#work from home jobs in cebu
goteamphilippines · 2 years
It was definitely a night full of spectacular performances and amazing talents. See you again next time for GGT Season 7!
About GoTeam Philippines
GoTeam, formerly GO Virtual Assistants (GO-VA) Inc. is a registered Australian-Filipino owned company growing in the heart of Cebu City, as well as a growing number of key cities in the Philippines.
Our HQ is situated in an IT complex with modern facilities, although since March 2020, more than 70% of our team members have been working from home.
Our enhanced operations and streamlined services provide scalable opportunities that spell sustainability, growth, and success for any business venture. As your global team members, GoTeam's goal is to create winnable games and strategies across all the work that we do, knowing that your success is our long-term fulfillment.
We help Australian, NZ, US, and UK businesses increase revenue, reduce costs, and scale through outsourced offshoring. This also creates for us the opportunity to be a catalyst for people to exceed.
Contact Information
AU (+61) 2 7227 8809 US (+1) 302 207 2767 PH (+63) 32 410 7523 HK (+852) 302 203 9009 9th Flr, i1 Bldg, Jose Ma. del Mar St, IT Park, Cebu City, Philippines 6000 Central Visayas Website: http://go.team Careers: http://go.team/ph/ Schedule A Meeting With Us: https://calendly.com/donnalee-baltaza… https://twitter.com/goteamph https://www.facebook.com/goteamcareers https://www.linkedin.com/company/gote… https://www.youtube.com/c/goteamcareers https://www.instagram.com/goteamcareers/ https://www.pinterest.ph/goteamphilip… [email protected]
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reachfortheskiespeeps · 5 months
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Keane: "Watching the video made me wanna wish I had antihypertensive meds with me instead. My BP be skyrocketin. But enough bout her, I wanna commend Sir Pharmacist for standing his ground. That takes balls especially in a country that unfortunately sees us pharmacist only as /tindero/tindera/sellers."
(( For those who haven't seen it, here's the vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8st8TQ7BgPo ))
SOME NEWS ABOUT THE INCIDENT: 1. https://manilastandard.net/home-living/314439045/pharmacy-video-content-creator-slammed-for-rx-med-complaint.html 2. https://pop.inquirer.net/360593/filipinos-defend-pharmacist-in-viral-video-of-woman-insisting-to-buy-rx-meds-without-prescription
(( The event happened in a pharmacy in Cebu. I saw the video as it was shared to me by friends who are from there, and as someone who buys meds on a regular basis, you should know that the pharmacists are the drug experts. The medicine experts. If they say no, then no. If they say go to the doctor, then go. They're called the Gatekeepers of Medicines for a reason. As Healthcare workers, they are only looking after our health as patients. Let them do their job. ))
(( I have many pharmacist friends who were frustrated with these kinds of scenarios as well. Like whenever they do something good like doing their job (doing the right thing) - they get prosecuted or attacked by customers who insist on their way etc etc. Kaya na feel ko pain ni sir pharmacist coz i can see my friends in his situation. It's tough po. And it's no joke, pharmacy is no joke. Like, if I'm not mistaken, it's one of the toughest courses to take in college and jobs? Here: https://leverageedu.com/blog/toughest-courses-in-the-world/ They have to finish 4-5 years for that and take the board exam which by the way, congrats to the ones who passed! Awesome sauce! And to new physicians as well! ))
note: Keane plays Makisig the Tamawo
#planetputo #actorAU #philmytcrea MAIN BLOG: ask-emilz-de-philz.tumblr.com ACTOR AU BLOG: reachfortheskiespeeps.tumblr.com If you like our work, please support us at: ko-fi.com/haimacheir
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9.18.24 Wednesday
9:41 am
Still,have windblow...
I don't know why my fakers friends are fakes on me... For so long???
Did Mitch is somewhere simply observing or escaping on the things she did on me? For so long??? Like the " simple battery"???
It doesn't mean that they are doctors that they are always correct... I have theories in me that I can't prove...
9:55 am
Everytime I have a job Uncle DD has a strange behaviour... Or is it about Mitch? They are connected?
Is it Cebu Pacific Air people mingled here and got some rituals here like Mayee,that I'm starting to hate her for no exact reasons...
