#words and artwork by sergioguyman proust
sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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I called this the pancake shaped UFO. Sighted in 1990 in Sedona,floating slowly over a cloudy skies.Seen by many folks, psychologists suggested it might have been a mass hallucination.They even suggested a meteorological phenomenon caused by light refraction compared to a rainbow effect.The funny thing none of them were willing to put their name and reputation over this sighting.The passing of this craft over the city lasted about 10 minutes.One more for the ufology book.Words And ufoart by Sergio GuymanProust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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To travel through space advanced souls use its own vessel called a Merkaba.This Hebrew word means the body ,the spirit and the light.Every soul has one but the awareness is made clear to those that seek enlightenment and freedom to move from one realm to another using this so called “chariot”.The more we seek to understand its properties ,the deeper we enter the esoteric meanings of these sacred and secret symbols in the study of the Kabbalah.I have substituted the center triangle for an auric egg which encloses the meaning of birth in a spiritual sense.Seek for yourself.Words and artwork by Sergio GuymanProust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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Exploring our mythology,our understanding of regurgitated ideas from past civilizations. Here’s the all seeing eye ,to many this is the one god out of many ,who is forever watching us humanity this amalgamation of civilizations. This creator of creators ,but we really don’t know this god among other gods and goddesses. This eye ,all knowing claims the church.A bastion of corruption and lies.This eye that appears to be in control of us.A symbol of the Egyptians,the Masons,the many secret societies that have given us so much pain ,elitism ,and hundreds of other psychological ills.This all seeing eye.Irrelevant to many who understood long ago that it was just another tool in the arsenal of mind control of the masses.The Sumerians,the Babylonians,the Egyptians,the Greeks,the Romans,and who knows countless civilizations before all of them.We are indeed the sons and daughters of their kind. None of them holy ,just as mammals as we are.Nothing more ,nothing less. Awake and see for yourself. Words and artwork by SergioGuyman Proust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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As we explore our so called reality ,we come to find out that we live in a holographic matrix that it isn’t perfect ,that has serious glitches,that those of us who travel outside our shells can detect.As above so below!Meaning what happens in higher realms of existence,so it does in realms below our existence.We shamans often see this reflected in our civilization.What we experience as living breathing reincarnations is as valid as the next life.We never die.We simply move on.Time does not exist ,it is indeed a big all now.As above so below. Whether we comprehend or not why we are here ,worry not ,for you will repeat the same mistakes until you awake and be able to move on.Well ,not mistakes but lessons to assimilate.in order to grow spiritually. As a shaman I’m free to travel and meet souls that are more advanced than I or souls that are behind my experiences.Each of us must go at it alone.I can offer guidance but the journey you must cover. This symbol is as ancient as humanity. Whenever you come across it,it is a reminder of our duality.Meditate on this.Words and artwork by Sergio GuymanProust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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Forget about disclosure! We don’t need it ,they have been coming from time immemorial,there’s plenty of proof of them and their mark.To pretend the government and their military have the truth and only they can release what we already know.Already hundreds of whistleblowers have come forth through the years and exposed the truth,some with dire consequences but others allowed to live to spread pieces of this phenomena. Every one of those abducted by extraterrestrials know so much more than those politicians and presidents and those agents from all those agencies put together constantly lying and fabricating misinformation for the masses.We already know so much ,the disclosure project is just that another project from the government to distract us from the truth.Extraterrestrial will continue to land wherever they want and take what they need for their agendas regardless of governments interference. They are here and that’s a fact .We must stop believing our government has the final answer ,because they don’t!They are as human hybrids as we are and prone to commit acts of destruction to save themselves but not the masses. Silly to think that only they can communicate and deal with our galactic brothers and sisters. Awake once and for all and remember we are just one civilization out of hundreds that have lived and gone extinct ,we are indeed in the same path and no government can deny it. We know it,I know it .Words by Sergio GuymanProust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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In many cases when aUFO changes shape witnesses have seen hundreds of light spheres in different sizes that coalesce into a solid shape that can shrink or become a larger shape and speed up and fly away ,or begin to bob up and down and in some cases land.We have so many detailed patterns of flight by these crafts but these are just pieces of this galactic transport phenomena.Could it be just holograms that move between matrixes giving us the illusion of solid crafts?Well, I’m thinking of remote viewing some of these galactic factories where these crafts are put together,assemble,manufactured or however you wish to call it.I read somewhere that the Pentagon and the CIA dropped this project and went public about it but I can’t believe it.Lies,lies and more lies coming from these people working under secret oaths. Well, thanks for reading my rumbling.Words and artwork by Sergio GuymanProust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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Many of our ancestors came from the stars,this our Native American brothers and sisters have known for ages.But ancient knowledge has been hidden from us because we were not ready to assimilate these truths.We have led to believe that white races are superior and any other colors inferior,this being the biggest lie perpetrated to rule over the earth,without a heart.Now we know better but the healing must be done from within not from the ego and superficial mind that has led us to the very edge of the abyss.We need to come together as one race to advance into space .Extraterrestrial have been with us since time immemorial and we have destroyed them ,failing to understand that they will continue to come regardless our savage nature. Think none of the forms of government,religious dogma have been able to save us from annihilating ourselves.We continue to March straight into ww3 and it is pure