#woocommerce integration services texas
synergytop · 2 years
SynergyTop offers best woocommerce development services in texas. We offer range of woocommrece intergration services for small to medium scale industries. Work with best woocommerce web design agency in texas for your business growth. For more information mail at [email protected] or call at - 1-619-349-4911
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rjtexasusa · 11 months
Website development plays a big role in successful business marketing
Both mobile website and the application help in establishing and escalating brand value for any business domain. Visitors, who are accessing website through a desktop, also want to access your brand through mobile devices.
As smartphone usage is on the increase, demand for mobile apps among the majority of big firms and businesses are high. A mobile app, remains on the user's smartphone, and is therefore ideal for frequent and repeated use. Both apps and mobile websites are accessed on a handheld devices such as smartphones and tablets. With each passing day the percentage of web traffic from mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets is increasing at a rapid pace.
A mobile website however, is designed for mobile communication with the purpose of informing (large audience, large time window), or for specific events and promotion (targeted audience, limited time window).
Website development plays a big role in successful business marketing. I am a freelance Web Designer & Mobile App Developer from Texas, USA. I develop websites and apps that are compatible with any platform using the latest technology and ensure that you will never miss out a business opportunity because of lack of responsiveness. I design, build and distribute apps on all main platforms. I can literally create anything. Just tell me how it needs to work with my expertise and creativity I can bring your vision to life.
I develop digital products like Native iOS and Android apps, Cross-platform apps, Web apps, IoT apps, AR and VR experiences, Software and systems integrations and redesign your existing digital products.
I delivering amazing eCommerce & CMS website design & development services using Magento Commerce, Wordpress & WooCommerce and an expert in strategy, design, development, marketing & conversion optimisation.
My main skill also include ReactJS, Redux, Gatsby, Netlify CMS, PHP, Laravel Framework, Vue , JavaScript (ES5/ES6/ES7+, Babel), UI/UX, responsive web, Bootstrap, Material UI, Node Express.js, Git/Github/Bitbucket, C#, ASP.Net Core, Drupal, React and Python.
I am a freelance Web Designer & Mobile App Developer from Texas, USA. For all your requirements to build a website, look no further. Contact me at [email protected] or call me on 713 417 7472. Please take your time to visit my website http://www.rjtexas.com/ to know much more.
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leavebreadcrumbsny · 2 years
Shopify Web Development For E-commerce Website
Not too long ago, only the big corporations and business giants had online businesses and e-commerce websites. However, the growth of e-commerce in recent years has influenced many business organizations and startups around the world to start their own online businesses through this channel. The inception of e-commerce has entirely revolutionized the business scenario as sellers nowadays are more interested in showcasing their products online. As a result, the site construction of e-commerce websites has changed significantly due to the arrival of some of the most popular e-commerce platforms like Magento, Woocommerce, Prestashop, Opencart, etc. These web platforms provide users with an opportunity to develop an effective yet functional e-commerce store that reflects and displays a perfect blend of aesthetics & site functionalities. E-commerce websites have a wide range of functionalities and complexities that a merchant needs to watch out for.
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From secure checkouts to inventory management and from email marketing to shipments & speed optimization, an e-commerce merchant has to undertake lots of operations and functions. If you are planning to operate an e-commerce store in Austin, Texas, The top Shopify development companies in Austin help merchants to extend their functionalities by providing them with a range of services and development expertise. Shopify is the preferred choice for e-commerce owners who want quality, efficiency, simplicity, and rich features at the same application. Shopify needs a minimum amount of configuration and it provides users with thousands of apps to extend the functionality of their online stores. In addition, website development through Shopify has some unique and distinct benefits. For instance, Shopify is easy to set up and easy to use. It is the best website development alternative for those who want a complete solution with minimum technicalities and maximum user-friendliness.  Furthermore, you can easily integrate apps to make your e-commerce store more functional. 
If you are about to start your own e-commerce store in New York, the Shopify development company NY can make your online store visually appealing. In addition, they can provide you with a top-notch content management system at your fingertips that allows you to perform simple edits on your own without compromising the integrity of your e-commerce website. Shopify offers maximum security and reliability to all e-commerce merchants. Shopify takes care of upgrades and maintenance regularly and protects all confidential personal as well as financial information of the customers and business owners. With Shopify website development solutions, e-commerce store owners can get an excellent loading speed on their websites. In addition, Shopify provides merchants with excellent marketing tools such as gift cards, discount coupons, targeted email marketing, and more.
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webhoster · 3 years
Alle Infos zur neuen WooCommerce Alternative- BigCommerce
Alle Infos zur neuen WooCommerce Alternative- BigCommerce
WordPress ist weltweit das am meisten verwendete Content Management System. Es wird aktuell von ungefähr einem Drittel aller Websites genutzt. Es ist noch nicht lange her, dass WooCommerce.das beliebteste Plug-in war, um einen Onlineshop in eine WordPress-Seite zu integrieren.
Zweifellos gibt es viele E-Commerce Plug-ins für das CMS-System WordPress. Du musst allerdings wissen, dass Dein Design drastisch Deine Inhalte und Deine Umsätze beeinflusst. Mehr Kontrolle darüber gibt Dir eine auf WordPress basierende Seite. Dir stehen Tausende Plug-ins, Designs und Codes zur Gestaltung zur Verfügung. Wenn Du bis dato einen Onlineshop in Deine Seite einbinden wolltest, musstest Du die Erweiterung WooCommerce anwenden.
