sgiandubh · 5 months
Paige Woolan ( Raya girl) didn’t cancel after she matched on Raya Sam cancelled. She discussed it briefly on Deumoix’s podcast when talking about her dates with many other celebrities way more famous , she ended up being banned from Raya for talking so specifically and naming those dates . Her story was that she was papped just before the proposed date and admitted she sometimes calls the paps , she believed that was the reason Sam cancelled as he was suspicious she’d do the same with him .
Dear Paige Woolen Anon,
I sincerely could not care less and shall leave your submission here for reference purposes only.
Between two sips of midnight champagne, I swore to myself not to devote, if at all possible, any extra neuron to these people of little consequence in the global balance of things.
I wish Mrs. Woolen an enlightening 2024. Far away from our daily business.
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mariellejohnston · 9 months
“Locally this region was known as “the ridge.” Most of Victoria Park was open woodlands (open forest) containing blue gum, apple, box and ironbark with grassy slopes.” “What is now Victoria Park and Spring Hill were recalled as particularly bare or open. In springtime at what is now Victoria Park: ’The hillsides were melodious with the calls of the butcher bird and magpie, and in winter, with the twitterings of the pretty little wagtail….’ The prevalence of field birds suggests this ‘forest’ was not particularly dense.” “Meston lists “gums, ironbark, bloodwood and stringy bark.” Other accounts mention some undergrowth: “wattles and dense scrub in abundance.” "The open forest was inhabited by koalas, possums, kangaroos and emus. Lagoons in Victoria Park once supplied abundant reeds, waterlilies, fish (bream and eel) and waterfowl” - Kerchove, R. (2020). Victoria Park Area Summary. “Victoria Park / Barrambin has played a significant role in Brisbane’s history. The site was an important meeting and camping place for Aboriginal people who came from all over South-East Queensland for corroborees. The park was gazetted as a reserve for recreation in 1875 and was a site for brickmaking and timber-felling industries. It was also Brisbane’s first municipal rubbish dump. During World War II the park was home to hundreds of American soldiers based in Brisbane, with these houses later used for social housing for displaced residents. Victoria Park / Barrambin remains the largest inner-city parkland in Brisbane with a new history unfolding as it transforms into a uniquely Brisbane destination.”
- Brisbane City Council. (n.d.). Victoria Park|Barrambin. https://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/things-to-see-and-do/council-venues-and-precincts/parks/victoria-park-barrambin#:~:text=The%20site%20was%20an%20important,Brisbane’s%20first%20municipal%20rubbish%20dump.
Indigenous knowledge and history:
“Victoria Park was much favoured as a camping ground. The area’s undulating ridges permitted views in some spots and caught the breezes. Its many waterholes and open woodland offered plentiful water and food resources. The early camps were described as comprising of “ti-tree huts.” Variously 200-1000 people sometimes resided here. … Usually camps were on ridges above waterholes, and presumably they were moved to various different sections of the current park according to conditions or need.” “From archaeological finds, it seems the main ‘York’s Hollow’ camps were up into the northern end of Victoria Park towards the Ekka Grounds.” “This gave the area between Bowen Hills Station and Breakfast Creek its name (Barrimbin/ Barrambin) – a word that meant both ’windy place’ and ’place of swamp oaks.’ … This may explain why ‘wind’ and ‘oak’ were related in Indigenous lore: ‘Those were the days when one could ….hear sweet Aeolian (= wind god) melodies as the gentle north-east wind touched the tremulous leaves of the grand old swamp oaks.’ ”
- Kerchove, R. (2020). Victoria Park Area Summary.
“Barrambin (meaning ‘windy place’) and Walan / Woolan (meaning ‘bream’) comprised the areas now known as Herston and Bowen Hills. The land was undulating, with hills punctuated by a chain of waterholes and gullies. Barrambin and Walan were meeting and gathering places for groups travelling to and from other parts of South East Queensland, as well as dance and corroboree sites, and hunting and fishing lands for local Aboriginal people of Brisbane. The area now contained within Victoria Park / Barrambin was an extensive Aboriginal camp and is a significant European contact and cultural site.”
- Brisbane City Council. (n.d.). Victoria Park|Barrambin. https://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/things-to-see-and-do/council-venues-and-precincts/parks/victoria-park-barrambin#:~:text=The%20site%20was%20an%20important,Brisbane’s%20first%20municipal%20rubbish%20dump.
