#words and ufoart. by sergioguyman proust.
sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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Spy probes of an extraterrestrial origin have been coming to this planet for millennia,but since the very beginning of our space program NASA and the Pentagon have kept it secret after every mission and probes sent to investigate in our orbits and the moon as well.We are all aware of the black night probe that has been in orbit for ages as well as 14 other similar craft currently in orbit believe to be of the same origin.This particular one looking like a sea urchin has been with us for many years of an unknown origin no country has ever claimed to be the creator ,so naturally we assume it to be of an extraterrestrial origin.We only hear from our government the same old story that being these crafts being space debris from previous attempts to put in orbits ,old and discontinued rockets and satellites that never burned in reentry.Lies and more lies ,to cover up their ignorance and fear of approaching such probes.Hundreds of attempts failed after being warned by galactic forces .As of the end of last year ,the Pentagon put out reports claiming that to this very day they have no idea what this renamed UAP phenomena really is. As I sip my brandy by the fire ,I can’t help chuckle of such obscene and pervasive nature of those hybrid humans running the show.They do believe we are all sheep.But the reality is that millions of us know better than to believe their smoke and mirrors charade.It is pathetic and sad to see their agents running like chickens with no head collecting greys and their saucers,threatening like mafia cartels those witnesses in the name of national security even when they are in Brazil,France,and other countries and continents that they have no jurisdiction whatsoever.Sad indeed. Well,enough said.Do your homework and see for yourself .Words and ufo artwork by SergioGuyman Proust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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It landed on the Sonora desert for 10 solid minutes,lights blinking,with a slight buzzing sound,the front Venetian blind door slid and two beings stepped out.The report read,they brought out a metallic looking box and it sunk into the sand ,they went back inside and took off up about 300feet and stopped then in a flash they vanish.They were 4 feet tall.Grey with bulbous head,wearing silver suits and boots.Big almond eyes ,two tiny nostrils and small slit for mouth.It happened in1965.The report was printed and hidden in the archives of a local gazette.The miner that reported the sighting was never seen again. Your typical sighting out of hundreds filed under desert encounters.Words and ufo art by SergioGuyman Proust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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They are here,and no human can deny it anymore! Regardless of your belief system.Enough of relaying in your government ,religion, sect,or any world space agency.THEY ARE HERE! Enough of fooling ourselves and the need of proof ,we are so shallow,we are still sending signals and probes in the hope of an intelligent race far more advanced than us to reply. This all pure smoke to justify the spending and distracting the sheep from awaking .The ones in charge have full control of this experiment. As the many civilizations that came before us.We must awake and remember we were never alone.We can barely scratch the surface and find hints of prior civilizations ,our dates have been forged ,twisted ,we know nothing of the magnificent races that came before us. We are in line to an extinction event ,and a new race will take our place . We are indeed shallow beings repeating the same mistakes over and over again ,governments are an utterly failure, and we know it.Borders only create enemies ,wars ,and famine . We fail to understand the truth ,we are but one race ,we act as if extraterrestrial are not real,because we live in fear ,FEAR IS OUR DEMISE.Awake .Words and artwork by SGP.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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I called this the pancake shaped UFO. Sighted in 1990 in Sedona,floating slowly over a cloudy skies.Seen by many folks, psychologists suggested it might have been a mass hallucination.They even suggested a meteorological phenomenon caused by light refraction compared to a rainbow effect.The funny thing none of them were willing to put their name and reputation over this sighting.The passing of this craft over the city lasted about 10 minutes.One more for the ufology book.Words And ufoart by Sergio GuymanProust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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In many cases when aUFO changes shape witnesses have seen hundreds of light spheres in different sizes that coalesce into a solid shape that can shrink or become a larger shape and speed up and fly away ,or begin to bob up and down and in some cases land.We have so many detailed patterns of flight by these crafts but these are just pieces of this galactic transport phenomena.Could it be just holograms that move between matrixes giving us the illusion of solid crafts?Well, I’m thinking of remote viewing some of these galactic factories where these crafts are put together,assemble,manufactured or however you wish to call it.I read somewhere that the Pentagon and the CIA dropped this project and went public about it but I can’t believe it.Lies,lies and more lies coming from these people working under secret oaths. Well, thanks for reading my rumbling.Words and artwork by Sergio GuymanProust.
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sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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