Seit der Veröffentlichung des eigenen WordPress Plug-in Woocommerce hast Du eine Alternative zur Auswahl. Mit dem Plug-in sorgt der Entwickler für Wettbewerb. Der folgende Beitrag informiert Dich darüber, ob BigCommerce die bessere Woocommerce Alternative ist.
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WooCommerce war das beliebtes WordPress Plugin für den Aufbau von Online-Shops (© Andrey Popov stock.adobe.com)
Kurzvorstellung der Woocommerce Alternative BigCommerce
BigCommerce ist eine marktführende auf cloudbasierte E-Commerce-Plattform, die Dir jetzt ein eigenes WordPress-Plug-in als Woocommerce Alternative anbietet.
Wenn Du Dich für die Woocommerce Alternative BigCommerce entscheidest, ermöglicht es Dir WordPress, Dein Design und Deine Inhalte zu verwalten. Für alle komplizierten E-Commerce Infrastrukturen und -systeme im Backend ist BigCommerce zuständig. Die Kombination ermöglicht es Dir als Betreiber eines Onlineshops, die hervorragende Commerce-Engine der Woocommerce Alternative mit der Flexibilität von WordPress Designs zu kombinieren und Prozesse, die im Hintergrund laufen, zu optimieren.
BigCommerce ist eine perfekte Ergänzung für Deinen bereits vorhandenen Onlineshop
Falls Du bereits einen Webshop unter WordPress laufen hast, ist die neue Woocommerce Alternative die perfekte Ergänzung. Du kannst mit diesem Plug-in Deinen Onlineshop auf eine Weise personalisieren und nachträglich erweitern, wie es bis dato nicht möglich war.
Anbieter BigCommerce ist zudem Pionier für eine innovative”API-gestützte Commerce-as-a-Service-Initiative”. Als Betreiber eines E-Commerce-Shops bietet Dir BigCommerce die Möglichkeit, Deine Internetpräsenz und einen zentralen Katalog über kommerzielle CMS-Systeme zu betreiben. Des Weiteren bietet Dir die Woocommerce Alternative nützliche Informationen zu Bestell- und Kundendaten.
Funktionen der neuen Woocommerce Alternative BigCommerce für WordPress
Die neue Woocommerce Alternative bietet Dir folgende Funktionen:
Erstellung von komplexen Produktkatalogen
BigCommerce bietet Dir die Möglichkeit, umfangreiche Produktkataloge zu gestalten und Großaufträger von Deinen Kunden zu verwalten. Dafür stehen Dir pro Produkt maximal 600-SKUs zur Verfügung. Zur Erstellung eines benutzerdefinierten, umfangreichen Warenkataloges bietet Dir die Woocommerce Alternative mehr als 250 Optionen.
Verwaltung mehrerer Standorte
Du verkaufst über mehrere WordPress-Sites? Dann solltest Du unbedingt die Woocommerce Alternative BigCommerce einsetzen, um alle Deine E-Commerce-Shops über ein einziges Administrationsfeld verwalten zu können. Das Kontrollfeld ermöglicht es Dir, alle Versandinformationen, Bestellungen und Deine Kataloge zu kontrollieren.
Das Zusammenfassen diese Informationen unter einem Dach unterstützt Dich dabei, Deine Administrator-Aufgaben zu rationalisieren. Du sparst viel Energie und Zeit, die Du nutzen kannst, um die auf die Kernaufgaben von Deinem E-Commerce Shop zu konzentrieren.
Uneingeschränkter Zugriff auf wichtige Plug-in Dateien
Auch wenn Du ein wenig aufwendig gestaltetes WordPress-Theme nutzt, ist die Nutzung von BigCommerce empfehlenswert, da Du es optimal nutzen kannst. Diese Woocommerce Alternative ist mit einer WordPress-Unterstützung für die Hauptvorlagedateien ausgestattet.
BigCommerce wurde von einem erfahrenen Team WordPress-Programmierern entwickelt. Bei der neuen Woocommerce Alternative handelt es sich um ein Open Source Plug-in. Du kannst BigCommerce an spezielle Anforderungen anpassen und erweitern. Die Woocommerce Alternative bietet Dir die Möglichkeit zur vollständigen Bearbeitung aller Elemente in Deinem Webshop. Du kannst Dich zudem darauf verlassen, dass Deine Änderung nicht durch ein Update rückgängig gemacht werden.
Der Commerce-as-a-Service ist ein entscheidender Faktor der Woocommerce Alternative. BigCommerce ermöglicht es Dir, Deine Front-End-Benutzererfahrung anzupassen, ohne dass dadurch die Funktionalität von Deinem E-Commerce-Geschäft beeinträchtigt wird.
Einfache Anpassung Deines Onlineshops
Die meisten Betreiber von einem Onlineshop sind keine Programmierer. Es wird Dich freuen, an dieser Stelle zu lesen, dass Du keine Programmierkenntnisse brauchst, um die Woocommerce Alternative BigCommerce zu verwenden.
Auf Deine Produktkatalogdaten greifst Du über Dein WordPress-Dashboard zu. Es ist Dir freigestellt, wie Du BigCommerce nutzt. Sichergestellt ist, dass Du, um Dein E-Commerce-Geschäft anzupassen, keine Kompromisse eingehen musst.
