#wondering why thorfinn came out so short
quentinblack · 4 years
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Smoke and Mirrors 
Word Count: 5K words
Chapter 14 - Harry IV: The Camden Raid (link to full story on FF.net)
Featuring: Harry Potter, Ernie MacMillian, Savage, OC 
Warnings: Racism, Slightly graphic violence
The relatively busy tube almost entirely emptied as it stopped at Tottenham Court Road station, with the eclectic carriage of muggle tourists of all colours and creeds emptying out to enjoy the shopping opportunities on offer.
The commercial London street had much darker connotations for Harry himself.  He vividly recalled the destruction that had been caused when they had encountered Antonin Dolohov and Thorfinn Rowle in that dingy café during the aftermath of Bill and Fleur’s wedding.
Sometimes he wondered how many deaths that the two dark wizards had been personally responsible for after they were defeated that night.
He knew deep down that the three of them had made the right moral choice to show the men mercy, that to kill them would have sunk Harry, Ron and Hermione to the Death Eater’s level – but that didn’t stop him from playing devil’s advocate in his mind.
Dolohov and Rowle were both stone-cold killers and the three of them had inadvertently let them go on to wreak more havoc on the wizarding world. It killed Harry to think that this may have led to the deaths of Tonks, Remus, George or any of the others that ultimately lost their lives.
The former and possibly more dangerous of the duo was at least now safely behind bars, but the erratic Thorfinn Rowle was still at large and possibly in cahoots with the other five missing Death Eaters.
It was two of those missing Death Eaters, Rabastan and Rodolphus Lestrange, that had led Harry and the eight other magical passengers onto the Northern Line service that evening. As the scattering of muggle passengers alighted the carriage Harry could once again see the other two groups of three Ministry staff huddled together throughout the train.
The furthest to Harry’s group at the rear of the carriage were Femi Wakanda, dressed in a flamboyant, yet still quite practical purple gown and Neville, in a comfortable looking grey hoodie, both gripping a hand onto the bars above their head, whilst the considerably shorter Conrad Proudfoot could only reach a bar that was many inches lower below his colleagues. Wakanda and Proudfoot seemed to be having a hushed conversation, as Neville remained silent, with a deep and thoughtful look in his eyes.
Harry had at first thought his pureblood friend had just felt a bit uncomfortable on what would possibly be his maiden muggle tube voyage, but then he remembered the obvious connection and extra investment that the sole son and heir of Frank and Alice Longbottom would have in this mission.
The closer trio, at the front-facing side of the carriage, was the attractive young muggle-born witch Farzana Badwal, alongside the foreboding figure of Robert Williamson and his flustered young protégé, Ernie MacMillan, who certainly was feeling quite uncomfortable on his first trip on the London Underground. He had not at first grasped the concept of holding onto the bars to keep your balance, so as soon as the train had departed Charing Cross he had been violently flung into Farzana -  who had wasted no time in giving him a stern telling off, with many muggle strangers quietly laughing nearby.
Rhea Savage and Josh Morris, who Harry was grouped up with, had both also laughed at Ernie’s mishap, much to his horror. Savage and Morris were both muggle-borns themselves so were no doubt more up to speed with using non-wizarding transport – and indeed, also wearing non-wizarding clothes, as they both blended in fairly well with their respective leather and denim jackets.
Josh Morris looked particularly sharp as he wore his faux-wool collars up, with a low cut white t-shirt underneath it that showed off his muscly frame. His fingers were adorned with several eye-catching rings, the most noteworthy of which was in the shape of a golden eagle. Harry had even noticed a couple of the young female muggle tourists eyeing him up, although Josh himself had been completely oblivious to them.
“So… since we have a few more stops and some time to kill, tell me, did you see much action in New York?” Rhea probed, as she shot her brawny colleague a slight wink as they each sat down in the now vacated seats.
Harry recalled in his mind the time that Ron had commented on the wacky designs and patterns on muggle public transport – and his horrified reaction when Hermione had said that it was primarily only to help hide the dust and the dirt.
“Erm… well there was the odd bit of bother here and there… but nothing massively exciting, I spent most of the time floating between the Transport and the Magi-… the Creatures department,” he quickly corrected, as he remembered they were still in the presence of a few muggles scattered about the carriage.
