drunkenworgen · 2 years
Incorrect Quotes: Gin/Gatz/Jameson
Using this generator - (always accepting, I love these)
Jameson: Are you the big spoon or the little spoon? Gin: I'm a knife. Gatz, from across the room: She's the little spoon.
Shop Worker: Would Ms. Gin please come to the front desk? Gin, arriving at the desk: Hello, is there a problem? Shop Worker: *points to Gatz and Jameson* Shop Worker: I believe they belong to you? Gatz and Jameson, simultaneously: We got lost. Gin: I didn’t even bring you guys here with me-
Jameson: Who thinks I can fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth? Gatz: You’re a hazard to society. Gin: And a coward. DO TWENTY.
Jameson: If I accidentally sat on a voodoo doll of myself, would I be trapped forever in that position, doomed to starve to death? Gatz: How am I supposed to know? Gin: You say as if we don’t use you as a source of knowledge of the occult. Gatz: *sighs* Gatz: You wouldn't be trapped.
Jameson, holding a python: Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him? Gatz: You did WHAT– Gin: William Snakepeare.
( @time-lost-exiles ) (Gin and Gatz, greatest parents ever.)
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worginarts · 3 years
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Gin and Gatz
Did a redraw of a sweet RP moment between Gin and Gatz. Because a murderous pirate and a murderous mercenary are sweet together. Or something. ( @time-lost-exiles )
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drunkenworgen · 3 years
The name was gifted or possibly borrowed. He never knew the people who gave it to him, but he still felt...oddly attached to it. It was a strong name, a good name. Jameson was the name of your best friend you’d tell all your secrets to, the friend you’d trust with your life. A noble name.
But then there was his surname. One that was thrust upon him at the orphanage he’d grown up in and eventually aged out of. “Smith.” What a boring, predictable name. Smiths get lost in the crowd, they don’t stand out. He never liked the name “Smith.”
Jameson Smith was a young man with deep brown eyes and a mop of curly hair to match, of unknown parentage. Well...unknown to him. Surely someone knew who his parents were. When he was younger, he liked to think that they had passed fighting in the war against the demons. Or maybe fighting crime. Not like the guards that patrolled the streets, but like the masked crusaders in the comic books that he used to read. Those were the dreams of a more innocent nature.
Now, however, the man with the noble yet predictable name was proving to the world that names and looks could be deceiving as he made his way through the city streets. He’d set up a small table with cards or cups to lure in the passersby, awing them with his skill, while tendrils of Shadow would relieve the citizens of the gold coins or jewelry. Not enough to notice, he’d made that mistake when he was first on his own. The holding cells were damp and unpleasant, though the rats did make for excellent runners. The City Guard was still unaware of how he’d gotten their keys that night.
He was no nobleman, or mage, or artisan of some rare skill. He was simply “Jameson Smith,” and your guess about him was as good as his.
( @time-lost-exiles )
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drunkenworgen · 3 years
Closed starter for @time-lost-exiles with Gin and Gatz, after she's managed to retrieve him from the witch's cabin who enslaved his mind.
Firelight flickered off the cave walls she’d taken shelter in from the rain, now pouring down just outside the entrance. The worgen she’d been hired to track down lay on the other side of the fire, still seemingly unconscious, but bound nonetheless. He’d put up a fel of a fight, and Gin was not about to repeat that this soon.
“Who are ya,” she’d mutter, half-hidden in the shadows just outside the warmth of the fire. Sapphire eyes glowed dimly in the dark of the cave as she watched the other’s still form, ears turned to pick up any change in his breathing - she’d had to use an unusually strong dose of her sleeping serum to get him down.
“Y’smell familiar, an’ ah canno’ ‘elp bu’ t’think ah’e seen tha’ muzzle somewhere afore,” she continued talking to herself as she nursed her own wounds, stitching up the larger cuts the best that she could. Anything not covered by armor (and some things that were) had multiple gashes from the male’s claws, and her armor bore scratches from both his teeth and claws. Her head tilted to the side as he began to stir, hand resting on her poison pouch lightly.
“Could jus’ be some ol’ worgen ah’ve met in passin’, ah s’pose. Maybe inna market or tavern or summat.” Her tongue ran over a long canine as he rolled towards her. “Are y’ feral or jus’...bewitched…” Her voice trailed off as his eyes opened, struck by the familiar look in his eye.