Welche Gründe sprechen dafür, eine Woocommerce Alternative zu verwenden?
Es gibt verschiedene Gründe, eine Woocommerce Alternative für WordPress zu verwenden. Da es sich bei Woocommerce um ein für WordPress entwickeltes Plug-in handelt, bringt es einige Nachteile mit. Diese könnten für Dich der Grund sein, nach einer Woocommerce Alternative zu suchen. Folgende Gründe könnten vorliegen:
Du kannst WordPress und WooCommerce kostenlos nutzen. Um eine seriöse wirkende Webseite zu gestalten, entstehen Dir dennoch einige Kosten. Die Kosten sind nicht allein auf Dein Webhosting beschränkt. Du musst weitere Plug-ins und ein Premium-Theme kaufen. Andere Plattformen dagegen bieten Dir Paketpreise, in denen alle Elemente, die Du brauchst, inklusive sind.
Falls Du Deine WordPress Installation selbst hostet, musst Du Dir alle erforderlichen Komponenten (SSL-Zertifikat, Domainname und weitere) selbst zusammenstellen.
Wenn Du WooCommerce nutzt, bist Du vom CMS-System WordPress abhängig. Du musst die WordPress-Software installieren und Deinen Onlineshop, Deinen Blog und/oder Deine Webseite damit erstellen.
Warum ist BigCommerce eine gute Woocommerce Alternative?
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BigCommerce ist eine hervorragende Woocommerce Alternative (© whyframeshot stock.adobe.com)
Als SaaS-Plattform existiert BigCommerce schon seit dem Jahr 2009. Insbesondere bei kontinuierlich wachsenden oder bereits großen Unternehmen ist es BigCommerce der führende Anbieter. Gründe, warum BigCommerce eine hervorragende Woocommerce Alternative ist, sind:
Benutzerfreundlichkeit: BigCommerce kannst Du bei der Erstellung von einem Onlineshop oder einer Internetpräsenz kinderleicht bedienen. Du verwaltest Dein komplettes Projekt komfortabel über ein kinderleicht, intuitiv bedienbares Dashboard. Die Gestaltung und Einrichtung steht in einem starken Unterschied zur Erstellung von einem WooCommerce- und Word> Press Onlineshop.
Premium-Supportdienste: BigCommerce bietet Dir einen 24/7 Premiumsupport. Die kompetenten technischen Support-Mitarbeiter unterstützen Dich mit Rat und Tat unter anderem bei der Einrichtung Deines Webshops, beim Umzug Deiner Domain und wenn Probleme auftreten. Als Nutzer von WooCommerce musst Du Dich mit Hilfe aus der Communiy und dem Basis-Kundensupport begnügen.
Schnelle Seitenladegeschwindigkeiten: Um die Inhalte Deiner Webseiten und Deines Shops blitzschnell weltweit verfügbar zu machen, nutzt die Woocommerce Alternative BigCommerce über CDN (Content Delivery Network). Es ist kein Geheimnis, dass bei Konvertierungen die Geschwindigkeit Deiner Seite von großer Bedeutung ist. BigCommerce konzentriert sich explizit auf diesen Faktor. Nutzt Du stattdessen WooCommerce, musst Du ein hervorragendes Hosting finden und Dein Webprojekt mit geeigneten Tools und Zusatz-Plug-ins gezielt optimieren.
Vorteile der Woocommerce Alternative BigCommerce
Als Anwender von BigCommerce profitierst Du von folgenden Vorteilen:
Riesige Online Community
Vorbildlicher Kundenservice
Rationalisierung des weltweiten Versandes
Sichere Log-ins und Benutzerkonten
Zahlreiche Payment Gateways verfügbar
Optimierte Skalierung von Deinem E-Commerce-Shop
Geld sparen bei Kreditkartensätzen
Schnelle Ladezeit von BigCommerce-Shops
PCI Compliance
Riesige Online Community
Als Anwender von BigCommerce profitierst Du von einer sehr großen Community. Du kannst auf Erfahrungen zahlreicher Onlineshops und Unternehmen zugreifen, die ähnliche oder identische geschäftliche Ziele wie Du haben. Um Antworten auf Deine Fragen zu erhalten, musst Du Dich der BigCommerce Community anschließen. Du hast die Möglichkeit, Deine Meinung zu aktuellen Branchennachrichten öffentlich zu äußern, Produktaktualisierungen zu erhalten, Strategien für s E-Commerce-Geschäft zu diskutieren, und Antworten auf Deine Fragen zu erhalten.
Vorbildlicher Kundenservice
Den Support der Woocommerce Alternative erreichst Du 365 Tage 24 Stunden täglich per E-Mail, Live-Chat und Telefon. Zudem hast Du als Kunde Zugriff auf das “BigCommerce Help-Center” mit zahlreichen Anleitungen, Support- und Hilfethemen. Diese Ressourcen werden Dir vom Hauptstandort des Unternehmens in Austin (Texas) zur Verfügung gestellt. Falls Du Großkunde bist, bietet Dir BigCommerce zudem einen dedizierten Kontenverwaltungsdienst an.
