#work from home jobs for students in delhi
home-tution · 1 year
People who know any subject deeply and are prepared to share their knowledge with new learners are the best candidates for online tutoring jobs. Teachers who are talented enough to work from home are welcome on our platform at Home-Tution.com. Tutoring jobs online help many professionals to begin their careers and can be as rewarding as office jobs if they work hard.
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jadebomani · 2 years
Rambheemsitajenny headcanon pt.2
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reincarnation modern world/meet charak:
- The couples are all married in a four way and have adopted and raised the girls once they were babies. They live in Mumbai and are active faces in the community.
- Ram is the chief director of the police in their area and is a huge contributor in getting a lot of corrupt people in jail. He decided to go on this path to better his interactions and past with the civilians. And protect them from any domestic and possible international threats again.
-Bheem is a doctor/minister along with sita and own their own hospitals that do amazing work with holistic work. He is encouraged by the town and his family to take office due to his relationship with the public and how good he is at fighting for what’s right.
-Jenny owns her own school to teach English and many other studies in the arts. Having been inspired by rambheem’s nattu. She works in bring amazing talent and voices that need to be heard and helps them spread their message to the world through public speaking or through art and dance. (India knows plenty about art and finesse Jake)
-Sita manages their hospitals and does outreach work in helping families in times of trouble with those antagonizing their communities. She is also president of a women’s forum and youth center to give therapy to young people affected by lives similar to ram and her’s in the 21st century.
-Jaan is in school as an international relations/social work student to join in and help support India, Africa, and America/uk issues. And does social work with troubled children so that any child that is in need has somewhere to go for help. Sometimes she brings her kids over for tea and they bond well with her parents who helps her and JoJo with background checks on potential adopting parents and their intentions.
- Johari is a doctor and an professor at a college in Delhi she co owns an help center for children with Jaan and is engaged to be married. She is also active in her and Jaan’s social work center. And helps a lot of adults find jobs, homes, etc regardless of their story. She also does public speaking on these issues since youth unemployment is an issue that had stemmed for a long time. (comment who would be a good love interest for her and Jaan below please)
-Both Jaan and Johari find out their origin before being taken by the Scotts. They reach out to find any blood relatives of their past and learn more on their African/black culture and embrace their birthright.
-ram definitely has had incidences where both his lovers and children end up in his office for being arrested for something.
Ram: you both went past the speed limit on a horse and bike missing hitting two stop signs and missing three traffic lights?
Sita: we drew inspiration from you bangaram
*referring to their honeymoon where rambheem were wasted and tried to do their fav past time of competing against each other and crashed. Which sita has black mail material on ram*
Jenny: 😊(sweetly saying with her eyes threats to let ‘em go or the tea will be spilt to the group chat they have with Babai and Lacchu)
Ram: -sigh- your free to go
Jaan and Johari
Ram: *rubs face* you both drag raced your moms car blaring N.W.A. F the police flipping off the Scotts while running over their rose bushes.
Jaan: *sipping some tea and sharing his deadpan look* allegedly
Ram: -deadpan- you took a picture on your Instagram saying you’d do it again, forget your rose bushes karen(lady Scott), and tagged them and me in the post as well. *holds up his phone to their pages.
Johari: *gives him a sh*t eating grin* allegedly we must have been hacked.
Jaan: *nodding head* mhm mhm yes definitely been hacked.
Ram: -eye twitch- go home and get ready to apologize to them when I get home.
*he ended up reposting the video after Scott said some ignorant stuff about the girls. Ram also exposed the Scotts and held a party watching them get arrested and getting dragged on social media *
Meeting charak bonus
-the family go to movies to see rrr but don’t know it’s about the parents. (Ram is paranoid due to conspiracy theorists as one post talked about in a charak reincarnation, bheem only watches animal videos and use WhatsApp to send chain texts and memes, sita and Jenny know but don’t say anything to see the guys reaction, the girls just think it’s a coincidence.
-until they see their introductions and all have several spit takes coupled with looks of shock and awe. The girls seeing the events that took place and remembering seeing pieces of them before they were rescued by Jenny. And having a visual look at the stories they had heard growing up.
- Someone records them and they go viral again(having been viral for looking like their actors and paparazzis mistaking them for the stars) and are invited to meet the actors and talk about the story of their “great great great great great grandparents” and sharing their namesakes.
-cue charak and rambheem cute bromance moments and the girls instigating.
Movie reactions
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Bheem’s reaction
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Ram’s reaction
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Johari’s reaction
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Jaan’s reaction
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Their reactions to the fight scenes and friendship.
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Sita and Jenny’s reaction to their family’s reaction especially ram’s spittake.
@percikawantstoread @rambheemlove @rambheemisgoated @rambheem-is-real @iam-siriuslysher-lokid @mikabilis @bromance-minus-the-b
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silentchirps · 2 years
Hi. Here are my birth details
Birth date: September 8, 1998
Birth time: 06.30 PM
Birth place: New Delhi, India
My question is: What will be my future spouse like, his character traits, his ethnicity?
And what makes me unique is that I'm extremely empathetic and a good listener(according to my friends). Which I think makes me pretty unique because not a lot of people are like that🍀.
Thank you in advance. You page is really good. I wish you all the best. Keep growing.💕
So happy to hear from you! I apologize for the delay in my response. 
Thank you for being the way you are❄️ 
🌸 🌸 🌸
Here's your free reading:
Your spouse will be intelligent, smart, authoritative, respectable, charming, workaholic, wise, practical, and genuine. They like to look good at all times. I am not seeing a different ethnicity in your case. There’s a good possibility of them hailing from the same country. 
They will be very similar to your dad or a prominent father figure in your life. They might be in a government job or work closely with the government, or they hold a powerful post at their workplace which probably administrative. However, they would like to stay in their head at times, and will need space. Your in-laws might have a lot of involvement in your married life and can exacerbate the problems. Your relationship with your spouse might be very similar of a student- teacher. All the learnings in your married life will be very practical. There can be certain issues after having kids in your relationship. 
You can always keep an aquarium at home for a prosperous married life. 
🌸 🌸 🌸
Thank you for having faith in me! Hope we interact again🙏
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Discover the Best Career Counselling Courses in Delhi | Global Career Counsellor
Delhi, the vibrant capital city of India, is not only a political and cultural hub but also a center of academic excellence and professional opportunities. In such a dynamic environment, the role of career counsellors becomes increasingly vital. For those aspiring to become career counsellors, Delhi offers a myriad of opportunities to learn, grow, and make a meaningful impact. Global Career Counselling provides comprehensive career counselling courses in Delhi, designed to equip individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in this rewarding field. Let’s explore the advantages of pursuing career counselling courses in Delhi with Global Career Counselling.
Why Choose Career Counselling Courses in Delhi?
Delhi's rich educational landscape is home to numerous schools, colleges, universities, and multinational corporations. This diverse environment creates a continuous demand for skilled career counsellors who can guide students and professionals in making informed career choices. Enrolling in a career counselling course in Delhi positions you at the heart of a city that values education and professional development.
Comprehensive Curriculum
Global Career Counselling’s courses in Delhi offer a robust curriculum that covers every aspect of career counselling:
Career Assessment Tools: Master the use of various assessment tools to analyze an individual’s interests, skills, and personality.
Counselling Techniques: Learn effective counselling methods to help clients explore their career options and make informed decisions.
Career Development Theories: Gain a deep understanding of career development theories and how they apply to practical counselling scenarios.
Industry Insights: Stay updated with the latest trends in education, employment, and the job market to provide relevant advice.
Practical Training: Participate in hands-on training sessions, case studies, and role-plays to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world settings.
Experienced Faculty
One of the standout features of Global Career Counselling’s courses is the experienced faculty. These instructors are seasoned professionals with extensive backgrounds in career counselling and related fields. They bring practical insights and real-world experience to the classroom, ensuring that you receive a well-rounded education that prepares you for the challenges of career counselling.