Harry was pretty sure though that even with Josh’s belated amendment that there was no such equivalent department for ‘creatures’ in the muggle government.
“Guessing they thought I’d want to avoid too much action given I’d transferred from Britain,” Josh continued. “Still, it could’ve been much worse if Kingsley stuck to his original plan to send me home to Manila. It would’ve been nice to see my parents a bit more, but man, way too many…”
He silently mouthed ‘dragons’ to the two of them.
“…causing all kinds of shit all of the time. It’s crazy how lapse the Filipino Ministry are about them, it’s a different world out there, man!” he said as he enthusiastically gestured his hands about whilst talking.
Rhea scoffed slightly, as the train briefly stopped at Goodge Street, as the last of the muggle passengers remaining on the carriage left the train.
“That’s great Josh, but I wasn’t talking about that kind of action…” she replied, rolling her eyes at him as the doors slammed shut and they began moving again.
Josh burst out laughing as soon as he realized what she had meant.
“For fuck sake Rhea!” Josh jeered.
“What?!” she replied in a mock incredulous tone. “An attractive fashionable bloke like you with a nice British accent and those muscles, you must have had all of the American witches queuing up for a go like you were Harry Potter or something!”
Harry laughed awkwardly as Josh sniggered slightly at Rhea’s remark, with the muggles now all off the train it seemed that they could now speak more freely.
Rhea crossed her legs, putting her right over her left, as Harry caught the outline of a brightly coloured Holyhead Harpies tattoo that was partially on display through her ripped black jeans, which were tucked into a well-worn pair of purple doc martens boots.
“Well, there was this one girl…” Josh began, as Rhea smiled enthusiastically.  
“Details! I need details, Josh,” Rhea snapped back quickly. “Do you know how many lesbian or bisexual witches there were in Paris? Nil-pwa, mon amie!”    
“Alright… alright, keep your hair on… so on this one assignment when I was in the Department of Transport I got chatting to this one chick, Kimberley, she was from Texas…”    
“Ooh, Kimberley from Texaaas!” Rhea ribbed in a mock Southern accent, which caused Josh to laugh involuntarily.
“Well you know me, I have a soft-spot for blondes, so we kinda hit it off from the get go and yes… she did love the British accent… we were seeing each other almost every other day after work at her place for well over a month and then one night…” he stopped mid-sentence, looking a bit uncomfortable.
“And then what?!” Rhea demanded, on the edge of her seat in anticipation.
“… and then one night her husband came home! Of course, she never told me about him now, did she?”
“Bloody hell,” Harry muttered.
“You can say that again!” Rhea added.
“And it’s not what you think. She wasn’t that sort of girl… well, not really. It was a pureblood arranged marriage type deal that their parents had set up, or rather, her parents had set up with him. He was this rich potion-maker, much older than her, almost old enough to be her dad…”
“Jesus…” Rhea mumbled with a disgusted look on her face.
“I felt a bit bad for her… but as you can imagine it went down like a sack of shit with him. It turned out he was reasonably influential at the MACUSA too… he was one of their biggest suppliers of potions in the entire country and he winded up being the main reason why I got transferred to the Creatures department outpost in Arkansas.”  
“Tough break, mate,” Rhea sympathised. “We’ve all been there.”
“You’ve been caught sleeping with a married woman too?” Josh quizzed back, with a look of real intrigue on his face.
“A lady never tells,” Rhea said in a faux-posh accent, as the train pulled into Warren Street and a group of three muggle-men, all armed with beers cans in hand, stumbled on board their carriage and started arguing among themselves.
“I’m fucking tellin’ ya Trevva, Hoddle ain’t got a clue. He ain’t got a bloody clue! How’s he not gonna take Gazza to the World Cup?”
said the shortest of the three men, before downing the rest of his can and belching loudly, which drew a rather disgusted groan from Farzana Badwal on the other side of the carriage. The man, who had a buzz cut and a poorly kept beard, did not notice her, nor did either of his friends..
“Don’t worry Mark bruv,” replied the tallest of the three, who was wearing a black baseball cap and slurring his words quite considerably. “He knows what he’s doing. It’s coming home!” he cheered, as he took a large swig of his own can of beer.  
