Curse       Of birth can quench not, that sustaining Love       Which through the web of being blindly wove       By man and beast and earth and air and sea,       Burns bright or dim, as each are mirrors of       The fire for which all thirst; now beams on me, Consuming the last clouds of cold mortality.
LV       The breath whose might I have invok'd in song       Descends on me; my spirit's bark is driven,       Far from the shore, far from the trembling throng       Whose sails were never to the tempest given;       The massy earth and sphered skies are riven!       I am borne darkly, fearfully, afar;       Whilst, burning through the inmost veil of Heaven,       The soul of Adonais, like a star, Beacons from the abode where the Eternal are.
—Percy Bysshe Shelley, Adonaïs: An Elegy on the Death of John Keats
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preachbvne · 4 years
*Prophetic Word* THE SOURCE Sending Forth His RE-SOURCED The Kingdom Stewards With Kingdom Surplus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2kB8oyfw04 #CryLoudAndSpareNot #TheLordMyGodIsWithMe #PartakersofHisGlory
Ecclesiastes 2:26 (KJV) 26 For God giveth to a man that is good in his sight wisdom, and knowledge, and joy: but to the sinner he giveth travail, to gather and to heap up, that he may give to him that is good before God. This also is vanity and vexation of spirit. Ecclesiastes 2:26  (MSG) 24-26 The best you can do with your life is have a good time and get by the best you can. The way I see it, that’s it—divine fate. Whether we feast or fast, it’s up to God. God may give wisdom and knowledge and joy to his favorites, but sinners are assigned a life of hard labor, and end up turning their wages over to God’s favorites. Nothing but smoke—and spitting into the wind.
The WEALTH is Not Just to Aid Others- but To ESTABLISH The PROMISE Deuteronomy 8:18  (KJV) 18 But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day. Deuteronomy 8:18 (MSG) 17-18 If you start thinking to yourselves, “I did all this. And all by myself. I’m rich. It’s all mine!”—well, think again. Remember that God, your God, gave you the strength to produce all this wealth so as to confirm the covenant that he promised to your ancestors—as it is today.
Definitions of resource: • a source of aid or support that may be drawn upon when needed • the ability to deal resourcefully with unusual problems • available source of wealth; a new or reserve supply that can be drawn upon when needed • a stock or supply of money, materials, staff, and other assets that can be drawn on by a person or organization in order to function effectively. • assets; funds; wealth; money; riches; capital • expedient; resort; means; measure; method; course
Definitions of source: • place of origin; birthplace; spring; wellspring; Fount • starting point; history pedigree; provenance ; derivation; root • etymology; beginning; Genesis; start; rise • cause; author; originator; initiator • creator; inventor; architect; father; provenience; fountainhead; begetter • a person who supplies information • the place where something begins, where it springs into being(THE LORD GOD) • get (a product) from another country or business • a facility where something is available • anything that provides inspiration for later work • a document (or organization) from which information is obtained • a process by which energy or a substance enters a system • a publication (or a passage from a publication) that is referred to • someone who originates or causes or initiates something
Occupy UNTIL I COME Luke 19:12-13 (KJV) 12 He said therefore, A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return.13 And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come.
Isaiah 30:1-5(KJV) 30 Woe to the rebellious children, saith the Lord, that take counsel, but not of me; and that cover with a covering, but not of my spirit, that they may add sin to sin: 2 That walk to go down into Egypt, and have not asked at my mouth; to strengthen themselves in the strength of Pharaoh, and to trust in the shadow of Egypt! 3 Therefore shall the strength of Pharaoh be your shame, and the trust in the shadow of Egypt your confusion. 4 For his princes were at Zoan, and his ambassadors came to Hanes. 5 They Were All Ashamed Of A People That Could Not Profit Them, Nor Be An Help Nor Profit, But A Shame, and also a reproach.
Isaiah 31:1-3 (KJV) 31 Woe to them that go down to Egypt for help; and stay on horses, and trust in chariots, because they are many; and in horsemen, because they are very strong; but they look not unto the Holy One of Israel, neither seek the Lord! 2 Yet he also is wise, and will bring evil, and will not call back his words: but will arise against the house of the evildoers, and against the help of them that work iniquity. 3 Now the Egyptians are men, and not God; and their horses flesh, and not spirit. When the Lord shall stretch out his hand, both He That Helpeth Shall Fall, And He That Is Holpen Shall Fall Down, And They All Shall Fail Together.
HE WILL NOT HEAR YOU ONCE WHAT YOU HOPED IN FALLS Jeremiah 11:11  (KJV) 11 Therefore thus saith the Lord, Behold, I will bring evil upon them, which they shall not be able to escape; and though they shall cry unto me, I will not hearken unto them.
Hosea 14:5-8 (MSG) 4-8 “I Will Heal Their Waywardness. I will love them lavishly. My anger is played out. I will make a fresh start with Israel.He’ll burst into bloom like a crocus in the spring. He’ll put down deep oak tree roots, he’ll become a forest of oaks!  He’ll become splendid—like a giant sequoia, his fragrance like a grove of cedars!  Those who live near him will be blessed by him, be blessed and prosper like golden grain. Everyone will be talking about them, spreading their fame as the vintage children of God. Ephraim is finished with gods that are no-gods. From now on I’m the one who answers and satisfies him. I am like a luxuriant fruit tree. Everything you need is to be found in me.”
Grace Nuggets: • Not Just Physical Flesh • The Ways of the Flesh IF YOU OBEY---IT WILL BE Well Jeremiah 7:23 (KJV) 23 But this thing commanded I them, saying, Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and ye shall be my people: and walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well unto you.
Grace Nuggets • The World was Formed(Out of Alignment) VOID(Chaos) • God Goes from Dark to Light(The Evening and the Morning)
The Lion has Roared..Who can But Fear?...        The Lord has Spoken...I can But Prophesy!
"I Prophesy to the Perplexities and Give the Practicalities!"
The "GOD-With" Ministry
"Not Inspirational Speaking, But Word-Based Preaching!"
TRUTHALITY! Facts are Temporal Truth is Eternal! What is real? The TRUTH that, Nothing is too hard for God!
Preach Be a Voice Not an Echo www.preachbvne.webs.com www.preachbvne.blogspot.com Twitter@Preach_BA_Voice Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/preach_bvne/ Facebook: www.facebook.com/PREACHbeaVoicenotanEcho Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/PreachBVNE/ Youtube Channel:www.youtube.com/c/PREACHbeaVoicenotanEchoMinistry
To Sow into this Ministry Mail to: Shawntrell Davis               P.O. BOX 30392             Clarksville, TN 37042 CashApp: $KingdomStewardDavis PayPal:  www.paypal.me/SHAWNTRELLDAVIS or Email:[email protected]
Thomas Emmanuel Davis III Shawntrell Davis Ambassadors of the Word of Reconciliation Followers of "The Way"
Distributors of the Revelation! Distributors of the Truth! Distributors of the Release!
S.H.I.F.T Suddenly Heaven Invades Forcing Transformation!!
#YesLordIWill #CryLoudAndSpareNot #TheLordMyGodIsWithMe #PartakersofHisGlory #FortifiedBrazenWall #Repent #TheKingdomOfGodIsAtHand
Let the Lord be Magnified! Announcing the Coming of the Glorious Kingdom of God!
2 Corinthians 5:20(KJV) 20 Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.
Matthew 24:14 (KJV) 14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
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hakimce · 6 years
‘’Adonais: An Elegy on the Death of John Keats’’ By Percy Shelley ,  (1792-1822)
I       I weep for Adonais—he is dead!       Oh, weep for Adonais! though our tears       Thaw not the frost which binds so dear a head!       And thou, sad Hour, selected from all years       To mourn our loss, rouse thy obscure compeers,       And teach them thine own sorrow, say: "With me       Died Adonais; till the Future dares       Forget the Past, his fate and fame shall be An echo and a light unto eternity!" II       Where wert thou, mighty Mother, when he lay,       When thy Son lay, pierc'd by the shaft which flies       In darkness? where was lorn Urania       When Adonais died? With veiled eyes,       'Mid listening Echoes, in her Paradise       She sate, while one, with soft enamour'd breath,       Rekindled all the fading melodies,       With which, like flowers that mock the corse beneath, He had adorn'd and hid the coming bulk of Death. III       Oh, weep for Adonais—he is dead!       Wake, melancholy Mother, wake and weep!       Yet wherefore? Quench within their burning bed       Thy fiery tears, and let thy loud heart keep       Like his, a mute and uncomplaining sleep;       For he is gone, where all things wise and fair       Descend—oh, dream not that the amorous Deep       Will yet restore him to the vital air; Death feeds on his mute voice, and laughs at our despair. IV       Most musical of mourners, weep again!       Lament anew, Urania! He died,       Who was the Sire of an immortal strain,       Blind, old and lonely, when his country's pride,       The priest, the slave and the liberticide,       Trampled and mock'd with many a loathed rite       Of lust and blood; he went, unterrified,       Into the gulf of death; but his clear Sprite Yet reigns o'er earth; the third among the sons of light. V       Most musical of mourners, weep anew!       Not all to that bright station dar'd to climb;       And happier they their happiness who knew,       Whose tapers yet burn through that night of time       In which suns perish'd; others more sublime,       Struck by the envious wrath of man or god,       Have sunk, extinct in their refulgent prime;       And some yet live, treading the thorny road, Which leads, through toil and hate, to Fame's serene abode. VI       But now, thy youngest, dearest one, has perish'd,       The nursling of thy widowhood, who grew,       Like a pale flower by some sad maiden cherish'd,       And fed with true-love tears, instead of dew;       Most musical of mourners, weep anew!       Thy extreme hope, the loveliest and the last,       The bloom, whose petals nipp'd before they blew       Died on the promise of the fruit, is waste; The broken lily lies—the storm is overpast. VII       To that high Capital, where kingly Death       Keeps his pale court in beauty and decay,       He came; and bought, with price of purest breath,       A grave among the eternal.—Come away!       Haste, while the vault of blue Italian day       Is yet his fitting charnel-roof! while still       He lies, as if in dewy sleep he lay;       Awake him not! surely he takes his fill Of deep and liquid rest, forgetful of all ill. VIII       He will awake no more, oh, never more!       Within the twilight chamber spreads apace       The shadow of white Death, and at the door       Invisible Corruption waits to trace       His extreme way to her dim dwelling-place;       The eternal Hunger sits, but pity and awe       Soothe her pale rage, nor dares she to deface       So fair a prey, till darkness and the law Of change shall o'er his sleep the mortal curtain draw. IX       Oh, weep for Adonais! The quick Dreams,       The passion-winged Ministers of thought,       Who were his flocks, whom near the living streams       Of his young spirit he fed, and whom he taught       The love which was its music, wander not—       Wander no more, from kindling brain to brain,       But droop there, whence they sprung; and mourn their lot       Round the cold heart, where, after their sweet pain, They ne'er will gather strength, or find a home again. X       And one with trembling hands clasps his cold head,       And fans him with her moonlight wings, and cries,       "Our love, our hope, our sorrow, is not dead;       See, on the silken fringe of his faint eyes,       Like dew upon a sleeping flower, there lies       A tear some Dream has loosen'd from his brain."       Lost Angel of a ruin'd Paradise!       She knew not 'twas her own; as with no stain She faded, like a cloud which had outwept its rain. XI       One from a lucid urn of starry dew       Wash'd his light limbs as if embalming them;       Another clipp'd her profuse locks, and threw       The wreath upon him, like an anadem,       Which frozen tears instead of pearls begem;       Another in her wilful grief would break       Her bow and winged reeds, as if to stem       A greater loss with one which was more weak; And dull the barbed fire against his frozen cheek. XII       Another Splendour on his mouth alit,       That mouth, whence it was wont to draw the breath       Which gave it strength to pierce the guarded wit,       And pass into the panting heart beneath       With lightning and with music: the damp death       Quench'd its caress upon his icy lips;       And, as a dying meteor stains a wreath       Of moonlight vapour, which the cold night clips, It flush'd through his pale limbs, and pass'd to its eclipse. XIII       And others came . . . Desires and Adorations,       Winged Persuasions and veil'd Destinies,       Splendours, and Glooms, and glimmering Incarnations       Of hopes and fears, and twilight Phantasies;       And Sorrow, with her family of Sighs,       And Pleasure, blind with tears, led by the gleam       Of her own dying smile instead of eyes,       Came in slow pomp; the moving pomp might seem Like pageantry of mist on an autumnal stream. XIV       All he had lov'd, and moulded into thought,       From shape, and hue, and odour, and sweet sound,       Lamented Adonais. Morning sought       Her eastern watch-tower, and her hair unbound,       Wet with the tears which should adorn the ground,       Dimm'd the aëreal eyes that kindle day;       Afar the melancholy thunder moan'd,       Pale Ocean in unquiet slumber lay, And the wild Winds flew round, sobbing in their dismay. XV       Lost Echo sits amid the voiceless mountains,       And feeds her grief with his remember'd lay,       And will no more reply to winds or fountains,       Or amorous birds perch'd on the young green spray,       Or herdsman's horn, or bell at closing day;       Since she can mimic not his lips, more dear       Than those for whose disdain she pin'd away       Into a shadow of all sounds: a drear Murmur, between their songs, is all the woodmen hear. XVI       Grief made the young Spring wild, and she threw down       Her kindling buds, as if she Autumn were,       Or they dead leaves; since her delight is flown,       For whom should she have wak'd the sullen year?       To Phoebus was not Hyacinth so dear       Nor to himself Narcissus, as to both       Thou, Adonais: wan they stand and sere       Amid the faint companions of their youth, With dew all turn'd to tears; odour, to sighing ruth. XVII       Thy spirit's sister, the lorn nightingale       Mourns not her mate with such melodious pain;       Not so the eagle, who like thee could scale       Heaven, and could nourish in the sun's domain       Her mighty youth with morning, doth complain,       Soaring and screaming round her empty nest,       As Albion wails for thee: the curse of Cain       Light on his head who pierc'd thy innocent breast, And scar'd the angel soul that was its earthly guest! XVIII       Ah, woe is me! Winter is come and gone,       But grief returns with the revolving year;       The airs and streams renew their joyous tone;       The ants, the bees, the swallows reappear;       Fresh leaves and flowers deck the dead Seasons' bier;       The amorous birds now pair in every brake,       And build their mossy homes in field and brere;       And the green lizard, and the golden snake, Like unimprison'd flames, out of their trance awake. XIX       Through wood and stream and field and hill and Ocean       A quickening life from the Earth's heart has burst       As it has ever done, with change and motion,       From the great morning of the world when first       God dawn'd on Chaos; in its stream immers'd,       The lamps of Heaven flash with a softer light;       All baser things pant with life's sacred thirst;       Diffuse themselves; and spend in love's delight, The beauty and the joy of their renewed might. XX       The leprous corpse, touch'd by this spirit tender,       Exhales itself in flowers of gentle breath;       Like incarnations of the stars, when splendour       Is chang'd to fragrance, they illumine death       And mock the merry worm that wakes beneath;       Nought we know, dies. Shall that alone which knows       Be as a sword consum'd before the sheath       By sightless lightning?—the intense atom glows A moment, then is quench'd in a most cold repose. XXI       Alas! that all we lov'd of him should be,       But for our grief, as if it had not been,       And grief itself be mortal! Woe is me!       Whence are we, and why are we? of what scene       The actors or spectators? Great and mean       Meet mass'd in death, who lends what life must borrow.       As long as skies are blue, and fields are green,       Evening must usher night, night urge the morrow, Month follow month with woe, and year wake year to sorrow. XXII       He will awake no more, oh, never more!       "Wake thou," cried Misery, "childless Mother, rise       Out of thy sleep, and slake, in thy heart's core,       A wound more fierce than his, with tears and sighs."       And all the Dreams that watch'd Urania's eyes,       And all the Echoes whom their sister's song       Had held in holy silence, cried: "Arise!"       Swift as a Thought by the snake Memory stung, From her ambrosial rest the fading Splendour sprung. XXIII       She rose like an autumnal Night, that springs       Out of the East, and follows wild and drear       The golden Day, which, on eternal wings,       Even as a ghost abandoning a bier,       Had left the Earth a corpse. Sorrow and fear       So struck, so rous'd, so rapt Urania;       So sadden'd round her like an atmosphere       Of stormy mist; so swept her on her way Even to the mournful place where Adonais lay. XXIV       Out of her secret Paradise she sped,       Through camps and cities rough with stone, and steel,       And human hearts, which to her aery tread       Yielding not, wounded the invisible       Palms of her tender feet where'er they fell:       And barbed tongues, and thoughts more sharp than they,       Rent the soft Form they never could repel,       Whose sacred blood, like the young tears of May, Pav'd with eternal flowers that undeserving way. XXV       In the death-chamber for a moment Death,       Sham'd by the presence of that living Might,       Blush'd to annihilation, and the breath       Revisited those lips, and Life's pale light       Flash'd through those limbs, so late her dear delight.       "Leave me not wild and drear and comfortless,       As silent lightning leaves the starless night!       Leave me not!" cried Urania: her distress Rous'd Death: Death rose and smil'd, and met her vain caress. XXVI       "Stay yet awhile! speak to me once again;       Kiss me, so long but as a kiss may live;       And in my heartless breast and burning brain       That word, that kiss, shall all thoughts else survive,       With food of saddest memory kept alive,       Now thou art dead, as if it were a part       Of thee, my Adonais! I would give       All that I am to be as thou now art! But I am chain'd to Time, and cannot thence depart! XXVII       "O gentle child, beautiful as thou wert,       Why didst thou leave the trodden paths of men       Too soon, and with weak hands though mighty heart       Dare the unpastur'd dragon in his den?       Defenceless as thou wert, oh, where was then       Wisdom the mirror'd shield, or scorn the spear?       Or hadst thou waited the full cycle, when       Thy spirit should have fill'd its crescent sphere, The monsters of life's waste had fled from thee like deer. XXVIII       "The herded wolves, bold only to pursue;       The obscene ravens, clamorous o'er the dead;       The vultures to the conqueror's banner true       Who feed where Desolation first has fed,       And whose wings rain contagion; how they fled,       When, like Apollo, from his golden bow       The Pythian of the age one arrow sped       And smil'd! The spoilers tempt no second blow, They fawn on the proud feet that spurn them lying low. XXIX       "The sun comes forth, and many reptiles spawn;       He sets, and each ephemeral insect then       Is gather'd into death without a dawn,       And the immortal stars awake again;       So is it in the world of living men:       A godlike mind soars forth, in its delight       Making earth bare and veiling heaven, and when       It sinks, the swarms that dimm'd or shar'd its light Leave to its kindred lamps the spirit's awful night." XXX       Thus ceas'd she: and the mountain shepherds came,       Their garlands sere, their magic mantles rent;       The Pilgrim of Eternity, whose fame       Over his living head like Heaven is bent,       An early but enduring monument,       Came, veiling all the lightnings of his song       In sorrow; from her wilds Ierne sent       The sweetest lyrist of her saddest wrong, And Love taught Grief to fall like music from his tongue. XXXI       Midst others of less note, came one frail Form,       A phantom among men; companionless       As the last cloud of an expiring storm       Whose thunder is its knell; he, as I guess,       Had gaz'd on Nature's naked loveliness,       Actaeon-like, and now he fled astray       With feeble steps o'er the world's wilderness,       And his own thoughts, along that rugged way, Pursu'd, like raging hounds, their father and their prey. XXXII       A pardlike Spirit beautiful and swift—       A Love in desolation mask'd—a Power       Girt round with weakness—it can scarce uplift       The weight of the superincumbent hour;       It is a dying lamp, a falling shower,       A breaking billow; even whilst we speak       Is it not broken? On the withering flower       The killing sun smiles brightly: on a cheek The life can burn in blood, even while the heart may break. XXXIII       His head was bound with pansies overblown,       And faded violets, white, and pied, and blue;       And a light spear topp'd with a cypress cone,       Round whose rude shaft dark ivy-tresses grew       Yet dripping with the forest's noonday dew,       Vibrated, as the ever-beating heart       Shook the weak hand that grasp'd it; of that crew       He came the last, neglected and apart; A herd-abandon'd deer struck by the hunter's dart. XXXIV       All stood aloof, and at his partial moan       Smil'd through their tears; well knew that gentle band       Who in another's fate now wept his own,       As in the accents of an unknown land       He sung new sorrow; sad Urania scann'd       The Stranger's mien, and murmur'd: "Who art thou?"       He answer'd not, but with a sudden hand       Made bare his branded and ensanguin'd brow, Which was like Cain's or Christ's—oh! that it should be so! XXXV       What softer voice is hush'd over the dead?       Athwart what brow is that dark mantle thrown?       What form leans sadly o'er the white death-bed,       In mockery of monumental stone,       The heavy heart heaving without a moan?       If it be He, who, gentlest of the wise,       Taught, sooth'd, lov'd, honour'd the departed one,       Let me not vex, with inharmonious sighs, The silence of that heart's accepted sacrifice. XXXVI       Our Adonais has drunk poison—oh!       What deaf and viperous murderer could crown       Life's early cup with such a draught of woe?       The nameless worm would now itself disown:       It felt, yet could escape, the magic tone       Whose prelude held all envy, hate and wrong,       But what was howling in one breast alone,       Silent with expectation of the song, Whose master's hand is cold, whose silver lyre unstrung. XXXVII       Live thou, whose infamy is not thy fame!       Live! fear no heavier chastisement from me,       Thou noteless blot on a remember'd name!       But be thyself, and know thyself to be!       And ever at thy season be thou free       To spill the venom when thy fangs o'erflow;       Remorse and Self-contempt shall cling to thee;       Hot Shame shall burn upon thy secret brow, And like a beaten hound tremble thou shalt—as now. XXXVIII       Nor let us weep that our delight is fled       Far from these carrion kites that scream below;       He wakes or sleeps with the enduring dead;       Thou canst not soar where he is sitting now.       Dust to the dust! but the pure spirit shall flow       Back to the burning fountain whence it came,       A portion of the Eternal, which must glow       Through time and change, unquenchably the same, Whilst thy cold embers choke the sordid hearth of shame. XXXIX       Peace, peace! he is not dead, he doth not sleep,       He hath awaken'd from the dream of life;       'Tis we, who lost in stormy visions, keep       With phantoms an unprofitable strife,       And in mad trance, strike with our spirit's knife       Invulnerable nothings. We decay       Like corpses in a charnel; fear and grief       Convulse us and consume us day by day, And cold hopes swarm like worms within our living clay. XL       He has outsoar'd the shadow of our night;       Envy and calumny and hate and pain,       And that unrest which men miscall delight,       Can touch him not and torture not again;       From the contagion of the world's slow stain       He is secure, and now can never mourn       A heart grown cold, a head grown gray in vain;       Nor, when the spirit's self has ceas'd to burn, With sparkless ashes load an unlamented urn. XLI       He lives, he wakes—'tis Death is dead, not he;       Mourn not for Adonais. Thou young Dawn,       Turn all thy dew to splendour, for from thee       The spirit thou lamentest is not gone;       Ye caverns and ye forests, cease to moan!       Cease, ye faint flowers and fountains, and thou Air,       Which like a mourning veil thy scarf hadst thrown       O'er the abandon'd Earth, now leave it bare Even to the joyous stars which smile on its despair! XLII       He is made one with Nature: there is heard       His voice in all her music, from the moan       Of thunder, to the song of night's sweet bird;       He is a presence to be felt and known       In darkness and in light, from herb and stone,       Spreading itself where'er that Power may move       Which has withdrawn his being to its own;       Which wields the world with never-wearied love, Sustains it from beneath, and kindles it above. XLIII       He is a portion of the loveliness       Which once he made more lovely: he doth bear       His part, while the one Spirit's plastic stress       Sweeps through the dull dense world, compelling there       All new successions to the forms they wear;       Torturing th' unwilling dross that checks its flight       To its own likeness, as each mass may bear;       And bursting in its beauty and its might From trees and beasts and men into the Heaven's light. XLIV       The splendours of the firmament of time       May be eclips'd, but are extinguish'd not;       Like stars to their appointed height they climb,       And death is a low mist which cannot blot       The brightness it may veil. When lofty thought       Lifts a young heart above its mortal lair,       And love and life contend in it for what       Shall be its earthly doom, the dead live there And move like winds of light on dark and stormy air. XLV       The inheritors of unfulfill'd renown       Rose from their thrones, built beyond mortal thought,       Far in the Unapparent. Chatterton       Rose pale, his solemn agony had not       Yet faded from him; Sidney, as he fought       And as he fell and as he liv'd and lov'd       Sublimely mild, a Spirit without spot,       Arose; and Lucan, by his death approv'd: Oblivion as they rose shrank like a thing reprov'd. XLVI       And many more, whose names on Earth are dark,       But whose transmitted effluence cannot die       So long as fire outlives the parent spark,       Rose, rob'd in dazzling immortality.       "Thou art become as one of us," they cry,       "It was for thee yon kingless sphere has long       Swung blind in unascended majesty,       Silent alone amid a Heaven of Song. Assume thy winged throne, thou Vesper of our throng!" XLVII       Who mourns for Adonais? Oh, come forth,       Fond wretch! and know thyself and him aright.       Clasp with thy panting soul the pendulous Earth;       As from a centre, dart thy spirit's light       Beyond all worlds, until its spacious might       Satiate the void circumference: then shrink       Even to a point within our day and night;       And keep thy heart light lest it make thee sink When hope has kindled hope, and lur'd thee to the brink. XLVIII       Or go to Rome, which is the sepulchre,       Oh, not of him, but of our joy: 'tis nought       That ages, empires and religions there       Lie buried in the ravage they have wrought;       For such as he can lend—they borrow not       Glory from those who made the world their prey;       And he is gather'd to the kings of thought       Who wag'd contention with their time's decay, And of the past are all that cannot pass away. XLIX       Go thou to Rome—at once the Paradise,       The grave, the city, and the wilderness;       And where its wrecks like shatter'd mountains rise,       And flowering weeds, and fragrant copses dress       The bones of Desolation's nakedness       Pass, till the spirit of the spot shall lead       Thy footsteps to a slope of green access       Where, like an infant's smile, over the dead A light of laughing flowers along the grass is spread; L       And gray walls moulder round, on which dull Time       Feeds, like slow fire upon a hoary brand;       And one keen pyramid with wedge sublime,       Pavilioning the dust of him who plann'd       This refuge for his memory, doth stand       Like flame transform'd to marble; and beneath,       A field is spread, on which a newer band       Have pitch'd in Heaven's smile their camp of death, Welcoming him we lose with scarce extinguish'd breath. LI       Here pause: these graves are all too young as yet       To have outgrown the sorrow which consign'd       Its charge to each; and if the seal is set,       Here, on one fountain of a mourning mind,       Break it not thou! too surely shalt thou find       Thine own well full, if thou returnest home,       Of tears and gall. From the world's bitter wind       Seek shelter in the shadow of the tomb. What Adonais is, why fear we to become? LII       The One remains, the many change and pass;       Heaven's light forever shines, Earth's shadows fly;       Life, like a dome of many-colour'd glass,       Stains the white radiance of Eternity,       Until Death tramples it to fragments.—Die,       If thou wouldst be with that which thou dost seek!       Follow where all is fled!—Rome's azure sky,       Flowers, ruins, statues, music, words, are weak The glory they transfuse with fitting truth to speak. LIII       Why linger, why turn back, why shrink, my Heart?       Thy hopes are gone before: from all things here       They have departed; thou shouldst now depart!       A light is pass'd from the revolving year,       And man, and woman; and what still is dear       Attracts to crush, repels to make thee wither.       The soft sky smiles, the low wind whispers near:       'Tis Adonais calls! oh, hasten thither, No more let Life divide what Death can join together. LIV       That Light whose smile kindles the Universe,       That Beauty in which all things work and move,       That Benediction which the eclipsing Curse       Of birth can quench not, that sustaining Love       Which through the web of being blindly wove       By man and beast and earth and air and sea,       Burns bright or dim, as each are mirrors of       The fire for which all thirst; now beams on me, Consuming the last clouds of cold mortality. LV       The breath whose might I have invok'd in song       Descends on me; my spirit's bark is driven,       Far from the shore, far from the trembling throng       Whose sails were never to the tempest given;       The massy earth and sphered skies are riven!       I am borne darkly, fearfully, afar;       Whilst, burning through the inmost veil of Heaven,       The soul of Adonais, like a star, Beacons from the abode where the Eternal are.
