#woooiii I wrote sumthing!!!!!!
lavendersb · 6 years
What makes us lovers;
Mary-Beth x Reader (smut)
(reminder that requests are still open!)
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It had been months since you had slept on a proper bed.
The girls wagon was a rough sleep, a few blankets and the odd fur that the men had donated hardly helped give you the peaceful sleep you wanted. It was becoming more and more difficult to watch Arthur or John lounging on their beds whilst you mended a pair of pants on the rug covered wooden floor that doubled as your bed. 
So you and Mary-Beth hatched a plan. It hadn’t been easy, but buttering up everyone in camp was guaranteed to work in your favour. You would distract Miss Grimshaw whilst Mary-Beth endured Dutch’s conversation, the two of you would offer to help Pearson with his cooking and bring bowls of stew to the other men.
So by the time you asked Dutch if the two of you could leave for Valentine to stay the night at the hotel, nobody could refuse you. 
Charles dropped the two of you off, with a promise to collect you from the same spot the next day. You both watched him leave, and Mary-Beth laced her arm with yours, squeezing it fondly. You smiled, it was good to get away from the camp. To spend some time with your closest friend.
“We should go get some food”  she said, pulling you towards the line of shops.
 “and maybe something to drink” she adds with a smile. 
After a decent meal in the saloon and a quick detour into the general store the two of you made your way to the hotel, laughing and bumping shoulders all the while. 
Purchasing a room for the night, you also decided to pay for a bath as well and headed upstairs to wait for it to be drawn for you both. You settled into the modest room quickly, happy to know you would be spending the night under a roof for once.
Mary-Beth pulls out the story book she’s been reading lately. Hopping onto the bed, she settles herself down before gesturing for you to join her. You do, and with you sprawled out over her lap, she begins to read
“Can I ask you a question?” Mary-Beth piped up after a moment. She lowers the book so it rests on the curve of your spine.
“’course, anythin’“ you responded as you played with a curl come lose from your plait.
Mary-Beth was quiet for a moment before speaking again.
“You ever been kissed before?” 
“Sure,” you responded lightly “Well once or twice, when I was a little younger” 
Mary-Beth stays silent, eyebrows worrying the way they do when she’s deep in thought.
“They didn’t mean much though” you add, trying to prompt her to speak again.
“I ain’t never been kissed” she says quietly, and you detect a hint of sadness in her words.
“I’m sure it won’t stay like that for long” you offer, looking at her over your shoulder.
“I hope.” she sighs “I always read about kisses in my stories, I can’t help but wish it was me” 
Before you can respond, there’s a knock on the door and a woman calls in to tell you the bath is ready.
“Come on” Mary-Beth jumps up and grabs your hand, pulling you out the door and padding down the stairs to the bath.
The room was dark. A few gas lamps lit the room and a roaring fireplace gave the whole room a homely feeling, and looking at the steaming hot bathtub you became acutely aware of how cold you were. 
You both took no time messily stripping away you clothes, not bothering to fold them or even drape them over a chair. Once you both reached your delicates, you paused, glancing nervously at Mary-Beth. She met your gaze and you both giggled breathlessly. You were both friends, there was nothing wrong with getting undressed around each other, and besides, you were about to take a bath together. You had to undress. 
Corsets and bloomers removed, both of you ease into the hot water of the bath. You sat at opposite ends of the tub, your legs tangled together as Mary-Beth poured two glasses of the whisky that the two of you had bought earlier and the two of you talked about everything and nothing. Submerged up to your chest in bubbles and warm water, you feel a calm you haven’t felt in a while. You feel at rest, and maybe that’s what prompts your next silly idea.
“Mary-Beth” you ask, and she looks up at you from the bubbles “you really never had a kiss before?” 
The girl opposite you blushes in the dim light, avoiding your gaze as she responds quietly.
“You don’t have to tease me about it” 
“I ain’t meaning to tease” you fix.
Something stirs in you then, pushes you, and you know it isn’t the alcohol. Looking at Mary-Beth, freckled skin flushed pink with the heat and wet curls plastered to her neck and shoulders, that's what pushes you. 
Grasping the edges of the bath tub, you pull yourself forward to rest between her knees. Mary-Beth’s eyes widen just a little and the closeness makes you blush a little.
“Would you like a kiss?” you ask timidly, suddenly unsure of yourself. There’s nothing strictly wrong with wanting to kiss her, the two of you had been friends since you had joined the gang, there was nothing wrong with what you were doing.
She nodded, and you responded instantly. Leaning in you placed a kiss to her lips, a gentle one, and a long one that broke softly when you settled back onto your heels. 
Cautiously you glance up at Mary-Beth, who was breathing faintly through parted lips. When she opened her eyes to look at you, your heart soared at the fact she didn’t seem repulsed by you. 
On instinct, you reached out to grab her waist under the water, leaning forward to kiss her again so that your chests pressed against each other. Mary-Beth’s hands work their way into your damp hair, nails scratching your scalp lightly as she makes a soft noise into the kiss, and after a few moments, one of her hands drops to feel for your breast. When her soft thumb brushes against your wet nipple you have to break away from the kiss to whine, and in a movement driven equally by the want to repay and a newfound curiosity, your hand releases her waist and drifts lower in the water. 
You watch her as you press your fingers against her. Mary-Beth jolts a little and lets out a breathy sigh, her hips canting towards your hand. In that moment you’re acutely aware of what this means. It’s a lover’s touch. It’s what married couples and wild sweethearts do, the kisses mean love not friendship, the touches mean devotion, not curiosity. Yet despite this, you have no doubt that this is what you should be doing. With her. With you. 
So you lean forward and let yourself enjoy another kiss, knowing that nothing is as natural as this.
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