#wooyoung mafia au
allyallyorange · 5 months
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Luck and Trouble
Mafia AU with @nnnnnnnothingtoseehere
2K notes · View notes
potatomountain · 9 months
"Case: It's You" Masterlist
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Pairing: Detective Reader x ot8 detective ateez
Genre: enemies to lovers, romance, eventual smut, dark themes, angst.
Synopsis: As a headstrong detective- forced to transfer to another Precinct after pushing your team, and superiors too far- your new unit is less than pleased by your presence. In fact, they are down right hostile, resulting in more time butting heads than doing your job: taking down the organized crime 'gangs' of your city. Once you finally get your foot in the door, into their circle, you realize you bit off more than you can chew- or maybe it was the perfect place for you.
Current Word Count of all chapters combined: 79,705
One | Two | Three | Four | Five |
Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten |
Eleven | Twelve | Thirteen | Fourteen | Fifteen |
♡15.5- Spinoff bonus |♡
Sixteen | Seventeen | Eighteen | Nineteen | Twenty |
Twenty-one | Twenty-two | Twenty-three | Twenty-four | Twenty-five |
Twenty-six | Twenty-seven | Twenty-eight | Twenty-nine | Thirty
Taglist is closed!
Big shoutout to my beta readers that are currently the soul motivation for this fic and remind me to edit: @flurrys-creativity @candypop1611 and @daemour
1K notes · View notes
starillusion13 · 7 months
Hi! Your fics are so good! specially the ot8xreader fic 💖💖💖
Can i also request ot8xreader, you suddenly disappeared and they thought you ran away (with their money and jewelries) and betrayef them but in reality one of their female employees leads you to nowhere and tried to kill you (because she is jealous and wants the boys for herself) she make it looks like you ran away to make the boys mad at you but you are laying in hospital bed comatose for months. one of boys/or member of the mafia saw you in hospital when they tried to smuggle medical equipments and report it to ateez.
I hope it make sense 😅 Thank you
You are our Home
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Pairing: Mafia! Ateez x f!reader
Genre: Angst, Mafia, Fluff
W.C: 8.2k
Warnings: arguments, regret, trust issues, cheating(?), hints of torture, mention of cuts and wounds(just the pain not detailed), mention of hospital and mafia business and deals, traumas and betrayals, comatose, stroke, nausea, scared, crying, lies. A lot shit is going on in the fic.
Networks: @cultofdionysusnet @k-vanity
Note: Thanks for reading and reblogging. I appreciate all of your reviews and feel free to text me if you want. Spread love to others, not hate. I don’t know what’s up to with the requests coz all are Angst at this point. But I have included fluff here. Clap your hands👏.
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“Are you sure she is not home?”
“Seonghwa, I have gone there myself to check the whole place. Even few of her things are missing. Something is not setting right here.” Hongjoong’s impatient voice echoed through the speaker in the room. The members round the table were all attentive to the conversation between the two older ones. “Yeosang is tracking her id but he couldn’t find anything important. And what about San? Did he come back?”
Hearing the question, Seonghwa looked towards Wooyoung who shook his head and the older one sighed before delivering the message to their leader on call. Before hanging up the call, he informed the three members to come back to their office for further discussion about you. They last heard your voice yesterday evening when you were asking them if they would return yesterday or the next day. They didn’t know that the next day, instead of finding you waiting for them at the parking lot, they will be greeted to an empty cabin.
Usually, whenever they go to overseas missions, you pass on it because you intend to maintain all the procedures in the office and home. They respect your thoughts and opinions a lot so they never said anything on those way of thinking. Just like other trips, they bid goodbye to you and they went off to the designated country. When they reached there, you had a video call with them and they assured you that they would return soon—one month would pass in a blink. But maybe something went wrong. With the passing of days, you became distant with them, not picking up their calls or maybe just leaving a short text message ‘I’m busy’ and your close employee friend, Amy supported your side, telling them that the company had some issues ongoing with money and she also sent them all the details where it was always your duty to do it. Generally, they didn’t mind but they were worried for you overworking yourself so they told Amy to look after you. She assured them that she would be always by your side and would manage to do the most of the works.
Today, it was their day of return and last evening hearing your voice over the call made them impatient to come back home soon. They wanted to talk to you a lot but somehow you were not in a mood to hold a long conversation with them and so they didn’t ask you anything much. It was okay because they knew very next moment you will be in their arms and then they will keep you away from workloads for a while. But who knew, you won’t be anywhere in their surroundings.
San slammed the door open and glared at the ones present inside the room. The one who was sitting near the door rolled his eyes, knowing his over-dramatic acts like usual but when he caught his gaze, he could see the fire in his eyes.
Seonghwa raised his brow from the end of the table, “What happened, San?” Wooyoung and Mingi close to him were also watching San shuffling his hairs in anger and threw the glass from the table beside Jongho, who was already annoyed with him from earlier.
“Where is Hongjoong?”
Wooyoung was quick to reply, “He was on a call with us almost an hour back. They went to our home and then they will stop by the store to pick up some packages. They will be back soon.” Mingi nodded and went back to check some important news, displaying on his phone screen.
“Who else has the access to the shared account?”
“What do you mean by that, San? You know we don’t use that account and it’s only get handled by y/n. after she returns, you can ask her about it if it has any problem.” Seonghwa said it calmly but he could see the impatient and a flick of rage in the man’s eyes. San again picked up a glass but got stopped by Jongho, “don’t throw it again.”
They glared at each other before gulping down the water and he turned towards the oldest one.
“did she tell anything about transacting large amount of money? You know the account is empty as well as the spare account doesn’t have any money. The locker with the expensive jewels in her cabin is also empty. Why does she need so much of money all of a sudden?”
Everyone was shocked on hearing him. You needed money and for what? Nobody had any sort of hint that maybe you were going through some rough days, they would have consulted things with you. They would have tried to make you relax but no—you kept everything to yourself and didn’t tell anything to them. You were in some trouble and the thought itching their mind to ask you about it.
“her phone is still switched off.” Jongho sighed and sat on the couch beside Mingi who glanced at the clock.
San sat beside Wooyoung, “What’s even going on? There is no news of her whereabouts. She is not picking up her calls and now all these moneys and jewelleries are missing. I want her to explain me everything right now.”
“San, calm down. I am sure she has her own reasons for this.”
“And when do you think will she return, Mingi? Are you sure we are just going to sit and wait for her?”
Before the other could say anything, the door slammed open and Hongjoong entered furiously with Yeosang and Yunho trailing behind him. Neither of them appeared any less frustrated than the leader. Wooyoung was still staring at the door until it got closed by Yunho. He sighed and looked away—he thought you might enter the room with them and then would surprise them with a silly joke and the rest of the day will end up with you getting scolded but in the end you knew it was because they care for you.
Where are you?
“What’s the news, Yeosang?”
Hongjoong sat on his chair and ruffled his hairs, Seonghwa patted his back and looked towards the hacker who was being asked a question by the youngest.
“Nothing Jongho. We can’t find her anywhere. It’s still showing her last location was at the A.T.M and we checked the C.C.T.V but she was pretty normal when entering it and exiting the stall. I don’t why was she there-“
“to withdraw all the moneys from her shared account and the private one.”
Hongjoong raised his brows at San, “why do you think so?”
“Amy showed me all the past transactions from her side. She might not have withdraw all the money in person but has transferred to some other accounts.” He signalled Yeosang to open his laptop and the one was quick in action, “Can you search the accounts that are connected with hers where the money got transferred?”
Yunho scanned the room, “but why did she need such large amount of money? I am pretty sure she would have told one of us if she was in trouble.”
Seonghwa nodded and walked towards the wide large glass window and stared at the city. He was trying to find your location in the chaos of the city, his eyes were roaming everywhere as if he could get a glimpse of you. He was behaving like a lost boy desperate for you to hug him. Maybe he was a the second in command after the most feared mafia leader, Hongjooong--- in the end it’s you with whom they are the real persons, they can be themselves. Tears flowed down his eyes and he didn’t notice that Wooyoung was standing behind him and suddenly patted his back. He himself was fighting the urge not to break down.
Hongjoong glanced at them across the room and sighed.
Mingi put down his phone and the typing of the keyboard was heard along with some frustrated groans. Jongho spoke up, “San told us that the jewelleries are also missing from her lockers.”
“What? Even her expensive items from her room were also missing.” Hongjoong was surprised that you were missing for so many hours and then all those money and other expensive items were missing too.
Yeosang shut his laptop with a groan and glared at the device. San beside him asked what happened but the news they got was not what they were expecting.
“She has been transferring money for last 6 months and for the last one month, she has spent money on some expensive trips and buying properties. The two accounts where the moneys are being transferred are highly protected with firewalls. I can’t access to it. It only seems like it’s been handled and protected by hackers from other mafia groups.”
Mingi furrowed his brows, “mafia groups? Why will she be transferring money to other mafias?”
Hongjoong pocked his cheek with the tongue, “she doesn’t usually spend such amount of money at once. And according to her schedule, she was pretty much busy with her work-loads.”
“yeah, Amy was always the one asking us if we needed any kind of help and giving us updates on her because she was busy with some events outdoor. Can you give me her schedule for once?”
Yeosang nodded and searched for the schedules Amy sent him and delivered it to Yunho who was quick to open it and read the routines. His creased eyebrows got noticed by Hongjoong, “what happened, Yunho?”
The man shook his head before turning the laptop from Yeosang towards him from across the table and quickly typed something. Everyone was watching his actions and Jongho was peeking at the screen from beside him, “why are you searching these companies?”
Hongjoong raised his hand to let him do his work. After a couple of minutes, Yunho clenched his jaw and shut the screen before turning towards the leader, “I was right.”
“these companies: first FACT CHECK enterprise didn’t have any events because they were overseas with us, next ORANGE FATE didn’t held any events for last few weeks and SEVENTEEN has no updates. This only means she didn’t have anything according to her schedules and some same schedules are repeated again and again. Without getting anything solved, everything is appearing to be more puzzled.”
Jongho patted Yunho’s back and turned towards the leader, “we should call Amy and ask her.” The leader nodded and Mingi quickly dialled her number to ask her come to their room. Seonghwa and Wooyoung also returned to their places and waited for her.
As soon as Amy got the call, she skipped towards the room and entered the door with a worried expression. The boys looked at her and noticed her worriedness but Hongjoong asked her not to panic and let her sit on the chair beside Yeosang where you were supposed to sit in other times.
She sat on your chair.
She smirked to herself. Second step achieved, including her in the meetings. First step was already going pretty well when they were calling from overseas to know the daily updates of their place from her---apparently you were busy.
Sitting down slowly, she clasped her hands and Yunho noticed her heavy breaths. They all turned towards the leader when he spoke up, “where were you all these days?”
She bit her lips and tugged her hair behind her ear. She nervously glanced at everyone when Jongho offered her a glass of water. She thanked him and quickly gulped it down, taking few breaths she proceeded, “I-I was working here in the office and then keeping you all updated.”
“where was she? You were not with her?”
“y-yeah I was with her but only when she was inside the building. She was always busy outside.”
“where did she go?”
“the events. I don’t know anything in details because everyday she was late to office, complaining that how tired she is and then going out frustrated. Trust me, I thought you all should know about it because why she will tell me anything.”
“do you know why she needed money? Was she in trouble?”
She paused before glancing at them and then looked down, “n-no. I don’t know. If this was known by me. I would have told you all about it.” She started sobbing and looked up, “I am worried for her. I hope you all find her soon and I will get my friend back.”
Yeosang patted her back and everyone felt bad seeing her cry because she was really close with you and you enjoyed her company so much that they could feel her loneliness and concern when you were missing. She excused herself and Jongho went with her because they didn’t want others to know about the situation yet and she needed someone by her side because of her being oversensitive.
The next two weeks they had done everything possible to reach your location but you were nowhere as if your presence was vanished from the universe. There were no sign of kidnapping because there was no call from any mafia groups, no threats from any rivals and everything was normal and in place without you. It seemed like you never existed but yeah, the employees started asking about your absence and that led to them getting hold of the reality. The news was quick to spread everywhere, to every corner of the city.
Amy became closer to them and she was handling all your works. Them consulting few things with her, of course it was a great achievement for her. At some point, some members were losing hope to find you and becoming reckless. The leader was having a hard time in controlling them but he knew the emotions and conditions of his family because he was on the same boat.
With the passing of days, the chances of getting you back was disappearing and one more thing they were noticing, the strange behaviour of Amy. She was often seen zoning out and flinching to sudden people. They realised she was very traumatized with your disappearance. But a sudden parcel flipped everything upside-down.
Amy was sitting down with the parcel in front of her on the table and them scattered all around the room. Some were in disbelief and some were furious. She was crying and with shaky hands holding and looking at the things which they found out from the parcel.
The leader was hovering on her from the side and glaring, “Amy, What are you hiding from us? Tell me now before I lose my patience.”
She kept quiet and staring at the pictures. You were laughing with a boy, receiving gifts from him, partying at a club with him and kissing and also, you were on a trip for a week with him. It was definitely you, there was no editing and the details were pointing out that you were really not present at home or at office on those days and it only made it clear that there was lot going on behind their back.
“Amy! Speak up!”
She flinched and wiped the tears.
“she was meeting this boy everyday.”
The boy was familiar to them, Lee Heesung from Orange Fate Limited. They often had meetings and events with them. They were not on a term of rivals but were on an agreement of allies because of their head departments.
Seonghwa said darkly, “Continue.” San clenched his fist with every words coming from her mouth.
“she told me not to say you all anything that she was……she was cheating behind you all. She was with you because you all are too naïve that you trust her so much. She threatened me that she would kill me if I go against her. I couldn’t do anything because you all would have never trusted me but I tried to tell you so many times. I am only explaining everything today because its been a month that she has gone missing. But actually, she was planning to run away for a while.” She started weeping and Mingi comforted her. He was hesitant to be so close to her but why he should feel guilty when you didn’t think twice before doing such a thing to them.
They were sick worried for you only to get a parcel, maybe from their ally base that you were with their leader all these times. Yunho scoffed hearing the explanation and Jongho glanced at him before sighing and switched on his lock screen where he was hugging you from behind and both smiling at Yeosang who was behind the camera clicking the picture. A tear drop fell on the screen, just above your face.
He hated himself for missing you.
Mingi took her outside because she was scared and blabbering nonsense and was convincing them that she would bring you back and make you apologize. She explained everything how you were not busy due to workload but because you were going out with your boyfriend. The rage was building inside them with the thought that what more you had done with him other than kissing behind their back. All these past months when you were intimated with them, actually you were just using them as a stress reliever and maybe you were complaining about them to Heesung when you were making love with him.
Yeosang curled his fingers, nails scratching the leather of the chair’s armrest.
Woooyung asked his leader, “Are we going to bring her back? We going to-“
“We are going nowhere. She is not our concern anymore. If she chose to go away, to find love in someone else then let it be.” San growled.
Wooyoung shook his head and with pleading eyes he stared at the leader. He wanted to hear his thoughts and he was sure he won’t agree with San but he was wrong.
“No more discussion on y/n. she was not missing but enjoying her life.” He scoffed, “I wanted to believe that these all are wrong but no. it had to be true. Why had it to be true? She betrayed us. She played with out trust. There is nothing to keep up with this conversation.”
He leaned back into his chair and ordered everyone to leave. They were hesitant to leave because each one of them were sure that if they went off to their individual ways, they would end up doing something worse. But why should they harm themselves? It was you who betrayed them and then ended up breaking their hearts.
If someone had to regret, IT’s You.
Seonghwa halted at the door and looked back towards the leader who was glaring at your picture on the wall, “are you sure we are not going to get her?”
“Never. We are not going to trust her again. Let’s pretend we never met her. And Leave.”
Days went on and turned into months and they all were emotionless as if they only knew their missions and going back home, commanding others and then going back to their own life. No extra conversation with anyone. They even became distant among themselves and Amy was enjoying this a lot because afterall she was the who was spending most of the times with them, delivering the messages and information to them and their individual opinions to each other via her.
Jongho knocked at the leader’s bedroom door. It was noon and none of them went to office building, only Seonghwa went for an hour to check the updates and returned early. Everybody was at home but in their individual room, Jongho glanced at the door between Yunho and Wooyoung’s room. It was locked. In other times, he would often find music blasting from your room and then finding you dancing like a maniac.
“what do you need?”
“the medical kit is empty and I need to treat Yeosang’s wound from yesterday.”
“the ones in the cabinets in the upper rack?”
Hongjoong sighed and pull off a jacket before exiting his room and signalled him to follow.
“where are we going?”
He stopped and glared, “of course to the base hospital. I definitely know other hospitals will freak out seeing us.” Jongho nodded to his statement and followed him.
Arriving to the hospital, they straight way went to the cabin where its pretty usual for them to appear often.
"Hongjoong?" The said man stopped in his track on hearing someone called him.
It was their rival gang NCT’s member standing in front of him. They never had anything against each other but they were allies with someone who was apparently their enemy.
"Mark. What are you doing here?" Jongho asked in a monotone voice to which the boy before him licked his lips.
"Dude don't think I'm here for any sort of mission. I work here as a part time worker like my leader forced us to keep a normal citizen profile as well, might help us in some ways."
"Why are you saying all these to us? I'm sure your leader won't be happy to see you being friendly with us." Hongjoong smirked.
Mark nodded and glanced at his surroundings expression turning towards them, "I didn't know y/n was in relationship with you all."
"What are you trying to say?"Jongho inquired him and he sighed.
"Hongjoong I heard that you guys were searching y/n but I didn't know how to reach to you guys because my leader strictly told me not to contact any one of you."
"What are you upto?"
"Do you know what happened to her?"
Hongjoong scoffed and glared at him, "don't interfere in our matters. It's all over between us and her so I would like you to get the fuck out of my way."
"So you trusted some bitch?" now it's Mark who was glaring.
"What do you mean?"
Mark held his wrist and dragged him towards a room. "what are you doing?"
"Please come with me. It's for your own sake."
Both of them hesitantly followed him and when he opened the door, they were greeted by the worst view. Their breathing stopped for a moment, they froze with the time. It felt like they were dreaming and oblivious to himself, Jongho stepped forward towards the bed.
IT’s You.
You were sleeping peacefully on the bed.
"What happened to her?" Hongjoong was holding back his tears and clenched his fist. Tears welped in his eyes. He was shocked to see you lying in front of him on a hospital bed with a white sheet covering your body and you were connected to the machines beside you. His eyes followed the bandages wrapped in different places which were visible to his eyes. He didn’t want to think anymore about it. He was clenching his fist that all these months he blamed you and thought that you betrayed them was just to find you in the hospital.
Did Heesung hurt you?
“She is comatose for last few months.” Mark stated, eyes fixed on you.
Hongjoong was glaring at you. Atleast at this moment he thought had it better if you were somewhere enjoying your life rather than being in coma.
Jongho who was kneeling beside your bed caressed your hand, “Why? Why is she in this condition?”
“That day when I was returning from the mission, she stumbled in front of my car. Dude she is not here because of that, I was not driving. Me and my friend were just chatting by the side of the road when she came to us running frantically. She was so scared and covered in blood.” Mark licked his lips and shook his head when he remembered the day.
“who are you? Why did you help her?” the leader asked the question but didn’t glance to his direction.
“I know it’s weird but we are childhood friends. After I joined the mafia gang and for the sake of my leader, I had to keep distance with her so that she might not get in trouble with this dark life but somehow she ended up with you all.” He sadly chuckled.
He continued, “I searched about her when I brought her to the hospital. I found out that she was related to you all and the first thought that came to my mind was that you did this to her. But then when I found that you all are searching for her, I was confused for a while but then gradually came to know the truth. Somebody has tortured her and her body was lacking nutrients and due to the deficiency of iron, she got a stroke.”
“torture? Who did this?” the leader was losing his patient with each word coming out his mouth.
“when I brought her here, she was conscious for few days. Yeah, I strictly told others that they should not let anyone to know about her and Johnny is her doctor. She was repeating some things like ‘Amy please don’t do this’  ‘I want to go home’  ‘help me’  ‘I will go away but please don’t hurt me’. according to the reports she is in vegetative state right now, she got a stroke when one day she was thrashing around things.”
A ring interrupted their conversation. Hongjoong was lost with your view and the words from Mark were sinking inside him. He was still processing that you were in front of him and on top of that, you were in a miserable state.
Somebody tortured you? Amy?
Mark broke his trance and urged him to pick up the call.
“where are you? We need to treat the wound and there is nothing in here.”
“Seonghwa, come to the base hospital and bring others too.”
“What’s going on?”
“Just do what I said. You will know when you reach here.”
“I think hearing some familiar voices or maybe something that can trigger the stimuli can bring her back to senses so I hope for the best. She is attentive to some responses and you all are my last hope.”
Mark patted his back and excused himself. He ordered some guards outside the door not to allow anyone inside the room except few members whom he will be sending soon.
Hongjoong stepped forward and with slow steps, he sat beside your bed. His shaky hands caressed your head, tears fell on you when he planted a kiss on your forehead. Jongho was still holding your hand on the other side and was watching your slow breathings.
“y/n……please wake up.” Hongjoong’s voice cracked and he didn’t know what to say anymore. He was angry, upset, hurt and moreover, he was dying inside. He couldn’t afford to see you in that condition.
They waited for a while. They were whispering so many things and tears flowing down their eyes continuously. They were lost after seeing your condition. The leader was confused that why someone had to treat you in this way when you did nothing in the first place. He was feeling to rip off the machines from you so that he could hug you and shield you from all the negativities that might be lingering around you.
The door slammed open and several footsteps could be heard entering the room when suddenly all the sounds paused.
“y/n?” Wooyoung was quick to run towards your sleeping figure, he pushed aside his leader and hugged your body, resting himself on top of you. He was excited but also confused after seeing you in that condition.
 You were laying pale and fragile upon a sterile hospital bed. Concern etched deep lines of worry upon their faces as they gathered around you, their hearts heavy with fear and uncertainty.
Seonghwa glanced at you and then towards Hongjoong who was not even taking off his eyes from you. “what is this Hongjoong? Why is she here?”
He didn’t reply and when he turned towards Jongho, he stood up to give space to Mingi so that he could stand beside your bed. The youngest was not willing to leave your hand but still others needed to see you as well so he stepped towards Seonghwa, “she is in coma for last few months. Somebody had kept her locked up and tortured her.”
“what?” San glared at him. “what are you saying, Jongho? Who?”
“I don’t know-“
“Amy.” Hongjoong stated the name blankly and stared at Seonghwa. “Are you sure?”
“she was scared of her before she went into coma so that only proves she has something to do with her.”
Wooyoung’s grip tightened around you. Yeosang was beside him who was trying to comfort him but also wishing for you to wake up. He couldn’t believe his eyes that you were in front of him. He could feel your skin against his fingertips. Your faint breathing could be heard and it was the only hope, the only belief that you were with him, with them.
Yeosang caressed your hand and pressed a soft kiss, “y/n, look we are here. Wake up. We all are here to protect you. No one can hurt you. Please look at me, y/n .” he started sobbing and buried his face into the hold where your fingers were getting wet with his tears.
Mingi caressed your head, “y/n… we are here to take you home, doll. Please open your eyes. Try to hear my voice I am here.”
Wooyoung traced his fingers over the bandages and the healing cuts on your face. The beautiful face, the soft skin which always felt amazing against his and he never missed a place to kiss every inch of it. Now its all covered with cuts and bandages. “baby please wake up. Please look at me, talk to me.”
Three of them were crying surrounding you and the rest of them closely behind them were hoping to see your eyes fluttering open and to tell them what you went through. They were cursing themselves for once believing that you left and betrayed them.
They were hating themselves for believing that.
Yeosang pulled back Wooyoung and both of them sat on the couch to the side, the younger one was sobbing in his hold. Hongjoong nodded towards Seonghwa and the older one sat on the stool beside your head and held your hand, the leader stood behind him.
“y/n…can you hear me? Love we are all here for you. Look we found you.” Seonghwa gulped the lump, smiled sadly and continued, “We will get through this together. You need to wake up for me.” Hongjoong placed a hand on his shoulder to encourage him to keep going.