“For local Indigenous communities, the creeks, and the valleys they create, carry stories of their places and histories and are sites of food, water, and corroborees. The waters of the Windy Place are a part of the river system but also a system set within the valleys and groves of the lower hills of Mount Coot-Tha and beyond. The waters that contribute to Barrambin can only be understood as a multiplicity of pools, creeks, and contexts that the waters inhabit and move through (beds, banks, culverts), and the flora and fauna (trees, bushes, grasses, birds, fish, insects) that contribute to its “lifeness”. In this way Barrambin epitomises Place, the living entity that feels and knows (Rose 1996), which is entangled in meaning-making as a storyteller in its own right (Graham 2009).” “We found that at around the same time as the boundaries were invented and labelled, antique colonial news publications letters to the editor depict the shifting relationship between the waters of Barrambin, the Turrbal community, and the Europeans who colonised the region. It was – and remains – a relationship characterised by violence against and deculturalisation of Country, wherein the Turrbal residents were policed and evicted from the lands and waters of Barrambin in the process of reservation for “recreational use” by the colonial government.” “ ’Country is a living entity with a yesterday, today and tomorrow, with a consciousness, and a will toward life’ (1996, 7). The concept of “personhood” is a legal state which can be conferred on natural entities. Personhood is existential – a relational concept that pertains to the inherent state of being a person (e.g. biologically) and the context of being in the world (socioculturally).” “… the Australian Indigenous spiritual understanding of Barrambin (as Country), as a place and hence a living entity, is recognition that the Morethan-Human are living entities that are deeply connected to other living entities.”
- Turner, J., Seevinck, J., Foth, M., Armstrong, K., Vickery, N., Kelly, N., Tyurina, A., McKinnon, H., Low, A., & Davies, L. (2022). Kinning With The Unseen More-Than-Human: Re-Sensing Barrambin’s Disappeared Waterways And Creeks For Community Connection To Place​. Australian Council of University Art and Design Schools (ACUADS).
York's Hollow (Barrambin)
It is clear from the literary sources that York’s Hollow played an active role in the lives not only of the Brisbane Aborigines but also other groups within the Moreton Region. The Aboriginal name for the location was Barrambin; it acquired its European name from the Duke of York, the settlers’ name for the acknowledged elder of the local Aboriginal clan. It was a useful food gathering spot, but there are also suggestions that it also held religious significance (Cryle 1986:26). It was here, in the ‘wilds of Bowen Hills’ that Tom Petrie spent memorable childhood moments observing and participating in Aboriginal life (Petrie 1992:27,118). As a boy, he took refuge at the camp ‘out Bowen Hills way’ after being caught smoking by his father (Petrie 1992:3). Groups of up to 800 gathered at York’s Hollow for ceremonial and trading purposes from as far away as the Blackall Ranges (Petrie 1992:164-5). The Brisbane Aborigines did not have the aggressive reputation of some others, eg the coastal and northern groups, but such large gatherings were a source of disquiet for the local settlers (Cryle 1986:26).
18 Indigenous Cultural Heritage Study of Brisbane. 18.2.3 Northern section. Pg 18 - 11.
Green Heart Fair: Regenerate Outline
“Green Heart Fair celebrates and promotes the innovations that are, and will be required for sustainable living, embodied in an annual festival that appeals to audiences from all walks of life. Clearly sustaining the future, and making it better for future generations, has become everyone’s business.”
“model sustainable living”
We also believe certain forms of spatial practice can offer audiences experiments that in some way leave our world a better place. We understand such practices as ‘regenerative’ - in the sense that they model ‘giving something back’, rather than just speaking to sustaining what currently remains.
Victoria Park/Barrambin has always been an important cultural place for First Nations people - whose ceremonies, customs and lores maintained the Country for tens of thousands of years. The First Nations people of this continent have always understood and embodied regeneration - evidenced through their sustainable culture and their innovative land management practices. Clearly, to understand regeneration today, we also need to learn from that long history of sustainable living.
In keeping with the ethos of the Green Heart Fair, Regenerate’s artworks therefore speak to the history of the site, and regeneration; embodying cultural, ethical and material principles of sustainability, whilst making an active contribution to sustaining our collective futures.
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pfashionmart · 3 years
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artiztline · 3 years
Devastated ft. Woolane by Sarahn & Sh!cal To listen this new track on spotify and Enjoy it…
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shopify288-blog · 5 years
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Dedication Exercises
15 MAY 1888. Austin Daily Statesman.
DEDICATION. Order of Exercises to be Observed To-Morrow. Grand Military Parade, Masonic Ceremonies and Dedication Speeches at the Capitol.
The following is the order of exercises for dedicating the new capitol to-morrow, from 9 a. m. until 12 noon:
The committee appointed by the senate will meet in the senate chamber, and the committee appointed by the house will meet in the hall of representatives at 8:30 to-morrow morning.
From there they will proceed to the state library hall, where they will be met by Governor Ross, Hon. John Ireland, Hon. O. M. Roberts and the special committee on reception.
The committee is as follows:
Senators J. L. Camp, jr., E. G. Douglass, J. H. Calhoun, W. H. Woodward and E. J. Simkins.
Representatives Guy M. Bryan, J. N. Browning, E. W. Smith, R. E. Steele, J. M. Strong, Geo. W. Baylor and W. T. Hudgins.