“Ere chuck us anuvva Stella then Tel,” the short man with the buzz cut light-heartedly ordered the man in the middle, who had spiked up hair and was wearing a creased black shirt that was much too big for him.
‘Tel’ obliged and passed Mark, the shortest man, another beer, as the baseball cap wearing muggle, Trevva, began eyeing up Rhea, before his eyes eventually fell on Harry.
“What’d you reckon four-eyes?” he asked, before briefly stumbling as the tube hit a bit of a bump. “You think it’s comin’ home?”
“Oh yes… definitely,” Harry replied, as he attempted to not rise to the jibe about his glasses. He had absolutely no idea what they were talking about. Besides, they were on an important mission and the last thing they needed was any trouble with a group of rowdy drunk muggles, so he gave him the answer that he thought he would want to hear.  
“See it’s fuckin’ comin’ home lads!” Tel announced triumphantly to his two cronies, as he enthusiastically poured a large amount of lager into his mouth, spilling some over both himself and the floor of the train in the process.  
“What do you think sweet cheeks?” Mark said to Rhea, as he too started to eye her up.
Harry noticed that Josh no longer seemed to be in the jovial mood he had been in before. It was almost as if he was anticipating and preparing for some kind of trouble. The look on Savage’s face certainly suggested that there may well be some on the cards, although Harry was sure that the Head Auror would keep her cool.
“I don’t care much for football… and I certainly don’t care much for men who call me sweet cheeks,” she hissed, whilst giving the three of them a cold stare, before suddenly rising to her feet. Josh jumped to his feet too, with Harry following his lead.  
“HA! She’d be so lucky ehh lads?” Mark said, addressing both of his friends. “Ugly fucking greebo anyway. Off to go slit your wrists at the rock show are you, love?” he goaded, as Trevva and Tel laughed along, eyeing up both Harry and Josh as they did so.
Josh initially looked like he might rise to their attempts at provoking them – but Rhea shot him a fierce glare which kept him at bay.
“Aww, you not gonna defend your girlfriend? Must have a tiny pair of bollocks to go with that tiny little cock of yours!” Tel jested, daring Josh to react. Harry ran his fingers along the shaft of his wand through his jacket pocket, ready to use it as discreetly as he could should the time come.  
“Is there a problem here?” Williamson demanded, as the tall wizard came to their aide, presumably having noticed the commotion.
The large Auror towered over the drunk trio, even Trevva, the tallest of the three troublesome muggles, but they showed no sign of backing down – in-fact, Williamson’s arrival to the scene, with Ernie and Farzana in tow, only seemed to increase their desire for some kind of conflict.
“Who’d you think you’re talking to? Long haired cunt. Only problem here is your fucking barnet!” Trevva joked, which caused Tel and Mark to laugh too, although Harry thought the shortest of the three, Mark, did seem at least a little intimidated by the comparatively giant Williamson.
“Well, I say,” Ernie uttered in a dubious manner. “That is quite the insult from a man so insecure about his own haircut that he conceals it beneath a hat.”
“Ernie!” Robert berated under his breath, although Harry thought that for a moment Williamson had shown a slight smile and possibly even a fondness for Ernie at coming to his defence so quickly.
Harry thought he even caught a momentary grin from Farzana Badwal at Ernie’s albeit quite passé retaliation at the muggle.  
“You’ll be insecure about having no teeth in your fucking mouth in a minute you fucking toff,” Tel raged at Ernie, as he threw his now empty beer can aside and raised his fists for a fight.  
“Don’t worry about it Robert, they’ll be getting off at the next stop,” Rhea calmly instructed, as she saw the pony-tailed Auror losing his patience, with both Ernie and Josh also clearly ready for some kind of altercation, should it come to that. Harry felt more confident about Josh’s chances than Ernie’s and even his own should it wind up being one without wands.  
“Oh yeah, so who’s gonna make us get off then, you dirty goth slut?” Trevva asked incredulously, as his two friends stared the rest of them down in a quite antagonistic manner, as Josh and Williamson exchanged a quick knowing glance.  
“We’ll be at Euston soon,” Farzana said quickly, with a tone of frustration and impatience in her voice. “Let’s just confundus them now and be done with it.”