Networking Opportunities
Delhi’s diverse professional landscape offers numerous networking opportunities. Global Career Counselling courses facilitate connections with industry professionals, fellow students, and alumni. Networking events, workshops, and guest lectures offer platforms to build relationships, exchange ideas, and learn from experts in the field.
Flexible Learning Options
Understanding the busy schedules of working professionals and students, Global Career Counselling offers flexible learning options. Whether you prefer in-person classes or online learning, there are courses tailored to fit your needs. This flexibility ensures that you can pursue your career counselling certification without disrupting your current commitments.
Supportive Learning Environment
The learning environment at Global Career Counselling is supportive and collaborative. Students are encouraged to share their experiences, ask questions, and engage in discussions. The faculty and staff are committed to providing personalized support and guidance throughout your learning journey.
Career Opportunities
Upon completing your career counselling course in Delhi, you will be equipped with the skills and credentials to pursue various career opportunities. Potential career paths include:
School and College Counsellors: Guide students in educational institutions in choosing the right academic and career paths.
Corporate Counsellors: Provide career development support to employees within organizations.
Independent Career Counsellors: Offer career counselling services as a private practitioner.
Educational Consultants: Work with educational institutions to develop career guidance programs and resources.
Embarking on a career counselling course in Delhi with Global Career Counselling is a step towards making a significant impact in the lives of others. With a comprehensive curriculum, experienced faculty, and ample networking opportunities, these courses provide the perfect foundation for a successful career in career counselling. Whether you are a seasoned professional looking to enhance your skills or someone passionate about helping others achieve their career goals, Global Career Counselling’s programs in Delhi are your gateway to a rewarding career. Enroll today and take the first step towards becoming a certified career counsellor.
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schoolofcoreai01 · 4 days
A Day in the Life of a Machine Learning Student in Delhi
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Delhi, the bustling capital of India, is not only known for its rich cultural heritage and political significance but also for being a hub of technological innovation and education. Among the myriad of opportunities available, pursuing a career in machine learning stands out as one of the most sought-after fields. Let's dive into what a typical day looks like for a machine learning course delhi.
Morning Routine: Starting the Day Right
A day in the life of a machine learning student in Delhi begins early. After a refreshing morning routine and a healthy breakfast, students often start their day with some light reading or coding practice. This is the perfect time to review notes from the previous day or to catch up on the latest research papers and developments in the field of machine learning. The morning calm helps in focusing and setting the tone for a productive day ahead.
Classes and Lectures: Deep Diving into Machine Learning Concepts
By mid-morning, it's time to head to classes. Delhi is home to several prestigious institutions offering specialized programs in machine learning. Whether it’s an undergraduate course, a master's program, or a professional certification, the curriculum is designed to provide a solid foundation in machine learning principles. Classes typically cover topics such as data preprocessing, algorithm design, neural networks, and natural language processing.
Professors and industry experts lead these sessions, often incorporating real-world case studies and practical examples to bridge the gap between theory and practice. Interactive lectures and hands-on labs are a staple, ensuring that students not only understand the concepts but also know how to apply them.
Lunch Break: Networking and Collaboration
Lunch breaks are more than just about food. They are an excellent opportunity for students to network and collaborate. Delhi's vibrant student community often gathers in campus cafeterias, discussing projects, sharing insights, and brainstorming ideas. This collaborative environment is crucial for a field like machine learning course delhi, where teamwork and collective problem-solving are key to innovation.
Afternoon: Practical Applications and Projects
Post-lunch sessions are usually dedicated to practical applications and project work. A machine learning student in Delhi spends significant time working on various projects, either individually or as part of a team. These projects can range from developing predictive models to creating complex neural networks and everything in between.
Delhi's thriving tech ecosystem provides ample opportunities for students to engage with startups, tech firms, and research labs. Many students take up internships or part-time roles to gain hands-on experience and industry exposure. This practical aspect of learning is what truly sets Delhi apart as a prime location for machine learning education.
Evening: Self-Study and Skill Enhancement
As the day winds down, students often dedicate their evenings to self-study and skill enhancement. Machine learning is a rapidly evolving field, and staying updated with the latest trends and technologies is crucial. Online courses, webinars, and tutorials are popular among students looking to deepen their knowledge.
Coding competitions, hackathons, and workshops are frequently organized in Delhi, providing students with platforms to test their skills and learn from peers. Engaging in these activities helps in building a robust portfolio, which is invaluable when seeking job opportunities.
Conclusion: Embracing the Future with schoolofcoreai
A day in the life of a machine learning student in Delhi is a blend of rigorous academics, practical applications, and continuous learning. The city's dynamic environment, coupled with its rich educational resources, makes it an ideal place for aspiring machine learning professionals. By embracing a holistic approach to learning, students here are well-prepared to tackle the challenges of this cutting-edge field.
For those looking to embark on a journey in machine learning, the School of Core AI offers comprehensive programs that cater to both beginners and advanced learners. At schoolofcoreai, students receive top-notch education, mentorship from industry experts, and the opportunity to work on real-world projects, ensuring they are ready to make significant contributions to the field of machine learning.
Whether you're just starting or looking to advance your career, Delhi's vibrant ecosystem and institutions like schoolofcoreai provide the perfect launching pad for your aspirations in machine learning.
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simraniidl · 11 days
The Finest and Most Excellent Digital Marketing Course You Will Find at IIDL
Selecting the correct educational institution for your digital marketing training might have a significant impact on your career. Enter IIDL (Indyserver Institute of Digital Leadership), a well-known digital marketing institute in Delhi. They provide the most affordable and convenient in-person and online classes. Here are the reasons that make IIDL the best and most outstanding provider of digital marketing education services. 
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Why Choose IIDL?
What sets IIDL apart from other digital marketing institutes in Delhi? They provide a unique combination of theoretical understanding and real-world application, to start. This combination guarantees that students understand the ideas and are able to apply them in practical situations.
Courses Offered
IIDL provides a large selection of courses for both beginning and advanced students. They have a very well-liked digital marketing course that covers everything from email campaigns and social media marketing to PPC and SEO. This extensive curriculum guarantees that students will be prepared to tackle any difficulty related to digital marketing.
Online Classes
The flexibility of IIDL's online courses is one of the main benefits of attending. It's not hard to fit the classes into your schedule if you're a student or a working professional. The interactive and captivating design of the online courses makes for a smooth learning process.
Offline Classes
IIDL provides offline lessons for people who would like learn in a more conventional classroom environment. Students can communicate with peers and teachers in an interactive learning environment in these classes. It's an excellent way to expand your network and create connections in the business.
Experienced Faculty
IIDL is home to a group of knowledgeable professors who are masters in their domains and Google certified and He is also a Member of MSME. Their significant knowledge and practical expertise enable them to provide pupils with an excellent education. With a lot of practical activities and projects, IIDL's teaching methodology highlights learning by doing.
Affordable Pricing
Even though IIDL provides excellent education, its costs are kept reasonable. In comparison to other digital marketing institutes in Delhi, IIDL offers exceptional value. They think that everyone should have access to high-quality education without having to break the bank.
Flexible Timings
The flexible lesson schedule offered by IIDL is another noticeable benefit. They provide a variety of scheduling alternatives since they recognize that many of their students have other commitments. IIDL offers classes in the morning, evening, and on the weekends, depending on your preference.
Student Support
Student support is given first attention at IIDL. They provide thorough direction and counseling to help students in navigating their academic journey. In addition, lots of tools and resources are available to students to support their education. 
IIDL provides certification upon completion of their courses, which can significantly boost your resume. These qualifications are accepted by the field and can make you stand out in the crowded employment market.
Student Success Stories
Many IIDL alums have gone on to have extremely successful careers. Testimonials from former students demonstrate the institute's influence on their development as professionals. The success tales, which range from launching their own businesses to obtaining ideal employment, are extremely inspiring.