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libidomechanica · 10 months
“Walking of stranglement fingers in my teach”
A Meredith sonnet sequence
My scholar poor forget might climes, licker   roar, and low-green, And whole! Her veil rimm’d a   day, she had, in of milk home. Walking of stranglement fingers in my teach refined Hero, no, I’m all—the lips shall blind blushing   lip, and said I am all laws, as   this sighed as the stern another till but I. And silver cart, wo is meat she goes thou be his messageways refined hook,   or would as a door shewe not to thy words   she milk home and silver beauty little creep, and, if not tell; my pleasures, compassed him from the women us to prize,   with that linger. Complete to me begun.   But where will has never and only hearts pair, nor I will her cry, oh misery!
Whenever stormy will never, each other,   set in a love, and beard make the middle   of summer of your braue gleames reuenge, upon his so much became loath to gold and thirst take that title is; the messy   in the still drop which your waking, could tell   those soul of absent morning to sleep. Oh woe is not till with may for anger of the Blessed? If those fair Syrinx—do those ivy-   twined, rightened flush screen, red, No. For   beauty dost half the shows you write his body have to yon shown, your fierce telling veins? Thee—behold cloudy Cupid, with been walking   northern black. And whiskey, one house us,   and shovel dirt of two, the dwarf replied. Of amorous and her, Laura lies.
And from outdo. Young tress that were I am   now, besidenced, more he is now   suffice to this poor can’t lives away? Where her pliant, Honour, overwove by many a love hard his Chamber stone who dislike   is from the harp-string with me not be   cooling mine of flame Kim Novak forlorn how he’s gart be beloved of a sad mood, while larks, with this promis’d demolish   billows lush upon her, near heavy sleeps   and that come from an age to drawn; her breathless Hellespondense, now thought of cherry pleasure they had nothing—too thine and be   left achieve strangely to us of lingers   do the end is close deluging fair Cynthia wishing alone, let therefore?
You love was denies laden was too wide,   the sun’s rites and thriftlessed away at   he was hid from whose bright of bound and where; but she winds so loud Hosannas right distant she name it see a living pomp, nor   with his admire; and will build a colours   began dawn and bulky ways, while, thou to come back tree, for a flutters of prison when your sleeps these accosted graves, as he   gardens state is of Lochroyan, and burn   another to th’ amorous chance in a love me to adorn it and if all life; so ripe for him. Visit wind and bellow   bright my head is chasten me. So Hero   better heads, lovers’ heart, wo is the wild. Down in an eye, pant upon that knot.
Gifts mitt, a loves are of bloomy partake.   Answer goes, and to could not words in him   her bed, handfuls the laught into me! To Haleakala Crater-crystal brow fortune and to it should stole a breasted. But   I terms, with test—thy foot into the greenwood   as she have put there’er Misfortune better tender, beat: come, Shame, in a spark divine perfume frosty as a song again   for a bleed.—A closes from its fra   kith as sighed thorn for verdict is impannel, where thered like to that worth. And we wring, and whilst some to glide, after to the   been and the place, and paces and I did,   and he still you mountain by, point of old and eye and sails fell a look on there made.
One whose the winds overwhelm sure to plenteous   feet sister! So subjects upon the   morn ears no place, in raise dead, but it cold. Nay race, a shades, have will never afresh, and forked never chatted satyr flies what   act. Lecture touch of heaves him, like palace   my souls to bindingly antique book, and this, Apollo’s breathe small world of May, or dead, those conquering and honour’s pledge, and   singing inters with thee as I have spent   in the flies nor anon, from the day. A map, but breaths who love fragrance, and mildly jars, as he cried: The noise thy lays, make my   hear the thoughts come sword to show are for gude   so I turn to hide through thou art my lingers wild of wearing, the middles indeed!
A moments white not, lost turned it, afternoons   when thou have lintel, said, My life to   seek—the betide me in up to th’ enchantment melt in the print their skims, and worth you end. Of bliss. Being when tis allured   on his thy could vouchsafe that quiver   on her blushing the life wild seem’d and, if youth be sad varied away, you said, The right ’neath the darkening, and round, with lullaby,   there weeping? I thou waitedst appeared   him swim: and if I could it half-said. Best thought from my being had run gurgled with such syrup ran those mend, they, on the board,   i’m sure as pour near here short like my please   like invasive growing of golden reign power tower, I put thou oft hand: Ah!
Heaven’s on the altars beyond thanke may   by Love’s cruel, nor are most men, much I see   thou knocked down our brain shorn is it and along, in the court thou so pale, and opposite; when honour her children of am’rous dint   that is blest she might its fear and apish   merry lay one over. With Time, on the ground, the sweets of thing, beauties of ever ear, here I got howsoe’er so sweet, more shells   for the dry and dearest. The wildered   upon a rock, her, as a bee shudder want, because the ivory stretch me why I send my only lake, so with cheek all be   disguise, but other’d. If those seems to grow   on the blood will dead, his own valley-lilies’ shades the could enought, and love is dream.
Virgin of the strange: unlifted with silence   the hair, with as his lightly have said   she will not grace shall woman laughed Thou mayst behind, seas though the blue again. Only thighschoolboy? She level was spak his broke   rest that wol his fury one aglint outlearn   to party? And ache, what Meg o’ the marks of any, round out in the mouth with a stir with their fell down the watercresses.   I can do. After your face looking   the centered on my lambs friend these world spin its beyond, your waking with lull’d up then, and stand watched from thence one antique hours, the   joyous withal, in consume, to admiring   sea, in mistress that like thinking in this company, the measure and echo!
And the sun afternoons, transpare, she elves   not so well-lin’d overty?—The spotless   can no more day of thousand fair Elysian great from all—arms my earthly fumes. Or yonder, resemblance, both half-forget mighty   king Destine brother room is gross close   bramble down her famish’d within my pulse there best arms of deathful gnat, alas! In their own you gather kissed Briar Rose got   their looks: the truce obtain; then she blessedness,   hand o’er the space, and wives me honey- feel this faults dower to the frame where no more luster’s like thing, dead! Unborn, had not turned   as a houses, sure to plenteous habit   some not that has been he taking leaves. And thereupon her miraclete’s wantine.
And your mistresses fort where o’ the meadows   doth rival, clever from ancient swelling   late obtaine, oft turning downward very which I would rathering this impress’ eyes that wretch auailed it round us still;   singing heart escapes; but a wear. Of water   nymphs should, Gregory island the embraced the human laughed Which so peace, starts so long the hill as thy faile he who never   love and that wol his crown clear brow, are   busiest, a pleasure, and, locker roses and nature and she heart, speak? Strive, there natures with a bald brough strange. If the cheeks burn   an hour, but being Harmony. I’ll tenance?   He worse higher breathe moon up will passed and this flea is you, for personal turn.
As thinness trembling, loth, different. Which die   so. Who resence mad; mad in my song cares?   A we-see poem, Things, and sullen, and stiff and franches have the empties reuenge, ioyn’d with thee bemoaned therefore he rest that death   the length to pardon a’ our planet, more.   But peers so death rapture bark of base, with may complexion some idle shall balance: so he spake. Their fell upon thou are. Breathed   him all it brood. And her ebon urn, and   dark and plain after all finger’s taperness, and plungeth and o’er-hanging mortal! Sickly give us outraughter, why sits   her to a heroes—not your mournful ewes;   and I rifle or star. Being glass, and that in a sleep like Pain foul as first sun.
With blazing on the her it didn’t controls.   In her asleep, and the woodland—a crush’d   to shake a new boots. My ears the softly buds, I begin we were descent bird? The stayed there Cupid foot, teach other round told   took you this sires deluding it, and set   in up a map, but strange. Now who would have I won’t know. Not one, for aught I summit ….—I want mine o’ mountain-top, call’d laws but   dark spirit in all fear: her have seen the   passioned to bind us; the child thy voice shining durst peas, I too late looks best of prison. What share on Scotland’s pleasure   to rent. That it word can murderous, having   cap, began to the chain most for Delicate, trembling sit, and erminals.
And find’st them and often tress’d, nor wear too   calm round thorn; it will bird’s cruel knife that you   know dark, ’twas the house, and be traine rage, hated, as would but used! Was its wine, our young bedded together deity, what is   the pitcher skill from this left our source of   a breaths I quit for amorous light ’neath al nis button forth it over dumb phone who at hides the more, and mute and now thee   in Armes he lovers looks as sheet, old world,   to have marriage? Before thyself a fool, sair did she yield wants to tease thee, than Hermes, the said, Could blood; mad in the me in   your life, her dart, stay for once the trees that   the strew daisies kiss impe feathes a garden guess to have heaven’s should have so fraid.
’Tis almon, stretch in Honours and green: fire   from outdo. And in his little as fir’d;   not—thy soul, assayed beyond this dear her the bottoms on you the one of cons sweet in heard of the breast once, as now fog that   are from great bound maun I sitting of his   one with sound about of spirit went, nor wounds flashing is so chaste the dead clouds to discover the clear, never; so reading,   the sober goes; though she golden, especially   do come a private al hoolly with a piece throwes, the sand, seeing valentine. You could find till Gregory! Loath   the dwarf came to alike, she die! He   continual to regions fine, and bursts sixteen across my wear the sun watch thus shore.
Health it, any lady fair, when I watch.   Go with my strangled blythe avoidable   set heard; his flea is you can dance, then, that your powerful gods and border and love the cooling starbursts of life with a bitter   standing sacred golden, without against   myself is new, that it and straw into her than those from their singing by have a safety pinionship both my faulding   ore: ’twas brown—but now through dream, i noticed   at thou in clumsy jackets? Which, but if you all—if one was straw and try its child thy lusty shall are of discoursell an   age chace—i, whose this page musical   refraining in the scorch as doubted in to restles go, and the year grows ending praise.
From those cannot how, but the best, as from   pole; should not just an hour, but was sure or   booze. Stream, mither our dark inferior falls, after Sorrow drop downs, were I like bright eye, first in Dian? It is youthful   years; mine eyes o’ bonie lash, nor ever loathing   Poetry! To do we may be, althought; when yawning power of thine; sing midnight upon a play. Out of fairy had   the worn. Nothings past years in the afterwards   before I dream of almost yon with this day shifts immatures have speaking of the you end. Now then hearth that with human   form legs, fold, better while if the clear.   He starry; such a blinking souls to the true when I lose fruitless one or Me Two.
Thought I forbid there: to no double as   the semblance of great precept for wish that   voyage. Shade of unslumbers tying Love, the words upon through thought I, Morpheus sun- cloudiness there that under heard in her,   nearer were sits influence fountain-top,   and wonder the flowers; but on it be with make my only laid to its forth, doth will be said: I feel’st it pass my ribs crackling   downed, the shore. So shewing coy, keep of   the laid. Daisies, the night, and then it brine with blush that ride than Hero wrung. With lullaby the hot prove over tolerantly   lamb straight and youth wings me not compare.   Nay race; ten, until he floods, that love, now breath blazon for slaue; in iustic lover?
So kept, and argument not once my daught   fountain-top does no secretly quick in   it and maun I stayed, as they brown her wished for one with the skies; clouds of the Almight carousing this food fine, she moon had not   go gentle babe’s face that tedious frumpy   home, though its beat’s in him ruin your let me all day a crystal brows, once, and crackling flood. And the orator. Silver   soul, and syne her pierc’d, the thus should proof, and   honour adventure! Phillis the seized. Now are no betrayal light? Imprint that dreary, aweary’d with ebon-tipped up the   wept sea; an old golden he cried Annie’s   bastard by slow reign this odor. Or by the unsating in drop and, at receives.
And mark! I am over dulled air shall   be could fro on what Meg o’ Dye, at Darlet   close their famish’d to and voluntary partridge, while the secret flower. Shall knowing house and the child with me. In each   throughts to a wood, and leaves. Why think not rain,   until, from the roses over and sad. With a million pouts all adieus! Two roads dive into the cot be fair in their sing   nothing—into groan, when tower shar’d to   Love, I have become and syne her touch they now fog that dread? Else deliberal Grace at stem the world’s great at thickened for all,   but the place Leander wealth, and dark night   to the enjoys before my small be mis- spent. You meet you a dunce, the might and brain.
Goat for gude steered there, which die for then, young.   Thy pillow, as pity. I wakes among   this love’s how often looked soul, in sometimes leisure of all never hovering head control, such those sought, And the more, her eyes, Leading   by have not yield when the flies a blood   quaffing Muse sheeted face product and a moment of the chastity, and sometimes a scenter, each doth married. With a   rattling owre will expressions as played so   dear dear Perilla, I was we shade, affection of a toast and I be cool, he will see how dear! But for though Ioy no   plenteously heire ours, that is Cupids. From high,   what lent great with green, opened ” The groom is golden straw in virgin bliss.
Or warm in man’s among your mind, since Hero   shines empaled be! The kindly towards   of tears, my father’d. As much is me! Which man kept till on Menie down last, knows with gilt stems that thousand this? Or you in the chamber   the heart, and the end to booth. Tak down   hay, the hill confines; the lass of memories them, than I look: but the walls their memories coming. I never and so blank   so much profuse of saints in it. It must   what a world. Lonely, i, who have all his the fix’d for counts all lies vpon my eye-balls though autumn mild a tree to the ceremonstrous   Leander in the would not do   nothing the worse from vales strong for spiritual, that brough flower, endymion of spent.
And strain of violets from eating fever.   We passion root, tell you excel, this like   more high above, whose open, once, sad repose; no high soaring soule flutes: close beside and be left to knows I can be two citie,   wherefore, on her veil was but vow dear   lovers him name. Darken; and basement to her ears thee against it hath its center, and a thou, feminine you are coming   or vanished: but empty house them any   long to claime all beauty shadow of the spun the prize might arose faded: deep the seen: trees. And ruinous change the free woman.   Till loll around, a vulture an   irredeem into their member: this triumphall afflicting breeds that you. Her, piano?
The clutch another’s oaken men at leaues,   that’s the loud as we wreath, for some monsters,   temporary bustling stars short a gift uttering those lives, enter, comething, palaces and studs, my clenched by loving   my end, trust lies in heard that scene, dear brow,   not for pride, and bear of things of dolphin which moue.—Whether poem written of the might and she cast down knows that Meg o’ the   houses probes of memory: fair fair all   that me, Hero’s gold, so long soul quite regarden of ourself too would haue thus; mine, our bodies away. What else carry her   perfect to his time I thine to discontentment   well the fire, myself lament, frame his said; she this food; pluck dumb lactations?
And shook, one hair of the pinky ring star.   Humbly at your descent came, nor failed exhausts   itself on the floods might cause the grant, nay, so the close from op’ning blue sky! And midnight, sickening, pu-we, to fill it till   unprepare you all, And youth to get it   bent, hermes he slide; thence: and of ever- musing him this blush upon its side: than Leda’s love wild! But tis two hunt they went;   and takes picture circlings down brands with that   sae found nobody than from th’enameless our minds, but did gives in equal pity no prize it, stillness; and trees old. This   flesh to pressure. In us fairy   complicate ambers still soothed. Fame, who know, that villages of than show the morning berth.
For the dying breeds that some degrees, and   ere I lie, kind, that this message, would wanton’d   to subject to-morrow old Triton so; had, hare I sat at you do wear than Heav’n. With sudden blink did deny, ah, what   I might him he stay, that morn about globes   through autumn boldly repeat the air sisters folding air imperfect of Stephen then one-night for thee deceits, arches may   she vowed sportfull of sea-line them still human   fact the raise, a tint he kingly light carried fully on sigh perfect on his left off with chide the war. Are not what follow   by hear; yet must that I may be, excuse   make along a scarlet won be thou prevent’st so longer their lovely annoy.
Now, whose never stood. In my God,. It drink,   pouring by, point out only said, Twill they   set your softly bruit, where I could slits in the love provoking into the west shouldn’t just and one waies of sepulchres, of   citation of a name minds all thing youth, the   golden palaces, how rarest to bed, the fair, but be drop down a strain of love or a kissing guess’d beauties said; she way   intreat the hill. At last! Leading, what love,   I play, throught overhead, her sphere, I sight by hand heavy tufts of thy side of you wait depends they dance from chime, what Meg o’   the haycocks reclining lies in mistress’   eyes burn, for aught come amorous feel some force and quench and time hath anguish, we do.
Not be plac’d euer heart the sent flicker, old   dust; whether yet let it toward and bear to   retain of the those white should flower. Stain often she earth which doors up on that in a mother break? Lie; yet heart, I lose blestone,   was to the lion in clumsy jackets   but us throughts of many a skull, hey, such as his flesh help to find’st to hope thus she dwarf. Thus, incensed with it, aftermark   often horrors of the your bed, the   united, upon thy head, filling the closed unto her tail quickly girl? The sea, wi’ fourth will evening each other kind, long   again its bodies blessed. How is this this,   how insane. And mething youth, mine walls their hands on the market wide words, came, that shine.
But as for on the river on thee! I   am now, with pity. Do thy young chained   they pelt each otherefore thine of ether on the dead? Right sun, that this, that grown a vulture free, the ponies and fast. On   her keep a bowlers. To speak. So clear and   blacke sea, among thou arounds of runnels trees it hardly their sun, she anciently black, and hunger if I strove the clear on   them, for, he love slyly stone, but vow debate,   forbid the new made. She saw her body like a poem. And ever tolerantly to talk of you say my yong seem   alive the moments hooves, bluster of earth’s   breast, take does that whence came, and Paradox which are short the lay endured and walk, dove.
But this improved, the maid whom she be for   mermaid had taken last brute whom your   memory resist? And now into a hundred years not cold, until thy fair, yet not, she yielding yet could be underness; to   each hath his guilt and lullaby my name   it forgotten—out one lullaby being them real dew had she, now bright bless, unstain’s horn when the flight fair gem, sweet sight to   church unthink wine drop too late I fly, pursed   to a firmness before did knead me lantern cloud; blood thatch upon his fair music speaking men, they were design; for freckled   army of the for the moon; and burn or   ever callest at leaue youth took the Mattern spring, that Rumpelstiltskin his held.
Ask me wheel extermingle, and have made   hears wheel of many heart be redeemable   will coin your married shake ambition. Down, and bear the break modest, ere taught on his green sad similitudes already   to burn and world wind weak me to me   and felt thou thy lips, when tis not receives how creep between the reclining it from this patted joy: where is send that time to   dragons draw, long souls, and stone with Swift loath   to his on her company, died her crutches, at was full twanging sun; now where, with his break over share oblivion by   it, still of briars passionate life closed he,   and still; and insane the press of his sistered liberate limbed there takes that there!
I am the keen to hand like a hands   that times will be the grist of awful childish   heavenly intreat that like sorrows, thus Leander asleeps, and border grudge, my youth’s brings past,—the said, who thus bepearl,   wherefore the God the blush rest; for his   sight feel of pleasant his far; and the moon: and run took Peona! Yes in this faint, and carnal spring pleasant is your changes   crowned was sloping that’s in the mountain-top,   i’ll smilings to keep her the day was forth has not the slight, and grew that, itself, longer stir on that spare, till thing Inuention,   Nature’s Love, no darkener tongue-tied, they   were only said; she sudden stuff, it has a small came, where will say: go with his woe.
My early, begirt with you’d like the mother   knot in us, and bear and brim their   guilt on on that could have punished, overcomes with may transpare, set your little pleasurely strive, all evening strife, bounding   his promis’d her, where in a notarize   mighty dead, with roam? To the blacke sea to see again feasted Pallas seldom shepherds of transparentage me mild; who now,   I want to all its way! The lowest tormed   to regions in a powerful each make green worth, that grief he diamonds for a page—Peona, in things inspired comforts   me: a breather, wi’ tin; when to my delight   wets me that brutish for young, and sickly furze buds lavish heaved him water fair.
But have tortured wrappers he question, the   heaps of the ungenerous leads the tiny   no-sex voices was broken sky. The proud, imagined to shall be, ere you trace it of the fire-tailed to love is head wakes   pictur’d let a bonny bowers, wine approach   time had die so far as I guest—thus, in westers on, and slept on Passing coat, and for abstain’d, more. Him crying: Today   I was a million to herself in their   sun, and that least part shadow’s negotiable from the cross table; and hands, thus blown puffing Muse. One felt thou art a sea; there   once against my Love, that tedious dyed   in the billow sae royal mind, her faded carry Nymphs purple when ecstasy.
To looked against her flesh while prophet—and   hand clear rills that still, or honey have so   innocent. Of this lost, the wide. Now he hair, dappled out old me feel the louder ruddy pond to dust; would burn the mountains;   a health came upon the repose on a   daught to star. Wild melancholy; and ivy in a sleep like sweeps regions? Fail told. An in Bethlam? I have curtain but base,   wretched out. You knock-out dropt my hearts, you   canst thou thumb and the sea, the daisies. Her fast, alas, poor formally. Behold ye wealth its should be but he’d on Wound about   a forlorn hour, were alike, so Julia   once mine, your break to meeting? Let of my bag with quiver draw you lounged, about.
Strands in the stood silent cloudy night, and   lovers his is to that work, yet I view,   the green of Ægypt, night to get mine, full linger round, there shall wear the Rainbow from great keep these essence count them did gives the Syren’s   ending roll then he touched love’s mine, as   free, which he semblaze like from him by it, tis twilighteous habit to there stone should was, is, and with feather; to takes picture   here artists dower of thy hands; true friendship   divine, and know. What thou should upon thing those red golden fate with trembling the square. The great cause simple matter who would a   jewel in us, and body buttering   all my love, I will enrich another would gives of others look back to my friend!
Since Hero better babe’s father’s alembic,   and if it brings. Set in the zenith,   what vision so fret at last, that Jove, I hae dreary maid, My life haven the cross table, fair they seeing hotnesses fed,   your moth for the Past partake, I on one   my your fist thou lives and smiles be o’er, were day in she sleeves, in brance. But I was women in thy rising the cost, and time for   thou in life no numbing to us so   old Triton’s selfe in respected, swaying the mavis and all alike, the sorry settled and all the chace for pray’rs I have   golden venerable altar’s eye and   many days devil told arm, and hands with show their chief cities common altar, sent.
When I heart. Like in dew fall around, and   string. He gazed till on the larged into   your foe. That that globe may: the mother drawn by the way by love aloud; blood, for from the Blessed through my own to prevails brings for   her form legs his proposed upon his poor   human, from vse of fruit oftentie seen, deepest sea-borne, where are the grief word swallowed to moves be dead; yet it took your feet she   controlled him from him with. In the man but   of Delight enjoy’d no show, with passions which the wish the repented and selfe, yet I cannot much made her me to meeting   of all the clearer the power hear; but   vertured into this plains which is little thither I-am poem, a theft.
Time to save I don’t eve, through I’m all is   dream. We shark, and try its way into absence,   ’cause show theniel’s bonie lass o’ silken two tralucent and would burning breezy sky, she thinking eyes that act. Eyes in the   gude red golden he were with oyster-shells   for you one. Or ravisher at the moon; and to guard a dreary, aweary moth for in a two better’s always poor shall   be a hazy light, and act thy circular   bird-throbbing that has born at their old age and alway, all the lost trace be name, the pipe is left, and kisses, this Papa.   At every pride or leaps of doth man e’er   the had they have kissing to burying through certain her lips, and the body be.
Whence of human swain, thereon was born the   oxen’s her excels all may no woman   like these love’s horn where in they at once open the man we can do. Woes are on seen. Melts in my days esteem and, being eyes,   which beckon from the lighted, and cold age   spent in thy flash and thought it is his flesh his bounding, pale ivy-twine my bones with the wings me coverers tremble in the   Christmas when the mouth should as the houses,   whereal; and here lives these are perfectly be red. Oh companion so; had, hadst that each with think she drew he bramble down thought,   though half a form of golden form divine,   and who is body shalt sea-born Venus increases; and I, and ever love, that.
Dumb, so I am in each simple the   face: and swords; crown yew tree. This she pains spent   in the afternoon, like plains to hand, so it wax’d more that cruel hawk, an’ it within them all the nimbler wealth have been the throughout   far gone. Save tied in a mother I-   am poem, a theft. On the silver subjects from Hebe’s foot or a fading, to keeps cowards me, fly with remake, for   every swooning ears in the first chart, and   the mountains is grasp, the paths I quited. Throughout for aught, where all lambkins from then, Hero, Venus’ glass, apprehending myself,   beside to calm ocean-stream. Blind blows;   and that we have bittered spring that partial palm and sad sight and would nothings.
Then her, like vestal eyes giv’n, teach refin’d   in insolent lever: you’ll fight, not at   ever, his charms and ruth our heard my Muse sheeted the greedy garden garlands the expected. A man but mine, and delays   about: Is you, a softly roll of blame   upon a cinder. Why hair, and bellow youthful year of waking door you canst therefore, nor beautiful. He was force of the   hear young, song a naked love, unable   lodge conversions, dear love light winna let me say I’m grow burn and and influence, that carouse knock or step beyond they are   richest even the glove was subjects   united, for successity and bid it had manifold me over, piano?
I, whose began to me the grass of ice.   Green, delican blasts must display herself   in her. Now time yet was leadened heavier grim grows late love’s been two year of the squatted her end of rottan, and love.   Thee now. Made all awald behind? Frosty   rack ticking on like thyself to her fingers will, men is gowd, and beat do o’er-hanging finger-tips in sleeping lay it with   the left to that now unfetter immortal   fame, so Julia, we’re no excels all the first sit, allowed to entered, Kate Brooklyn. Her hands shall these, her place rent. The glowing   glass not both divine own shall into   take my heat. Burning, in it least to me in the her dry; i’ve markes each hath moue.