San moved forward, he was observing things from a distance and was silently praying all the Almighty to wake you up, to do a miracle so that he could see your eyes and smile again. Mingi stepped back to give him space and he kneeled beside you and took your hand in his trembling ones, the needles from the iv-drip and other machines piercing your skin and he was holding back the urge to rip that off because it might be hurting you. “Y/n……”
“I can't bear to see you like this. Please, wake up...please…I love you so much" he mumbled and planted a kiss on the knuckles.
“you need to see yourself. You are strong enough to come all these ways alone. You can fight more. You are no more alone, we are here for you.” Seonghwa pronounced every word distinctly so that you could hear them, understand him and atleast process slowly that you were not alone but surrounded by your loved ones. Your family.
Jongho slowly said to them, “Mark told us if we trigger a memory then she might wake up. She is responsive to some stimuli earlier. I don’t know what to do but please do something and wake her up. If not then she will be under more risk.”
“No! she won’t.” Wooyoung shouted and again stood beside you, “y/n, don’t give up on us like this. You cant leave us. I wont be able to live if I lose you. Wake up please.”
Yeosang stood beside him, voice cracking “ you are our heart y/n. just tell me what you need, I will do anything for you but don’t leave me please.”
Hongjoong gulped, “Y/n…remember the day we met, those happy moments which we cherish. I still think about them everyday even after the day you were missing. Please we have so much to do in our life. We love you.”
Mingi’s voice wavered, “We'll be here for you every step of the way, I'll fight this battle with you, y/n. Together, as one...nine makes one family.”
Your index finger moved a little in San’s hold. He was surprised, his breath hitched. He looked towards everyone but others gave him a confused look. he was smiling and holding your hand tightly and glancing between you and them.
“guys she can hear us. Her finger is moving.” His gaze landed on the last one who haven’t said anything after they had arrived. He was fuming but crying and San knew that he could do anything if he was quiet. “Yunho…”
The sterile white walls of the hospital room surrounded him, the heavy air which he breathing was filled with different emotions. But the only emotion that was tugging in every corner was the faint ray of hope.
Hope for you to wake up.
Hearing his name, slow and heavy steps took him to your side. Seonghwa who was still whispering some old happy memories paused and moved back a bit. Yunho stared at your face. The memory of you smiling at him and laughing at his jokes. You acting like a baby and always promising that he would protect you like your big saviour. But he didn’t. he broke his promise. He left you alone to fight and then you were fighting with your death.
He will kill every person who did this with you.
“Y/n, You're my reason to keep going. I…we won't let you go. Stay with me. I love you, Pearl.”
The familiar voices echoing inside your head.
Their voices.
Your family.
Nine makes one family.
You clutched San’s hand but quickly loosened the grip. You repeated the action. Their eyes not leaving a second of your form. Your dry lips parted slightly to seep through some air. The oxygen mask felt like suffocating the air.
Slowly, like tendrils of fog dissipating under the morning sun, consciousness began to seep back into your mind.
Your eyelids fluttered, heavy with the weight of slumber, as you struggled to orient yourself to the surroundings. The rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor echoed in their ears, a steady cadence that anchored all to the present moment.
With a groan, you attempted to shift your body, the sensation of stiffness and lethargy weighing you down like an anchor. Your limbs felt foreign, disconnected from the mind, as if you were a marionette being manipulated by invisible strings. Few deep cuts and wounds stinged, you whimpered at the pain.
As your vision cleared, you became aware of the figures standing by your bedside, silhouettes bathed in the soft glow of the overhead lights. their faces had masks of concern as they observed your awakening. You couldn’t place the names with the faces.
Who are they? Do you know them? Why are you here? Wait…where are you?
You twisted your neck to every direction, an air of suffocation engulfing you and the memory of being locked up, bloods, wounds, cut and crying flashed in front of your eyes.
“baby…” Seonghwa’s voice made you look at him. Your eyes were filled with horror. They will hurt you again. An adrenaline hit you which made you feel to run away and save yourself. You were trapped and you needed to get out. You got rid of the oxygen mask.
“no…no…please don’t kill me…I..” you pushed yourself up, groaning because you felt your lethargic body was heavy with tons of weight, you wanted to move but still couldn’t. you started crying and retreated your hand back when you felt someone was holding it. San left your hand when he saw fear in your eyes. You were confused, scared and tired but still attempted to make a run.
Wooyoung’s voice choked with emotion, “baby you are awake…”  you shook your head and  twisted your body but Yunho was quick to make you still and you groaned when the wound in your waist sent a wave of pain throughout your body.
“please…leave me…I want to go home please…” you were crying and wiggling weakly under his hold.
Yunho was standind straight and engulfing your upper body tightly in his hold to let you cry and shout but he couldn’t let you go away when surprisingly he got you back from the edge of death, “shh shhh…Y/n, don’t cry please. I am here. No one is going to hurt you.”
Seonghwa patted your head, “we are going to take you home.”
“no…no…they  they are waiting for me. Joong…I want to go to him…Hwa…Woo…please please.”
“baby, I am Woo. I’m right here.” You glanced at him. a memory of you fooling around and laughing with him flashed in front of him.
You shook your head and Yunho pushed your head against his chest and placed a kiss on top, “it’s me, Yunho. Love calm down.”
When you didn’t stop shaking, he held your face and made you look into his eyes, he was holding back his tears and still smiled at you, “I am here. Right in front of you. You are safe with me. Your Yuyu is with you.”
You stared at him and your actions slowed down. He shifted and sat on the edge and pulled you closer. “Yunho…” hearing his name from your mouth, he pulled you closer and caressed your sides, lulling you to calm down.
“yes, it’s me. we all are here.”
San placed himself on the other side edge of the bed to caress your back. Even though, they were sad seeing you vulnerable but somehow a relief settled inside them that you were awake. You were with them.
“Calm down for me. will you?”
Hearing his soothing voice, you clutched his shirt. Your tears were soaking it but he didn’t care about that, he just wanted you to not feel scared of them.
They knew it was a burden for you to take in your surrounding after waking up from coma after months. You took deep breaths and he could feel your trembling body calming down.
“Y/n. How are you feeling?” Hongjoong’s concerned voice echoed in the air, reaching your ears. Several nights you spent calling out his name, hoping for him to save you but you were alone. Your mind slowly and slowly settling down and you got a grip of your current situation.
You looked down to see yourself wrapped in a hospital gown.
You were in hospital.
“paining. It’s paining everywhere.” You mumbled and stared at Hongjoong. He stepped forward and softly cupped your face, giving you a warm smile.
“it will go away. You will be fine soon.” He kissed your forehead. Seonghwa stood beside him with a bright smile, his presence itself was giving you a blanket of comfort adding to the warmth from Yunho was hugging you.
Hwa nodded and removed the strand of hairs from your face and tugged them neatly behind your ears, “my pretty baby. Do you need something?”
You moved your head up and down slowly, he urged you to speak, “I..I want water.” He didn’t waste a second, quickly turning on his heel, walked towards the table to get a glass of water. You felt your throat was burning dry and you coughed.
San patted your back, “its okay. Take it slow. You are fine.”
Hongjoong wiped your eyes, “don’t cry, baby. We are here for you. Always.”
Wooyoung sat beside your legs and ran his hands up and down above the blanket. Even though he couldn’t feel your skin against his but he knew you were fine and with him.
You stared at him when Seonghwa gave you the glass, you gulped the water hastily. You coughed when you choked. Yunho and Seonghwa softly scolded you not to rush. Your gaze returned towards Wooyoung, you extended your hand and he intertwined his fingers with yours. Tears fell from your eyes. “you are really here...”
“Yes I am. For you.”
Seonghwa and Hongjoong moved aside to let Mingi and Yeosang in front of your view. They were trying their best to appear happy but they knew with just a blink, you would see them all breaking down. Mingi kissed your nose and gave you a tight hug, “do you want to eat?”
“I don’t know. I want to…go home.” You turned towards Yunho, “please take me home. I don’t want to stay here.” He nodded and wiped your eyes, “shh…we will go okay. We are waiting for the doctor to allow the discharge for you.”
Yeosang cupped your face to bring your attention on him, “we are going to watch movies and we will play tag game. How about that?”
You smiled and their heart melted seeing the small curled up lips, “yes. I would love that but I’m feeling so weak.”
Wooyoung chimed in, “You have to eat a lot to become strong and then we will watch movies and discuss your favorite things. You have to show us your favorite stories.”
Hongjoong chuckled, “You cant make her do that even now. She will still run after you because she always do her best to hide the things she read. But I’m curious too.”
Mingi raised his brows and nodded, “those are in English so even if I get a hold of it. I don’t know how to read them.”
Jongho laughed lightly, “deliver them to me. I will let you know about it.”
Seonghwa shook his head and laughed. The atmosphere was becoming lighter than before and they were glad that you were smiling with them. Jongho kissed your nose, “you need to walk more or you will feel more weak. But you should rest until the wounds are getting better.”
You nodded.
You were always an independent and hardworking woman and that’s how they got attracted to you. Every on the point decisions and single handedly and actively managing lots of works was never a small deal for anyone but they saw you doing it and they were impressed. When you got the offer to join the company, you didn’t know it belonged to a mafia base but what to do, when they told you about it, you were already in love with them. They were always honest with you and respected and even treated you like a queen. Their queen.
 But today, seeing you so weak and vulnerable like a baby was breaking their heart into million pieces. You were hurt, you were scared and traumatized.
A groan escaped your lips when you shifted in your place and Yeosang made you still and Yunho helping you to sit properly, leaning your back to his chest. You turned towards San who was quite all these moments. He was still sitting on the bed close to you and rubbing his hands up and down your body. He wanted to feel you, to make himself belief that he was not dreaming but it’s the reality.
Yeosang with concerned eyes looked towards you and asked, “Are you okay? Where is it hurting?”
San urged you to speak, “tell us baby. Where does it hurt?”
Yeosang, the medic of the group knew he had to take care of you more after returning back home. Yunho massaged your side and it did wonder to relieve some tensions.
Your gaze fell on San’s hand, it was bandaged. Your eyes went wide and you looked towards others to scan them. Why are they hurt? You couldn’t find anything visible on Wooyoung, not even on Jongho but when you watched Yeosang fishing his hand inside the jacket’s pocket. You quickly grabbed it and caressed the bandaged palm. You didn’t notice it earlier.
“Why are you hurt? What happened?”
He shook his head, “nothing major.”
Your other hand grabbed San’s wounded one, “does it hurt?”
“no baby. Calm down. Getting hurt during missions is pretty normal.”
“don’t normalize these things. I don’t want you all to get hurt.” San hugged your side. “I’m sorry…”
“why?” his whisper fanned your ears, tickling you lightly.
Hongjoong frowned, “why are you sorry? You did nothing wrong, y/n.”
“but I am here…”
Wooyoung placed a finger on your lips, “don’t speak. That’s not your fault. You are safe and talking with us. That’s what we want right now.”
Seonghwa patted your head before announcing, “I am going to talk with her doctor…what was the name again?”
Jongho stated, “Johnny.”
“ah yes him. so Mingi and Jongho come along with me, we need to take some medical equipment as well.”
The two nodded and followed behind him before them sending smiles towards you. Your eyes followed them until they closed the door behind them.
“hmm… tell me.”
“I don’t want to go to that office building. And you did got some pictures, right?”
Before he could reply Hongjoong interrupted, “no we are not going there anytime soon.” You nodded.
San furrowed his brows, “what pictures?”
“me and Heesung…”
Yunho pulled you closer if its even possible, “why? Why are you asking?”
“do you all trust that? I mean the pictures are real but…”
“but?” Hongjoong just needed some truth and the plannings he already made inside his head would be in action. “tell me y/n.”
“I was drugged and didn’t know what he did. Amy…she used me to get to get you all. She forced me to transfer money, to meet him, and so on. But trust me I didn’t want to do anything. I wanted you all. I wanted to go home. I still want to go far away with you all.”
“calm down, Y/n. we are not speaking about those things right now.” Yeosang shushed you and  Hongjoong clenched his jaw.
He is going to kill her. He is going to torture her till the day she dies of blood loss. He wants to rip her heart out. Does she even have one? He mentally scoffed. He caught Yunho and San staring at him. they both smirked when they saw the leader was fuming.
The leader showed his dirty smirk towards them. They knew the hell was going to break loose for someone.
Seonghwa called Yeosang and asked him to tell others to take you to the car because they got the permission to take you home as Yeosang could manage the rest. He removed the needles and you winced but he was quick to tape the wounds. Wooyoung held your side when you tried to stand up. You felt your head spinning and nauseous hit you. Hongjoong quickly brought a mug in front of your face to let you vomit and Yunho held your hairs in a ponytail and patting your back, encouraging you to take it easy and you will be okay. Yeosang wiped your mouth with wet tissues and San swept you off the ground.
“you are not walking anymore. You need to rest and your limbs are still too weak to make you stand strong even for a second.”
You didn’t argue because you yourself were aware of your condition. As soon as you all left the room, people moved aside seeing the mafia group carrying a girl in their arms. Some had sympathetic look and some with curiosity whispering to each other. You felt awkward under the gazes and you buried your face in his chest. His laugh vibrated in your face and you could hear others chuckled.
Wooyoung ruffled your hairs, “silly.”
Reaching the parking lot, the others were already there. The fresh air hit your face, feeling lively and Seonghwa came in front, “are you okay?”
“I want to stay outside. Please.” You were whining like a baby in san’s arms.
One by one they all entered the car and you were laying with your head resting on Seonghwa’s lap and legs placed over San’s thigh. You pout when they didn’t acknowledge your request. Jongho stared at you, “what happened?”
“I said I wanted to stay outside.”
“didn’t you want to go home?”
You sighed and closed your eyes. Yes, you wanted to return home.
Hongjoong laughed from the passenger seat and Yunho spoke up, “we are going to the beach in front of our house. We will have our lunch there and spend the evening there as well.”
Your eyes fluttered open, “really?”
“yes.” Mingi assured you and joked to make you laugh.
San stroked your legs, “you are our home, y/n. I love you.”
Even if you wanted to go to the house, your home.  It’s fine. Wherever they are, its your home.
They are your home.
“you guys are my home too. My world.”
[thanks for loving the ot8 fics anon <3. I hope you liked this one.]
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Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @anyamaris @yeoobin @icchyi @jwnghyuns @piratequeen-queenofgames @dinonuguaegi @oreharuuu @hwanring @sanwifesstuff @kiwiisnthereoops @kiwiraccoon @hyuukah @kazscara @aceofspadesbiofalltrades @nvdhrzn [open!]
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bvidzsoo · 4 months
From people you know, to people you don't
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 𝝙 Boyfriend!Yunho 𝝙 
∞ Author: bvidzsoo
∞ Pairing: Jeong Yunho x female reader
∞ Warning: cursing, blood, manhandling ∞ Word count: 3.6k ∞ Genre: non-idol!au, mafia!au, lovers to exes to acquittances!au ∞ Rating: nc-17 ∞ Summary: Yunho wasn't the same man you had once known. What he had turned into, you didn't know. But you did know one thing, you'd do anything to keep your daughter safe and away from him.
∞ A/N: Hello...we don't speak of this. I know I'm supposed to be writing my thesis and Love Me Like A Rockstar (and Beyond The Obscure), but my mind had been plagued with short drabbles for all of our boys so...yeah, I'm writing a mafia drabble for all of them, it seems like it:) Yunho is the first one to start off this new mini-series, and the next members will be posted randomly. I'm not starting a taglist for this one, sorry<3 (you'll have to lurk around) Feedback is much appreciated, I hope you enjoy!
 𝝙 Listen to this before or while reading! ^^
∥ Hongjoong ∥ Seonghwa ∥  Yunho ∥ Yeosang ∥ San ∥ Mingi ∥ Wooyoung ∥ Jongho ∥ 
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      ��     It hadn’t always been like this. Yunho hadn’t always been like this. Five years ago when we had met, he was a sweetheart. He was attentive and the kindest man I have ever known, so loving and a safe place. He bought me flowers every third day and took us out on dates every Friday, all throughout those two years that we had been together for. But then…somehow the cracks in his character started showing. His smiles became less genuine and his once protective hold became possessive and painful. There was something about his eyes that didn’t hold any warmth anymore, just scary, icy coldness that kept you rooted to your spot, shaking and praying to a God that he wouldn’t pounce on you and do only God knows what to you. He became a predator ready to hunt his prey…even if his prey was me. The woman he had once claimed to love furiously and ardently, an emotion now turned into constant anger and hatred whenever he looked in my direction.
I have never truly understood what I have done wrong, but after a while, I stopped trying to understand. I stopped trying to decipher who Jeong Yunho truly was, and why he was the way he was. I stopped trying to make it work between us when I found out that a fragile life was growing inside of me. I wasn’t ready to become a mother at the fragile age of twenty-four, but I wasn’t capable of letting the baby go no matter how hard I tried to convince myself. Despite our quickly deteriorating relationship, that baby had been conceived with love, and I knew deep down Yunho was a good man, he had just lost his way in life. And I was scared of him and of whatever he was capable of after that fated night.
A storm was raging outside, lightning illuminating the night sky every few minutes, thunder shaking the ground. I had a bad feeling, a really bad one, as I gripped my warm mug tightly in my hands, staring out the window. Yunho was supposed to be home by now, hours ago, actually, but he wasn’t. And he wasn’t answering my calls nor my texts. A tightness seemed to grip at my throat, prohibiting me from drinking any tea furthermore. The crash of the front door made me jump out of my skin, heart racing as I hurried to the hallway, stopping in my tracks at the sight of my boyfriend. Except that he looked nothing like my boyfriend. Dripping wet from head to toe, black hair falling in his cold eyes menacingly, panting through his open mouth, something red tainting his white t-shirt and seemingly dripping down his forearm. The right sleeve of his leather jacket had been sliced open and I could see a red wound peeking through angrily. My eyebrows furrowed as I tried to make sense of the situation, hands slightly trembling as Yunho’s eyes slowly drifted upwards, settling on my form. I had planned on telling him tonight that I was pregnant, that we were expecting a baby, but I wasn’t so enthusiastic about it anymore. I was…scared of the man standing in our hallway, in our, once, safe home.
“Yunho,” I whispered, trying to mask the fear in my voice, “what happened to you?”
Yunho said nothing as he kicked his shoes off, my body stiffening as I finally noticed what he held in his left hand. A knife. A knife coated in red. A bloody knife. My heart started racing as Yunho’s eyes never left my form as he advanced towards me, unknowingly backing me against the living room’s closed door, making me gasp. He smelled…like smoke and like iron, like blood. What had he done? Who was this man standing in front of me?
“I had to take care of some business.” My once beloved boyfriend’s voice was deep, eyes dead as he looked me all over the face, his jaw clenching, “Business you fucked up, apparently.”
“M—me?” I stuttered, avoiding eye contact when Yunho’s eyes sharply found mine. He chuckled, but it wasn’t amused, it sounded sarcastic and irritated.
“Yeah, you.” He hissed, closing the gap between our bodies, reflexively making me hold onto my tummy. I was too early on in the pregnancy to show, yet I was already oh so protective of my little fragile baby, “And it’s the last time this happens, understood?”
“I—I don’t understand—” I stilled when Yunho’s large palm caressed my cheek, just a remnant of how he once used to do it, “I don’t understand what I had done.”
“Of course, you don’t,” Yunho chuckled, sneering, “you are too dumb to understand. How about you change workplaces?”
“What?” I muttered confused, flinching when he gripped my jaw tightly, yanking me forward, “Why?”
“I wouldn’t want the police tracing back anything to me, you know?” Yunho mused, the look on his face anything like him. He looked almost crazed, he looked dangerous.
“Did you kill someone?” My voice was barely above a whisper as we stared into each other’s eyes, my heart almost beating out of my chest. I couldn’t breathe as Yunho remained silent, a small smile stretching onto his lips as if I had said something funny. But instead of an answer, he just pressed his damp lips against mine, almost making me jerk away from him. But he held me in a vice like grip and the door behind me stopped me from going anywhere. When I didn’t kiss back, he bit my bottom lip and forced my lips apart, pinning me against the door as his tongue slipped inside my mouth, bringing tears to my eyes.
Yunho wasn’t the man I had fallen in love with anymore. He was someone else, someone that resembled the devil and was capable of anything. And so I had realized I had to save myself and our baby before it was too late for the two of us, before Yunho did something horrible to us.
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            And after that night, I ran away without even as much as glancing back, without having any regrets. I was scared that he’d try to find me, but he never reached out. I left a note on the fridge, in the kitchen, saying that I couldn’t do this anymore and that I was breaking up with him, starting anew. I moved towns, somewhere far away from him, to a city that was filled with life and so many people that even if he looked in every nook and cranny he still wouldn’t be able to find us. Hyeri, our little daughter, and I, that is. Who will be turning three years old today. Life had been…quiet ever since I decided that Hyeri and I would do just fine on our own. Except for my mother, nobody knew where I had moved to. I was too scared that our mutual friends would tell Yunho about our whereabouts, therefore I broke contact with everyone from my old life.
Here, in the big city, I was cautious of who I allowed close to myself and to my daughter, but so far I was lucky enough to only meet genuine and lovely people. Hyeri seemed to like it here too, the little girl growing quicker than I could wrap my mind around it. Soon, she’d be going to daycare. Our day was long due to the little birthday party I had thrown for her, only inviting over my mother, my best friend and colleague from work, Hyeri’s two friends she met at the playground a year ago, and well, the landlord of my previous apartment whom I had become friends with soon after moving here. He was a funny and considerate man, always eager to help me out. My mother kept saying he had a harmless crush on me and that I should give him a chance, but I wasn’t ready to date yet, and besides…my mother somehow missed the fact that he was gay and happily in a relationship.
After having tucked Hyeri in and cleaned the house as best as I could once everyone left, I finally had a moment to myself as I went back to the kitchen and opened the highest cabinet I could reach to grab a glass and my favorite brand of wine. I settled at the table and popped the bottle open, pouring myself an acceptable amount of wine, relaxing into the chair as I placed one leg up on it, hooking my arm around it. I closed my eyes and savored the almost sweet taste of the wine, sighing quietly and being thankful that it was finally the weekend. I could forget for two days about the massive workload I had at my job, papers upon papers pilling up on my desk, a constant reminder of how overworked I was while being underpaid. But I suppose that’s just how things seem to work nowadays. I must be thankful that I make enough to provide for myself and my lovely Hyeri, still.
As I let my head fall forward and rest on my knee, a floorboard seemed to creak in the hallway. Did Hyeri have another nightmare? Or was just the house settling? I listened closely, but I haven’t heard Hyeri’s door opening, so it couldn’t have been her. Suddenly, the hairs on my arms stood and my body froze, sensing danger before I could even see it. I shoot up from the chair when I heard the floorboards creak again, and prayed to God that it was just my best friend coming back, having left something here. She had a key, after all, she was allowed to let herself in without announcing that she was coming. However, the tall and sturdy figure standing in my kitchen’s doorway made my heart drop to my stomach, hand clenching tightly around the glass of wine I was still holding onto for comfort.
Jeong Yunho.
But how—I had escaped him. Forever. I ran away, I did everything, I—my thoughts kicked into overdrive as I realized Hyeri was just a few doors down, sleeping in her bed, unassuming of the monster standing inside our home. I had to protect her. I just had to. Yunho could never know, he could take me, he could kill me, but he would never touch my Hyeri.
“Fancy little house,” Yunho’s voice was just as deep as three years ago, perhaps deeper now, as his eyes scouted the place, “looks like the dream house you always told me about.”
I gulped, unable to respond as Yunho pursed his cherry-red lips, stepping further inside the kitchen. Strangely, his shoes were missing and so was his jacket. Blue jeans clung to his long legs, a little baggy, and a grey sweater warmed his torso, some university’s name printed on the front of it, his silver rosary hanging over it. Yunho looked like—the man I had once loved. Like the dream guy I thought I was lucky to score. But I knew who he was, what he hid underneath that sheep mask of his. There was a wolf underneath, a dangerous predator waiting for you to lower your walls, to let him in, to be vulnerable.
“What are you doing here?” I found my voice at last, when his fingers touched the petals of the flowers I had placed in a vase, in the middle of the round table I had in my kitchen. Those were my favorite flowers; the same ones Yunho would always buy for me.
“I was passing through the city,” Yunho explained, smiling a little as he noticed a picture of my mother and I stamped onto the fridge, “thought I could stop by and say hi.”
