#wolf ears go brrr
kittykatkatelol · 1 month
ROXANNE A. LORE TIME FOLKS (i made this oc when I was 12 and for some reason the universe said you are her sorry about your luck so yes very cringe lore and that's why it sounds like a small child wrote it to be cool bc it was 😭😭)
okay basically !! mr william afton adopted her (there's a bunch of bs about that BUT imma try and make this not super long lmao) and due to ✨️science✨️ willy convinced her to go into springlock suit commit murders and then die in said suit- BUT REMNANT✨️✨️ so she didn't die or whatever and lived like springtrap until willy also got stuck in springlock suit and became la springtrap
fnaf 3 happens yadeyada she hated mike bc she's an absolute daddy's girl and mike is mike
sister location also happens before fnaf 3 and like that happens she's also funtime foxy I HAVE NO IDEA HOW THAT HAPPENED 😭😭
THEN THEN help wanted after all the bullshit of fires and stuff (fnaf 6/pizza stim never happened strangely) glitchtrap happens and all that fun stuff , she continues being like his personal murder assistant
roxanne hates vanessa bc she was supposed to be like the replacement to roxanne but begrudgingly teaches Vanessa how to not suck at her job and they ARE THE SLOWEST BURN BS YOULL EVER SEE
but eventually (honestly don't remember what leads up to it) they kiss and become unofficial gfs
but yeah basically marriage but like unofficially bc Roxanne's legally dead and isn't supposed to exist and also a robot wolf girl thing and vanessa is just trying not to piss off willy
also she has like vox's eye thing and manipulate ppl w/ that bc Glitchtrap in brain cells goes brrr (and communicate telepathically with ennard and Glitchtrap 😭 there is sm lore with her and ennard and it's all so bizarre 😭😭)
that is the cliff notes 😭😭
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trulytiredhermit · 1 year
Your Reader AU has my brain going brrr...though im mostly focused on the crack-ish ones.
This gave me an idea (maybe for a fanfic ill wrote muuuuuch later!) like what if Reader is aware of the Links trying to court them and the second they realize that the Chain likes them romantically, they immediately go cold. What if Reader has a long, long history of bad experience with romance and they're just tired and deadeyed. And when they start noticing the Links going yandere, they just laugh, saying "oh look, something new this time!"
the chain try their best but they're just constantly confirming Reader's worst fears.
*Aw thank you!! And yes the crack-ish ones are the funniest, I love crack AUs lol.
Hitting 'em where it hurts!
I just KNOW the Chain would take this hard! Because they would have needed to become close to Reader, spent precious time with them and perhaps even shared personal thoughts and fears over their time together.
And then Reader all of a sudden is giving them the cold shoulder and completely shuts down their advances?
Angst town my friend, angst town.
Like Reader just constantly friendzoning them and hoping they get the hint, or dropping off facts about how they have a few bad experiences with past lovers and hoping that gets the hint across.
What it actually does is make the Chain start a hate list with those exes on it in which they may or may not take action upon them.*
But I also think the Chain just wouldn't get it, like they would misread all of Reader's hints that they aren't interested as something else. Their minds just couldn't accept the fact that Reader couldn't be theirs.
Also tag me if you end up writing that fanfic!! I'd love to read it sometime, but no pressure!*
You thought they had finally gotten the hint.
Wild laughed merrily as he recounted a funny story about the time he had tricked a man out of his sand and snow boots, shoving another bowl of warm soup into your still warm hands from just finishing your first bowl.
You passed it back saying you were full already.
Thought they finally decided to back off and leave your friendships the way it was, as just friends.
Time paired you up with him again, giving a curt response about how the inn was short on rooms, sometimes it was that the group just needed to save rupees, and people needed to group up.
You told him you'd just room with Wind then since the young teen wanted to hear another story about your own teenage years full of youthful fun and mischief.
But no.
Sky and Four presented you with an earring they had made together: it was a metallic earing with a red feather hung off the end, crafted just so that the feather was long enough to lightly tickle you cheek and sometimes your neck from time to time.
You haven't worn it once.
They hadn't taken the hint. They've ignored the warning signs. Practically driven over them with a stampeding horse, or a Hinox.
Twilight wrapped his wolf pelt around your form for the tenth time today, reminding you of how cold it was and how he didn't want for you to get sick.
You shrugged it to Wind, reminding Twilight you were fine just like the other nine times he had tried giving you his pelt before.
Just what more did you have to do, what more signals did you need to give them for them to get the hint?!
Hyrule had been hovering over you like a frantic cucco all afternoon, constantly offering to heal you and making sure you were okay after your little trip from a branch on the dirt road.
Once again you showed him the small scratch you had gotten, the one that was already scabbing over, telling him that you were fine, and he should save his energy for an injury that mattered.
You didn't want to sit them all down, outright tell them that you knew what they were all doing and how you wanted it to just stop. So you gave little hints here and there about past relationships that ended not so nicely, about how you were a little wary of dating again.
Wars shooed away a stranger that couldn't get the hint you weren't interested in his advances, wrapping his strong arm around your waist and glaring at the poor sap.
Though your thanks died upon your tongue when the war hero kept his arm there even after the man had left only letting go after you had pried yourself away from his side.
But did they get the fact that you weren't interested with them either? No.
Legend scolded you again, demanding you hand over your favorite shirt that had been slightly damaged by a stray arrow from a bokoblin during a skirmish, so he could fix it up.
Begrudgingly you handed it over, also wanting it to be fixed since it was always so comfy to wear. But you kept an eye on Legend's progress with it and swooped the shirt up with a curt thankyou as soon as he was done with it.
You wouldn't fall for his lies about how he had messed up a stitch or that he wasn't done with the article of clothing like he had done the many other times before.
You knew they were heroes and that maybe they had gotten so used to fixing things or that they just had the sheer will to preserve through all of your shutdowns and mis-directions since they were apparently the bearers of the triforce of courage, but it was getting ridiculous now.
Perhaps you needed to have a straight talk with them, needed to tell them that you weren't interested and that you wanted to just remain friends with them.
After all it's not like you could just up and leave them, as if they would ever allow it. Hyrule, no matter which one you traveled across, was dangerous and you didn't exactly have the survival expertise to even make it a day on your own.
So you just had to deal with the group's antics with the slim hope that they would cool it down after you had a talk with them.
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stayarmytinyzenmoa-l · 11 months
NCT Spooky Season [Day 15]
A Scary Good Time
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TW: Language, Lots of Sexual References, Alcohol Consumption Genre: Romance, Comedy Pairing: Na Jaemin x Reader YN Pronouns: Not specified Word Count: 0.7K Prompt: Halloween Tailgate go brrr
[NCT Masterlist] | [NCT Spooky Season Masterlist] | [Yesterday] | [Tomorrow] [Ao3 Link] | [Wattpad Link]
Notes: I love writing unhinged college aus Disclaimer: Please remember that this is an AU and a work of fiction, obviously the idols mentioned/written about in this story would never partake in these actions. The idols mentioned in this work are meant to be seen more as face claims rather than the actual idols themselves.
Feedback is greatly appreciated!! Thank you for reading!
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"Shots! Shots! Shots! Shots!" The crowd chanted around you and you took a deep breath.
"This is so fucking stupid," you shook your head with a huge smile and downed another glass while Jaemin howled in front of you.
"Let's fucking go!" You heard Jeno shouting somewhere.
"Oh fuck," Jaemin stumbles on the table slightly and you hold him up.
"Careful, humpty dumpty, can't have you falling off and breaking that beautiful ass of yours," you laughed.
"FYI, I'm dressed up as Werewolf, not humpty dumpty," Jaemin's words had a slight curve to them.
"Right, right, boring," you helped him down the table, grabbing another shot glass on the way while you sat him down. "Look around, Jaem. Slutty Bunnies, Slutty Nurses, and Slutty Monsters everywhere," you gestured the whole room.
"And what are you supposed to be again?" He eyes your oversized T-Shirt and thigh highs.
"Slutty college student, duh."
"You already are one, that doesn't count."
"Okay, rude!" You playfully shoved him and laughed, "anyway, how are you holding up? I know parties aren't usually your thing, but I'm glad you came out with us anyway!" You handed him the shot glass and he smells it before drinking it.
"I'm fine," he looks around. It's true, of the friend group Jaemin tended to stay away from these kind of things, but after hearing you, Jeno, and Haechan loudly describing your escapades, Jaemin got an intense wave of FOMO and he decided, fuck it, he's going to go with you all to the next one.
But all it did was remind him how much he hated parties.
Especially when all the lights suddenly shut down.
"Boo! At least turn the music back on!" Someone yells.
"Jaem?" You put your hand on his shoulder to keep track of him. But, as soon as your hand touched his arm, he felt this intense wave of nausea rush through him, and he swallowed down whatever bile threatened to come out. "You okay, bud?"
"Mmhmm," he answered weakly. He shuts his eyes tight and turns his head upwards to ride the sudden discomfort and finally, when the lights turned on, the headache subsided. But it nearly came back when he heard all the screams around him.
"What the hell is going on?!" Someone shouts. Jeno rushes toward you both.
"Guys?!" He looked frantic.
"What? What's wrong?" You felt yourself sobering up quick.
"I can't... I can't take it off!" He tugs on the hook on his hand. He decided to do some overly sexualized Captain Hook and, while it was funny at the time, he looked near crazed trying to pry the hook off his hand.
"Okay, okay, you big baby, hand it over here," you take his hand and start tugging on the hook, but nothing happens, it doesn't budge one bit, "gee, Jen, you really shoved it in here, huh?"
"I guess so but everyone's having trouble taking their costumes off!" He looks at Jaemin and reaches for his ears.
"Dude, don't touch me," Jaemin swats his hand away and Jeno gasps.
"How'd you do that?"
"Do what?"
"Those ears moved."
"No, they didn't."
"They're moving right now!"
"They're not!"
"(Y/N), back me up here!" You look between them and you reach for the wolf ears on Jaemin's head and, when you tugged on it harshly, Jaemin winced.
"Ow! Don't pull my hair like that."
"Jaemin... I didn't pull your hair," you said quietly.
"What?" He looks at you, but your eyes were glued to the top of his head. Jaemin grabs his phone and looks at himself on the screen. "Holy... shit."