Rationalisierung des weltweiten Versandes
Die Woocommerce Alternative BigCommerce bietet Dir in Echtzeit internationale Carrier-Angebote. Führende Kuriere werden weltweit unterstützt. Du hast zudem die Möglichkeit, Drop-Shipping, Flatrates, kostenlosen Versand oder andere Dinge, die zu Deinem E-Commerce-Shop passen, zu bewerben. Die Funktion ShipperHQ-Integration ermöglicht es Dir, Preise nach Bestellumfang, Zielort, Stückzahl, Kundengruppe, Kategorie und Produkt individuell festzulegen. BigCommerce liefert Dir die Ideen. Diese Ideen kannst Du individuell anpassen.
Sichere Log-ins und Benutzerkonten
BigCommerce bietet Dir nicht nur einen sicheren Kassenbereich, sondern auch einen sicheren Log-in. Zahlungsinformationen und Registrierungen Deiner Kunden werden sicher gespeichert. Damit garantierst Du Deinen Kunden ein angenehmes und sicheres Einkaufserlebnis in Deinem digitalen Geschäft.
Zahlreiche Payment Gateways verfügbar
Aktuell bietet Dir die Woocommerce Alternative Integrationsmöglichkeiten für 65 Zahlungsgateways für mehr als 100 Länder und zusätzlich 250 sichere lokale Bezahlmethoden für Deinen Onlineshop an. Du kannst den Kunden also nicht nur zahlreiche sichere Bezahlmethoden übers Internet anbieten, sondern Du musst Dir auch keine Gedanken über die Einrichtung und Wartung von Payment-Gateways machen.
Optimierte Skalierung von Deinem E-Commerce-Shop
BigCommerce hat bei der Entwicklung des Plig-ins darauf geachtet, dass es die Skalierbarkeit für große Firmen unterstützt und robust ist. Dies wurde auf drei verschiedene Arten realisiert.
1. Die Woocommerce Alternative wurde von BigCommerce entwickelt.
Damit Du als Kunde mit dem Plug-in beliebig viele Onlineshops erstellen kannst. Trotzdem ist es möglich, dass Du alle Deine Shops komfortabel über ein einziges Administrationsfeld verwaltest.
2. Beim Plug-in BigCommerce wurden mehrheitlich Backend-Elemente außerhalb von WordPress beibehalten.
Sie beanspruchen deshalb keinen Webspace auf Deiner Plattform, welcher die Schnelligkeit Deiner Seite verringern würde.
3. In die Woocommerce Alternative sind bereits viele Onlineshop Standardfunktionen integriert.
Deshalb ist es nicht nötig, dass Du zusätzliche Plug-ins, die Deine Seite langsamer machen, installieren musst.
Geld sparen bei Kreditkartensätzen
Als Anwender von BigCommerce bekommst Du Zugriff auf Kreditkartengebühren, die vorab ausgehandelt wurden. Dabei handelt es sich um die niedrigsten Gebühren für Kreditkartenzahlungen, die im Bereich SaaS-E-Commerce angeboten werden. Des Weiteren kannst Du auch die von Anbieter Braintree zur Verfügung gestellten PayPal-Preise nutzen. Auch die Bezahlmethoden Visa Checkout und Apple Pay kannst Du über Braintree nutzen. Du hast zudem die Möglichkeit, wenn Du Dein Online Geschäft weiter ausbauen willst, Deinen BigCommerce-Plan zu aktualisieren, um von noch niedrigeren Kreditkartengebühren zu profitieren.
Schnelle Ladezeit von BigCommerce-Shops
Die Speicherausführung Deines Onlineshops darf Deine Seite nicht langsamer machen. Deshalb übernimmt BigCommerce die Aufgaben, die Deine Seite verlangsamen. Dies ist zum Beispiel bei der Bearbeitung eingegangener Bestellungen der Fall. Das Image Deiner Marke, Deine Conversions und Deine SEO-Maßnahmen kann durch lange Ladezeiten negativ beeinträchtigen.
PCI Compliance
Mit der Integration von BigCommerce unterstützt Du alle Prozesse der Kaufabwicklung. Du musst Dir deshalb keine Gedanken bezüglich der PCI-Konformität machen.
Funktionalität der Woocommerce Alternative BigCommerce mit Plug-ins erweitern
In die Woocommerce Alternative BigCommerce sind bereits viele, für Dich als nicht mit WordPress vertrauter Anwender oder Nicht-Entwickler, nützliche Funktionen integriert. Dies bedeutet allerdings nicht, dass Du WooCommerce nicht nachträglich mit Funktionen erweitern kannst. Wenn Du bereit bist, für zusätzliche Plug-ins zu bezahlen, kannst Du in Woocommerce ebenfalls eine eigene PCI-Konformität, Zahlungsgateways und CRMs integrieren.
Aktuell werden Dir hunderte Premium-Plug-ins und kostenlose Erweiterungen zur Erweiterung der Kernfunktionen von WooCommerce angeboten. Falls Du es nicht schaffst, Dir selbst eine WooCommerce Seite zu gestalten, kannst Du einen von Tausenden auf WordPress spezialisierten Entwickler damit beauftragen.
Welches der beiden E-Commerce Plug-ins passt zu Dir?