“No.” I snapped, eyebrows furrowing as my heart did somersaults against my ribcage, “No, you can’t—you just broke in, Yunho! I’m calling the cops—”
“It’s not called breaking in when you have a key.” I all but blanched as he grabbed some keys out of his pocket and dangled them towards me. My blood froze over, body going numb. How did he have that? Just how?! “And the cops won’t be doing anything, my dear—”
“Don’t call me that,” I all but almost shouted, forgetting for a second that I had a little child in the house, “Don’t—you can’t be here, Yunho. You have to get out, right now.”
The friendliness slipped from his face as his eyes darkened, slowly walking around the table, coming closer. I backed away from him, trying to aim for the door, but before I could make a run for it, his hand had already wrapped around my arm, yanking my body into his. I gasped, his once familiar cologne wafting through my nose as Yunho’s dark eyes focused on my face, the same chocolate color as they used to be. But they were cold again, just like three years ago. He really wasn’t the man I had once loved.
“Oh, Y/N,” He sighed, leaning down and nuzzling his head against my neck, nose pressing into my skin, “I have missed you so much.”
I was shaking, frozen to the spot, trying to come up with an escape plan. I would have to go to the police, I needed help. How did he find me?!
“Get off.” I whispered, hands gripping his arms to the point my nails dug through his sweater, “Yunho, let go of me!”
Yunho groaned, pulling back to grab me by the nape as he lowered his head to be eye-level with me. I glared at him fiercely as I tried to wrestle myself out of his hold, but he grabbed my right arm and flushed it against himself, pinning my arm to his back.
“Did you think I wouldn’t be able to find you?” He sounded amused, yet his expression conveyed annoyance, “Did you think you could hide from me?”
My chest was rising and falling quickly as my glare bore into his eyes, his glare just as menacing as mine, “Did you think you could end things like that between us?”
“Yes.” I hissed, fed up by always feeling so small and scared of him, “I left you. There’s no us anymore and there’ll never be, Yunho. You’re a—criminal! You’re not the man I fell in love with, and I have nothing to do with you anymore.”
“That’s not how a relationship works, my dear, we take that decision together.” Yunho snapped, his perfectly calm mask finally slipping as he seethed, jaw tense and a fire in his eyes, “I am still the same man you fell in love with, I’m just not afraid to show all sides of myself to you anymore, Y/N.”
“You tricked me.”
“I didn’t.”
Silence fell around us as we both breathed through our mouths, breaths mingling as our faces were close to each other. My cheeks were slowly flushing from the adrenaline that was coursing through my bloodstream, ears ringing as I started feeling helpless. I had to get away, I needed to get Hyeri and flee this place.
“You would’ve ran away if you knew who I truly was so early on, Y/N.” Yunho sounded defeated as he averted his eyes to the floor, finally releasing my arm he had pinned to his back, instead cradling my face with both hands as he walked me backwards towards the table. I gasped as the back of my thighs hit the sturdy surface, and I held onto Yunho’s sides, trying not to fall backwards.
“Yet I still ran away, Yunho.” I shook my head, swallowing the lump in my throat, “You scared me away. I don’t want to see you ever again.”
“That’s a wish I can’t grant you, I’m sorry.” He licked his lips as his thumbs started caressing my cheeks, his chocolate brown eyes falling onto my lips. My heart seemed to stutter when he leaned closer, his eyes fluttering almost shut, and when he was mere centimeters away from my lips, he paused. I gulped, heart hammering in my chest as I gripped his wrists, his hold turning painful, “When were you going to tell me?”
It was merely a whisper, but with how close he was to me, I heard it crystal clear. I went rigid, suddenly fearing for my daughter’s and my own life again, “What are you talking about?”
When Yunho’s eyes shifted to the side, where the fridge was, and I followed with my own, I stopped breathing. We were both looking at the drawing made by Hyeri, a little girl standing in the middle, holding two women’s hands. Mine and my mother’s. They stood in front of a house, smiles on their faces and with a sun that was a little too big for the otherwise cute drawing. I have never felt dread up until that moment consume my whole being, and before I could stop myself, my eyes glassed over and I gripping onto the collar of Yunho’s sweater, trying to breathe regularly.
“Yunho, no—please—you can’t—”
“I can’t what?” He looked beyond furious, hands crushing my cheeks as a few tears rolled down the,, “She’s my daughter too.”
“No, please.” I tried not to sob, scared it would wake Hyeri, “You can’t—I—I won’t let you. You can’t hurt her. I won’t let you, Yunho, she’s mine—”
“She’s ours.” Yunho snapped, shaking me in the process, making me whimper as I grabbed onto his face.
“Please, Yunho, just leave—just leave us alone.” I begged him, flinching as he started wiping my tears away, almost with a fascinated look on his face.
“You were never going to tell me, right?” He asked in a whisper, suddenly looking very sad. My heart stilled and I felt bad, but then I had to remind myself that he had killed someone and that he had probably done so many worse things that I didn’t know about, and didn’t want to know about. I never truly knew who Jeong Yunho was, and I didn’t want to know. I couldn’t let him come back in our lives. He would ruin everything again.
“Mommy?” Both Yunho and I froze, our eyes going wide before Yunho was letting me go, stepping back, looking shocked as his eyes quickly fell on his daughter. I quickly wiped my cheeks clear of tears and tried not to sniff as I turned to smile at our daughter, forcing myself to mask my distress.
“My love,” I chuckled, walking around the table to get to her, scared that Yunho would try to do something, “you’re awake?”
“Bad dream.” Hyeri whined as she rubbed at her eyes, giggling when I hastily picked her up. My heart was beating even faster than before as I tucked her head against my neck, shielding her view from Yunho, who was unresponsive as he stared at us wide eyed. I didn’t know how he’d react, and I was terrified. The resemblance between Hyeri and Yunho was unmistakable. She was an exact replica of Yunho with her round cheeks, freckles spreading around it, and pouty lips, even her eyes were the same light color as Yunho’s in the sunlight. Her temperament, too, was similar to Yunho’s. My daughter was a constant reminder of who I once used to love, yet I could never hold that against her. She was everything I have ever wished for, my light, my life.
When Yunho went to take a step towards us, I quickly backed away, walking out of the kitchen altogether, seemingly making him freeze. He gulped, eyes searching my face for something, but I was begging him to stay back and leave us alone. His hands balled up into fists at his side and I feared what would come next.
“Who is man?” Hyeri mumbled against my neck, peaking at Yunho with her eyebrows furrowed. Yunho and her shared a long look, and it broke my heart as Hyeri gave me an even more confused look than before, “Is he uncle?”
I could only hope she was too young to understand reality.
“No,” Hearing Yunho’s soft voice made me jump and caught Hyeri’s attention again, “just someone—who loves mommy and you.”
I bit my lower lip to stop myself from crying in front of our daughter and instead forced a smile on my face as Hyeri looked at me wonderingly, “Really?”
“Yes.” I answered her, my own voice sounding unsure and shaky, “Let’s go to sleep while this man leaves, alright?”
“Mommy,” Hyeri mumbled, looking at Yunho again, eyebrows furrowing, “can man tuck me in?”
“What—” I whispered confused, looking at Yeri with furrowed eyebrows, “no, he—”
“Please.” But Yunho’s pleading voice full with regret shut me up quickly as he slowly approached us, very reluctantly reaching his hand out to pet Hyeri’s fluffy hair, “Please.”
And when Yunho’s eyes found mine again, I was alarmed to see the man I had once fallen in love with. Desperate, begging with everything he could, yet reluctant to reach out. Just who was Jeong Yunho?
“Just this once.” I whispered, arms tightening around Hyeri as Yunho’s face lit up, eyes clearing of the tears he was holding back.
“Thank you.” He’s never looked so grateful before, and my eyes widened when he pressed a swift kiss against my lips, making Hyeri giggle in my arms. And before I could interfere, Hyeri was making grabby hands at Yunho, smiling brightly as he carefully took her in his arms, cradling his daughter against his chest like it was his most prized possession. Yunho’s eyes shone like they were the sun and I stood frozen as he walked towards her bedroom, Hyeri muttering things to him that I couldn’t hear.
What was I going to do now?
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⚞ Masterlist ⚟
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↳Perm. taglist: @orshii @jjoongstar @tinyelfperson @thestarskiller @zuuhaa
@aaa-sia @gong-fourz @a-tinycarat @sooberryworld @hopefulrascalstatesmantoad
@anastasiamin860 @yunhogrippers @vcutparis @tunaasan @blvckarabixnvoid
@yusalterego @arigakittyo @slowee00 @jaerisdiction @hey-syia
❀ complete the forms if you're interested! ^^
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dvrktvnnel · 18 days
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I don't want your sorrys, I want you safe
Genre: Angst/Mafia AU
Pairing: Mafia! Wooyoung x reader
Word Count: 900
Warnings: I'm sorry in advance <3
Summary: Wooyoung acts careless about his life in the mafia, and the way it affects your lives finally breaks you. All you want is for him to be safe.
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12am. He was late again. No text. No calls. No details where he was going. Just you sitting in the couch waiting for him to come home. It drove you crazy, it's been over a year now and you had hoped it would get better. Either he wouldn’t be gone for so long, or maybe you’d get used to him being away.
But it never got easier. And you knew deep down it never would. When you finally heard the doorknob click you grabbed the gun, just like he taught you. Checking the cameras he had hooked up to the monitor, you saw his silhouette, his eyes you loved so much looking right into the camera.
You knocked on the door back, in the same beat he taught you to make sure he wasn’t being held at gun point on the other side. His safe knock returned, and releasing the breath you held you dropped the gun and opened the door.
He smiled upon seeing you, but it was hard for you to smile back when you saw his busted lip. It wasn’t bad, but it was enough to remind you of how much blood he’s already lost in this lifestyle. How blood he’s taken from others too.
“You okay baby?” he asked.
You folded your arms over your chest and shrugged.
“Are you okay?” you asked quietly, avoiding his eyes and question . You didn’t want to cry, not again.
He nodded, tilting his head to meet your gaze.
“Baby whats wrong,” he asked gently, then his demeanor changed. “Did something happen? Did someone come here?” he asked quickly, looking around the apartment and pulling out his own gun.
“Nothing happened, nothing happened,” you assured him, putting your hands on his chest.
“Its just,” you started, before shaking your head. “I don’t want to get into right now. Im tired, you’re hurt. Let's just wash up and go to bed.”
Wooyoung grabbed your hand before you could walk away.
“Baby, please don’t do this,” he pleaded. “Tell me whats wrong.”
You turned around and sighed. You really didn’t want to do this right now.
“I’m fine, I’m just tired,” you said flatly.
“Y/N come on,” he started, but you put your hand up to stop him.
“I’m not doing this tonight I just want to go to bed.”
You started walking away again and he threw his bag off his shoulder.
“Y/N what the hell, I just got back, and you’re already pissed?”
You shook your head and put your hand up again. You really did not want to do this right now.
But he was insistent. He took his jacket off and made his way to you, following you to the room.
“Are you seriously not going to talk to me? You’re just going to stay mad at me for no apparent reason?”
“Im not mad at you, Im mad at the situation.”
“What situation?” he asked, his irritation only fueling the fire within you.
“Every fucking night you’re gone for hours, hell sometimes you don’t come back until the next day!”
Wooyoung froze, clearly not expecting an outburst. You felt bad, but he pushed you into it. He dragged you into this lifestyle.
“I sit here, and i wait for you, never able to tell if you’re coming home okay or even alive. Do you know how fucking terrifying it is when Jongho comes here while you’re gone? Every-time Im expecting him to tell me you died.”
“Y/N, I told you i had a dangerous life before we got together, you said you were fine with it!”
“No, I said I loved you! I said I wanted to be with you anyways, Ive never been “fine” without you here, worrying about you. Fuck even when you’re here I’m worried! At any second some piece of shit you’ve fucked with could show up and kill us both!”
Wooyoung took your hands in his.
“Listen to me, none of that is going to happen. Im careful, and Im really fucking good at what i do. Mingi’s been shot more times than anyone, and he’s fine!”
You push him away
“You don’t get it, it’s the fact i know one day one of those shots could he your last. You don’t have to do this; I work and if you got a normal job we’d be fine!”
“You know damn well i can't do that,” he said sternly. “I’ve busted my ass off to make you feel safe, what more do you want from me?”
“I want you safe! I want you to be safe with me and away from all of this!”
“You know I can't just stay with you all the time! I have shit I need to do!”
“No, what this all comes down to is that you have a big ego.”
His phone rang. You both paused and waited.
“Answer it.” you said harshly. “Answer and prove me right, that you only give a shit about your reputation with your gang.”
Wooyoung said nothing. He took his phone out and answered it, turning his back to you.
“What is it-“
Sans voice cut him off.
“Woo get the fuck out of there right now they tracked you and-“
Before either of you had a chance to react, an explosion erupted through the apartment. You were thrown away from Wooyoung, hitting the wall as debris fell on top of you.
You saw a group of men run through the door before you blacked out, calling Wooyoung’s name weakly.
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@vampzity @h4untedgrl @scarfac3 @rvereri @losrpark @dollywoo
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sooniessoulmate · 3 months
𝙻𝚎𝚐𝚒𝚘𝚗 - 𝙰𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚣 𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜 𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝
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♥️♠️ 𝚜𝚢𝚗𝚘𝚙𝚜𝚒𝚜♦️♣️
𝚈/𝙽 𝚒𝚜 𝚔𝚒𝚍𝚗𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚍 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚍 𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚎 𝚋𝚢 𝚊 𝚕𝚘𝚌𝚊𝚕 𝚐𝚊𝚗𝚐. 𝙰𝚝 𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝, 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚐𝚊𝚗𝚐 𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚊𝚌𝚛𝚘𝚜𝚜 𝚊𝚜 𝚜𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚜𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚕𝚢 𝚍𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚕𝚘𝚙𝚜 𝚏𝚎𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖. 𝚂𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝚍𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚜𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚜𝚎?
♥️♠️ 𝚙𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 ♦️♣️
𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚡 𝚘𝚝𝟾
♥️♠️ 𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚛𝚎♦️♣️
𝚖𝚊𝚏𝚒𝚊, 𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚝, 𝚢𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚜, 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚘𝚋𝚜𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚟𝚎, 𝚝𝚘𝚡𝚒𝚌, 𝚜𝚖𝚞𝚝, 𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢 𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚏𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏
♥️♠️ 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚞𝚜 ♦️♣️
♥️♠️ 𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚜 ♦️♣️
06/14 -
♥️♠️ 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 ♦️♣️
♠️ 𝚌𝚑.𝟷 - 𝚠𝚑𝚘'𝚜 𝙹𝚞𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚗?
♦️𝚌𝚑.𝟸 - 𝚕𝚎𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚘𝚍𝚒𝚎𝚜 𝚑𝚒𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚏𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚛
♣️ 𝚌𝚑.𝟹 - 𝚋𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚔𝚏𝚊𝚜𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚖𝚙𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜
♥️ 𝚌𝚑.𝟺 - 𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚢
♠️ 𝚌𝚑.𝟻 - 𝚐𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚠 𝚝𝚘𝚢𝚜
♦️ 𝚌𝚑.𝟼 - 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚘
♣️ 𝚌𝚑.𝟽 - 𝚒𝚜 𝚟𝚒𝚙𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚎?
♥️ 𝚌𝚑.𝟾 - 𝚒 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚑𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚠𝚑*𝚛𝚎𝚜
♠️ 𝚌𝚑.𝟿 - 𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚖𝚎 𝚑𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚢
♦️ 𝚌𝚑.𝟷𝟶 - 𝙸 𝚋𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚎𝚗 𝚋*𝚝𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚜
♣️ 𝚌𝚑.𝟷𝟷 - 𝚜𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝 𝚘𝚗 𝚖𝚢 𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕
♥️ 𝚌𝚑.𝟷𝟸 - 𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚠𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚞𝚙
♠️ 𝚌𝚑.𝟷𝟹 - 𝚡𝚘𝚡𝚘 - 𝚓.𝚠
♦️ 𝚌𝚑.𝟷𝟺 - 𝚗𝚘 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚜 𝚊 𝚕𝚒𝚊𝚛
♣️ 𝚌𝚑.𝟷𝟻 - 𝚢𝚘𝚞'𝚛𝚎 𝚊 𝚙𝚒𝚐
♥️ 𝚌𝚑.𝟷𝟼 - 𝚙𝚞𝚕𝚕 𝚖𝚢 𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛
♠️ 𝚌𝚑.𝟷𝟽 - 𝚕𝚎𝚝 𝚖𝚎 𝚒𝚗
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♥️♠️𝚜𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝟸♣️♦️
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♥️♠️𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 ♦️♣️
@stayatinykatsy @vampiregirl215 @xuchiya @veebyvee
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atinyreads · 2 years
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Ateez Fic Recommendations by @atinyreads <3
heh I plead guilty for losing count on how many times I’ve read these Aus over and over. I’ve posted a recommendation before so this means this is my second set of favorites that drive me insane lol.
note: pls do support the authors if you've taken interest on any aus i have recommended that they have created, it would be great if their works have more exposure to other readers :D like maybe leave a comment or reblog!
TW/CW: the following recommendations may contain Ateez smut (minors DNI), Ateez yandere themes, Ateez angst, Ateez mafia, and Ateez omegaverse. If you don't like any of these then refrain from reading this post.
Wooyoung: Shadow by @im-657-mv
Hongjoong: City lies by @toikiii
Hongjoong: On the Horizon by @vickylamore
San: Love is like a drug by @vickylamore
Seonghwa: His to protect by @cqndiedcherries
Yeosang: Corpse Groom by @jwying
Seonghwa: Me or the ps5 by @tohokuu
Jongho: Don't do that by @hongjoongscafe
Jongho: Knock it off by @teezertales
Mingi: Late night by @binniesbobastay
San: Yandere Choi San by @im-657-mv -mv
Seonghwa: Little dolly by @stayatiny
San: The blood crown by @foxgangfoxgang
Yunho: Wedding bells by @foxgangfoxgang
Hongjoong: Dance with me by @foxgangfoxgang
Seonghwa: M-mommy by @wooyoungmybelovedhusband
Wooyoung: Sunday Baking by @cas-skz
Yunho: Last defender by @hoonieversed
San: Fire! by @bambikisss
Hongjoong: Crushcrushcrush by @im-whatchamccallit
Seonghwa: Pirate Seonghwa by @ateezmakemeweep
Hongjoong: What could've should've by @star-1117
Seonghwa/Hongjoong: The beguiled by @riboism
Ot8: Christmas blues by @thelargefrye
Ot8: Our goddess, our utopia by @mingis-lightbulb
Mingi: Posion by @atiny-desire
Seonghwa: Kishi Kaisei by @flurrys-creativity
Hongjoong: Say my name by @atiny-desire
Wooyoung: Scream by @atiny-desire
Seonghwa: Gang Au by @fantastic-bby
Hongjoong: Of love and betrayal by @hoonieversed
Ot8: In love and lore by @shadowynn
Hongjoong: Unhinged by @mxxndreams
San: Drinking games by @shyxcherry
Hongjoong: Let me take you away by @ithinkilikeit-reactions
Hongjoong: Sea supersitions by @ithinkilikeit-reactions
Hongjoong: A little something more by @flurrys-creativity
Seonghwa: Unexpected Company by @mia-tiny
Wooyoung: I do love you by @toikiii
Seonghwa: Was it worth it by @headintheclouds-posts
Mingi: Smut reaction by @wooyoungmybelovedhusband
Yunho: Smut reaction by @wooyoungmybelovedhusband
Hongjoong: Dance with me by @foxgangfoxgang
Hongjoong: Pretty by @last-words-ofashootingstar
Yunho, San, Wooyoung: Treasure @honeyhotteoks
Yunho: Tutor boy by @cas-skz
Yunho: Step Brother Yunho x You by @kpop-dungeon-dark
San: The devil above by @kpop-dungeon-dark
Mingi: Sour by @itsbeeble
you know what after i finished listing all my favorites i realized i may have been reading beyond average and i need help lmfao
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skz1-4-3 · 9 months
I need some recommendations for these type of ateez stories on tumblr:
Vampire!ateez member x reader
Wolf!ateez member x reader
Wolf!ateez member x hybrid reader
Wolf!ateez member x wolf!reader(or anything else related)
Siren!ateez member x reader
Ateez member x siren!reader
Hybrid!ateez member x reader
Warlock!ateez member x reader
Warlock!ateez member x witch!reader
Soulmate Au!ateez member x reader
Demon!ateez member x reader
Demon!ateez member x demon!reader
Demon!ateez member x witch!reader
Mafia!ateez member x reader
Mafia!ateez member x mafia!reader
Mafia!ateez member x Pure!reader
Or anything else supernatural because i love things like that. Also if you can recommend any ateez writers than tell me bc i still only have found about 15😔
Heres a pic of yunho as a reward ;
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starboyyoongi · 4 months
heated. ateez au
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⭑ summary: your team only had one rule and that was to never kidnap a civilian. wooyoung, jongho, mingi, and yunho find themselves narrowly escaping death after you find out that they broke said rule.
or, in which things take a turn for the worse when four men kidnap a civilian and they have to face the consequences.
⭑ pairing: ateez (ot8) x black female!reader
⭑ warnings/tags: cursing, gang au, reader is leader/boss of the gang, kidnapping, angst, mentions of murder, gets funny and crack-ish towards the end, ???? to crush, mingi acts as san’s wingman
⭑ notes: i worked on this in my notes app on and off for like a week or so. i did proofread this, but there may still be mistakes don’t kill me please. feel free to leave your thoughts and enjoy! xx
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TO SAY THAT you were going to be pissed was an understatement.
what would usually be a noisy car ride back home was now eerily quiet. no one had uttered a word since they had gotten in the car and started the dreaded hour long drive. you often praised the boys for their kind hearted nature despite their jobs and how intense could be at times. they were the water to your fire; the yin to your yang. years of friendship, loyalty, and working with together proved that.
maybe that’s why tonight they had done what was the unthinkable and kept telling themselves that it would be okay. they hoped that the soft spot you had for all of them would override any anger that you may have towards them. it was total bullshit of course, but for the next hour they chose to believe it.
san was completely unaware of the heavy tension in the car. after all, his hands were tied and he had been ordered to stay quiet. his head was swimming with a million and one thoughts. how did he go from handing out bags full of books to customers to being sandwiched between two men who hadn’t said anything past “be quiet” to him? san wanted to kick and scream, do anything that could possibly get him out of this situation, but he couldn’t.
he was terrified to say the least.
san took a look around the car. aside from the two men he was in between, there were two more upfront. one was driving and the other was in the passenger seat. he didn’t know either of their names, but he supposed that it wasn’t important. there was a good chance that he was going to die soon anyways. out of his peripheral vision, he could see the man on his right’s jaw clench and unclench every couple of seconds. that couldn’t mean anything good. san gulped a little before turning his attention to the man seated on the other side of him.
unlike the man on the right, he seemed to be lost in thought. he kept alternating between picking at his fingers and running them through his already messy black hair. the car slowly came to a stop just as the light changed from yellow to red. the man in the driver’s seat was the first to break the silence.
“she’s going to fucking kill us.”
“thanks for stating the obvious, yunho,” the man in the passenger seat said in a sarcastic tone. “anything else you wanna mention? maybe tell us how she’s going to skin us alive?”
“or shoot us in the head instead” the man to san’s left chimed in.
yunho let out a frustrated sigh as the light turned green. as the four men began to converse with one another, san couldn’t help but feel awkward. it’s like he was invisible to them. which sort of made sense seeing as how he didn’t know the four of them and vice versa. plus, he had been kidnapped for fuck sakes. of course they were going to ignore his presence.
san watched as the four men bickered with one another and threw out insults every now and then, eventually figuring out who was who. mingi was on his right, wooyoung was on his left, yunho was the one who was driving, and jongho was in the passenger seat.
the four men’s looks didn’t go unnoticed by san either. all of them were very attractive to say the least and san couldn’t help but wonder what they were doing in a gang. mingi alone looked like he was straight out of an issue of vogue.
with a jawline like that he can make some lucky brand millions. shit, all four of them can if they wanted to, san thought to himself.