"We all just merged with out costumes," Jeno panics. "Well, all except (Y/N). What are you supposed to be again?"
"Slutty and broke college student," you shrugged.
"Oh, well, that's already you so there's nothing to change into."
"You're both bitches for that!" You groaned.
"But dog! You became part-dog!" Jeno exclaims.
"No, this can't be happening," Jaemin slipped out of the chair and stated pacing, and he heard you gasp behind him. "What happened?"
"Babe! You have a tail!" You reached for it and Jaemin instinctively pulled it away from you. But, realizing what he just did, Jaemin looks down at the tail that swished from side to side. "Holy shit."
"Holy fucking shit!"
"My boyfriend's a werewolf!" Your excitement betrayed your concern.
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General Tag List: @stopeatread @bat-shark-repellant @raeincitizen @umbralhelwolf @yangsrose @kazooms @sadcoffeecritic 
NCT Tag List: @cherrylovr @minjiville 
If you want to be added to either tag list or removed just send me a reply to this post, and ask, or a DM and I’ll add you as soon as possible!
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kyuziipon · 2 years
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Ice wolves go brrr
ID: [ a page of digital sketches in red of various characters from ice wolves by amie kaufman. Along the top is three sketches of Anders, on the far left he is human but with wolf ears. Next to him it is written “this is impossible in canon but it’s cute so”. In the middle is a simple doodle of Anders in his uniform with wolf ears and a tail, and to the right is him in a fully human form wearing his uniform. Underneath is a sketch of Viktoria in her uniform and with wolf ears, Rayna with an angry expression and dragon fangs and eyes, and Lisabet in profile wearing her uniform and fully human. Underneath Lisabet is a simple wolf drawing saying “woof” and under Viktoria is a simple drawing of Kess the cat.] /End ID
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angeygirl · 2 years
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Guard-sona go brrr
Technically it's unfinished but I haven't touched it in months soooo I guess it's going up since I need to clear some storage. I realize the only pictures on my main 'sona that I have on here is her wolf form getting hit by a car and a Don't Move reference. Oh well.
My actual 'sona is a shapeshifting chimera of a wolf, a cat and a human who can go to other dimensions. I am cringe, but I am free, and I happen to have a lot of fun using her as an OC. I also made her a shapeshifter specifically so I could give her lots of alternate forms when she self-inserts into other universes. There's a system, see?
Now, I don't really want to make her a full-on animatronic, it would be cool, but wouldn't really work with her story, so instead she's a guard who gets fired a lot but never really stays fired for too long. (She's just leaving reality and can go back whenever she wants.)
I also have an AU for my OCs that really needs a name. In that universe (due to lore complications involving her being used as the basis for a mad-science project in the main OC story) she somehow ends up as one of the Missing Children, but also... isn't??? (She can respawn as part of the video game hopping, but this time a little piece of her got stuck inside the animatronic, bringing it to life)
As a result of sort of haunting a robot, she's a lot more spacy and irrational then normal, and prone to creeping people out by going into ghost child mode. The robot she's stuck in took on a life of her own and the two never seem to cross paths.
Technically my 'sona's name is Angey like my username, but her human disguise is named Mable Maple (long story short, it's a pokemon thing) and when I want to talk about her as a character and not myself I call her Angle (like the shape, no reason, just cause it's funny)
Mable (the older version) has a bunch of different coloured streaks in her hair bc I think it looks cool, but I probably should have given the younger version streaks as well. Also, the hat is to hide her wolf ears because I said so. I'm allowed to have some dumb fun with my own characters darn it!
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cryptidofthekeys · 1 year
CW aka Gift Thief Sona
Oh btw, here’s the uh sona for the whole gift thieves stuff
lmao I legit decided well hes gonna change REGARDLESS of what I do, just like CC, he’s changed s o goddamn much from his og document
sooo... yeah, also with each media Pelo releases I gain a new initial themed character- The Initial Collective grows
also I realized while editing this CW also stands for fucking content warning HFJDKSHDSK- ya know what im keeping it, fuck it we ball
| Name: Chase (me? Using MY name again bc I’m too lazy for anything else? LMAO yeah) Wolfe
| Nicknames: CW, Cryptid/Crypts
| Pronouns/Sexuality: He/Him (Trans FTM) and CW is p much Polyamorous
| Age: 30
| Species/Race: Human (White/American)
| Height: 5’5”
| Occupation: Has a small business The Cryptid’s Comforts (he sells comfort character letters and packages)
| Hair Color: Dark Brown (Spiky quiff)
| Eye Color: Gunmetal Blue
| Body Type: He’s fat
| Appearance: CW (wow, I got CC and now CW …T h e C o l l e c t i o n  g r o w s…) wears light pastel purple hoodie with puppy/dog and flower designs on it) has some mint colored pants that go with it
(they look somewhat like pajama pants) and then finally he wears checkered sneakers that match his outfit (his right shoe is light pastel purple and the left is mint green)
He has some light pastel gauge earrings, has a silver puppy paw necklace that has purple gemstones all over it, he has a circle beard before I forget that detail, he’s painted his nails to match his aesthetic.
Only scars he has is his top surgery scars, has lil fangs (those are real btw), has a BUNCH of light pastel purple and mint bandaids all over him (legit it’s for aesthetics plus I dig OCs with bandaids on em like that lmao)
| Personality: Lmao watch this bullshit change IMMENSELY over time, ya know what, I’m gonna TRY to stick with basics- CW is a pathetic wet cat of a guy,, he has NO rizz, gets NO bitches but god d a m n will he try (gonna rizz up that Blueberry dude and Bandron) sucks at flirting, hell this dumbass motherfucker wouldn’t even KNOW if someone was flirting with HIM.
Aside from that however…
CW is actually super sweet, kind, caring, wouldn’t hurt a fly in all honesty… Can be very oblivious to some pretty obvious danger (CW THEY ARE GOING TO SHOOT YOU N STEAL YOUR SHIT S T O P BEING GAY FOR THEM- ‘’hehe, funny blueberry man and silly robot go brrr’’)
CW is super chill usually, seems carefree (trust me, he’s not just carefree lmao) ALSO a lot of people seem concerned for him because he’s got some VERY dark circles around his eyes and his eyes are usually half-lidded anyways, he looks EXHAUSTED but he promises he’s actually genuinely fine! (he is tho legit, he just has that look)
He can also be so so silly …What does that mean? … 🤡
| Side Facts: When CW isn’t working on letters/packages, in his free time he’s usually playing video games (now you might think bc of his aesthetic it’ll be something like Stardew, MC, AC, etc …Yes actually but he fucking LOVES horror games the most)
In fact he has tons and TONS of horror games, merch, etc- He fucking LOVES horror a lot which throws people for a loop whenever they see his house both inside and out (his house LITERALLY looks fucking scary even on the outside) there’s a cute pastel colored house not that far from his actual house.
Whenever he invited someone over for the first time it legit went like “Oh, is that your house? It’s so cute!” CW just blinks and then shakes his head with a soft laugh “What? Oh no, that’s not mine, that one’s mine” and then he points to fuckin haunted ass lookin’ house on the hill (cue dark storm clouds and lightning)
CW also listens to music a lot, in fact he’s rarely seen without his headphones (music can help him function in general, also,, it helps him de-stress) sometimes he’ll be writing or drawing and then other times he’s playing his electric guitar (never plays in front of others, he’s very self conscious tbh)
I don’t actually have a very coherent storyline for him just yet lmao but I know that’ll change, the same way it did with CC- It’ll change. The only difference is genuinely that I’m sticking MOSTLY to canon, like he goes to that one place to choose a gift, it gets stolen, etc.
(also a side edit: ...i do have- s o m e ‘’lore’’ now in those regards but not sure how many people actually wanna hear that shit so lmao)
Final tidbits are that CW has a southern accent and speaks in a soft spoken tone of voice most of the time, only time he gets loud is when he’s talking about something he’s passionate about or his hyperfixation/special interests.
(Bats, Hyenas, and Dogs are his main animal themed special interests, he knows a LOT and can talk your ears off about those funky lil creechurs, but there’s a LOT more I’d be here all day tho otherwise so yeye)
I guarantee all this will change lmao,, he just doesn’t feel… Silly enough but who knows for now
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ao3wasntenough · 2 years
Was my philosophy as I was so frustrated at designing human Sunstreaker so I said what will happen happenes, put on punk tactics and drew
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I love him so much, the pose! Oh the pose I’m so proud of myself it’s great, it’s just a rough up but I am in love 🥰
I couldn’t decide shorts or squorts cause I was using gen one robot for reference and inspiration, so I leave it up for interpretation
Should he wear thigh high strapped boots for optimal badassery?
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Details of Sunstreaker if you don’t wanna read about the au I’ve thrown together
- he’s around the 6’6 range which isn’t uncommon, almost average height
- gets fuzzier and more wolfie with more adrenaline or just cause he’s in a silly goofy mood
- does bite
- has broken a watermelon between his thighs
- I choose to make him wolfy because I loved his helm horns? And their obviously very iconic with him and hair wasn’t working with me so the only option was wolf ears
~ boring au rambling~
So not only did a glorious joke of designing the autobot equivalent of a hooters uniform start but also my spiraling into a hotpot mess of an au, like we’ve got a little bit of everything.
Intergalactic Government baybeeeee
Basically Cybertron is being socially distant and doesn’t want to exactly join in on intergalactic business, but intergalactic management says fine we get it, but don’t care much either way so you must have one intergalactic-gov mandated worker live on world and they send us reports.
Thus Cybertron trying to keep a war lowkey so they don’t get reported and the intergalactic government steps in.
Thus a spanner is thrown into the works when Sam from earth assigned by the IGGIES gets dragged into a chain reaction. Man’s just trying to get his reports sent.
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binnieboyswhore · 3 years
SKZ as...
