#words cannot describe how grateful I am to canon Felix for not being in love with someone
twin-books · 2 years
👀Canon ML Felix
Firstly, thank you, anon, for the ask. I very much appreciate it. <3 Alright, now... Boy, do I have opinions on this gremlin. Let's just make one thing clear here... I love him. Now that, that's out of the way, let's talk about him for reals; I actually quite enjoyed his introduction (besides the sexual assault thing which I am still very mad about). I thought he was pretty fun. Then when season 4 hit... this kid is literally the only character I care about now. I wish I was exaggerating. He's got more nuance than Gabriel, more intrigue than Adrien, and is way more fun to watch than Marinette. I'm sorry, that's my opinion. But the thing is, I don't trust the ml team for a second. Especially with Astruc's very high and mighty tweet about canon Felix where he's all like, "So... do we like Felix now?" Why don't I trust them? Oh simple, really. Astruc relentlessly teased and bullied PV fans for the "crime" of liking the concepts and for daring to like "the worst protagonist to never exist", Felix. Then proceeded to add Felix to the canon show but purposely make him suck to "prove" how bad he was and then goes and suddenly turns that around for no real reason. So I got a theory... You know what happened with Chloe? That's going to happen with Felix. I'm betting you. Maybe faster, maybe slower, but I refuse to let go of this belief. I refuse to be surprisingly crushed yet again by these people who think it's funny to make fun of PV fans. He also clearly still doesn't like Felix if you saw his recent tweet where he retweeted clear PV fanart but acted like the Felix in it was the canon Felix and said "Kick him where it hurts, Marinette!". (Btw, what a freaking jerk move. I am trying to be nicer to this man but this tweet really ticked me off, especially since I follow the artist of that image and they're a sweetheart). Guess what happens to characters Astruc very clearly doesn't like? Miracle Queen. Miracle Queen happens. It also doesn't help that his whole "Do we like Felix now" thing sounds eerily similar to him riding on the hopes and dreams of Chloe lovers while still subtly bullying them until Miracle Queen came around and all subtly was thrown out the window. I don't care if he won't be involved as much anymore. I don't trust that for a second. But regardless, when that does happen (and I will be pleasantly surprised if this somehow doesn't happen), I will try to still love the gremlin because he's got more personality than the two leads combined. You have no idea how refreshing it is to not have a character who is obsessed with someone romantically. Literally every main character has someone they are obsessed with (Chloe no longer counts since she is no longer important) besides, sort of, Alya. Like yeah, she loves Nino but she isn't obsessive. Unlike her best friend and her boyfriend and his best friend and his best friend's dad and his best friend's teacher/guardian/assistant. But she's still all about romance (clearly with how she won't stop helping Marinette with Adrien). Felix just wants to screw Gabe over and steal jewelry. That is so freaking refreshing. I am so tired of this show's awful romance. Like, please Felix, screw things up. Just don't fall in love or you'll be like the rest of them. Also, he's cool. This boy has had more badass moments in his only 3 episodes than most every miraculous hero that isn't Ladybug, Rena Rouge, and Chat Noir. He's so fun to watch because he's completely unpredictable (like I mean, his motives are, kind of, and the writing but not what he's going to do exactly). Man, it's so nice to have something that isn't so freaking predictable. Let's not forget that this boy has done more to change the status quo than the two freaking leads. It's still not a lot but ain't it freaking sad he's only had 3 episodes so far and somehow he's contributed more progress to the plot than Ladynoir? I am also convinced he meant his apology in the episode, Felix, and I'm convinced he does care for Adrien at least a little bit. And even if the show proves me wrong I won't care because I rejected canon years ago, okay?
Make no mistake, I know Strike Back will be awful and will probably do it's best to make Felix suck... but I'm watching it anyway purely for Felix. I also kind of fell in love with Dog!Felix's design and I just love him. I love him a lot. Also, even if ya hate canon Felix at least we can all agree that him screwing Gabe over constantly is endlessly entertaining. Like, I could watch that nonstop. To sum it up; I love him but I don't trust the writers with him at all considering what they did to every character I had the nerve to like. But I'm looking forward to seeing more of my gremlin. 10/10 for Adrien's equivalent to Shadow the Hedgehog. Thanks again for the lovely ask and I hope you're having a wonderful day, afternoon, evening, night, or whatever time it is where you are, anon. <3 Send Me a Miraculous Character
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