#woow im a amazing mom
haniiebeedraws · 3 years
A cute photo of the cousins
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Please dont mock your short relatives
Honestly I'm vibing here drawing Stephanie's cousins
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jseanjx · 4 years
Aug 30 || A head out of the night (blog)
(images soon-)
on the bed, I just had some great thoughts, it was a memories of a vacation with my classmates from my Primary school grade 4th(I believe), once my floating thoughts finish, I acknowledge that today's a great and also a fun day........ I gotta had to write down today's a dairy. Since I stopped writing to my calendar ever since for 2 months straight.
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Today's a good morning, had some egg-pie for the breakfast (+1piece of spongecake), caught the time just at barely noon, well more like almost evening already. it's 2pm-ish.
I was pretty curious and somewhat lil' anxious for the night out, because it was soo long ago that I've stepped out for one bit, also with the wall of stand of MCO kept stayed on, there's really nothing I can do. Yet really.
For the day I started out with usual Twitch.tv .
When watching xQc today, with a certain amount time figuring out what's happening, I'm indeed smh that xQc skipped one of the round of Chess tournament. Which becomes the most amazing match ever in the tourmament history, a mate in 0 moves! What a smart figure right? (No it's very ashamed)
I already know that I'ma gonna get one of a new headset tonight, so I just use my regular Samsung headphones for the rest of the day.
I'm already got sick of the force pressurings from my current Bluetooth headset, been frustrated for the months,If you ever experienced with a Headset, you will know how they really felt like. So I "requested" for a new headset to get rid it.
So night's come, a bit late with my sis, mom, buy then we got on the car after all, man it's been soo long that I actually sit afront, and just get in the car makes me feel pure fresh feeling, and soft of exciting.
On the long way gone, we actually planned for the Streamboat Sunday dinner for the night! Which is wonderful foods we enjoyed and satisfied. It's somewhat quite underwhelming for me, consider the hot air from the hot pot, the freaky water drop unsteady from the vents, that spicy tomyam heats all up to my tummy.. it is so sick, but it doesn't effect our dinner. We had a great dinner. (oh and we took the eggs and yiman, and rm10 for the pudding from a pathetic kind child.)
well the time has com- oh shrt. I forgot to wear my MASK... GRHH... It was okay, everything is fine, time for choosing a headse- fuk.. every thing is Bluetooth connection... I'm sure there's a fitting version righ- sigh...
yeah that goes very well indeed no kapp
however thanksfully a employee has introduce some I didn't seem(I'm basically blind at that point lmao), when I realize.. the first one they showed... is literally my WANTED old Headset!? WAZAAA?! Ofc if you know me, Im not a big reactor especially infront of anybody.
Then they continue to ask if they can find a better ones for me, long story short-they did at the end. With some considering, and a thinkful advice from my mom. Even though the org price drops down 20% for us, I still refused to buy it.
First of all, the color, I don't like. Second That is not free adjustable.
But what I like is the function wires, it got many control that I haven't ever tried. (+the huge earbuds)
After all that, I still got back the first main headset that he first found, and I tested them to see if it fit- oh dang, it was very sweet woow, you have no idea how happy I am after wearing them for like the 5th tries.
Still, way before and after this, my fams also picked some interesting stuff, like a lighting bud where you can hang in anywhere, an actual airpod pog- nah I wish so, it is just rebranded copy paste earphone for android. and.. That's it all we got :)
returned home, hzhaaa- what a great night~
Time to actually test the inside out of the headset.... oh... oh no.. they work surprisingly so dang well!! I can't believe it too, they sounds just like my previous one does, I love it. I loved it soo much that I picked back my headset.
Tested on some music, some games like osu, csgo.
Man The taste never changed since last year. It's excellent.
and then, well... that goes for the night, it's Aug 31th.
It's our national day btw🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾 Medeka! :)
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I only realized that this headset has only one wire cable.. which my PC needs two.. guess I was forgotten much peehhh xd
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jey-chan · 7 years
The forgotten temple and the secret heritage ch2
woow…. I I really didn’t think this is was going to be that good. So… there is the next chapert, hope you will like it and I should thanks my friend Angel again for begging so kind and patient with my bad grammar. (Really you are the best!)
Mahiru really didn’t know what to think anymore.
In the last 24 hours she not only moves in the school dorms, but finds a neko spirit guardian of a forgotten temple in her dorm. The neko was a vampire too and has information about her mysterious dead father.