Beide Erweiterungen besitzen einzigartige Vorteile. Sowohl WooCommerce als auch BigCommerce bieten Unterstützung für nahezu unbegrenzte individuelle Anpassungen. Ob Du Dich für die WooCommerce Alternative BigCommerce oder für WooCommerce entscheidest, ist davon abhängig, welche Funktionen Dir wichtiger sind.
Suchst Du eine Lösung, die weit verbreitet ist und günstiger sein kann, weil Du erst gestartet bist? Oder wünschst Du Dir eine Lösung, die Dir zahlreiche Out-of-the-box-Features bietet und die zudem kinderleicht skalierbar ist?
Entscheidend ist, dass Dir beide Plug-ins ermöglichen, die Leistungsfähigkeit von WordPress zu 100 Prozent zu nutzen, damit Du mit Deinem Onlineshop hohe Gewinne erzielst.
Aktuell ist laut Google Trends WooCommerce bei Anwendern beliebter als das Plug-in BigCommerce. Trotzdem wächst das Interesse für die Woocommerce Alternative BigCommerce kontinuierlich. Für die Anwender ist es immer ein Vorteil, mehr Auswahl und Wettbewerb zu haben. WooCommerce gibt es schon länger als BigCommerce. Diese Erweiterung bietet Dir eine starke Community. Für Dein kleines Unternehmen können zudem die minimalen Kosten vorteilhaft sein.
Die Woocommerce alternative BigCommerce bietet Dir umfangreiche E-Commerce Funktionen. Es wurde mit besonderer Aufmerksamkeit auf die Schwerpunkte Benutzerfreundlichkeit und Skalierbarkeit entwickelt.
BigCommerce bietet Dir zusätzliche Mehrwerte und eignet sich perfekt für viele Produkte.
The post Alle Infos zur neuen WooCommerce Alternative- BigCommerce appeared first on webhoster Cloud und Webhosting.
from webhoster Cloud und Webhosting https://www.webhoster.ag/alle-infos-zur-neuen-woocommerce-alternative-bigcommerce/ via https://www.webhoster.ag
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skuplugs · 4 years
VendHQ Integration with BigCommerce
Vend is a cloud-based point-of-sale and retail management software that helps the business owners to run their business in-store, online and also through mobile phone. It also integrates with other business and payment applications like Xero, Shopify, Square, PayPal. It also integrates with other business services like BigCommerce, WooCommerce and LightSpeed. VendHQ Integration with BigCommerce provides an excellent platform for your business. You can easily take your business online with the help of services provided by Vend and BigCommerce.
BigCommerce is a private company that provides SaaS e-commerce platform. It was found in 2009. The headquarters of BigCommerce are in Austin, Texas. It also partnership with other online payment service providers. E-commerce business is one of the ways of growing and boosting up your business. VendHQ Integration with BigCommerce also provides a good platform for your business. You can also integrate your business with other services.
VendHQ Integration with BigCommerce is very famous and is known to provide best services to the business owners. If you also own a business and you want to grow and boost it then you can take the integration services from these companies. You can also use other integration services to grow your business.
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bitcoingape · 5 years
Coinbase’s Crypto Payment Portal Hits Milestone: Adoption Is Happening
New Post has been published on http://bitcoingape.com/coinbases-crypto-payment-portal-hits-milestone-adoption-is-happening/
Coinbase’s Crypto Payment Portal Hits Milestone: Adoption Is Happening
Coinbase Commerce Hits $50 Million In Processed Transactions
According to a recent report from CoinDesk, Coinbase Commerce, the crypto startup’s application for merchants and online retailers, has recently surpassed $50 million in processed transactions. Speaking to the outlet, the facet of Coinbase has seen volume pick up through Q2 of this year, which coincidences with the bullish price action. Coinbase Commerce has already been integrated into online e-commerce giants like Shopify, WooCommerce, and others, which has helped to boost the adoption of the application.
While Coinbase Commerce has done well, BitPay has arguably done even better. The Coinbase competitor processed over $1 billion in transactions in fiscal 2018, as we reported previously. And it’s chief executive, Stephen Pair, wants this sum to grow to $10 billion and $100 billion in the years to come as a sign of the growing influence of cryptocurrencies on a global scale.
Crypto Sees Adoption
This recent milestone achievement comes as some large players in the corporate world have begun to accept cryptocurrency as a payments option.
Announced Thursday, AT&T, a Texas-based American technology giant valued at $234 billion, will be accepting Bitcoin payments for its services through the Atlanta-headquartered BitPay. Per a press release, AT&T is now the first “major U.S. mobile carrier” to provide its millions of customers with the ability to purchase services for cryptocurrency. Speaking on the matter, Kevin McDorman, vice president of AT&T Communications’ Finance Business Operations unit drawled:
“We’re always looking for ways to improve and expand our services… We have customers who use cryptocurrency, and we are happy we can offer them a way to pay their bills with the method they prefer.”
As this news broke, many in the crypto community saw this as validation of the return of the Bitcoin bull. Because why would a massive company accept an asset that is “dying” is “already dead”, right?
What’s more, Tor, the de-facto go-to privacy- and anonymity-centric browser provider, unveiled a donation jar that accepts crypto assets earlier this year. Tor’s website now accepts payments in nine leading cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Stellar Lumens, Monero, ZCash, and Augur. And even more recently, Flexa, a little-known startup looking to make “cryptocurrency spendable everywhere”, will be making Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, and Gemini’s in-house stablecoin available to spend in 30,476 retail outlets. Chains accepted the aforementioned digital assets include Crate & Barrel, GameStop, Lowe’s, Nordstrom, and arguably most importantly, the Amazon-owned Whole Foods.