The following gentlemen will also meet with the committee: Rev. J. C. Woolan, chaplain of the Texas Veteran association, who will deliver the dedication prayer; Hon. A. W. Terrell, who will deliver the address of welcome, Hon. J. V. Farwell, of the capitol building syndicate, and Mr. Gus Wilke, the builder of the state, house and Col. Abner Taylor, capitol contractor, who will present the capitol building to the people of Texas; and Hon. Temple Houston, who will accept the building on behalf of the people of Texas.
The following officials are also requested to report at this meeting in the library hall promptly at 8:30 a. m. Wednesday morning, May 18th. Hon. Wm. J. Swain, Hon. J.H. McLeary, Hon. J.D. Templeton, Hon. W.C. Walsh, Hon. W. M. Brown, Hon. F. R. Lubbock, Hon. John D. McCall, Hon. R. M. Hall, Hon. J. S. Hogg, former and present members of the capitol board, Capitol Building Commissioners Joseph Lee and M. H. McLaurin, and General R. S. Walker, superintendent of construction, the judges of the supreme court, court of appeals and commissioners of appeals, the president of the senate and the speaker of the house and Texas veterans who are in the city and such distinguished guests, including the commission from the republic.
and others as the governor of Texas may invite.
A select committee of seven from the Dedication associations general reception committee to be appointed by the chairman of said committee to include the said chairman.
The committee of the House and Senate, together with the above reception committee, will then escort the above mentioned assemblage to the front portico of the capitol building, where seats will have been provided for them.
His Excellency, Governor L. S. Ross, will preside over the ceremonies.
The Masonic Grand Lodge of Texas will take a position immediately in front of said portico on a platform prepared for the Masons, including their orators and officers. The Masons are requested to make their procession and take their position in front of the building not later than 9 a. m.
At 8:30 a. m. the great military procession, escorted by not less than fifteen bands of music, including the famous Mexican band and the renowned Gilmore band, will move from the encampment grounds up First street to Congress avenue, up Congress avenue to the left of the capitol grounds, to the west gate, thence to the right, coming by the front of the capitol building and passing in review of his excellency, the governor and his distinguished guests. The military procession will continue past the building, encircling it and return down Congress avenue and Pecan street to the encampment grounds.
After the review of the troops the following will be the order of the dedication exercises.
Prayer by Rev. J. C. Woolam, chaplain Texas Veteran association.
Address of welcome by Hon. A. W. Terrell.
Presentation of the capitol building to the people of Texas by Colonel Abner Taylor, capitol contractor.
Address of Hon. Temple Houston, accepting the building on behalf of the people of Texas.
The building will then be dedicated by the Masonic grand lodge of the state of Texas, with appropriate ceremonies, when the exercises will then be concluded.
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mrjattboy-blog · 5 years
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fevaartistry-blog · 7 years
Official Video FEVA ARTISTRY Present "🍞4💰=💰4🍞" The G.A.P feat. The GAP Band, MourMoney,TrickyBandz,WooLane, &Breeze Blonco https://youtu.be/sw1g6aM9boE (at Sisters Tea Parlor & Boutique)
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with Anna Triana, Jeeva, Jauza, Butet Icha, Virry, Woolan, stevan, rarang, Tiyok, Sonya, Anita, Dhenok, Leonie "Nita", Anggie, Indra, Emil, Mey, Saskia, Linda, Irto, ReIr, maya, Deni, Ike, Nungky, Desny, Astrid, Mira, Fitriana, Agung, Diany 👈, and Joe at SMA Pangudi Luhur – View on Path.
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with Sonya, maya, Mey, Woolan, Anita, Ike, Indra, Butet Icha, Virry, Desny, Fitriana, Mira, Deni, Leonie "Nita", Linda, Dhenok, Anggie, Saskia, rarang, and Diany 👈 at Ziato Gelato – View on Path.
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with Sonya, ReIr, Agung, maya, Anggie, Deni, Anita, Saskia, Butet Icha, Virry, Desny, Fitriana, Woolan, Linda, Mey, Indra, Irto, rarang, Tiyok, Emil, and Diany 👈 at SMA Pangudi Luhur – Watch on Path.
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with Butet Icha, Virry, Woolan, rarang, Tiyok, Sonya, Anita, Mey, Saskia, Emil, Ance , Anggie, Indra, Linda, Irto, ReIr, maya, Deni, Desny, Fitriana, Agung, and Diany 👈 at SMA Pangudi Luhur – View on Path.
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fevaartistry-blog · 7 years
FEVA ARTISTRY FILMZ presents "🍞4💰=💰4🍞" Official VIDEO EMOTIONS ft: WooLane/MOUR MONEY/TrickyBandz https://youtu.be/z6NLZiKnHMY #followme & @pittsburghdoe for video/film production 512-THE-FEVA (at Kentucky)
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fevaartistry-blog · 7 years
FEVA ARTISTRY FILMZ presents "🍞4💰=💰4🍞" Official VIDEO EMOTIONS ft: WooLane/MOUR MONEY/TrickyBandz https://youtu.be/z6NLZiKnHMY #followme @pittsburghdoe for video/film production and editing #512-THE-FEVA (at Kentucky)
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