#wonder where hes at now in the pokéverse
meistoshi-m · 3 years
if ygo keeps up it's power of friendship bullshit & makes friends wanna go up against each other no holds barred bc thats how they express that they care it might just make me invested
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eldunea · 5 years
the sinclines are actually fairly wealthy, being a ducal family in unova and the harmonias’ court alchemists for generations. they are also very aware that being rich in unova isn’t the same as being rich in the rest of the world, because wealthy people in unova are more conscious of their ethics than those in many other countries especially america. the family is full of horror stories about wealthy people from overseas and honestly, they have the same misgivings about rich people outside unova as ordinary people outside unova do. let me give you a few examples.
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back in the 90s, about a decade or two after honerva’s discovery of infinity energy/quintessence, there was this one guy who created a startup that would use mega evolution’s infinity energy to power humanity’s journey into space. he was just your average middle class guy and didn’t have near enough money to do the thing himself, so he reached out to wealthy and/or noble families around the world and asked for their patronage. now, ezra had the biggest nerdgasm over this person’s program. he loved how someone who had barely graduated his college’s engineering program had the scientific brilliance to make a viable design for mega evolution-powered space travel. he signed on as a patron of the startup and got the rest of the sinclines on board, and the two of them became strong friends.
about a decade down the road, the man became a billionaire. he divorced his wife of 40 years and soon began dating a woman who was much younger than him. ezra found this to be sus as fuck for obvious reasons, but 1) he’s a sweet guy who didn’t want to make assumptions and 2) his billionaire friend had acted so torn up over the divorce that ezra felt compelled to believe him. then one day, when they were talking casually, billionaire guy suddenly turned the subject to ezra’s wife malaea’s looks. he made some less than flattering comments about her face and figure, to which ezra got quite upset. the billionaire then subtly suggested that he leave his aging wife for a younger, more attractive woman, and when ez got even more upset at this, he admitted that that was what he had done to his own wife. 
disgusted, ezra withdrew his patronage on the spot, and the rest of his family followed suit. the public backlash is something from which the company still hasn’t recovered.
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honerva experienced a lot of shittiness herself when she spent time outside unova. she always had the feeling that nobles and royals of other countries only spent time with her because they were obligated to, and that the “strong friendships” that they claimed to have with her were only alliances of convenience. she saw through their fakeass smiles and their honey-sweet words laced with venom, and was 100% right to suspect that they didn’t take kindly to her because she was brown. this all came out blazing when she married zander (pokéverse zarkon), confirming her suspicions about her so-called friends.
see, zander is not only a commoner, he was a penniless commoner. he was homeless and living out the back of his car when he met honerva, and he tried to hide this from her in order to impress her. she found out before he told her and when he finally confessed to her that he was flat broke, she said she knew the entire time and that it didn’t matter to her because in unova it was permitted for the upper class to marry for love. well, to the assholes outside unova, it did matter. and that caused a rift between her and them that would never be repaired.
when she introduced zander to her friends, many of them were shocked that he wasn’t white, as well as to learn where he came from. they started making snide comments like “oh, there’s your husband from the gutter” and joked behind her back that she was so ugly, no wonder she had to look among commoners for a husband. one even went so far as telling her that her noble bloodline had already been “polluted” by her mother, and she would do well not to dilute it further. she told them to fuck off, that malaea was not a commoner but in fact descended from the ali’i of alola, that she wouldn’t be surprised if her bloodline was at least 50% commoner, and “at least we don’t get genetic diseases like you filthy inbred freaks.” 
she cut off almost every single person in her blue-blooded “friend” circle, and made very few friends in those societal circles since.
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as for lotor…do i even need to explain? much of his life is built on murdering corrupt rich folks, so he has a strong conviction about how rich people outside unova act. but this also comes from firsthand experience, when his own adoptive grandfather on his father’s side tried to kill him at age 10. 
see, senda daibazan (pokémon AU sendak, lol i’m totally being so subtle here) was a jealous fuck who hated playing second fiddle to zander. throughout their entire childhood it was clear that zander was smarter, stronger, better looking and a better person--which made senda burn up with rage. senda hated that he was second best to some draconid adoptee when he was supposed to be the one who was heir to the great daibazan fortune, the one who was supposed to outshine everyone who came near him. he was happy when zander was disowned and happy when zander was finally killed by team galactic, thinking each time that his parents would have no choice but to pay attention to him, but no--it was all still “zander was better at this” and “zander was better at that,” and “why couldn’t you have been like zander? now we have TWO disappointing sons for the price of one.” 
so yeah, senda has always hated and envied zander, and never forgave him for the fact that the kid had nearly stolen his millions’ worth of inheritance. he figured the best way to get revenge on his brother constantly overshadowing him was to make life hell for lotor--his kid. honerva wanted to keep lotor away from the world outside unova until he was older because she knew senda would be waiting to kill him the moment he set foot outside unova’s borders. lotor went outside, ignoring her warnings…only to be proven right.
due to personal experience, the sincilnes are some of the only rich people on earth to acknowledge the fact that a lot of rich people suck. thanks for coming to my ted talk
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