On a rockfield a body burst peace of   fate shady brought, and is coming by, on   the Mill waste: than Hermes have restraight, mark was all. He conquering times it seem so wond’rous light, but a dreadful stroke him—for   here. This simplicity by lover, breathing   of Martha Ray gave mind, to surprised aside, affections this gain’d of true-love’s highly pride you a rottan, and hot, doth   remains speckled with a bit obtuse; but   in chastity slide past therefore to thy so pale? Speak thy workmanship with content could trumpet’s bonny son one sheeted for   his favour slumbers flower-plots were shower.   Judgment, for minding sun; for there it selfe he burying: in violence; speak.
Shun what are ye what hastily shelves will?   Why did all those can simple breeze, all deed   to this merry lark heart, my joy in vain an Angel to spin stoop too call my fingers over the empty worke, Stellaes self   secret. Yet if a chief delicated   mark was season, bare is over, being severend far religion of somewhat putative no one day smith moss, and ways   must ne’er this ill, that good war. Meanwhile things   passive rapture, banish alarmed her love in visions, coarsely equal to her fair chin, my fault; I view thee; low the world   waste of high, and Paradise was obviously   all those gentle eye that dusk through those got the live, a hill. Her perfumes love.
But I aspirit weekend between lessons   and day we have strawberries the would   ditamy, and clouds among beamy blade him? My scholar, and promises forfeit on purple shalt under. Companies and   quit that evenings, whilst we calls roll our childish   him. The mountain to gazes free with nothing—too this friend: the dews. Stain of the little cup filled, while earth calm oceans there.   Let him the stamped he king lines anyway—   from their sad, slow reign film, an indeed bed, that now, by all slides that creature light off, than saw he torch and silence. And aye   remember pliant look on secret grief which   doth to me! Fairy phantom flies shout shall be false weights are matter, who she silent.
Grave tied and sallow keep a bowls. Pulling   lid of it brings to fear, to the ocean.   They seeing visions stand, from me fool, sad heart that has image sated with a kiss and his still no more a rushes, they shadows,   on her words neighbouring it sufficial   flowers buried her fearfully yield than the and she sacred vestal’s vernal day, with spades of day she cries. So wondrous   you learn the Seven his need’st not what I   have a myrtle babes have done; until it is did left on the chief so far and sink from thee, the speak, an’ it’s jet, jet black. Sage   to stark unprinted. And maun I still in   violets little doll child wash it any seem’d soothed by be the who foster of ice.
Midst, where round when I am the fresh blood.   Sat sight that’s traves, and chirrup the was   quickly repeat among. Seemed eternal ecstasy expiate wall a sluice of clover, breath to die. Herewith a scarce be   while bay leagues spur, the embrace at length. The   ancient gars me to what all. Today’s the spot what passed and sucked me. Then I faint em, who just a cataract seas sheep; and if   your body be. In the child; and all: thy   flames it is that for ever lakes no screen: would have laid his simply grove, mine own from strange, and creeps, and fame; before my mother   idle flung a little drooping or vaunt   us go and man wander’s oaken she to me? Yet it of common trails when took.
I’ll vow dear, rose-buds in the love upon   the greet: weel, since came the breast, the same not   to the Cyprian soldier studies and bear; for the waters say, whom thee, that balmy time to be time though th’ approachine.   Those smiled in our hand from me? Half finish,   trust like a tripped out a pond which ev’n the mortal fame; he birth; where without she love is a man out hunger. Centuries—   of absence about thy phantom flies on   altar’s pawes, blackness it just, like a keyhole multitudes fresh virtuous swift flames! In tend the which she crust. Were will speak   to slake men’s King do’t? And would find its radiant   far and kindling soul: come safe in; no exceed Love, yet, I’ll like inversation.
The never sharp satires, love of anguish   it wax’d more: we casual sort with me!   Not but an holy speak? Where Venus incenser claime and all bite my part, how the longest his bag; but this, older and throwes,   black of you and delight blind and in   the window pockets? Say, full part from its sweet so truly this, silk, with hints with glance. And so intending, all my dear looks   unyoked rare and tall we shall the changes,   that has scarlet cloak, and take my earth or mount up the keen. Sight but I. It gets up their skin trigger rose, and then love find the   sheep. The pat. An’ ken ye what had got, ’twas   wine descent alone shorn at the world. When the slipped in and thus whisper in mushrooms?
Nor envy’s strongly rebuked her name:   endymion poesy, glories swore his gore, and   takes among that some sad like silent. You on you got myself I do not what there imprinted fan of moss the lonely moves   without hope to rob her heart built anew,   that the must bespangly reconciling midnight, those their member whose skies; cloudy nymphs’ envenom all.—Been was every form   of all day, and o’er-flowers voted Time’s   always cut him was born it a distant cloud, and keep off with thy lovers would even sae fu’ o’ wae! For both my hair—not   agree: for straight of fruit preserve to-day!   Sorrow old aloud, the furnace the twilight; our had he embraces and those kind.
Thus, the hour, when all there there, intercoursell   and syne her with plain o’ the fasts   allures doth many a stone with child, and try thee, when heap, a halting his Hear now, but kill her knew not for his brow With Venus’   nun, as forget’st hourly heau’nly ship,   what there Cupid’s suit, where wine, that walls; the world dress of the scorn, and die and Taste, whose use Thy the same gan caves, and cold dusk the   deep, and fine, or from its backward raging,   and set myselfe in love, which became upon him; and, to stars did if I new babies, a blind a life is decreed its thine   itself in the door shall there, but I have   suffice to poured. As we stormy winterminals. Tell year and their own were unjust.
Not for the world hurt is youth’s darkness; what   I would voices dying. Of secret grief   he reside of her your his head, albeit Leander the land. We loves; for than simply were finally lambent innocence.   Anthea bade thing coy, keep o’er death   a brothere! His cancell’d his right afterward. Hand the venerative me. Then can no more the casting like was use, now at   once shines are and ever, and dim within   dress the ware and full of blacke, like a halting here, ephemeralds are flower of hand from our joys, still past, his one you art   for every on my knee, had I by thee   loath the me youth’s dateless night, until only this radiant buds,-—that I have knot.
Wilt thou deny, and, faithful love’s bare a   want aught—and will see her e’e? Those thy so   pearls hands were the solemn day, and ye. You gave I was o’ Ballochmyle. Robert Burns: mark’d there, so sail; for their own hands. The   world. She wrongs, as filled to stately she same   forget married in pass’d up through Love we’ll ne’er could rain’d in you surpasses. And let of a drearily she cries, lies I was   not of felicious hang from heaven’s self   discontemplating graced nurse change, thy fancy, thought feel where but the scornflower such more shuttled up-stairs, string owre the spoken   of the surgeon’s selfe forest ever, and   breasts I slept. This ten would stone. Down hay, than from out off envy’s silence, or a white!
Only said, It get sweetness hell heart build   a jewels darksome a passioned arms   therewithal let on summer well. Whose perfumed, whilst this, nor love Greciative me in a spring, walked out of thy brothers, gloomy   shadoweth eterning tender an   evilly feet, most delicate to her fingers, And hands she dreamy blade their jewels between Venus send there’er this silvery   places, even as thy pain! Are   nourishing, and plainer towery island away, and grown but a form and to her! Lie, strange, and its voices of all and then,   you wilt heard on thee my bees hum about.   Am unders trembling to our name, and make our grace; what bear is buried her hair.
Fearless close dark-grey done, or glow, and an   R. You tremblems mix within a diamond   rings and arm toward these shed him. That was misunder mad; all tormed to tralucent come night, to the name most unused her gay:   in secret grief into the cries count Lycean!   Be cut from his Anguish spring street ladyship: and turn’d to me’s swim, and was sting there, not die, tipple through. Teach like their   fear such hands a-woo! To rob a little   day press’d the seize to slaking in the back. The lacks small can’t liv’d long to touch expense by manna-dew, and yet thyself, bespeak?   Strive, and ache, whose dread wake—no more full of   mossy stores of all is now she sin, kisses of time’s lift thee why do witta-woo!
A cool suspect lie dispensive ghost that   whims of heavy loade me mace by look at   a more pry upon the cooling souls did she way to winter, stood and sore and roos, and at themselves with and hand: they had Venus   devil take since and trembled, but love   was doubt, and the humble the Drinkings harmfuls of court fell sit with pearls not a juggled, and flower said not be cool, he world   be gone and fast thine! And oft a trance, and   so dead! And steeks o’ cramoisie. Remember still the reins, let face lookers of yet and that shewing a notarize to-day I   calls the bargesse? The turned Nor Jove, unable   like slenders by. I shallop, floating, yes. Thus all went them appear’d to Cupid.
The dewy spread repent melt that metal,   wan, absolute its that our you why. As   the dance where in chastity retire— to love looks were a foot? Thought foretell, the paper’s signified. Somewhere’s state, when I   am far—that rest; without from this Papa.   Making of the does shall joy but think, then came to brings of flower. And breasts hangs but go! Height and to manhood make me shows   by eyes out its in his flowers of lovely   and print that doth not, bespeaking of human neighbourhoods. At Darlet cloak, and benefits uncouth, and half sleep on: the   cries or hair. A fatigue with mutual   suppose laity of the sobbing seer leave to do. Incense show, the hillocks look.
Take an hour to say so, and very was.   You hast sails then hie, kiss youth, mine o’ the   taking, dar I have guest—thus the chace from her knows; yea, the op’ning grots that’s like mine. The pond there to write your dwarf appearing   glory from their sweets distant and my   collection of Lochroyan, the gath’ring put the who can no one in the mere cankering, help! Nor something bars, dew-dabblest blurt of   fruitage, rather worth while hear you’d glanced to   each unbinds eolian Ganymede, did curse: mercy was just hair, and fearing such as on a possessing my eye and his gainst   my love, and calm’d to strange, and waters rough   ocean is, in dead, his tyrant Length; the confound Apollo’s forth to bleed.
And, sitting sweet is bonie Mars; mine own not   if your soul and former dare, pronounce more,   to one leg and and both saddles they presses, with lullaby thy will be two reed- pipes, consumed. He rest; would prove the prospect:   a moment I’d faint flings lively Fair,   with lullaby the clarions of logs pillow coral, can go? Then do, when I find thanke may long, darkes each time shows you worse   the folks of height. And the sky! I shall be   traves, the Night, was abandone, and swell except in smooth her and grieve my troth, wise- valiant, Honour, a little roof cours’d   unworried, the pilgrimage senses had gone,   although cold dun me: and her face, which, as I have guess’d; whethere our time could truth it.
Here it from the actuall’d laws, consumed. Why   do you learning his aged the his bed,   thing. Which were deceives there stone-cast down last of amethyst rest, the carry out an holds back trees old a baby any   time for in my heart by someth not Briton’s   hath its forth while the taking, far out- owre will not grace be Loues in this plants, enkind making, beseech that I cannot bellow   fortune be a stone sweet were halloping   light breath’s persuading look like breasts must not compos’d, despair? In nature, for air so pleasure of this curtain the develope   those whole describe but add, jenny kissed   she wood, and power-tools the content to go yet none by. Therefore the beauty move!
She cry, the nil false or Hate; for the gude   soul as fields of ice. And her platterned   in my verses themselves be distant sky, that a printed Argus, she weakness for we humbly beheld by the wood-choir   where never had had a favour heaven   as on the stand also have been the possessing go of shall to make me to see bustling obliquely veins? Curled by a sighs,   strings that compos’d, down to and syne he rose   inmost unused to marvel of roses shifts immatures was leaue your veil my careless as mine own threw him, I over-   spreading, that son in; bittering at more   prince purpled to tipp’d a Camel, and want the king shears are at midnight in the lay?
—Able tokens the sembled. This sports which   I speak? Than to thy boldly away, and   earthly this; my lips meet together he those range you the be false, and she gate, she earring is salt, or fall. Not on his lov’d   Eloisa weeps us fancient cheers him   dost kisses, that thought. Beat Praise behold mighty will it in a portion quit, quited. The dying finger. As sat like my Last   Love said, stood. On her that he harmless vestment   from eating on a crystal eyes were that riots, like my own hay, to set my heart, I would of pity rescue-ship the   must bid its sweeping to meet! Flea our glassy   and seek: its air, at the seek no more pleasure its delicious earth from thou now.
Somewhat soft him window she dwarf too much   gaining damsel’s bonie Mary, he of lilies   on aid, catch our love and also a phrase, but in the cause in the most corner shaped lightheade, and find it Venus’ glass, and   the Princest, I was was well read and bear   the sweet as thou beneath of wedlock for in her some red-handed; whose whipping wheel of men, devil’s foreign plainting of thee   how to play. Is selfe in shirt-sleeves in my   blind amaze tossing presence; terror thick, an’ it was built exactly, and be disguis’d desuetude. Into the after his   ill, annous, in the thou prevails bring on   my cheek the pitcher unto the still tis almost bubbling a trace in obiect best.
When I may lingers with cold age and street   of sacrifice, whose you perhaps, the soul,   wherewithal let those flew, and throe! Rending eye no, make her. Perfume like thou can the roses from the end whisper round you with   universation of Hell be unfold,   and twig: an army of the Mill wish’d with his daunce, and die. No, it’s lost, the fat piano, and I did, the dry and improve;   no pulses bent invent’s grace the little   made the smoothed to see her cornflower his passion, delight wake that she asked from leaning which gift presage; in the what a whole   away, such as round. In each like diamond   rings, or many a thoughts to behold.—Tell how he tail up as I am neither.
Which royal and so that. Guiltless and hopes   and variegated with lulling in fury   on its beyond, as sheer air: a mounting ear the suspect fine. With travelling the strange! The spot, teach hath the cheek all their standing   pavilion perfection of Counsel   love her e’e? Charm no mo delight, and slang.— And makes it in size and wake us, and fill acquiescended in me each others,   in a snare. Again her to bootless of   the dangers as mine another were disturbed drown. Flies that better cheeks, have harm! Tell mither days are both and dipt against my   face lost Eloisa loves. My neck in the   was gaping for the zenith, like a padlock on a panic fears, great solemn feast.
Soul to ravishing spired line looking   put himself t’ excuses on his other,   to wonder, faith, and fitfully expiate was his sphere, exempt furthern bow: and blow, led the sea. And one: we lodged with   be flung a vanish’d in my waking him   swimming frame descending in October husband, if the bluely vine awaken mute and in question of moss, youth looking   diamond fingers, and somewhat whiskey in   one by. Then present,—condemned, you, when the dead surround of things of the flood. But howsoe’er Misfortunes are many hands;—for lovers   folding stay, thou yielded, I dare, was   made forth cast to hide her; if from our little multitude these grey hood. A bower?
With the wing, strangled gem of her. Ripe earth   of Hyacinthus, great prince; he starbursts sixteen   and caves bespeak? And faint resemblanced thyme, would feet, at strange wrough to feed until the explain roof, and multitudinous   best. Touch expectation of Eden   bow: and, tumbling down deep persuading in high.—And as the spake his desires and bore in vain diameter the argument.   It charms: struck me again I’ll mountains   speckled the mighty pale blooms: and newly; and learned about, he countenance the swallow hard of him in the bent that weighed   Which word? Of our shady booth. When a pond—   and learn their static women whom every plough I am for thy hair—not by skirts.
To the wind, since, overawed by angry   gorge. Toward of wrong: you seek the western   with travelling son one and won. A room to espy; and the clouds. Glances were was artful whimsies; but at my friendship’s tress, eyes,   my dead! At which infinite be name! From   the little moment of gold fix’d the pangs upon her cells, all not admit of flowers. The fire glance, in compile; even you,   where whistlessness, and till its beauteously   tower, jove made warm or cooling on my ear. With my heart, and sudden a cold song, the restless and dames: well as he room is   grow old spring couple’s being pulp, that   undescribe but demand, mine brothers could it had seem’d, wept, I am the paine, weeds.
Of o’ercast, therefore thyself before me.   Support. She golden had sunk to you up   the freezing of prison. And flush with dew, as a faltering perhaps and all the fair blossom’d soothe those patient listered   Love’s cup as an aver the goes our paint   em, work too much as mine eye, first fond vallies: o written pitying! His body walking of yours. That uttering long servile   through though those perished their frame his some   misty Acheron. Fame, and from his hand, there find’s on their love nothings, this imperiods keep in life, for spirit nurst; and each   me is; thou, who meddle ear amid his   hour waking in thing as she cooling An end anger sportful powers among.
And no man and the bedded, leaving me,   token, say, in soul, and watercresses,   asleep, that survivor whereon, as her term: thereat, my legs waken two better of the West, am give what I will say   I bade me neck his rage against cold so   longer in my thou come lot of a swallowest the boat, methough reeds shagg’d with a sigh there will kame my lips, na languid   forgetful Muse to fast, then now, link by line:   give that’s head strook. When Natures, often spin stood their look on this friend. It fear the more won by bruises and spring; in leasured   with the those that he turn through dreadful   scarce count us waken’d water face about his pow’r away in term: the queens fall.
Of husband, with the even; for once grot,   wherefore, his trance like the jawing how   breast or to the tip-top, i’ll telling that thou art took alway his faint, and quiver on the cursed dark, Blythe arches having about   thyselfe in a golden how of their   forbear to the Soul came these essence. Stood and stolen who is hive. Loving alone preuaile whose best your his tender naked   line the write, should fine they also he does   to glance an academic skill and sugarduck, pumpkin, love. Accepted, and evening lay athwart the Prisoner, with him. By   whizzing line—beneath to the guiding if   lovely in thine, I noticed at these day- light Zulaikha went. So longing: Daddy?
Surprised with the inhale the cup with the   blazed by be the glorious charred and gowden   leave his mace, be all there, benight and build a child, and give me. Among these living sacrificing Nature thy bark of   all in the human for the taking upon   her we hope to heed, when to pillow utteries herald thing by, but come and promis’d demolished the genuine   anothers of they were floors up then all at   once apace. In vain dew had the right inter like a taste or other’s arrow act, fancy to move his rebellious did all   prevail with her dead! When you so pale? My   pleasant kiss’d me in the such his mistress sky. There be thee stain Again any good!
Imagine to Haleakala Crater.   That love to must, sick with things; yea, ere the   session’s tongue-tied, No. And what see a little there away I cannot to trample man’s vernal ecstasy expense for yon   all that washed by a forms sheep-herd be born   away, in variety of this, nor believe no observings, the ground through dreary, aweary, I was he seen. As the   dawned waters I never and remove, than   a please my simply well. A drape. Name my soul; that seemed to you here went, and high doth pass. Or whom your frail, a split brings for love.   Borne, what Meg o’ the die! With me to fields   of teeming flames over bed. I’ll tell me when most herself she thorn your Valentine.
But you look from vse of life. You most armour   dreary, charlie gates the cot be not   Heavens fall deepest dungeons; heath delude, and turned Nor Jove, how he’s of the ungenerous regions? Not for some were shun such   gain’d to Love will the day and what we sees   her in and deny’st the chieftain the night. Close two have I lie, more that can such refined, your grace sorry I come: no more glimpse   he storm; in times, its very change us,   and remove, your mind, or booze. Bury this remember, in the air, whereof spiritual, while than the words have no more: ’twas burning   that about, finished, we behind, as   fra my youth her tear sleep on the Queen cut, as her body three, sweet Draughter. Leading?
Nor avarice, whose hie and faint, with light   and my hand, righted, and revisions, and   ye them both sat silence; till these, and knock on a peaceful morn or parch twig: an end how Meg o’ the trains. Each love, each letter   year and brain dreadful leisure in their   sistenings, or lightheaded Bacchus heads; unwreath, and heart rejoicing us from a silver jets onto the roses its grew   formica count; all the middles that that   which doth delicious crisis? Nor therewith was he laughed only the altar, thou livery dream for it bring loves youngling   these other, daught into a thou with my   knees that thousand wanton barren most kissing the past than an hour went Mercury.
End of the nether rude in the pond of   weary I would from there; it half the paper’s   struggles shade. Of a deviants, whence clapped his beauty her hand thrive the lasting to register, and, held ingots lips liked.   Fair, say, Sorrows paths than the early? Soul   and after doubt, nor from Venus send a half so frail doth dight. To guarding floor of forget the chace—i, whose swift-footed phrase   live I remembrace sea of watched upon   the moorland once, the should nothing of hight. That I would not enough the crush’d the hurts his breasts of you got my fondlesly did   destroy, and o’er the will six months after   the fierced bare at and unto his force of the Soul and minstrelsy, for her gold?
Troubled someone even think away a   lusts released? On the lay was selfe in you   meet her blushing upon a break. Say but the loud and strove, nor other face I taste. Then their tongue with children of the flowers   grain by, behold to subjects world was inward   thou shall in thy lip bathing meat. Vowed spirit in the injure then hearts. Else hope to begin our thousand paced her sense, a   blind a sleeps sloping guest; receive perfume   from all many a verse? The flowers brightly to your frail, but vertuous drooping of a kisses from vales: whining soule, survey,   if all it all they’re gate shall old Tempus   with mildews, and waitedst alas, poor rich with wilful service; whether. Each me rest.
Something tree, so touch of old age sense; but   renovates the brushes to bury   this restores did breaking tress her breath man e’er when the hill on Menie doat, an’ it winna let thy soul; that yon bright drop of mind   the lip bathe made of love-lorn how of the   dairy rang wing like a hawk, and legs. What with smooth-paced year and beast once more whole and run too a lion our sighs too fastner   of desire, still as a weak and felt   for the sapphire visage to tended from thee virgins to the sparrows late obtain; tis all be allowed to my added   praise to man whores? Breath all-eloquench the   gusts into taste, we change; there I may be, as far more please, wretch’s prancing of Martha!
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libidomechanica · 1 year
“Sunset through”
A ballad sequence
No thought he, it would be dated     some years therinne. And capabilities, as they turn it     was I’m trying! But today
a coffin for the Town must go     therwithal so well, by oft predict that wolde han my bele     chose, I koude pleyne, and
wide, and arms is discreet at all:     in vain I love thee biseke! Be ye lock’d up like figured     the creamy curd, the sort
amid the second yoke. As if     they were swich a tale to tell of the cold hill side. I keep     but a kisse, both black-eyed
Sal his bloodletting sun. Young without     leaving the street, i’ll love you, dear, I’ll love you till China     and Africa meet,
and you ask how shall go, as hawks     may pounce upon him, giving chain and to the few or many     a green-gown has been
bred; here wild. And called is Seint Thomas,     why that ere bloom of a crescent’s coruscation, t     would name, Bannockburn,
Passchendaele, Babi Yar, Vietnam.     There still plain and with his Christian nun, will set off a     greater could he, the must.
The glimmering thy heart, which that     the world shall he spake were not how to purge from above speeds     the lasse light. Sunset through.
Saucy pedantic wretched her     tyrannic power of pathos, and joinèd handsome stripling     with us the quarter.
And be my love, where those isles of     your wine, and coveted wassailled upon my face, shall     never more brighten, must be well at once at the housbonde     born to be like a full- blown sleet: his way to mount, and be     than lie, but thou art
everything. Man shal weddė me anon;     now, dame, telle hire housbondes for that you please the Eye     would never bear unless he’s drunk, gamed, and this is the     colour of his head into her brow grew beside thee that     in much more tame for his
mercy: were strongest reason hated,     and endless age. That I love thee purely, as men strives     to polish all the nyght, while thou wert left and so was oure     werre ystynt. Fresh-quilted colour wol hire horrid sin—and     what not, all ragamuffins
different language feels impossible     to pleased with leaves, which maybe with ful good deal shock’d     at tears of May; the open shone: upon her debtor; the     art I know not young. To the northern winds comprehend all     the Birds have I joye or
blis, this joly clerk wol speke of     woes; your chest and prey. Nor turn has been my heart, her Lord was     as flat as a child; has ev’n been of the year, I walked we,     til trewely we hadden they hadde left their dirty smock;     or Sappho fragrance of
satisfaction can overwhelmed     the liquid azure blood was quit, by God’s blessing, turning     Porphyro! But after us: this morning ring, and twice     five years before and thee, panting, and hoar; then the feeldes     wente. Still lying off the
bargain sounds, like to orphans you     harm. In writing Courser’ by mistake it in the sapphire     heaven, the excursive, breaking breathed o’er seem’d to receives     and lyves than in thine arms, here at the eye along     the visions with his brace
of any oother worse than I     once would leave sultanas to decay, o’ercharged with sorwe!     The breadth of pavement, and the grime of weed that I am     become a man—so glorious end by such a genial     soil for being something
replete with reason, upon Sion’s     hill must ramble with air sedate and remarried, the earth     in earthly paradise of ioy it is, so fashion and     of all the sad twenty spring open today when sweet     violet? Idle; let us
away, and make me from their     conductor tapping sorrowing, the daily labour, in     this close up this we were none. Brother, quod he, so have call’d,     La belle Dame sans mercy: star’d, where, like to greet solempnytee,     and after; but no—
already runs zigzag toward those who     sigh o’er sonnets, and tears, and Baba, their change graces still     he grew so—on their charms from leaf to lead him, in close at     hand, where parent still and duly seated her swayed, all bowed     beneath the poesy, the
power of Babel might know what     I knew the thanks, if aught save praye yow, if my Pegasus     hath been her sex, here stones;— the key turn will worse, the fool with     forever, and though Eve herself upon his bonds so much     the charge wher they are killed.
But the flashing of pee. You are     the lofty trees, with nerves tuned it his joined clench of steel us     as the rose in fear,
needing is simpler about the     sky, yet, I will call. Her own, she might in me this; now dame,     quod he, by God and bread.
Her loving you cannot climb, you,     great disasters may teach them as you were dumb—monsters, who     must be worn at her to
come help the other, your back. Love     ye who list her humour most retire, to waken envy     of our sheep half-asleep
I return’d away his ears,     at the act. With seraphims the hare limp’d trembler in the     excursive, breaking lately
two at presence of satisfaction     can overwhelm the imperial halls, as also     much sacrifice;—through
Kennington and usen hem on     honde. That I loved well? It seems, to the fair he seem’d to reach     them a voice to warm today
when soft voice my heart, be thirty     mock tyrant o’er in hid wayes to guide-books, vials in     the left scole, and sail
for a hint or two, would brook and     over it awkward; for Eastern clime—with fine Conceits, all     are the intellectual
eunuch made it with an angel,     newly drest, by lights of winter, whose pain with vexation,     about you think so:
for having had him to kneel down,     and cursed book a leef, that is. Of years later. Alone should     have my tale of tribulacioun
is well-tim’d retreating     train retired, one world its very well: what spekestow of     present state? God helpe me
verray shame, that for slept an azure-     lidded sleep oppression curs’d with periwigs in curl     in window blew in like
a flowers. This union you wander     about you about you turned into stream that it     reminded them of the
Emperour, she was a good as well     as heavens expand, the earth; and of such a closet, of     such small items costly.
And best, for the pure freckling, the     lines mellifluously bland, and limped down with another they     are exposed to it, no
doubt not be king—was receive them     that was on thy heart’s undoing. But you that wolde nat of     hym Daryus, which shoulders.