“You won’t do nuffink you blimmin’ paki!” Tel spat – and that was when it suddenly all kicked off.
Ernie MacMillan directed a punch at the much taller Tel as soon as the racist slur had left the muggle’s mouth. He stumbled slightly, but his friend Trevva soon got a strike of his own away, right into the former Hufflepuff prefect’s prim and proper face, sending him hurtling to the ground in a heap.
“You stay out of this,” Rhea ordered under her breath to Harry, as Williamson instantly jumped in to Ernie’s defence, as he sent a thundering right hand into Trevva’s nose, knocking him back a few steps, but surprisingly not down to the floor.
Morris laid a punch and a kick into Mark, who retaliated instantly by hurtling his half-empty beer can at Josh, splashing beer all over the muggle-born auror’s denim-jacket, whilst Rhea landed a heavy kick on Tel, who felt the full force of the half-French witch’s boot to his shin before she whacked him in the chin.
Farzana fought her way through and hit Tel with a vicious slap of her own as a receipt for his insult to her, before Willamson connected with another right hook to Trevva that did finally floor the tall baseball cap wearing muggle.
Harry jumped in to stop Tel from hitting Rhea, with the muggle’s knuckles slightly knocking into Harry’s head in the process. He felt momentarily dazed for a moment, before he heard a still-on-the-floor Ernie MacMillan yell “STUPEFY!” at the top of his lungs, soon after upon which a jet of red light hurtled into Tel, causing him to crash into the carriage door and down onto the floor.
Morris had a clearly defeated Mark pinned to the door, as the short man with the buzz cut looked absolutely horrified and in fear for his life having just witnessed his friend be knocked unconscious by magic.
The next station is Euston
“What in Merlin’s name has happened here?!” Femi Wakanda demanded, as she marched over with a concerned looking Neville and Conrad Proudfoot, who had rushed over from the other side of the carriage.  
Harry gave Williamson a hand pulling a slightly bloodied and dazed Ernie MacMillan back to his feet, as Williamson told Ernie off for using magic, before checking that his young trainee was alright and fussing over his injuries.  
“The muggles started it. Couldn’t be helped,” Williamson said quickly in Ernie’s defence, as an embarrassed looking Rhea pulled out her wand and started obliviating Trevva and Tel, as Morris did the same to Mark.
“All the same we’re on a tight schedule that doesn’t factor in fights with muggles or breaking the international statute of secrecy,” Wakanda grumbled, clearly unimpressed with the events that had transpired.
The train pulled into Euston and between Josh, Rhea and Harry they quickly managed to jostle the three muggles off of the train and onto the platform, as Williamson and Farzana began patching up Ernie’s face.
Wakanda used a voiceless spell to shut the carriage door as soon as the drunken muggles were off the train. Harry was not sure what type of magic she had used, but the electronic doors stayed shut even when several bewildered would-be passengers pressed the button on the door to get on.
“Luckily for us they don’t have any security cameras on these wretched things,” Wakanda muttered under her breath in a condescending fashion, as she shot Rhea a deeply unimpressed look.
Savage led the way as they made their way through the Camden Town underground station exit and into the night.
“BUY OR SELL FEEDER! FEEDER BUY OR SELL!” shouted a tall middle-aged white man in a thick black coat.
“FEEDER TICKETS BUY OR SELL!” bellowed another similarly dressed dark skinned muggle.
“There must be a gig on tonight,” Rhea noted to Harry and Josh as she guided them past without looking at the muggles. “They’re ticket touts. When a gig is sold out they sell tickets for it at double the price,” she added, with the sound of disdain and loathing in her voice.
“But how do they get the tickets if it’s already sold out?” Josh asked.
“They purposely buy a load when they go on sale specifically just to sell them on at a profit closer to the time,” Rhea replied.
“Is that even legal? To sell them on like that, just for a profit?” Harry enquired.
“No, not strictly speaking, but the muggle police don’t really bother enforcing it,” Rhea said. “I’m sure in the future when you can just buy and sell tickets on the internet it will cut these scummy touts right out of the equation though,” she added in a hopeful tone, as she checked behind to ensure that the other two groups were just behind them – they were, as Harry spotted a now blood-free Ernie MacMillan, with Williamson and Badwal making their way through the crowded Camden street.  