“what excuse are we going to come up with anyways? you guys got any ideas?” wooyoung asked, cutting through san’s thoughts.
upon hearing his question, the others fell silent.
truth be told, none of them had really thought that far. as dumb as it sounded, they were kind of banking on years of friendship to get them through this mess. but deep down they knew that it wasn’t going to work.
kidnapping civilians wasn’t you guys’s thing—at all. and everyone on the team knew that. it was always advised against and avoided as much as possible. kidnapping civilians meant that you guys had an extra person (or people) to be responsible for which also meant that there was going to be more problems for everyone involved which also meant that shit was most likely going to go south.
and they knew this. all four of them knew this yet they still decided to take san with them and shove him into their car.
in other words, they were fucked.
“so, um,” san awkwardly cleared his throat as he began to speak. “when are you guys going to let me go? i’d like it if you guys would let me go back home in one piece, please.”
“we can’t.” jongho answered immediately as he met san’s curious gaze in the rear view mirror.
san furrowed his eyebrows, clearly not understanding what jongho had said. “what do you mean that you can’t? you just said that you’re going to get in trouble for taking– i mean, kidnapping me. wouldn’t letting me go make things easier?”
“contrary to what you may think, that would actually fuck things up even more,” mingi said. “if we let you go now there’s a chance that you’re going to go to the police and tell them everything and we can’t have that happening.”
“i won’t go to the police. i promise.”
“you were a witness to a violent shoot out, kidnapped by the four of us, and you know what all of us look like.”
san opened his mouth to rebuttal, but mingi held his hand up as he continued, “you’re also an employee where this entire thing took place. even if you don’t go to the police, they’re going to come to you and there’s no guarantee that you’re going to say quiet.”
“if you’re saying that i’m going to crack under pressure or something then i won’t” san said almost a little too confidently.
mingi rolled his eyes and sighed. “the police in seoul don’t give a shit about whether or not you won’t crack under pressure. they’re going to make you talk whether you like it or not.”
at that, san hummed in response.
mingi was right. he’s never had a brush with the law before, but he knew enough to know there was some truth to what mingi was saying. the police in seoul were known for being ruthless and corrupt. even if san did decide to stay quiet, he knew that it wouldn’t do him any favors. someone was bound to get whatever answer they wanted out of him by any means necessary.
“so… what? you’re just going to drive around with me or something?” san asked to no one in particular.
“no,” yunho said as he came to another stop light. he took a slight pause before he continued. “we’re taking you to our boss.”
⭑ ⭑ ⭑ ⭑
as soon as san stepped through the elevator doors, he heard someone lowly whistle. he looked forward to see a somewhat short, pink haired man staring at him and the others with a disappointed look on his face.
“you guys are fucked,” he chuckled. his gaze lingered on san for a few seconds longer before he turned on his heel and began walking towards the kitchen. “so, so fucked.”
mingi loudly sighed and mumbled something under his breath that san couldn’t quite catch. he was too busy trying to wrap his head around the fact that he was standing in someone’s very expensive and very well furnished penthouse.
he’d never felt so poor in his entire life.
as wooyoung pushed him along to the living room, san couldn’t help but feel like he was in some magazine. from the floors to the carefully placed art pieces on the walls to the giant television that sat on the wall, everything felt so rich and so opulent. he’d never seen anything like it.
once they had reached the massive living space, wooyoung pushed san onto one of the two couches and told him to wait. san opened his mouth to say something, but wooyoung was already wandering off somewhere else.
meanwhile in the kitchen, yunho was telling his pink haired friend how everything in the last two hours had went down. by the time he was finished, the man was staring at him in disbelief. he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
“i don’t know, yunho… i don’t think that she’s going to let this slide. on top of that, you brought him to her house of all places” hongjoong said with a raise of his eyebrow.
“i know,” yunho groaned. “but i didn’t know where else to take him. plus i figured that she should see him for herself.”
“why? so she can kill him, too?”
yunho gave his friend a pointed look. “she’s not going to kill him. or us. i think.”
“you think? yeah, you guys are definitely fucked. do you prefer cremation or open casket?”
“oh, fuck you.”
hongjoong laughed as he took a swig of his drink then said, “i know you want to, babe. what time should i be over at yours?”
“you cheeky son of a bitch” yunho laughed as he took a sip of his own drink.
hongjoong smiled as if to say ‘that’s me’ before he started to do a sweep over of the place. just as he was about to focus his attention back on yunho, he spotted a familiar figure entering the room. he cleared his throat and placed his drink on the counter before raising his voice a little to say,
“hey, boss.”
at those words, the room came to a halt. all eyes were on you as you made eye contact with a visibly tense and frightened san. nervously, he stood up and slightly bowed his head towards you. he had no idea what he was supposed to do, but if you were truly the boss like yunho said you were then he was going to act accordingly. after all, you were standing between death and him living to see another day.
you held eye contact with san for what seemed like forever before gesturing for yunho, wooyoung, jongho, and mingi to come forward. you walked over to the couch opposite from the one san had been occupying and sat down. you leaned back and rested one of your arms on the back of the couch. the casualness of your form was a stark contrast to the obvious anger that was radiating off of your body.
all four men stood in front of you and it was clear from how they were avoiding making eye contact that something was wrong. san, much like hongjoong, looked on in curiosity. he didn’t know any of these men personally, but how they acted in the car an hour ago was a far cry to how they were acting now. they looked scared, terrified even, and you hadn’t even said anything to them yet.
“what happened?” you asked, an eerily calmness to your voice.
“we ran into an… issue so to speak during our mission,” yunho answered. “we weren’t exactly sure what to do seeing as how there’s a chance that san might go to the police. so we brought him here.”
“an issue? what was the issue? because to me, it seems like the issue is still present.”
yunho opened his mouth to respond, but jongho beat him to it and began to explain what happened just a few hours earlier. it was evident to everyone, jongho included, that you were not pleased with what you were hearing. the tick of your jaw and the angry look on your face was more than enough to make jongho falter in his words a few times and make everyone in the room tense up. when you looked to wooyoung and mingi for answers, all you got was silence in return. neither of them wanted to say anything out of fear of further angering you.
your eyes flickered between the four men and san. you let out a deep sigh and shook your head before you started to laugh. it was the type of laugh that completely void of any humor—one that they (and anyone who crossed you) had heard one too many times to count.
“i asked you to do one fucking thing. and not only do you go against my orders, you also have the audacity to bring this shit to my doorstep,” there was an edge to your voice as you spoke. “and what, you expected me to pat you on the back and say that it’s okay? that you did a good job? do you have any idea what you four have done?”
“boss, we didn’t mean to cause any problems on purpose. please, if you allow us to—” wooyoung’s words were cut off almost instantly.
since he was standing only a few feet away from you, it took you all of five seconds to walk towards him and wrap your hand around his throat in a tight grip. wooyoung’s hands immediately flew up to grab your arm, but he made no move to remove your hand. your head tilted to the side as you watched him start to struggle to breathe. your grip tightened as you brought your face close to his and continued to speak.
“do you really think that i give a fuck about what you have to say to me right now? huh?”
“n-no, boss. i’m sorry.”
“i should put a bullet right in between your fucking eyes. all five of you.”
“b-boss, please,” wooyoung choked out. “we didn’t mean to c-cause any harm. he didn’t deserve to get h-hurt.”
you let out a breathy laugh and squeezed his neck even tighter. “whatever fate he was going to face would have been ten times better than what he’s about to face right now. did you really think that bringing him here was going to go well?”
this time, you glanced at the other three who were anxiously watching the scene unfold in front of them. this was not how they had expected things to go. they knew that you would be angry, but this was beyond that; you were furious.
at the sound of his name being called, the long haired man quietly walked towards you and placed a gun in your now open palm. without hesitation, you held it right up to the side of wooyoung’s head. his eyes widened and he gripped your arm tightly, almost as if he was trying to get you to not pull the trigger.
from the corner of your eye, you could see mingi step forward, mouth opened and ready to speak. but with one look from you, he froze in his steps. hongjoong, jongho, and yunho on the other hand continued to look on in fear. in all their years of working with you they’d never seen you this angry before. the boys had their fair share of fuck ups, sure, but it’s never gotten to this point before.
this type of energy was usually reserved for those who crossed you—not for them and especially not for wooyoung.
although no one said it out loud, they were all wondering the same thing: were you really going to kill wooyoung over a mistake like this?
fuck it, hongjoong thought to himself before he finally spoke up. “this is too far, boss. i don’t think that you should do this.”
you gritted your teeth before replying, “i didn’t ask for your opinion, kim. keep your fucking mouth shut.”
“no,” hongjoong said with a slight raise of his voice. “you’re about to make a mistake. i know that they fucked up, but would you really go as far as killing wooyoung? one of your own?”
hongjoong’s question hung in the air as the room fell silent once more. everyone waited with baited breath for your response.
to the others, it didn’t seem like you’d be backing down. your incredibly tight grip around wooyoung’s throat never loosened and your gun remained in the same place, finger lightly pressed against the trigger. it felt like any second now that their friend’s blood and brains were going to decorate your floors and walls.
but that’s when wooyoung saw it.
he saw the way your body tensed up immediately at hongjoong’s words and how the look on your face began to falter. he saw how the look in your eyes changed from pure anger to regret or something awfully close to it. and he definitely saw how you were contemplating hongjoong’s words and perhaps your actions, too altogether.
and even though he could hardly breathe and tears were forming in his eyes at the thought of being so close to death, wooyoung knew.
and you knew that he knew.
you held his gaze for a few seconds longer before you released him from your grip. wooyoung immediately fell to floor coughing and trying to take in deep breaths. hongjoong immediately rushed over to make sure that he was okay as mingi, yunho, and jongho breathed out a sigh of relief. mingi glanced over at san who had been watching the entire time from a mere few feet away.
he stood there frozen in place, eyes never leaving your form and mingi suddenly found himself feeling bad for the man. in just two hours, his life had been turned completely upside down and he almost witnessed someone dying in front of him. mingi then briefly wondered what his fate was going to be. he secretly hoped that he would live to see another day.
just as he began to move towards san, you grabbed him by his wrist and stopped him.
in a low tone, you said, “i’ll arrange for seonghwa to take san home. the four of you are going to stay here tonight. we’re not done yet.”
you let his wrist go then stepped past him and muttered something in yeosang’s ear. he nodded before you placed the gun back in his hand and disappeared down the hallway, presumably back to your room.
mingi let out a breath that he didn’t know he was holding before he made his way over to san.
“hey,” he said, snapping san out of his thoughts. “it looks like you can go home now. someone is going to come and get you.”
san blinked incredulously. “someone’s taking me home? i can go home?”
mingi nodded in response.
relieved, san blew out a breath and rubbed his hands over his face. seeing that they were still bound together, mingi began to untie the rope. it took no longer than ten seconds to do so since the knot wasn’t tied too tightly.
“so,” san said as he rubbed at his wrists. “does this mean that she won’t kill me? or is someone going to finish the job later on?”
mingi awkwardly rubbed the side of his neck, unsure of what to say. “i don���t know. if she didn’t kill wooyoung then… maybe she won’t kill you either.”
“good. it’d be a damn shame if i died before we could go on our date.”
mingi looked at san in disbelief. there’s no way that he heard that right.
did he?
“i’m sorry, what? what do you mean by dat–“
“i think that your boss is hot,” san said rather bluntly. “and even though she scares the fuck out of me and nearly killed someone, i have to admit that a part of me liked seeing her like that.”
“you liked seeing her… like that? you do know that you were her next target, right?”
“yeah, but now i’m not. which means that i can ask her out. do you know what places she likes going to by any chance?”
“you can’t afford them anyways so it makes no sense telling you. but, are you– you’re being serious right now? you want to date her? after all of that?”
“your positive? absolutely sure?”
“yes. of course i am.”
“jesus fucking christ…” mingi mumbled before he groaned out loud.
he did not get paid enough for this shit.
(that was a lie. he gets paid more than enough actually).
“san? let’s go!” mingi heard seonghwa call out from across the room. he briefly turned around to give the older man a smile, which he returned, before turning back to san.
san gave mingi a smile before he leaned in and said, “i’ll leave my number with seonghwa is it? yeah. text me her number and stuff when you get the chance to.”
“are you fucking stu–“ mingi began to ask, but his words fell on deaf ears as san walked away from him.
he watched as the two men exchanged a few words before they walked towards the elevator together. mingi couldn’t help but crack a smile. san was bold. way too bold for his own good, but he had to admit that it was impressive to see.
and in some weird way, he wanted to see how things would play out. a part of him felt like it was going to end horribly, but the other part of him felt like maybe some good could come out of the situation.
“good luck, san…” mingi mumbled to himself. “you’re gonna need it.”
⭑ ⭑ ⭑ ⭑
“i’ll see you tomorrow!” san called out to his coworker.
pushing through the bookstore’s double glass doors, san breathed in the crisp spring air. his shift was finally over and he couldn’t be any happier. as he fished his car keys out of his pocket, he went through his notifications that had piled up throughout the day.
as he swiped away a few emails and promotional offers from one of the many food apps that he had, his phone buzzed with a new text notification. he glanced at the message and tilted his head in confusion at the mysterious person’s number written in bold letters followed by a hey.
he hummed and opened the notification before he started to type out a response. a new message came in a few seconds later, this time with a number and a name attached.
i still think that it’s a bad idea but my boss’s number is 01-xxxx-xxxx. oh and this is mingi btw
how do i know that you aren’t setting me up?
you already did that to yourself when you decided to crush on my boss of all people
good luck dummy
try not to die btw. i don’t get paid extra for cleaning up your remains
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tinytinyblogs · 7 months
The Mafia: Mingi
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He never jokes about his determination to make you his forever, even if it means he has to take a bullet to prove his love for you.
(Mafia theme, mention gun and blood) 1k words
This story has been lingering in my draft for quite some time, and I haven't made any changes or edits to it.
💌 @ultimatebathroomsinger
Ateez masterlist here
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Your insights and reactions make these posts come alive. Love reblogs, comments, and all the good vibes welcome ✨
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The opulent ballroom buzzed with an unsettling energy, a symphony of clinking glasses, silken whispers, and forced laughter that hung like a shroud over the gathering. Amidst this sea of feigning sophistication, a palpable tension crackled like electricity, threatening to erupt at any moment. Like phantoms in a masquerade, the guests mingled, their faces masks of artificial smiles, their eyes darting like wary predators. Enemies, forced to feign cordiality for the sake of appearances, exchanged knowing glances, their words laced with thinly veiled hostility. Beneath the veneer of camaraderie, a web of unspoken threats and hidden agendas wove its intricate pattern, poised to ensnare the unsuspecting. Amidst this treacherous tableau, your eyes found solace in the gentle presence of Mingi, a figure radiating an aura of quiet strength amidst the chaos.
His gaze, as deep and mesmerizing as the midnight sky, met yours, sending a reassuring warmth through your veins. Yet, a nagging doubt lingered, a question that echoed in the recesses of your mind: Was it wrong to find comfort in the presence of Mingi, a man whose name was whispered in the same breath as violence and power? You, clad in a shimmering dress that seemed to reflect the very essence of your vulnerability, felt like an outsider in this world of hardened criminals and Machiavellian schemes. In the heart of the opulent ballroom, you stood mesmerized by Mingi's gaze, his eyes a hypnotic vortex that drew you deeper into their depths. As if on cue, the room plunged into darkness, the vibrant lights extinguishing like a collective breath, leaving behind an unsettling silence that sent shivers down your spine.
In the stark void, Mingi's presence transformed into your lifeline, a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching darkness. His strong hand found your waist, pulling you closer, his solid form a comforting shield against the looming chaos. In that moment of absolute surrender, you knew that only Mingi mattered, his presence the only anchor in the tempestuous sea of turmoil. As the darkness thickened, the air grew thick with an ominous tension. Gunshots erupted, their deafening blasts shattering the silence, sending echoes ricocheting through the room like a symphony of terror. Painful groans and cries of despair followed, their sources obscured by the enveloping gloom. The once elegant guests, now transformed into terrified souls, scattered in all directions, their frantic footsteps echoing like the panicked heartbeat of the night.
In the midst of this pandemonium, your body was tossed about like a leaf in a storm, Mingi's grip the only lifeline keeping you from being swept away by the human tide. The sounds of violence intensified, the air heavy with the acrid tang of gunpowder and the palpable fear that gripped the room. Suddenly, amidst the cacophony of chaos, a deep, guttural groan escaped Mingi's lips, a sound that sent a chill down your spine. The echo of his suffering hung heavy in the darkness, a stark reminder of the peril that surrounded them. The silence that followed was almost deafening, broken only by the occasional groan. As you and Mingi escaped the chaos of the ballroom, he dragged you towards a room with a large window, the only source of light amidst the darkness.
The moonlight streamed in, illuminating the room and revealing Mingi's bloody shirt. Despite the wound, he couldn't suppress a grin. "We're safe, sweetheart," he said, his voice laced with affection. He gently lifted your chin, forcing you to look into his eyes. "I told you, no one else can keep you safe. Only me." A wave of conflicting emotions washed over you. You knew Mingi was capable of great violence, but he also possessed a tenderness reserved only for you. You had always questioned his motives, but now, as he cradled you in his arms, you felt a flicker of trust. "I took the bullet for you," he confessed, his grin widening. "Stupid," you muttered to yourself, your voice barely a whisper as you fought back tears. The thought of the bullets that could have pierced your body sent shivers down your spine.
Mingi reached out with his other hand, gently wiping away the tears that streamed down your face. "Darling," he said softly, his voice filled with concern. "They say falling in love means we're being stupid. Well, I guess I've been stupid for you all this time." A faint smile graced your lips despite the fear that still lingered in your heart. "And I'm not going to let this bullet wound kill me," he continued, his voice filled with determination. "My men will be here soon, and you're going to stay with me tonight." Your eyes narrowed into slits, their fiery gaze piercing through Mingi's calm demeanor. "Why would you do that?" you hissed, your voice barely a whisper yet laced with intense emotion. "You know it's dangerous!" Mingi maintained his serene expression, his lips curving into a gentle smile.
"Calm down, my love," he soothed. "It's called sacrifice, and I'm willing to make it for you." A sudden noise from outside startled you. Footsteps echoed in the hallway, followed by a voice that Mingi immediately recognized as belonging to one of his trusted men. "That's why I told you to make it easy for both of us," Mingi said, turning his attention back to you. His gaze softened, his eyes filled with a tenderness that almost melted your resistance. "Just marry me," he proposed, his voice a gentle caress. "Be stupid for me, love me. Isn't that easy enough?" Mingi turned his body to face you squarely, his expression resolute. "One bullet should be enough to demonstrate that I'm not joking," he declared, his voice unwavering. The door burst open as one of his men rushed in, his face etched with concern. He quickly scanned Mingi for injuries, his relief evident when he received a nod of assurance. "I'm fine," Mingi informed him, his tone dismissive. "Take care of the rest. Get the car ready and take my fiancée with us." With a final wink at you, Mingi strode towards the door, leaving his men to handle the aftermath. You followed closely behind, your heart still pounding from the adrenaline rush.
© Tinytinyblogs
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n0v4t33z · 1 year
The Syndicate: Masterlist
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Pairings: Choi San X Female Reader, Park Seonghwa X Female Reader, Ateez X Female Reader, Bangchan X Female Reader
Summary: Y/N is a Detective with a promising future in the police department until she's kidnapped by the infamous mafia boss Choi San and from him, she learns the dark secrets her superior has been hiding the whole time so she teams up with him in order to put a stop to it.
Genre: Lots of angst, Romance, Crime Fiction, Psychological Drama
Tags/Warnings: For Mature Audiences, Language, Graphic Violence, Mentions of Illegal activities (i.e Kidnapping, extortion, assassination etc.) y/n gets roughed up by Wooyoung like twice, Slow Burn, Fluff sometimes, Work In Progress, Non-Idol AU, Mafia AU, Very suggestive at times, y/n cries alot, y/n having inner turmoil, Ateez being bad boys, Guns, Gunshot wounds, Assassination attempt(s), I'll update tags as the story progresses
Spotify Playlist🎵 AO3📝
✨Work in progress! Chapters below cut✨
‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆.
Chapter 1 - Misfortune of a Prodigy
Chapter 2 - The Traitor
Chapter 3 - Soft Hearted Criminal
Chapter 4 - Becoming The Ashes
Chapter 5 - A Last Goodbye?
Chapter 6 - Un-Killable
Chapter 7 - The Confession
Chapter 8 - Complications & Whiskey
Chapter 9 - Once Upon "Us"
‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆.
Author's Note 💌 : Will update as chapters are done, also if you would like to be tagged for this series just leave me a comment or DM me!
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potatomountain · 1 month
CIY- CH 19
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Chapter Nineteen
📍Pairing: detective ateez ot8 x detective afab reader
📍Summary: "Deeper Than You Think"
📍WC: 3.4k
📍AU: detective/mafia
📍Genre: action, dark themes, poly romance
📍Warning(s): 18+ rating, suggestive, milf, slight fxf, slight exhibitionism, creeps
📍Nets: @pirateeznet | @mirohs-aurora-society
📍Beta readers (and sole motivation): @flurrys-creativity , @candypop1611 , @yourfatherlucifer , @skteezcursed and edited(usually) by the amazing: @daemour
masterlist | Previous | Next
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You knew just how dark the underbelly of the city was from your extensive research and the cases you dealt with back in SK, but this still had your stomach churning in disgust. In particular, what you knew about the Red Wolves.
The number of times for the rest of Wooyoung’s ‘tour’ that he had to warn you to stay away from anyone with red studs in their ears that looked like fangs. Red bandana’s or a choker were signs of Red Wolf property and when dusk hit, you saw a frightening amount of people with such indicators.
The idea of being trafficked by them opposed to dying by your new unit’s hands no longer had any appeal; you'd rather take your chances with the two in the car with you.
“While the wolves are the most ruthless, and open about their organization from the main three, we really haven’t made a dent against them. Arrest one member, two more pop up. Free one from their clutches, two end up dead.” Wooyoung was solemn for once, a look in his eyes that spoke of a man you weren’t familiar with. One who was much deeper than just the flirt you thought he was. Perhaps that was the detective in him? Or deeper than that, the real vulnerable man underneath.
It had you conflicted, but just as that glimpse had appeared, it was gone, replaced with his charming half smirk once more. “Anyways, ready?”
Your brows twisted together. “For what?” You looked around, the car parked and Yeosang slurping on some noodles at his desk oblivious to the conversation. You were back downtown in the Pink Boa category, in front of the club that Wooyoung had told you about earlier. Two prostitutes walked across the street and slipped between the car you were in and the one in front of you, pink gemmed chains around each of their waists: Boa’s.
The two women were immediately approached by three men who had red fang studs in their ears, the men that Wooyoung had just been talking about. The warnings of the Red wolves were ringing in your head as Wooyoung was talking about something that wasn’t registering, only because one of the creeps grabbed at the women.
No one else was batting an eye, but you were out of the car before you even realized it, anger surging through you at the look of fear on the girl’s face. “Yo! Hands off buddy!”
Vaguely you heard Wooyoung curse out behind you, but he didn’t get to stop you before you had fully situated yourself between the Boa’s and the wolves, chest to chest with the man who’s wrist was now in your grip just as he had grabbed the woman behind you.
The man certainly didn’t mind, eyes flickering down to your low cleavage and smirking in a way that made your skin crawl. “Are you offering yourself in exchange then, slut?”
You snarled your lip back, pushing him by the wrist to get him away from you. “Fuck off, they’re on my time right now.” You lied through your teeth, hands placed on your hips as you jutted out your chin a bit intimidatingly.
It did get the three men to hesitate, especially when you felt an arm wrap around each of yours. “I told you we weren’t available.” The woman on your right goaded, running her nails up your bicep. You could feel her stare on your features, but you didn’t tear your eyes from the men.
The man on the far left swallowed hard, but not with fear. “How much to watch then?”
“How much to get lost?” You countered instantly, pulling out your wallet for the cash you kept on you. You didn’t have much but you were in too deep to back out now.
Mr. Handsy sneered at your gesture. “Forget it. Come on, we can find more willing prey elsewhere.” He flicked his fingers and turned on his heel, giving you one last look over before scoffing and walking away.
As soon as they were out of ear shot the two girls started squealing. “God that was hot babes.”
“I wouldn’t have been able to stand it if some other sleaze tried to step in.” The other added on, both kissing your cheek before giving you a slight tug closer. “Want to get a room with us? So we can show our gratitude? Free of charge babes, haven’t gotten to share a pretty woman in so long.”