But this may be the tip of the iceberg. Square, the fintech company headed by Twitter’s Jack Dorsey, is looking to make BTC spendable as the Internet’s currency in more places. He specifically wants to integrate the Lightning Network into Square’s Cash App, which already sells Bitcoin at a breakneck pace.
Title Image Courtesy of Marco Verch Via Flickr
The post Coinbase’s Crypto Payment Portal Hits Milestone: Adoption Is Happening appeared first on Ethereum World News.
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cryptswahili · 5 years
Coinbase’s Crypto Payment Portal Hits Milestone: Adoption Is Happening
Coinbase Commerce Hits $50 Million In Processed Transactions
According to a recent report from CoinDesk, Coinbase Commerce, the crypto startup’s application for merchants and online retailers, has recently surpassed $50 million in processed transactions. Speaking to the outlet, the facet of Coinbase has seen volume pick up through Q2 of this year, which coincidences with the bullish price action. Coinbase Commerce has already been integrated into online e-commerce giants like Shopify, WooCommerce, and others, which has helped to boost the adoption of the application.
While Coinbase Commerce has done well, BitPay has arguably done even better. The Coinbase competitor processed over $1 billion in transactions in fiscal 2018, as we reported previously. And it’s chief executive, Stephen Pair, wants this sum to grow to $10 billion and $100 billion in the years to come as a sign of the growing influence of cryptocurrencies on a global scale.
Crypto Sees Adoption
This recent milestone achievement comes as some large players in the corporate world have begun to accept cryptocurrency as a payments option.
Announced Thursday, AT&T, a Texas-based American technology giant valued at $234 billion, will be accepting Bitcoin payments for its services through the Atlanta-headquartered BitPay. Per a press release, AT&T is now the first “major U.S. mobile carrier” to provide its millions of customers with the ability to purchase services for cryptocurrency. Speaking on the matter, Kevin McDorman, vice president of AT&T Communications’ Finance Business Operations unit drawled:
“We’re always looking for ways to improve and expand our services… We have customers who use cryptocurrency, and we are happy we can offer them a way to pay their bills with the method they prefer.”
As this news broke, many in the crypto community saw this as validation of the return of the Bitcoin bull. Because why would a massive company accept an asset that is “dying” is “already dead”, right?
What’s more, Tor, the de-facto go-to privacy- and anonymity-centric browser provider, unveiled a donation jar that accepts crypto assets earlier this year. Tor’s website now accepts payments in nine leading cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Stellar Lumens, Monero, ZCash, and Augur. And even more recently, Flexa, a little-known startup looking to make “cryptocurrency spendable everywhere”, will be making Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, and Gemini’s in-house stablecoin available to spend in 30,476 retail outlets. Chains accepted the aforementioned digital assets include Crate & Barrel, GameStop, Lowe’s, Nordstrom, and arguably most importantly, the Amazon-owned Whole Foods.
But this may be the tip of the iceberg. Square, the fintech company headed by Twitter’s Jack Dorsey, is looking to make BTC spendable as the Internet’s currency in more places. He specifically wants to integrate the Lightning Network into Square’s Cash App, which already sells Bitcoin at a breakneck pace.
Title Image Courtesy of Marco Verch Via Flickr
The post Coinbase’s Crypto Payment Portal Hits Milestone: Adoption Is Happening appeared first on Ethereum World News.
[Telegram Channel | Original Article ]
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cryptobrief · 5 years
Coinbase Commerce Hits $50 Million In Processed Transactions
According to a recent report from CoinDesk, Coinbase Commerce, the crypto startup’s application for merchants and online retailers, has recently surpassed $50 million in processed transactions. Speaking to the outlet, the facet of Coinbase has seen volume pick up through Q2 of this year, which coincidences with the bullish price action. Coinbase Commerce has already been integrated into online e-commerce giants like Shopify, WooCommerce, and others, which has helped to boost the adoption of the application.
While Coinbase Commerce has done well, BitPay has arguably done even better. The Coinbase competitor processed over $1 billion in transactions in fiscal 2018, as we reported previously. And it’s chief executive, Stephen Pair, wants this sum to grow to $10 billion and $100 billion in the years to come as a sign of the growing influence of cryptocurrencies on a global scale.
Crypto Sees Adoption
This recent milestone achievement comes as some large players in the corporate world have begun to accept cryptocurrency as a payments option.
Announced Thursday, AT&T, a Texas-based American technology giant valued at $234 billion, will be accepting Bitcoin payments for its services through the Atlanta-headquartered BitPay. Per a press release, AT&T is now the first “major U.S. mobile carrier” to provide its millions of customers with the ability to purchase services for cryptocurrency. Speaking on the matter, Kevin McDorman, vice president of AT&T Communications’ Finance Business Operations unit drawled:
“We’re always looking for ways to improve and expand our services… We have customers who use cryptocurrency, and we are happy we can offer them a way to pay their bills with the method they prefer.”
As this news broke, many in the crypto community saw this as validation of the return of the Bitcoin bull. Because why would a massive company accept an asset that is “dying” is “already dead”, right?