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Stray Kids as my favorite kinks Pairing: Skz x Reader  Genre: smut  Word count: 1,130 Warnings: Choking, bondage, Knives, blood, biting, bruises, wax, and blindfolds. I can’t think of anything else but ya if you feel i should add it please let me know! Authors note: This is my favorite thing I’ve ever written cause I am the center of it all and yes i am an attention whore. I am willing to die on all these hills so please don’t fight me on it 
Please if you are under the age of 18 do not interact. Thank you :)
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Bang Chan: Erotic Asphyxiation: Choking Do I even have to explain? Between the rings and watches and that mans beautiful ass hands? Fairy Tales are written about those hands. Anyway, back to them being wrapped around your throat. He loves having them on there whether he’s railing you, making out with you or even chilling with the boys. He loves having you seated between his legs, your back on his chest while his hand rests on your collar bone. It’s strangely calming to both of you to know you’re just a grip away
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Minho:  Merinthophilia: tying someone up This boy loves his ropes and I am prepared to die on this hill. He loves tying you up whether it’s just your hands to the headboard using his belt or taking the time to learn new knots and designs. He has every color of rope so it can match any occasion, even pastel colors for a pretty easter fuck. He is in love with the pained look in your eyes when you really want to touch him and you can’t. He also loves how pretty you look all tangled in his ropes. He even learns a heart knot for you on valentines day, constantly grabbing ahold of it while fucking you. He thinks you’re so pretty tied up he often takes pictures of you before he absolutely wrecks you.
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Changbin: Dressing up: Bunny One word. Bunny. Bunnies make this man's head go brrr. When he comes into your shared bedroom after a long day at work and sees those ears on you, one bent as if it were winking at him makes him go crazy. The white lace tight around your body leaves nothing to the imagination, he can’t help but drop his jaw. Once he gathers himself he asks you, “So, bunny do you have the rest of it?” You turn to show off your cotton tailed butt plug and this man loses it. He is ready to tear you apart like a wolf who found dinner after three days of hunting. It’s a guarantee you won’t be walking tomorrow.
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Hyunjin: RACK: knife play This man would be one of the few I trust enough to do this. He would love dragging the blade all over your body watching goosebumps rise up. Occasionally digging the blade in your flesh but not with enough force to break skin just enough to hear your little whimpers. On occasion you allow him to cut you, not deep enough to scar but enough to draw blood and he goes bonkers when you allow this. He’ll cut you along the top of your thigh and watch the blood trickle down a bit before flattening his tongue on you, licking it up and suckling on the wound. You let a moan out at the mixture of the cold blade, the burning wound and his wet tongue. He’ll insert the handle of the blade in you, watching you as you rut your hips along it. He’d roll his eyes from watching how much pleasure you’re receiving from this and he hasn’t even touched you yet.
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Jisung: Odaxelagnia: Biting Whether it’s to extract a dirty ass moan from you or muffle his own this man loves to bite. He loves leaving his mark on you anywhere you allow. He loves little nips at your back or big bites on your ass and thigh. There were a few times he’d accidently bite you so hard he’d draw blood. He couldn’t tell you how sorry he was that he did that, leaving little kisses around it but the devil in his brain reminded him this one would take longer to heal and knowing that his teeth were indented into your skin covered in a brown and purple bruise excited him so much. During the healing process you could expect quickies any and everywhere, in closets of music video sets to bathroom stalls at restaurants. Anytime he got a glimpse of it, it just wound him right back up.
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Felix: Temperature Play: wax Felix is an absolute S L U T for wax play. He loves to cuff/tie your hands to the bed frame and watch your chest heave up and down in anticipation for the hot wax. He’ll light multiple different colored candles too so your chest is an “absolute work of art” Felix always liked to say. He’ll start by dropping wax right between your breast watching it slowly fall through the valley and come to a droplet. He repeats this process in different colors watching your chest rise and fall in pain but enjoyable pain. He takes a candle dripping wax over your sensitive nipples letting a moan out he’ll look at you, “Are you still okay?” he lifts the candle so no more wax is falling on you. “Fuck felix please don’t stop.” You moan out causing his member to get extra hard. He’ll get a crazy look in his eye and smirk at you. You knew you were in for a good fuck when he took his phone off the bed side table to capture his work before destroying your body in every way he could.
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Seungmin: Dominance: Sir There is nothing Seungmin loves more than when you refer to him as “Sir”. It could be in a sarcastic way or a sexual way but no matter it always resulted with you bent over the nearest object taking him pounding into you. He loved nothing more than hearing you scream “Yes sir.” when he asked if you felt good. The thought alone could make him combust. He would even often record you screaming it just so he has plenty of octave options to jack off to on tour or if work has gotten real stressful. He’s still trying to talk chan into using one as a background sound on the album. He has yet to sway him considering he refuses to let chan listen to him cause “those moans are mine”.
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IN: Amaurophilia: blindfolds He hasn’t decided what he likes more, using the blindfold on him or on you. (It’s definitely you) He loves the way the silk band feels as he ties it behind your head making sure not to get your hair caught in it. He loves that now you’re having to rely on your other senses and on him to know what he’s doing so he likes to fuck with you a bit like breath on your neck then pinch the inside of your thigh, eating up every little yelp and moan you let out. He constantly teases you before entering, he’ll drag his dick up and down your folds relentlessly till you reach out your hand making an attempt to grab a hold of his arm.
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sleepingcrisis · 3 years
please write more of joe being happy with his tail wagging and fox cherry 🥺 if u can it’s so cute!!!
Of course! Beastars makes my brain go Brrr anyway so I'll probably be writing quite a bit of this.
Take some kindergarten Kaoru and Kojiro!
Kojiro had been nervous about going to a mixed school. Perhaps a six-year-old shouldn't be nervous about such things but he was. In all fairness it was largely his parents fault for giving him the talk before his first day. "Be nice to your herbivore classmates", "don't push being friends with any of them", and "maybe just avoid them all together".
So Kojiro stepped into his class with his backpack over his shoulders and his tail hanging low along with his ears flat in disappointment. His teacher, a sheep, asked him to put his bag away so he did before sitting in the desk with his name marked on it. There were all kinds of students in the class, but it seemed that his mother was right about how he should stay away from the herbivores. A lot of them had eyes filled with tears or else they were crying. There was one boy who wasn't, a small blue haired boy who had small studs on his head; a deer. He looked like he could care less.
Kojiro supposed he would just have to do his best to be friendly and—
"Sakurayashiki Kaoru, and I'm a fox which means I'm going to grow up and be a lot prettier then all of you," a boy who had just moved here was introducing himself at the front of the class.
The teacher gave an awkward chuckle before instructing him to his seat. Kojiro wasn't entirely sure how he should feel when the boy ended up next to him.
"Kaoru," the boy said as an introduction.
"Uh... Nanjo Kojiro, I'm a wolf so... so I'm sorry if I scare you," Kojiro muttered in his quietest voice.
"You scare me?" The pink haired boy looked offended, "You are nothing but a puppy! You aren’t scaring anybody!"
He said it with anger in his voice and a huff at the end. Kojiro supposed maybe he should take offense to that, but he honestly didn't want to scare anybody.
"Really?" He asked hopefully.
"Really, besides you look all pouty," Kaoru said.
Kojiro did look all pouty, but in an instant his ears had perked up and his tail was gently thwapping back and forth against the chair. Kaoru’s pointy ears twitched at the noise, but he didn't say anything.
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lilacheart30 · 3 years
Suddenly have a thought about the returning spirits, so I wrote it out as a story:
Return Of the Homies
With the quest givers, it’s just another boring day of work.
In ark, you see a hoard of silhouettes storming in the entrance, leaving trails of footprints and dusts flying in the air behind them. You wonder, what could that be as it’s been a while since you’ve seen this many people coming in ark at the same time.
As the silhouettes move closer, your eyes glistened. Could that be? No, impossible! The familiar scent of herbs, the pungent smell of potions, the aromatic smell of spices and white mushrooms, and the smell of oil paint too! It must be!
“Crab Walker! I can’t believe it!” said the quest giver
“WE’RE BACK BROTHER ENCHANTMENT!” Voices of two ladies rung in your ears from a closing distance
“HOW’S IT GOING KID!” An old, familiar voice too
“MISS ME? I BET YOU DID— ARGH DAMN IT STOP PECKING ME ALREADY YOU AVIANS” An annoying voice, but it definitely brought tears to your eyes
Finally, their faces became as clear as the day. Or maybe not, your overflowing tears blurred your vision after all.
Quite a surprise, but a welcoming one.
Two realms away, a lonely figure bathed in the sunlight as they watched the mantas fly freely together in the skies. The sounds of the waterfalls nearby reminds you of laughter somehow, which had not been heard for ages.
Little did you know, laughter would fill the islands in no time as a manta noticed the return of six travellers waving to them, as if implying the manta to carry them down to the lonely figure on the main island.
“I can’t wait to see mama again!”
“Don’t we all? Mama was so lonely here even when the two of us came to visit. Also, GEYSERS HERE I COME!”
“Man I miss chilling in the sun here, oh and those nasty little crabs were quite the delicacy too!”
“I wonder how’s my jellyfishes doing.”
“I hope my shell collections are still here, I can’t find it anywhere in my luggage! Must’ve forgotten about it before we left.”
“Tch, why do we even leave here in the first place! Even if I hate the sunlight, the mountains, the mantas, everything here, that doesn’t mean I want to go!” Said the hiking grouch angrily.
“Oh we all know you love everything here, you’re just too shy to admit it isn’t it?”
“Shut up sunbather!” Said the hiking grouch as his face blushed into a shade of red.
One realm away, in the dark and eerie caves filled with murals no one understood, a tall figure with mask that resembles a wolf, or a jackal stands by a pile of stacked rocks with symbols on every one of them.
“Sigh, if only those four are here with me, we could’ve tried out some funny stage plays together like how we used to.”
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(Inspired by these discord messages)
“Seriously? We came all the way back here and that’s all you have to say for us Jackal-face?”
“What the— Water prophet!”
“Did someone polish the floors of my air trial properly? Oh and the geysers too! Can’t risk the air trapped cause the kids can’t fly high enough!”
“Don’t forget me as well! Your prophets are all back! I hope my earth trial is in good condition as well, after all...”
“We’re ready to put more kids through the trials! Oh and how’s my worms doing? Did you feed them well?”
Now let’s move another three realms back, in a village covered in snow with frozen lakes.
“I wonder how’s my baby doing? Is she having fun skating around the world? Brrr, it’s getting cold here too. I wonder when will I get a cape.”
“Here’s a cape for you, my friend!” Said a silvery voice, as a familiar, fluffy, blacks and red cape adorned with white spots wraps you up.