madness.We are not an intelligent race ,no we are not ,we are truly a warmongering species that is pulling the plug right now.But a new species is ready to take our place !They sit in orbit awaiting a new Holocaust.These days we must enjoy here temporarily,for we are indeed souls in transition.Seek your truth and be kind to others.Because from here after we pass away we will move to repopulate an earth three times bigger than this one.This is indeed just a training exercise in settling into a new reality but not everyone will move there until learning the truth that warmongering is not the way to go or be.Blessings.words and artwork by Sergio GuymanProust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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The more we meditate on a Merkaba,the more we see our true construct.We are indeed Holographic beings with an immortal soul.Body,light and soul.It is indeed a chariot that can takes us past this earthly coil to other spiritual dimensions .There is much to be found once we realize our true identity,our true nature.The more we draw this sacred geometric shape,the more we will feel the inner magnetic power of us.Words and artwork by Sergio GuymanProust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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When we travel to a parallel dimension the more light we carry ,the safer the passage if visiting for the first time.As we repeat the journey the easier it will become,risks are always present but as long as your purpose is clear the less the unbalance circumstances you will encounter.Each journey must have an option to bailout if you encounter an entity that means harm .It might be just a test but if you feel not ready go back and train until you are ready .Shamans,are often misinterpreted by souls of a lesser vibrations.Create your shield with as much light as you can then set out to test it.There are many types of shamans,some willing to offer guidance while others won’t help a soul.As you grow you will decide where your powers will reside. In the meantime begin to manifest your light and shield.It will serve you immensely on your day to day healing and spiritual growth.Words and artwork by Sergio GuymanProust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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We acquire knowledge through study and practice of ancient cultures and their beliefs.We have been at it for centuries,but till this very day we can’t duplicate their feats of engineering.Perhaps because we have been so intent in hiding the truth that we have come to believe our archeologists lies and deceit as truth and chose not to share their technologies or we are not as intelligent as they were.The closer we get to the truth about the pyramids,someone in charge decides to bury the keys of those ancient engineers.How many different theories and false conclusions we must endure? This is why humanity has such difficulty in reaching conclusions .Billions spent in egos and reputations only to send us back to square one.Well, even the Egyptians have done it as well, for they did have some assistance from other bipedal races more advanced than them.We have gotten stuck somehow by our own set of rules,and mistakes and fail to recognize them letting years go by and not correcting them.Well, enough rumbling.We are finding out that this planet has pyramids buried that are much older than the Egyptians ones,as I said before there are so many civilizations that we know nothing of ,that have built similar structures with a much advanced technology that perhaps left this planet thousands of years ago.We already know that earth is much too active to build permanent structures,you know floods ,volcano eruptions ,tsunamis ,plate faults,etc. That is reason enough to leave this blue marble and go in search of a more stable planet. Words and artwork by Sergio GuymanProust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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The cosmic egg is more than just a symbol of fertility ,the very beginning of life ,the very soul in its essence.The casing that protects our DNA sequence,yes,the egg with many version,like the auric egg,the golden egg,the holographic egg,the egg as a shield of protection against psychic attacks,the egg as an absorber of dark energies,the egg as the life source.Well,we shamans see it as the beginning of our universe. Words and artwork by Sergio GuymanProust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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Our birthright is written in the star constellations within the Milky Way but also outside our galaxy.Why is it so hard to believe that many civilizations past used the stars to navigate our oceans? Why?Our race has always been aided by extraterrestrial civilizations that has transmitted their knowledge to those who were ready to listen and guide their tribes through seas of sand and waters.Knowledge has always been available ,always ! The sad truth is that religions,kingdoms ,politicians and those in power choose to steal and prohibit the transmission of such celestial knowledge. We have as a race been lied and brainwashed but,the truth has always find a way out and it will always win the day.Words and artwork by Sergio GuymanProust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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Spy probes of an extraterrestrial origin have been coming to this planet for millennia,but since the very beginning of our space program NASA and the Pentagon have kept it secret after every mission and probes sent to investigate in our orbits and the moon as well.We are all aware of the black night probe that has been in orbit for ages as well as 14 other similar craft currently in orbit believe to be of the same origin.This particular one looking like a sea urchin has been with us for many years of an unknown origin no country has ever claimed to be the creator ,so naturally we assume it to be of an extraterrestrial origin.We only hear from our government the same old story that being these crafts being space debris from previous attempts to put in orbits ,old and discontinued rockets and satellites that never burned in reentry.Lies and more lies ,to cover up their ignorance and fear of approaching such probes.Hundreds of attempts failed after being warned by galactic forces .As of the end of last year ,the Pentagon put out reports claiming that to this very day they have no idea what this renamed UAP phenomena really is. As I sip my brandy by the fire ,I can’t help chuckle of such obscene and pervasive nature of those hybrid humans running the show.They do believe we are all sheep.But the reality is that millions of us know better than to believe their smoke and mirrors charade.It is pathetic and sad to see their agents running like chickens with no head collecting greys and their saucers,threatening like mafia cartels those witnesses in the name of national security even when they are in Brazil,France,and other countries and continents that they have no jurisdiction whatsoever.Sad indeed. Well,enough said.Do your homework and see for yourself .Words and ufo artwork by SergioGuyman Proust.
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