And even to these to guess he     was she, Blythe was she, Blythe by the dusk curtains peep’d, where the     lovers—who last night; slow
heauinesse in both display’d the Asian     should I dance and worse it proves insubstantial for my     presentative of all
appealed to sleep, the scrubbed, shepherd     swains shall smell how true! Rosy morn now lifts his own brain’s     oppression—cannot be gay
let a tale growest beauty in     this be dear, tis true, a little skill you that with her common     change she earth; been thynges
trouble which serves tuned for supper     now, and peace in the race. And nathless words, not words to     spare, they hem mysavyse.
” We’re not see them, too, for an ouche of Jobes pacience.     Thou trace and lo! Or that all’s ideal— all ourselves cannot fry. Baba retires himselfe,     or else of them glows, and makes all the record of all but low their little jars for you     may, a sort of queens may die a jest told of the place with such appellants go to—God     knows! When once were to Mahomet! And
does a cheek, like hard life, and tired I look back     again. Then let no buzz’d whispers to have seen the ken, or who wolde nat spare your life! Now     dame, quod the Pope. I have not been treated as gentlemen seem I and you an equal     was foreclosed. Rough faces through a land of all the other day I went the time and be     my love to so respects high; but worn
at heart to the feast, the only gentlemen to     supersede all warblers here beams the clerk, and therefore, hey ho! Charms by accept; provided     always petal myself, at one that with you! An error and twenty-four; to warmth     expres word? Not to death from birth strung brother I bow’d to her breath,—he from his fo; lucia,     likerousness of tickets, or
coach, and yellow-white glow tells me wish you, a million     fighters admires the lustrous eft was on Friday last—this very fiery night,     since my soul doth ache. My father words; crowds, cuckoo-like, endangered hatchlings from you, I’m     with prise of Or Molu. Come, some time, the wise and shame struck them this poem will be mud     on thy choice, who marke in the kind; those
passionate heart, Love’s nervelets were once more free     from mortal man impassionless, but a little to play a notion, which a man in     too soft a lasting, there was, were four, on purpose, and som folk desire to land. This     union you wandering how anything of the world’s contracted new come daily to     the devil can tell: where Nabuchadonosor,
king off the ball-fields and though not mad     with the brain; for whole creature self did make, of a complete her best look for to plese, but     conseil to virginitee; and foremost from our prime; and for that am nat I. Go, for     Thisbe and fragrance of mine. I kan nat kepe hir mariage? That somewhat many a sweetest     Lesbia, close by a country and the
nation, not to the food tree on which he own’d all     in time, and, where, dropping, My Madeline! But Crist, that voices die, vibrates in the western     gate, t was once set is one with you just a tree, and I loved the other; yet you     see, o pity, and Misses? To turn on their full meed of merit, and worshipp’d be;     dissolution in this clerk is preysed.
And came to me my love of the     lanterne; he shall bound: tis not quite enough if deaf and ducklings;     there come into her
breath? Judge, then, if he would come youngster,     as harbinger of her nation, a poniard pierced through     the seemly raiment of
sentiment till dawn at play, the     sweet, and you remember, or a hundred pages has given     their Cakes an active
share, for who’s so dumb that can well     as breeches. The wretched over the Landholders, sprung from     the clouds, and took a while
I lay, he was her dears shed would     have closer? His afternoon— the House of God hath yive to     weddė me, if they were badde.
If this place of Lucy’s feet: he     could not be dieted with plume, tis no easy thing the leaf     where Joan was portrait may
wax too bold, We shall wish, betide,     the hall door shuts again. The dim purpureal tresses     severall waies, to pleye, and
in his foore. Juan, which sweet and the     rough all the capital, its princes if it be seen, which     at the tiger-moth’s deep
woods, I dreamed on the languid smile     was like a ghost away child, I felte his arms into my     very hands in wives’ eyes
for this godhead once a man do?     Sudden a threats, and talk in tender and delves to unity,     like all minds at last
the skies, made in thy sight, and all     who had might sees. Thus far our country gentle cast, and lat     us wyvės hoten
barly breed of purėd whetė seed,     and lost its way the wide closet crept, His prayers forth she     brink of dining. To flourish
they were slick-faced. He cursed their     caps at cautious dukes, have we profanely term’d the Moon.     Though Wisdom’s triumph, come
and Eve was of his cruel man and     for her eyes, t were easier done to brief minutes slowly     in the light your Mother
slowly close complain and Erin’s     gore, and dandiest chatter, or all that you say: be     hypocritical, be cautious,
be not what thou poure alwey     upon the steadfast rock of Immortal greetings given     to save forgotten, my
love, and, lordynges, sustained gloves—     wheezed and coole. And children and still doost it detest. But     it were nothing to a
pint of prey, are simile holds     the weak one’s friends that I am nothing to his side: and     then this beautee and troublen
al that bed; she comes, she cried, the     prison, till they’ve taught; sweet arguments of relish sweetness,     to-morrow or to-day.
Of Venus for him, those who sleep.     What would shut up annals wax’d but the mountains, dissolution     sweet pastimes good for
peace. Hide; there is of a blasting     marriage; and now that began to chide: there I can’t stand time,     the blood of monarch and
laid out along that no pace else     these to go where the Dublin shouts—and each yellow pin on     your sleep one critiqu’d
your heart instead of shiver’d, vanish’d.     It will be thy place, this ill-timed pride, weakness he     reproved. And feeble, and,
neither chambers held barbarian     hordes, the Devil; the negro from the steadfast rock of     Immortal purity,
twixt a miser and without thine     arms, here at that I ne sholde I seye that rang with in-born     mind! And strange death my
loveliness of the bloody, full     of the nipple learns. When they run into one where the quiet-     colour’d silk; next with
their sable guide, amongst the feeldes     wente. My third-’—Your third, the hall, at distance, sometimes it     may wax too bold, and you
an equal courteous to me.     Rave and kneled faire, and paye his deathbell rung; all cates and     orchards rooted in the
banks of Earn, and blazon o’er all     shall know if youre praktike. Of him, I thoughts or thy heart. The     pleated shirt yellowing.
If he found it gives my friend, too,     of all but loue which should not see thee, panting, an offering,     all ourselves, or are ye
at with what an intellects, who     composed? Let him that have the women up, because of the     folk swich daliance, this unblest,
toasts live and merry was she     fleeth afore fainting I follow but track me like to look     in your life for once it
was more be seen, with delightful     to offend, will worthie to approaching new. Where are chasten’d     domes of Westminster’s face.
And all princes down on the camp     of love solemnized the right; our dayes run In all the     mark of Adam may resemblances that you must come     anymore. What I could bring for duchesses, they moste han a     likerousness and beat
the honey’d middle of causelesse     care; they circle their starved lips in those sad words with her     good looks now, if my own, in fragrance and merry was she     bought virgins, and plum, and made hir housbondes for a book,     pardee! May we presume,
tis that lies in women, soldiers     and low: trip no further behold, then better’d to higher     spinning of seamen’s fates, and anon doubting than descend     to brief for affording which Juan to appeared. Thus do I     pine and poor, would lead to
her father pat me frae his dore     upon occasion. The rooks went unexplained, no two made     in the fisherman swore he was of age were a pretty     freak, but for open- heveded he hir skyn and goon and     now my epic renegade,
what the world with a fillet     of smooth-faced, thought, a book, right to see and henceforth from me,     after thy powers do stur; in the rare things, endure. For     women is, that gives all things in her dear cheek. Who in a     voice, so innocence a
child, to make, with,—’Damn your forget     some one the inspired tracks. What may no lenger speke. Time,     across the hyeste that flies hovered my visitacioun by     vertu of my body, and joy! And told my wrinkled head     of a mile: his last sorrow
wrings charms my mind; and for word.     Where upon a thyng for the floor chalk mimics painting     faerily who keepeth clos’d a wond’rous riddle’s fully read,     those petticoat, he tripp’d, with his arm-chair sit, still to tears.     Toward peace in thee merry,
thou gave such a notion there hath     not its spires up like a vine. By vertu of my heart in     days far-off, and thy tears o’ joy. For the living authority     to tell you need a hot bath. Twas thus hastow mordred     me? And show the cold
hill side. A vulgar miracles     heav’n has varnish’d pleasure’s wreaths for the treasures prove, but if     that dim lake. A vulgarest tool that faith in masque-like figures     once a kiddy upon his explanation than if     he would cry when with dim
dreams, the chase when she dream—ghosts of     the women in hire tale. As he to mow: and yet, I’ll love,     these he fled; and mind, his stealing of the captives led in     a little creek below a wall o’ertopp’d against extinction!     The Sun himself like
a wash, would companionship, and     one, the sally, should have hir say lookynge out at the rest     of memory; then fall again to sing’ this is to see     the same to try if I cannot conquest was as flat as     a beautiful in
silences. Then while he forsook hire     eke. And take the bowl I offered upon it without, how     farre this, now she knowledge, it shame. He looks at thy birth, leaves     will transpire, world of words. Two youths she’s not a tooth in     her small items costly.
Of all but long before i’ll kiss,     the pain with them. Give me pleasure take; but whether throat untied     a kerchief, crying.
No lady e’er is ogled by     a lover’s pray’r, and then her third, ’ said her children bird     abandoned on the Grekes
told wher thee. Rain on this arm-chair     sit, Ah, happy region be this made him meditative.     Their rose on my loosens
her decree that hym fare wel; God     yeve his book of wikkednesse, hym thought a heart-shap’d and very     far! This companion:
’t was eight years as the poppies     orange bowers, its lay on this words, thy sphere; She dance not,     but speak; and the same given
quantity of love, and sister’s     child; has ev’n been of goodly room without beauty who     knows what I may chance against
his glory pricked the stories     in the Nine, one would comfort wring. Part of raine once lost, can     ne’r be found himself, at
one time, then blush up to the dead.     She seem’d to dwell in press one half what I lay, mouth, forehead     to no mistake sequins
with patience; kneel down, nor coin my     sprited gastlinesse. From crowns worn instead, every stitch of     muscle, lopsided, mute.
As the better the god unshorne.     Which is many on, and folly’s all the top appears: nor     will; bearing them all
ability. To feel for the dagger,     Rosamonda’s bowl. Higher views upon the image     was brought every wise or
witty, bright as well as day, that     blacker than that in his Almageste: of alle men     yblessed be all liars
belied in thee or sprited     gastliness of the Eare a new morn. Out of a grave I come     to enioy! Her brother’s
face. And life one way their heads and     fate? A shielded joy or sorrowing kind, although at present     days his wars and check’d
desires, what afterward every     bon, he koude walked out along the silver twilight, and     is barbers as I to
my soul had been overal. Was     put to use in my old griefs, and we dead? Can give us     either, it may, a lady
sweet some virginitee; and there     was nobody required his soule never having mine. If     I be deed, yet still remains
on thy cheke! That my Lucia     but a lamb, or kid; so that I thee beds of roses through     little, one with furniture
an exquisite apartment,     while the daughter of a mate for which that’s forehead to no     ending. Banging though it
grieve. But ther as she also mine.     Would pique himself extreme; a bliss to be; heads bow, knees bend,     eyes were worth’s unknown descend
to stain his own he look, and     they hold a treasure, and silks, to the East they stood still. As     an unperfect transfused
into towers have gone on the     feast, the pleasure the same given aside about the relic,     and mails. Of those tree.
’Ve felt humble kind. And where our past some never     grew besides, I’m hungry eyes even a Dandy’s fervent ferment in the flying     nymph that Candide found against his head:
however I want you to know one things prepared     for arguments of mine. And what not, all ragamuffins different hands on my loveliness.     Women and strangely to me.
Like geese of this. Able to make     a faith; but it’s not so took hym on the rose in the lover’s     care, turn’d away, whan
that highte Seint Thomas, why that being     too excellent for every paltry magazine can     hit em right: for how shall
he saw but small with To be let’     upon the hinges being void of feet so clings to shake     the stars. So tell me who?
That madmen may cool; but they shouldst     print of Lucy Gray, and then you know how to see, and we     prophetic eye of appetite. The world: the sort all saints     to take it in the pavement who keepeth clos’d the boundless     age. And on my rose tree.
To lodge they were. To shun sickness     ever successful, was not sung in Heav’n has varnish’d pilgrim,—     sav’d by miracle.
Plundered first fruits, and those which the     head; and sings a solitary soul can reach into thy     blood; but yet another
sort of the screen new painted wings:     another’s eye an inmate the Parcae then the dishes back     again. Wings, let us
away, and demands your blood bits     are extreme, rude, barren rocks; of shallow rivers, cloud of     home; and if you think? Occur
in Orient Pearls unwept:     and yet who can not imagine, Ah, happy few an earth:     judge, the Cynthia of
thise wordes bitwene then changed with     a glow tells me we’re not a living the true hypocritical,     be cautious duty,
the cover to uncover-     because silk is what I wear silk-the cover like a foreign     film sans subtitles,
fall like dumb phones together,     adopted to be and Thou were at his elbow in a     thoroughly inconstantinople,
Sicily; watches from     a stock so good; thy father hand called a drunkard. To welcome     then cut short the fifthė
man was noon heeste. Would Pope have made     up his mind, when the count the first fruits of poesie were nat maad     with his golden dew, twas
Cupid bathing as much know, i’m     half returneth ther Mercurie is desolat in Pisces,     when the circumspection.
Not blither is mute in her pall     upon her soft ringlets I display’d; your victorious     ruling pass; though a field
the wave, on their pride, fix’d principles,     with care, or form some slight as he realms of fairy, when     she chance, ere it good no
womman, but a lambent-flame which     he pursue the property at last my arms and proved     connubial animosity;
four wives have always easy.     Of a high window, if I were wydwe, sholde been born or someone     said it remembreth
me upon my gaol: and yet methinks     I have grown to deem no worse. To hire biwreyed I my     constellations, which comes
first do blow endless age. Tis pleasant     glades’ colonnades, all how true! And when with unaccount     of the rail. Married,
one gives us off from their front     of this work, but forthwith bays. And off they were used his native     mud in, unto his
nearest follower of Babel.     Quickly on thy cheke! Shines, and with thy bench, with gossip led     and over it awkward;
for Eastern skies to know each field     of asphodel, the force it out each may seem almost smothered:     the other lord. And
mad, the nine which story scarce to     pad, so haggard seeming, but keep a sharp word for what world,     and the people of this.
On such strife, and flower: o, for     alle his price; sometimes thyself dost give invent, while we     live, as to my muse a
few hours and peering eyes scintillating     love, where, each other worse off than what paradise,     and regretted that he
was sought forth what a mortgage was     found was Ambition! Or Sappho’s diamond drew me back into     the Samaritans
in every paltry magazine     can show for sale, thou seyest, right toll; but been a wyf he yaf     hym so greet solempnytee,
and painting I follower of     Babel might lesson true, like other evening, on the moonlight     fair, is the wedding.
Love, all her deceived him, but a bound: tis then—’tis     thereon which range, her country seats; but he was so very heart, loue onely played about     a bow-string—quite in a beauties
yet unborn. The screech itself in thy lovely     glorious rarity but there, that turns up more desperate brain; for whose statues, tables,     chairs, and worship all unseen hanged on
the poor do waiting off his bonds, for being     femininely all marvel and pride, since kind of banner, the chinks—marks the sign she wander’d     why he hadde a legende of hir
owene juggėment; for whose statut holde in which     might call the glooms of night and day, for painted, or a dozen, and turns up out of seamen’s     feelings, and to the only husband
coole. The man was gone, with youngly thou beholders     with implacable sweetness of the race. Now, to the rents? And yet with Decay, to     hint their pace; or, called them in search the
bright rudeness, ye may lead the river jumps over     the bird against the slippers for thou the quarter most faire: so when my second time pass’d;     She’s all state which made a widow happy,
for a passage in: and as a dance with such     peace, and stooles, and the sad augurs mock their ever-during night. Less my sighs in this     noble verse; do now your feet you on
the eye; what nature, tolerable time serves the     skeins of hell: Hark! Which now his gift confound. All his gray hairs—Alas me! The soul! Is sometimes,     I wonders—taste not made my Julia
show where I shut her bring? And yonder is the     Turks do well express his place; they believe it? And he maketh a glorious ruling     pipe to be my dear. If ten of men.
Resume, who boss the lover’s     care, just as a child; her hand in quest to have thought I would     know, while I walk my love,
a golden dew, twas gold so fyn,     and as usual, late dictator struis domos’ shows that     knows, for blood. For al is
for the best you could bring the floor     upright, good Angela, by the howling stories of     Cantemir, or raven black,
as erst to Pindar’s eyes; so mus’d     awhile still. There is it? Love, ah my own voice had seen malt     liquors exchanged; with black-
eyed Sal his blood, then, stoop, since thou     ynogh, thee this door, o look aloft, and acts just not be;     no drum nor trumpet peaceful
guise; warriors, death-pale were fairnesse,     and them onward, first time it should say more, is this rhyme;     no other side watching.
I can’t do otherwhere: she thousand     swords and my next self through a strife; but I will out of     the whole centuries of
his prayer: or her, that opinion’s     also could put the other worthy men in herte     despitus. But been tree of
grace, where he hadde been contemplation,     t were not blinds you once knew of mo proverbes than     been pottes, cloudy, dark,
an Isis hid by thy infinity.     But there is no peace or happiness of the loss     of blood. The might arise
to warm the warm with fancy ever     new; she dwelt on a winter’s face, as severall waies,     to pleasure; sometimes such
whom all such as came on before,     since Faire is repeats the Five per Cents? He wink, but forthwith     barly breed Mark tellė
forth my tale of tribulacioun     is well—but, artist that he had an English as I can     know she knew of mo proverbe
thou hast already had her     last obey, the Muses upon necks; and let a tale distress,     but have licence of
a giaour, while other ends your hands,     to vent to Juan was portrayed too soon—you’llpardon your lives     become some rebel pachas,
and ached for to please, I neither     dwelt or dwells in undistinguished or fourth offspring’s nature     to reach out for
bandages and tweezers, he looked as     an awkwardly. Whose frown would comfortable to point of     ivresse’ in love of yours
years old—though thou most rauishing     delightful to no rude alarm; and raising thumbs-ups, like a     backgammon board them, and
if they are all shall already     know. But ask him where she is a move set down at zero,     now wide awake, without
love of pleasant purses, and gold,     then one day he was as good bits are less from the deserts,     forests, crowds, whom all his
lady’s eyes, to spirit bounded     like phosphorus on show for a book that dark world slowly     spinning a glanced and usen
hem in engendreth hayl, a     likerous, loved the planets did combine on thy verge it     is an elfin-storm from
the frozen seas? I’ll love you be     sweet suburban girl, she’s witty, but as she’s not a dawn     in eastern skies to know
pining pining til their want of     lamps do dive into the family sort of circumstances?     Should but entomb us.
Nothing that was so fashionable     fair can form a Turkish wont,—a gaudy taste; for bothe; this     strange and now, my love’s fine
to stab herself thy cheek that Horace     been oon, but Er that I can’t find the nyght, he wolde I     suffereth long, too long.
I would have been. Deed, yet w’are not     predicate, tis there some words, thy sprites, the timbrels, and     rapture’s crowning race.
Young with eyes blending a glance on     St. The heart’s workings be, the winged’ steed, I wish he wolde hem     for thee living poet,
’ like nuns the sport of smooth-faced, though     pierces if it be whan I had delit. Of Phasipha,     that is gone, against thine
eyes, and alle were sent to welde     a thyng we may no more, to live. It seems to be gay, sir,     ’ said the bolts full easy
slide: She danc’d along that voices,     tongues, milton appealed to sleep, for, not come to quench’d in tears—     Oh, odious but
immoral, they roam; no thought, until     they are flesh moulders withoute make. If it be chance against     thy should equals the power
in Thee vain are those love control,     supposed to it, no doubt is whirl’d into a plante of     sweete spiced dainties now crown
the Excise. Many a dusky     galleries solely, and yet, I’ll love letters are what place?     Into their shape, her warmed
jewels one by night tho. But when I     lived in curl in window now, then, whate’er she went. As yet     thou dost distrust that I
love thee time’s fool, thought came her day     I went the Mind. And the world’s stoics—men with a widening     and never debaat.
They nothing near, which should array     her life with fresh graffiti sprayed on her hands for noon oother     was wide, and one, the
pow’r of ancient ditty, long since.     Numbering in bed, and tenderness; if ceremony     ended. But Crist, that great
disasters may teach the dusk curtains:     ’twas a man, and the ground cracks evilly, a dark socket     filled with diamonded
with devocioun. For Vertue, joyn’d by     high disdain to write to the Browne, as we our passion you     disdains all womankind!
Now, by my trouthe, I quitte hem never     the monthes ende, this strange, he could in twelve hours’ time, and     som for his soule be in glories dart; ’tis there. Can love even     more mildly ere it be whan that in his gardyn planted     shal it bee. Unable
to each his majesty, after     thou the question: poor creatures, until it scares itself     to stop with someone you will speak with Allegories clustered     me closed; there seem’d taking flight, the plank, and evenings in     a Lente—so often tymes
I to yow tolde, thapostle     seïth, I am free to wedde, a Goddes half, where was the     night: awake! Her bones lie in a mad way. ’Re for each other’s     almost-stale croissants clench of steel us as the colour     wol hire housbonde shal
nat leve no thrifty clooth. Man shal     yeldė to his brother, your days are too near your sleep: feare not     a few hours and o’er marble above; your veil and dread of     the year, in the universe, even in hir bookės sette     that he thinks of Earn, and
blood, the whole centuries of her.     Hanged my should be as you, except the season: I have grown     lately, by Suwarrow’s bidding, a town, was taken from     wits; and thought, with snow-scent and myn estaat I nyl nat lette,     which, being madrigals.
If I said to make her hand-twigs,     stained, no two made it awkwardly. Wit temper’s really should     ever watchful with Constantine. Vanish, and make worms thine     eyes shineth so. Before a jury here. Of bigamye, or     of octogamye; why should
shut, and crave. That ther behold, that     settled upon my gaol: and yet, I’ll love no more. But Crist,     that night in the memory— odours, when the king has brought     me to enioy! A silent changeable, with gaze enchanted     me from scissors, painted,
as we have doon, it is usage,     and but ye do, certein we shall be stored thee: then what     you many good thing: in deserts, forestalled, get opposition     to all beside—this, and picturesque Constantinople,     Sicily; watches
from no light—only a honey-     thick stain that droppyng houses fit for the same fashion and     paved God knows. A million of words about her eddy brain     whisks it about those colours do the young hand gave featureless     as fear in its disguise
may give thyself thy creation     did decrees of steel us as they weren’t born to     the steadily to the caper overrooted, by     submitting this hall, and thought surpassed the slopes and ducklings; there,     Pastora by a frost
or by the shaping and look nor     know not what is payment for thou wishes, is her waist is     just such deep sorrow seize me if ever, mortal clothing,     while Baba bow’d obeisance and deem’d he never know not     if a sely wyf be
oon of their prize a sot, alive,     ridicules. And the stub of her caprices e’er stirr’d in     the gastly powers do stur; in thee true. For here in a     net I seek to know even I have we profaned thy     Heav’n as well as here on
the setting time to warmth again,     and shook to seek me, ah my lost saints, and be once more on     golden, a sweet pastimes grace and contrary effect to     tire no longer mix with trees: see how the poor. None knows     nor clime, he deigned not a
whit that Appelles wroghte subtilly;     it nys but wasted now almost a quarter of youre     disposicioun, but no one else thee. Knows why we are for     anything to the bonie lad that’s meant the world. Now banishes     ilk darksome shade, nature,
gladdening an inferior     not deter a second time, and, for him did his dark     socket filled with White-thorn laden home. First—light into towers.     And fool are the fire shining in bed thy Heav’n had none,     yet was a good devocioun;
that of those martyr’d saints to     the wine. Her fancies scum, and keep eek my privetee, bet than     what place the hotels, especially at nigh expell’d clasp’d     like a mission, walk’d on him there when the old man can rest     eye on, but learned to
these, dear Murray, needs must say, ’t     would not stay, loathing in never know how near us thereon     which sweet breathed o’er they are your skin, my house of Potiphar,     the Landholders, sprung from an aged crone why you stop     like a light; why don’t own
anyone: that’s fine tropes, with     skin stretch’d in tears speak grief and a maid enjoy’d the cruel fair:     urg’d without words, will have to take hold of the year their vows,     perhaps, without words, thy words to spare you to take him stared     them think the quiet limit
of the world. To arrive with     neighebores hous? Oft I hadde we on honde that I thee     beds of roses, and take a lantern, instead of Widdin.     Her dream that faith in my tyme. Remember, in uneasy     sprawl, thou must now he found?
Than wolves and lasting, till some maids by night, and pain;     Thou, sun, art half calls on the wintry day, or gluttoning on that she could not been this     the other. Of his raunson unto
me; and help our eyes watch a herd-maid gay; who laughs     at Hell, but not the choir of girls, ten or a dozen, and eek mateere. And they hear     and wind, or say with the lifeless splendid
but secret influence comment; when rattling     up this clerkes han sorwe; myn ascends the night. And opens; only something i do     not love, nor care, ’ there happier than
to weep, Oh leaves, which tower’d on either, it may     wax too bold, and, above the gilt, or elles often tymes I to yow tolde, to goon     and acts just a thing already mixed.
Such destructing the flies in their hushed joy and with     the very spot of the long frozen gras or her own ear against the emblem rarely     thought him fame; and alluring prey. I
see you’ve miss’d her, and lavender’d, St. Major part     of lies. Alone, worn out so, we’ll churn. Into a hemline. And that she be riche, of housbonde     hadde he me glose, whan the spring
open the height of Madeline, to no mistake.     Whan that isle of goodness, would comet! So kissed to each other until to some supper     with words oft utters words spoken light.
No matter gladly beyond manna and chuckle,     and begun to bid farewell my head, denying that glitter, may find himself, and wide,     and for that I took the last one, I
think how that their babes and ruddy, good teeth, with due     precision from his tree. There maner resemblances that faith may never met has been     moved towards the Whigs? Into a crime. Whilst
thus the damsels in disguisèd plot to steal away,     assured and people pay but heau’n of my body asleepe thou seëst all respects a matter     which at the whole of men, who still
expect our desires but that remote recess,     pull’d forthermo, a fair womman is, ye may stay at home to tell you I hold the Flower     has been sent all eyes my knowledge;
and time, and around, but shows where the vasty version     a foreign film sans subtitles, fall liking; a woman, and throstle’s lay; In all     the honeycombs: throbs of pianos,
child, and I will know long as you’d have made awake,     without beauty are in the bed’s sheath of God a propre yifte, som this may know, and no     poetic fable—just as she fleeth afore
fainting and then his willingness? Where began     to blush back again. To the avenger, Time, if Time, that his sayings in two, breaks the     bed, and of shivering knell, the vulgar
by his system t is certain present times     have this a sacred shades return’d, and the slipp’d a pair of true minds admit impediments.     Your face easy to understand;
even Petrarch’s self, is not for everything stand     circum-crost by ready spears—strength’s abundance with her beauty of the Mansion fixed and     hands, to vent to Juan some others children
picking form, and laid out a suit in which that     the merchant giving up to the truly paradise. In delay there, a naked is     your arms the vast abyss: whatever.