Harry spotted the next ticket tout abruptly stop his hollering, as he noticed a pair of muggle police officers dressed in the customary fluorescent yellow night-time wear. The muggle man calmly put his hands in his pockets and casually strolled off in the hope they hadn’t spotted him – and he was in luck, as they hadn’t.
The first two touts they had initially walked past at the station were not as fortunate though, as Harry looked behind and could see that they hadn’t notice the two coppers walking towards them.
“See look at that,” Josh began incredulously. “It’s so much easier for the muggle police. Those three drunk blokes would’ve never started on us if we were coppers.”
“Yes… quite,” Rhea added slightly absent-mindedly, seemingly caught in a deep-thought.
“BUY OR SELL TICKETS!” yelled a tall man with a deep voice directly ahead of them. “FALMOUTH FALCONS BUY OR SELL!”
The large figure stepped into the light and Harry instantly recognized him as Kingsley Shacklebolt.
“Minister,” Rhea uttered formally, as Kingsley shot Harry a quick wink. They formed a semi-circle in-front of the Minster for Magic, with Williamson, Ernie and Badwal quickly joining, before Wakanda, Neville and Proudfoot formed in behind them too.
Harry saw Kingsley mutter something under his breath, but it was so quiet it was barely audible. His wand hand was still in his jacket pocket, so Harry guessed it must’ve been some kind of enchantment to stop passing muggles hearing what he was about to say to them.
“As I’m sure you’re all aware from your venture on the muggle underground,” Kingsley began, speaking quickly. “We’ve got an anti-apparation barrier secured in the area a mile wide in all directions. We can’t get in or out, but neither can they – and that’s all that matters. The Floo-network is on lockdown. Peasegood and Podmore are acting as air support, just in-case they have brooms and attempt to fly out.”
“Minister, surely you’re not going to be-
Kingsley interrupted the Head Auror with a heavy sigh of frustration.
“You will be pleased to know that I have heeded the Head of Magical Law Enforcement’s concerns that as Minister for Magic I should not be taking part in raids,” he said in an annoyed tone.
“Gawain is waiting for you not far from here, just keep walking straight ahead until you reach the phone box at the end of the road,” Kingsley said, before he gave Rhea a stern look. “I’ll be in the Mexican restaurant just across the street. If anything serious goes down you will send your patronus for me immediately… and that’s an order.”
“Yes Minister, sir,” Rhea replied swiftly, as Kingsley smiled a little, possibly still not used to being addressed as Minister or sir.
“I wish you all the best of luck,” Shacklebolt said, as he began to slowly stroll off in the opposite direction.
“And Rhea…” Kingsley barked, turning his head back round to face them all.
“Yes?” she replied confidently, although Harry sensed some nerves in her voice.
“Try not to take too long, girl! They’ve got 2 for 1 mojitos all night at this place. I can’t be duelling drunk at my age,” he sniggered.
“Just make sure you save some for us!” Josh shot back hopefully.
“You guys lock up those damned Lestrange brothers tonight – I’ll get you all so many mojitos that Proudfoot there will end the night puking up on another pair of Robards’ loafers!”
They followed the path that the pavement took them on for a few minutes in relative silence, until they reached the phone box and Robards revealed himself.
“Quickly! Behind me, single file,” he ordered, as Rhea formed a line behind their boss. Robards weaved through a back alley at a frantic pace that was as close to a sprint as he could manage, then led them out to a large opening by the lock.
“It’s that house over there,” he said quietly, pointing in the direction of a very derelict looking property about fifty metres away.
Harry thought it was quite generous to even call it a house. It looked more like a shack, not all that unlike the hut on the rock that Vernon had ferried them off to all those years ago.
“Took us a while to uncover it and make it visible to the naked eye. The muggles still can’t see it though,” Robards said. “It had some damn good protective charms on it. We’ve not breached the inner defences yet, so if they are in there they won’t know that we’ve found them yet.”
“Willamson,” he commanded.
“Yes, boss?” Williamson replied.
“Take MacMillan and Longbottom and secure the perimeter. You join them too, Proudfoot.”