“Ohh! You startled me! Wait, aren’t you—”
“Incoming delivery!” A red figure skates out from the alleys of the villages, crashing into the arms of the lady.
Nearby, you hear the melody of a stringed instrument approaching, accompanied with the smell of sake.
“Dancing performer!”
“It is I, indeed!”
“Oh my! Everyone is here! What about my sweet little girl?”
“Mama!” A sweet voice, accompanied with the warmth of two arms wraps you up from behind.
Back in a treehouse, a child sobbed in the torch lit basement.
“I mustn’t cry, I must be a brave guest giver right? Right? I—”
Out of nowhere, footsteps of many approached the treehouse
“Hey, wheres quest giver? I thought he’d be in the treehouse?” Said a girl with green ribbons in her hair.
��Maybe he went picking flowers to welcome us?” Said a girl with flowers in her hair innocently.
“Hmm, I don’t see his trumpet or even his shadow here. The hoops are safely stored away too. He must be away right now.”
“I searched the gardens, the plants have been watered but he isn’t there either.”
“Oh no! He must be lost on his way back here! There’s no way he’s away for so long that we missed him!”
“That jerk! Bet he’s partying with the grown-ups! Imagine all the good food he’s having with them!”
They’re back?
Scolding student: “Say, Why not we hold a surprise party for him while he’s away right now?”
Scaredy Cadet: “It’s not a bad idea, but we don’t know when he will be back!”
Chuckling Scout: “It doesn’t matter if we are fast enough! I’ve already put up all the hoops and readied the pool party!”
Daydream forester: “Ooo great job! But what about the snacks?”
Marching Adventurer: “That isn’t something to worry! We have some snacks stored back at our treehouse!”
Scolding student: “Perfect! Now all that’s left is preparations for our sleepover party! You two! Go grab our blankets back at your treehouse!”
Daydream Forester and Chuckling Scout: “Aye aye, Captain!”
“You, stay here and ready the hammocks with me!”
Scaredy Cadet: “Aye aye captain!”
As everyone went their ways, quest giver slowly creeped out of the basement, in an attempt to not spoil the surprise his friend planned for him. Luck for him, they were too busy to notice anything. He decided to hide in the trees, and observe his friends before they finished all their preparations.
Tried my best to write a story in my mind, hope you enjoyed it!
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lukesunbornn · 4 years
this is 1.6k of daysten, no nsfw beyond undetailed kissing, this is my first fic so pls be nice to me ❤️
It all starts when Kevin doesn’t feel like going for a haircut. Exy season is busy with games and interviews and appearances and everything else, and he just doesn’t have time to get to a salon. Plus, Kevin has to admit that he kinda likes how it feels when his bangs brush against his cheekbones.
There are some downsides to growing his hair out, though. For one thing, hair in the eyes in the middle of a game is not helpful for winning. He keeps having to pause to brush hair out of his eyes, and it’s getting in the way of his playing. Renee notices him eyeing her neatly pinned hair after a game one day, and the next morning Kevin finds some clips in his game bag.
The clips have some minor setbacks, though. Renee has a certain aesthetic, which her style mirrors. When Kevin walks into practice with sparkly butterflies in his hair, Nicky wolf-whistles and Seth bursts out laughing. Not the reaction Kevin was hoping for, but exactly what he was expecting. He realizes a second too late that he tenses up at their reaction, because for once he is actually happy with his appearance, but Neil, ever the observer, must notice his discomfort. Kevin walks to put down his bag and doesn’t miss the sound of Neil leisurely standing up, and the sudden thud of Seth and Nicky sitting back on the bench. There are no more comments about the state of Kevin’s hair.
All through practice, Kevin notices Neil’s eyes trailing him. Apparently, not even Neil likes his hair, no matter what he did in the locker room. Kevin doesn’t let it bother him, just keeps going through drills with Dan like he always does.
As his hair gets even longer, Kevin starts needing new ways to tie it back. Renee is still loaning him clips, but one morning she knocks on their door and Kevin answers.
“Oh hey Renee! Lemme go grab Andrew, I think he’s still in the shower.”
“Oh, actually, I wasn’t looking for Andrew! Can I braid your hair?”
Kevin feels a bit uneasy, but he follows Renee down the hallway to her room, knocking over some useless umbrella stand as he leaves. She perches on the end of her bed, and directs the much taller Kevin to sit on the floor between her legs. He’s somewhat uncomfortable at first with having his back to her, hands on his head, but he quickly becomes relaxed as she works her fingers through his hair and chatters about her day.
Renee is halfway through detailing a particularly interesting girl in her chemistry class when Neil bursts in, shirtless.
“HEY HAVE ANY OF YOU SEEN KEVIN HE’S NOT IN THE DORM AND THERE WAS A LOUD NOISE EARLIER AND HE DIDN’T SAY HE WAS LEAVING AND. oh,” Neil finishes, realizing Kevin’s sitting on the floor. Neil’s toned stomach begins to get slightly red. Not that Kevin was looking at it. “Sorry for bursting in and freaking out! Kevin, I didn’t know you braided your hair that’s so cool I like how you’re growing it out not that I care because you can do what you want with your hair but I admire how long it’s getting and. I’m gonna leave now,” The red has been creeping up Neil’s body throughout his speech until it nearly reaches his ears. Kevin has been watching it with interest this whole time, and is slightly disappointed that it’s going away.
Renee laughs, and turns back to braiding Kevin’s hair. “It’s sweet how much he cares about you,” is all she says on the matter before jumping right back into their previous conversation.
At the end of that day’s practice, Kevin’s been working hard, and his hair is thick with sweat. The braids worked perfectly, but he’s not used to having his hair tied up for so long and is starting to get a headache. He takes the bands out and his hair falls down to his chin, slightly wavy, and he hears a clatter behind him. Neil must be exhausted from the day’s exercises if he can’t even hold his racquet.
The next evening is movie night, and Kevin is in his usual spot on the floor, leaning against the couch and watching a truly awful movie Matt had picked out. Kevin is starting to fall asleep when he feels a body sliding onto the couch behind him and, a moment later, gentle fingers brushing through his hair. He tenses a bit, but the circular motions being massaged into his scalp feel so good that he instantly relaxes again. He assumes it’s just Renee playing, though in his half-drunk fog Kevin notices that these fingers are treating his hair a bit more delicately than they were this morning. Renee must be trying not to wake him up. He naps for a few more minutes, but awakes yet again when he feels the braid being tied off. He tilts his head back to thank Renee, and sees someone else.
Neil’s eyes are crinkling at the corners, but are fully lit up, the way they get when he’s learning a particularly challenging exy play. The corners of his mouth are slightly turned up in a lazy smile, with the tip of his tongue sticking out from the corner. His breath smells like candy and is coming out in little puffs, and Kevin only then realizes that Neil’s face is barely an inch above his own. At this distance, Kevin can see little freckles across Neil’s strong cheekbones, and he wonders what it would be like to trace them with his fingertips. He’s about to do so, when he realizes that would probably be really freaking weird, so he says nothing and continues to stare. But then he realizes he’s been sitting like this for five minutes already and maybe he should say something or at least thank Neil for the braids. He opens his mouth but all that comes out is, “Um. I’m going back to the dorm now,” and he does just that.
The rest of the week passes peacefully, with Kevin chatting with Renee as she braids his hair each morning, and Neil going for a run every time he and Kevin might be alone together, foiling every attempt of Kevin’s to request that Neil braid his hair again.
Luckily, it turns out that Kevin doesn’t even need to ask, because halfway through the next week’s movie night, Neil’s fingers start stroking through his hair again. Kevin glances up.
“Okay?” Neil asks.
“Okay,” and Kevin is rewarded with a small smile before being directed to look straight ahead so the braids don’t come out crooked. 
It slowly becomes a thing, Neil playing with Kevin’s hair. Not only on movie nights either, as Neil has very restless fingers, constantly drumming on every surface imaginable. This has always been annoying to Kevin, until he discovers that removing Neil’s hands from the countertop and placing them on his head results in much less noise and many more hairstyles. Kevin stops going to Renee’s room in the mornings, because Neil lives closer and can braid just as well, if not better. 
Kevin admires the neatness and precision with which Neil braids, how evenly he adds the strands of hair, how the braids stay in despite never pulling. Kevin may not know everything about hair braiding, but he knows that if it were a sport, Neil would be the master. 
A few weeks later, at another of the team’s movie nights, Kevin is feeling peaceful and blissed out while Neil’s nimble fingers create an intricate fishtail braid. The final piece of hair is tied off, and then Kevin feels a kiss being placed on the top of his head. Kevin freezes, and Neil freezes, and the lights are off, and Kevin is weighing the chances of being seen if he looks up and makes Neil do it again on the lips, when suddenly the gentle weight atop his head vanishes and Neil has teleported across the room near Matt. Kevin remembers the blush he saw months ago with Renee, and wonders if it’s gotten to Neil’s ears yet.
Kevin is scared his personal braider is going to stop doing his hair after that, but Neil is back at the end of Kevin’s bed the next morning, elastics in hand. The only difference now is that whenever he ties off a braid, Neil also places a quick kiss to the top of Kevin’s head. Kevin tries to ignore the mushy feeling in his stomach every time.
Months go by, and Kevin doesn’t act on any of the feelings he’s been having, and it’s driving him a little bit crazy. So he can’t really be blamed, per se, when one night after a game, he catches Neil’s hand as he finishes the first of two braids and brings it down to brush his lips across Neil’s knuckles.
Neil lets out a little sound, almost like a whimper, and then instead of kissing Kevin’s head, moves to kiss him on the cheek. Kevin turns his head a bit, and they’re about to kiss for real, when Kevin moves his head back. “Ah, ah, ah! You’ve gotta do the other braid first!”
Neil is not one to half-do things, so of course it takes him fifteen minutes to finish the second braid, and Kevin can barely appreciate the feeling of the other man’s expert hands in his hair because he’s too busy thinking about what comes next. 
When Neil finally finishes, he skips the head kiss, tilting Kevin’s chin up to kiss him flat on the mouth. And wow.
Kevin has to admit, the only thing that feels better than Neil braiding his hair is Neil’s fingers on his head undoing all his hard work.