While you certainly appreciated their gratitude, you weren’t oblivious to the way they touched you, light but with clear intentions. It was almost purely sexual until you noticed the way they tried to coax the wallet out of your hand.
Wooyoung pulled you back against him, arm around your waist that was tighter than you expected. “Sorry girls, this one is here to see Madam.”
“Oh it’s Mito.” The first one huffed, suddenly disinterested.
“Boo, that means she’s not on the market.” The smaller, curvier one pouted as she crossed her arms to pout even cuter.
Wooyoung smiled over your shoulder and out of the corner of your eye it almost looked strained. “Yes yes, sorry. We’ll be heading in now.” He pulled you back some more than turned you so his arm was around your lower back but his grip was just as tight as before. He leaned into your ear once you were halfway across the street. “What the fuck was that?”
Oh, he was angry with you.
With a huff, you tried not to let it get to you, keeping your head high. “I couldn’t just watch-”
“Yes you fucking can and you will. This is downtown, have all my warnings gone out your fucking ears?”
You didn’t like his tone, nor the way he was gripping you so tightly, but you waited until you were across the street before pulling away and glaring at him. “I will not, Mito, just sit by and watch. Whether it was my job, no matter my career or place, I won’t. I won’t stand for it.” You snarled out, staring him down unwaveringly.
He broke first, shutting his eyes for a brief moment before smiling down at you. “We’ll talk about this later. You really have no idea how it runs, what flies down here, how to play the game-”
“Then teach me, but know that I will not follow rules I don’t like. If that includes watching a woman, no matter her affiliation or career, get harassed to the point fear is obvious, I will not.” You stepped back even more taking note his anger seemed to have passed, or at least wasn’t at the forefront.
No, he seemed almost… elated as he stepped closer and grabbed your hip, pulling you flat against him, lips close enough it would be so easy to close the distance and kiss.
“Then would you go against the rules and laws to protect someone in that sense? Someone who lives here, who works the corner, who has blood on their hands if they’re in trouble and you see it?” He whispered against your cheek, his fingers playing with the hem of your shirt, teasing your skin he exposed.
“Wooyoung-” Yeosang’s voice warned in both of your ears before you had a chance to reply.
With a huff he pulled away, now grabbing your hand. “Come on, you have a job interview.” He was pouty as he pulled you into the night club, past the bouncer who nodded at him. It wasn’t lost on you how you two skipped the line without a single word, like he worked here or something.
Or something was probably more accurate, every working girl smiled or giggled at him as you both passed. A dance floor to the right takes up over half the club, with booths along the wall and a large bar to your left run by three people with a dancer on a small stage on either side. You could make out kitchen doors behind one of the dancers in clubbing attire, but it was quickly pushed out of sight as you headed up secluded stairs to a second floor.
While the dancefloor was mostly exposed from this floor, due to the waist high thick railing the activities up here were much more secluded; that included the private booths that lined the walls above the floor, just out of sight. The bouncers didn’t stop Wooyoung from pulling you to the right, away from the open area and clubbing below, to a hall that had a sign hanging above reading “employees only”.
Since you missed his explanation, you could sort of hear Yeosang in your ear repeating the plan. “You’ll be meeting the madam of the club for a position as a bartender or waitress, but don’t accept anything for dancing. You should do well enough but also remember not to freak out at the customers.” The rest of his warnings fell on deaf ears as you stepped around a corner in the hall where another bouncer was, this one stopping you both by holding up his hand.
You immediately took notice of the gold chain on his wrist with three rings for a charm. A sign of the Golden circle. It made sense that at least one of the workers here would be one, considering the Pink Boas were their subgroup. But something also felt so out of place of once single Golden Circle this far from the rest of the business of the club.
Not that you had time to dwell on it.
Wooyoung didn’t speak to the bouncer, giving him only a moment to step aside before he took you forward. You passed a few doors with odd symbols, stopping in front of a door with a golden snake in a circle, the one eye of it a pink topaz that felt almost like a warning. And in a way, it was.
He had brought you right to the head of the Pink Boas.
You swallowed hard, trying not to let the sudden onslaught of nerves show. This was not the head of one of the six, but a subgroup, one that was all female and probably the least intimidating group to come face to face with.
Wooyoung smiled over at you, brushing your hand with his own. “Don’t worry Goddess, you’ll do fine. When in doubt, do what I do or Yeosang says.”
You rolled your eyes. “Because that’s going to get me the job.” You laid the sarcasm on heavy, getting a dry chuckle out of him before he knocked in an odd rhythm. Three times, pause, then once, another pause, then two more times.
The door opened almost instantly, an older woman with a stone expression standing on the other side. You had a moment to admire the perfection of her makeup, the subtle extravagance of her outfit, and the way she carried herself all before she was turning her back to you both and stepping further inside.
Wooyoung motioned for you to go first, stepping in behind you and letting the door shut behind him. The cool demeanor of the woman shifted immediately as she swirled on her heel and was now beaming at you, hands clasped in front of her. “Oh I’m so happy to finally meet you!”
You were shell-shocked before you were pulled into a hug, the flowery scent of her perfume an undertone to something more earthy, but not unpleasant. Almost homey which was an odd thing to think of a woman who ran a sub-mafia family. But not as odd as the fact she was hugging you so tightly.
Glancing at Wooyoung in a panic, he laughed and gently pried each other apart. “Easy easy, I told you not to do that!”
“But you would not stop talking about her! I was really excited alright?” The woman pouted as she smoothed out your clothes, a twinkle in her eye. “We’ll have to get you into something less gaudy for your job here. Wooyo tells me you have bar experience?”
“Wooyoung, how much did you tell her?” Yeosang sounded exasperated in your ear, but you were still lost.
Wooyoung shrunk away from your gaze, rubbing the back of his neck. “I can’t help it, Sang- not when it’s…” He trailed off but you weren’t going to wait for him to clarify.
“I’m sorry but can someone fill me in? You’re the head of the Boa’s right? The symbol was a dead give away. I thought this was a job interview.”
The woman laughed, pushing some of your hair behind your ear before and noticing the ear piece. “You can call me Haru, and this is a job interview. Wooyo already filled me in, and I promise you will come to no harm here.”
Your brow furrowed in even more confusion before it fully hit. “Oh- I see. That… is not what I expected. Are you really?” You chose your words carefully, hoping she would catch on.
“Whatever you are thinking, yes. He can explain later I’m sure. He referred to you as Goddess but I don’t think that will be a good cover here. How about Dalnim? You’ll be referred to as Dal by the other workers.” She explained before sitting against the edge of her desk. “I don’t care what you see here and what you tell him, but the one thing I do care about is that if it’s concerning my girls you inform me first. Understand?”
“I- hold up. Hold the fuck up.” You had to put your hands up, turning on your heel to start pacing, nibbling on your thumb. “Explain.” You spoke to Yeosang in your ear, but Wooyoung opened his mouth to do so. You pointed a finger at him, a stern glare on your features. “You shut up, I’ll deal with you later.”
Yeosang was silent for a moment, you could tell from the fact you heard no sound what-so-ever he probably had himself muted. You heard a click a moment later, and it wasn’t Yeosang’s voice that spoke.
“Sorry about this Firecracker, are you going to back out?” Hongjoong’s voice rumbled in your ear and you stiffened in your spot, breath hitching a bit.
“Captain- are we really going to-” Yeosang was pleading in the background, and someone else was there.
You glanced at Wooyoung for a moment, his eyes on the floor. Where did his confidence go? He looked nervous, and not just from a scolding from his Captain. Haru was staring you down with a look of curiosity that seemed familiar, but it was when she grinned that you realized something else.
She resembled Wooyoung quite a bit, like a softer, more mature version. She laughed when she saw it click on your features, a nod giving you the confirmation.
This was, by far, so much deeper than you ever thought. But your earlier suspicion had also been confirmed: She knew you were a detective, she knew Wooyoung was, and she was setting you up and giving you permission to use this position as a way to gather information.
Wooyoung was providing you the perfect undercover, with someone he clearly trusted with his life.
“No, I’m not backing out.” The words escaped you the moment you made up your mind, announcing to those present and those not. “So this position, I’m just bartending right? Starting simple? I can do that.” You straightened your shoulders, regaining your confidence.
Haru smiled wider, clapping her hands together. “Oh Wooyoung was right, you are such a smart woman. Capable too. Yes, that is the case. I can give you more details on your first day, but first… I need to make sure you leave here safely.”
She waved at Wooyoung dismissively, pointing towards the door as she stepped over to you. The way she moved was captivating, her whole demeanor becoming seductive, predatory even, like a snake coiling back to attack it’s prey. Her tongue even ran over her vibrant pink lips as if to taste the air.
Her hand was on your neck the second the door was shut. “Now that I have you alone, almost, let me give you the real welcome.” She pulled the earpiece out of your ear and slipped it into your pocket while she swiveled you towards the desk.
While you knew, logically, that you should be afraid, intimidated even, you were not. It didn’t matter her relation to Wooyoung, or how you felt about the unit- which was in dire need of being questioned- she was the head of the Pink Boas. A very capable woman who had risen in the Golden Circle enough to establish this sub group and make it her own. A woman capable of running the downtown underbelly, successful businesses, and navigating it all with such ease you hadn’t even know she had a son.
You couldn’t be intimidated, instead admiring her too much to feel any real threat from her. Because if you had been, you were sure you wouldn’t have made it here, right now. Though when she leaned in, lips brushing against your ear, your breath hitched in anticipation.
Your real name cascading from her lips in a low, sultry tone might be enough to make any woman gay for her. “Listen very carefully now. I”m going to tell you something, but I need you to act for me so he doesn’t hear. So no one does.” She bit down on the shell of your ear, chuckling when your breath hitched in an almost moan.
“Yes ma’am.”
She laughed a bit, hands pushing your shirt and touching you everywhere almost as if feeling you up, but it seemed more strategic than that. You let out a loud moan for her, remembering how you had faked it for the two neighbors not that long ago. This felt easier, since the little touches were turning you on just a bit.
“That’s it, such a good girl. You’ll treat him right won’t you?” She whispered as moans and whimpers fell from your lips. “I know you’re still so new, that you don’t know much of anything really, but I want you to. Do you want to? Do you want to be a part of what he and his little friends have going on?”
“Y-yes Mommy. I do-” You whined out, purposely adding that just to fuck with Wooyoung.
Haru laughed breathlessly, a hand now in your hair messing it up as she tugged it back. “I want you to learn everything about them, and I’ll help you baby girl, but you have to promise me something. And if you ever- ever - break that promise…” He teeth scraped your neck before she sucked a hickey there, making you moan out for real. Oh this woman knew just what she was doing.
“Well, you’re a smart girl, I think you know just what would happen if you did, yeah?”
“Yes yes-”
“Good good. Now that promise is that no matter what you learn, you never hold it against them. Especially not my little boy. Because if you hurt him, pretty girl, you’ll suffer worse. And you know you will, with how fucking prettily you melted in my arms like this.” Almost as if she couldn’t help herself, she cupped your mound between your legs and squeezed in a way that stimulated your clit.
“Fuck-” You whined out, for a split second forgetting what you were supposed to say. “Y-yes I promise Mommy. Promise. C-can I come now?” You whined, playing your part perfectly.
She gave your mound a little pat before stepping back, laughing under her breath as she nodded. “I almost feel bad for playing with you knowing his intentions.” She muttered to herself as you cried out, faking an orgasm for the listening ears, but you didn’t miss what she said.
Haru let you leave after that, making sure your clothes were still a mess and the hickey on display. You couldn’t meet Wooyoung’s gaze when you did, nor could you put the earpiece back in.
But as you passed the Golden circle bouncer, you noticed how intently he looked you over, eyes lingering on the forming hickey on your neck, a scowl forming. That’s how it clicked, that bouncer wasn’t there to guard Haru, but watch her.
You just got yourself into some really deep shit.
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Taglist (form): @mingsolo | @wowie-hockey | @crispybaguettes | @tiny-apocalypse
| @philijack | @lelaleleb | @isiloiale | @vannabanana1995  | @piratequeen-queenofgames
| @starstruckforyou | @minheeskitten | @amphiroxx  | @cloudysannie | @sugarnspice630
| @sanhwalvr | @plutoneu |  @sousydive |  @fatalt | @iwishiwasrichasfuck
| @bitchwhytho | @st4rhwa | @thesafecafe | @alextheweeb7 | @ddaeing
Taglist will be continued in a reblog!!
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i have a little request! what happens with mafia mingi & yn? do they ever meet again? if so, how?
same with wooyoung! do they still meet at the convenience store every night? did he bring the others over to introduce reader to them?
oh im curious yeahhhhh
ateez as mafia members pt 2
original post here
pairing: mafia!mingi x reader, mafia!wooyoung x reader, mentions of ot8!mafia
genre: fluff, crack, a continuation of the mafia tropes brainrot-fest
length: 2.1k
c/w: explicit language, violence, weapons, mentions of alcohol, unedited
a/n: thank you anon for requesting (and special thanks @sorryimananti-romantic for validating my writing 🫶) this was only meant to be like a five dot-point thing explaining what happens, but obviously mafia!ateez has me in their chokehold. mafia!ateez in my brain: it's free real estate
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it takes a few days for you to reopen your bar after your fateful meeting with ccg
ccg as in cute coat guy
because quite frankly, that night shook you up a little
mingi most definitely notices your absence
but it's not like he can just check up on how you're doing
not when your bar is closed and he has no real excuse to show up apart from "i was worried about you"
after he reports back to base and rejoins ateez, hongjoong's girlfriend offers to hack into the database and find out what your phone number is
("it'll literally take me like, two seconds")
mingi refuses though because he wants to do things the right way
at least...when it comes to things concerning you
after you reassure yourself that the thugs chasing after cute coat guy aren't going to kill you by association, you feel safe enough to open up the mist again
his leather coat usually sits draped over your chair behind the countertop
originally, you think about washing it before returning it to him
...whenever he shows up you suppose
but then you kind of like the smokey smell of gunpowder with an underlying hint of his cologne that is on the coat
so you leave it as it is
in fact, you might have actually worn it a couple of times
you like how the end of the coat brushes against your calves, how the sleeves fall past your fingertips, how it engulfs your entire frame like an embrace
but mostly, you like how it reminds you of the handsome stranger; who claims he is a good bad guy; who you still do not know the name of
you wonder if he made it back safely that night
you're wearing the coat as you're closing up for the night - it's already well past midnight
you're just about to reach for the last glass on one of the tables when you hear the door to your bar opening
"sorry, i’m closed for the nigh- oh," you pause
it’s ccg
who currently has one leg and arm halfway through the threshold of your door, now frozen mid-step at your words
“if now’s not a good time, i can come back another day?” he starts out hesitantly
“now’s great! good. yes,” you chuckle nervously and try not to be too enthusiastic at his appearance. “now’s good, come in”
you catch his eyes briefly flicker down for a moment before they return to your eyes
then he gives you a soft look and greets you gently, “hi”
“hi,” you return, brain shutting down on you
“you look cute in that,” he jerks his chin down slightly to motion at what he was looking at just moments ago
his leather coat
that you are currently wearing
you squeak in embarrassment, hands fumbling to take it off while you vomit out explanations as to why you’re wearing it
your fingers get caught up in the sleeves
but then he is stepping closer slowly so as not to alarm you, before he grasps the ends of the sleeves and helps tug them off your arms
mingi can’t help but use the opportunity to tenderly hold one of your hands
he’s missed the way your smaller hands fit snugly in his
“did you come back for your coat?” you try to break the silence, because otherwise you are afraid he will hear the heartbeats coming from inside your chest
he nods, “wanted to make sure you were okay, too”
there is a third reason that he does not say
that he just wanted to see you
“i’m okay now,” you reassure him
because he’s back now and he’s safe
he folds the leather coat and places it on the countertop before he says, “i don’t think i ever got your name?”
you tell him then ask him for his
“mingi,” you repeat
he repeats your name in return
“mingi,” you say yet again
you both laugh at the ridiculousness of the whole conversation
“mingi, want to help me close the bar?”
and so you find yourself in his company as you give him easy tasks to do
closing up has always been a tedious job, especially when your body and mind are groggy with fatigue
but with mingi around, an accidental brush whenever you shuffle past each other, a conversation easily flowing between you both, you are awake as ever
even long after all the tables and shot glasses have been cleaned and polished, floors swept, bottles of alcohol reorganised, mingi still has not left
and at some point during the night once you two sit at the countertop to rest your legs, both of you have subconsciously inched closer together in your seats, bodies seeking the warmth and proximity of the other
you are unsure how long you two talk for
but just like that first, fateful meeting with mingi, he stands up to take his leave all too soon
“goodnight, mingi”
mingi buffers for a minute before he decides to do it
he reaches out for your hand, clasping it gently to bring it up to his lips as he presses a light kiss against the back of your hand
and with a goodbye of his own, he turns for the door
except he lingers in the doorway, asking, “will i see you again?”
a smile graces your lips at the irony of the situation and you tell him it's not like you'll be going anywhere; he's free to come visit any time
but you also feel your stomach flutter
because last time, you were the one tugging on mingi’s vest, timidly wondering if that was going to be the last you saw of him
tonight, he is the one unwilling to part ways
not to say that you aren’t either
“i’ll see you around, then,” he says with finality, voice still soft-spoken
and then he leaves
but just mere seconds later you spot it
his leather coat
still folded on your counter where he had placed it earlier
"wait, your coat!" you rush outside with it
mingi is only a few feet away
he could very easily turn around and take it from you
but then he just winks, gives you a tip of his hat and says, "next time," before he's walking away again
you chew on the inside of your cheek to stop the silly grin from blooming across your face
because something tells you that you're going to be hanging on to mingi's coat for him for a while
even after next time
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it feels like deja vu
a whole gang of mafia members sauntering into your convenience store like a scene straight out of a movie
admittedly, they are much more pleasing to the eye than the group that was chasing after wooyoung weeks ago
but still
these are several muscular men in tank tops, leather jackets and heavy chained necklaces
your hand itches for the comforting weight of the pepper spray in your purse that wooyoung had gotten you just last week
you haven't had a reason to need it since wooyoung basically lives in your store now
and he always walks you home after your shift
but now seems like a more than good enough time to use it
"you usually work the night shift here?"
a voice causes your eyes to snap up
the man at the head of the group addresses you with a quirk of his brow - it's pierced, you notice
"...yeah," you answer
you wonder if this is your last shift at work and at life
and then just like a repeat of last time, you spot wooyoung's frantic bounce of curls appear from across the street of your store
you pray to the heavens above that he isn't being chased by anyone else this time
because the thought of two gangs crossing paths inside your modest store?
you don't think it's going to look like a store after their fight is through
you see the way wooyoung's eyes widen when he spots the thugs just mere feet away from you and you see a curse form on his lips
you just need to hold out until he gets here
wooyoung will keep you safe
wooyoung will-
"then you must know," the man leans in a little closer to grab your attention, "where i can find-"
wooyoung bursts through the door
"-the super sour gummy worms?" the man finishes
you physically cannot help the words that blurt out of you in disbelief, "the fuck you just say?" 
"hongjoong!" wooyoung's piercing shout interrupts you both
wooyoung worms his way through the gang and you stare incredulously at him before you say, "the fuck did you just say?"
he ignores you in favour of pressing his hands against the chest of the man - hongjoong? - and trying to push him towards the doors of your store
quite unsuccessfully, you must add
"the fuck are you guys doing here?" wooyoung yells
"what the fuck is going on?" you demand
"holy fuck, not even hongjoong swears this much"
"fuck yeah, potty mouth!"
"stop swearing you fucktards!"
one of the men who has been lingering on the edge of the group sidles up to the counter, looking at you with an apologetic grimace
"sorry you have to deal with...this," he shakes his head just as another man comes to join you both, "i'm jongho, by the way"
"seonghwa," the other man introduces himself with a gentle voice
these mafia men are surprisingly kind
and normal
except, you suppose, anyone in comparison to wooyoung would be normal
"are you all wooyoung's, uhh, friends?" you don't know whether they know you know
they chuckle, "yeah, we're his friends. his brothers, too, you could say"
you realise the rest of the men have started to settle down and are standing in a rough semi-circle around your counter
wooyoung is currently grumbling and muttering indignantly under his breath with someone's arm thrown over his shoulders, though it looks more like he's a child being scolded by his father than it looks a friendly gesture
"so to what do i owe the pleasure of a visit from all of you?" you ask them, now that there is no swearing being thrown across the room and you realise they aren’t going to shoot you through the head
"had to see for ourselves who was making our wooyoung all smitten. always sneaking out at night like a tween"
"yunho!" wooyoung hisses and elbows said man in the ribs
except with the height difference, it's more like his hips
it's amusing to see how everyone has the upper hand over wooyoung's brattiness
"am i meeting the in-laws already?" you smirk at wooyoung, "you like me or something, jung wooyoung?"
he flushes bright red and you're quite positive that if you made him take his socks off, you would find him blushing straight down to his toes
"that's it!" he hollers, arms flailing and shooing everyone, "out! out! out!"
you know they can easily resist his pushy hands, but they simply snicker and let themselves be herded towards the doors
"bye, darling!" someone jumps up and down to catch your gaze over the heads of everyone else
"shut up, san!"
yunho, you think you recall his name being, flutters his fingers at you cheekily, "we'll be back soon!"
and then he lets out an indignant yelp when wooyoung slaps his back with a screech, "no, you guys won't!"
you're laughing heartily by this point, unrestrained and very much enjoying their antics
"bye, everyone," you wave them off and then blow wooyoung an exaggerated kiss, "see you later, wooyoungie!"
everyone cackles with glee at the sight of him trying to dig himself into the ground
the sound of their ruckus finally dies down as they exit and walk further away from your store
and then you hear a distant wail
"i didn't get my gummy worms!"
you shake your head with a fond smile and take a seat at the register, but not before setting aside a pack of those ‘super sour gummy worms’ for hongjoong
and then, like always, you look at the clock and count the seconds as they tick past
counting down the seconds until wooyoung comes back to see you
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starillusion13 · 5 months
hii there!! hope you doing well >_<!!
can i request for poly mafia ateez x reader fic? their boss are dead for 2 years and they just found out that he has a daughter. and they began to search for her n when they found her, they swear to her that they will take care of her, but ended up falling in love with her?
thank you so much!!! ;)))
To keep you safe
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Pairing: Mafia!ot8! Ateez x f!reader
W.C: 3.3k
Genre: Fluff, Mafia, Romance
Warnings: mention of mafia deals, attempt to murder, blast, tracking device, spying on someone, tying up with rope in warehouse, unconcious, poison, feeling sorry, sad, comfort from mafias, lots of kissing, getting shot, mention of blood(not detail), confession, hidden daughter, scared idk what to add anymore
Network: @kvanity-main
A girl running in the rain, clutching her purse to her chest and heavily breathing while frantically looking in every direction. Her scared pupils and parted lips allowed the heavy and forced inhale and exhale of air, raindrops sliding into her mouth. Her heels were almost making her lose her balance, she didn't want to fall down or she would get caught.
The rainfall intensified with loud growling sounds of lightning. The only thing that was going through her mind was to run away from the two men following her. She took a sharp turn around the road and hid behind the car.
Pressing her palms over the mouth and wide eyes stared at the distant road ahead. Her house was still a few blocks away and the feeling of dizziness returned but she scooted into the darkness and suppressed her fear and the sound of her panting.
Soon, within a few minutes, the footsteps came into her vision. Two silhouettes making their way towards the alleyway and in fact, that needs to cross the car which was hiding her scared form. A series of hope and prayers rushed to her mind and fell from the lips and mentally supported herself to stay stronger.
The scared pupils followed each step they took. The moment they stopped and looked at her direction, her breath hitched and cursed under the breath when she noticed them coming towards her exact direction. But before she could shift an inch, someone pressed their palms over her ears from behind and then she could hear the sound of two faint gunshots.
"It's okay, y/n. you are safe."
The soft voice from behind you and the stranger's hands touching your skin made your eyes shoot open and you shuffled forward, keeping your distance from the person. The first instinct in you worked was to look over to the place where two men from earlier were but to your surprise, there was no one. You stood up from your place and quickly stepped out of the darkness and you screamed.