Location and Accessibility
Located in the heart of Delhi, IIDL is easily accessible from all parts of the city. The central location makes it convenient for students to commute, whether they are attending online or offline classes.
Industry Partnerships
Since IIDL's solid relationships with numerous businesses in the field, students have lots of options for jobs and internships. These partnerships provide students a head start in their careers by connecting the divide between education and employment. 
How to Enroll
At IIDL, enrolling is a simple process. You can go to their website, complete the enrollment form.
Visit Our website: https://www.iidl.in/
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inspireofficespace1 · 14 days
Why India Fits Well Into Coworking Culture
Why India Fits Well Into Coworking Culture
Who could have imagined that a simple idea like coworking spaces where individuals, professionals, startups, and students share a workspace to reduce expenses, utilize resources efficiently, and build new relationships, would create such a significant impact across various industries, sectors, and cities in India?
Effects across the board:
Coworking Spaces Beyond Startups: Impact on Working Culture
Although start-ups have been the primary driving force behind the growth of flexible workspaces in India, there has been a noticeable shift in working culture in 2019 on a broader scale. 
For instance, the trend of coworking spaces is no longer exclusive to small businesses, as large enterprises such as Amazon and Starbucks are also adopting shared workspaces.
We predict that numerous major corporations will soon follow this coworking spaces trend, not just to reduce expenses but because working alongside young, enthusiastic, and creative individuals has proven to generate more innovative and substantial ideas. 
In other words, when working conditions deviate from the conventional approach, it creates a better work environment for all employees.
The Shifting Paradigm in Traditional Industries: Banking, Finance, and Insurance
Regarding traditional industries such as banking, finance, or insurance, we also anticipate a shift towards coworking spaces in the upcoming years. 
These industries will join IT and e-commerce-commerce businesses in adopting shared workspaces, as it has become crucial for traditional industries to portray themselves as contemporary, up-to-date, and evolving in order to attract young and skilled employees.
Coworking Spaces - Not Limited to Big Cities:
Other cities like Chandigarh, Kochi, Indore, Ahmedabad, and Jaipur are also embracing cutting-edge workspaces that cater to a varied variety of professionals, proving that this trend is not just confined to big cities like Bangalore, Delhi, or Mumbai.
Advantages of the Coworking Transformation:
There are two significant advantages to this transformation. 
Firstly, professionals from various backgrounds will work together under one roof, which will lead to increased productivity, job satisfaction, and fulfillment. This can be facilitated through activities like yoga classes, seminars, workshops, and networking events. 
Secondly, the development of better workspaces with excellent amenities is leading to the creation of spaces that incorporate nature and greenery to increase productivity. 
Additionally, cleantech and facilities that minimize carbon footprints, such as solar-powered lighting and copper air conditioners, are being integrated into workspaces.
Indian youth-inspired:
The Impact of India's Youth on Coworking Spaces:
Gone are the days of conventional office work, where employees would work from 9 to 5, return home unfulfilled, and have their dreams left unexplored. A change is palpable in India, evident by the agreement of those above the age of 25. With millennials comprising 50% of the workforce by 2020, India is poised to become one of the largest markets for coworking spaces.
Coworking Spaces: Liberating Minds from Conventional Barriers:
The decision to choose coworking spaces marks a significant shift in the dynamics of the modern office. Rent, long-term leases, and security deposits no longer pose significant barriers, freeing the mind to focus on bigger ideas. Today's creative professionals find inspiration in brainstorming sessions over a beer with professionals from other industries, leading to new opportunities and possibilities.
Small businesses now have greater potential to thrive and spread their wings, unencumbered by systems and cultures that hinder creativity. The idea of going to work is no longer synonymous with staring at a computer screen and paying the mortgage; instead, it's about working alongside other like-minded and passionate individuals, pushing boundaries, saving time and money, making friends, and enjoying the process.
In conclusion, the rise of coworking spaces in India has been a game-changer, not only for startups but also for traditional industries, leading to a shift in working culture and creating better work environments. This trend is not limited to large cities, but also smaller ones, and is driven by the growing youth population seeking more fulfilling and innovative work experiences. The advantages of this transformation include increased productivity, job satisfaction, and the development of better workspaces with excellent amenities. Overall, coworking spaces are liberating minds from conventional barriers and allowing for greater creativity and collaboration across industries.
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tathastuedu · 23 days
Top IELTS Coaching in Delhi
It is essential to prepare for the IELTS exam in Delhi for most students and prospective employees to earn a scholarship or work permit abroad. The fact of Delhi being an educational city of India and the high demand for the IELTS qualification makes the area rich with various coaching centers in Delhi for everyone’s needs. It can definitely play a crucial role in the preparations of the students if, they join the right coaching institute. In this article, you shall come across the best IELTS coaching in Delhi.
Key Factors to Consider
1. Experienced Faculty: A few of the crucial factors that must be considered while choosing the Best IELTS Coaching in Ashok vihar are- Liveword educators from highly accredited institutions can be of great help because they have adequate tutoring for the IELTS exam. This way, it is easier to find centers that has trainers who have records in teaching IELTS.
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2. Comprehensive Study Material: This factor in particular can herald significant changes in one’s study process and hence affect the quality of study material provided by the coaching institute. Institutes whose course packs cover the syllabus effectively and explain answers to questions with elaborate solutions, sample tests, previous years’ papers and the like are more preferred.
3. Personalized Attention: It is pertinent to understand that every student is different, meaning that they come in with different strengths and weaknesses. Small batch IELTS coaching centers in Delhi that can give proper attention needed in these years such as one or two persons on one tutor could be very helpful in tackling some issues affecting the individual. I hope you now realize that personal feedback can be more helpful than you imagined in enhancing your performance.
4. Mock Tests and Practice Sessions: For the uninitiated, heuristic style of competing twice a week is recommended; this will afford candidates the opportunity to familiarise with the layout of the exam as well as provide adequate practice in time management. Best IELTS Coaching in shalimar bagh offer multiple tests under actual examination situations before the final test. It could also be helpful in overcoming the anxiety that students experience when they are in a position to take their exams.
5. Flexible Timings: Most candidates for the IELTS test are adults or young people who are busy with jobs and studies. Flexibility, especially weekend and evening batches may be viewed as manageable for such individuals, these are the most convenient forms of coaching centers in Delhi.
6. Success Rate: The rate of success of a given institute in Delhi can therefore be used as a measure of its efficiency. Gather information on the institute in proportion to the number of students who have attained their expected band of IELTS. Students' how and what they said also helps in determining the performance of the institute especially from the past students.
7. Location and Accessibility: Another aspect is the fact that the IELTS coaching center in Shalimar bagh should have a strategic location. Finding a center that is convenient should be your top priority, center as it should be located near your home or your workplace. This could be of immense benefit, as it can afford more time and, therefore, lessen the amount of stress arising from traffic congestion in urban centers.
8. Additional Support: Best IELTS Coaching in Ashok Vihar have extra social services like visa consultation, application help, and role play rehearsal. These services can be very useful, particularly for college students intending on travelling to another country.
Making an Informed Decision
While in search of the best IELTS coaching in Delhi, one should be very careful as he/she should spend his/her valuable time in searching in the right direction. Browse through the websites of the different institutes available inspect reviews posted by other students or parents and if possible sit for a couple of trial lessons in different institutes as this will help one get a feel of the quality of tutors and the type of teaching adopted by them. This interaction can as well be effective with the help of former students.
Finally, take into account the subject and approach to learning that is most suitable for your learning style and preference. This means that some students might find it comfortable reading in a classroom whilst others would prefer to go through every concept in the book and every so often have the teacher come in and explain what they have learned.