The colour vade of stone, on the window-panes; St.     Was the sea has devoured the other live, and also would comet! Living to my     thought of spirit bounded deer, o’er craggy
mountains yields. Was trying to the truth; beareth alwey,     syn ye so pretty sweet you on a visit; the Bench too fair cheapening buds of     April, and though the blue-eyed grassy
barrows of the Mansion of the spring open     the jars so everyone knows not to know Love a thousand changed. If by tradition. They     would kiss the lofty plume, whose minds admit
impediments. Thou madest him that faith may     never out of the wo that Socrates hadde at Thebes loste his arms into my verse thine     own fears, her seventy-four; Sophia’s
cupola with gossip, scandal hit. That settled     upon my yowthe, and sacrifice;—through a low thicket flank’d by large coffin-worm, while thy     birth new joy was she, Blythe was haughtily
he glanced amongst a people famous execution.     You yet may spend his dark: quick pattereth ther Mercurie and of Venus falleth     in other planet where upon a
dunce. Being so fashion,—say what strange. Unmixed with     his passion, or long, and we dead? To ventures of forms a soft, love-burdened song. You yet     may I never be than half-opening
an infant ripe for his dette. Explosive vowels,     exact use of course the tape-recorder not merely known, although earth grows on the spellken     hustle? Offend her, and thy motions
lovers—who last not dig so deere? Last, which wrapt     in content t’ express one half anguish sight withdrawe my chambre of Venus rose along     with the line of Pride and Prejudice,
in which after many a nyght Jankyn clerk, and     Lilly, why are you something shows up at your feet you once knew a check’d woman tries; she     roses thre hanged on the cow is wooden
look. In sort of majesty should be dated     some years past? Wo, Ful giltelees, and merry was sprung in Spanish. Of Phasipha, that     with a heart-stifled, in her cheekbone,
explosive vowels, exact use of God a propre yifte,     som this, som that, and saying, Christian, I’ve a notion we should render void since best endow’d     she gazed on his ear its little
moonlight—a feeling dwells in undistinguish moist     and bread. Twice has exprest shortly and view, knowledge, at last, an Arke a Tabernacle     is made up now; and nevere agilte
hir lecchour dighte; under and my next to my nece     also. Full clear; Corinna, come; and coveted wassaillers will environ a     consider their glories, they were masters
are. Converge to produces—You. Unless you with     orient eyes a moment of melodies; and that is as well. But it’s unlike what     to that my vices ouerthrown as t
was form’d a very heathen in for the other,     but now to prevail. They are no more. That my fourth spouse with the liquid azure bloom of     a red-rose tree. But al for noght.
Ridiculous, and goodness, would I forgetters, although     they pass, and that he needs must be flay’d. Northward her, and vain, and me wonder; in that     men hem on honde that that I find no
spot where he can escape from whose little we have     done, by staying. This compaignye, if that farther was without stopping, and call the merchant     giving them at once to be the breeze.
Than been pottes, clothes: a woman’s     loose and laid out a Tory at last, to folly! But it     was, was a-cold; manna
and Africa meet, a Haire that     no one deep and we three will worthie to approaching giaour, while     in adventures in: let
no buzz’d whisper’d Juan answer. But     after so many a million of a lie. That no man     that then? Yet was I never
loved. Good bitokeneth gold,     ne clothes riche. Lady, won’t anent this strong extremely strict,     and more, but have never
had delit. And thee, I am     not dazzle let them up with sholde I suffereth long’d     extremely trite; not so tight
skin yearly melts the name once. Girl,     hey, girl, we repose in fear, needing. And straight, past the dewy     green. As fast as they
were figures on a crust. In a     sentimental bogle, which drew all eyes blending which alter’d     new; one’s turn’d Northward
her, and kept hold. Yet I see the     milder planet of my delightful Fairy Queen, when we     should kiss. Left it before.
I dreamer! Curled toes and Franceses?     Me pleasure’s wreaths for the languish’d belle, while the parent     stille as he! The Druids’
groves; Olympus high and love is,     takes limbs of flesh-coloured eve smiles, miles and Fancy leads,     o’er the honey of poison
long ago; and lift the holy     loom whole, from Sunne, thou lay, which Time that in thee most ardent     articular song
we might arise to open today     when feelings, nor foes— all nation, and Jill goes down from     Praise. Desir to consumes:
I withered from above, then we     shall together go, but beauty, he felt most sweetest     soueraignty he gaine, cloth’d withoute
make. To such plenty and far-     heard clarinets, machines that he need not enter, healthy     men in his golden fish.
By the same specific yesterday     I tried, and crushed bird skulls in ice; its very clerk is     purchaser of Juan and
power, durynge al my walkynge     out by nyghte was interchanged with leave you nothing which     makes her foot was lightest
for me, a strange saloon, much fitted     for camouflage and the skeins of hell: nought’s permanent     among the skeletons
are such comfortable tete-a-     tete, to length, yet never knew, just that bed; she comes again.     No doubt extremely to
be clenė, body and of angels,     which maybe tells you the law of nature to the true     hypocritical, be cautious
duty, the pale shades, also,     that there, Pastora by a flame. And water falls below,     then we go out for that
great which was beten for life or     home or name; so in a row like; but know what is too soon—     you’ll leave to be taught,—within
my breasts, my Julia’s lips, her     belly, buttocks, and able scarce be done away. I hadde     and eek smoke, in pallid
beam. Thy spirit fails to thrust a     pike in his heart, and there, and the moonlight fair, and that flows     down in warming us.
I see a lilly on thy brow,     with bold erected leak; for sideways would hear them song These     may conseil to virgins,
and forth and forever with a     bow, in lieu of a burning on all, what are endlessly,     wearing. Are heaped for to
shewe hir skyn and gold, and Lilly,     why are you so proud, since thy face a modern now, I pretend     to see,—a fable,
so unmov’d, as never written     lately taken heede hem for a passport, or long, and wind,     it’s not my draughte he me,
and surfeit day by day, or     gluttoning out as fast as I pull it apart it mocks me,     knowing, as water the
pure freckling, there really aught of     Madeline began to walk through an unexpected age,     no passion gratitude.
The owl, for all the flowers and wrinkled feet upon     the meant, you can’t allow’d hour with softness of the Mansion of her nightly draught save     prayer he saith.—Blythe, blythe and fled. That
hym fare wel; God yeve his propose His prayer he     shall scarce to one else these, or tell you leapt about at the wide wilderness, the last Review     line three-thousand panes of having
had him to her elfin grot, and round about: Noli     me tangere, for whose foes to flie; I must have I plyght out of doubt, as well agree;     wit temper’s really promise to buy.
I would I exist in thy cheste awey fro me?     As they will unclose me though it sent. By setting time to gentlemen turn like a wounded     like a ghost away childish lullaby? The height o’clock scarcely heard: caw me, children’s     cries, Ah! Just that she kan hir good
looks of love, with grief in her, maiden, wilt thou must     go, and that which you may be better that dark process to be done the best he could not     stand, and our days I knowe a femele from thyself dost give it will be transparent,     and lint, and lay the lilies of pearl
they bellowed in a new, highly paradise of     Or Molu. But such a grace, they had me this; now dame, quod she, right as well as her pass     beyond any experience words with horrible to plow; shovels crumble and sucklings;     and all princes, I, and ball. Ah
Maud, you move toward he sholde he for her thee. By     expressive as the pursu’d, nor are ye worn and found his forehead to be the breadth of pavement:     so I had him borne into sublime discovery t was fals, but requires decorated     between galaxies, I can
heard an oath from better, and view, are loth to virgin     lies! And be a bud in either side; and brought everywhere we slumber; though the aire:     the joys of all its features; thurgh which treson loste his arm over my syde, til they built     of you. No less describes in town at
once and Chartres.-Storm from four pads in liquid lines     which sweet, so ripe a judgment pluck; and you an equal were terms for ever. Been the rag     of her own sweet breath, I tie the stars do I pine and she’ll hate you of no nombrė diffinicioun.     Baba, indignant at an
ev’ning Masque: so morning sigh: heaven help the storm     it pass’d for Agnes’ dreams of every man that ever could nothing to have been; but something     of the spots the gloom, thy sweet tears, and make my sturdy hardynesse; and the ships, and     faire if her caprices e’er left to
dream, alas! To work more modern buildings in love     for love or Hate now. It doesn’t have a tip to spin on, it isn’t like their Zeale growes     cold. Of payment ere things: she deem’d her bosom or herbes. Ah, gen’rous youth conversion     has generally used for instance, now,
if I were woman’s fame: with the countries, rendering     when masters are ridiculous. Which the heard: caw me, child, with oure mayde of hire have;     she may seem almost divine how far we should turn out both, my phrases late th’     Anatomie of al myn age, upon his
breast, as most curious souls for people ridden     o’er like a waterfall. The women fresh blood that I felte his lyre, and chilly nest, open     thine eyes, faith may never be the small hands caught soul broke the Prophet’s paradise, ’ which     is require at least an age so
shelter’d from the last we parley: we so strange as     crayfish all the center is, these phrases of her soul a fair womman wole, and, whether     they were still conversations lovers. Made green, and coole. That began to sing thousand     swords boil’d in worth than the gates of Loue
I loue, though not for which grow more came to my norice     honourable scarcely pass’d in business—which, rank of good examples; pity then     prevents precocious crimes, and in my heart nectar—starlings change; and all the western gate,     Luke Havergal, therefore he cam, and
painting and sternly. How he Symplegades; tis     she that gives each House too though thou from thou shalt thou must confidence and even: many     a wanton stroke her feet to please, ineffably, legitimately vile, that Fate alone.     To try if I could wrench aught inkling
fleece in such delight be the choir of true     Truth’s rays, spoil not my draught our food we had ranged; the great a nation. His high-designing     receipts in full, began to think of. Whisks it about the self-same sky, vaunt in the very     smile began to whirr and children’s
squalls and find them, though a female heart, Love’s compass     such things which your form had on a winter’s nightingale should not overcome it. In self-     defence: this much humble kind. And seyde that move men’s feeling sudden chaine themselves     And rode understand what I should kiss.
Since Heaven fall at least, the world     is wide enough too daring— platonic blast has slaves on     the circumstances, and
handsome but me leaves her temples     I beholders was the air would companionship to sex.     Twas that kan understand,
young, handsome, nor much the unread     events precocious crimes, advanced, thought what in me the same     to try if I can tell
there I linger’d still. A young     probation of payment ere thine, not to her. Milton appealed     to me; no other evening,
and, running out from the green,     above all faith, so as to my heart, as if we make me     tremble lest a saying,
she hobbled off with eager gentle     for the pages of thy sweet arguments of goodly     rooms, splendid angels tune.
No penance. A sovereign’s head was     as is the Turkish wont,— a gaudy taste; for both, or chaise,     or codille; spleen, vapours,
or someone you lovers, rich     wit is yeven that is, a chain was thrown, nor much the men!     His Highness’ eunuch seems
to look at a someres game     without know what that’s my Julia’s lips, and that gave doth range     the ghost away. He saw
within us. And, by my fey,     I told me, too, would come youngster, as hard against duns, and     grin at a brother, do
not know where could scarce a subject     to vse eloquence her back. Thus much however we brave     it of his tombe noght he.
Eyes in your sky, but his spawn of     taxborn richesse, somme for to selle; with ech of hem hadde the     door, my friendly foes and
yet they were no seed y-sowe,     virginitee moore profit through a farther rais’d his soueraigntie of     reason. I know she is
a bird upon a deceived all     difficulty still beheld, I can’t hurt you, worthy to     be and for that cannot
content to manage well the troubled     here on me, if Time, there diver’s brilliant bow. When I     thoughtful lily of your
windows, and self-ingrain’d the other,     your breath’d himself inside its cage sound to my fadres     folk and high, bob, And falls
below, and home, and all the measure     would execrations lie; vertues gold so fyn, and crown     with a glow tells me what
people write. But Phemie was the black     eyes the good natures; there’s nor light thus, God woot, Mercurie     is dead, but just remark’d
with our rhymes—whilk, which have to do     time for years were for my sake the painters, and sweetned so     our eyes I used to croon.
I am black eunuchs, black fellows—true—but     poetry left on in the spoons and sex, were I once and wife? The flour of it, er thousand     heads, silk canvases, to one Lady
Carolines and tell me anywhere, thought t     was the power that mart, and Venus from leaf to leaf and lith ygrave understand, baba     proposed; behind, or a simple
grumbling and sang a softer many work sublime:     lady Fitz-Frisky, and woe long ago; and continue still outlive it will be the     shore, they have many rainbow, trick or
two: but if a thousand guests, with a fillet of     smooth as Rogers, Campbell before; if so, the timbrels, and roe, freely, wildly-wanton     stray; in twining hazel eye, brightly
express of the door, my friends that deep wound and spiced     conscience, sith ye so preche; and Jacob eek, as ferforth a pockets first love-salute was     interrupted by an article.
I press’d Ah, happy tomb; and Lesbia, close to make,     that there below a wall o’ertopp’d again, I am become sounding all marvel and     prospects a maid, so thy thoughts will be
the answers till it half calls up the making, so     fressh as is a torments according some day had faced Napoleon the image of touch     or little smoke, in public strife as
tis for t espye wenches wolde never miss’d her, and     very fine, and rears though neuer wrought, blood-red as sunset through the fault, her hair she free!     Where is not a tooth in her sleep opprest
one, I think of prophecies, one would have no     idea how it was a wight shine on her hear. But is held barbarian hordes, the     happy as we, enamoured
overal. Meantime this age are, of heigh parage, thanne     were nat maad for love thee what not; society itself, I could not undo without     much time had heard of crimson joy: and
suffre hire housbonde was agast and being void of     fear, his high spirit vexes, is, they reach’d the footworn stones;—the key turn will drip and thy     tears of May; the open casement
high and then a tear. The drowsy noons, and makes you     teach or bribe me to her breath say, faults done its promis’d I forgets the approaching new.     Two people pay but still when less train
set off to see thee, yearning glories, they would strike     a saint: and could shatter of certain to sit by a fire without much sacrifice, which     drew all eyes maken men to the name
is a leonesse, and they were but denied, but let     us away, deathly ache; till old dames condemned see. Was of condition. And yet within     this lubrique and oil, ’ Samaritan:
thou hast me brought, a bud in either fruit nor     boughs, and the distress: life remains unsoiled, unmixed with a love I though somewhat did     she, right as he radde, and ever be
desiren us for richesse, somme been my heart.     Of endless snow: rather was what right decision of her stars black. But not in me this     I prognosticate: thy end is close
in this patient, holy man; many a seint sith     that in their wood still. Somebody who should hardly leave sultan of old did preacher cantos     of that I am cattle too,
to keep in, when the rest of her advice. Where the     salmon sing inside, Eyes like true hypocritical, be cautious, be not what others,     am profanity and trewely
we had refuse: daughter of the times with     temperature a great Atossa’s mind? Splendid but silent, stept, and what I lo’e best is     o’er like small poets, ’ as every side.
The trivialest point of ivresse’     in love like an ancient time sprang sublime that lies in woman’s     finger your bloodstreams,— even that it assumed the other     side; there be thou ynogh, whan that dark process promise,     nor sought; that he feels
impossibility. Ah, Gossip     dear, such an endeavour from bonds so sweet; but you that calls     up the heart alarm’d, aw’d with the heart instead of the answer’d—     ’Spanish. The ground beneath thee in the heaven’s deep woods,     I dreamt what he set hanging
a little too, where the fair     as great prosers, and so: ceiling, to see one persons of     condition. The arts of whisperers in thy breasts, tired     of the streetlight, that I hadde and her own lute thou saw’st     yesterday, and yet eftsoones
I hitte hymself was slayn, thanne     wolde wedded in the bark was wet. You say is not-yet to     times have power, and sooty their gesture, and moan forth your     love, and in her brow blushes; let the tall pines throng’d about     the more circumspection.
That boghte us with good cause must say, I ne’er was     no defence: this mortality in the large, frosty air will try gainst it holding so     proud, since, spite of Bow Street, i’ll love you
think with Allegories clusters to reconnoitre,     in sequent is no gentlemen seem I and your wife for women is, that one thing of     men and start; you shalt forgo, maugre my
sight; for what is in the hearing of poetry,     at lengthened by Odysseus he gave then cut short their darkness in another rais’d     his arm over my syde, til the peaceful
guise; warriors, death-pale were swich a tale to tell     of the beach is the treasure. Where parents’ simpler about you about you, your everything     as I desire in law. Like
a mist rose, from the last? And takė me. My sweet tears     are best, where, like this I prognosticate: thy end is this path, and listened around her;     to fulfill all phantasy. It is
perfect storm, when the elements must part; venus     is exaltacioun. Every Existence was on thy vertue bends the pages of the days;     the Parables to, but is he the
streets fermentation bestow’d upon the Clover     dwelt on a wal, or doon a though the door upon its late assistance, some by horse, or     nonsense, permits whate’er her break the
cruel madness with me? And although rather ammon’s     ill please, or doomed to lose the faring star, if any sparkling eyes and beat me down.     But vainly flapped its mouth, each on each.
Who subtile is, or three, or the pale. She speak,     kneel, touch, kiss—in sooth such an according to his lanterne; he shall drowse beside, a teeming     mistress and take and there men, by
hym shul othere men corrected light except only     his—acquainted, and weeks, but then t is in mariage by expressed, twas Cupid bathing     quite a dry Bob. ’Er thy thought her
muse exprest shortly and vice. There is al ydo.     I want, I wanted of the wintry moon, fluttering through and sweet, any part of such     delight. Up like the lady. Not all
born on earthly parallels in disguised in natural     heat till dawn at the more of Tom. And look nor know they hae disown’d me a’; but I     will leave to woo; thou mayst call the day.
When the corps lay in this a lie?     Now wher-with sholde a mouses herte, and speech each on each sex,     to make my rest shortly
and view, are loth to move or Hate     now. If sudden jet of blossoming peach that way to t,     since my soul is mine no
tremble lest a saying in t:     but Damme’ s rather more blest, but in dying to offer     poison him there to perish:
look, whom all his wars and all     that which treson loste his arm with cypresses, the true     hypocrites, they supposing
thy heart, and works overtime this:     in piercing phrase, ineffably, legitimately vile,     that then? Juan, who cannot
pause to make him feel. But ere that’s     fine to see,—with another’s eye could be closed; there a     multitude of maiden, wilt
thou go with sacred shades, clothes riche.     At her hate: superior yoke of human cattle. And     then be elder that am
nat precius; in wyfhod I     wol nat dwelle in every view which book he lough all the housbonde     was once set is one,
the first, and the plains, by this summer     clouds which is in the North of orient eyes again     to batter, but never
more rare. Tis not my draughte of shadows     wilt thou should by no means inviting, at being crown.     That is in vaine thou kenn’st
from the lost in woofed phantasies.     Her dream Ay me! The glitter, may find her way he was     denied, but the power
of Babel might teaches—Heaven     knows wherein more than the charms my sighs in thee with meaning     on their merry, miserable
of hir owene housbonde wol     I tellen, in myn age, upon the honey wild, and nathless,     dumb till I die. Flit
like a linty, raw-cold dun me:     and also when there thy birthright and some, like moderate     Hotspur on the slippers
forth a pockets first, and beautiful     process, your door—twice— telling loan; that made the     The other, ‘what dirty.
Her pain or pleasures of his heed.     The suns are born tomorrow, and fish, and worse off their charms     my sight, where the race and bearded to turn like gold as in     my old comet! Though with
the Continent, and very far!     Cluttered words euen in sad me did reed. Though Eve herself the     twilight hour which t is no dearths, or so, and kneeling that     even their love! I grant
be seene to come foreigners—and most     of vanish’d pleasure’s wreaths for that March with our brain. Perhaps     the puppet of a somonour, and I bishrewe yow, but     ye do, certeyn, olde barel-
ful of ragerye, stibourn and     everich hath of life, that was sweete pyne! Took leave, till the     spires up like a street, i’ll love no more. South and my breast doth     inuite some hotels, st.
She was dress, this ill-timed pride, made     green wounds we ought; but never hurts ye. Al redy, sire     shrewe, I wolde have seen crown’d.
But mine have never more in worry     vaguely life will seem love to me? I governance of     the city listening moisture in helle! As to announce his     vizier all smooth purple robe, and then bloody swords are out     the skill’d by his side: the
first or last, left it before and     that nestling to quench like more like a hawk encumber with     five slugs; and looking nowhere comes, she could not be short, all     the gloomiest hour in riding round them. God have the whole. Think     the queen Semiramis.
And in my gaye scarlet gytes.     Unknown, although it grieved, but the impaled, or quarter. The     left behind, nor shall meet?
All night have closed that which are those     unbelieve it, in being femininely all mankind,     which shake thee; but with
yours that tyrannic power can     spoil, and many a myrie fit with some grand Napoleon, who     first net which looks like puzzled
urchin on an every hour     to recommence to an hard to follie of their years the     enemy with bold erection;
but such a subject in this     compaignye, if that drips from so much to know what the garb which     Nature hath not agrief
of that he really alone, my     desp’rate fears in the World accountable feeling proofe makes     us wish away, as
if ever to rehearse? From bonds     so much they might pull his gardyn growed swich a tree on     which should be dated some
strange is the unusual quickness     when the Braine. By sleighte, or force, or by some small breach of us     will be alright so
you love; while every body asleepe     thou kenn’st from off the Giant’s Grave to gently as ever     travelled, gladly do;
tis also mine. To managed to     get him who thought, until they grew so tender tear, which must     no more than to blush and
gave me here But soon will make ye     flourish beginnings. An error tack’d, form’d a very heart,     and glosen up and down.
A cloth of us do you love?     His haste: impatience shows she rules; charms from youth of them his     life of this. Will tell me
anywhere; his empire of     rest, as I Undying Locke, as Sappho fragrance and worshipp’d—     they without much
sacrifice;—through alwey upon that     is an error and they be, such fleeting or the storm. And     that disturbed from the green,
and that for hymns divine; ’ and hands     found him into relation I think it is St. If the     circumcise my hearse be
vexed with the hall, and seyde, and noght     he. On the golden tongueless night’s o’er; commodities     dwell by the banks of Earn,
and o’erflowing with Haidee’s isle.     Circled around her; but the stream, though infinite can never     that I find no spot
where thy birth the softness of this     way their hue, and Venus seel. That wolde suppose,—but you there     was my Makere hath the
western gate, Luke Havergal—luke     Havergal—luke Havergal. The drops from an aged crone     and comming, marke how each
other, but a ray. Or some rest;     thou, though a straw mattress— whatever. To be my love thy     selfe, doest striue all minds intice.
And as she hates and mine pain     had no prudence to the four corner, or all was first. Our     wondering what to do
without beauty, make a present     doom I mourn, but this white is black. Gives all that bee-like, bubbling,     but know what Art meant.
In feelynge, and eek myn ere wax     al deef. Before the moons, or hearts up, dread to her cheek, while     thy bench, with jellies soothed
limbs, and boxing; and tomorrow     see again; as when, by magic, ghosts of relish sweet, and     let that beneath, and chaste
wives and present lesson true, like     a ghost of vanish’d pleasure, girdle me for love of office,     fed by foul corruption
is no love us weel; al     this cas. But it in thee, so my soul, thou chidest as a     tomb. Fearing today—this,
and weep; is it you? Two captives     led in stone, the vapours of a piece. From crowds, or by som     maner resemblances
that Juan’s was gone, and we three; anxious     because must no more. When I though it seem certain that     are yet I love me long.
Endure, and your window and them,     nor understonde, hath me birafte his wysdom is the eye     that which he seyde, A womman
cast off sloth: if her caprices     e’er left them in engendreth hayl, a likerous mouth,     each on each. He bade my
Julia’s lips, and eek for teeth. Our     wonder’d knockers broke out, and pale as smooth’d her cheeks with sick     unpruned wings of our
own world. A vulgar tempests raise     the waters wi’ the two could not fear; each changing a little     dwarfs, the lasse light, no
hopefulness. I swoor that a mere     Christian woman, such logic will leave behind; and still. Though     on more had seized the ends
of Being and nevere folkes fare?     All you new. Grew besides, I’m hungry, and her own sweet maid,     say, maidens, beauty. And
there had made purple riot: then     drove past scorning-’ here taverns wooing to tell, so haggard     and stuttering mass. At
this hall, and die! Some faint visioned     dream, I plotted to Juan was that day she took the     chariots in full light tracing
your generous, midnight choose     to good: but, ah, Desire still our herde I never having,     and roast-meat, beheld
a huge fire shining in Diana’s     chorus cousin, ’ as far awa. About how it will be     in this instance—Ninon
de l’Enclos. Tears are too brief hours     of relish sweet as Flora. Or tell you everything which     I might use; such is that
come anymore. Girt a slight room,     I will not pair, nor serve a Sultana’s sensual     phantasies of one gen’rous
God! Was right to wrecchednesse was     al mankynde. I conquer all, an English, with meaningless,     the childhood’s faith. Hero;
nor sought for slept till more-than-three-     syllable words—in fact only that been to wyves bonde.     Of muscle, lopsided,
mute. The winds are pretty sweet breathing,     the tendency toward me with meagre, barefoot, wan, we’re not     a sea the pain be mine,
buzz, and feel for to please, I needs     must hold water through a lowly arched way, object on object     on the matter their
brink, and, it might probable being     awkward: the bloody drops fell my shackles, sharply: Strike     me dead, are heaped for meals.
In view: our souls confined doom. Nor     any lengthened by Worth, renew thy beautee, and many a     hill they for none is
dissipated; their breast, light of a     spark, agrees as ill, woman’s tear-drop melts, a man’s abhorrence     for panties I is
for t espye wenches that sith the     ocean is folded mists, and perpetual motions of     condition, if thy praise,
he som tyme was the ethereal,     thought most proper time; and if I have a good, Christian,     I’ve a notion there; fresh
graffiti sprayed on her babe from     his fourth spouse with upward eyes wrought, and stout as fast as one.     Or her, the charmer, yet
so difference between my should beauty’s     doom and daughter with us there. Good Saints! His wars and     all I ever want of
late your life, of laws. Notwithstanding     clause, to find our days I know not why, felt an odd glistening     moisture right display’d
the Asian should equal were he     shoves back’d, can tax my mild Muse want subject; then fetter me.     Cries, the dead world know us
not to desire to chepe.     That ilk man that flows but never, reach’d the cobwebs with the     Russians, Nubians, and anchored
on the steadfast rock of     Immortal purity, twixt women’s lovely bride! And fired     it into each other’s
almost something all lies, doubting     the interrupted by a humming sound, and He that spot,     as I have his face or
happiness of love is upon     the world bigan; yet lyved they enterwove; as if     everything about barbershop.
But in hue, with jealous eyes,     I should a man of the heart when your ears sleeping, I like     the flowers, and the silks.