Two bodies were lying on the road. The two men who were following you while you were returning from the café were lying on their own blood pool.
"Hey, calm down."
The same voice again spoke up and you quickly looked behind to see a boy, maybe around your age, was standing with a little smile but to the contrast of his facial look, his outfit was different, oh the gun holder strap on his waist and the belt designed over his black jacket. He looked scary with an angel face.
"Who are you? Are you going to kill me? and and how do you know my name?"
He nodded to himself before taking a few steps forward but before he could walk any farther, you yelled at him to stop and the way you were scared, he instantly stopped. There were few other footsteps coming from both of your sides. One, two...three...seven figures appeared under the streetlight. The rain was still pouring but it was less intense than before as if it had also got scared by these men.
"Who are you all? What is going on?"
The boy who was standing a few feet away from you smiled again and introduced himself, "myself Yeosang. We are just here to take you back home."
"home? I don't understand what you are saying." You were pleading with him not to hurt you and a different boy from the seven figures surrounding you but keeping a safe distance from you spoke up, "there's nothing to be scared of, y/n. you are Mr. Lee's daughter and we are here to take you to his place."
They know my dad...they are here to kidnap me to know about my dad's business but......he is dead and I can't ask for help from him. I don't know anything about his mafia business.
"I don't know. I am not close to my dad. He is dead. What else do you all want now? I know nothing about him. Please, I am telling you the truth. You won't get to know anything from me about him. I really don't know."
"We know he is dead. That's why we are here to ensure your safety. We are here because your dad isn't there to protect you." The tallest one of them spoke up.
You shook your head and stepped back when the dizziness from earlier returned. It did get noticed by the oldest one of them and he caught your limp body, "y/n, it's raining. Let's go home and then we can discuss everything."
You pushed him from you and stood straight on your heels, "no, I'm not going anywhere. I can't trust you. You all are lying."
"Didn't your dad tell you about the leaders of his organization?"
" he did..."
"We are the leaders of the organization, the most trusted gang of your father, Ateez."
You stared at them because the name is familiar but why to take you to somewhere you never went before. Your life was always at risk and that's why your dad kept you hidden but maybe his death led to uncovering your identity to other mafia gangs. But if they are the leaders under your father's organization, that does mean they are on your father's side.
"you all are my dad's men?" you asked in a low voice. The drizzling rain was pinching your skin, should you trust them or not. The thought was itching your mind.
"We might be mafias but we are always loyal to our boss. Please come with us." The leader extended his hand with a smile.
And you trusted them.
Taking the leader's hand and grabbing it with a hope to be safe.
You never thought ever that this was going to change your trajectory of your whole life.
“We are here to keep you safe.”
In the bustling city, amidst the towering skyscrapers and bustling streets, there existed a huge, tightly-knit advertising agency called "THE GUERRILAS".  For two years, the agency had been led by a charismatic and respected boss, Mr. Lee Sohyun. His sudden demise due to a heart attack had left his men and the successive leaders reeling with shock and grief. Among them, Ateez, his loyal gang and the main future successors took the initiative to take over his place with announcing their gang leader as the new boss, who all had worked closely with him for over a decade. Every other being in the company supported the idea and welcomed the new project of the company.
As the agency mourned their loss, Ateez stumbled upon a startling revelation buried within Mr. Lee's personal documents – he had a daughter, Lee y/n, from a previous relationship. Despite his private nature, he had never mentioned the daughter to anyone at the agency. Determined to honor their late boss's memory and fulfill his unspoken wishes, Ateez embarked on a mission to find his daughter.
“I didn’t know he had a daughter.” Seonghwa stated while looking at the documents presented by his gang member, Yeosang. 
The leader, Hongjoong nodded, “He really hid her well but after his death. Many men betrayed him and leaked his personal information and the least we can do is to start with protecting his daughter.”
“Then let’s find Y/n. I hope we can bring her safely.”
Months of diligent investigation led them to a quaint town in the upstate, where you resided.
Their several initial attempts were failed missions.they certainly didn’t want to scare you but also not to give up in their enemy’s hand. So, they planned to approach you slowly and cautiously.
Unless that day when you were followed by members of an enemy gang and they saved you from danger.
And that day you accepted a new fate in your life.
Moved by Ateez's sincerity and touched by their efforts to connect with you, a wave of emotions hit your heart. Over cups of tea, you delved into heartfelt conversations with them, sharing memories and anecdotes about your father. Despite their vastly different backgrounds, you found solace in their company, united by the love for the man who had brought them together.
you listened intently to their explanation of the situation after your father's death, your emotions oscillating between disbelief and curiosity. As they shared anecdotes about your father's life and their time together at the agency, a bittersweet realization dawned on you – finally found a piece of your father's past that had long eluded.
"You don't have to be polite or formal with us. Think of us as your friends. You are our boss's daughter." The young boy smiled at you.
You chuckled, "Wooyoung, I'm trying. I think it would take time but this new place and new people and even staying with you all is such a new experience for me."
"You can come to me anytime. I am always here to accompany you and make you feel at home."he said and brushed his hair back. He glanced at you, who was smiling admiring the beauty of the garden. "Do you want to take your father's position?"
The question caught your attention and quickly turned towards him, you noticed him avoiding your gaze and gulping, "No." The answer was direct and simple.
He again questioned you, "why? Don't you think you are the actual successor of the boss?"
"I don't know a single shit about this life and also, I trust Hongjoong. You all proved your loyalty to my dad. You swear my protection and extend his hard work. So, you all are the actual successors." He nodded at your words.
"No cursing from a pretty girl." Yunho approached you two and handed over a sweater to you. You looked at him with a questionable look.
He held the sweater in front of you and urged you to put your hand inside the sleeves, "don't catch cold in the early morning while wearing just a full sleeve shirt. And Woo, can't you wear a full sleeve?"
The said man rolled his eyes at the tall one and sat on the bench with crossed legs, "I will be off to gym in half an hour. No need."
Yunho placed his hand on your shoulder, "would you mind a little walk with me?"
"Of course not. I would love to explore the neighborhood."
Days turned into weeks, weeks into months and you found yourself drawn to their warmth and resilience. You admired their strength in the face of adversity and their unwavering determination to carve out their own path in life and also protect you in the process.
In your presence, they discovered a sense of belonging they had never experienced before.
As their bond deepened with you, they grappled with conflicting emotions they never thought possible. They had sworn to themselves that they would take care of you, but their feelings for you were evolving into something more profound and complicated. Torn between their loyalty to the late boss and their burgeoning love for you, they found themselves at a crossroads.
The boys in the living room turned towards the voice. You were exiting the grand space of the kitchen area with a huge cake in your hold. Carefully, placing it on the table in front of them, you placed your hand on your hips and waited for their remarks.
The leader was the first person to tune in with the surprise, "what's a cake for?"
"You all did well on your last mission and for the past few days, all of you were busy so I decided to bake a cake for you all today as I noticed none of you left the house. No work?" You expectantly looked at them.
They exchanged a few glances between them and before Wooyoung could say something, Seonghwa smiled and got up from the chair. The royalty of the grand hall of the mansion was sitting right with his rich mafia look even in just a plain black shirt and pants. He approached you and patted your head, "we don't have work today. Do you have something to say? Or to do something?"
You nodded and turned towards the rest of them, "have a taste of my most ordered cake. Before moving in with you all, I used to work at the cafe in my previous place. And people requested this cake everyday."
"Really? Then we should taste it. We are getting the privilege to have a demanding item without showing our powers." The leader said between his endearment of tasting your cake. You cut them a few pieces and waited for their reviews.
They hummed in the delicious taste of the soft cake and you got a collective of compliments.
Yunho was the first person to ask for another piece, you happily cut him one. He watched your happiness. The way you reacted to each of their compliments, the nervousness and feelings shy but still managing to keep yourself steady.
Yeosang proposed the idea that they should open a cafe near their place where you can train some workers and also be able to have some time to spend in a different atmosphere other than staying at the mansion. Jongho supported the idea.
Mingi raised the topic of your safety but San volunteered to check on you often and won't let anything happen to you.
The idea did come to light and led to action. You got work to keep yourself busy when they are not around but this definitely lured a danger.
Someone kept a watch on you. The strange feeling was creeping in your skin but you neglected it with the thought that San might be somewhere out of sight and spying on the place for a possible danger.
Once when you went to the mall with Mingi and Jongho, you got bumped into a person and got a scratch on your arm with a sharp object.
"Are you okay, y/n?" Mingi's concerned voice appeared and held your arm. "Why is it bleeding? What happened?"
"Might have scratched something. Don't worry, it will heal soon."
Well your assurance was not enough for him. The way he handled you around the mall, asking you whether you're  uncomfortable or wanted something. You wanted a chill hangout not both of them to worry about you.
But the beautiful time you all were having got disturbed when you suddenly fell unconscious. They both were shocked but reacted quickly to take you to the medical wing of their base.
You were poisoned by that scratch. But it couldn't affect much and spread properly. You were under threat and needed more protection and they made sure of it.
"San, people are assuming you as my boyfriend at this point." You groaned after pushing open the door to your cafe. He rolled his eyes behind you and glared when he noticed a young boy staring at you both entering together.
He pulled a chair and sat near the counter where you were placing the things to start the day. "I don't care about their opinions. Your safety comes first. And-"
"Hey! I guess, I'm invited inside the cafe too." Jongho entered the cafe and winked at the man sitting. You nodded, "of course you are."
He didn't have any schedule for the day so opted for hanging out in the cafe. You turned towards San and asked for him to complete what he was saying but he shook his head.
The days went normal, nothing to worry about. Everything was going as usual.
"You three are also leaving?" You pout and lean back to the table. They chuckled at your reaction and Seonghwa approached you, patting your head with an adorable smile, "we will be back soon. And Yeosang will be here to accompany you."
"Can't you stay together every time? Or like take me with you all."
"No!" The leader put aside the black leather jacket and held your shoulder, "we are not risking your life. There's always danger. We won't be able to control ourselves if something happens to you."
"Oh...but I feel scared for you all too. Just take care of yourselves. I am not strong enough to protect you all but......atleast I can pray for you." You felt so useless and a burden on them but Yunho quickly chimed into the conversation.
"Don't think of yourself lowl. You are our strength. We come back home and do our best and succeed in our missions with the hope that a beautiful soul and a precious girl is waiting for us. Your trust in us is everything we need to be strong out there."
Yunho is always the one to ensure that you are valuable and worth the effort they make to protect you. His warm embraces really make you believe that,
You are in love. You are at home.
The leader is always impressed by his words and also reminds you that their biggest possession is you.
"No other expensive material in the household or in the universe can be worth your value." Hongjoong and his exaggerated explanations.
Seonghwa is the one who would treat you like a porcelain doll, as if you are his daughter. Well let's not be weird with this thought. He is someone to ensure your wellbeing now and then.
"You are safe with us princess. No one can hurt you ever."
To his addition, San will buy you everything possible just in case you are not happy with something. Once when a worker pointed out you as a spoiled girlfriend and called you ‘gold digger’, he took matters in hand.
Grabbing his collar and glaring at him as if he could burn him alive and bury him there, "of course you don't have the courage or power to spoil her. But your dirty mouth can spoil her ears. And I don't like when some bugs are near her."
This is not the end, Jongho is not the one to show his emotions often but you have always liked his goofy nature with you but the majority of the time when you go out with him, he is the most mature and serious one as if he is doubting every individual glancing at you.
"I think he is spying on us." He murmured.
"You are looking around the restaurant in a way as if you want to order the rest of the items on the menu card. That's why he is staring at us." You started and went back to eating.
Mingi is the one who is always volunteering to go out with you because according to him, he fights well. So if someone attacks then he could fight back and take you back home safely. He is sometimes a bit controlling like Yunho but rest, you love his company.
"No, we are going back home. No more talking back. I'm your protector and the mafia member so you have to listen to me now."
The most important one to mention, Wooyoung. His professional side and the side with you are just opposites. Well this settles with all of them.
He encourages you to try new stuff, teaches you some self defense and also the one to try out pranks on others. You always grew up alone and wanted someone like him to be your friend and once you shared this feeling with him. You are now beautifully cursed with his presence.
"Do you want to know how to shoot?"
"No no please, that is the most intriguing thing to me but I'm okay with not knowing it's working."
He rolled his eyes, "don't be dramatic. It will help you."
"You all are here for me and... ...I..I love- I love how you are mafia members but have individual personalities that protects me and keeps me safe. Moreover, you all make me feel loved by a family."
"We are your family."
They all say this everyday. And today is not an exception.
Yeosang was on his laptop. You wanted to go out but he was too busy to even notice that. Not to make him mad, you scolded yourself for thinking to go out behind his back.
"Is it okay if I have a quick trip to the convenience store?......please."
He looked up from the screen, "what do you need, let me bring it for you."
"No. I just want to go out because others haven't been at home for the last three days and as you are alone I'm not allowed out of this house."
Yeosang always stays back or tries to be the member to protect you while all others are needed on a particular situation or missions.
He chuckled and got up, "let's go. We can have the trip together."
Before arriving at the store, you both didn't ever imagine the incident that was about to happen.
As soon as you stepped inside the sliding glass door, he got a call and excused himself to a side and you were humming a song to yourself while searching for the items needed.
Then everyone heard a gunshot. Screams and footsteps erupted from inside and he quickly went to your direction behind the shelf where his eyes followed earlier but to his dislike, you were not there. The back door was open and he saw a black car leaving the place.
He quickly dialed Hongjoong's number to let him know about the situation and to come to the location quickly which he would send them soon. He borrowed the computer at the counter of the store and filled in the inputs with codes and required data and he followed a particular car's location from all the CCTV footage of the road of the tracking device and also his phone was tracking your ring, which has a high-tech induced chip.
Within a few moments Ateez reached the desired location, well they were not in a mood to come across the familiar place but still they had to when you are here.
Barging inside the place, an intense fight between both the mafia gangs started. San went to search for you, a bullet almost passed through his arm but fortunately he could avoid it but still he got injured slightly.
There, you were tied to a rusted metal chair and sitting unconsciously. He was quick to untie your ropes and held in his embrace while placing himself on the dirty floor. It doesn't matter, the important thing is for you to be safe.
"Y/n...you are safe."
You blinked your eyes open, first he noticed your scared pupils like he saw them on the first day but it quickly turned into soft and tears brimmed in. You were securely protected by his embrace on his lap.
The others entered the room and found you in that condition and they felt relieved that you were safe. They surrounded your figure, some praising you and some asking you if the enemies hurt you somewhere.
Even though you were denying, none was fully convinced.
No one blamed you. 
“I’m sorry…I should’ve listened to you all.” 
Hongjoong knelt in front of you and cupped your face, “it’s okay. We should protect you more. Just stay with us and don’t leave us ever. We are going to risk ourselves to protect you, the daughter of our boss.”
You held his wrist and shook your head, “Call me yours. Say you will protect me because I’m yours. Because you all don’t want to lose me.”
“Y/n…you are more precious than you think you are.” he said and pecked your forehead with adoration in his eyes.
Seonghwa knelt beside the leader and held your hand comfortingly, pressing a soft kiss on it. San shifted your body to make you feel comfortable in his hold. “Just know one thing, we love you not because you are his daughter but we are in love with you. We fell in love with an innocent girl.”
“I fell in love too……with you all.” you murmured and thought no one heard it except the three near you but you were so wrong because there was a boost feeling in the rest of them after hearing you. San kissed the crown of head and whispered, “I love you so much, y/n. It hurts whenever I see danger around you.”
Yunho was quick to sweep you off the floor and you squealed in surprise, “well, Tiny. as far as I want to show you my love for you right now. This place is making me anxious. Let’s go home.”
“To my safe place.” hearing your sweet words, he kissed the tip of your nose. Jongho smiled reassuringly at you that  even if enemies are trying to hurt you, they would rescue you but now as they know that the complicated feelings of theirs have been solved after the mutual acceptance, they won't be leaving your side ever.
When you all were about to step out of the room, a man held a gun towards Yunho, at you in his grip. He clenched his jaw but before anyone could process anything, Mingi was quick to hold his gun towards the man and stepped forward Yunho, hiding you both with his large frame and shot the man. 
He turned around and smirked, “now this is more fun to kill people because of you.”
You turned your face to the other side and could hear others laugh, “keep that shit away.”
“No cursing, tiny.” 
Mingi caressed your head before planting a kiss to the side, “you should at least know how to use it.”
Wooyoung led the way out of the warehouse and kept in check of any possible danger in their way.
Entering the car, you sat between Wooyoung and Yeosang when the youngest one of them entangled his hands with yours and you looked at him with a surprise, “hm?” he pressed a kiss on your cheek, “thanks for trusting us in your father’s place.”
“Thanks for keeping me safe like he did.”
“Even my shadow will protect you forever and my love will guide you back to home.” he put his head on your shoulder.
“ I know.”
When you turned to the other side, Yeosang was already staring at you and when he caught your eyes, he smiled, “I didn’t imagine this is how we would be confessing our feelings. But thanks for letting us know that you care for us too, like your dad.”
“I was so scared today. Because of all the lurking danger, I hated to be in this mafia life and my dad hid me from this dark side of the world but thanks to you all for saving me from the lonely world out there after his death. When I thought that today I’m going to die, the only last hope I had was one of you to save me. And you did. All of you did.”
He nodded and patted his shoulder, you obligingly leaned your head on it and he caressed your head softly, “we are always here to keep you safe and to love you forever.”
With cautious optimism, you all embarked on a journey of self-discovery and love, navigating the complexities of the newfound relationship with courage and resilience. Together, you forged a bond that transcended time and circumstance, proving that love could blossom in the most unexpected of places.
As you watched the view outside hand in hand, gazing at the stars above from the window of the car, all of you knew that love was a testament to the enduring power of connection and the infinite possibilities that awaited on the horizon. In each other's arms, you found solace, strength, and the courage to embrace the beautiful uncertainties of life's journey.
After all, you did the right thing. Accepting the extended hand of the leader and  being inside the boundary of protection and love.
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Note: please I want to thanks to people for reading and reblogging. Reviews are always appreciated. Spread love not hate. If my favoritism is showing with some members then please try to understand oz they are my bias.
Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @anyamaris @yeoobin @icchyi @jwnghyuns @piratequeen-queenofgames @dinonuguaegi @oreharuuu @hwanring @sanwifesstuff @kiwiisnthereoops @kiwiraccoon @hyuukah @kazscara @aceofspadesbiofalltrades @nvdhrzn @meowmeeps @vtyb23 @haechansbbg
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bvidzsoo · 2 months
I know you want me
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⨳ Mafia!Hongjoong ⨳ 
∞ Author: bvidzsoo
∞ Pairing: Kim Hongjoong x female reader
∞ Warning: mentions of drugs, murder and illegal activities ∞ Word count: 3.5k ∞ Genre: non-idol!au, mafia!au, police officer!au, enemies!au ∞ Rating: nc-17 ∞ Summary: Working in the police was no easy feat, especially when you had been chasing after a mafia lord for the past six years. No matter how hard you worked and tried to find evidence, Kim Hongjoong always somehow came clean. But one day you finally get a lead that will help you succeed in your mission...or perhaps you've trusted Kim Hongjoong a little bit too much with your wine.
∞ A/N: Hongjoong's part is here, I hope you enjoy it! I think the tags for Wooyoung's part weren't working and that makes me a bit angry? Anyways, check out the other parts if you're interested! ^^ Next I will be posting Yeosang's part. Let me know what you thought of Hongjoong's part ^^ I'm not starting a taglist for this one, sorry<3 (you'll have to lurk around) Feedback is much appreciated and I hope you enjoy!
⨳ Listen to this before or while reading! ^^
∥ Hongjoong ∥ Seonghwa ∥  Yunho ∥ Yeosang ∥ San ∥ Mingi ∥ Wooyoung ∥ Jongho ∥ 
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            In my field of work nothing was handed to you on a silver plate. The fact that I went to work daily was already a risk factor of losing my life—and unfortunately, with the passing of years and the many enemies I have made, I didn’t have to go into the office or out on the field to get killed. It was enough to sip my coffee on the balcony, or to go grocery shopping, or even just lay in my bed while watching a movie to unwind after the long day I’ve had. The city was a chaos, per usual, and the crime lords were on a rampant, wreaking more havoc than usual. There was a big influx of drugs sneaked into clubs and other entertainment areas these past two months that had officers, detectives, and even higher ups working their asses off in order to find the one behind it all, but almost each time we came up empty handed. It seemed like whoever was leading this illegal operation was a mastermind and made sure their steps were untraceable. Except that I wasn’t dense like my colleagues, I had my eyes set on one person since we’ve come across the illegal substances.
Kim Hongjoong.
Biggest mafia lord in the city and possibly wanting to expand his business overseas, it didn’t take long for me to connect the dots. It was Hongjoong’s doing, no doubt, but because he was too good at what he was doing, I couldn’t prove it. Not yet, at least. There were few things that could stop me—death being one of them—and I had been breathing down his neck for the past three months. The Kim Enterprise led by him, on the outside, seemed like an inoffensive car dealership that had multiple deals with overseas companies and collaborations with the biggest existing brands. However, once you looked through the cracks and investigated the Enterprise with a critical eye, you realized everything was hidden in plain sight. The cars they imported and exported often times were filled with either illegal substances or weapons that Mr. Kim should have never gotten his hands on—he also wasn’t shy to admit all the money laundering he’s been doing for the past six years.
But somehow, he always came up clean, without the possibility of directly blaming him for all the mayhem and crime he’s committed. He had great men backing him up, unfortunately, and I had been forced to dig deep and into ugly places in order to finally find something of value, something that would finally put him behind bars and destroy the empire he’s built for himself. He was no stranger to me or my colleagues, but perhaps the most infuriating part of our strictly professional relationship was the fact that he was always eager and happy to let us raid his warehouses and headquarters—perhaps because he knew we’d find nothing of actual value that would finally put an end to this fiasco.
Not tonight though, finally I found a little piece of evidence that fit our puzzle the right way. He wouldn’t be able to argue its authenticity, perhaps because it came from one of his insiders that had grown sick of all of the mistreatment and threats he’d been forced to take. The world of a mafia lord was sick and twisted, dark and unforgiving. The man who had given us a small piece of information had been placed under surveillance for his own safety as we know Mr. Kim too well, he’d definitely kill our informant the second he lays hands on him, and we couldn’t have that right now. We still need this person for further information and insight about Mr. Kim’s thorough plans. We finally had a real lead and we couldn’t let it go to waste.
That is why, in true fashion to myself, I had sent a formal invite to Mr. Kim for a quick dinner to discuss business. He loved being over the top, but he also loved declining our formal requests to meet up, and so, proposing to have dinner together is something I know he never turns down. Perhaps he liked the thrill of sitting at a table with an officer that’s been after his ass for the past six years, perhaps he enjoys the power play and the rush he gets every time one of our evidences get debunked by him. Not tonight, though, tonight will be different. My colleagues have been against me going alone to the fancy restaurant—which definitely wanted to refuse our request as they were fully booked, but upon pulling a few strings, I got us a table. After all, it was Mr. Kim’s favorite restaurant, they couldn’t refuse him if I used his name for our reservation.
“You’ve been just promoted, Y/N,” My colleague and also closest friend, Irene, said with a worried expression on her face, “you’re not supposed to head out onto the field so heedlessly.”
“But it’s not headless, Irene,” I grinned at her as I tidied my desk, feeling triumphant that I managed to book the table for tonight, “It’s necessary.”
“You’re trying to show off to him, and that’s dangerous and headless—”
“It’s an intimidation tactic, and to be honest, I do deserve to show off after everything I had to go through because of him.” I muttered as Irene sighed defeated, crossing her arms in front of her chest.
“And if he refuses?” I chuckled as I gave Irene a knowing look.
“Kim Hongjoong refusing a meeting when he thinks he’s still got the upper hand and can humiliate me once again?” I shook my head as I pushed my chair back, “Impossible.”
“Fine,” Irene’s jaw clenched as she shook her head, “But wear a tracker and a camera, and alert me if things get out of hand. I refuse to have a repeat of last time—”
“It was an accident.” I sighed, frowning at the memory, “He didn’t mean to hurt me, the attack was aimed at him and I was there at the wrong time—”
“Whatever narrative you’ve told yourself of him protecting you is pure bullshit, Y/N.” Irene’s tone was harsh and I knew I couldn’t argue with her anymore, “He kills people for a living, he gets innocent people hooked on drugs, and he terrorizes those who refuse to work for him. He did not save you, he wanted you dead. You saved yourself, end of discussion.”