Choosing the top IELTS coaching institute in delhi which has the capability to make you achieve your academic and professional dreams of moving to foreign countries is very important. It is now easy to select an institute based on factors like the faculty who are most experienced, the sufficient study material they provide, individual attention for all the students, sample or mock exams, time flexible, success ratio, and finally the institutive place for everyone and other additional services available with them or not. It is important to bear in mind that the right centre helps to lay this and the needed base down so that one can pass the IELTS exam and open the door of opportunities to the international world.
Shalimar Bagh is a neighbourhood in Delhi that has become associated with history, well-functioning infrastructure and beautiful gardens. If you have the opportunity to visit Shalimar Bagh, here are some of the remarkable landmarks and tourist activities that should not be missed.
1. Coronation Park
Another historical attraction of the Shalimar Bagh is Coronation Park where British Kings and Queens used to be coroneted as the Emperor of India. To complete the immovable object, there are also several sculptures and monuments in the park that gives visitors an insight into the history of the colonization of India. It is suitable for history lovers and individuals who would like to be alone or bounded by a serene environment.
2. District Park
The District Park of Shalimar Bagh boasts of extensive area ideal for those who love walks or jogging or even a nature walk. It has good events including gardens, walkways, and children’s playgrounds and thus it attracts a number of family people and people who do jogging among others.
3. Pitampura TV Tower
Pitampura TV Tower is in the vicinity of Shalimar Bagh and that is quite fascinating to visit. The tower happens to be one of the tallest in Delhi and has the capacity to facilitate observation of aerial views of Delhi’ Shalimar Bagh in its terrace. There are also quite a number of restaurants and Shopping facilities in the vicinity of the tower as well.
4. Shalimar Bagh Garden
The concept of Shalimar Bagh itself is derived from the historical ‘Shalimar Bagh Garden’ which was built during the ruling of Mughal era. So, while it is not as vast and richly developed as the Shalimar Gardens in Kashmir, it has historical value, and lovers of nature will be able to find a quiet refuge, surrounded by verdant green and fresh air.
Attractions nearby Shalimar Bagh include the Rohini’s Adventure Island park for kids and the Swarn Jayanti Park, locally known as the Japanese Park, where visitors can find picturesquely arranged landscapes and lease boats for a ride.
Visiting Shalimar Bagh are always delighted by the old world majesty mirrored in modern comforts and the calm green scenery that the place offers. From history to shopping to dining, or just to take a walk in a park, Shalimar Bagh has something or the other for everyone and everyone who visits Shalimar Bagh will surely accept this statement as true.
One of the most centrally located residential hubs in Delhi, Ashok Vihar encompasses broad roads, green landscapes, and the feel of modern marketplaces that is within walking distance. If you’re looking to explore Ashok Vihar, here are some notable attractions and activities to consider:If you’re looking to explore Ashok Vihar, here are some notable attractions and activities to consider:
1. Sanjay Van
Sanjay Van, an extended green zone, situated just next to Ashok Vihar, would be an apt place for the lovers of nature. There is thus a myriad of trees, and plants and animals in this urban forest, giving bird watchers, photographers, and even dawn walkers a good site to capture their favorite shots. The environment is calm and quiet which would be an excellent outlet for those sick of the hassle and clamor of the city.
2. Roshanara Bagh
Rich in history, Roshanara Bagh is another Mughal garden which is situated in Delhi and at a walking distance from Ashok Vihar. It is an amazingly colored park that has trimmed grass, neat black tacked walking paths, and a big fishery pond. There is a garden for the family members to use when they have time to take a rest and enjoy nature.
3. Shopping Centers and Markets
Ashok Vihar is also famous for its excellent facilities for shopping. Some popular shopping destinations include:Some popular shopping destinations include:
Deep Market: A huge commercial center that will offer all types of products including clothing and accessories, gadgets, and furniture and home appliances.
Big Apple Market: Another shopping centre held in the territory that has a number of products to offer to the customers.
4. Community Parks
Ashok Vihar has several parks that are well maintained so that people living in Ashok Vihar and the people from other areas can spend some time by taking a walk in the park or jogging or sitting in the park enjoying the beauty of nature. These parks may include equipment like the swings for children and this makes this places ideal for families.
5. Educational and Cultural Centers
Ashok Vihar has many schools, colleges and cultural facilities like the mentioned Rosemount Higher secondary School. These places are visited in order to get an idea of the educational humble and other related cultural activities.
6. Fitness Centers and Gyms
Built with modern facilities, Ashok Vihar has got several gym and fitness clubs for those who willingly exercise to keep fit. It undertakes different types of courses on fitness such as aerobics, yoga and training on the use of weights.
7. Nearby Attractions
While in Ashok Vihar, you can also explore nearby attractions such as:While in Ashok Vihar, you can also explore nearby attractions such as:
Kamla Nehru Ridge: In Ashok Vihar a very old ridge with renowned features, especially one that comprises of structures and routes for trekking, which creates a wonderful opportunity to go on a historical and physical tour.
Karol Bagh: With shopping streets and markets in its vicinity, Karol Bagh – only a small drive from Ashok Vihar is all about the shopping spirit.
Ashok Vihar is a vibrant and diverse area in Delhi that can provide the visitors with a historical architectural, greenery, shopping, and the cuisine experience. It brings lifestyle to a new front to those who love nature, Food lovers, sports activities, people specially who are searching for local markets all are in this Ashok Vihar. I hope this tour will be a pleasure for you! Have a pleasant time in this lovely area of Delhi
Visit: https://tathastuedu.com/
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dssd-11dm · 26 days
Graphic Designing Course in Rohini: Flexible Timings Available
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In today's visually driven world, graphic design has become an essential skill across various industries. From creating compelling advertisements and eye-catching websites to designing logos and product packaging, graphic designers play a pivotal role in shaping the visual aspects of businesses and media. For those looking to enter this dynamic field, a graphic designing course in Rohini offers an ideal starting point. This article explores the myriad benefits of enrolling in such a course, what you can expect from the curriculum, and how it can pave the way for a successful career.
The Growing Demand for Graphic Designers
The demand for skilled graphic designers continues to rise as businesses increasingly rely on digital and print media for marketing and communication. Graphic designers are crucial in crafting brand identities, developing advertising campaigns, and creating user-friendly websites and mobile applications. This growing demand translates to abundant job opportunities and competitive salaries for those with the right skills and training.
Versatile Career Opportunities
Graphic Design Course in Rohini is a versatile field that opens doors to various career paths. As a graphic designer, you can work in advertising agencies, corporate marketing departments, publishing houses, web development firms, and more. Additionally, many graphic designers choose to freelance, offering their services to clients worldwide. This flexibility allows you to tailor your career to your interests and lifestyle.
The Importance of Professional Training
While a natural talent for art and design is beneficial, professional training is crucial for mastering the technical and conceptual aspects of graphic design. A comprehensive graphic designing course will equip you with the necessary skills to use industry-standard software, understand design principles, and create visually compelling work. It also provides a structured learning environment and access to experienced instructors who can guide your development.
Why Choose Rohini for Your Graphic Designing Course?
Quality Education and Training
Rohini, a well-developed residential and commercial area in Delhi, is home to several reputable educational institutions offering high-quality graphic designing courses. These institutions provide a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical training, ensuring that students are well-prepared to meet industry demands.
Experienced Faculty
The faculty members at these institutions are often industry professionals with extensive experience in graphic design. They bring a wealth of knowledge and practical insights to the classroom, helping students understand real-world applications of their skills. This mentorship is invaluable in guiding students through complex design challenges and career decisions.
Networking Opportunities
Studying in Rohini provides ample networking opportunities with fellow students, instructors, and industry professionals. These connections can be instrumental in finding internships, job placements, and freelance opportunities. Many institutions also host events, workshops, and guest lectures, allowing students to engage with and learn from established designers.
Convenient Location
Rohini's well-connected transport network makes it easily accessible from various parts of Delhi and the surrounding areas. This convenience ensures that students can commute without hassle, allowing them to focus on their studies and practical training.