Williamson and Proudfoot did as they were told without hesitation, ushering the two young apprentice Aurors along with them as they started casting protective enchantments around the nearby area as an additional defence.
“We’ll need heavy firepower to break the house’s defences,” he continued. “Savage. Wakanda. You’ll join me at the front. Badwal and Morris, you’ll act as cover.”
“Potter,” Robards muttered, as he put his hands into his worn-out woven woolly jacket.
“Yes,” Harry replied, eagerly anticipating his own orders from the Head of Magical Law Enforcement.
“You’re on air support with Peasegood and Podmore,” he said sternly, pulling out what looked like a Cleansweep Eleven from an enchanted bag in his pocket.
Harry tried to hide his disappointment at what he felt was Robards trying to keep him out of harm’s way, but his boss seemed to have an innate ability to spot what he was thinking.
“You’re the best flyer we’ve got, son. Podmore’s not bad on a broom, but he’s no Harry Potter. Now get up there and sit tight,” he added, before giving Harry a firm pat on the back and heading over to the house with Savage, Wakanda, Morris and Badwal.
Harry did as he was told and got onto the broom and quickly ascended into the cloudy sky.
He saw what looked like Sturgis Podmore directly ahead of him, with another figure who he guessed must be Arnold Peasegood to his left.
The warm spring wind brushed against his exposed face as he flew up to meet them, before he banked left and turned to watch over the house like the other two were doing. Podmore gave him a nod of acknowledgement and Peasegood winked at him.
From where they were positioned they really did have a perfect bird’s eye view of the proceedings on the ground, as Harry could see Robards, Savage and Wakanda all armed with their wands slowly approaching the front of the house, with Morris and Badwal close behind them on either flank.
In the distance he could just make out Williamson and MacMillan setting up additional shield charms on one side, with Neville and Proudfoot doing the same on the other.
“You reckon those bastards are in there?” Peasegood pondered to nobody in particular.
Podmore didn’t respond, instead rolling his eyes slightly as he appeared to want to silently focus on the mission at hand.
“Life in prison’s not good enough for those scumbags,” Peasegood continued. “Sooner we catch ‘em, the sooner they can go the way of their master.”
Suddenly there was movement on the ground.
“EXCINDO TUTELA!” came the distant cries of Robards, Savage and Wakanda, as blinding bolts of blue came flying out of their wands and crashed into the front of the house.
Harry could not tell if they had broken the inner defences of the property, but Robards sent a probing bolt of yellow sparks, which seemed to go straight through the front door unopposed.
Gawain raised his arm and ushered the others to follow him onto the porch, before he stopped abruptly just outside the door, with his wand pointed out cautiously.
Harry heard an odd flickering type noise.
It almost sounded like the noise a golden snitch would make when it was fluttering around in the nearby vicinity.
He adjusted his ear slightly and thought that it rather sounded like a ticking kind of sound, like the one a muggle alarm clock might make.
It looked as though Savage and Robards were having a heated discussion about something on the ground, with Robards waving away whatever it was that Rhea was saying to him.
“Anyone else hear that weird ticking sound?” Peasegood enquired. “Almost sounds like a bomb or something-
“OH FUCK!” Podmore yelled, as Harry saw Josh Morris suddenly barge past both Savage and Robards, thrust them out of the way and loudly cast “PROTEGO!” at the top of his lungs.
The initial explosion of the bomb almost threw Harry off of his broom.
He scrambled to cling onto it as shards of debris and smoke came flying up into the sky at random.
Harry ducked and dived on instinct alone as his glasses became fogged up and he lost all of his senses.
His ears had been deafened by the great sound that came from the detonation and all he could hear now was a migraine inducing ringing noise piercing into his ear-drums.
As he slowly gained his composure he flew out of the now thick, black smoke and plummeted to the ground as quickly as he could.
He could just make out the figures of Podmore and Peasegood who had just landed themselves.
Harry pulled up alongside them as they rushed to survey the damage.
The derelict house that had once stood in-front of where they were standing was now nothing more than a pile of fiery rubble.
Harry saw an uncharacteristically weary looking Gawain Robards in a heap on the floor.