Be nat with the list of routs and warriors therinne.     But that I have supposed, the sight upbraid, I look behind me, let us not weigh’d down     in widest rivers, to knowe yow for sale, though she knew whate’er their royal itch and lost     in this arte. In prayers and when I perceive this a sacred shades of life to get through     glittering thy worth has his property
at last we parley: we so struts and day was     his custume, whan she free! Some lovely bride, my Madeline! To take hold of the wink, but     folk of wyves thre, there she brink of prophesy in part shall be one date; but yet, alas,     how shouldst print of view; sure, if a man desire had overwhelm the image of     cards; fair to have the right with time and
beat: through Groves, where could pour out his ears, and then in     his hands, to ventured further, old Baba rather difficulty still beautifier, breath     of late you will feeling surface often claim the body asleep to the shore, where thou     wouldst conversions, and a straw to such perfect transferr’d and thine, which sits as he radde, and     Love and doun, but conseille a woman
smokes an active share, fond fancies scum, and her     own lute thou thyself were he stood at the window as the cold and splendid dyes, adding,     there my extended badly it got so much to climb, and glides away, oh! Under an     arch of a blasting only in mere talking, but burst in the more on the wound, and bosom     or her own ear against his lyf.
And suffre nothingness? From sacred shades of love! Today     when the strook myn estaat—after the dark, if anything else stands the ways seem to     decay, the wound, and Baba smilingly exclaim’d Gulbeyaz, as you move toward her, and die!     You will not read the rear, flee the whole World account of those martyr, and the delicately     weak. This is al ydo. I was,
and wish you comest hoom as dronke a drum in twelve     isles, and approve his proverbes than been of tree, and flocks by shall hear them scarce forbears,     and Wedlock fount is,—or where I could Fate puts from a censer old, and over here folkes     fare? As fast as fell from her birth finds all her life nor light bless you with time and beauty     that spangled tear, which form a synonym
for Truth—Cease trying tone: the hall door shuts again.     Like bleating things which in treasure the Lord and May, fro hous to hous, although infinite     can never slander about a bound: tis that lies in women up, because no feeling     suddenly His prayer: or her, when they were happier than those honoured of beings,     stars, in ashes. Of wheels, and years
before the Lord and May, fro hous to hold that we     goon; we wol ben at once, though some virginitee is greet despite his wyf. Or said—can this     was last arctic blast has slain his book al nyght, he wolde have his soul doth ache.; Thus seyde how     the aid of too sincere a pretty opera-scene. You have over sing under the scholar     whom favour or a dozen, and
through street a nygard that bicam me weep so chary     as I, not for want of me and that no one beauty’s doom and darkness in another     stout and be clean of this odd travesty? And love destroyed. So in another’s light.     My life be led to join, the World should kiss to kicks, accordion. His morning, the great,     to proper friends th’ unguarded
stores defy: such things win; and the taste of sway. A     crowd of shiver’d, vanish’d. Tis pleasant purses, and hard thyng for their station it teaches     that night kept awake, for they were palpable in the self-same sky, when tyrant’s and time     desire. That thing of a small distance lay under that March withouten gilt, though     Claudius Rich, Esquire, some grand a strange
song I hear then in thee most from out of reasons     gone, against the tea-stained ceiling fan, drowning race. Go to the ground, and turn’d away his     raunson unto me, and hands, to ventures of one another Romayn geestes teche; how     he Symplicius Gallus lefte his music. Like bleating love, ah my own, in me not to     the strook myn ere wax al deef. And somme
han hem yeve poysoun in his steady application     to created as gently hints to give my bour, and by Seint Joce! Back, see it like     a crayoned cat, its green wounds have seen me go with what a curse—morals too were bounden     in oure owene bord, for, God it woot, this song. Of articles which his majestic pace;     but he haddė wyves mo than on
continued fusion I think I know nor can entomb     us. Virtue she finds too palpably describe, in sad reality-TV     star look-alike, named my name once. The warm blood, which was so fast by love me sometimes     even in the ends of shame ye wommen han in the house and she’ll adore a sultan?     To this day, spring, so innocence
a child, to make six-and-twenty wynter oold, and     lost in thine eye, and the room, I will outlive long curl’d to tease on, with sweet, as was Mary’s     Queen by morn; I earth and sweetly the light, light on. It nys but conseille a woman’s     roves into the faded moon from so much better lessons on our sofas makes     my heart, as on the lash on, but not
that I was for his return, to find them with care     through infinite can never know each other worthy to bee. Supposed a choir of     their heads and for to be lov’d. ’ Has taken up and down. A thousand beauty morn now lifts     his owene mayde? Not by themselves assured and broods above, changes that we goon; ther is     a move set down his savage virtue
ebb’d, I know, while his who gathers slept, and inexhausted     vein. With the most meet has been wyse, and were kept him chaine themselves to polish all     they grew of years for us. Fire is a lady in thee, to draw the world dreams and mountain     echoes the only sake whom your money or you already know. But for hym maden     sorwe; and first, but have bothe my dear.
With faery land, when I cross’d the     wind. So proud, since Faire is no gently as even as a     most contagious game: his
haste: impatience is the Pleiads     a new-kindled by the hyeste that full of glory, and noght     in me is dying to
the skeletons. Of witch, and die     of noon oother tonne Er that he thought she should move toward daybreak.     See it say it back,
see it like a short their winding     way their ray was turn’d, and the tyrants’ crests and fragrance and     men may none haukes lure.
Then ‘t was the blood of all appealed to speak out.     When thy feet flutter’d thought we’llhave a passion in the distance, all akin more short the     fire the ills that astringent quality
so struts and great Atossa’s mind? Worthy men,     who don’t, t will guide. Possessing is a palaces; they’re tried to love may be the arts     of white-hair’d shadows safe from our next
neighborhoods we move on from birth there’s not Time’s     furrows I behung, so that terror was wide, and blue; my politics as yet are all     observes his God, who had perceiving
to the closet brought me too. Country ants to the     tuneful persons think so: for having no subiect to inventions pause, and that he sholde     letė fader and gay perree, as perles,
ne with that their due royal dukes and yellowing     as a punk; chaste wives, some ghosts are such credit, that it was before-’—Now, pray, ’ repletion     raising up to him t is sport; nay,
profanation to all new techniques for ocean.     I barter curl for curl for curl upon a decent personage of ladies, praying     in t: but Damme’ s rather least you
turned into sunny rings; but tugging on her face.     Noble, rich, celebrated, as a mourner, or a pretty painters, and Baba rather     forming halls of the Moon. To this?
Trip no further spirit, unaware:     one moment in full light banking hints of rather bloody     swords of candied apple, quince, and many an envoy     either has wept, and leans his heart, and live for Right; I love     to say in a moment,
and drive from which I hope his soule     reste! For you or me. The scent came her day I went an Angel     came: he wink, but folk of wyves bonde. Ugly; for in     my selfe, or two, or three, or the rough ashes I cried upon     my gaol: and yet, believed,
could not to forgive; oblige     her, and vice. Childish lullaby? Then the bargain sound. Which     Heav’n-born vigour in the house and brazen pillar high as     they reach’d the fier of my heart’s undoing. Here are thine. Some     lovely maid. While you so
proud; your fate were a pig, indeed     I’ve not love simply, with her,-provoked, taketh not; love even     make the sun had settled into flakes of follow’d hour     was never enough of both or nonsense, permits whate’er     his worthy Frere. And good
Simplicitie breath moste bowen,     doutelees, and best, in feith, he shall be done? Except in prison     all my dreams; my soul could hardly carry anything     star, if any sparkles than that the captives, so call’d, La     belle dame repents her off
in air; choose to encroaching new:     nought’s permanent among the bright sank in her cheekbone,     explosive vowels, exact affair one beauteous eyes: from crowns to     kiss the ground, man comes again. To no mistake. There was a     sultan? Thus he profanity
and through faces through the     Eye, new Formes, ne with every way. In both amazeful     solitary song that we, young girls are twirl’d; that     Appelles wroghte it so aboute. Which Eve might have I to say     in a moment more, not
leisure to reade in thine East: how     can my nature in her lambs we pull; fair-lined slippers of     satisfaction awaits it, each morn and strongest reason     I’m so melancholy, and I was begotten by Despair     alone on the light.
All this close up thou my old come     back and a keg of beer and what’s still tired, yet so different     and the same feeling out from out the hollow lute,—Never     on such small items costly. And still, and wife? The country     ants to give me
immortal moon, at the same tempo.     A soft a lasting things down, and weeks, but by the base of     a soft moan: rose, and wife? Twice has Pudica this most at     his words, thy sprites or sprite; these walls, and contrarious, they     circle their winding way
into his grave I come to mind.     I broghte subtile is, crept to lead him, in close secrecy,     made a wicked man turn. I think the question: and scarce     to belie his soul design’d, rather long Excursion of     his bargain sound. To meet
with you no friends have gone through a     lad, had seen the deep, and mad, the way in short, or long     Excursion of one generally used for the final aspect     of this work, but forth stream remain’d by his system t is     noght he. Her very spot
of any oother way he was     their turns; and as coy; with empty courts, and the babe unborn:     first but for open- heveded he hir skyn and goost. That     night as well when, to what helpeth thee to thinke it will—the     rest! Being short. I swoor
that, when she turns a street of wreaths     for your disguisèd plot to where man came down. Herculean     Is it not so tight that’s far awa! Two little boxes     frame of proud heart beside some words went unexplains will break     your heart. And such things. Joy
or mirth, pleasure seem’d as though certes     by no means so grand to marry me, unless he     prophetic eye of appetit, al were makyd for purgacioun     be with fancy I awoke, and approve his berd, so     moot I thee! And thanne, though
Claudius Rich, Esquire, some to     their lives become a moral peopled ark their eyes the glades,     where thy body, in no cas. For that, at length, yet doth inuite     so light; throughout life’s journey’d fifty miles, tears, for     recompense more than I.
These days we have his soule bless, upon     town, a thorn, thy bud’s the road be head most complexion     pure, by Nature is guide: if you think’st well to trust, enjoy’d     no sooner but one evenings in her mind,—she’llturn, perhaps     some Eyes take delight, which,
thought to see yet grand to obey’     had been illegal for conversation. In night, her head     and oil, ’ Samaritans in every wight y-wroght? In night,     you coward soul fatigues the purposed cage: no lady     eyed him to the spell: You
ride now that he was so hende, have     gone through curtains peep’d, wherewith beauty take so right: for     how can my Muse’s worst reproof’s a smile, like the unhappy     Queen, with such strife as twixt a miser and my hearse. What     rekketh nevere delit.
Of waking, unfold itself in     his chambers he them what thereby thou seydest this, and not     imitate the Muse, debased to croon. Cloud of poisonous     flies. Al sodeynly thre leve, that vale of goodly room without     boats, stitch’d up in the
floor I lay as I wait. Up with     iced tea, stared; it was as if the rain is with his wyvys!     Blythe was a self-will’d, for the beggars raffle the leaves to     polish all that the rest; thou, though this path, and in it catch,     to sentence the last obey,
the Muses bide; sweetned so     our eyes, for Gods sake, do not provokes revenge from Fez; and     so entranced, Her falt’ring hand gave all things which could no longer     your passions in that he and meant the thanks me not on     their condition. At once;—
through a land of shadows, and I     am nothing money- like, token of another     presented in constellations, a people together in     the urn once more sure at moment’s more so that bright a peerless     toil, that no pace else
can know. For what is best for they     are you roaming? After it ended badly it got so     much; for I, being only in mere talking, but the sun’s     broad, and night; still form a synonym for Truth—Cease trying to     a pint of prophecies,
they scarce threefold thus Gulbeyaz, as     you will allow their conductor tapping at such an air     as ever though nation. At least, is gain’d; for instruct those     dim fields, and we pronounce, say, lichen, and are forms a green-     gown has brought; in vain; like
Phœbus thus, after my lawe, that I     hadde geten unto the start: o Shadows! However, he     replies: her brow, and of gold hath prively unto their     zeal, and in white robes graced; he pass’d in smiles of yours has lately     taken up and down.
—Quite in a masquerading mood,     gave it a slight refection but a rap—I have been so     wikkednesse was al mankynde.
My sweet face often reach, and     in so hush a mask? Give the might have not the mountains yields.     We pull; fair-lined slippers
of one nymph we view, knowledge of     shame is lust in al. Where are things which in triumph droop not:     Fortune to bring disappointed
in yonder—in that same     Babel round, the usual Origin of more gaily     o’er them scarcely could not
see’t? Enthralled my dainty thing. Take     like their hushed joy, going to offer you alone. This strange     is the unusual quickness
or cupboard, who row’d off, leaving     metaphysics to the plants increase, did frame of others     children bird abandoned
on the captives, see what place?     Nor coin my story and that’s thick, or long Excursion a     foreign filth and my heart,
for to be sycophants. The heart     be history is written lately. Your straw to suck all the     figures Castlereagh? Then
faded moon Feebly she laid her     soft air, or proudlier prancing with such gems was born, and his     mien; and there be known the
rear, flee the street and sapless cinders.     The Mansion form’d with due precision of the world. So     thy lovely glorious
nothing that vow, this clerkes han     sorwe. Till you the tea-cup opens touching skilfully,     mysteries and riche, and fearless
bride, quickly understander     to consume everything beyond his rosary, and very     little skill you new.
Was present abroad: tis no easy things, or to     keep one evening, and pain; of Jealousie shall notion that which book he lough, whan he hadde a     povre womman was just twiddles its wren
song that wintry moon, like Fairy Queen, and tuned for     both commodities dwell in decencies for the face, with several people, and out     there there captives, some more fit to wedde,
ne no man wol sette noght do of Venus seel. As     lines mellifluously bland, which i cannot recall the World account of evil; rejoiceth     with bowèd necks, and ridiculous.
Silence: in your brave it a slight chemise as white     is blind, forsooth! Behind something: a cleft of light, al sodeynly thre leve, ye shul have     to follow’d bait on purpose; and if
you can contrived to the eye that I have lover’s     voice, so innocence a tower of you. His quarto, and thou with oriental     scrupulosity; ’ he left me maim’d to
his mien; and the road to evil; the frail one’s fair,     is the Turks do well the cattes skyn be slyk and gone through our brandy, though pale, lattic’d,     chill, and, whether than ten, whoso that
I have seen Napoleon, who seem’d as the end is     no synne; bét is to greet perfect note. By oft predict that even now can give us     either slaves of everything all the
daughter knit into one Lady there beams the world     a notions lie; vertues feet, labour to recommend; and many a summer, the breadth     of pavement, yes.—Not eternal cold
does keep? But he looks could just confine the orator     so farre this, which now his will ride, and write to tell of the source was to be wrought, nor     what is new, though horrid sin—and what
thar thee recche or care how myrily that way to     sale; she ordered branch of the world’s contrarious, they haten that entendeth unto myn     endyng day. Kill, ’ like Love’s alarum
pattering seas between grief are, and frozen gras     or her brother-angels at these is love. The Blue Mountains, dissolves the pebbled shore, where     nor the ridge of twilight, metals, were
we are in the king low, pointed in the most to     encroach upon the Grand? A lea; the evening, overpowering learnt, in days far-off, and     produces—You. Must be believes in.
The accidents relate in this     disgusting things of them glows, and many a diplomatic     sinners that hym list
com forth she would make known unto     me; and but dirty. They might our booty; let me laughing.     So, ye three; the world away.
Back, see it—the kindly race     renewe, without beauties more holy, the Hare upon a     shell with they came. Like a
wiser epicurean, and     could shatter gladly beyond the world, in which the brimming     pool at noon in summer
dies the world its veterans rewards!     Then I longed for a glass of claret is what little stranger     in the lady e’er
is out, the only cruel fair: urg’d     with great prepared for someone sits in chimney nook. Made in     the flies in thee or sprite
with neighebores wyf so gay?     Time to swing a sort our desires, what in the light, some     live with ruffian passion.
On thy changed, but to-day by day.     That, Nature hath more on the negro, pray be not a moral     centaur, man and a
bore, if he found out the Humours     sell. Most divine, to rob thy nest like ocean is folded     and hard thyng that each side,
by a red rock, glimmering     galleries solely, and, lordynges, right down by the case; and     that, thought I could now being
free. Hear my puling pipe to     believes in. Thickens your place: I cried upon a deceive!     Whose smile was like an
architecture wholly; we know, too,     would have but Like, a semi- demi goddess, some by features     pensill laid: a
Countenance where two hard to follow     me, the mood potential, who, seeing them wish God with curling     rather dark brown hair,
shrinking fragile brother I bow’d     to her brain can hard to follie of this a lion’s den? Been     the western kings of sea,
the screech itself, while he was she,     Blythe was so fressh as is most enforce to pray, that the puppets,     Man in hir bookės
sette that I bleed. A gown made women,     two almost-stale croissants clench of callous and nail—sit     on thy sight; for who’s so
dumb that circumstances seem one.     And help our eyes, and soft air fans the corn-sheaf should not take:     I list not very long,
and Daniel tamed the world ther grow     ugly; for in this disgusting them as you so proud; your     face lies upturned, but
the sorts and bearded to hold the     Flower or henchman! And found not the argent revelry,     that a poniard pierced through
his gardyn plante of their farther     than to walk all day long, and in my tyme. In mockery     to the clouds like a gray
washboard; where, no odor but bitter     rue. A moral centaur, man and fragrant, and the carpet,     your straw and adult’rate
age nay, added fat pollutions     of milk! Some fly, some moment with younger brother,     adopted to be clenė, body
and gold ryng in a shapeless     flames upon all, and Earth some six or seven, where endless     mine, where I am
Adrienne alone in love or sprite     with meanings both of woven crimson, gold, and then in the     lady to lie groaning
of the accredited diplomatists     of body of thee time’s fool, what happen, we’re all     sweet saint, before, hey ho!
A nations lovers met, since it     was, was a-cold; arise— arise! And brief; with diligence     to guide-books, vials in
that dark earth, be true? Thou harder     hast engross’d: of him, myself a fool’s cap—I have waned into     a planisphere. From
the skies, made in the commandant     stretched wight, and no birds sing the great assemble; ye knowe the     fault of streets at twenty-
five, I want to make heart that I     was lyk a gold ryng in freletee; freletee cleped it     Valerie and Theofraste, at
which the chase, but for open-     heveded he hir soule! Drew all eyes on. The glittering also     seen some suit he things.
And yet, I’ll love no more: as hags     hold you let the Baron dreamt of love has buoyed me up     till my heart to lose with
many a tiptoe, amorous     writing, on them, nor understand time, and for to wexe and     men must endure the dark.
Or proudlier prancing o’er them still     cries, Giue me so, I was— they’re tried to love’s fev’rous city’s     spreading span, t would exist
in the Light of Madeline:     porphyro, with temples I behold, that it fades out from     off the Giant’s Grave to
meet. Exchanged: the feeldes wente. With     my days, Thy beams, so reverend and by, ’ replete with smooth-kissing     disappeared. They did
aright; the silver: sumptuous     accents, he arose Out went in full force—gold, of course. Do;     tis also at the world
like sand by no means to be hang’d     than was a mayde, but her hate than thou think? But atte lasted     too soon—you’llpardon your
secret mission’d spirit of love,     where they; carpet as, this imperial ever lover’s     pray’r, and best, for him doth
she brought and so no more. So, purpose,     when thou art may no more. How much I have thou ynogh,     what a curse—morals too
were it good no womman kan. Who     just likely to be burned, but not inclination; there be     knowledge, it shall be strong
extremest grace was shapen pigmies,     dead cats floating that everywhere we to give them yet,     in the long gallery,
both blackleg, broadcloth by a tailor,     as is twixt a miser and modern buildings in long     as you little trouble.
I’ll love, more a stoic, or like     the wet worlds are only landscape, that is—the Lady Booby,     phaedra, and a poet’s,
too, up to the streetlight, as     they came to the dear office, and sex, were on my rose tree.     How I love that way, my
love doth raine; whether with care that’s     haunted quick—and suddenly you forgetting them by date     and in it catch, ere we
to give some have common-place book.     Some have said the boundless to be right of my arm, while that     manly majestically
told. And then this by wyvės hoten     barly breed and limb to limb spoiling through glittering     trumpet peaceful sleeps shoulder,
give her till no tongue that no     wight, Soon, tremble lest a sayings in two, breaking lately     rather is ever made.
The fier of my arms and my pith.     And seyst we wyves hath a psalmodic amble beneath     thee to spare, you swim sentry over the sky ascends, wi’     sangs o’ joy, while I stand
circum-crost by ready cash—but     all this cas. If you trust me; virgin zone he was heard of     crimination, will hardly left them more irregularly     peopling Earth, when window
now, the sixtė, whan he speke, and     I am become sound. If I speak with flower enough     to let the Babel round, the usual Origin of     moral me; he’llfind it
rather is namoore to the end     is not room for she kan hir good, shal be bothe my desired,     one arm had all this clerk of Oxenford, and of Venus     loveth wysdam and
scandal hit. Into their glories     and tell me, Angela, by thy pure brows, and throstle’s lay;     from off the Giant’s Grave to gentlemen to supernaturally     ridiculous.
Had I then ask’d my Lucia     but a dream that it assume thy mind may appear that I     should ceased to better there this, but require of Heaven’s     glorie. Dabbling in t: but
Damme’ s rather more be seene to     come help the other snapp’d the bird on every sight, and tumbling,     and there my extended badly it got so much     quintessence; but knowing, rush
back upon her burning, regret.     Just as a child, I spak to hem that minutes slowly crimson     joy: and sung their darkness in such a tree, and wild for     to plese, but if that he
and for ever part? And the distant     Poles have licence of mind, whose harmony was filled with     care: o think how this is the custom of their cash, to spoil     not my draught would’ve been made
hym with you. Milton appealed to     the ends of toil, save for, but those charms by accept it should     you doubt, in public men sometimes at six years or nature,     art, bold fiction, and clear:
there was taughte me then, with his old     black eunuch made hire lovė ther as she hurried back return’d,     and hire have; she may fit, eutropius of it a year     Made the beautiful face.
In this pious mothers; others     lie in bed they came, especially at night; and while legion’d     faeries pac’d the terror
of the birds be calling snow;     time break, and lay there was as good; and let them in, with happy     draught, but there my arms
I hold the Flower has wealth goes     to flie; I must leave your hands your arms together, and bow’d     to hint that raw and
underwent shall be stored therefore the     Muses upon the silks. Walking throat in a much humbled—     and humiliation
is something giaour, while in adventures     of lackeys usher to come forth her raging! As thought     a feeble Hope could in
all your question with poets roll     who Greek or two: but if the calumniated queens, patriots,     kings, armies still tired,
yet still he grew. I hadde a     paire of Heaven without a rap—I have always was. The     samė wordes hadde geten
unto me; thanne sholde I suffer     from them for a swan rogue South the corps lay in the sea, till     it seems, to Scotland to
cedar’d Lebanon. The outline     of Pride and he felt himself has serve. Sets up from thy rich     ore: nor can entomb us.
Our soarings win; and I loved     never thus they first through Kennington and a ragout, and     Venus for wings for to
selle; but ev’ry eye, next Juan not     to be besprent a deal of gold hath present weigh them. This     sely instrument? Those
sad words that lightly blunder—if     it be according to the power, and brow. My Love is     beautee and sapless cinders.
Herein lives to bedde, and clear: hanging     a languish, trust me; virginitee? What I shal abroche.     The power can heal; the
footman put it is the devil     can tell. You swim sentry over the streaming fountains, and     healthful states to a vice.
’Er; commodities dwell in praying     in the stars. So: it fills me and wish’d, more return! Than     in Essexe at Dunmowe.
I have a bright ynogh at eve.     Waking on their little heart a rake: men, some time, you say?     Her morals melancholy,
and, to say my dame taught which     would make the list grows on thy changeable, with his lyf, noght     but forgo, maugre my speaking
breathless, dumb till I die. And     you, you must hold me nothing to fool with smooth as Rogers,     Campbell, Moore, and on my
rose tree. If you’re alive or death,     past reason. To work upon is much the brow of moral     centaur, man and acquaintance
for it is perfect is come,     and drive from them for to plese, but somehow, there could not love     to me? His morning
skilfully, mysteriously her first     time strips our illusions never came back again. But then     use rigor in my e’e,
to this huge stage? A shawl, whose     vegetable puncheons, of any oother crutches, with due     severity, is that with
such this enormous city’s spreading     on him with all here is yet one wonder, the ground beneath     her pass like Braille. Still
outlive my husband-hunting-box,     and this godhead once more so than what you see, to draw the     Bridge of our latter: a
rib’s a thousands of men. Peter!     The truth seems built their darkness. To vigilies and thou shall     but that remote recess
which goes to flatter, although tis     that caused; yet ne’er till no tongues, that are your life of a city     great examples; pity
then prevent our many-tinkling     fleece in such a noose, his Death for no man ever lost,     and yet bubbles o’er men.
My hat and gay, living the land?     Down to all the spires up like fires o’er the monstrous eft was     open’d on to supporters,
two or thre of freres er I     come. No dream, my bride! Crying. And diverse with all its features     are one warfare upon
an heiress or cupboard niched     in your brandy, thought. Where Porphyro grew full of the     news tonight and blood. Gave
light your Mother scrape, a thing occurs     too normally. And you know, at being too excellent     for the aik, on Yarrow
banks the strook: for, nor in his eyes     grew. And black where she is gone, a globe of glass not all the     dust in al. Have no more.
His wondrous journey toward part of     lies. How manye myghte be. Thy selfe into snow today when someone     sits in chimney nook.
That night, which once in their spell? Bricks     the beldame start: this is the custom of it how I feel.     Sette hym thoughts will storm came
from Hell, but her eddy brain whisks     it about barbers as I to my hopes crowds itself with     exemplary patience
shows the weed-covered my shoes, and     rack and win perhaps, next week; she has slain her; but     And bosom or her heart.
Pretty sweet new world, and braw, when     all thy life be led to join, the lifeless splendour of liars     belied in the travelled,
gladly do; tis scarce to one     else call it e’er been bred; handsome, and watched. Just now he found     himself: then dinner-bell.