What to Expect from a Graphic Designing Course in Rohini
Comprehensive Curriculum
A well-structured graphic designing course in Rohini will cover a wide range of topics to ensure a holistic learning experience. Here are some key components typically included in the curriculum:
1. Introduction to Graphic Design
This foundational module introduces students to the field of graphic design, covering its history, evolution, and significance in various industries. Students learn about different design styles, key figures in graphic design, and the role of a graphic designer.
2. Software Proficiency
Mastery of design software is crucial for any graphic designer. Courses in Rohini focus on industry-standard tools such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. Students learn to use these programs to create and manipulate images, design layouts, and prepare files for print and digital media.
3. Design Principles
Understanding the principles of design is essential for creating visually appealing and effective graphics. This module covers color theory, typography, composition, and layout techniques. Students learn how to apply these principles to their work, ensuring that their designs are both aesthetically pleasing and functional.
4. Typography
Typography is a key aspect of graphic design, influencing how text is perceived and read. Students explore different typefaces, learn about font pairing, and understand the impact of typography on readability and brand identity.
5. Branding and Identity Design
Creating a strong brand identity is a critical task for graphic designers. This module covers the elements of branding, including logo design, color schemes, and visual style guides. Students learn how to develop cohesive brand identities that communicate the values and personality of a business.
6. Web and UI/UX Design
With the increasing importance of digital media, web design and user experience (UX) design have become integral parts of graphic design. Students learn to create user-friendly websites and applications, focusing on layout, navigation, and interactivity.
7. Motion Graphics
Motion graphics involve bringing static designs to life through animation. This module introduces students to the basics of animation and motion design, using software like Adobe After Effects to create dynamic visuals.
Hands-On Projects and Portfolio Development
A significant aspect of graphic design education is practical, hands-on experience. Courses in Rohini emphasize project-based learning, where students work on real-world assignments and create a diverse portfolio. This portfolio is crucial for showcasing your skills to potential employers or clients and demonstrating your ability to handle various design challenges.
Industry Exposure and Internships
To bridge the gap between academic learning and professional practice, many institutions in Rohini offer internships and industry exposure opportunities. These experiences allow students to work on live projects, understand industry workflows, and build valuable connections. Internships also provide a platform to apply classroom knowledge in real-world scenarios, enhancing your readiness for the job market.
Continuous Learning and Advanced Modules
The field of graphic design is constantly evolving, with new tools, techniques, and trends emerging regularly. Many institutions offer advanced modules and workshops to keep students updated with the latest developments. These sessions cover specialized areas such as advanced typography, 3D design, and interactive media, allowing students to expand their skillset and stay competitive.
Building a Successful Career in Graphic Design
Developing a Strong Portfolio
Your portfolio is a crucial tool in your job search and freelance career. It showcases your best work and demonstrates your skills, creativity, and versatility. When building your portfolio, include a variety of projects such as logos, brochures, web designs, and social media graphics. Ensure that each piece is accompanied by a brief description explaining the project goals, your design process, and the outcomes.
Networking and Professional Development
Networking is vital in the graphic design industry. Attend industry events, join professional organizations, and participate in online design communities to connect with other designers and potential clients. Platforms like LinkedIn and Behance are excellent for showcasing your work and building your professional network. Additionally, seek feedback from peers and mentors to continuously improve your skills and stay informed about industry trends.
Continuous Learning
The graphic design field is ever-changing, with new tools, technologies, and design trends emerging frequently. To stay relevant, commit to lifelong learning. Take advanced courses, attend workshops, and follow design blogs and publications. This continuous learning will not only enhance your skills but also keep you inspired and motivated.
Inspiring Success Stories from Rohini
Neha Sharma: From Student to Studio Owner
Neha Sharma's journey began with a graphic designing course in Rohini. Her passion for art and keen eye for detail quickly set her apart. After completing her course, Neha worked at a few design studios, gaining valuable experience and industry knowledge. With a strong portfolio and entrepreneurial spirit, she eventually founded her own design studio in Delhi. Today, Neha's studio works with top brands and startups, providing innovative design solutions.
Rohan Verma: Freelance Success
Rohan Verma always had a knack for design but lacked formal training. Enrolling in a graphic designing course in Rohini gave him the technical skills and confidence needed to pursue a freelance career. By leveraging online platforms and his robust portfolio, Rohan quickly built a client base. His creativity and commitment to quality have earned him a reputation as a reliable freelance designer, working with clients across the globe.
Priya Kapoor: UX/UI Designer at a Leading Tech Firm
Priya Kapoor specialized in UX/UI design during her graphic designing course in Rohini. Her innovative projects and strong understanding of user experience principles caught the attention of recruiters. Upon graduation, Priya landed a job at a leading tech firm in Bangalore, where she now plays a key role in designing intuitive and engaging user interfaces. Her journey highlights the importance of specialized skills and the opportunities they can unlock.
A graphic designing course in Rohini offers a comprehensive education that can set you on the path to a successful career in the creative industry. With quality training, experienced faculty, and ample networking opportunities, Rohini provides an ideal environment for aspiring designers. Whether you dream of working for a top agency, freelancing, or starting your own design studio, the skills and knowledge gained from a graphic designing course in Rohini will equip you to achieve your goals. Embrace your creativity, invest in your education, and embark on a rewarding journey in the world of graphic design.
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csanoopjain1 · 1 month
CS Classes in Delhi: Unlocking Your Potential
India's capital, Delhi, is home to numerous esteemed institutions that offer Cs Classes. These institutions provide excellent instruction and career support to individuals who aspire to become Company Secretary.In these coaching centers, complete preparation is provided to acquire the knowledge, skills and abilities required to become a CS Coaching in Delhi .
Following are the importance of CS classes in Delhi:
Quality Education: Delhi boasts of reputed institutes and coaching centers that are famous for quality education and training in Company Secretariat. These institutions offer well-organized curriculum, experienced teachers and modern teaching methods to ensure effective learning outcomes.
Expert Guidance: CS classes in Delhi provide expert guidance and advice from experienced professionals and industry experts. Students benefit from the wealth of knowledge and practical insights shared by experienced faculty members, giving them an in-depth understanding of corporate governance, legal compliance and other relevant topics.
Exam Preparation: CS classes in Delhi provide exclusive coaching and exam preparation support to help you crack the CS exams conducted by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI). These classes provide mock tests, study material and revision sessions to prepare the students well so that they can crack the examinations and achieve their CS qualification.
Networking Opportunities: A big advantage of taking CS classes in Delhi is that you can connect with your classmates, alumni, and professionals working in your company. This can help you in getting internship, job and moving forward in your career. These classes not only provide education but also increase your network, which can open up many new opportunities for your career.
Importance of the Company Secretary (CS) Profession in the Corporate World
The post of Company Secretary (CS) is very important in any company. It is a means of communication between company directors, shareholders, government rule makers and others. It is important to become a CS because:
Corporate Governance: This helps in running the rules and regulations of the company smoothly. Besides, it also gives advice to work in the right way. This maintains transparency and accountability ( -accountability) in the company.
Legal Compliance: New rules are being made every day, so CS ensures that the company is following them. Due to this the company does not face any legal trouble.
Board Support: CS helps the board of directors. It helps them in organizing meetings, preparing agenda and implementing the decisions taken.
Stakeholder Communication: CS also does the work of talking to people like the company's shareholders and the government. Due to this, the company's image remains good and good relations are maintained with everyone.
Risk Management: It finds out what could be a threat to the company and also suggests measures to avoid those threats.