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khaotungsfirst · 4 years
ali‘s embarrassing celebrity crushes throughout the years
thank you to @fengqing for wanting me to expose myself, i hope y’all don’t judge me too much 🥴i had to go through my archive to remember most of these cause as fast as these crushes hit me sometimes, some of them went away just as quickly.
tagging: @schnaf @manhasetardis @morifinwes @xiaodaozhang​ @huigusu​ @yibocrisis​
ok here we go, putting it under a read more cause this got long
MEN (since 2006)
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tom kaulitz nothing more attractive to 10 year-old me than this 15 year-old with dreadlocks and pants that hit the floor askdjhgkjfdg
joseph gordon-levitt i..... can’t even explain this?? lmao.. i mean inception was and is my favourite movie but not because of him so like??
niall horan niall girls unite!! i was a niall girl until i got into larry and then that was all i cared about for a long time ksadjgkdf but i still love him!
dan howell he was funny and british, that’s it
dylan o’brien listen every teen wolf fan was mainly there for him, don’t even lie about it
seb stan holy shit i was crushing on him so hard after the winter soldier came out. he was the epitome of perfection to me! this was a big one for me but it went downhill once he started growing out his hair afgkjdfgjkd retrospectively i’m not sure if i was only thirsting after him because everyone else on my dash was doing it (also does anyone remember political animals??)
dane dehaan oh god..... listen, it’s all the fault of the amazing spiderman 2! also his look is so versatile like in some photos he looks really nice and in others..... 😬yikes lmao skdjgfdk idk man
loïc nottet this was a short-lived crush but he absolutely killed it at the 2015 esc and tumblr went wild over him so... 🤷🏻‍♀️
marc bartra so we’re getting into football players now and just look at him! he joined my favourite team (bvb) and i immediately loved him cause he made such an effort to integrate himself. after the team bus was attacked and he got injured my love for him only increased. he just seems so sweet and nice aaahh
niklas stark idek how i came to know abt him cause he plays for hertha which i don’t care abt aksjgjghjf but he has such a beautiful smile i think that’s what got me
andré silva i just thought he looked neat (still does but he doesn’t blow me away anymore)
héctor bellerín 2016 bellerín?? oof!! don’t look him up on google tho, he’s had a lot of... questionable hair and fashion choices throughout the years 🥴the way we all dragged him for it was really funny tho. i still love him he’s a great guy always supporting good causes
arón piper listen earrings and curly hair maketh the man
matthías tryggvi haraldsson once again a crush resulting from esc. he was my icon before i turned into a mdzs blog. i don’t even think he’s super attractive, i just love the contrast between hatari matti and normal matti
harry styles i’ve given in to the harry supremacy propaganda. he really is my favourite 1d member these days, musically-wise and looks-wise
bill kaulitz we’ve come full circle!! nowadays bill is my favourite kaulitz twin. it’s funny cause they literally have the same face so it all just comes down to how they present themselves and bill is just my preference
MEN (recently/currently)
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wang yibo i don’t even have words!!! his look, his personality, his talent just!!! I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM!! (as we all do) (also big genvy causer)
lesbian yibo this gets a separate bullet point cause i had this realisation like two weeks after falling for regular yibo but oh boi am i gay for her
xiao zhan he’s just.. so pretty and lovely. i thought about putting wwx into the fictional characters category cause i think xz looks the prettiest as wwx but xz as a person just seems so nice and down to earth that i had to put him here
bright (vachirawit chivaaree) a baby!!! his smile is so pretty and overall he gives off very ~soft~ vibes. also how does he look so good when crossdressing??
boun (noppanut guntachai) once again the jewellery got me. boys with earrings really will be my downfall one day... (this is not to say that he isn’t pretty without them, his face is also very much up there on reasons why i stan him)
tul (pakorn thanasrivanitchai) get you a man who is as comfortable in his masculinity and sexuality as tul
felix lee will i ever get over the dissonance between his looks and his voice?? probably not. also he’s just a fucking cutie
hyunjin felix might be my bias (oh god i’m starting to speak in kpop lingo) but i’m also kinda simping for him, what can i say?
WOMEN (sadly not as many but you know, heteronormativity)
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scarlett johansson literally everyone on this planet thinks she’s hot and they’re right (yeah she’s kinda problematic but i can still appreciate her looks)
halsey remember when halsey used to kiss her fans at her concerts?? completely unrelated to that, i really wanted to go to one of her concerts..... 🙃 also i once dyed my hair blue bc of her
kiko mizuhara she was fancast as blue from the raven cycle so many times and i was so on board with it cause in my head she fit the character perfectly but maybe that’s just because i thought she was really really beautiful and wanted to see more of her 🤷🏻‍♀️
rihanna i mean... c’mon
michelle phan oh man this goes way back.. she was one of the first youtubers i watched in like 2010 before i even played with makeup myself. she just always gave off such calming vibes and she seems so nice. also look at her 😍
zendaya oof zendaya is a big one for me. she’s just so fucking beautiful just... how?? what??? i- AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH
lena i started actively following her on ig after she released her last album in 2019 (which is great btw) and... damn girl do i want to be you or date you??
xuan lu oh god she’s so adorable but then also so hot but then also so etheral but then also so cute but then also so beautiful but then also s-
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stefan salvatore (tvd) gotta love how even at 14 i already knew not to make the toxic choice 😊
legolas (lotr) if you didn’t have a legolas phase you’re lying
draco malfoy (hp) if villain bad then why sexy?
anakin skywalker (star wars) if villain bad then why sexy? 2
noora amalie sætre (skam) she’s just really pretty, ok? the red lipstick didn’t help either...
chris p (skam) if villain bad then why sexy? 3 (ok he’s not a villain but he’s an asshole)
tokio (money heist) hhnnnnnnnggggggg girl with a gun make brain go brrr
wen qing (the untamed) funny how in the show i’m simping for wq but irl i prefer xuan lu... someone explain that to me. but anyways, she’s pretty, she’s fierce, and she looks fucking hot in red
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haleruby · 4 years
Forget Me Not
Characters/Pairings: established Malia/Lydia/Reader (Quim), Malia, Lydia, Scott, Stiles, lots of snow, and I never say it but the literal yeti. 
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Summary: Amnesia makes the mind go brrr, but in a bad way...brr (sad). [This not being a published imagine for my followers means I can mess with the summary and other info as much as I want. XD]
Word Count: 5.9k
Notes: I am using a sideblog that is empty and not tagging bc this is only for your eyes (hopefully and technically the gif maker’s...thank you @ gifmaker for the gif), so no need to reblog/like, etc.
Hope you enjoy and it gives you a boost for dealing with your aunt. :-)
I wrote this around October 11th 2019, so apologies about the style not being quite as fluid as my other writing. My other stuff is a bit more recent, if you maybe wanna read it. Most of my teen wolf phase was around here and then it re-sparked in 2020 towards the fall so I added a tiny bit to that one story I told you about with the warnings. 
Also, apologies for the ending, lol. >.>
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She is cold... So cold. It feels like a slab of ice is being used for a bed; her back aches all the way down to the individual vertebrae that compose her spine. Pain is slowly causing her other senses to return, enlivening them in cruel way so feeling anything means to hurt to some degree. A whooshing sound makes it hard to think, it rips across her mind dashing the thoughts that slowly trickle in through the haze and the ache. What happened...? Whipping wind continues to bear down on wherever here is. There is hardness under her, so she is probably on the ground and outside based on the frigid temperature. Moving an arm to check the hypothesis causes pain to lance through her shoulder so sharply a feeling of vertigo sets in. The firm ground suddenly tilts slightly. The leverage is increased almost mockingly, it edges up bit by bit like she is about to be slid off a cold metal tray to join the next batch of suffering. A choked whimper leaves her at the odd sensation of slipping. Just before the final plummet, she snaps back into herself viciously. Jolting does nothing good for her body, but now her eyes snap open with a slight burn as if they were sealed shut previously with chilled glue...At least she thinks they are open. Blinking confirms that her eyelids still function, which is good because she is trying not to think about how her arms and legs are not, though she can still mostly feel them. Everything is white. A flurry of white is all she sees after staring long enough to detect movement in what was thought to be a static image. Snow from what may be an impending blizzard continues to beat down on the surroundings, coating them in freezing rain, smatterings of hail, and ice. Why isn't she buried yet...? How long has she been here? A large conglomerate of flurries landing on her cheek causes her to wince, because it will not melt for a time, but the question remains. The left side of her face is stinging brutally, while the rest of her exposed skin only feels like a wind chap is starting to set in. Frowning makes it seem like there is something frozen to her skin; the downward curl is not reaching the left corner of her lips as if they are stuck. Is there something on her face? Staring blankly at the sky is not helping any of this make sense. Turning her head a miniscule amount causes her to feel sick, so she stops, trying to breathe evenly although the slight shaking is making it difficult. Being still is not an option, but the jolts of pain makes her wish it was. Evergreen trees were glimpsed in her peripheral vision; they looked towering and dark, not all fit for a happy Christmas. Woods plus winter with injuries does not sound good. Why is she even here? Working up the will power to try and get up is not something she has even entertained, since moving a single appendage hurt way too much. The snow fall is becoming less like the interior of a cheap snow globe and more like sheets of rain are freezing and then coating the forest solidly. Her right arm is no longer visible. Maybe getting under a tree would provide some protective covering? Don't get up, just shuffle. She can do that. Her feet ache in a disconcerting way like they fell half asleep. Digging her heels into whatever frozen packed dirt or snow is under her takes a few minutes, but little divets were clumsily formed. Now, she just has to leverage it. Her left arm is tucked close after what happened when she moved it. Shakily drawing her legs up again allows her to try and push back slowly, more so scrambling a few inches than moving back with purpose. Sliding against snow should be easy. The rocks and sticks that litter the ground seem to dig into her when she attempts the awkward dragging motion that causes a pull of tension across her body.