What’s more, Tor, the de-facto go-to privacy- and anonymity-centric browser provider, unveiled a donation jar that accepts crypto assets earlier this year. Tor’s website now accepts payments in nine leading cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Stellar Lumens, Monero, ZCash, and Augur. And even more recently, Flexa, a little-known startup looking to make “cryptocurrency spendable everywhere”, will be making Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, and Gemini’s in-house stablecoin available to spend in 30,476 retail outlets. Chains accepted the aforementioned digital assets include Crate & Barrel, GameStop, Lowe’s, Nordstrom, and arguably most importantly, the Amazon-owned Whole Foods.
But this may be the tip of the iceberg. Square, the fintech company headed by Twitter’s Jack Dorsey, is looking to make BTC spendable as the Internet’s currency in more places. He specifically wants to integrate the Lightning Network into Square’s Cash App, which already sells Bitcoin at a breakneck pace.
Title Image Courtesy of Marco Verch Via Flickr
The post Coinbase’s Crypto Payment Portal Hits Milestone: Adoption Is Happening appeared first on Ethereum World News.
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siliconwebx · 5 years
Geno Quiroz: How I Built a Successful Divi White Label Business
I have been building websites for years and have been using Divi exclusively since it’s release. Back in 2015 I even joined Nathan Weller for an episode of Divi Nation, and the topic was on Building a Divi Consultancy.
Like most Divi users, I worked mostly with clients that needed help with their single website. Unfortunately, most of those clients rarely provide an opportunity for long-term ongoing work.
So, like most website design freelancers, I found myself always on the search for new customers and new projects. That all changed when I decided to stop looking for clients and started looking for Divi White Label Partners.
What Is a Divi White Label Partner
Divi continues to thrive because it is a great product and has one of the largest WordPress related online support communities. With more and more larger companies and agencies embracing Divi, the need for experienced Divi designers and developers continues to grow.
Many of these agencies do more than build websites, and they need someone who can tackle the website design and development piece so that they can provide their services. They choose Divi because it is easy for their team to maintain, update, and add new content after the initial build. Here is a sampling of some of the Divi White Label Partners we work with.
Marketing Agencies
Social Media Managers
Hubspot Partners
IT Service Providers
Life Coaches
Business Coaches
Content Providers
SEO Consultants
Other Website Design Agencies
So while website design may not be their core offering, most of their services will revolve around a well-built website. And that’s where your Divi expertise comes in.
The Benefits of Partnering
These are just a few of the benefits of Divi White Label Partnerships as a freelancer and/or small agency.
Ongoing Work
One of the benefits of partnering with agencies like this is the potential for ongoing work regularly. By partnering with a handful of large agencies and a more significant number of small agencies, we now have a steady stream of new projects scheduled out several months in advance.
Partnering has allowed us to budget and forecast much easier. The goal is to avoid the infamous “feast or famine” that is typical in the world of freelance.
Decrease Sales/Marketing Time & Expense
Another benefit to White Label Partnering is not having to spend so much time on sales and marketing calls. Before making this change, I had to spend hours and hours each week on non-billable calls, emails, and proposals.
Since our partners know who we are and what our capabilities are, we do not have to spend all that extra time trying to explain who we are and what we are capable of before each new project. With all this extra time saved each week, it allows us to focus more time on doing what we do best which is building awesome websites using Divi.
Specialize in One Platform
Partnering has also allowed us to expand our Divi skillset. Our partners are always throwing us new challenges and unique requirements. This allows us more time to think outside of the box, create new Divi features exclusive to our client’s needs, and learn new tricks within the Divi inner workings.
How To Be a Successful Divi White Label Service Provider
There are already many people who offer this type of service, and it is not something new. But I also know many Divi users would like to start providing this service and would like a few tips that helped me.
Change Your Mindset From Clients To Partners
When I decided to market this service, I created a separate landing page on our Monterey Premier website. We immediately started receiving incoming leads for this service, and after many phone calls with these leads, I learned several things.
One of these things was that many of them have tried outsourcing to large “White Label” services in various parts of the world and got burned in one way or another. Most service providers have the mindset that these are merely customers.
The difference between a customer and a partner is that as a partner, we have the best interest of the partner in mind.
We want them to succeed
We want them to have a great reputation
We want them to trust the source
We want them to have consistent work
We want them to feel like we work right there by their side as if we were employees
We want their clients to be stoked with the end result
Help Manage Projects and Client Expectation
Another pain point was that many of our smaller partners struggled with project management and scoping. So now we often get involved at the beginning of the project to help them scope it out, recognize potential challenges, and make recommendations early on.
We will even get on a client call with them as a representative of their company. Many of my partners trust me to work directly with their clients. We do several weekly screen sharing progress reports with their clients. They love that we treat their clients the way they want their clients treated.
Communicate Frequently
One more common pain point was communication. If you are a designer or developer, then you understand how hard it is to switch gears from coding, to project management throughout the day. But lack of communication can be a real frustration for agencies who outsource.
Nathan Ingram has a great rule on communication that I try to adhere to.