CS Classes in Delhi: Cs Anoop jain Classes
If you are looking for a top Cs Classes in delhi to prepare for the Company Secretary exam, then there can be no better option than top CS Anoop Jain Classes in Laxmi Nagar.delhi Exceptional teaching standards and proven track of success for CS exam preparation. Known for its records, CS Anoop Jain Classes in Laxmi Nagar,Delhi is one of the premier CS Classes in the region. CS Anoop Jain Classes top Institute is taught by CS Anoop Jain Classes, a respected professional with years of experience in teaching CS courses. With a dedicated team of highly qualified trainers, the institute ensures that students receive the best guidance and support throughout their Company Secreatary journey.For those who aspire to become a Company Secretary, CS Anoop Jain Classes in Laxmi Nagar is a great option for you. With experienced teachers, comprehensive study material, proven records of success and personal attention, this institute offers everything you need to crack your Company secetary exams and build a successful career.
Why Choose Cs Anoop Jain Classes ?
Dreaming of becoming a Company Secretary (CS)? So finding the right coaching is very important in delhi. This can greatly affect your preparation, exams and career. In this case, CS Anoop Jain Classes in delhi is a great option.
1. Experienced Faculty: CS Anoop Jain is an expert in his subjects and a very experienced teacher in the classes. They have years of experience and deep knowledge. These will not only teach you well but will also help you in preparing for your exams.
2.Comprehensive Curriculum: All the subjects required to become a CS are taught in our coaching in a complete and systematic manner. Topics from beginner level to advanced level are explained in depth. This gives you a good grasp of the rules and principles of running a company.
3.Rigorous Practice Sessions : Practice is very important to pass CS exam. We conduct regular practice, mock tests and revision workshops. This makes children aware of their weaknesses and they can overcome them. We also learn how to take the exam.
4.Excellent Track Record: The result of CS Anoop Jain classes has been very good. Many students studying from here have become successful company secretaries today.Every year many children score good marks in our institute and many even achieve top rank.
5.Holistic Development: We not only provide education but also develop children in every way. We also provide guidance regarding their personality development, communication skills and career. Industry experts are invited and workshops and seminars are conducted so that children can understand the company environment and can be prepared for future challenges.
In a big city like Delhi, where there are opportunities everywhere, those who dream of becoming a Company Secretary (CS) get a chance to advance in their studies and progress in their career. Taking CS classes in Delhi is very beneficial. These classes not only help you in clearing the CS exam, they also help you in understanding the company rules and making a good career.
If you want to become a CS then CS Anoop Jain Classes located in Laxmi Nagar,Delhi is a great option for you. This institute not only helps you in passing the examination but also develops you in every way. There are experienced teachers here, including CS Anoop Jain himself. They make you study thoroughly, practice regularly and give you all the necessary information so that you can score good marks in the examination.
Many students studying in this institute have already secured top ranks and have become successful company secretaries today. This institute not only provides education but also gives guidance regarding your personality development, communication skills development and career. Workshops and seminars are conducted by inviting industry experts. This makes it easier for you to understand the environment of the company.
Joining CS Anoop Jain Classes is not just about passing the exam. This is an experience that prepares you in every way to become a company secretary. Here you get experienced teachers, complete education, opportunity to practice and progress in every way. CS Anoop Jain Classes helps you in fulfilling your dream and shows you the path to build a successful career as a Company Secretary.
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inspireofficespaces · 1 month
Why India Fits Well Into Coworking Culture
Why India Fits Well Into Coworking Culture
Who could have imagined that a simple idea like coworking spaces where individuals, professionals, startups, and students share a workspace to reduce expenses, utilize resources efficiently, and build new relationships, would create such a significant impact across various industries, sectors, and cities in India?
Effects across the board:
Coworking Spaces Beyond Startups: Impact on Working Culture
Although start-ups have been the primary driving force behind the growth of flexible workspaces in India, there has been a noticeable shift in working culture in 2019 on a broader scale. 
For instance, the trend of coworking spaces is no longer exclusive to small businesses, as large enterprises such as Amazon and Starbucks are also adopting shared workspaces.
We predict that numerous major corporations will soon follow this coworking spaces trend, not just to reduce expenses but because working alongside young, enthusiastic, and creative individuals has proven to generate more innovative and substantial ideas. 
In other words, when working conditions deviate from the conventional approach, it creates a better work environment for all employees.
The Shifting Paradigm in Traditional Industries: Banking, Finance, and Insurance
Regarding traditional industries such as banking, finance, or insurance, we also anticipate a shift towards coworking spaces in the upcoming years. 
These industries will join IT and e-commerce-commerce businesses in adopting shared workspaces, as it has become crucial for traditional industries to portray themselves as contemporary, up-to-date, and evolving in order to attract young and skilled employees.
Coworking Spaces - Not Limited to Big Cities:
Other cities like Chandigarh, Kochi, Indore, Ahmedabad, and Jaipur are also embracing cutting-edge workspaces that cater to a varied variety of professionals, proving that this trend is not just confined to big cities like Bangalore, Delhi, or Mumbai.
Advantages of the Coworking Transformation:
There are two significant advantages to this transformation. 
Firstly, professionals from various backgrounds will work together under one roof, which will lead to increased productivity, job satisfaction, and fulfillment. This can be facilitated through activities like yoga classes, seminars, workshops, and networking events. 
Secondly, the development of better workspaces with excellent amenities is leading to the creation of spaces that incorporate nature and greenery to increase productivity. 
Additionally, cleantech and facilities that minimize carbon footprints, such as solar-powered lighting and copper air conditioners, are being integrated into workspaces.
Indian youth-inspired:
The Impact of India's Youth on Coworking Spaces:
Gone are the days of conventional office work, where employees would work from 9 to 5, return home unfulfilled, and have their dreams left unexplored. A change is palpable in India, evident by the agreement of those above the age of 25. With millennials comprising 50% of the workforce by 2020, India is poised to become one of the largest markets for coworking spaces.
Coworking Spaces: Liberating Minds from Conventional Barriers:
The decision to choose coworking spaces marks a significant shift in the dynamics of the modern office. Rent, long-term leases, and security deposits no longer pose significant barriers, freeing the mind to focus on bigger ideas. Today's creative professionals find inspiration in brainstorming sessions over a beer with professionals from other industries, leading to new opportunities and possibilities.
Small businesses now have greater potential to thrive and spread their wings, unencumbered by systems and cultures that hinder creativity. The idea of going to work is no longer synonymous with staring at a computer screen and paying the mortgage; instead, it's about working alongside other like-minded and passionate individuals, pushing boundaries, saving time and money, making friends, and enjoying the process.
In conclusion, the rise of coworking spaces in India has been a game-changer, not only for startups but also for traditional industries, leading to a shift in working culture and creating better work environments. This trend is not limited to large cities, but also smaller ones, and is driven by the growing youth population seeking more fulfilling and innovative work experiences. The advantages of this transformation include increased productivity, job satisfaction, and the development of better workspaces with excellent amenities. Overall, coworking spaces are liberating minds from conventional barriers and allowing for greater creativity and collaboration across industries.
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ippnoida · 1 month
Print Mart – 30 digital print outlets and growing
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In 2013, Atul Bhatt and Harish Setia started Print Mart, a commercial printing venture – with a Konica Minolta C6500 from a shed under Bhatt's home in north Delhi’s Rohini. They added an outlet in Shiva Market and two more in northwest Delhi’s Ramesh Nagar and Kamla Nagar in 2015. These became instant hits as it was the market requirement at that time.
With Print Mart as a parent company, Zoom Print and Urban Bunny are sister concerns, that specialize in luxury printing, short-run skins and stickers and book publishing. The company has become a significant contributor to Delhi’s digital printing market, producing around 75 lakh A3 color prints each month. 
In 2018, when Atul Bhatt's brother Vikas Bhatt joined Print Mart as general manager, the company had eight outlets. Branches in Patparganj, Okhla and other locations where the jobbers segment were prevalent were added. Jobbers are generally small printing shops that outsource some of their orders to bigger printers.