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drunkenworgen · 6 years
Gin is definitely the type of person to just straight up lick her partner.  Not even in worgen form.  They’re just chilling and Gin just friggin’...licks ‘em.  It’s normal.  They’re used to it.
( @terrick-ebonsteed, @time-lost-exiles )
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drunkenworgen · 6 years
Gin's honest opinion about Gatz. (Uh oh)
Send 😘 for my muse’s honest opinion about your muse
(Accepting!  Mun’s opinion is 10/10, great muse, I love them all.)
Them as a person: Gin shrugs.  “ ‘E’s a lil’ rough ‘round th’edges, bu’ ‘at’s jus’ th’way ah like ‘em.  We’ve both done some shite, who am ah t’judge?”
Level of attractiveness: “Love, ‘f ah wusn’ attracted t’im, ah woulda never gone fer ‘im in th’firs’ place.  Suffice it t’say, ‘s very ‘igh.  Like on a scale o’ one t’ten ah’d hafta say ‘bout an eight an’ a ‘alf or so.  Maybe a seven.”  Gin looked around for a moment.  “Righ’ fine, seven on a bad day, an’ we would ‘ave t’ave gotten inta another shoutin’ match or summat.”
What annoys them most: “When ‘e calls me Ginny!”  The comment was shouted towards the captain’s back as he walked away.  “Fuckin’ ‘ate tha’ name.  An’ also when ‘e tries t’ide shit from me.  Think ‘e fergets ah wus primarily ‘ired fer information gatherin’.”
What they like the most: Gin took a moment to think.  “ ‘E can be surprisin’ly sweet when we’re alone.  Ah don’ feel like ah’ve gotta try too much ‘round ‘im.  Tha’ accent doesn’ ‘urt, either.”
What they’d do if they were locked in a closet together for 4 hours: A slow, stupid grin crept across her face.  “Nothin’ we ‘aven’ already done.  Prob’ly argue a bit, bu’ tha’s also no’ uncommon.”
Overall opinion: “We ‘ad a…bit of an interestin’ start t’say th’leas’.  By all accounts, we should ‘ate each other, bu’ ah’ve found ah feel quite th’opposite.  Fell in love with th’bastard.”
Rating: “Ah’ll give ‘im an overall seven.  ‘Cause ‘e knows ‘ow t’get under m’skin an’ exactly which buttons t’push an’ ‘m runnin’ outta pens t’throw at ‘im.”
( @time-lost-exiles )
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drunkenworgen · 3 years
I watched Devil’s Carnival the other night again, and this song just screams GinxGatz. Also I just love this song. And this movie. And Terrance Zdunich.
( @time-lost-exiles )
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drunkenworgen · 6 years
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Gin, pointing at the scariest looking man in the room that’s about twice her age and could kill her in seven different ways without trying: “ ‘Im, ah wan’ ‘im.”
Also, Gin, seeing any woman walk past her: “ ‘M very gay.”
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drunkenworgen · 6 years
( @time-lost-exiles / @brashtide-menace )
A song for the beginning of Gin and Gatz’s relationship?
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drunkenworgen · 7 years
I am littered with sᴄᴀʀs.
With ᴛᴇᴀʀs, ʀᴇɢʀᴇᴛ, and sʜᴀᴍᴇ.
But, ʏᴏᴜ - 𝔏𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 - ʏᴏᴜ.
ʏᴏᴜ touched my sᴄᴀʀs without fear.
Wiped away the ᴛᴇᴀʀs, the sʜᴀᴍᴇ.
(Made me feel human again...)
I am still ᴀsʜᴀᴍᴇᴅ of myself, my past.
But ʏᴏᴜ...
I will never be ᴀsʜᴀᴍᴇᴅ of loving ʏᴏᴜ.
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drunkenworgen · 7 years
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( @brashtide-menace )
A 100% in character conversation between Gatz and Gin brought to you by Miss Congeniality.