Oh! And she made a contract with the neko vampire spirit guardian after killing a powerful demon that suddenly popped up in the school gardens.
She really was hoping that was a weird dream, but now that she was in a chair at noon eating a toast, she can see that is wasn’t a dream.
The cat vampire give her a lazy glare.
“yeah?” asked kuro.
“… what exactly I am supposed to do now that I have made the contract? Oh and more importantly, you don’t eat cat food right? Or need b- blood s so often r- right?”
The spirit saw how she got nervous in the last sentence, was she afraid of blood? Oh man. Don’t tell me she is one of those humans that passed out for the very fact of saw some little blood? If that’s the case then she was in a very creepy exposition therapy.
And… did she say cat food? The mere thought of it made him nervous and sad. That stuff was awful!
“you give me some of that terrible thing called cat food and I throw your homework”
The girl made a little giggling sound before moving to ask again the first and second question.
“….well I don’t like taking blood so only if its necessary I will take some of yours… a little, only a glup and that is and for what to do…. Well honestly I don’t know… you are the first eve I had in all my immortal life so… I really don’t know but… there is a distance limit and we can’t be apart for more than 6 hours or bad things happens…” the vampire lest a sigh. “what a pain… having an eve is so troublesome that I can die… trying to remember is something I can’t deal…” and with that he got in his cat form.
Mahiru blinked, before remembering something important.
“Do you know how we made it here? I mean the last thing I remember was passing out in the gardens so….”
The cat rolled his head.
“I think it was one of my brothers… or my sister I really don’t know”
“you have siblings?! That’s cool! I had always wanted a sibling but… I think it's a little hard to have one now”
“oh, your parents don’t have alergies to cats right? And… why are you here?”
Mahiru give him a sad face before shaking her head.
“I don’t have parents. I never knew my dad and my mom was single. She died in an accident, I came here to learn the circus arts and one day be a legal member of my uncles circus”
“Oh well.. so your uncle adopted you? Just like you did with me”
Mahiru noded before seeing the clock.
“Omg! It’s already so late?” and with that the girl ran of with her backpack
Kuro only grabbed the last toast and ran after his mistress.
Once the apartment was alone, a ghostly young man appears in the lobby.
A person that wears  Victorians clothes put his eyes in the place.
“so… this is our new home, huh? It’s simple and lovely… Yup I like it.” the ghost put his gloved hand in the TV remote and started changing channels until he found something that was worthy in his eyes.
The show was about a girl in a dark blue jeans, a traditional Mexican looking blouse, sandals and an eye mask in her face.
Her dark hair was in a strange bun that looked like a butterfly and the most amazing thing was her big black butterfly wings.
“I know I should be preparing things for my formal introduction to my little descendent but… Obsidiane (An: I know its Obsidian but I put it like that because I like it how its hear, so im sorry)  can’t wait” he said before started to sing along the silly opening of the super hero themed show.
Meanwhile, Mahiru was trying to re-establish her breath in her desk.
“T-that’s was the best run for school I have ever had” she admitted to her cat.
Kuro was laying alongside her face and arms in the desk so he make sure to whispered to her some little concern.
“hey… does schools allows pets? Last I checked they didn’t”
“This school does. It’s for the training animals class. Something that is mandatory to all students in the first year. If I want to learn more and practice about that then I need to put in the six curses”
“so now im your practice bean… what a pain… you are so mean, making a cute little cat like myself working so hard for humans entertainment… I can die” the vampire cat started to roll in the desk, ignoring the glare that his mistress was sending him.
“You are many things but “such a cute little cat” is out of the question”
Just in the time kuro was about to do a comeback, a short guy with dark purple hair, in a strange uniform come in and the most awesome thing about him was the butterfly that was in his hair.
‘is that All of Love?’ he asked himself, before being lifted by strangers hands.
“… you call it kuro because of the fur? Really Mahi, you need to be more creative. If you stay with the “simple is best” of yours then I bet you we will be here for three months. You need more creativity and awesome in a go!” the guy that dared to pick him was the most exotic thing that Kuro had seen in all his immortal life.
It was tall and slender, had red eyes and a goofy smile with an annoying love glare to his eve, but the most he give away it was his curly green hair.
Yes you had read it right, this guy has green hair and red eyes.
And apparently he is a good friend of Mahiru, but the way his soul was acting, the guardian suspected its was a vampire. Why does Mahiru want to be friends with one?.
