#worgen gin meets worgen gatz
drunkenworgen · 3 years
Closed starter for @time-lost-exiles with Gin and Gatz, after she's managed to retrieve him from the witch's cabin who enslaved his mind.
Firelight flickered off the cave walls she’d taken shelter in from the rain, now pouring down just outside the entrance. The worgen she’d been hired to track down lay on the other side of the fire, still seemingly unconscious, but bound nonetheless. He’d put up a fel of a fight, and Gin was not about to repeat that this soon.
“Who are ya,” she’d mutter, half-hidden in the shadows just outside the warmth of the fire. Sapphire eyes glowed dimly in the dark of the cave as she watched the other’s still form, ears turned to pick up any change in his breathing - she’d had to use an unusually strong dose of her sleeping serum to get him down.
“Y’smell familiar, an’ ah canno’ ‘elp bu’ t’think ah’e seen tha’ muzzle somewhere afore,” she continued talking to herself as she nursed her own wounds, stitching up the larger cuts the best that she could. Anything not covered by armor (and some things that were) had multiple gashes from the male’s claws, and her armor bore scratches from both his teeth and claws. Her head tilted to the side as he began to stir, hand resting on her poison pouch lightly.
“Could jus’ be some ol’ worgen ah’ve met in passin’, ah s’pose. Maybe inna market or tavern or summat.” Her tongue ran over a long canine as he rolled towards her. “Are y’ feral or jus’...bewitched…” Her voice trailed off as his eyes opened, struck by the familiar look in his eye.
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drunkenworgen · 7 years
(So, while I was rewriting Gin’s backstory, I remembered a drabble @brashtide-menace had written for our characters a while back, and ended up writing some AU and MU.  And it resulted in this.  Please to enjoy.)
“Ah’ll be fine… ‘m always fine.  Now jus’ go!”  With a final push towards another guard, Gin grabbed Tobias’ arm as she ran towards the tavern, she was going to make it right if it was the last thing she did.“Ah’ll be fine… ‘m always fine.  Now jus’ go!”  With a final push towards another guard, Gin grabbed Tobias’ arm as she ran towards the tavern, she was going to make it right if it was the last thing she did.
The last prisoner was a man named Gaspar, and an experiment.  Aranas had referred to him as a “half-worg;” and he currently had the fully worgen Gin up against the wall and by the throat.  Tobias had made a move towards his friend, resulting in the others holding him back.  “ ‘Cause,” she choked out, her claws digging into his hand.  “ ‘S no’...righ’.”
“You seemed to have no issue with it when they brought us down here,” the man growled, his grip tightening on her throat.
“Plenty - issues...p-please.  I-I’m s-s-sorry.”  Gin continued clawing at his hands, attempting to get him off her throat and out of the crumbling countryside.
“Th’ground is crumblin’ beneath our feet!”  Tobias shouted, a loud rumble sounding as if on cue.
With a snarl, the man released his grip on her, Gin dropping to the ground and sucking in a few breaths as he turned away from her.  “Fine,” he snarled, looking down at the woman first and then towards the exit.  “Well, come on, then.  Let’s move.”
Tobias shouldered past him, helping Gin to her feet before they ran out after the others.  Parts of Duskhaven had already been claimed by the sea as it crumbled, Forsaken and Gilneans alike being dragged under the surface by the current.  Those afflicted by the worgen curse dropped to all fours instinctively as they ran, panting and trying to make it to higher ground.
She skidded to a stop as everyone scrambled up the hillside, tongue lolling out as she panted heavily.  Those that had evacuated earlier were tiny specks in the distance, making their way to the relative safety of the Manor.  They’d broken the prisoners - the men - out against direct orders.  If they came up with the guards, Greymane would order them back in chains, and Tobias and Gin would be right with them.
The major’s ears laid back, and a low whine escaped her throat, betraying her annoyance.  Greymane appeared to be taking the refugees around Gilneas City, which made sense.  The road directly from the Manor to the city had fallen, and the only other options were through Tempest’s Reach or over the mountains directly to the north.
“Take this,” she pulled out a map of Gilneas, the secret passages used by the rebels marked on it.  “If all roads’re still intact, yeh’ll be able t’get out relativley easily...markin’s are secret passageways.”
“Why are you doing this?”
Gin paused, sapphire eyes meeting those of the man that had threatened her earlier.  “ ‘Cause ‘s no’ righ’, an’ ah shoulda done somethin’ ‘bout it a while ago.”  With the map, she’d hand him one of her daggers, the blade etched with a design of roses and lanterns.  “ ‘M sorry.  ‘M so sorry.”  She held his gaze for a few more moments before feeling Tobi’s hand on her arm, pulling her away.  “Go.”
Gatz frowned as the two guards ran off, towards the Manor, the rest of the prisoners looking to him now.
“What do we do?”
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drunkenworgen · 7 years
Send 💞 to ask Mun their Shipping Properties! They will answer all below!
Under the cut because long post.
What’s your OTP for your Muse?:Gin and Terrick will forever be my OTP for Gin.  While I love her other ships as well, GinxTerrick is her only healthy ship.
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?:Pretty much anything.  I love angst, I love fluff, I love writing Gin and her partner goofing off, and I don’t mind smut; but I don’t ship for the sake of smut.  I enjoy the little quiet moments with her partners the most.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?:OOCly, all my shipping partners need to be over 18.  ICly, any potential partner for Gin would have to be 18 (or for older races - the age they become a legal adult).  However, Gin typically has a preference for older men, or women around her age; though there have been exceptions.  Her current ships have age gaps of 16 years (Terrick - Gilnean worgen, 46); 18 years (Gatz - Tirasian worgen, 48); and 154 years (Seaandra - Sin’dorei death knight, 184).
Are you selective when shipping?:Yes.  There has to be some kind of chemistry.  While I don’t mind speculation or joking around, if I’m going to ship Gin with someone, there has to be chemistry or I won’t be able put the appropriate amount of interest in said ship.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?:Honestly, for the sake of this blog, if anything goes past simple kissing (things that would not be frowned upon in public), I start tagging it as NSFW and/or move it to the sin blog/private.  Why?  I’m aware there are a few underage RPers that follow me (which is fine); and even if you aren’t underage, you may check your Tumblr at work and not want to see that.  Explicitly, I suppose it would just be when it’s obvious that things are getting a little too steamy for the public eye.
Who are other Muses you ship your Muse with?:Canon: Terrick ( @terrick-ebonsteed )AU: Gatz ( @brashtide-menace )AU: Seaandra ( @unholysunblade )
Does one have to ask to ship with you?:Again, there has to be chemistry.  While there were different circumstances for all her ships starting, there was chemistry and OOC discussion for each of them.
How often do you like to ship?:Honestly, just whenever.  I enjoy my ships, but I also realize muses have lives outside of their relationships.  Which also means I’m willing to write Gin with her partners in non-shippy situations.
Are you multiship?:Selectively.  And all ships are in their own canon.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?:Eh, more or less.
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?:Like…one of mine, a canon one in game, someone else’s or…?  Canon, I guess Genn and Mia Greymane, even if Blizz just…ignored her after Cata.  I enjoy all my followers’ ships, whether they’re OCxCanon or OCxOC.
Finally, how does one ship with you?:Both mun and muse have to be over 18, show some interest, speak to me OOCly to arrange a way for the muses to meet and have their relationship develop organically, and be okay with me sending you/tagging you in random shippy things.
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