My scalp. As help me God, I have     saved our shame alike, are yet nothing whets them pleas’d to be     before, but would take the Body, recreate Ideas     in the sea. The Mayfly is torn by morn; I earth the matters     could eclipse endureth
all their meaning on his for     to love me like an egg, every vestige of true Truth would     pour out his elbow in a trick her off in air; choose a     fire with too much rage, as leaves have not much; for I will kiss,     and suffre his wyf, eriphilem,
that which buys your scribblers     think with the verge of Heaven’s great black, brown, or fair. Then her     sight but no—already had her lambs unshorn, and told my     wrinkled with faery land, which put out each May morning round;     you scarcely afternoon
light—when the Lily-white Boy is     a Roarer, go tell me how—Good Saints! Nothing hung, and Daniel     tamed that he was of him, I’ll love you, fire you, dear, I’ll     lay, ravished by his treasures may se, for which I     have sun-vows and he scars
which the beste quoniam myghte she hates     and bedeviled breath, him any mercy, in the main point,     where they catch, ere we hurried down this state-thing but in dying     man cried, is Freedom’s chanced and heads, silk canvases,     to one else could have many
a dusky galleries solely,     and rising haughty and the sire to laud the same     species, one would creature teaches—Heaven with dimpled cheeks,     which them at hir housbonde was on the heard: her maids keep     unespied, such as was Mary’s
Queen was put to use in my     old composed as for hir hand, and there did breeze. You leave     sultanas to disguise, a half-way household of the blue deep     Bosphorus on sheets, and cold my hand—for I will not my     draught, but such peace, and when
she dreams so please to accomplish’d     belle, when my face and there comandėment. Of this flesh in     the parallel, though I hadde a povre womman for the throne,     and we will turn to flee out of his near. For downright reach     the blouse you would turn the
lucky hour to kill Desire!     Golden gleam; Wait here, no odor but bitterly hym wrong.     From the lakers, in the panels broken in like a climber     for her seven, where the fav’rite blest, your ugly empty     courts, and al my walkynge
out by an unswept sea; a     grey pale light turn out in what it went in the play. Both     amazeful solitary command must borrowed, where their     planning and sang a sort of mortals’ eyes, t were four, on     purposing knaves, and in
possessors who teach them go home.     So take him up; I’ll help One morn was clouded ray can mark     to bear aught of killing lies upon the end is never     written upon the way you wrong register two incubi,     they roam; no thought we’d
live without one the Sprite, which he     own’d all thy pre-existing soul was foreclosed. Clean of the     hundred pages has generacioun, to raise the trivialest     point out for pizza with those huge houses, and all love     not loathe the cashier will
even in any such a face     sweet maiden, wilt thou go with me, and they built their skin on     my small porch, they glared as Baba with a seventy years     wet, still better when the sea. In the gamekeeper’s child; her     wit, her voice my heart her
but denied me through the hare limp’d     tremble in mine own sweet: meantime the education to     this hell. Where are plans a world may see—a pimple on her     cheeks, and yong, and he that flows but not the first to Pindar’s     eye could be—a sunbow’s
arc above ground is blown—my dust     where the lash on, with To be let’ upon the cincture slips,     prison cup, no penance of hooly man, and from specks than     she from sacred shades, and scorn, when fox-kits come out of his     old wounds we ought; while the
steep hill’s edge they trod as upon     the flour is good and I lost my common case. Deep sorrow     not only the captives, by your refusal, recollect     some grand mistake it thereby thou shall I seek to know each     other, and when I crept
with a smile upon that each side,     by a red rock, glimmering guide, which, being open the     jars so everything occurs too normally. Love stays are too     numerous as shadows instead of a huge fire of rest:     whether the park, agrees
as ill, woman’s, true; the rest won’t     be love letters equally, inevitably ridiculous.     And may no while to rear whole his pride, fix’d princes,     I, by one, into that thou wilt see: no time to grieve. The     Asian pomp of Ottoman
parade. And blood bits are equal,     but not to be refresshėd half so pretty flower     that fresh graffiti sprayed on her blue eyes shine and Faith shines,     and the mooste shrewe; that oother hand it felt enormous in     hir brayn, whil that therefore.
Huge tombs of flesh-coloured eve smiles, and, neither die.     The love of your ne’er have wept, and then one day he sholdė men speke of it a year hence? ’Re     right days his waving resplendently
yet every deel! To have the whole hotbeds in those     who sate ne’er so sure our palate urge, as, to my soul devoid of too sincere a     presenteth nought came like a poet nothing—
for her how, upon St. Pale light, pardee! By     dainty dish to hold, though China and dainties, even to Madeline! Was out of my     study windows keep their way, the world.
The news tonight and by Seint Joce!     And prophecy, and down. Take covered with upward eyes watch’d—     the lucid outline forming
round those Eastern hill were fairly     diddled, his pockets first hygienic measureless     as fear in its hand, more
to feed by miracles heav’n has     varnish’d out, each breath,—he from though certes by no discrecioun,     and change, then, you wait
out the final aspect.—Ah, Gossip     dear, call country does not let that circumspection. See     how the deep purple robe,
and acts just two minutes for ocean.     Of which book he lough all that tyranny could not speak;     but when the historians,
heroes, lawyers, priests, to put     a faery’s song. You feel them to the angels’ purity.     I grow much of Love, where,
none distress one half what degree.     She spake were plodding to each other, like a razor he     will allow by setting
from his knees, Never on such played     but silent, stept, and very much upon that nought left alone     in love for love a
world is light—or a salt-mist orchard,     lying at manacles for ever in oon, but     conseille a woman tries;
she roses and he who in his     eye, nor hours, fix’d their door. Let not a soul would recommence     to pad, so haggard seeming,
but take and pleasures the world     of privilege. Yet some Italian quarrel kill’d by all     she did not less torments
and sweetned so our eyes. The me     only midnight, I sette hire al the sharp sleet against us,     against the dust in
all yours, now—but you’ll leave me not     on the temper’s really alone distress! And now that Love     is the world, that is—the
airiest human race, or, if forests,     crowds, or by som man hire to chat on general admiration     raising thy words
oft uttered words euen in sleep, and     the sack and lint, and stout and have also seen shades of life,     and rears though that tongues to
cry aloud for meek St. On thy     glimmer steals from thy fellowship I needs a good we are,     Tis dark earth, be true, ’ said
Juan, whom the beak, or whit; I took     for the bark will enter, healthy men in a waste their own     dress. To the spring of
the year. Milton appeals,—although     China fall. Speak out. Or, if it be whan I could recommence     to understands still
till you never can be hard life,     no light; through little Where the besieging wind’s body.     That fire is no love thee?
Rise; and if I have not too base?     In the heedless gentleness, delights side to side, which came     in baba and Juan bend,
thought I would be destroyeth hire housbonde     pisse upon the rough deep. Today, I follow’d from Sunne,     thought can tire, of whales
steered the solitary trains. That     in much my heart is sorrowing kind, although the gloom, i     notice of a garden,
that a moral country’s very     night a beef-steak. And for the common changes that grows cold     fire, when thy face still was
vast, still morning sigh Gulbeyaz, for     there: if I agree that stream. And that, when mine ear; farewell!     Examined by Worth, renew’d.
Flaming in the fayre; they nothing     breathed pearls her head, and roe, freely, wildly-wanton eyes!     Juan was a painful an
end; at length burst in the House too     though certes by no means inviting, Never on such a     way as not so proud, since
kind to each street, i’ll love no more;     but the raines of glass! Thou shalt nat bothe, thogh he had been nurst,     slippers forth of which is
neither red nor sweet name, that gives     the glory pricked them while other long seclusion. Haughty,     though a lad, had settled
overal ther shape, and place, cease     thy place. Would Juan bend, thoughts, when soft voices, tongueless night     as you say? Rich wit is
yeven the banks of it vileynye     of shrewėd Lameth, and low: trip no further, old Baba     rather adds to what he
hadde been made hym how that Lente; I     hadde writen storie of delight, since thy duties warlike     brother can spoil, and kings.
Nor can entomb us. So     perfection but a kiss from the shades—How charming Mary     Montagu. Stay then, as I
best kan, now moste yeve it up, as     forfeit to a crime. With wares which his thunder, holds good, a     dainty Ariel’ and
peering eyes scintillating like     a draught such an old tail coat, the tree, right so a werkė, by     my trouthe, I quitte hem word
for the purblind: they all; who cried—     La belle Dame sans mercy deere. In the rare thinks at meals some     Eyes be muffled, or quarter
most from its knot, I chanc’d to     slacken sail, and the delicate mouth where some words and goost.     That he wende that grew brilliant,
when or you. But Juan was myn     housbondes in her hearts lay there kept in awe: he saith, this     ill-timed pride, is, these freeborn
native mud in, unto his     own eyes dawnest on the measure, girdle me for hire lecherye,     that ye shal it have
gone, love, give her till now sholde nat     spare you to know we’re not praise; and look down on this book a     leef, that no one bed lay.
This word is nat bigonne. In the     softness, modest, ’t would awake to the lesse, let in this     way. As Baba with all
its stars; and though our scorn, when masters.     Come then, without press’d and woe long ago loosens her     fancies scum, and keep eek
my privetee, bet than might call things     and meant for many a summer clouds which form a synonym     for Truth—Cease trying to
their age’s prudence to the polar     ice, has quit, by God and boon; Tis bad, and all in Rhenish     and gay, living home.
Took a survey the intrusive     tone of one nymph with the door or late; love, give myself in     thy first time, across the
happy climes, to pleye. But after     a survey up and doon biforn, from side the wind’s body.     And brooded, all akin
against the day I sit and make     my testament, I ne loved hire forsook hire eke. Both sadly     blackbird in the House
of the aid of too sincere a     pretty sweetheart to force it out, alas, I may chanced     and comming, marke how
pitously a-nyght I made for     Madeline, to no rude alarm; and thus was designed, chafes at     hand because no feeling.
World of eight o’clock scarce knew of     hem mo legendes and see how innumerable of     staircase at a time. That
white is blacker than does thy lip,     eye, and thou in thine ten times are in the bed’s sheath of a     mate for the love of the
sweetest of books, her she hardiest     overworn, on the matter, with argument, too     excellent for evere yet
nothing: god slays Himself up to     Charing Cross, his mother who kept him from four pads in giving     comfortable to
melt as iced streaming o’er they for     my turnkey Lowe. Is famine, that I am nameless as     withered place; they won’t or
can’t wear it. But soon his allyes—     thus Horace has expression for to dye, he redde he me     how Sampson loste his soule
never miss. One word of nourishment     passes through there of her sex, here people, and, whether     than ten, whoso that burns!
All made of Venus been in reste;     for hadde the only dance not, for her brow, she willingness     express sufficiently’
he said, In Heaven. ’ By John Bull—     I have seen a Duke no matter;—a dreadful trade, then better:     lest it also to
wilde thonder-dynt and many a     green hair there are puppets, Man in his being in melody;—     then, though to-day.
Immortal man impassions for twenty,     youth’s and tired today when feelings warm, and is kind;     love vaunteth not itself
unseemly, seeketh not in me,—     I wish they cross’d the other. And riseth from birth new joy     was she but and being
quite a dry Bob. That I am     some infidels, some bought. Words that knows, for true no-meaning     on all, or all his great!
The day. So when thousand panes of glass! Your mothers;     others in the spires up like an architect. I look for love thee what paradise. Now     we’re alike, no season bland, when the
Apostel was hym on honde. Who marke in thrall! Through     there, as well when lost: at last to this hell. Sleep one ever chose, I shall be done. He deigned     not an intellectual war is.
Might teaches—Heaven of another     act or two: but if it makes her yield, must make no care     by light, and carriage, o’er-
spreads and embeds every way. One     difficult some to me, who can love or sprite; these thing of     men. To shewe—wel may take.
When, being pent in the most dainty     dish to be slain his dodging hiss’d, and he led them onward,     first love me like an
antelope a Paphians who abound     in decencies for those clothes riche. He clepe me but me     leaves of ever the rose
is dead, are heaped for my land thus     for wit, war, sense, good humour most rich in the making of     which has at times—to ope
this arte. The way to show a kind     or change; and, like a God in pain, to ventures strange and hir     tresoor, me neded nat
do lenger in the lessons on     our Pagan friendship for heavenly face. What shall I know     she knew lose the devil
are too brief and anon doubting     them all to spare it, he being shows up at your shoes is     heart at your heart in days
far-off from the seed. With jealous     woods decay of how we have listen she drank wyn, thogh thou     dost breath, with you, was all
to educate—ye youth to show     the aid of tree, and the lore she brink of dining. Not high     of purchaser of Juan
and a kind of banners that it     fades out from off the Giant’s Grave to gentleman who holds     good, a dainty thing. About
her wild sad eyes and riche, of     heigh parage, thanne sholde I seye, for wel ye knowe yow for a     trewe wyf, dame Alys, and
runs about the flames, how the poore,     and I lost my common- place book. A teeming mistress sick     of your nation, and thanne
hadden thro’ the gloom, thy sweetheart     to force description only wording, the spouse without a     shadows haunted. Not wit
nor flower climbs up to the greatest     living poets, ’ as every vulgarest tool that joy     can give, and wered up.
Rather thou art true, drugs poisonous     wave and is blowing; this is the winds too palpable     in thee true. When the horned
branches that well-proportioned shape,     and the reason. And still cries, Giue me so divine how farre     mens heart, Love’s deep repose
in fear, needing. Use rigor in     my story and thus of o thyng of which were in the sparrow     spear’d by the bright, as
the rocks, seeing what next at supper;     but no—already had hem slayn. The sex, as children’s     cries, Giue me so divine
a thing of peace proclaim’d; through a     rose should have been. Tis pleasant purchas’d, but to sigh is idle;     let us goe, while
Baba made him not: since in a     close me, i and my life into the last of preamble     of evenings in two, breaks
the subway she turn’d to climb, and     gazed upon his heed. Love’s deep woods, I dreamt of loyal scratching     houseleek’s head in
a garden, that he was of othere     mis-shapen for a glass shall love had so rarely heard     such as they hear and white;
the solitude, the morrow-day;     flushing hints can touch unique to us, and all the dagger,     Rosamonda’s bowl.
For the rocks, seeing what’s the fish     no worse than ale; and for her bed, but disturbing shade; and     yon shrine! Booze in that no
wight, but some moment, threw me words—     in fact, you see, o pity, and thanne sholde I al his life     of a tale distresses
and moon was round, the old text, still,     and up and doun, that wish forbear a smile; and atheism     and recollectors
always so politesse, and Lilly,     why are you started back the post, tired of my fifthe     houses, and you as the
sixth shall I shriek if a Hungarians     under with their cash comes and yet, believe the rise     and love, a golden fish.
For al is for knee socks, E for     panties I is for that, thou lov’dst me too. As yet the year,     I walked out the plains will
never more blest; whose plans a word.     Are mad, with silver taper’s life, an acropolis, and     love it will—the rest! In
giving to fool with Rufa     studying Locke, as Sappho last night, if ceremony ended.     I want you this arte.
Equally, inevitably     ridiculous. And clepe me but me lest; yet koude byte and     resource for speedy ease
all the ceremony ended.     A chamber, and as she hurricane all night that’s love, where     each other. To swing a
soft, love-burdened flesh in the world—     which is in mariage! Warriors, death-pale were threaded dances     and you decide to worth
as fressh and goost. They bow’d to hint     their hue, and my thral, and in quest to bed; her features, your     ugly empty courts, and
by clean starved lips in the strook myn     ese? Of the years; yet ne’er answer’d all your question, and march     away—’t were a present
Deity life, the words, will     help One must be courtesy; and roe, freely stir all parts     the gloom, i noticed a
strangely dumb in short, that no one     degree. A glanced and county balls. And although at present     lot, as upon necks; and
whisper, and the bolts full height of     the twilight slip, little dull, and Baba, nodding on that     shuns Love, where the years past?
’ Juan saw and couch supine their view,     and Faliero my Leipsic, and down, some take the world a     spot the which I will keep
a sharp knuckles, shallow chime. It     is time in her doating on them bent like any sea-shell     rosed, or may I by
no means bliss to bear aught our boasted     storm. If you consider their full many times at six     years we’ve caught soul for they
are exposed their eyes on horseback—     I have my queynte fantasye, as taketh kep or change not with     amber studs; and if we
may judge of our hunger there my     arm. The loud tempest t were no seed y-sowe, virginitee     moore profiteth me birafte
his wyf to go seken halwes,     and also when or you. But yet I hadde we on hond     the sky. Her eyes watch’d—the
lucky hour to kill in fairest     booke of human head; yet ne’er could render void since Heaven;     and soup, by some small lights
of winter wind, nor any kind     the lake in them ease him down from the torch’s flames upon the     drops of the Maker is
dark, an Isis hid by the shore,     so that he was denied me through the gloom, i noticed a     strange. Shown even lately
two memoirs upon’t, believers,     which e’er should have a gossib or a freend, with too much, and     we not see’t? Us weel;
al this cas. Thee to spare it, he     being a woman’s, true; the recess which he whisper tellen,     in myn age, upon
my firm belief, the others children’s     squalls and fire flashing thresholds, when aware of the Dame:     his frosted breathing quite
of their passion turns, and private     life and brazen thunder, how did surprised thee: then whirl the     whole fief, in right that’s what
is call’d on the Guide-book’s privilege.     With disturbing shade; devotion after creating     things which make an Eve, be
thine when we should reconcile him     the bed-side, where could see the vulgar things prepared for a     wife. From loveless body
riddled wonders at all; her rich     attire creeps rustling bones to me; thanne were to Mahomet!     Cries, the fate of al
his lust in al.-Cold dust distrust     that I recoiled feeling not the night’s a bird upon the     spring. Are little you
love? You, sir, ’ said Juan, who subtile     is, or sat amidst this, which I doubt is whirl’d into     her attendants, who composed?
We’re wed to one Lady Booby,     phaedra, and Helowys, that flames of ice, and pictures     of the harbor when my
wife to bear, and the road beam has     tir’d the times it may I grant be seen, withouten gilt, though     but instead of Widdin.
He that they by: alas! To rift the halflight fair,     is the devil snare me, body and oft the hungry mortality consume everything     fragile brothers: it teaches girls
are made hem so a werkė, by my feith I shall be     done away. And once defy, since it was more regular moved with someone you listened     around to my sister’s more attention
made wives have been a caring, like to their cash,     to sentence the last one, I think with fresh and gay, living and new; thy looks and an     accident befell, the Public knew not
where she cast, and consorts oft are my speech each one     mighty ever-during night. Do not forbidden usury, which Nature waters wi’     the twilight, and the spotted egg
releases its wreathed silver o’er, and to an harpe     smale, and if we make us gay with choisest worth, conceived things else; and her sparkles than     the weight from which looks like a flow’ry
meads; invok’d to tell, so haggard and sing and somehow,     there. Did not stoop to any shoe, unless it should opposite and wondering what not;     society itself, perforce a
passions moone, a cloth of us than the world equals,     nothing I would pique all morals melancholy. There where Justice naked is, time     watches from specks than maystow chesė wheither
mind,—she’llturn, perhaps the fashion, and knocking     your chest with horseman, hawk, and Wooll, invents new waies to keep Touch warm, unnerved a thought, who     plead for love thee with a raucous trill.
Saw within my basement press’d a     new-kindled star, thou seist also, though of talent to dwell     by the ball-fields and the
relic, and my distress one half     a sin to sit upon, so Juan’s suited the powd’ry snow     today when she, who cannot
know what that what to think to     all beside my foot to the old neutral persons being     new: nought’s more sure was agast
and bracelets too, adding, there     had brothers, saintly care, or where my arm. While thy body,     in no foul manere wordes
bitwene the flower images     should in that well- proportioned shapen pigmies, deaf and     dumb—monsters, blind, carried.
She look, and with this be error     tack’d, form’d withoute make. Are what I can, i’ve done, by staying.     Changes, downright as the
lovers met, since best with feelings     carry me, unless the world know and the sad augurs mock     their ambitious sort our
desire. And yet she did not     love’s fine to stab herself, thoughted, to these common case. But     don’t pretend to sentence.
I therefore he was taketh. When nights are merciless.     Thrice happy few an earth puckered its mouth to say the ends of shame ye wommen     kan nat kepe hir mariage! A park is
purchased Infidels, when the coat that’s meant to re-     teach from honest Mah’met, or plain about the fuel of life, they first the other ends you     once knew a check’d desire. In the
valley of my fourth at once, some by experience,     this nombrė diffinicioun. No thyng— of hir owene mayde? In pursuing no delightful     to no mistake it furre: it is
so black! But I seye noght he. On thy cheek the blink     o’ Phemie was taken up and down, an unregarded thine, the world—which is not love’s whole     world of reason where thynke how pitously
a-nyght I made hym with another soul doth     ache. From his knees, and wisdom, beauty in this cursed God—His arrogance, His gall—to still     expect our deeds reproved. Arise—
arise! Of roses, and mad, the first. To flourish     beginning, numerous, delicate mouth where poppied warmth of follow women up, because,     in publicly import both translate;
as equal arming Mary Montagu. In     fact, you knowing a litter. All but thinking? That is happiness a laborious     incense from aught would abate: i’d
rather fine. He was a time. To rift the final     sign that I took the lamps&I’ll let you wrong your hands in Erin’s yet green wounds have seen there     in their rose on board, her soother there
mails fast away. Cancer and anon comes and then     his wyves maken men to the greatest fear your life! The whole his face. Of years she never,     reach’d the distance, wondering ill.
Had, having had him to their den,     and there the last few lire ticking like figured the same     that grew black, but for one;
ten timely death my darling helped     to me; ye woot wel what I could, I would engross below,     and the milky way. He
from a censer old, and age—her     with us in oure parisshe preest, so was heard of crimson     joy: and sings a solitary
pastures where is still vnto     thraldom ne’er meant those on my nece also. Upon his proper     way which treson loste
he seyde, and noght thyn housbondes     at chirchė dore I have seen a human head; yet ne’er meant. Much     less on what can we say
t’ excuses; but never dew;     and sister’s chest with his wyf, eriphilem, that oother     tongues, that, thought you hear you?
Thus far, go forth, have a twist to     mille comth, first a Candiote cloak, whimp’ring angels her humour,     and May, fro hous to me;
no scandal, and silent as a     child: now they glide; the falwes, is worthy perusal stand,     stand a whirl of doom. Hast
thou wolt preyse my bele chose, I     shall bring for to be bought, and lay the enormous room without     a heart-shap’d and boxing;
and tombs worse—mankind, as also     bonfires made he, of bigamye, al were two worlds are     pretty. They fled,—the fool
with Constantinople, Sicily;     watches from, their golden hair there really so, you’re not     you, yet let them up with
a nose, and even in the same     wode a croce; nat of my speech from thoughts for fish, and nail—     sit on the Abbey’s worth;
and there, where the sixtė, whan he saugh     he wolde han my bele chose the dust where upon the right     to be hang’d though he hadde
we on honde; for Vertue hath it sent.     There had been a lawn besprinkled o’er with me wood where nor     there be tongues were by the
bed appetites more philosophy     display’d; and pulling out of the beloved. La Belle     Alliance’ of dunces
do but pleasures on a creäture,     to purge uryne and pilaus, things she bought, while thy beauty     on the nest. Which may seem
worth thinking serpent in their rose     on my pacing steed, and kind, was just not undo with a     great worlds walking downright
be self-kill’d. Him in a close secret     love began to flee out of his book of Martyrs now     drinking citron with upward
eyes for dust and fragrant posies,     a cap of flower; do we move into relationship,     and me wonder what
you beauty who knows how the rough     on more modern buildings in the same princes do but pleasure’s     wreathed silver cross
soft air, or proudlier prancing with     new meeting, every vessel al of salwes, and unobserv’d     the Wild, I change dissolved
and universe softly from     his owne liuely forme in rudest brain, new stuff’d, in your     salary; was’t for those built
to be read herself, or some relief     in fashion, though our blood was her image of touch or     little confusion I
think it is a woman’s abode;—     for true or false heart’s undoing. And the beggars raffle     the bow, at being crown.
More had made heroically told.     Gat-tothed I was lyk a cat; for which one like a stoic;     ne’ertheless, That ancient
Pistol—by the sweetest of     her station it teaches, but let all loss of blood. And     Madeline! And capabilities,
as the roses gone, the     veil. Has ev’n been pottes, clothes will be stored the sky above,     be of the remove mountains,
dissolution into the     heir apparent is love must take and the winds are not afraid,     the panacea,
Sir!—Thus plain there is not less they     lovėd me so sore, I am of the hulls of which once it     was interchanged hemself
for here for your Gowne, or whole     world? Th’ exactest traitor could ever be desire     to know what to double
front door a tide of the Nil     Admirari. And bosom beating shadow and sing and     not top fond of joking.
And they must: puncture your own free-     will. The threshold of the year, I walked the other sound of     Thamis—who wolde thee, yearning
glories dart; ’tis there. The new     Parnassus, where swart Paynims pray; came masculine and oil,     ’ Samaritan? The coal
has poured, Somebody who should kiss     the world may see, when thou tread’st withered from each surrounding     all that we, enamoured
of the twilight, as the night,     and the living in never meant their dirty diplomatic     lost lie, until they
seemed to flourish beginnings: for     the Tast, meat dresse, be briefe in praying: few Beads are but dearth,     no life, and wostow why?
Where plains the clear! Sofas t were     a bee that wish forbear, ’ said Baba; but I really so,     you’re a poem obeying itself unseemly, seeketh     not all the curtains: ’twas
a magic sound of Thamis—who     bound those who so may, for a new them I burn’d him in a     church t is in truth, the sun had seen the terror of their     darkness in another
guests, with but two object of the     deepest dyes, t were near? In short, and pausing on all, who     o’er the public learn’d; and, wrestling to these lands were sate,     like variegated tulips,
show, then be elder and anger,     or where our flesh moulders was the first night to please, where     I was born. I know not why, and who, and cause silk is what     I shal nat kepe a caste
pisse upon occasioun amphiorax     at Thebes sory grace. What, sholde been inspires the same which     sweetness of the room, I will keep a temper, whom I love     not love, or the fisty
ring, is call’d back retir’d; not shock’d     at the sky, vaunt in thee will all the places other was     of condition, if that they wish to hold, who can not top     fond of joking. Thou make
an English, save to follies, kings,     are nature’s crowning race. Said there I have taken of     virtual support his claim, or show it, to you or me. Too     fine tropes, with his last
blow-’ and poor, would let itself she     never lost, and cold my hand—for I so ofte as here and     woe is mine no trembling through ashes cold, nor know how the     poet travelled, gladly
do; tis also I was as lofty     walls gave loved to-day without Greek contrived to be worth’s     unknown descend to smile. Thus in the list grows romantic     heads and freeze of a skull,
a rib, a pelvis, is it you?     And back return! That all such as no gentlemen in her     soft sex and against the deserving&never been to wyves     make thyn honour died.
I mourn, but speak; and yet in bacon     hadde left behind his gray hairs—Alas me! I thoughts or     thy delight, and we will drip and then shall be done. With from     joy and perspectives of
endlessly, wearing. And blood, then,     the western gate, Luke Havergal, there came to telle; the     negro Baba help’d a little light, crawls to make their guided     by beauty, make a
feeste on their rose on my distressing,     turning to her attendants, when a war broke the story,     women and I was purveyed of an humble kind. But     for pizza with the prelude
soft; the sphere I see a lilly     on the heat snuffs night will back against it holding crushed     bird skulls in undistinguished grey melt away—that any     clerks,—those sad eyes—so kissed
thee hither brightness? And by God     above, therafter wyn on Venus loveth wysdam and     scarce threefold thus to ballast love-salute was for me, who     subtilly; it nys quit.
On which was most contrive, ’ he said,     Incense me, and round me. Over here is the unread events     of roses and hir
armes small, he saw Ilion? Where is     this a sacred poets who did not rhyme. Of Phasipha,     that they beth make, I weep
if a Poland falls through multifarious     hues, as if his appetite, and for to their line.     A bliss to be seye of
lusty folk. Although all the child     in me belief in her hate than energetic bile, thou     seist to medicine say.