At present, the commercial printer has 30 outlets across North India in Delhi, Ghaziabad, Faridabad, and Noida in the Delhi-NCR and in cities further away such as Panipat, Moradabad and Jalandhar. Most of the printing equipment at these 30 outlets is from Konica Minolta – approximately 45 printing presses with 7 monochrome machines.
“We have a very good relationship with Konica Minolta, which has supported Print Mart during its growth. As a supplier, they have never disappointed us in anything. We have been a nice customer and they also keep on fulfilling our expectations,” Bhatt shared. 
Speaking of the need for multiple outlets in Delhi, Bhatt likened their operations to McDonald’s, saying it’s not possible to cater to the jobbers market in the numerous printing hubs spread out across the Delhi NCR, through a single outlet. “Even if a printer gets a discount of Rs 2 for a print, he will not waste two hours traveling – that was the major reason we opened numerous outlets in one city. It’s working well for us. We are like the McDonald’s of printing as most of our Konica Minolta machines are portable and don’t require a huge space,” he said.
“We are a commercial printer for jobbers and 80% of our revenues come from this segment. A jobber has a limited work schedule and operates for around 8 hours, covering a locality with a diameter of 5 to 6 kilometers. Most commercial printers taking job work want such services, and we are here to fulfill their requirements,” he added.
At the Pitampura location, the company has a Konica Minolta MGI JetVarnish 3DS and a Fujifilm Revoria PC 1120. Print Mart has color printers at all the locations.
About the Fujifilm Revoria, he said, “Fujifilm presses are nice. However, there are a few segments where they need to work on to be in a better position in the commercial printing market.”  
Expansion in Mangolpuri book publishing and learning materials
The commercial printer recently ordered a 6-clamp BW2500 perfect binder from Bindwel, Konica Minolta monochrome machines and a web fed Atexco digital inkjet press for a digital book publishing unit that it plans to start in Mangolpuri in June. “I feel the monochrome publishing industry has more margins than color printing as there are fewer rejections. The market for monochrome book printing is huge as there are many students in India and you need to tap the right market,” Bhatt says.
Print Mart is mostly looking to print learning material for institutes for the newly planned digital book publishing unit as they are upfront on the payments. Printed learning material has a huge demand in the Delhi-NCR and coaching hubs such as Kota, which will be served from the Mongolpuri unit.
Bhatt says the company has come across criticism from legacy and multi-generational printers at times – that non-printers or new-generation players are disrupting the market. “Overall, commercial printing is a very good industry and cannot be taken over by an MNC because it is very customer-specific and each customer has different requirements,” he says. The industry is growing and if printers have the right machine along with trained manpower, they are likely to succeed in the business, adding that they merely need to fulfill the demand in the jobbers segment.
Though the company sells prints competitively and at times with thinner margins, its growth over the past eleven years demonstrates that the strategy is working well. “There are two options in the market – give credit and earn higher margins and give no credit and earn lower margins. We chose to go with the latter choice from the beginning,” Bhatt said during a recent interaction at the Zoom Print Pitampura outlet.
According to him, the Delhi-NCR is a very good market and it can feed itself but suppliers from Jaipur and adjoining areas are nibbling at the edges of this market. “Printers need to learn from each other and implement better management tactics at their production centers,” he notes.
The input cost for manpower and machinery is very high in the commercial printing business, commenting that this is a major reason for price wars among printers. Nevertheless, Print Mart itself plans to open outlets in Ludhiana, Agra, Meerut and Hisar soon, along with plans to install color inkjet presses.
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amitynoida · 1 month
Your Launchpad For A Tech Career: Best Private University For BTech In India 
The world of technology is booming, and a Bachelor of Technology (BTech) degree is your passport to a thrilling career in this ever-evolving field. With a BTech qualification, you'll gain the knowledge and skills to solve complex problems, design cutting-edge solutions, and contribute to groundbreaking advancements. 
In this article, we are going to look at the colleges in Noida for BTech and how Noida can be beneficial for your career aspirations.
Why Consider Noida for Your BTech Education?
Noida, a city next to New Delhi, has gained its position as the centre of technology and innovations. It has always managed to continuously adapt not only in these two broad sectors of technology and education. Here are three reasons why Noida is an ideal location to pursue your BTech:
Budding Tech Ecosystem
Noida is home to numerous multinational corporations, IT giants, and innovative startups. Being surrounded by this type of industry leader is the most exciting resource any student can possibly imagine as they gain all these learning opportunities, such as internships, guest lectures, and likely pouring in job offers.
World-Class Infrastructure
Noida boasts excellent infrastructure, including state-of-the-art educational institutions, research facilities, and business centres. Vibrant surroundings like this, encourage a culture of education and innovation.
Exposure and Networking
Noida education places you in the vicinity of tech entrepreneurs, tech events, and many other technological update sources that allow you to learn a lot about the recent developments in the world of IT.
Why Choose Amity University Noida for Your BTech?
The Amity University at Noida, the heart of the city, has been designed to be a catalyst for the efforts of brilliant students to get a quality BTech degree. Through the years, it has emerged as No. 1 in the list of top 10 BTech colleges in India. Here's why opting for colleges in Noida for BTech, particularly Amity University, is the ideal choice:
Renowned Faculty
Learn from a team of accomplished professors with extensive industry experience and a passion for nurturing young minds. Faculty at Amity will be responsible for helping you out with one-to-one mentorship on your academic matters at any time required.
Modern Infrastructure
Amity University boasts state-of-the-art infrastructure and world-class facilities that cater to the needs of BTech students. Our classrooms and research centres have everything from well-stocked laboratories to workshops. Our campus has facilities where young minds can experiment with practical, hands-on learning.
Industry-aligned Curriculum
Our BTech programs are designed to equip you with the most sought-after skills in the tech industry. Besides technology integration, the curriculum is current with the latest technology trends, ending you up as a job-ready graduate with an upper hand in the competitive job market.
Practical Learning Approach
Amity University prioritizes hands-on learning. At Amity, the programs include sessions of workshops, projects and laboratory classes which are meant to improve students' deliberation of practical usage of theoretical knowledge in solving everyday problems.
Strong Placement Records
Amity boasts a stellar placement record, with a dedicated placement cell that connects graduates with top companies in the tech sector. The scope of Amity's alumni goes far beyond national boundaries, where you find the market and opportunities you need.
Choosing a BTech program at the best private college for BTech— Amity University Noida is an investment in your future.The campus of Amity is full of different learning places, industrious facilitators and professional training programs that fill you with all the necessary skills to work effectively and efficiently regardless of the rapidly changing world of technological advancements. Contact Amity University Noida today to explore our BTech programs and take the first step towards a rewarding career in the exciting world of technology. Apply Today! 
Source: https://sites.google.com/view/yourlaunchpadforatechcareerbes/home?authuser=3
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roopb · 2 months
CA Raj K Agarwal: From the Start to Success
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Unleashing Potential: The Educational Journey of CA Raj K Agrawal
After achieving the 27th national rank in the CA Final and the 29th place in the CA Foundation examinations in 2008, CA Raj K Agarwal made a lasting impression on the world of chartered accounting. His relentless quest for excellence has defined his academic career. He started his education at Sunbeam School Bhagwanpur and went on to enhance his education by doing a diploma program at DAV Degree College, BHU Varanasi. He expanded his knowledge in 2018 by finishing the GST Indirect Taxes Committee Certificate Course, which was provided by ICAI.
With an unquenchable hunger for excellence, CA Raj K Agrawal has proven a smooth transition between his love of teaching and business endeavors. Raj K Agarwal video classes long list of accomplishments demonstrates his steadfast dedication to ongoing development and progress. In whatever he does, he embodies an unwavering commitment to excellence and an endless curiosity.