He was covered in black smoke and debris, but he was still breathing and alongside Peasegood and Williamson who had now rushed onto the scene they helped pull him up.
Robards coughed heavily, possibly having inhaled a lot of smoke.
“Don’t fucking worry about me,” he wheezed, taking a deep breath before coughing again. “Where are the others?!”
To their right Badwal and Ernie had spotted Wakanda and were slowly helping her rise to her feet. She looked like she’d injured her left leg when she’d fallen to the ground, but other than that she did not look too bad, although her once vibrant violet dress was now a shade of dusty, dirty brown.
“Savage!” Podmore cried loudly, as Neville and Proudfoot helped him magically elevate a large pile of wooden debris which looked like it was once the front door.
The door had shattered into several pieces and seemingly crashed straight into the Head Auror, striking and then trapping her onto the ground, although aside from a few cuts and bruises on her face she looked relatively unharmed in the grand scheme of things.
“Where’s Josh?” was all she could muster, as she too coughed heavily, having probably also inhaled a lot of smoke in the blast.
Harry helped the others as they used wingardium leviosa and other charms to quickly lift the fallen remains of the property to try and find Josh Morris amongst the wreckage.
It took a few minutes to find him, but Harry knew they must have located Josh when he heard Rhea cry out in horror.
Morris lay flat out on his back in a huge pile of blood, eyes closed, with his left arm laying prone and clearly broken.
Yet, it was his right arm that had taken the most damage in the explosion – as it lay five feet away from him, no longer attached to his body.
The flamboyant golden rings still sat on the fingers of his severed and crimson-soaked right hand, with the golden eagle staring directly up at Harry.
Podmore was the quickest to reach his fallen colleague, as a distressed Savage froze up in fear for her friend.
Sturgis put his hand out and reached down towards Josh’s neck, softly feeling around for a pulse.
“He’s still alive…just… but we need to get him to St Mungo’s… now!”
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✤  Thorfinn Rowle. ✤  Gryffindor / Sixth Year. ✤  Halfblood. ✤  Death Eaters. ✤  Taken character.
They always used to make fun of you. Called you a dimwit. Said you were an easy target to fool. They stopped when you grew bigger, big enough to respond with a fist whenever they called you a dimwit again. You were always a boy with a big heart, but the world didn’t deem you worthy enough because you couldn’t do well academically, and it turned you cruel. Someone came along and gave you a purpose, Death Eaters, and you followed it, knowing there at least, you would be wanted and appreciated. It’s a sad story, and you always expect them to pity you. But they always say the same. It was your own choice.
The Rowles were an old family, tracing their lineage back for nearly a thousand years. They were Old English, and more importantly than that, they were pureblooded. Their family held power and influence. Damocles Rowle, was the minister in the early 18th century. He was infamous for his tough stance on muggles, and the creation of the Wizarding prison Azkaban. Damocles’ son, Godfreid Rowle, passed a series of laws that lowered the protections on muggle hunting. These laws were later repealed by someone from the Bones family a few years later. After Godfreid came Rolf Rowle. Rolf never made it big in politics, but there were an awful lot of rumors surrounding him and the death of three muggle families. They were never able to pin it on him. Then came Karl. Karl brought the Rowle name back into politics. For years, he fought to reinstate the muggle hunting laws passed by his grandfather Godfreid. Unfortunately, he too was unsuccessful. The Rowle family, though years and years of dedication, had proven themselves to be a staunchly anti-muggle family. They were apart of the Sacred Twenty Eight which elevated them above most wizardkind, let alone muggles themselves. However, this all changed when Gaius Rowle became a man. When he was but a young lad, Gaius Rowle found himself falling dangerously in love with a muggle girl who lived just a few towns over. He hadn’t meant to, really. He knew what his family said about muggles. He knew he couldn’t love one. However, what he didn’t know was that he had no way to stop it from happening.
The story goes as one expects it to. Gaius couldn’t help himself, and eventually, he and this muggle girl had a child together. A child that they called Thorfinn. For a four years, Gaius lived with his muggle girl and their little boy. He had left his family home to be with her, but he hadn’t ever told his father where he was going. Karl Rowle never stopped looking, however, and eventually, he found his missing son. To his utter shock, he had a grandson as well. A half-blood grandson. Karl Rowle made quick work of the muggle girl and killed her on the spot. He threatened to do the same to little Thorfinn if Gaius didn’t fall in line. Gaius, unable to bear the only living remnant of his great love disappearing too, obeyed. And just like that, Gaius and Thorfinn returned to their ancestral home.