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drunkenworgen · 7 years
Similar: Three members of the same sex they find attractive. Different: Three members of the opposite sex they find attractiv
My Character Must Confess in Threes
“There’s an…elven woman ah know.  Ah’ve no’ seen ‘er in a long while, bu’,” she trailed off, looking back down at her work. ( @unholysunblade; AU)
“Kiya.  An’ she knows.  She enjoys exploitin’ ‘at lil’ fact.”  ( @kiyastrasza; AU, MU, and everything in between)
“ ‘At Wieda’s quite attractive, as well.  Shame we didn’ meet sooner.”  ( @wiedaashcroft; MU)
“Terrick, o’course.  Those blood red eyes an’ dashin’ charm o’ ‘is.  Makes me weak in th’knees.”  ( @terrick-ebonsteed; MU)
“Gatz - while ‘e can be a bit of an arse - is dashin’.  Ah’ve grown rather fond o’ ‘im over our time t’gether,” her voice trailed off as she toyed with the beads in her hair.  ( @brashtide-menace; AU)
Gin takes a moment to think, swirling her whiskey around in her glass.  “There’s a ‘igh elf ah know, named Anierous.  ‘E’s quite pleasin’ t’look at.” ( @anierous-sunblade; for your high elf AU)
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drunkenworgen · 7 years
But mama I'm in love with a criminal And this type of love isn't rational, it's physical Mama please don't cry, I will be alright All reason aside I just can't deny, I love the guy
( @brashtide-menace )
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drunkenworgen · 7 years
I was bored earlier and amused myself with the thought of Gin trying to introduce her partners to her parents (if they weren’t dead/shitty):
Terrick would cause John to start arguing with Gin about the age gap, but he would surprisingly earn the instant approval of Minerva simply for being male and Gilnean.  John would eventually shut up upon learning that Terrick is Gilnean nobility, and turn to complete mush at the sight of his grandchildren, his face lighting up upon learning that they named their son after him. ( @terrick-ebonsteed )
Gatz would be greeted with a very loud “wasn’t he a prisoner of Gilneas” from Minerva, Gin responding to her with an even louder “MUM!”  John would start arguing with Gin about the age difference, eventually ending in an exasperated Gin throwing her hands up, grabbing Gatz by the arm, and storming out. ( @brashtide-menace )
Seaa would probably be greeted with uncomfortable laughter, Gin being pulled off to the side.  There would be mention of “Gin, she’s Sin’dorei...and undead,” and Gin would just reply with “no shit.”  Minerva would be mostly uncomfortable with the fact that Seaandra is a woman, John would eventually warm up to her and start telling her dumb jokes and pulling out Gin’s baby pictures.  Gin would frantically start trying to set them on fire. ( @unholysunblade )
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drunkenworgen · 7 years
Ship prompt: Gin/Gatz
Send me a ship and I’ll do the thing:
The ship is: one of my favorites, filled with angst.I’ve enjoyed watching it grow from simply a crack ship, friends with benefits situation, to something a bit more special.
I consider this ship’s feelings: Mutual | Mixed | Strange | Awkward | Platonic | Sibling-like | One-sided | They don’t really like each other |For the most part, I feel as if they’re on the same page, but they have their moments.  Even if it took awhile for her to admit it.
I’d consider the relationship: Healthy | Awkward | Abusive | Doesn’t work properly | They’d never get together | None of the above 100% of the time | Oh god, I don’t know | It depends on the alignment of the planets | PossessiveThere have been moments of each of these, though the relationship is not exactly “healthy,” they’ve grown.
Children: No | Not on purpose, anyway | Yes | They’d think about it |Even if it weren’t difficult for Gin to conceive, I can’t ever see them planning for children.  Instead I see Gatz freaking out while Gin panics.
General Opinion: I enjoy watching these two develop their relationship. Given their history and Gatz’s hatred of anything and anyone Gilnean (she’s sometimes surprised he even slept with her in the first place, honestly), it is a bit of an odd pairing.  But it somehow works…most of the time, anyway.  Considering Gin has been terrified of admitting her feelings for him, because she’s convinced something will happen to him (and she’s currently panicking now that she has admitted she loves him), I’m curious to see where their relationship goes next.
In some ways more than others, he is good for her.  Gatz was the first person after losing her wife that she let herself be vulnerable around.  And while Gin would have come to her own conclusion about Greymane (and she was beginning to back in Gilneas), getting to know the pirate man that her king ordered her to leave for dead has certainly helped.  She does feel responsible for what happened to him, and will probably never stop feeling that way.
( @brashtide-menace )
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drunkenworgen · 7 years
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Gaspar “Gatz” Santiago and Virginia “Gin” Ash
I felt like making some moodboards for Gin’s ships to try and gain some inspiration for writing.
( @brashtide-menace )
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