It hurts. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," she mumbles hoarsely. Anger at not knowing why, where, or what lead to this prompts the pain signals to be ignored, instead she attempts to continue the mutilated crab walk back. Powdery snow sticks to the black of her pants with less finding purchase on the plastic shell of the navy jacket. A bit of red is spotted in the snow, but checking for the source of bleeding is secondary to getting away from the flurries. A trail of blood spottily forms from where she started to where she has hauled herself to. She is practically panting, which causes the cold air to stab her lungs like multiple knifes each time a ragged breath is drawn in. Her movements become out of sync, bordering on frantic. Less than a few meters of progress has been made... A foot digging in is mistimed with the curl of her back and placement of her arm, so that the stretch wracks through her painfully. A gasp muffles the cry of pain. She ends up off balance, crashing to her side heavily. Snow forces her to reflexively turn her head slightly to the side, but she still feels it burning in a way only ice can against her cheek. Throbbing stemming from her left temple encapsulates her head in a vice and is likely what makes the white dance with undulating blots of black for a while until her vision slowly clears back up. She could just rest and then try again. Maybe she should just close her eyes... Lean back and try to conserve warmth until the effort to move again seems possible. A cat nap could work? She tried and is tired; it's deserved. A sudden shrill howl barely stirs her, but a primal part of her mind urges her to become slightly more alert. That kind of sound belongs to a predator. Laying semi-buried in the snow with the inability to move may as well be an open invitation for dinner to whatever can survive the harsh conditions of the forest; it is probably a wolf or something canine. The tree line is watched between too slow blinks for whatever just made that noise. Nothing happens... She didn't imagine it. The cold has penetrated her gloves, it has penetrated her to the very center of her being, but fingers weakly search for something of use. A large rock? A stick? A phone? A conveniently placed gun? There is nothing she can use for defense, so her right arm stops extending outwards from her side to come to rest with her useless left one. Guarding her vital organs may at least help a little... Another howl sounds, but this one sounds deeper and echoes across the space; it sounds low, haunting, and mournful. There is more than one... They could play tug-a-war with her.  She can barely make it to a tree for makeshift shelter, so climbing one to impede them locating her is also a 'no'. No weapon or means to deter the animal was magically found in the snow. The state she is in is yet another limitation, because she could not fend one off in perfect health either. ...What does she do?  A short yip sounds like an announcement that her time to wrack her weary mind for a solution has trickled away. The source of the sound is located immediately as a small wolf with large, rounded ears makes a bee line for her. She vaguely thought it would have white fur or maybe a light gray, but a tawny brown sticks out against the snowy surroundings and looks distinctly out of place; it should be in a rich pine forest with browns and greens. Mentally critiquing the animal is not what she should be doing. Fear laced adrenaline causes her to clench her right fist tightly as she attempts to shift upwards to appear less prone—less weak. Gathering snow in her palm is so she has something to throw, even if a snow ball is a poor choice against a predator. The animal skids to a stop a little ways away, raising its head towards the sky to scent the air. Is it smelling her blood and judging that she is easy prey?
Teeth grit at the thought, because she has no idea about wolves or whatever dog thing this is. Could noise scare it away or only incite it further? How do you deter a canine? Looking it in the eye may be taken as a challenge or as a warning, but she still stares into its' eyes sharply, trying to project an intimidating aura as she narrows her own. The little quakes racking her paired with the fact she is on her back does not make her cut an imposing figure. A slow step forward is taken as the small wolf lowers its body more to the ground; it must be savoring how easy a kill this will be. Her arm draws back in warning. Will the wolf call her bluff and edge closer? "Go away," she seethes, knowing that saying something to it is a lost cause, but it is eyeing her oddly for an animal, almost thoughtfully. Lunging for her throat or springing forward to pounce should have occurred by now. Why isn't it attacking? Ears fall back, almost dropping at the tone, rather than being pressed flat against the skull in anger. Another step forward is taken and then another, until the wolf is close enough that she thinks she can hit it...The snowball is poorly compacted and falls apart, but some of it lands on its fur, which causes the wolf to shake its head at the action, giving a disgruntled chuff at the coldness.  ...Did she expect that to go any better in her head? No. But it was her only real projectile. The wolf does something unexpected, it sits down like a dog and stares at her with those too human eyes. The forest in summer again comes to mind; a rich hazel that borders on brown like wood bark aside from the lightness around the iris is trained on her. She glares right back. Maybe its not a wolf, because it looks small and lean with a body that seems more agile than powerful. A long snout reminds her of a fox, and those ears that are still down are not really that wolf like either, too floppy... Maybe it's a special breed to this area or something else, not that it matters when it definitely has vicious claws, sharp teeth, and she can't get away. A decision must have been made as it creeps closer with tentative footfalls that barely displace the snow. Her arm is pinwheeled to kick up the remaining snow at her side at it in a last ditch effort for distance, but it keeps coming closer heedless of the weak icy barrage. The coolness likely does not seep through its thick fur. "Stop! Please, just go back!" She raises her voice sharply, distilling a hardness to her tone that causes the near hyperventilating quality of her breathing to abate for a moment as she tries to issue a command to a wild animal. Surprisingly, the wolf does halt its progress, but what it does next has her trying to get away as if the promise of being eaten was only a slight offense. Hazel just flashed a brilliant, glowing electric blue that seemed to pierce through her. Its an unnatural wolf thing. There may be worse things than death. Scrambling away using both hands and legs was a mistake, one that was made more than once as she groans. Her jaw locks like a steel trap as she continues, now on her stomach rather than side to crawl away. Tears feel momentarily warm against her frozen cheeks, before causing the burning to redouble from the wind. Everything hurts. She claws desperately at the snow, trying to get away, because there is no explanation for what she just saw or how odd the creature is in general. Her vision seems to be becoming the view used for wide screen movies; darkness creeps around the edges. She is struggling to make sense of things other than the need to move away, because that creature goes against the natural order.
Its too intelligent, it knows too much. Those eyes. It won't just kill her... Something grabs a fistful of her jacket, tugging backwards to prevent the flagging forward motion. It must have a mouthful of her jacket. She kicks out. Her legs feel like lead weights that she only has a minor degree of control over and no contact was made with a furry body, instead only the inevitable collision back with the hard ground occurs. The additional jolt is nothing compared to the rest of the pain that is maddening at this point, because the adrenaline rush is failing at dampening it. Her actions are catching up with her. An angry sob leaves her when she inelegantly falls face first in the snow. Her arms are shaking and she can't support herself anymore while also resisting the wolf. The grip on her jacket is suddenly replaced by a clamping sensation on her shoulder. There is no tearing or teeth burrowing. What feels like fingers squeeze her shoulder, until another hand is placed flatly on her back. What the Hell? What. The. Fuck. Being turned over slowly causes her to whimper; her eyes screw shut because nothing makes sense and she hates it all. Fighting has gotten her nowhere. Something warm settles on her cheek, and she should look to see what is going on, but she is too cold and tired to care. The whipping wind gains an additional sound, though she can't process what it is except that is softer and more pleasing to the ear. A voice? No, that isn't possible. The falling sensation comes again; this time she does not try and stay upright or grounded against it, allowing herself to go along with it. She gives up. . . . . . . "-the blizzard is only increasing; it took out the power lines. We can't go out in that." "You can't, but I can." A dull bang sounds like someone hit something wooden with their fist. "We can't!" This is half shouted in clear exasperation that may be hiding anger. "Losing anyone else isn't an option, ok? I want to know where he is too, but you can't see, smell, or even hear when it's this bad out, and we don't know what is out there that did that to her. You're not thinking it through, Scott." "He's a part of the pack." Listening to the argument unfolding any further is prevented when warm fingers graze her neck. She stops playing possum. Her eyes snap open to meet startled green ones that reminds her of emerald gemstones. A strawberry blonde girl is sitting on the burgundy upholstered couch she lays on, and may just be checking her pulse, but her right hand wraps tightly around her wrist just in case the action is not so innocent. Only a cursory glance is given to the surroundings, since she feels on edge. Where is she? A ski lodge... Thick wooden logs make up the walls, though it is hard to tell how large the space is when only candle light provides light. She does spot the underside of the A-line architectural support that is made of exposed beams. A few mounted deer heads leer at her with glassy black eyes. One wall boasts a large crackling stone fire place that has ancient crossed ski poles above it as a decoration; this is the main source of warmth and brightens the large 'U' of couches that could fit a dozen or more comfortably. This must be a lobby, not a home, based on the few informational areas and posters she saw. Was she out skiing? Returning her attention to the girl has her pausing, because she is being watched so closely, but there may be fear to that gaze too. Pale skin seems to lack much color, even though the fire is casting warmth on both of them and making the red to her hair more vibrant. Her grip is not that tight, and she was touched first, so why is she being looked at like that? Releasing the hold after moving those probing fingers away occurs; she did not mean to frighten her... "She's up! Thank God." The sudden announcement breaks the silent stare off. A guy with spiked brown hair dashes over to the couch alongside a taller guy with black hair that is somewhat obscured by a beanie. These were the two who were arguing. She simply observes them, unwilling to be the first one to speak, because she has no clue how she got here and would rather not be at a deficit by admitting that. Letting them do the informing is a smart move. "We set your arm back in place, but you may need surgery for the cuff," Stiles explains, coming to kneel beside the couch. Soft brown eyes sweep over her form that has less snow and blood caked on it; however, he is still worried about the injuries, especially when they only have a small first aid kit and makeshift sling on hand. "We bandaged what we could. Also, you will probably need a CT scan because your head has a crack in it like Humpty Dumpty. We will figure it all out, Quimmie." He seems pretty caring, so she nods stiltedly in agreement for him to continue speaking. The taller one, who must be Scott, draws closer, fiddling with a walkie talkie in his hand, before sighing. She waits for him to muster up the will to speak. "I know you're hurting, and I'm sorry, but where is Liam?" Once one question is asked it seems that it breaks the dam so a deluge of them come forward as his dark brown eyes narrow at the faint popping of static that comes from the device. There has not been a check-in in a while. "What happened to your team? Was it the ridge that you investigated or did it come after you on a trail? Were the hikers right, and it's just a crazed wolf or something else?" "You can't ask her all that at once." "Stiles, the temperature is dropping further and he is still out in it." "Yeah, and she just woke up, Scott. So back off." A hand finding her own diverts her focus from another brewing argument between the two. Fingers interlace with her own one at a time with a gentleness that confuses her after how hard everything else has been, so she doesn't immediately resist it. A pinky edges over the row of her digits until her hand is covered and then a hold is formed that she does not return. The question must be evident on her features, because a sad smile of understanding is given; it looks like the girl is trying not to crumble, which she accomplishes, but the underlying cracks are still there for all to see. What did she do to be looked at like that?   "Malia is right..." Stiles practically rounds on both of them, knocking his knees against the edge of the couch at the softly spoken statement. "No, Lyds," he disagrees immediately, before locking eyes with impassive (Y/E/C) that watch him, but do not really take him in or express much emotion. He thought it was from the pain and shock, not because... "What is my name?" "Stiles," she answers correctly, because it was spoken already.