“One way to vastly improve your communication is to send a three-sentence email every Friday. Send a short, simple email to your clients each week that explains where the project is at: ‘This is what we did this week (past). This is where things are (present). This is what’s next (future).’ ” – Nathan Ingram
Be Diverse in Who You Choose to Partner With
One of my biggest mishaps was getting comfortable with having only one or two big agency partners. While it was great getting three to four new website builds each month from those two partners, we took a big hit when things slowed down.
Now we go after a combination of large and small businesses to partner with. So while the large agencies throw us some large projects now and then, we get to fill in the gaps with the occasional smaller websites that have a quicker turnaround and payment cycle.
While most of our partners are billed at the end of each month, the smaller projects allow us to receive payments throughout the month.
What to Look for in a Divi White Label Service Provider
I know that many people reading this article might be on the search for a great Divi White Label Service provider so this section is for you. In addition to the qualities listed above, these additional tips should help you find the right fit.
Look for Solid Experience With Divi
It does not mean they cannot use a variety of Page Builders & Themes, but the more experienced they are with Divi, the more they will be able to offer best practice solutions and best use of the core functions and tools.
We choose to only work with Divi because it keeps us proficient and efficient when building a custom website and website specific plugins. If you can find someone who only uses Divi, you will more than likely get a better bang for your buck and prevent future problems with the website.
Design and Development
You are going to want to make sure that your Divi White Label service provider has both design and development experience. While there are many things you can do with just the visual builder alone, there are always things that require a little CSS, PHP or Javascript tweaks.
We have built many custom plugins for unique WooCommerce/Divi integrations, LifterLMS/Divi integrations, and GoogleTracking/Divi integrations (to name just a few). It will be more convenient and efficient for you if both design and development is coming from the same team.
Consider Time Zone Differences
Most of our clients love to be able to hop on a call or video chat during regular business hours. That does not mean your service providers have to live in the same time zone as you. It just means they can make themselves available during your business hours.
Although we have team members in Texas, England, and Portugal, all of us operate on standard US business days and are available for scheduled conference calls throughout the day Monday – Friday. Fortunately, there are many amazing Divi power users all over the world so finding someone who works in your timezone should not be a problem.
Look for Divi Community Involvement and Authority
One of the things about finding someone who is very involved and trusted in the Divi Community is going to help you with the vetting process. Although there are dozens of Divi Community Facebook groups, some with over 10,000 members each, it is pretty easy to see who is active, trusted, helpful, and experienced.
It also helps to see if they are contributing to the Divi Community via tutorials, blogs, layout kits, and plugins. This will give you an idea as to whether or not they are going to be a good fit design/development wise.
In Closing
With so many people embracing Divi these days, there is plenty of room for everyone. I believe one of the reasons the Divi community has grown into one of the largest WordPress product communities is because of how much Divi users give away, including successful business strategies.
Hopefully, the strategies listed in this article will help some Divi users start a business, help some Divi users grow their business, and help some Divi users find the right partners to help their business succeed.
The post Geno Quiroz: How I Built a Successful Divi White Label Business appeared first on Elegant Themes Blog.
😉SiliconWebX | 🌐ElegantThemes
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rjtexasusa · 1 year
Freelance web designer USA
There are nearly 7 billion mobile users around the world and it is projected that this figure will continue to rise as technology becomes more accessible each passing day. Mobile phones have become an integral part of our lives seamlessly over the past decade.
The mobile application development industry has been genuinely altering and redefining business for quite a while now. Almost every company needs to amalgamate the latest mobile app development trends and extend its marketing strategy to gain traction towards optimum growth and reach its targeted market effectively.
The mobile app development industry is continuously evolving. Technology advancements, consumer demands, and a wide range of other factors have a direct impact on mobile app trends. Consumers today expect services to come with apps with friendly, clean user interfaces. The presentation of your brand through your app can go a long way with the tech-savvy customers of today.
Mobile users use multiple mobile applications to make life easier. Have we ever wondered what are the things used in making all such mobile applications that make your life much easier? Behind the scene of such intrigue applications, there are thousands of mobile app development frameworks, which are striving to give you the best user experience at your fingertips. Let us look into some of those.
Swiftic is one of the best mobile app development frameworks available in the iOS platform. It is featured with an easily navigable interface. Native Scripts is an open-source framework to create native mobile applications empowered with Angular, Typescript, JavaScript, CSS, and Vue.js.
React Native is the best JavaScript library to build native applications for all devices and platforms. With React Native, you can develop rich applications for both iOS and Android. It also allows creating platform-specific versions of various components allowing easy using of single codebase across various multiple platforms.
I develop digital products like Native iOS and Android apps, Cross-platform apps, Web apps, IoT apps, AR and VR experiences, Software and systems integrations and redesign your existing digital products.
I delivering amazing eCommerce& CMS website design & development services using Magento Commerce, Wordpress&WooCommerce and an expert in strategy, design, development, marketing & conversion optimisation.
My main skill also include ReactJS, Redux, Gatsby, Netlify CMS, PHP, Laravel Framework, Vue , JavaScript (ES5/ES6/ES7+, Babel), UI/UX, responsive web, Bootstrap, Material UI, Node Express.js, Git/Github/Bitbucket, C#, ASP.Net Core, Drupal, React and Python.
I am a freelance Web Designer & Mobile App Developer from Texas, USA. For all your requirements to build a website, look no further. Contact me at [email protected] or call me on 713 417 7472. Please take your time to visit my website http://www.rjtexas.com/ to know much more.
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