The Educational Odyssey of CA Raj K Agarwal
On October 23, 1991, in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India, Raj Kumar Agrawal, better known as CA Raj K Agrawal, embarked on a journey that would ultimately shape his destiny. Born on July 9, under the sign of Libra, he resides in Varanasi. Raj Kumar, a patriotic Hindu from India, commenced his education at Sunbeam School Bhagwanpur, Varanasi, where he laid the foundation for his future pursuits. He then enrolled at DAV Degree College in Varanasi to pursue a BCom (Hons) degree, driven by his ambition to become a chartered accountant.
CA Raj K Agarwal steadfast dedication to study and development is demonstrated by his unyielding quest for excellence and the strong educational foundation he laid. These attributes bear witness to his unwavering commitment.
Family, Friendship, and Perseverance
Though his family was not wealthy, CA Raj K Agrawal benefited greatly from the education his merchant family provided, which helped him develop a strong value for learning. Their substantial financial sacrifices towards his education demonstrated their steadfast dedication to his future. Raj, in return, showed them the same commitment, strengthening the love and support that constituted the strong familial relationship. His victories in the Mathegenius Competition demonstrated his extraordinary talent and confirmed his unwavering commitment to learning. Raj K Agarwal video classes showed his unwavering commitment to learning by methodically finishing the whole math program, even during breaks from school. Known for dedication, classmates trusted his leadership in discussions. Chief Guest at school events, testament to lasting influence.
Even though CA Raj K Agarwal faced financial difficulties, he started delivering groceries in order to help support his family. Despite the difficulties, his family managed to send him to Delhi to pursue his CA degree, living off of inexpensive breakfast alternatives. His meals with buddy Sagar Wadhwa were consoling, highlighting the importance of friendship amid difficult times. Even in the face of many challenges, Raj never wavered in his resolve to bring democracy to education. His family celebrated his achievement of the prestigious CA title, which stands for optimism for a better future. When Raj got his first job, he paid his bills on time and took care of his family's needs while working hard at his office.
Journey to Online Education: Study At Home Initiative
After passing the CA Final exam, CA Raj K Agarwal swiftly entered the teaching profession. His teaching career gained momentum when he achieved an incredible All-India Rank (AIR) in the CA Final. This achievement, coupled with his unwavering commitment, helped him swiftly build his reputation and attract more students. Starting with just six students in 2008, Raj K Agarwal video classes financial and accounting classes began to have a significant impact on people's lives. When he initially started teaching in person, he traveled across Kerala in search of motivated students.
In 2018, Raj K Agarwal transitioned to digital instruction, introducing Study At Home. With more than fifty academics providing video lectures, this platform offers a wealth of educational materials. Raj K Agarwal's Study At Home program consistently fosters high achievers.
From AIR Rankings to Awards
The honors bestowed upon CA Raj K Agarwal highlight his outstanding accomplishments in the fields of business and academia. Notable: AIR 27 and 29 in CA Final and Foundation exams. Awards: Indian Achievers, National StartUp 2021, attest to leadership excellence. He has also received several noteworthy honors, including the Sourav Ganguly Rising Star Award and the Sonu Sood Fame Award. Additionally, Sourav Ganguly personally presented him with the EdTech Entrepreneur Award and the Best EdTech of the Year Award.
Another indication of Raj K Agarwal video classes efforts is his acceptance of the Global Teaching Excellence and Student Choice Awards. The StartIn UP Innovation for Social Impact via Technology Award is another honor bestowed upon him. Furthermore, he has been awarded the YouTube Silver Button for his YouTube channel, Study At Home. The leadership and inventiveness of CA Raj K Agarwal courses in the field of education have been emphasized by media coverage.
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schoolofcoreai01 · 6 days
Benefits of Taking a Machine Learning Course in Delhi
As technology continues to evolve, machine learning is at the forefront of this transformation. For those looking to advance their careers in this dynamic field, taking a machine learning course in Delhi can be a game-changer. In this blog, we'll explore the myriad benefits of enrolling in such a course and why Delhi is the perfect place to embark on this educational journey.
1. Hub of Technological Innovation
Delhi is rapidly becoming a hub of technological innovation in India. With numerous tech companies, startups, and research institutions, the city offers a vibrant ecosystem for learning and applying machine learning. Taking a machine learning course in Delhi provides students with access to a wealth of resources, networking opportunities, and real-world applications of their skills.
2. High-Quality Educational Institutions
Delhi boasts some of the best educational institutions in India. From prestigious universities to specialized training centers, the city offers top-notch machine learning courses. These institutions are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and experienced faculty members who provide comprehensive training. By taking a machine learning course in Delhi, students can benefit from a curriculum that is both rigorous and industry-relevant.
3. Networking Opportunities
One of the key benefits of taking a machine learning course in Delhi is the networking opportunities it provides. The city is home to numerous tech meetups, conferences, and seminars where students can connect with industry professionals, alumni, and peers. These connections can be invaluable for career growth, providing insights into the latest trends and potential job opportunities.
4. Access to Cutting-Edge Tools and Technologies
Delhi's educational institutions and tech hubs offer access to the latest tools and technologies in machine learning. From powerful computing resources to advanced software and libraries, students can gain hands-on experience with cutting-edge tools. This practical exposure is crucial for mastering machine learning concepts and techniques.
5. Career Advancement and Job Opportunities
Taking a machine learning course in Delhi can significantly enhance career prospects. The demand for machine learning professionals is skyrocketing across various industries, including finance, healthcare, e-commerce, and more. Delhi, being a major metropolitan area, hosts numerous companies looking for skilled machine learning experts. By completing a course in Delhi, students can position themselves as strong candidates for these lucrative job opportunities.
6. Learning from Industry Experts
Many machine learning courses in Delhi are taught by industry experts with extensive experience. These instructors bring real-world insights into the classroom, bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application. Learning from these experts can provide students with a deeper understanding of how machine learning is applied in various domains and prepare them for real-world challenges.
7. Flexibility and Variety of Courses
Delhi offers a wide range of machine learning courses to suit different learning needs and schedules. Whether you're a working professional looking for part-time classes or a full-time student seeking an intensive program, there's a course that fits your requirements. This flexibility ensures that anyone can pursue their passion for machine learning without disrupting their current commitments.
8. Cultural and Lifestyle Benefits
Beyond educational advantages, studying in Delhi offers a rich cultural and lifestyle experience. The city's diverse culture, historical landmarks, and vibrant social scene make it an exciting place to live and learn. This holistic experience can enhance personal growth and make the learning journey more enjoyable.
In summary, taking a machine learning course in Delhi offers numerous benefits, from access to high-quality education and cutting-edge tools to invaluable networking opportunities and career advancement. For those serious about making a mark in the field of machine learning, enrolling in a course in this dynamic city is a strategic move. Schoolofcoreai is dedicated to providing top-tier machine learning courses in Delhi, designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in this rapidly evolving field. By choosing Schoolofcoreai, you're not just taking a course; you're investing in your future.
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digital1995-marketing · 2 months
What are the exciting opportunities for digital marketing enthusiasts in Noida?
Digital marketing is something which anyone can learn easily as it doesn’t require any specific educational background and you just need to be 12th pass for it. Digital marketing is that platform which can make you skillful person in your life and you can earn as much as you can after learning it and it not apply in the job but also you can apply it in your business and can also go for freelancing jobs for it and work from home is also available for it.
There are different institutes for digital marketing which provides almost the same modules to their students but the the course duration of different institutes vary. but there are different types of courses available in digital marketing like- Masters, Advance, Basic course and all the courses have different time duration like masters has almost 6 to 10 months, advance has 4 to 5 months etc.
There are various opportunities in Digital marketing including SEO, SMM, PPC, Email marketing etc. and these institutes also provide the option to customize the courses according to your need and you can also go for the whole masters course which include each and every module of it.
In my opinion Delhi Institute Of Digital Marketing is one of the best institute in Noida which not only provides you the different training opportunities mentioned below.
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like advance course masters , and customize course but also the best academics provide their students with the best placement services.
I hope this will help you out.
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