"Scott said it earlier," Lydia points it out calmly.  Stiles runs a hand down his face, not wanting to test the theory that Malia suggested because of what it could mean, but he also knows he needs to. There is a reason the werecoyote is listening from behind the couch and not present with the rest. The earlier fear towards her cut her to the bone. Explaining it away as confusion or discombobulation did not convince Malia, who he tries to not glance directly at, even though he can see the glowing blue to her eyes, because this is upsetting to her. He balls his hands into fists; it can't be that. "What school do we all go to?" She says nothing, but wishes the couch cushions would absorb her into it. "What does our dad do for a living?" He asks it more sharply at the silence that seems to say more than any answer could. No, no, no. A hand is placed on the edge of the couch to keep balance as he sinks to his knees, rather than kneel; he meets her eyes squarely. "Come on, try and answer."   Her brows furrow at this, because she does not look particularly like him for them to be blood related. His features are mentally compared to what she intuitively knows to be her appearance. The skepticism is not voiced.  Being stared in outright disbelief by Stiles makes it clear that anything she could say about the situation would make it worse. "What is your name? Where are we from? What is the year? Who is she-" A hand gestures quickly to Lydia, though he quickly unfolds his fingers so he is not rudely pointing at her, but his palm shakes, "-to you? Malia, come over here and-" "Stiles." Lydia's voice holds a firm warning as she places a hand on his shoulder, pushing him slightly away from the couch edge before he looms closer. She scoots to be blocking his stare that practically tears into them with its desperate edge. He probably does not even realize he was raising his voice, almost shouting out each question so it warped into a demand. "Don't push her; it's not her fault." "She isn't saying anything!" Stiles counters. "It wouldn't be what you all want to hear..." That causes the pack to grow quiet for a moment as they each consider the matter of fact statement. "So, what? You were just going to go along with it?" Scott asks, confused. The realization that they have no idea what they are facing or how Liam is doing also weighs on him in addition to how this amnesia will affect the pack. Did they just lose two friends tonight? He sits down heavily on the coffee table, shooting Malia a sympathetic look to try and silently communicate she needs to dim down. "There are five of you and one of me, not great odds, so-" "We aren't going to hurt you." The vehement interjection causes her to reword the point, though green eyes practically blaze as they meet her own; any of that fear has burned away, replaced with conviction. "I don't know anything about anything," she admits softly, glancing at the red and black plaid blanket draped over her legs to cope with so many people staring at her. Her head still aches and this is tiring. "Waiting to see what you had to say was the logical thing to do. I don't know your intentions, but I wasn't going to lie to you. Thanks for helping me out of the snow..." "That was Malia," Scott supplies automatically. She has the feeling that none of the ones in the seating area is this Malia person, so a nod is given. Stiles rises from the stone floor, trying to figure out how to fix the situation. This is no broken bone that can be set or a cut that needs to be stitched up; her memories are not murky or mixed up, but are completely gone. "Can you please tell us what you do remember?" "Why?"
"So we can help you and our other friend." Scott answers honestly, before Stiles losses the bit of composure he just re-gained. He is in older, adopted brother mode and is obviously upset. "We can answer your questions too." "I didn't say I had any..." "You don't know anything, so you should. Unless being amnesiac is how you want to reinvent yourself before senior year." Stiles snipes, but backs off when his best friend gives him a warning look that does not compare to the one he will get from Lydia and Malia, if he keeps pressing it. He is mad at what happened not her...But she is not acting like his adopted sister, who has been with him for years, but someone else entirely. Fingers pull at the worn tassels of the blanket for a moment as she considers the alternatives, turning them over in her head given how tense things are and her own deficit. They did help her, so being difficult is not her goal. She can't shake that there is something not quite right about them, especially Scott, it makes her feel on guard like there is a potentially hidden deadliness. Why are they in an empty ski lodge? The owners should be present or at least the other customers. She is mostly laying down aside from a pillow that elevates her back, sitting upright would put them more on equal terms, but the pain that will come with moving is considered. "Okay, one quick question: why are you all here alone? This place does not seem to be in operation, so did you break in...?" Scott shares a look with Stiles. Telling the full truth would only work with someone acquainted with the supernatural and all of that must have been wiped away too. He runs his hands down his thighs to stall. "We got, er, permission to come up. There's an unsolved mystery that we are trying to crack. The resort is temporarily closed down, because of it and the blizzard..." He trails off, trying to balance the truth with the lies. "We are trying to help." "You do seem the helpful type," she observes dubiously, before crossing her right arm carefully with her sling encased left. The position helps her feel a bit more distant from their prying eyes; it feels like they are judging her, though that makes sense when she is expected to actually be someone, not a blank slate. She turns her attention to the fire. "I don't know a Liam. I don't know why we were on a team or what our objective was. All I remember is snow: white, cold, burning snow. I was on the ground trying to get up, but failed because everything ached. I actually felt like I was falling..." She presses her lips together, mulling over what else can be said. Those glowing, unnaturally blue eyes come to mind so vividly, it feels like she is staring at the creature again. They probably already think she is crazy enough without mentioning it. "There was a wolf, or maybe it wasn't a wolf, that kept coming towards me. I assumed it would maul me, but it didn't...I'm not sure how it was going to kill me, it seemed too patient and smart, not really like a typical animal. I freaked out and tried to crawl away when it got too close, which made all the pain a lot worse. I fainted. I'm assuming Malia scared it off or dealt with it, because I think I would remember it biting into me...Then I woke up here." Lydia wants to reach out to her, but prevents the urge with how previous attempts were received. She can tell that she is still struggling with the pain on top of everything else; however, the far off look in her eyes must mean something is not being voiced. They still have not shared her name...
"Okay, so everything before the snow is blank?" Stiles confirms, getting a curt nod in response that makes him want to throw something into the flames of the fireplace. This is not how the weekend's mission was meant to go. He is pacing in front of the hearth, chewing on the cap end of a pen as he thinks about where to go from here. She was also their only lead with Liam and the creature. How will his dad react? He's older--the older sibling, and feels responsible for her, and now she's a very familiar stranger..."You're sure that's it? So like an hour or so comprises your entire, new existence?" "Yes, Stiles." He ignores the slight irritation to her tone, because he is busy thinking. "Maybe we can jog her memory?" This is posed to the pack, like his sister is another murder case or mystery that he can add to his pin and red string laden board to puzzle out the connections and causes. He can solve this. "We should wait until my mom sees her and the doctors run legit tests. There may be rules on how to deal with head trauma patients," Scott disagrees gently. "Maybe the head trauma is not the cause...It could be something else?" "She is still healing and we don't know how bad everything is." Scott sees the way Stiles crosses his arm abruptly at the disagreement, annoyed. "I want to help her. We need to find Liam too." "The answer could lie with her if we just try and remind her who she is!" "That could make it worse." Lydia is unsure who she sides with between the two guys, but knows talking about the one in question like she is not present in the room is almost always a bad idea. Malia getting up from the wooden chair that was pulled from behind the receptionist's to rest behind the couch is mostly ignored. Supple leather comprises her winter boots that only make a faint clack against the wood floor. She moves purposefully, ignoring Lydia's questioning look as she rounds the couch and stands in front of it to peer down at its occupant. The lack of recognition causes her to feel a deep ache in her heart, while the early fear left a ragged wound behind. Taking a knee, she tilts her head slightly as she watches (Y/E/C) eyes look her over cautiously, rather than softly, because the one in front of her does not know her. "Uhm, thank you for saving me?" Malia ignores the tentative gratitude. "Malia, I-" Scott's concerned warning is stopped short when Stiles holds up a hand, silently asking for him to let whatever is about to happen unfold. He locks his jaw, knowing how affected his beta was when she arrived back at the lodge. She was practically incoherent in describing what happened, instead whimpering and growling when anyone got too close to the two and unwilling to let go of the one bundled up in her arms. She was more coyote than human... Scott slides to the very edge of the coffee table to intervene, if needed, as a precaution. She looks kind of angry...Hazel eyes are not nearly as searching as the green ones that were first on her, rather they seem to be invasively prying without hesitation. The shoulder length cut to her brown locks frames her face nicely, which makes her gaze that much harder to look away from. Being stared at like some sort of freak show is grating on her patience, so she eventually manages to glance away to look back at the fire, though her view is soon occupied by Malia shifting closer with a challenging look. A lightly tanned hand rests on the back of the couch, effectively caging her in. "If you have something to say, then please go ahead," she requests calmly. "How could you forget about me?"