Gaius was distraught about the terrible turn his life had taken, and he fell into drinking. He wasn’t happy living with his family again, but he was too terrified to leave, lest they hurt his son. Thorfinn, to his credit, was still a sweet and happy boy when his grandfather came to collect him. His mother was a sweet woman and she had raised him to be kind. He was happy, giggly, and a general pleasure to be around. However, this quickly changed when he was surrounded by his cousins. Gaius had older brothers also living on the Rowle family estate, and they had children of their own. Thorfinn never really got very close with his cousins. They bullied him from the moment he stepped foot on the property, ridiculing him for his muggle heritage and how long it took him to learn his letters. Their relationship never improved. Thorfinn was always the ugly duckling in his family, sticking out from the rest because of his muggle father. He tried to come to his father about this, to ask for his help, but Gaius was never the same after his great love was killed, and he never came to Thorfinn’s rescue.
The bullying made Thorfinn grow hard, and cruel. He learned one day that if he wanted any respect in his house he would have to take it by force. He grew tall, and strong, and muscular. Even before he ever held a wand in his hand, he molded himself to be a physical force to be reckoned with. No longer would he allow his cousins to call him an imbecile, an idiot. He realized he was born with weapons by his sides; his fists. They took Thorfinn far, far beyond what he could achieve with his words. Words were useless, if you asked him. They got confused and turned around in his head, but his hands… his hands always made sense, and he always knew what to do with them.
Though they said it in such a terrible way, Thorfinn’s cousins were not terrible off the mark when it came to his intelligence. He really wasn’t the sharpest wand in the shop, and many wondered what even went on in the boy’s head? Was it just dust that he kept up there? What about the boy could possibly make him so terribly slow. This isn’t an exaggeration either, if you’ll believe it. The only mathematics he was able to do were the kind he could count on his fingers. His handwriting was atrocious and his professors often asked him to come see them after class so he could translate his illegible writing. Even magically, he fell short. He couldn’t remember the incantations, and nonverbal magic was a lost cause. He always confused the measuring numbers in Potions, and Transfiguration was an absolute nightmare. The only class that ever made sense to Thorfinn was Care of Magical Creatures. There was instinct involved in taking care of animals, and that was something he could understand.
Thorfinn was not blind to his ineptitudes. He was terribly, terribly aware of how far behind he fell behind his classmates. It was something he had been told his whole life; terrible, stupid, idiot. It hadn’t helped that he had been sorted into Gryffindor. Thorfinn Gaius Rowle had not lived a great life, as the world counts greatness. It might even be called a failure, a life sadly out of harmony with its environment. He wanted to understand just why he couldn’t be normal, be right. Why couldn’t he be like his cousins? Like his uncles? Why had his father made such a terrible son? The only thing he could attribute it to, the only thing that was different between him and his cousins, was the fact that he had muggle blood. His mother, the one who he could barely remember but who always used to make him smile. Her, and her filthy muggle blood, they had made him stupid. They had made him this way. He began to resent his father for it. Gaius had tainted the great, historical Rowle blood and the punishment for that was an idiotic son. When he brought the issue up to his grandfather, Karl agreed wholeheartedly.
Angry and desperate to prove himself, Thorfinn sought out the Death Eaters. It was the first time he felt like he belonged. Anyone could succeed under the Dark Lord if they worked hard enough, and Thorfinn might not be the smartest boy, but he was very strong and very willing to do what needed to be done. He’s distanced himself from his housemates, finding the Gryffindors to be insufferably noble. He’s made friends with those he views as better than himself. Ravenclaws and Slytherins specifically. If he was going to accomplish anything, he needed the guidance of more intelligent and cunning friends.
AMARA ZABINI ━ Completely enamored with, would give his life for. BARTEMIUS CROUCH JR ━ Gets tutored by, sort of friend. SEVERUS SNAPE ━ Strongly dislikes.
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