“Oh come on Sakuya! Don’t bother Kuro! It’s a good name for him and I will not change it for whatever one you had in mind”
Kuro fell a little bit of happiness, unbelievable and proud to hear that.
His eve cared for him even after knowing him for less than 24 hours.
“why not? I’m sure ‘Lordvacat’ its better than Kuro!”
“L-lordvacat?! Really?! You had been seeing so much shojo manga! His name is Kuro and that’s all! So you better drop the subject there Sak-kun!”
The name that his girl called the vegetable boy made him become a tomato.
“D-Don’t say that! Y-You know it's my only weakness!” says the boy in an intent to defend himself but the teacher comes in the classroom and the boy sits down in his desk.
 Later that day Kuro saw something very interesting in the Sakuya guy. Aparently he has a crush in Mahiru. ‘I wonder what he is thinking that old odd guy. And now that I think about him… its unusual for him to not have shown up now. His desire has come halfway through’
“…Don’t worry Sakuya. I will be fine, I only need some bells and needles. Thanks for coming! And see you tomorrow” kuro came back from his thoughts, to see the vegetable boy leaving the side of his mistress.
They had gone to the city to buy some materials for the cultural festival that was supposed to be in 3 months. And after 2 hours of wondering around the streets and stores, the boy had a call and said he had to go.
One our later and Mahiru with kuro in her shoulder were leaving another store with the materials necessary, but something was not right in the mind of the vampire and somehow the girl had sensed it too.
“Kuro… it is normal that I feel like someone is watching us with some very ill intentions? And that something bad will be happening in short?” the girl was nervous and honestly the vampire didn’t blame her. He was nervous too but he was nervous for her.
He recognized the smell that a vampire left before killing.
“For your spiritual powers, yes. But for your powers at an eve I don’t know. This seems problematic so better we run away….”
Before the vampire guardian can finish, a man in a white tuxedo and top hat started to talk to the people in the screet.
“AHAHAHA! COME, COME! Come and see my better performance!”
The people was seeing him now and the strange mage put his cold red eyes in a boy that Kuro was sure they had talked earlier with the Sakuya guy.
“Oh! But, why the quick run? You do know why do I stopped you? A) because you ignored me. B) because I wanted you to be my helper? C) because I’m hungry? Or D) because I wanted to kill you?” the mage put a maniac grin in his face before took the boy bit his neck and put the canines in his fresh, releasing a blood river.
“The answer is ALL OF THEM! AHAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAHAA! COME, COME AND BE MY DINNER!” the Vampire started to laugh and yell to the crowd.
“R-Ruiji - kun! K- kuro, that man hurt Ruji! We need to help him!”
“can’t deal…” says the cat before using his body to sheld the girl of a very dangerous sword that the mage had pulled off of his hat, and was aiming to her.
“hahahaha! So you really are here huh? Sleepy Ashyuuuu! Tsubakiuuun will be happy to see you! Your corpse that is! haaahahahahahaha!” the maniac man was with his foot in the chest of the guardian neko that was lying in the street.
“hey, hey! Lets’ play a game? Shall we? It’s called: who can kill more people in a bit? Isn't it exciting? I bet I can win! Haaaha-auch! Hey who dared throw me a rock in the face!”
For the surprise and horror of both vampires, the one that had thrown the rock talked.
“It was me! And stop with this you maniac mage!” says Mahiru, who currently was armed with a school supplier.
“…you. Threw. Me. A. rock. In. the face.” Says the man.
“Yes I did, is there a problem with that?”
“…You. A girl, a stupid little girl who only go to what? Middle school? Throw me a rock in the face to save the patetic inmortal life of this stupid vampire?”
“you dared to try to stop me?! The Great Bakuria?! To save this vampire?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA! That’s cuteeee and interesting. But.. you are noting more than a stupid girl so… better kill you now” and with that the now know as Bakuria, threw himself after the girl, and she dogged with elegance, in the last second giving him a kick in the back part of his head.
Then she ran to her vampire cats side.
“Kuro! Are you all right? Does this can be healed be my b-blood?!”
The vampire put himself in a siting position before nodding.
“T-Then you need to drink it! Here!” the girl exposed his arm to the vampire guardian and seeing that there wasn’t another way, closed his eyes and bit it.
The great tatse of her blood invaded his mind and mouth. In each gulp he tasted, he felt the effect of the contract.
He felt his wounds close and the energy to fight, he felt how the aches of the last fight left him to never come back. And he sensed the desire to protect  the girl.