Thy tears shiny boots like despotism     in view,—farewell! From the high toby-spice so flash     the country’s wont to lodge
they haggled, wrangled, swore, and is     apt to do time for years we’ve caught soul broke out, as he were     fitted for both thorough
very selfishness! Who give him     seem exceedingly ill- bred. Would hear the last wife’s dying     tone: the hall distance.
If folly, age and coole. Mine     executives who rear’d it; but the spouse too kind. You, as help     me God, I was above
ground was received with the best endow’d     she laid some strange, he could be made, and with his hearts: he     danc’d along that vow, this
strange and trials, and twenty, youth’s a     stuff will never breath of a mile: hiding the colour vade     of Venus been in reste;
for half sears, like phantasies which     when he heap’d with the ocean where upon a creäture, to     purge from Fez; and sail for
a passage in: and as long, and     waking, but knew not why, felt an odd glistening moisture quite     therein, though this, which in
tressed heer and gay, living     poet, ’ like a backgammon board the plants a big black eyes,     in this word is nat bigonne.
Of our sheep half-asleep tinkle     homeward turn’d, and on its neck unto Ynde, and he drew     ill his brethren their door.
A spectral resident—whose pain     with anguish, trust her she did not understand again. We     were a bee that oother
womman was just not by thy tale.     But sorrow today when she sees her yield, must make six-and-     twenty wynter oold, and
on its own improbably     attaining with another for me necessary bile; my     natural was famous, too,
of all business at hom to bord     with cold, nor there I could have had fyve housbonde—God his     soueraignty he gaine, cloth’d with
sorwe, the vapours of relish sweet,     as was the devel go there where few short fever-fixed mark     that was oure werre ystynt.
Of the law of nature long date.     Of gold; a belt of sickness when we purge, even so, being     full clear; Corinna,
come, let my borel for to be     clenė, body and goodness, would nothing is a palaces;     they’re too brief and a whirl
of what you leapt about poetry,     and narrow: I can create, are those babies in your     most, when windows keep
unespied, such as you little light,     and Time to spyen? It with the funds at last, in Provence call’d     on thy brow, with a sort
of ignis fatuus to this day,     but now, sire, now wol I tellė forth and pain; young a     partner in this waving
resplendently yet even in     the twilight, as the lake in the meadows wide—be sure at     moment more, but cannot
touch the beste, or else stands, as in     the world—which in your proposed that dronkenesse; and there those     after a short of
circumstances of steel us as     the appalling asleep I returne with tears speak grief are,     and paye his dotage that
the act of those pedestrian     Muses, contrived to turn on the light brushing his yet unborn:     first but for bandage
rather fine. For, to the reason.     Her tongueless night, save what next at supper now, and to     my eyes; my pulse grew full
of gold; somme for that I love to     me, as may best lodg’d in Beauty glide, like two incubi,     they were figures seen, of
old did practise here, whence a tower:     but yet love, the great, to educate—ye youth and be     my lot, far-folded mists
are found, but never be desiren     us for reflected light oaths, what can Chloe’s ear; but     never know nor care how
myrily that som men happy,     it has died today when persimmons ripen today when     some neighbour’s brilliant bow.
Below me, the world well knowledge     of our happy men that he spoke—why isn’t like plain English,     with our father, that the decay of how we have consoled,     but because man is at
heart bail; whoe’er keeps me, left me by     my onelie his soueraignty he gaine, cloth’d with the brink of     prophetic soul of the Matin-bell, and Earth someone who     wanted of the city,
guessed alone with flower: o for     some other; yet you seem, but have not boldly lie: now what     are the year, I walked the sight, and vows for hate. No, no, this     is a rose should wear my
heart’s undoing. Yet hold water     faucet and man, and first, so of meanest worth I mean is     best. I though every bought to wrecchednesse was al mankynde.     Dinner as thunders of
toil, save forgotten by Despair     alone on thy heart instead of wicks, they as easily     will conversation. Not to admires such whom a good woman     who has not blacke, both
high and thy text, still, fragrant, and     soup, by so queer a road, shows that there. Also the strength’s     abundance upon occasion. Guide, which could scarcely could have     found somewhere, as he alway;
he clepe I, but if I could     instrument as frely as my Moscow, and Faliero     my Leipsic, and marr’d and very much upon the light, that     rekketh me bothe madonna
and chime: o let not winter’s     nighting nations howl he ceas’d—she panted, all the Pacific     seas in which none but see thee, wretched wight, stray or stone—     where all the coteries,
and hard to fold me over, and     vice. This mortal stood like Arab-spears, so these stones will not     meet has died or some fitter for me, who, they will unclose     me, i and my life, or
as a sultan’s bride thank Heaven’s     deep repose in fear and the winds do blow endlesse bless, the     lucid outline forming God’s functions, a people apart.     And take a lantern in
her station now. It’s neither pat     me frae his desport he wondrous hideousnesse, and bearded     to hold the Flower or henchman, oh Jack! The art I know     that Lente; I hadde he noon.
Flattery, bad or good, for all     she did not upbraided all day long; Yet hold me nothing,     where they; carpet as, this place, this; sometimes have Mattens seyd,     tumult strange. ’ But stern, and
sold. Tis no easy now to purge     uryne and oil it. I ask’d a lithe lady’s though a lad,     had set some ghost of alteration raising; t was formed,     at first, that noble hostess,
no mirth, your everything the     hills beyond my yesterdays into as furiously     her first or last embrace laste, with his fear is the ken, or     at the wink’d without hardly
rude enough; here they what right     point of prey, are similes away, my lovely in the     might beauty all the no less amorous writing Courser’     by mistake. But the ridge
of twilight slip, little door, shit     wrapped its mouth most sweetness of her sleepy mead: young ones, few     or many with you alone, but such a sorrow today     when some I’m sure victorian
poet called to some slight     lead the woods decay of how we tried to love, with a kiss     from the truly parallel, thought themselves in love letters     are ridiculous. ’St
me leaves, which I will, even in     sleeping shade; and round, when the rest more peaceful sleeps should not     see the walls, thy spheres all its red leave one sigh behind: return     off there’s no key.
So saying, “Mercy, Porphyro!     Little moments become sounding a dull tattoo: I want     you the last words but he spoke at my place, this soil seems to     look on as a dish for
dogs, or kudzu, or belike     redundant fast flashing of your newly drest, who still expect     our desire: I have flown but vainly flapped in the strook     myn ere wax al deef. Why
do ye weep, sweet dream so pure as     it, yet w’are not just remark’d with but one word Miltonic     mean sublime, he deigned not a sou; there’s nothing loses     in liquid azure blood
agayn. In days far-off, on the     Grand? You could be liked. Which foreign court, his state-thing beyond.     In the Cane of Galilee, bý the same; they been sent the     pained speech from the vapours
weep their clean arms bared, and the dearest     rose, that all that beauty that sail toward peace or war; and     no birds be calling snow; time breaks the first ordained above,     for which I freeze, but cannot
bless. Thou seyst it is an hind,     but just buying time on credit of the rocks, and her own     sweet and kings which makes the story scarce be shown even my     friendly foes and wriggle,
but spare it, he being as much     time and beauty are in oure fyr he fil bakward adoun.     Since we’re not provoked, taketh kep or charge wher there is nowhere     could be sad or cheerful
as today; she, who can paint     or write, to draw the marriage, n of his book anon right     this won’t be his guide: if you come, and new, doth now his     willingness expressive as
the truly wise anticipate     the ills the race? Had settled upon earth the eyes, bright as     yow lest, if I were wydwe, sholde I beren hem on honde. Topic     over intellectual
war is. Can tenderest     be, let in the fall of fire.-Drop melts, a man’s clothed with love     me so well, but never written upon thy auspicious     were bounds of Being and
then declare. And there seem so little:     I know if your ne’er till I die. A fable, so you     love something: a cleft of lies; from the other den, that he     had been overal. Of
others in another girl; t     is certain with periwigs in curl in window-panes; St.     The pain with us in endless majesty was all alone,     worn out both, or chaise,
or chaise, or name, that I was pumping     from their youthful state it is time and the muffled, or     a glass of rum. You take the thousand warriors by his own     he looks fresh, or someone
you love? Bob Southey’s gander. To     his own he look’d so little door, lay on the grave to woo;     thou mad’st me leaves will ever succeed? Murmuring in their     thankful Hymnes: tis sin,
when masters, blind, for my land thus     heroic bustle. That you wishes, is her station now.     Like Samuel from wicked men like phantasies, a fable,     so young a partner in
this words, thy spheres! So when or you     a good man, and wear my heart revives: her very spot of     a red-rose tree. If I speak with me in the best endow’d     she lean, and straight, past they
as soon as once set is our prentice     Janekyn, for his own part, and went by murmuring     in bed they can’t—if spared, the wrist; stare, stare in the arts of     Humours sell. And marr’d and
flowers, and yet thou depart, leaving     the flesh obey—the spirit to belie his scythe to     vulgar miracles heav’n has varnish’d pleasures, shall stop loving     and then her station,
who little: I know not young, so     fressh as is a fact with the cheke, and one, the mouth. Numerous     as shadow and makes this is: if I looked as an     aspirant to groan for that.
Were the reason, upon speculation     with thy tears of my bones, bones dumb in their hams, were     interested in that
then? If I could not speak out. He     wonderful to offer poisonous flies. And then drove past     something or election.
Along it cast could suppose, But     soon will me sooner starves while other, but not to be     overlook’d—and gave sense,
or codille; spleen, vapours weep     their pride, weakness or delicacy; all amorous     cavalier, and some, like the
Spring’s nature of sensation     moves—female modern Ancient epic laws, to save to the     victor, therefore its time,
then one Sunday afternoon—they     talk’d bad French or Spanish. In the sea, till it was a sultan?     A dreadful trade, and
opium, ratafie and the same     which that’s my crime is, that old wood where upon the ever-     silent was the earth, or
change, the wonder is the landward     feather order’d than was princesse of hautgout, and yet, I’ll     love letters equally,
inevitably ridiculous.     Cas. Ever loved. And Pegasus hath been her there she     changing you were a train
of light, since Merlin paid his     paradise of Or Molu. I have destroyed. The blue eyes flash’d     so bright, and are forgot!
For me, I answer’d—’Spanish, and     prophetic eye of appetite. The old way is best.—And     each yellow sunbeams die.
I pass my ever-during night.     Ere we can cause our notion than is due from faery fancy;     all amorous boy;
like Daphne she, a sultanas     to disguise, noble, rich, and laughters—worn and ev’n the martyr,     and seyst that ever
hissing dispraise because my lips     I’ll lovers, rich without one distress sick of you. Save one     old beldame startled her;
but that dreame: and summoned by     Odysseus he gave the lovers fled away into their     cash, to stamp out hunger.
I used to watch a herd-maid gay;     who last, when t is stealing of my heart of the consequences     are gather’s skull
shaped her wild sad eyes we ply the     bridegrooms swore, too—so they sent abroad; and let the best     you think? Was turn’d half your
lakes for ever in those roses     and their promise, and mien excitement thrice two thousand lives     in a bed, not contend.
Better than all rosed, or may     I by no discrecioun, and the dead. Some die, some Orient     palaces; they’re too
near her eye. When thou forsakest     a deceived with the little man, not to the middle of     men and rising up all
not language of him, myself the     time and the distance lowers; and first the death’s the Scotch say,     whilk the rhyme is penned, whose
hearts: he danc’d along with a Swan.     I holde alwey upon the meanings both joyous and around,     when I perceived in
the Cane of Galilee, bý the     saint whistles in their hymns, to make our appetite, are the     light toll; of Jealousie shall
slumberous to me; no scandals     made the ball-fields and to cedar’d Lebanon. And wear the     vow of trust, for wider
carnage taught,—within my breast, can     mark the fame you will strew more circummortal, though of claret,     sandwich, and sighed deep,
and my final sign to think on     him with a greatest wonder of so you look aloft, and     be once her weal or woe.
Or can’t well for lack of moisture     in her pillow past midnight thus Orinda died: to follow’d     close the present lot,
as I best kan, now moste I thynke     how each other, walking the brow of mo proverbe of     Ecclesiaste where thine. Thee to
the rest: blends, in exposing thought,     in fact only this new system t is in parfitly,     and all night, of sprited
gastliness of the ods hath fur:     for the Church and houndes, they were quite enough if deaf and     dumb presagers of mine.
Racks, prison, till now she is a     blunder—if it be self- kill’d. And that bee-like, bubbling, but     thou go with my gossib
or a foul dragoun, that oon for     to dye, that future praktike. To the mind, what after all     can sing in the kettle-
drum, and gone through windows; here is     the clear! Waking on the games. Tells me we’re not a budding     Boy, or Girle, this lecture
wholly; and but thou grant at     an ev’ning Masque: so morning, regret. On the hubbub of     lies; from the floor. And rode
under heaven that made his face     it was, in properly accept; provided all who have     the heeded not end me,
Naomi turns on their own dress,     It shall meet! Then whirl the waiters, and joinèd hands: before, since     Faire is reysed. Impossible
to me, and the sad lot     of so young, handsome, and o’er, and through and trousers not weigh     them. A wys womman kan.
They reach’d the neck, seen up-close how     they won’t or can’t say or gold or wise for brilliant eyes again     to perceived juan amongst
live poets sing thou art, if     ten of mine. But I dislike is frowned on: there’s that she     fynde that their babes and hale,
with,—’Damn your lakes for youre leves     have not to admire is no time that in their own presage;     incertain path to future
bridel in myn housbondes     for a book, right years past? And somme for every element     our mantle of love, more
admire is not high of politician     stupider, if the cashier already mixed. In     fancy, fair Madeline.
That each piece of silence: in your     slave bring marvel at either least lie still. I dreamed we both     were her decrees of sweet
Lipp, you teach or bribe me to the     charm if anything: in desert sand is apt to double     right do the bonie lad that
poor Ambition! Near some odd thought     she should turn out into the way young Porphyro would wake     up thou mad’st me too. Tis
bad, and lete his arm over my     syde, til trewely, as me was as good? Receipts in full,     began her, shaped her
tyrannic power in Thee vain are     those who sleep; when in his ear its little boxes frame she     sky, vaunt in the flesh and
goodness, would pique himself within     the urn once too palpably describe, in sad me did beam     in shape of moonshine and
clepe I, but it is an elfin-     storm from fright as wormes, and weeks, but they please, where my life,     you hear your lawful awful
wedlock and high, bob, And fall     of hope and Asia, you beauty all the while with my gossib,     dwellynge in the fire,
where each day, each bevy with panes     of quality; nor can enlighten. By hym shul othere     for a glass box on an
unswept sea; a grey pale light, stand     at the sky went thrice happy few an earth: shines equal arming     Mary Montagu.
Much better! There I sit—ah,     wherefore better than I could be queene of the year, in the     earth the door, which on the
immortal muse thy celestial     song a little, so young, to speke of it right years old—though     pierces if t is not-
yet to loue, as fast as fell from     his knees, knights, and twice three steps down she knelt, so pure a thing     of my list. But what is,
whate’er her second fall? One of     her oath, which he often claim the Sprite, whom all his cheeks, which     nobody could oppose.
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libidomechanica · 1 year
Before and ruin
— Less brightness from conceiv’st, is brave?     Which is my loved me closer than not that lost the sweet creature,     being ireful, ere ye entered in, and crocuses,     and had been fairest movement whence came an earth; great Brahma     from a learned to
reach us, nor dared to an early     birds hatching limping across vibes. Could not but beauty     of the shame obscure, ’ like the last of all of Kings; while we     live and peace within these thing one ought; but now at dawn you     must go, what prison, and
a bed. And died with ooze, and senseless     to a woman’s face. I met her in the arbour, they     ne’er discovered … but in Vain! Love is streams now fill that, and     never feel the tasted. Out of the hair about her lord’s     heart with due precision
she added to heare the Sultán     how high! If matters, although then never can be confine     themselves in vain to end the thing I dote on: so I’d     fain, peona, ye should run into one of thyself their women’s     feet; of lands confound
them with men, than let a false speaking     the last did shoue: each height, to my heart more sweet above     the visions in the moist earth, which he trots, as in disdain.     In the dust in between the Fourth, and was seene this, and nuptial     couch is not like a
blood they made, and beauty lies; pure     shame among us; visiting That first did pass to hunt     the bond—the strong proof how great a blessing in my ear, to     hear mermaids’ singing, Die, oh! ’ The Fourth, and death who live with     true sighs, tears, who had they
may be of such be wood-globes of     greenest of alteration she added in snow: arise     from the vallies green bower, the most affect. Eyes—’and do     my bidding twigs spreading him I should dwindled to talk and     Loue, while quacks of Nineveh,
may not be: she hates revolve     no flax they’ve spun. Instead of shame because my fresh ones; and     even as the fresh to- morrow dies; all that she was swaying     with an answer in and her love a sister’s chariots     in full fain juno’s
proud head to aswage the rather     surety, that unaware the bed to me, the brave     Caledonia’s blast and let the though your handsome but a kiss.     Thus we weep; and woe are bound up for then I here all     together, like other agents
aim at like one prepare to     live with Sappho fragrance, I would breedeth love by ways so     danger. All the places, with the world at home, he’s shaken     me awake to see a place so flash the brave poor sodger.     He moves but waxing thinner
as thunder-storms, and bad! Than     his own right eye, that you pass watched your surqedrie, with thy false     eyes dote, what mankind remarks upon his hand to be alone,     yet still endure that creep from forth winning ghost, earth’s worm,     what decision, imperial
blowing of poets, ’ as     ever throat, in mossy footstool win an immortal and     nothing, as in disdain, your love that loved on any other:     O my flowring Wether love. That from my compare, who     pay no pretenders his
own neutrality. The light like     ours inhale but once too short. Or, if not in the slanted     hail; great God of my woman’s oath, to grant thought or forbidden     or for the hard world for ever to shoot. With me, and     then Remembrance, Julia.
They look, of feather; to bid thee     shall we away? The tree; all sigh celestial Sign; that, reaching     that women most hidden by the swamp for a place for     wider carnage taught the Stars were bereft, nor it no footing     seen: mine ear, trimm’d either
eyes sparkles! A higher views     upon thy controller of our love, and shall arrive ere     breath in her hand: but in very early youth, who do swerue,     rebels to nature, than his way said she what devil is     it? Even the ken, or
what a wake, made old offend, thy     teares I bless, find sweet saying to draw the bank. Tis true,     there to be curbed and manger make a stately Pine set in     a dull disdains all the order he had occupied; youth,     and yet must take the wink,
but sovereign plaster; and smiling     through certain that sweet coral mouth, to kiss, and land: then first     time, this flattery, that one should preferr’d their new company,     and as it were made his courtesie; but ev’ry pleases     most towards the tempting lips.
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libidomechanica · 2 years
“When ’‘tis yon rosy’”
But wisdom’s trick her wish’d, more and     fro, ever an end. And so thick and then had heart, be thou;     althoughts than when I felt within their famish’d scrips. Girl, hey,     girl, we repose inmost glens, never the spring, huntingly     could it beares; as
long upon me, the space against     it: such impotence of lonely spirit well theefe, you, soon     divide them! And insane the white with the firmament is     all? Some beauty charity was fiery fly form, unless     it done if we have
but forms swam heaven! Now while the     carven gloomy days, of stray, and afternoon news, some fault,     her life and the early in me, heavenly powers time,     dying roses were price for my sails propels; but if she     wilder’d; but to truth our
voice doth of frolics, an orb, as     the woe of wit. Leading into its airy range, no ass     so meek, no ass so obstinate: or her, whose sons, where the     dew had taken bear, here shade. Wounds the first-fruits and think I     shall find her had past reason
is but to the heard, and such     morning. Perhaps were sweet come woodbine leave the lawful reasons     making dream that a curse me like a ruddy shield on     thee which becks our ready mind desolate place so stray he     knew that thy princes in
envy master-hands, from every     of Endymion our love the wind to a cavern spring     o’er his own like these ill- changed at their arms, I call? And earth,     tis no prize a sot, till public places, sighs for the tide?     Had children, wants a heart
as a tunnel. A rule of Langley-     dale; his snorting is all? I thoughts more base of you have     tower’d me in ministrant of the mere nowhere in this     huckster put downy breast; and nocht could there precious deeds must     for a spouse Nancy; then,
vngrateful at large eyes! Afraid,     and in self bring me quickly bower’s quiet breath skin feathers,     touch my bosom all in the solitary breeze lifted     eyes I love; such morning. This minutes appear as an     arbour finders-out of
men, can I tell when tis no easy     task, with them, palace rose-bud by missing in beds down.     What would arise from City Hall and be cheated, as this     count the tyrant cast me, why to love is, and time-piece with     me, and her pure and cold
and spread a might so happen when     the small; until it can its letters, what all that ancient     weight, serene, buzz, and while we livery one, methoughts of     love; what high perplexing in the bed-ridden pride o’ sinny     now shades, and say take
it, so sweet virtue’s imaginations     have I not a breathing to thy crags, O Sea! Their     fragrance, and denies, oh, in pleasure seek repose, and in     some great son of them gentle lines! But ’tis not lack, nor brain:     be struck dumb, than to endure
to give for the park, sighs for     a heart as twere mine. Our feelingly among they set your     heart will see how amber stumps and shape, a bough of these     cruelties. Smallpox, above me, I like a child of other     king tomb. And kindly nurst,
that sweete, for still the fresshe found there,—     the equivalence of hautgout, and white wicked by a     multiplied it with pride, jealous dreams,—guarding himselfe in     her noses that I come, as the Arrow-head. The pines, kept     walking on her off in
air; and his radiant beams against     that is importance pleasure lost lilies fair surpassing     for your wished now are peering not to be grace no mixture     did note, and gather unguess’d. See Sin in mass, dimension,     but a rich in a poison’d
gloomy days, because I could     treated light, then as is that I perhaps am somewhat     kinne to fire the might upon a curse me like a crescent     that opiate of single heart to go. But the grief, here     i have thy hand, they wink
with trust in perfumes is thine would     I were his will do nothing in me, most faithful to tell     the love’s delight. With the daily proue: no vertue merit sometime     so idly rave, and if from their vows with so curious     moon. With no stone, set
my heart the banks; all subiects wrong,     writ now to make the short hour wise if I fled. Till through to     break a single one, whose million mixed, proclaim, and distress     of nature’s lives, in subiect wert, that she wintry sun the     prey of every reader.
Oh, yestern still a-flying streams,     all mine eyes, leaving through a thousand battle ways. When tis     yon rosy child is better; and thy minds may I sing, and     every turns to thee all in designate and I, how glad     to bind us to be!
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libidomechanica · 4 years
Untitled Composition # 8055
My eyes, at whose step all song in the liver will  never couple, for she cries of monotone,  or care who bade on they may he put him shall  his state with my God. fra Pandolf  chance or the creed and so effortless  despair, and fettered from her Numidian 
veins spells, And louely hands, maintaind wi plunders  shafts, perhaps And was their tender Lambes  ytorne? waiting that I must lead the broade her  covert nestling like the  Minster-child is universal frame a nest for  such a soft showers; nor 
shades of al, of Oliue but bright decision grown so b ase a boy of being pride, thought, and Circassian the  mystical usurper of the least  his sister showers; and told they  were we thee array; why dost thou mine, lass, in time  I would you so lament ring, and the 
tears. —Years to turban, one and  haste, is laid. I know you over the dell, with  which open case. Your wasted upon  herb, fruit nor bought to speak  griefes stops your wine, your end. Him which derived  alone in the head, when 
there waves might prove the faults should with  free burgess of mine growe, with a hearts  delighten into their day; they daucen deffly,  and now it; my tongue that  tyranny grew pale, pale now, young, was seeking, comes  lovers a true descend about: Noli 
me tangere, found she knows where dwellers, but faind. For  the deep blood. Nor fragrance is; blest beauty seen,  why did thither to the very  freeborn create Ideas in the  stood, as nature or the destruction,  having metaphysicians known and quills 
together I hold a tree of life, was  made of woes. Of evening; long whip leisurely  Adam what grow thy shape; let thefts to use himselfe  into the  green. Broad sun-stoned beach the wind walks oer my faithful  with his Highland Mary.
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libidomechanica · 5 years
Still picturing showers
Still picturing showers; nor leave: but love- sick surmise, so fair will surely been  bowers, fragrance stray: my notes in  this is how to gracd 
to be haste flesh extended 
not became Christabel  And who can, that I had 
to conquest, which book al nyght  I had done each other until into  the hostile  should have sewn it over wild-eyed  despairs, over to his woe- worn minutes past; the skies, thou exchange,  and pain, we tore thick fire  shrewėd Lameth, and thee success: the  floor, that made of chaos.  Adown with ache? Where not  bade a vocation. His father!  And noght do more loved him did  he flung Maid to care of bright,  Copy die. of Venus! himselfe applyed.  Her face, in which to  heare, when flowry robe wan,  her auburn hair it become a  mask. Oh, Mary, canst vouchsafe the  dreary moan— and lain entrusted  into the see;  for I have had left behind ye:  yet, Dians peere, waiting that of  the worst, nor what strains the  small bald eye Ascends upon this  office, and I dislike old oak tree 
into a marble  flock, the hum celestial. skyward  again, with lichens  it is summers day, or what 
ails poor Naiad, I guess, ’“twas before  day gaily flew aloft, followd with 
hir skyn and speake doth prepared  as he before these tender 
eyes divine with Learning  perfume hour last hem bye,  spoones abrupt, austere— ‘why, Bracy!’”
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libidomechanica · 5 years
And the new Marriage-pillows they
Yet might there embranch or Swiss death of year and all 
how thee; answered, “Let this settled eild; they happy woods were  benignant words and enough I never his  Highness” years, so this dying their pleasures must mines 
to grow, lay in shower, medicined to  tell men go and ruin, they lie, a path?  You a millions crescence is blows will bloud, lie down  in our minstrel galleons of his  bliss! An she rushed; and the long past reason is  turtle gather mantline pretence, told. Her towers! Triggers  of thy liuest on a new wonder hovel  to common— my eyes: but care, close rang me and  now lord making, there wit, havings wi a tocher; but die  a joy of the Perfectly accent  patches of herbes or trust hints  of door soul of gained Plot oft, light began to  us out himself thats inmost the edge  of there, the would be some upon day breathe one  we lost out. Ergrown and thee, and pledges drove throughness  down of life—O father! To clings unseen firm  and fragrance all Creation, as laureater ste
althy a Bride he world of shy persecuting happy three  to counted on the 
last Mahmet, I could make of hand hymns, and  corner or virtue like a friend. Are was  talk a little Cup that sadness:  she step, by thence?  S hand the sky should dome like to the  moon In a world enameleons window whose with  common Earth should blushd, celestial carried and  us. —Neer yoke did me from the River  mother the dead my pilgrimage to  vs. and fain bear, each in my stem  they show? But which to his woe so more farther.  Never change best: “t wild; but I wis,” drafts, and then, starts only  counted in the boy  I sojourney, what once was a fly, was  tale with the seer. And you.
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