And perhaps Irene was right, but she wasn’t there when it happened. When the fire was opened and aimed at me, had Mr. Kim been a second too slow, I would be lying six feet under now. But Kim Hongjoong sprung up from his hiding place and yanked me behind a wall that kept the bullets from piercing both of our bodies, his eyebrows furrowed and a pissed look on his face as I tried to catch my breath from the sudden adrenaline rush. And Irene wasn’t there when Hongjoong killed every single one man that aimed their weapon towards me. She wasn’t there when he drove me back to the station and waited almost four hours until I was done with reports and a medical check-up and a visit to the higherups to drive me back home. Irene definitely wasn’t there when I noticed two of Hongjoong’s most trusted bodyguards stand the whole night in front of my gates just to keep watch and make sure I wasn’t targeted again. Kim Hongjoong was a criminal and a bad man, but he had an ounce of goodness in his heart somewhere deep down.
            The lights in the restaurant were dim and gave the place an intimidating aura, I can see why Hongjoong likes it here. The tables were separated and placed at bigger distance, offering privacy for those who wanted it. The table I had been sat at was a separate booth, more towards the kitchens as I was told it was Mr. Kim’s usual table, and I was surprised to find three red candles placed in the middle of the table and rose petals strewn across the white silky tablecloth. It felt prestige and definitely expensive. The whole setting made me feel a little bit uneasy despite the low murmur of conversations surrounding me, and I tried not to fiddle with my fingers anxiously. I had to appear confident and like I was here for serious business, ready to take down the mafia lord that still hadn’t shown up. He was fifteen minutes late now, and I have started doubting whether he was coming. It also didn’t help that the black spaghetti strap dress was tight as fuck as if it was moulded against my body, forcing me to hide my handgun as it was strapped against my inner thigh where its outline wasn’t visible. It was a little uncomfortable sitting down with it as it dug into my skin, but it wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle. I’ve had to go through things far worse than this before.
The waiter had served me red wine when I had sat down, but I haven’t touched it yet, keen on waiting for Mr. Kim before consuming anything I was given. I had just started getting disheartened and ready to phone Irene that maybe we should hit a bar since I’m all dressed up, when Mr. Kim finally showed up, looking a little dishevelled. His dyed ginger hair was messy on top of his head and his cheeks rather flushed as he approached the table, sharp cat-like eyes settling on my form with a smirk stretching onto his lips. I gulped and straightened my back, raising my eyebrows questioningly at him once he plopped down in his seat rather unceremoniously.
“Miss Yang, I’m sorry for making you wait.” His voice was velvety as he spoke up, grabbing the white napkin off the table, “Something urgent came up and I had to take immediate care of it, I’m sure you understand with your field of work.”
“Completely, Mr. Kim.” I grinned slyly and Hongjoong hummed as I watched him rub his hands and knuckles against the white napkin, which wasn’t pure white anymore but covered in red spots. My eyes lingered on them knowing that it was most likely blood, and I could feel Hongjoong’s eyes watching me carefully. When I looked up, he had a challenging look in his eyes as he waved his hand lazily towards the waiter who disappeared behind the bar.
“It isn’t a daily occurrence I get asked on a date by a woman like you, Miss Yang.” I huffed in amusement as Hongjoong smirked once again, leaning back in his chair as he spread his legs wide, “May I know how I got so lucky?”
“We should wait for your drink first, Mr. Kim, I feel like making a toast.” I answered with a smug tone as my long red nails tapped against my glass filled with wine, making Hongjoong chuckle as he nodded.
“Very well, I have others things I can chat about either way.” He clicked his tongue, eyes slowly traveling from my eyes down my body, no doubt stopping at my chest as the dress did a shit job at covering my boobs as it should, but for once I didn’t mind, “You look ravishing tonight, Y/N, I wish we met in a setting like this more often.”
“With my field of work I rarely get the chance to dress up all pretty,” I mused, pushing my long hair behind my shoulders, “but tonight’s a special occasion, I had to dress accordingly. And it seems it was a smart choice given that you look handsome yourself, Hongjoong.”
Hongjoong chuckled, eyes creasing as he scrunched his nose. For someone who was a dangerous mafia lord, he certainly could look rather cute in a way that seemed almost uncharacteristic, “What a compliment from you, thank you. It’s not often I hear you call me by my name.”
“Casualties need to be put aside when we’re talking about your business.”
“But isn’t that why we’re here?”
I grinned, hand resting on the white envelope placed on the table, “Exactly, but until we get to the business talk, I’ll indulge and play along with you, Hongjoong.”
“I’m afraid I got you wrapped around my finger, Y/N.” I snorted as Hongjoong bit his bottom lip with his eyes boring into mine, one eyebrow raised almost mockingly. But before I could retort anything, the waiter approached us with Hongjoong’s expensive whiskey and bowed upon his departure. Hongjoong hummed and grabbed his glass, raising it as he waited for me to do the same with my glass of wine. As I have said, I intended on making a toast. I couldn’t help but smirk as I raised my glass and titled it towards Hongjoong.
“To the downfall of your enterprise and empire, Mr. Kim.” I couldn’t help but feel elated as Hongjoong’s face fell, eyes hardening as I chuckled and took a long sip of the sweet wine, humming in delict at the expensive taste of the alcohol. Hongjoong almost hesitated for a second, but he took a sip of his whiskey and shook his head as his eyes fell on the envelope. I placed my glass down and traced its surface almost mockingly as I stalled handing the envelope over to him, “You see, Mr. Kim, it’s usually those closest to us that can ruin us the easiest and fastest way.”
“I suppose whatever you have in that envelope won’t be to my liking, Miss Yang.” I chuckled and nodded as I grabbed it and looked at it before handing it over to Hongjoong. I settled back in my seat and grabbed my glass of wine to sip on it as I watched the fearless mafia lord’s jaw clench as he emptied the envelope’s contents and paused as he scattered all the evidence out in front of him. I grinned behind my glass as I took a large gulp of the wine, enjoying the rich taste of it as it bloomed around my taste buds, making me sigh in content as Hongjoong’s neutral mask slipped into one of anger. I chuckled under my breath as I took him in, eyes straying to the exposed skin of his chest as he was leaned forward and wore nothing underneath his jacket. Silver chains hung around his neck and his ears had more than one earring piercing them, his pinkie nails painted black on both hands as a few chunky rings clung to his thick fingers.
He scoffed loudly and I quirked an eyebrow at him as he threw me a glare before looking back down at the papers, his jaw set tight as I swiftly finished my wine. It’s been long I had something as fancy as this one as I usually opted for the cheap beer from the convenience store after a strenuous and challenging day while I sat on my couch in the living room and watched whatever reality show was on at the moment.
“Miss Yang,” I perked up as Hongjoong sighed, tone tight and displeased, “I thought our respect was mutual after all these years of knowing each other and collaborating, yet here you are, meddling with my personal life.”
“Oh, but Mr. Kim,” I interlaced my fingers and placed my elbows on the table as I leaned forward with a fake concerned look on my face, “I thought there were no secrets between the two of us, yet here we are, with proof on our hands of all of your wrongdoings and missteps, Mr. Kim.”
He chuckled as he threw the papers onto the table and tsked, eyeing my empty glass of wine, “I heard you’ve been promoted to Deputy Chief, shouldn’t one of your baboons be sitting here with me instead of you?”
“I couldn’t miss seeing your reaction, Mr. Kim.” I chuckled and he nodded, eyes narrowing as he leaned forward, mirroring my position.
“You should thank me for getting as far as this, Miss Yang, without me you would’ve been useless to the police—”
“If that is what you wish to believe, Mr. Kim, go ahead.” My jaw clenched at his blatant disrespect as I cut him off, “But at least I wasn’t outed by my own brother.”
Hongjoong’s eye twitched as he scoffed and hastily grabbed his glass to throw his whiskey back. I smiled as I enjoyed seeing him in real distress for the first time, seeing him uncapable of stopping me this time. But I also became aware of the subtle thumping of my head, of the immediate effect of the alcohol I had consumed. Could it be so strong that it already got to my head? I thought I had a rather high tolerance for alcoholic drinks.
“I am sure my brother has his own reasons—”
“Like many people I’ve come across, Mr. Kim, your brother grew sick of your schemes and deals, and chose to right his wrongdoings.” I cut him off once again, the headache growing a lot more persistent and disturbing. My body suddenly felt like it was moving a lot slower than it actually was, making me shake out my hands as I leaned back in my seat. Once again, Hongjoong’s eyes fell on the empty glass and my eyes narrowed as he grinned before shaking his head.
“My brother is a fool,” Hongjoong muttered and then gathered the papers and slowly slipped them back in the envelope, “when will you raid my warehouses?”
“Probably tomorrow.” I hummed as I had to blink my eyes a few times to clear the haze that threatened to settle upon my vision, “Can’t let you have too much time at your hands to dispose of all the evidence, can’t I?”
“I appreciate your effort of warning me,” Hongjoong hummed and licked his lips as he paused for a second, watching me closely as my legs started feeling like lead and my arms tingled, “you’ve always been a great asset to my organization, Miss Yang, so aware of everything yet never close enough to prove anything.”
“I’ll do anything it takes to finally take you down,” I hissed, venom coating my voice as I had to force my eyes shut upon the violent headache that seemed to leave me immobile, “I’ve had enough of watching people suffer because of you, Hongjoong.”
“Perhaps you’ll hate me a little more after tonight, Y/N,” Hongjoong chuckled as I tried to gulp but my throat felt parched. I tried to move, but I couldn’t, and I panicked as I realized this wasn’t normal. Whatever this was, it had to be Hongjoong’s doing and as my eyes fell onto my empty wine glass, Hongjoong chuckled and leaned over the table to grab it, “because I have tricked you once again. My brother is my most trusted asset to my organization, I knew we could lure you out if I sent him running to you with forged evidence.”
I tried to sit up and grab for my gun, but even my tongue felt heavy to move as I frowned at Hongjoong, heartrate picking up as I realized I had foolishly fallen into his well-thought-out plan, “Some of my business partners are fed up with you always lurking around our asses, so I had to do something about it if I didn’t want to lose them.”
I tried to speak, but all that came out was a weak sound in the back of my throat making Hongjoong chuckle. My head was pounding and even the dim lights bothered my eyes as I felt dizzy, struggling to stay awake as everything in me was growing soft and calm, “I respect you greatly, Y/N, and quite frankly I like you a lot. It’s hard to find a confident, ambitious, and strong woman that doesn’t abide to my wishes straight away these days. It’s truly a pity that we’re on opposing teams, darling.”
There was a beep coming from his pocket and he grabbed his phone and chuckled as he picked it up, sounding too cheery as I struggled to fight the sleep that was threatening to knock me out for God knows how long, “I told you it would be easy, bring the van to the back.”
I tried to protest as my eyes fluttered open and Hongjoong pushed his seat back and stood with a mischievous smirk on his lips as he slowly approach me, his wide legged pants making him look taller than he was, “You’ve been working hard, Y/N, it’s time for a little vacation, don’t you think? Have you ever been to the Bahamas? I have a really important gig to pull off and I really can’t have you sniffing around my ass like a wild dog.”
I managed to gasp as suddenly Hongjoong’s hands were around and underneath my body, lifting me off the chair as I hung limply in his arms as he stared down at me with pursed lips, “Don’t worry, I won’t let anything happen to you.”
And with the promise rolling off his tongue in a whisper, the drug that had been infused with my wine kicked in completely and I couldn’t help but surrender to the serene darkness that lulled me to a deep sleep in Hongjoong’s strong arms.
I need to call Irene once I am conscious again. I didn’t wear a tracker.
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⚞ Masterlist ⚟
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↳Perm. taglist: @orshii @jjoongstar @tinyelfperson @thestarskiller @zuuhaa
@aaa-sia @gong-fourz @a-tinycarat @sooberryworld @hopefulrascalstatesmantoad
@anastasiamin860 @yunhogrippers @vcutparis @tunaasan @blvckarabixnvoid
@yusalterego @arigakittyo @slowee00 @jaerisdiction @hey-syia
@vnessalau @oddracha @chatsgotmytongue @potatos-on-clouds @yunhowooyo
@watermelon2319 @yoongzsmile28 @klllerwaifu @apriecotte @hwasbbyg
@kyeos4ng @samiiy20 @woosanhobros @aswho1estuff @khjoongie98
@ateez-main-yapper @kang-ulzzang @felixs-voice-makes-me-wanna @ginger-mingi @redzie02
@unholywriters @autieofthevalley @roomsofangel @peachyy-joonie @baeksofty
@tunafishyfishylike @syubseokie @itswaffleberry @hoe4yunho @fandom-freak-geek
@kyeomooniee @intaksfav @skz1-4-3 @jycas @e3ellie
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lostheretics · 8 months
▸ chapter 6; bonnie, clyde, and the others on the side
pt. 1 || pt. 2 || pt. 3 || pt. 4 || pt. 5 || pt. 6
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✵ cast : jung wooyoung x fem!reader, kim hongjoong, lee juyeon, kim younghoon, ateez, mentioned oc and many kpop artists name or group
✵ genre : romance, marriage life, eventual angst, smut, mafia!au, non idol!au
✵ summary : there's you, and me, and us, and oh wait. perhaps there's more.
in which marriage is not always a paradise, honeymoon avenue somehow is far behind as you look through the rearview mirror. and beware of the road ahead, for accidents might happen. road work, traffic jam,
or some stranger trying to get a lift, perhaps for a permanent front seat.
✵ notes : 6k-ish. thanks for waiting, to those whoever awaits i guess. PLS REBLOG (i will appreciate this sm) AND GIVE SOME THOUGHTS IF U HAVE THEM. ENJOY
☒ warnings: bad words here and there (it's life, but still minors dni) but do remind me if i missed something.
☒ i do not condone mafia acts nor any acts that goes against the law at all. everything mentioned are just purely fiction, made to entertain myself and fellow readers in this particular platforms.
☒ do not repost this on any other platform without my permission!
✓ reblogging, liking, and commenting this post in tumblr (through comment or askbox) are very much appreciated.
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i don’t know how exactly to start this one. 
but it’s about younghoon, the crown prince of seoul, the heir of the seoul kim family and the huge problem he’s facing right now. he’s in a deep shit. the shit being the problem that could swallow him whole. the huge problem being falling in love. 
how is it a problem? one might ask.
well, he fell in love with a woman he’s not supposed to fall in love with. for god’s sake, it was supposed to be just a one night job. a good friendship, a good business partner if it goes for more. but he overstepped. he couldn’t help it. not to mention the woman he fell in love with is already tied down to another man. 
simply put, he somehow fell in love with jung y/n. 
and most of all, over a single fucking ice cream night. 
as he laid on his bed, his mind could only go back on repeating the moment, on and on again. 
you were such a good dancer. 
you’re a really good dancer. 
younghoon’s brain kept on saying so as each of his hand held your waist and hand, guiding you through a dance in one of mrs. han’s party that you got yourself into. 
he still couldn’t believe how easy it is for you to get an invitation over a single lunch and conversation with mrs. han. 
safe to say you had charmed the lady. 
and not long into the party, you had once again charmed your way into her heart. and her daughter’s heart more importantly, with the talk of younghoon’s brother, the main target of the whole operation. you charmed them so much to the point that mrs. han had set a formal date to meet both the families up. of course, with the thoughts of marital proposal and possible mergers of the two powers. 
the outcome of it might still change, but you still got the two families to meet up with each other and that alone is impressive enough to him. 
that’s why you and younghoon spend the rest of the evening dancing and chatting. the job is practically finished, and what’s left was easing up to each other. 
“i owe you for this one. a promise and more, i think. you’ve landed my whole family a new ally, and my brother a possible wife. in less than a month, i might add.” he had said while leading you on a dance. 
you’ve found that younghoon, more than just a charming man, is also a good and down earthed one. 
you smiled at him, “it’s a possible outcome, but not yet certain, mr. kim.”
“younghoon. it’s kinda too fast, but we’ve come this far and i think it’s safe to say we can certainly be on first name basis now, y/n.” he said, “only if you’re comfortable with it, of course.”
“…if you say so, younghoon.” 
younghoon smiled back. it might sound awkward still, but for that, time can be the cure. not everything can be done instantly anyways. 
the dance stopped after a while. younghoon and you had several rounds of conversations around the room, keeping the couple act up. his hand would be guiding you by your back, fixing your dress or holding your drink or handbag whenever you need the help, including you in every conversation. 
he truly is a gentleman. 
mrs. han, as the socialite she is, invited many important guests. though filled with other socialite wives, there are some prominent figures like deputy chief of the police, in which younghoon is close to, several high ranked people from ministry of health, or even other well-known and successful businessmen and businesswomen from all around the country. everything fell like a domino effect to you, just by knowing younghoon alone. 
after a while, you and younghoon came to the realization that you both were not a fan of the crowd. hence, you both decided to shy away from the crowd and opting to sit by the empty gardens, a bowl of ice cream in on one hand and your champagne glasses on the other. 
quietness filled you both as you enjoy the way the star shone that night, while munching on the vanilla ice cream you got from the ice cream bar inside. 
“this reminds me of the first time i met you, you know.” younghoon broke the silence. you turned to him with a raised eyebrow, telling him to elaborate. 
“i was getting away from the crowd in juyeon’s party so i went to the gardens. instead of watching the sky, i had to watch this lady fainting in the middle of the garden in a party—“
“ugh.” you groaned. 
“—and i had no choice but to help her, because i’m such a gentleman.” he jested. 
you closed your eyes. “that’s the most embarrassing thing to ever happen in my entire life.”
“imagine the shock when i learned this lady who fainted would soon become my business partner? and great one at that?” 
“great one? i’m flattered, younghoon.”
“and you should be. with the amount of achievement? so many in so little time.” younghoon said. 
you chuckled lightly. you looked at the hem of your dress, playing with it to satisfy your fidgety urge. 
“i had to. you know, for the family. for my husband, given the state we were in.” you murmured, “i only want stability, if not with peace.”
it wasn’t the first time you mentioned your husband’s name to him. some people in the mafia know that you are jung wooyoung’s wife, and he your husband. younghoon knew that too. but most of the times you were with younghoon, you never failed to mention your husband’s name. him being a great caporegime, good strategist, good husband who took you to meetings, et cetera. and always with a smile on your face. it never failed to amaze younghoon just how much love you have for him. 
“how does it feel like?” he blurted out suddenly. 
“to be married. to be in love in this… society of ours.” he said. “you seemed to be in love with your husband, which isn’t an everyday thing that happen here, you know? ‘cause most relationships are… benefit based. arranged marriage, forced ones… so how?”
“oh, that.” you smiled. “because there isn’t any benefit. we’re just… in love with each other. i didn’t came from any mafia group or family, it just happen that i worked for one without knowing they’re one, and i just met wooyoung. just like that. it’s unlikely in the mafia world, and the ways are also unlikely to happen in a normal world. but we dated, we fell harder, and decided to settle down.”
“and to me, at least, it feels great. i don’t think i’ll ever feel this way again. not before him, not after him.” you had mouthed in the end, unconsciously pouring up some of you heart contents. 
younghood sighed. “must be beautiful.”
“you could’ve got all of it, you know. just now.” 
“how so?”
“the arrangement with the han’s daughter. might be an arrangement, but a good and stable one at that. i mean, you’re the crown prince of your family. you have power. just treat her right, and tell her to treat you right, then you wait for the love to bloom. might take time, might not be the same as mine, but a win win solution still.” you expressed. “why giving it all away for your brother? no offense, he looks like a great guy like you, but why?”
younghoon chuckled. the usual question. after all, who in their right mind would give away all powers like just that? 
“hm, where do i start?” he murmured to himself, then continued.
“to put it easily, i’m here, but i don’t wanna be here. my heart isn’t fully in this. despite my rank, birth and responsibilities, my brother is more suited for this job. that's why he's always around me, i might hand him this job. hence, the arrangement and all."
“what is it then, the thing you want to do the most?”
he leaned back a bit. eyes looking up, seemingly thinking and lost in his thoughts. you stared at him, stared at the way his eyes mirror the twinkling of the stars, and the way he tugged his lips up. 
“a doctor.” he quietly said, after a while. “a real one. not for my family’s business. going all around the world as a volunteer, and actually helping actual people in need.”
“when i was in uni, i wanted to pursue a med career. but my dad didn’t really approve of it— of my future career choices in med as a volunteer. and med field are most held by my uncle and his children. so my dad offered me a chance for a med career, just not in the actual med field, but more on the business site. so i took law as my major and business as my minor and took over one of our hospitals.” he explained, before continuing, “but, i still make the best out of it. i volunteered a lot in uni, and my hospital is one of the best hospital in seoul in its practices, and we have a lot charity events to help people.”
you stared at him, awed. there was no words that could describe how amazed you are. 
“wow.” was all you could say. 
silence filled the both of you for quite some time. each of you let the conversation sink in deep, trying to understand each character, though perhaps in a light that’s slightly different from the usual one in the underworld. there were no hostility, no walls kept up too high, no tactics. 
just two people in a mellow moment, enjoying each other’s company and in harmony. 
following your own question, he then asked.
“what about you, y/n? what kind of life do you want to live?”
now, it was your time to be the one deep in thoughts. the one who stare at the stars, humming to yourself, thinking of the right answer. 
“not a mafia one, to be honest.” you murmured, “but… ever since i met wooyoung, i feel like… i’ve lived my life. that i’m living in the life that i want,” 
”with the one that i love most.”
somehow your words seemed so sincere to younghoon’s ears. so pure, so innocent, and so dreamy. something that he once dreamed of, something, or dare he say, someone that he wished for. 
and somehow, you left younghoon star struck. 
how will he ever move on? how will he ever find someone if he set such standard for his love life? a fairytale like love life, in this kind of environment. 
he wondered about the life that you have with wooyoung, wondered if he ever will have those life. he wondered what if he was the one you met instead of wooyoung. 
wishful thinking, eh?
but that’s all they are; thoughts. his gentlemanly self wouldn’t have it in his heart to steal like that. to take someone else away just for his own. no, he’s not that kind of man, and he stood by that. 
yet it didn’t do anything to erase your pictures from his mind. at least for the night. it doesn’t lessen the warmth bubbling in his gut as he type his message to you in his phone; the eagerness to see you as soon as possible. 
me: evening y/n. is tomorrow’s plan still up?
younghoon put his hand down, tapping his phone against his bedsheet as he anxiously wait for a reply; if any would come. the clock on his bedside table showed the time. 1:47 am. you must’ve fallen asleep, right?
jung y/n: wouldn’t miss it. see u soon, hoon
younghoon think he might need to see a doctor now. his heart’s beating way too fast. 
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you: woo you: i dont think i can send lunch today cause im visiting the kims at their house. im sorry :(((((( you: pls dont miss lunch ok i asked the butler to send u some food. ilysm you: also idk when i’ll be home, so pls sleep early. i promise u’ll see me in ur dreams xo
you sighed, just after your thumb clicked on the send button for the last message. 
sending lunch for wooyoung is one of your sacred daily routine ever since marriage, and this would be the first time for you not to do so. you sighed again, trying to get the uneasiness to subside so you can focus on your job today. 
but it’s still there. prickling you slightly from the inside, initiating the thoughts and realization that you haven’t met wooyoung that much these past few days. 
waking up today, you could only share a quick peck as wooyoung was in a hurry for a mission, so he said. last few days you could only drop his lunch and left as quick to continue your own job. suddenly everyone everywhere needed you. 
you miss him.
last night you were together, you remember as if it was just yesterday, you recalled how you were talking about this exact problem, this exact thing. it fears you of how fast it came true to life. and you fear even more if it ever will go even further. 
woo: im gonna cry woo: jk but it’s ok babe i’ll be on a mission anw today, i dont know when i’ll be done. but i’ll be home tonight woo: come back fast if u can, ok? i love you too
just as you finished reading his replies, a sound of horn blasted as a black shiny car pulled up in front of you. the door to the driver side opened up, and you were gifted with the sight of younghoon emerging from the car, offering you a bright smile.