"It wasn't a choice." "Then why aren't you remembering?" Malia almost snaps out the question. A scoff almost leaves her at the presumption, because this girl is really blaming her...Are they all placing the fault on her alone? Maybe the inkling that something is not right with some of them is because they are actually a threat; the lodge is becoming more inhospitable by the second.  "I can't. It's not like I'm repressing it," she replies sternly. "I don't know my own name, so it's definitely not personal. Get over yourself." "Quim. That is your name" Lydia offers, trying to mediate between the two, though she knows this is hard for Malia. It is hard for her too, but someone has to be on Quim's side as a source of support. "Oh, okay..." Fingers burrow deeply into the upholstery of the couch, nails threaten to extend and rip out the plush stuffing. Her coyote aspect howls in her mind. Malia grits her teeth against the hurt those words just stirred, trying to let anger mask it because she would have never thought this would happen to them. This is not how it should be. Relying on instinct, she surges forward, placing a hand firmly over Quim's heart to pin her in place as she joins their lips without asking for permission. She is her's, so she should not have to. The kiss is forceful, demanding and not at all how a kiss should be...It is also one sided. She is doing all the action, while her partner is frozen and unresponsive, though that stasis eventually breaks for Quim to turn her head away abruptly, before a hand is against her shoulder, pushing away. Trying to move away from Malia causes a sharp pull in her back that earns a wince. Fucking oww. "What the hell are you doing?!" "I was trying to jog your memory!" Malia counters. "You can't just kiss people!" "We've done way more than kiss, Quim!" That causes the indignation to leave her in a rush, making the anger feel unwieldy and too large for her to handle. She retracts her hand from Malia, re-crossing her arms as best she can to serve as a barrier between the two of them. Now, she is more confused. "What...?" "Maybe now isn't the time for this..." Scott attempts to reason with his beta. "Mal-" "My soulmate forgot me!" "Not on purpose." Lydia pipes up, earning a huff from the werecoyote, but at least she is listening to her. She links their hands to try and pull Malia away from the couch edge. "We need to be patient." "How are you handling this well? She forgot you too--both of us!" "Not. By. Choice." "I have two girlfriends...?" Stiles runs a hand down his face at the turn in conversation; this is not going to fix her memory, but of course that is what his sister takes away from the conversation. "Yes," he answers at the perplexed expression, rolling up his shirt sleeve to show his blank wrist. "Soul identifying marks. Ring any bells? No, well, you have two of them, so you have two soulmates, even though it is rare to have even one. Lucky you."  Oh... Green and hazel eyes no longer meet in a silent, tense stare off, settling back on the occupant of the couch. Quim falls silent under their attention, unsure what could be said when forgetting your literal fated other halves.
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chocolatequeennk · 7 years
Christmas Joy, 1/2
A series of winter and Christmas adventures lead the Doctor and Rose into a deeper relationship-and eventually, open the door for them to spend forever together. 
This is for @doctorroseprompts 31 Days of Ficmas, using the word, “snowball fight.” This is day 4 on my personal 31 Days of Ficmas.
AO3 | FF
“Where would you like to go today, Rose?” They’d just left ancient Rome behind, along with the statue of Rose. After months in Florence with Michelangelo working on said statue, the Doctor was eager for an adventure with the real Rose.
She caught her bottom lip between her teeth, and the Doctor’s eyes were drawn to the tiny callus she’d gnawed into the tender skin there. He easily remembered the hours he’d spent tracing out the fullness of that lip, then etching the callus into it.
And now he could also remember how that lip had felt, caught between his own. Their victory kiss the day before had been far more… involved than either of their previous two kisses.
The Doctor adjusted the knot on his tie. Kissing Rose had been… well, it was brilliant. It always was. That was the problem, actually. Because each brilliant kiss he shared with Rose made it harder to remember why they couldn’t have more than just a handful of brilliant kisses, and blimey, he needed to stop thinking about how brilliant it was to kiss Rose, or he would do it again.
Thankfully, Rose interrupted his musings.
“Can we just hit the randomiser?” she asked, holding her hand over the button on the console. “I know it’s only been a week and a bit since we went someplace, but somehow, it just feels like way longer. I want her to take us where we need to go today.”
The Doctor tried not to stare at Rose like a besotted schoolboy, but he was pretty certain he failed, miserably. The way Rose talked about the TARDIS, like she were another person involved in their travels… it was one of the many things he adored about her.
He shoved his hands into his pockets and nodded at the button. “Well then, Rose Tyler, what are you waiting for?”
She grinned at him and pressed the button (which was red, but not big or threatening), setting their coordinates to random. The TARDIS sang and hummed around them, letting them both know she appreciated their trust.
The Doctor laughed and spun around the console, releasing the handbrake and finally, throwing the dematerialisation lever. Rose’s laughter joined his as the time rotor started moving, and she collapsed into the jump seat.
It was a short flight, and when they landed, the Doctor did a cursory check of their surroundings—nothing that would give away their location, just enough to prepare them for the climate and environment.
He raised his eyebrows when he saw the temperature. “Brrr!” he exclaimed. “You’d better put a coat on, Rose. Full winter gear, actually—it’s snowing out there.”
The TARDIS hummed again, and a moment later, a coat, hat, and mittens appeared on the console, while boots materialised on the grating at Rose’s feet. “Thank you, dear,” she murmured as she changed into the fleece lined boots. “I know I can trust you to take care of me.”
The ship’s whistle turned smug, and the Doctor had to remind himself that it was ridiculous to feel jealous of a sentient time ship. And besides, the TARDIS did take care of Rose, in a way that she rarely had anyone but him. An image from his memory crept forward, of Rose standing in the TARDIS doors, surrounded by the golden light of time. As quickly as the memory invaded, the Doctor forced it back. Even if that was why the ship wanted to take care of Rose, her stint as Bad Wolf was in her past.
The sound of someone clearing her throat pulled him out of his private thoughts, and the Doctor felt his ears turn red when he realised Rose was dressed and waiting for him by the door. “Are you just planning to stand there staring at the time rotor all day,” she teased, her cheeky little tongue peeking out from behind her teeth, “or are we going to see where our lovely ship took us today?”
The Doctor laughed and jogged up the ramp to the door. “Oh, I suppose we could go outside, if you really wanted,” he returned. “After you, Rose.”
Stepping out of the TARDIS was like walking into a winter wonderland. They’d landed in the middle of a meadow surrounded by trees. A pristine blanket of snow covered the ground, coming up to Rose’s ankle, and like the Doctor had promised, more snow was falling.
Rose tilted her head back and stuck her tongue out to catch a snowflake. They landed on her eyelashes instead, and the tiny ice crystals had rainbows dancing at the edge of her field of vision before they melted.
The hard thump of something hitting her shoulder took her off guard, and Rose straightened to stare at the Doctor. He was already making another snowball, and an unrepentant grin lit up his face.
“You snooze, you lose,” he taunted. “Come on, Rose. No time for staring at the sky!” He tossed the snowball up in the air and caught it. “Or are you going to forfeit this war before it’s even begun?”
“Oh, you are so gonna get it for that,” Rose growled.
The Doctor laughed and threw his snowball, but Rose dodged out of the way. She dove behind a snowbank and quickly packed a handful of snow into her own weapon, then jumped to her feet and threw it in his direction, aiming for slightly ahead of where he was running towards the trees.
“Oi!” he hollered when it hit him in the back.
“There’s no mercy in a snowball fight, Doctor!” Rose cried out. “If you can’t take it, you shouldn’t dish it out.”
“Oh, I can take it,” he retorted from the tree line. “And there will be no quarter given!”
Rose barely saw the snowball flying towards her in time to duck. In the end, it only grazed her thigh as she raced for the safety of some bushes.
Rose could have happily played in the snow with the Doctor all afternoon long, but after about an hour, her fingers started to go numb in the mittens the TARDIS had given her. She glanced towards the ship, then towards where she knew the Doctor was hiding.
It’s risky, but it might work, she told herself as she slowly crept in his direction. She kept her body low to the ground and hopefully out of sight.
She managed to circle around the Doctor until she was ten feet directly behind him. He was still looking in the direction of the last snowball she’d thrown, and judging by the tension in his shoulders, he was trying to figure out what she had planned next.
Rose bit her lip to hold back her laughter. Then she stood up and started running for him, heedless of the noise now that she was close enough to maintain the element of surprise.
The Doctor spun around, and his eyes widened when he realised Rose was racing across the snow to tackle him. In the split second before she reached him, he knew there was no way to avoid her attack, so he relaxed his body and went down with her.
For just a moment, Rose grinned down at him. “Gotcha!”  
The Doctor used the momentum of the fall to roll over on top of her. “Gotcha!” he crowed as he braced his weight over her.
But looking down at her, rosy cheeked and panting, the Doctor suddenly wondered if she hadn’t gotten him after all. He shifted slightly, without even realising it, the way he hovered over her changing from a tackle hold to an embrace.
Rose’s eyes widened, and the Doctor had to swallow a groan when he saw her gaze dart down to his mouth for just a second. “Doctor?” she whispered.
He thought about getting up. He meant to get up. But then her tongue swiped against her bottom lip, and he gave in.
“Rose,” he murmured, then he slowly leaned down. He watched in fascination as her eyes fluttered shut, then all he was aware of was the cool pressure of her lips beneath his.
He’d thrown the first snowball earlier because the urge to sweep Rose up in his arms and kiss her had suddenly been almost overwhelming. The entire time they’d played in the snow, he’d told himself he wasn’t ready for this yet, for what he could feel coming in their future.
Rose was human. She would wither and die, and leave him alone—only she would take his hearts with her.
When she sighed into his mouth and parted her lips beneath his, the Doctor finally accepted what he’d known for a very long time. Rose already held his hearts in her hand. They would break when he lost her, no matter how intimate their relationship became.
But in the meantime, they could have this.
Rose slid her hands up over the Doctor’s shoulders and latched her mittened hands together behind his neck, holding him close. He didn’t feel like he was going anywhere, but she’d learned not to count on anything when it came to the Doctor and their relationship.
Still, there was something different in the lazy he was he was kissing her now, sliding his lips over hers, nipping at her bottom lip and humming in satisfaction when she gasped into his mouth. She could almost believe he’d finally let go of whatever it was that had always held him back.
His teeth scraped against her lip, sending a shiver through Rose. But a moment later, she felt him pull out of the kiss, releasing her lips with a soft pop. He sighed her name against her mouth, then gently bumped his nose against hers and rocked back to sit on his heels.
His naturally full lips looked kiss-swollen. Rose itched to pull him back down, to bring back the magic of the moment, but she was afraid it had already been lost—and if it had, she wouldn’t try to cling to it.
“Come on,” he said, offering her a hand as he stood up. “You were already cold, and you’re getting soaked through, lying in the snow.”
As he pulled her to her feet, Rose gathered her courage. “Doctor…”
He smiled and cupped her jaw in his hand. “We’re not going to pretend this didn’t happen, Rose.”
The quiet conviction in his voice lit a spark of joy in Rose’s heart. “We’re not?” she said breathlessly.
“No, we aren’t.” He brushed his thumb over her lip, and Rose kissed it. “But you’re freezing, so let’s go sit in front of a fire while we talk.”
Rose cast him a sidelong glance as they started back for the TARDIS. “You know,” she said casually. “Cuddling in front of the fire while we talk about our relationship sounds pretty romantic for people who are just friends.”
The Doctor’s hum sounded contemplative. “It does, doesn’t it?” He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. “I guess it’s a good thing we’ve never been just friends.”
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