His heart ached in joy to find that the girl cared for him. That she accepted the way the contract was made and that her most wanted desire was to help him, and protect the ones she loved the most and the innocent people that were in danger of this atrocity.
So with one last glup the chains appeared and he answered with showing his claws. He will protect Mahiru.
“oooh so you had a eve? You the sloth servamp that never ever before had a master to drink blood had now you have one?! And is a stupid little girl not the least! Hahahahahaha! Tsubaki will find this hilarious haahahaha!”
“do you know him?” the girl ignored the man.
“no, I don’t. I’m sure that I don’t know him and neither have I known a Tsubaki”
Kuro glared lazily to him.
“you know, whatever I do to you is because of her. I’m only following orders. So don’t blame me please” it was said with a nonsense and joking way but Mahiru had heard it in the way it really was meaningful.
Kuro had fear to being blamed for something that he do for necessary times.
But right now is was not the time to think about that. She will make sure that he doesn’t do something he regretted once the fight finished, she was his partner and she will do her part in this fight.
“You had caused pain to innocent people so now you need to pay for you actions. We are going to stop you!”
And with that, Kuro throw himself to the maniatic mage, opening him in the neck, torso, and legs.
The man fell to the food and started to gasp for breathing, but a cough interrupted him then and there.
Kuro took him from his long pink hair and open his mouth to finish him, but a pull in his chain stopped him.
“Kuro. We only wanted to stop him, not kill him! I know you don’t want to take his life. So stop it now!”
The voice of his eve made him come back to the present and drop the man.
“Haahahaha you think you had me? Well not!” the man do a puff and then a doll version of the vampire was in the street.
Mahiru blinked and took it.
“huh? Is that all? Is it dead?” before she can so anything the doll come to life and started to laughing.
“Ahahahahaha! Of course not! You idiot! I’m going to make a curse in your- aw aw aw… please don’t do that to me now, aw aw aw” the vampire doll was cutting his sentence because of a glowing dark claw that impaled him in the hat.
Kuro started to do some cat activities with it.
“So. Who sent you there? And why did you said Tsubaki will be pleasant to know that Kuro had me?” started with the questions Mahiru.
“I sent him” the sloth pair turned they head to the right to see a man in a kimono, black sunglasses, and a sadistic expression.
But mahiru saw more than the love for pain in another’s.
Oh no.
She saw a man with sadness and a misunderstanding for life, family and other important concepts.
“who are you?” asked the girl.
“Let me tell you a story!” says the doll.
“Once upon a time, a spirit guardian becomes a vampire that was suppose to have a master and answered to him. The servamp spirit returned to his home only to find that there wasn’t one. A man that was called a priest adopted him and he became the family guardian. The servamp swore to never have a eve but that promise went away the day he met his new priest. A girl made the vampire contract and choosed to walk the dangerous path ”
“Does they will come alive after the dark? Or will they find they last of the days? What do you think Tsubaky?”
The man smiled with some malice.
“I Think that the war is about to start. And is nice to finally meet you. Ni-san”
“Big Brother?” both the girl and the servamp asked in unison and equal curiosity.
“What a pain, I think you are mistaken. I don’t have a brother with that name”
“oh no, my lovely ni-san. I’m Tsubaky, the 8th servamp, the champion of melancholy”
“8th?! Y-you have 8 brothers?!”
“Actually, they are 5 brothers and one sister… and I didn’t know we had another one”
“are all of you cats… oh no I can see it now. They are fox ears and fox tails” the girl pointed out the obvious when she saw the extra parts of the body.
“We are a very variant group. Im a fox, our sister is a wolf, the one that is before me is a butterfly, there is one that is a serpent, and one is a pig. The most annoying is a hedgedog. It’s a very unique family don’t you think so?” says the man transforming in a black and red kitsune.
“All of you were once a spirit guardian?”
“Yes, well more of them. I’m more a yokai than a guardian. But it's funny to watch people die”
“So you are the one that is behind the attacks that my friends had warned me about. Why do you do it?!”
“Yes I had been the one ordering them. And so what? I can do what I want, and so what?. I will kill them all and so what?”
“you can’t do that!”
“ You want to stop me? hahahahahahahahahahaha….. boooring. Well I just come here for my friend there, so see you around… Sloth pair. Oh and if I were you I will watch my back… right now I just declare the war against all of the servamps! Hahahahahahaha!” and like the wind the vampire of Melancholy and his maniac fellow left the street.
 @tina-nightray @just-servamp-trash @angel-of-music-hyde-no-longer
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