“ready?” was all he said while opening the passenger door, inviting you into his car. 
you nod and said a small yes, entering his car. you stare at your screen for a little while, before typing a quick response. 
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wifey: i’ll try my best. 
a sigh escaped through his lips after your last message to him. putting his phone back to the slot beside him, wooyoung could only stare far into the dark alleys in front of him. his mind filled with you it made his heart heavy. 
it was never a problem before, when he had to go far or for a while on missions away from you. you’d miss him, he’d miss you, but right then he knew that whatever the circumstances, when he came back home you’ll always be there. 
it’s not the case now. 
he’s away for missions, and you’re away for business. when you’re home, he might not be home, and when he’s home, you might not be. 
for that, he feels the subtle ache in his chest. 
his fingers mindlessly tapped against the wheel of his car, before he was pulled back to his senses. the passenger door opened, showing jiwoo and her smile. 
and her tight red dress. 
“take a picture, it’ll last longer.” her snickers made him clear his throat, looking somewhere else to avoid jiwoo’s playful glint. he mentally slapped himself for even staring at jiwoo, but as a man, how could he not?
her neck is on display, as were her long legs. the dress short, but long enough to keep the gun and some knives hidden away. and with her features, anyone would be swooned by her presence. 
maybe that’s why she got assigned for this mission, and again, with wooyoung. 
what the fuck am i thinking? i have a wife.
“what takes you so long?” 
“chill, i was getting some snacks for us. you said we’ll be spying and tailing a lot, so i figured we’ll be staying in the car quite a lot.” 
“nah, change of plans.”
“san called. seonghwa said we should go undercover into the club and get the stuff ourselves. so i’ll go as a gambler and you,” he eyed her up and down, “you, conveniently, will be enough as a distraction. did you knew we’re doing this for the mission?”
“nope, i was just feeling myself with the dress.” she shrugged. wooyoung raised a brow, but found nothing came up into his mind nor out of his mind, so he just started driving, wanting nothing more than to finish the mission. 
“so what’s the stuff we’re getting?” jiwoo asked as they parked a few buildings before the club. the car came to a halt, the sight of the dimly lit club welcomed their eyes. 
“san said it’s a ledger.” he got himself ready, “hongjoong needs something in there. it’s a proof, list of government officers getting involved in the human trafficking ring.”
“that’s terrible.”
“there are better words to describe how disgusting that is, but sure. now,” he turned to jiwoo, “i’ll go in, act kinda drunk and gamble some money for the ledger. you’ll be the distraction and a plan b; should i fail in getting the ledger, you should be the one getting it. okay?”
parting there, wooyoung got out of the car and walked to the club. 
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so here’s the thing about missions. they can be safe, they can be risky. zero to two means safe, something like spying or just plain investigating. on the other hand, field missions can have more risks, depending on the type of job. whether you have to stay low, or to kill as little as possible, or to not be seen yet has to be there on the spot. it depends. 
and on a scale from one to ten, wooyoung is absolutely fucked. 
it was supposed to be a ‘get in, get out’ type of job and without being seen. yet he managed to make a group of 10 people running after him in the club, after he tried to trick the dealer, a.k.a the owner of the club —the stupidest thing he's ever done in a mission.
“stop right there!” 
a gunshot was heard, luckily not hitting wooyoung anywhere. but guns are out, which means his had to, whether he liked it or not.
he ran in between the crowd of people dancing and getting high, staying as low and as unseen as possible —which, he kinda failed in the first place, but he did his absolute best—, and he took out his glock from his hidden holster, shooting enemies in his sight. thankfully the music is loud enough to cover the sound of his gun. the ledger is safe in the bag, but if he’s not, then there’s no point in doing the mission any longer. but he had to hold on. 
all while he ran and shoot, he cursed jiwoo for not holding them for long. she should’ve been a distraction, but perhaps not distracting enough. 
“fuck!” he shouted.
and right after, the power went out in the whole club.
all the lights, all the music suddenly died, and the party goers could only ah-ed in unison clearly disappointed at the outcome. wooyoung couldn’t see anything in the dark, and had to stop for a while. he looked around, and found the group of men running after him starting to turn on their flashlights. he was about to run when suddenly someone grabbed his hand.
“it’s me, jiwoo!” the voice whispered loudly. wooyoung looked up and found jiwoo holding him, pulling him away from the crowd. she handed him a shirt and a new hat, rushing to cover him with it.
“let’s get out.”
jiwoo guided him out, away from the prying eyes in the darkness, before the power went back on. the backdoor was empty, leaving only wooyoung and jiwoo. jiwoo kept holding onto wooyoung, pulling him as they ran for their car a few blocks down. wooyoung almost threw himself into the car, sighed loudly when he felt the leather seat touched his back.
“what the fuck was that?” he spat out to jiwoo.
“you tell me! how’d you get chased by those guys? i thought we’re doing this quietly?” she spat back.
“that was the plan, but you failed to hold them back.”
jiwoo rolled her eyes. “no, you failed to realize that they have more security than what you think.”
“the fuck was that supposed to mean? i had mingi and san check everything before we go in. and they're doing a bidding for the ledgers anyways.” wooyoung hit back, making her sigh before explaining.
“you were already far into the club when i found out that the bidding is for tomorrow, so the ledger being there was still a top secret until tonight. reaching out would be risky, and i couldn’t explain it that fast, so i had to do plan c.”
“plan c?”
“i broke into their cctvs and jammed the whole thing so there’s no track of you, then cut out the power to get you out of there.”
he contemplated her answers for a while. sighing again, wooyoung laid back to his chair, trying to ease his breathing. 
“thank you.” he said defeatedly. 
“we’re partners. i protect you, and you protect me woo,” she shrugged. “now move your ass and let me drive. you’re hurt.”
he glanced towards his body trying to find the hurting part. he reached behind his shoulder, wincing when felt a cut wound along his upper shoulder blade. blood was evident on his fingertips when he pulled them back. it must be enemies’ knife cutting through when they fought, and didn’t realize up until jiwoo point it out. 
“just a scratch.”
“yeah well that scratch probably needs a few stitches. c’mon.”
jiwoo moved into the driver’s seat, then drove the car away from the chaotic club. for a while, no one said a word, except wooyoung when he gave a call to san about the mission. the sight of endless trees and dark road made him drowsy, and soon he fell into his slumber. 
“hey, wake up.”
wooyoung jolted awake, blinking his sleepiness away after jiwoo woke him up. he looked around in confusion, realizing they’re not back at their base.
“where are we?”
“other town nearby. let’s be safe and make sure they lost our tracks completely,” she pushed his seat back to create more space before shimmying herself into the tight spot. “take your shirt off.”
the comical look in his eyes made jiwoo laughed as she reached for his shirt.
“yo! yes you’re hot–“
“i’m hot?” she chuckled.
“yes, no– shit– i got a wife ji–“ 
“’m not trying to fuck, silly. i’m trying to fix your wound. now take the damn shirt off.”
with jiwoo's determination, he had no choice but to take off his shirt hesitantly, glancing back to jiwoo, “look away.”
“shut the fuck up i've literally seen your body when we spar.”
off his shirt goes, showing his skin that glows under the yellow lights. jiwoo handed him a soju to distract him from the pain as she stitch his wound up. he winced a couple of times when the needle poked through his skin, but he held on.
jiwoo’s fingertips are cold, soothing to his hot wounded skin. despite the harsh words, she’s light with her hands. the sound of his and her quiet breathing filled the air.
“the pharmacist said there’s a motel just down the road, maybe we should crash there for the night.”
maybe it’s the soju he downed to the last drop. maybe he lost too much blood because of that wound. maybe it’s the fact that he’s half naked, tipsy, and jiwoo is wearing a red, absolutely sexy dress, but holy fuck, did jung wooyoung just glitched in the brain at the mention of a motel and staying the night out with another woman. 
“it’s almost 2 in the morning.” she murmured. “the drive to the base would take 2 to 3 hours, and honestly i’m tired. you’re wounded and no doubt tipsy, i’m not about to let us crash somewhere down the road.”
that makes sense. but he had other ideas, as he reached out to the console, trying to find his phone. maybe someone could fetch them up, wooyoung thought. he tapped on the screen a couple of times, clicking on the power button but to no avail. the screen stayed dark.
“shit, my phone’s dead.” he glanced towards jiwoo who just shrugged.
“mine’s dead too.”
and no one thought of bringing a charger with them.
he groaned, leaning back to his seat. after a few beat of silence, he just nodded. “well, i guess we have no choice.”
somewhere in him, it feels wrong. like something is poking through his chest as jiwoo drove down the road, right to the said motel and parked the car. like there’s an unseen stop sign in him, reminding him to not to do it as jiwoo pulled him to the motel room.
but what could go wrong? wooyoung doesn’t like jiwoo in that way.
not even the way she took her dress off carelessly in front of him, opting to change into a bathrobe that’s not even tied properly. not the way he clearly saw her pair of underwear.
but no, he doesn’t like her like that. and he’s sure of that. yet, the blaring sound of siren kept playing in his mind, reminding him that this isn’t right. 
but perhaps it’s the soju that calmed the siren down, as he doze off into his slumber once again.
jung wooyoung woke up that morning, with a headache and pain on his shoulder. and that dull thing poking through his chest, and the same siren blasted again in his head when he saw himself; splayed on the bed half naked, with jiwoo and her loose robe, limbs tangled with each other underneath the sheets.
nothing happened last night, he's damn sure of it and remembered every single second that passed before he fell asleep.
yet, still, he doesn’t like this feeling. 
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“are you okay?”
younghoon nudged you, who immediately woke up from the empty daydream you had just now. 
“you’ve been out of it for like, a solid 5 minutes. are you okay? did my father say something to offend you?” 
“no. nothing important.”
yes. it was something that could change her whole life.
you sighed, “it’s just… i forgot to tell wooyoung that i’m staying out last night. he hates sleeping alone.” she lied. though, not entirely. she did forgot to tell wooyoung about the whole staying out for the night last night. wooyoung would absolutely gone batshit, but judging from the lack of his messages on your phone, he might not have known it yet. which is strange. 
guilt bubbled up in younghoon, easily seen through his eyes. “i’m really sorry about last night. my father… tend to get too friendly and would sometimes step over the boundaries, like insisting for you to stay the night. i should’ve said no and took you home. god, he even made you stay up late.” he grumbled.
“it’s okay, he meant well. i just forgot to tell wooyoung, that’s all.”
“when i drop you off, i’ll explain everything to wooyoung and hongjoong, so they won’t have any weird ideas about it.” younghoon said, “you’re a married woman after all. we don’t want any trouble.”
you smiled and nodded, “thank you for the offer. i’d be thankful.”
younghoon smiled back, and continued driving towards ateez mansion, as you fall back to yet another set of daydreaming, or, more specifically contemplating your whole existence after the talk with younghoon’s father last night.
over some of his words.
01.59 am
a sigh almost left your mouth, along with a yawn, but you held back as best as you could. after all, you’re presented before kim younghoon’s father, the senior in kim’s family and not to mention one of the prominent figure in the business.
but you have no regrets, all the time passed wasn’t for nothing. and he’s a pleasant man.
“you work diligently, younghoon have said this a lot. he’s not easy to get close with,” the man chuckled, “well, it’s a shame that you’re married. i would’ve offered my son to you, he seemed intrigued.”
“you flatter me, sir. and more often than not, younghoon is the one who helped me a lot since i got into the business.”
he smiled, putting down his cup of tea. “so i’ve heard. ah, didn’t you meet younghoon through the lees?”
you nodded, “yes. lee juyeon, to be precise. though, i don’t know what younghoon has told you about it…”
“he told me everything. of why juyeon gave you to us, what you want and what he wanted. that boy,” he shook his head, tsk-ing, “ruthless as his father was. the whole people in the business had to tip toe around him if they want to be alive. jiyoung would never do that.” then he proceeded to say something that made you raise a brow.
“her child would never.”
“i thought that was just a rumor?”
the man smiled knowingly. “well, sweet lady, this old man here has a reason for supporting lee jiyoung when the sibling war happened, and still is, until now. i know a secret or two, things that others don’t know.” mr. kim explained with a longing gaze. “she’s my best friend, after all.”
“like, a secret marriage?”
you shoot your shot. 
“i was one of the few to witness her marriage. she loved seo rim well, despite the fast that he’s just a bodyguard. going against his elder’s wishes of marrying someone more prominent in the business to secure her safety and her throne, me being one of them.” 
“and now for that, she had to lose everything. but whatever people say, it was a lawful marriage.”
“seo rim?”
mr. kim laughed, “oh, oops. the name’s out i guess.”
you pressed him again, shooting your shot one more time. “but, what about the child? was it a girl or a boy? where are they?”
but to that question, mr. kim just shrugged. he downed his tea before filling his cup again. “dunno. but if i do, i’d protect them with all i have.”
you closed your mouth, only nodding to his answer. you laid back to your chair. the new information filled your head so it all circled your mind. secret marriage, possible offspring of lee jiyoung. seo rim. the name echoed in your mind. a name you never know before,
but now you do. 
mr. kim hummed, staring into the fire in front of him, seemingly in his own mind. you stared at the old man, a few white strands of hair on his head, several lines on his face, and you wonder, what does it feels like to witness a war and survived. he lived long, enough to know the lee jiyoung, to witness things that others don’t. long enough to know people, wise enough to know what to do and what not. 
hence the question.
“why me?”
“why did you tell me this? we just met today. and even if you do know me, it’s only from younghoon and that’s not even enough.” you murmured, “so why are you telling me this?”
the man hummed again. “because i know,” he said, making you raise a brow. he continued, “i know i can trust you.”
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“where have you been?!”
san’s screeching voice was the first to greet wooyoung when he stepped out of his car with jiwoo. the said man had his hands on his hips, eagle eyes staring down judgingly at the two partners.
“bed’s empty, no note, car gone! you could’ve died!”
wooyoung massaged his temples. “now’s not the time to quote some harry potter line, san.” he groaned.
san shrugged. “it was a moment. and seriously, where have you been? you two! not even a text or a call, we were about to hunt you down!” he accusingly said. “you and y/n both, woo. thankfully y/n told us her whereabouts just this morning. but you? radio silent.”
“my phone died, and so did jiwoo’s.” wooyoung lifted his head when he realized san mentioned your name. “y/n did what?”
slowly, san lowered his hands from his hips. his eyes starting to grow wide with confusion in it. “she didn’t tell you?”
“tell me what?” wooyoung pressed.
“she’s staying out last night as well. at the kim’s.”
his brain short circuited, trying to process san’s words a couple of times. when he finally processed the whole sentences, it left him utterly dumbfounded.
just after he screamed, a black car stopped behind them. the sight of kim younghoon getting out of the car greeted them, along with you, whose door was held open by younghoon. 
“speak of the devil.” san blurted.
wooyoung ignored his remarks, opting to trot his way to you. he threw a look on younghoon, before pulling you away from him.
“you didn’t come home last night? why? why didn’t you tell me?” he pressed, his hand still circling your wrist.
you quickly felt guilty. “i’m sorry love, it was younghoon’s father sudden invitation. i couldn’t really get my phone, that was my fault.” you ran your free hand over his bicep, trying to soothe the anger away. “won’t happen again. what time did you get home last night?”
“he stayed out as well.” san replied from behind you. your eyes widened, while he freezed.
“what? you didn’t tell me anything about it. what happened? wha-“ your palm acidentally touched to his shoulder blades, feeling the rough bandage underneath it, “were you hurt?”
but wooyoung turned away, pushing your hand lightly. “just a scratch, it doesn’t matter.” he turned his gaze back to you, once again giving you a questioning look. “why didn’t you come home? why would you stay at someone else’s place? baby, you’re my wife. what would other people say?”
younghoon slotted himself between the two of you. clearing his throat, he explained, “mr. jung, that was my fault. my father can be quite pushy, he insisted that mrs. jung must stay the night because he wanted her company and to talk. i’m sorry, i should’ve insisted on taking her home.”
“damn right you should’ve.” wooyoung spat, earning a slap on his chest from you. 
younghoon bowed slightly. “i’m sorry. i’ll make sure no one knows about this, and i’ll explain everything to hongjoong. if these words ever comes out i won’t hesitate to straighten things up and i certainly won’t let this ruin your or y/n’s reputations. once again, i’m sorry.” the man doesn’t even lift his head, bowing once again. “i’m sorry. excuse me.”
“hoon–“ you tried to call him but to no avail, as the man quickly got into his car and drove away. you watched in guilt as his black car went further. throwing a side eye at wooyoung, you detached yourself from him, grumbling as you walked away. he followed right behind you.
“i can’t believe you just did that!”
wooyoung scoffed. “am i not allowed to do that? you’re my wife, and your husband is questioning why were you staying the night at some other man’s house!”
stopping in your tracks, you turned back to glare at him. “i did nothing with younghoon, heck i even stayed at a different wing in his mansion!” you point your finger, “you were staying out last night as well! with your partner who, by the way is also a woman! did you see me complaining or accusing you of anything? no text no nothing, who knows what you did out there?”
…splayed on the bed half naked, with jiwoo and her loose robe, limbs tangled with each other underneath the sheets.
“how could you accuse me of cheating?we didn't do anything!”
“i didn’t even say the word. you put those in your own mouth.”
“i got injured, she was tired, both of our phones are dead, we had no choice but to stay out!”
“that’s exactly what happened to me! younghoon’s father wanted to speak, yes he’s a fucking pushover and that’s kinda annoying so i had no choice but to do as he says because he’s that important, but i did nothing other than talking.” you half shouted. “kim younghoon is an ally, woo. an important one right now. i’m not doing this for me, this whole thing is a business, but then you shouted at him, being completely unprofessional and irrational, i—“
you bit your lip, trying to held your emotions back. “if something goes wrong, hongjoong’s gonna be mad. i’m trying my best right now to gain his trust, to gain something for us, but y—“ you choked back your tears out of frustration, trying your best not to let out a single drop of it. 
seeing how you almost broke down lessen his anger. 
“you two, enough.” 
hongjoong’s voice blared through the whole hallway, making you both turned your heads. you quickly wiped a single tear, trying to compose yourself. 
hongjoong had his hands on his pocket, eyes icy as he stared down at the both of you.
“how many times do i have to tell you to keep your goddamn professionalism first in the business?” he gritted through his teeth. you and wooyoung could only stare at the floor beneath you. you heard a sigh coming out of hongjoong’s mouth.
“younghoon explained everything to me, even gave me a proof of y/n’s room. i know you’re angry, but you shouldn’t have shouted at him, woo. and y/n you should’ve known better than to stay at someone else’s place. the fuck is wrong with you two? i'm not even married but i at least know this.”
you and wooyoung could only turn away from hongjoong's gaze, clearly lost your faces.
he shook his head, opting to leave the problem behind. “make up later, however it is. now, you both clean after yourselves, especially you, y/n.” he pointed at you, “you have a lunch reservation with lee juyeon. i approved it for you. i’ll pick you up after for a meeting with stray kids.”
“she just came back from younghoon, now she has to go out with another man again?”
hongjoong only stared at him. “i said stay professional.” he said, before he turned back and walked away.
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there’s something sour left in his tongue.
he’s fully aware of the cause, he just couldn’t say it out loud. so he just sat there on the edge of the bed, watching as you prepare yourself.
the both of you talked and sort things out, explaining each problems while you changed his bandage for a fresher one. both of you talked about how it was unavoidable, things you’ve said before, just with cool heads.
but it still left something unpleasant.
you were stepping into a nice green dress, zipping it up. you strapped your heels, then fixed your makeup. a little blush here and there, your hand danced oh so delicately across your face, it would’ve make him all giddy if it wasn’t for the fact that you were about to go out with some other man.
you caught him staring at you from the vanity mirror, the hardness on his face was unmistakable. you sighed as you turned around, walking towards him. wooyoung turned his gaze to the floor, so you reached for his hands, cradling in it your own.
bringing his knuckles to your lips, you kissed it. “i know you’re upset.” you murmured. he stayed quiet, so you continued.
“i don’t know when will all of this stop. but remember the promise we made? hm?” you cradled his face. “i’ll do anything to keep us together and safe. because i love you, and i need you to understand that there’ll be no one other than you.” you pressed. 
“others don’t matter. just you.”
you looked at his lips, crouched down to give him a soft kiss. though a little unresponsive, he gave into the kiss. 
“i love you too.” he murmured into your lips.
the same words came from the both of your lips. the both of you truly are each other’s halves, in one heart, in one mind, in one act.
even when the same unpleasant feelings resides in both of your hearts, and you both refused to address it. 
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kim younghoon: i’m sorry about this morning.  y/n: it’s alright. i’m sorry my husband shouted at you. we’ve talked abt it tho kim younghoon: it’s okay. he did the right thing.  (typing…) (typing…) (typing…)  kim younghoon: he’s ur husband, i understand y/n: thank you kim younghoon: y/n y/n: yes? (typing…) (typing…) kim younghoon: we’re still up for tomorrow? y/n: yes. i’ll see u soon.
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“ah! if it’s not the rising star of ateez.” 
juyeon gleamed as soon as he saw you, smile so wide his eyes smiled with him. and to your surprise, he quickly reached for your hand, planting a kiss on your knuckles.
your husband, who escorted you there was right behind you with hongjoong. both of them were stunned at the sight.
but before anyone could say anything, juyeon excused himself, “i’m sorry mr. jung, i don’t mean anything bad. it’s just, i’m really happy to see y/n. i’ve never been so connected in conversations other than with her.” he grinned, “though, if she was available i’d definitely try my luck.”
he laughed, forcing everyone to laugh with him.
hongjoong spoke, “well, we understand. she’s pleasant to be with, perhaps that’s why our wooyoung loves her so.” he nudged wooyoung, “isn’t that right, woo?”
“yes.” he replied dryly, earning a glare and a squeeze on his shoulder. but he couldn't care less.
“well,” juyeon clasped his hand together, “we should go in. i’m starving, and i wish to have a good conversation today with y/n. if i may?”
juyeon offered his hand to you. glancing between juyeon and wooyoung, you have no choice but to take juyeon’s hand, careful in not looking too eager. you threw a guilty look at him.
while walking inside, you typed a quick text.
y/n: i’m sorry. i had no idea he’d do that, he never does y/n: i’m so sorry baby y/n: it doesn’t mean a thing to me
woo: it’s ok.  (typing…) (typing…) woo: come home whenever ur done.
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23.47 pm.
you glanced at your watch, sighing defeatedly. you definitely won’t be home as quick as you wanted today.
you already miss wooyoung. but you have to do this.
the alleyway was dark. the sound of your heels clicking against the pavement echoed in the air. the small restaurant was about to close, the light about to go off altogether. you lightly knocked on the door. “excuse me.” you called.
a buffed looking man came out from the kitchen, a knife on his hand. “we’re closing. what do you want?” he gruffly said.
“uhm, sorry,” you stuttered, “is mr. kim’s soju… no,” you quickly regained yourself.
“i want to talk to the soju maker himself, mr. kim. there’s this… old soju i’m looking for, which i don’t know the brand is.” 
the big man stood there for a while, processing your words. he went back to the kitchen, and you heard some murmurs before he came back outside, now smiling. “mr. kim is waiting for you in the kitchen.”
the man escorted you inside, through the messy wet kitchen up until a door. he knocked on the door, announcing your arrival. “come in.” a baritone voice responded. he opened the door, ushering you to come in, before closing the door.
an old man sat on his study, his white hair tousled and a pair of glasses sat on top of his nose. his weary eyes studied your form.
“it’s been a while since someone used that code. soju maker…” he chuckled. “people usually looks for fresher soju, something done, but now you’re looking for something older. tell me, what are you looking for miss?”
he pointed the chair across him, signaling you to take a seat. putting aside your handbag, you took a seat. there’s a beat of silence, before you let your voice out.
“it’s a who, sir.” you said, before continuing.
“i’m looking for seo rim.”
(to be continued)
damnnnn 8 months. i have no words for myself fr😩🤚
i hope y guys still enjoy this. i feel like i should add more things, but i’m afraid it’ll make the whole thing stale ykwim
but we’re getting CLOSER and CLOSER to the main problem, aka the timeline when y/n got shot (mafia!woo y/n caught in the crossfire), which is the very first fic that started this all
anyways. TOODLES. enjoy
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