I don't deserve to die this way... But having a job is considered a "LIFE"....
Still, I wanna do the rumuour thing.... I feel bitterish if I can't... But I want some people will let this rumuor thing reach my cousin-white and Aunt Ten2x... A fair thing to do...
I heard the rumuor, I heard a rumuor that my cousin-white will think of me,never find happiness and will have tragic if he will not call me even my Aunt Ten2x... A tragic for all of their clan...
I hope there are no unfair people coming from Cebu Pacific Air for planning to kill people innocently..... People in the ritual are mixed plus some of my relatives and some people who got it...
It is weird that I received a documents that I'm already insured... I'm not yet insured and still I wanna live a thousand years until I can kill people who deserve to die...
Even that fakers Manalo, can kill an innocent person like me... or they created me an insurance to kill me smootly?
10:31 am
Cebu Pacific Air? People???
Mayee supposed to be my gf like Mitch??? Is Mayee somewhere???
Katrina Matoza just a friend, she won't let me eat her for I don't know why... They are avoiding me for so long... Pauline Bardeloza, are you with them?
Michelle Valdez, are you stabbing me at my back?? my sisterhood...
Any Cebu Pacific Air x-employee? Hey! What are you doing???
Why, they are all missing??? 17 years...
10:37 am
Tandems at my back...
I made an argument on Aunt Karen? All are undergraduates... Accusation again... I don't like them...They should go back to the province!
Why should I go down on her?
This biological mother is making a damage on me again...
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They wanted to replace the rightful people in this world!!!
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I want Aunt Karen be returned in the province...
Group of crazy people and mostly undergraduates. They have virus angels! They wanted to be a leader here in this world!
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If she can lend me money then Thank You if there is none,then Shut-up...
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11:27 am
I don't like my biological mother coz she is always damaging me as a person coz I grew-up here and she is competing me here that she wanted to show that siblings who grew-up with her are much more better than me...
My biological mother wanted to be higher in a wrong way....She created her own group who can't accept me and can't respect me at all... That Chian is better than me now working in baranggay that is the belief of my biological mother... That Aunt Karen is higher than me, I just respect Aunt Karen and something happened and I planned to avoid them... I don't want being lowered by mean people... I don't usually make friends on the bracket of my biological mother... Coz of some squater character...
I have so many problems in me now,like who created that insurance? Though, it is a good thing to have insurance but if you didn't know that you are already insured meaning there are group of people who are making a story for me that if they will plan to kill me, at least they can give me a lil wonderful show that I have my own insurance. You get my point? That those people can put me on a very or somehow pricey and elegant funeral home coz someone created that insurance for me. The insurance documents are for accidents or death event....
What is inside the "briefcase" a lawyer plan to kill me? Making a plot to kill me???
Who done it? Who created my insurance? For death or accidents...
12 noon
Still,have windblow...
It is bad to be traitor... But those traitor will not think that way...
Aizzy? I can't just imagine if Aizzy is with my biological mother's group... But we just got along in Conduent, we became workmates in a chat group in Taxation based in USA...
I was able to read his or her soul right away... I was able to feel that he cares for me that somehow weird for me... Or at the beginning he was observing me, I know...
I was able to read Aizzy with Ellie... I know Ellie the girl in Conduent, I know something were a mystery.... Ellie wanted me to compete her then I avoid her but I didn't say anything to Aizzy....
Coz I like Ellie from the start coz she is younger than me and I know she is not really bad but she is pushing me to compete her,indirectly... But I remember Kim on her...
Then, I invited the 2 of them, for us to see the sea-side yeah! sounds like "suicide"...But they are always having logical reasons for them not to go with me on the sea-side...
But both of them having separate logical reasons... Then, I respected it coz we are full-grown up people, working in Conduent.
After awhile after the training, we all went to our designated group in chat support group. It was hard to pin-point during the trainings and production that someone is competing me? That I don't know why? I was just thinking I'm here to work and earn coz I have needs and for my baby John and for some expenses that I can share like rice and for my savings and starbucks...
Something happened there were 3 girls always together and I think one of them was a virgin. It is difficult to pin-point coz what I only have was an accidental thing that I heard it from the 1 of the 3 girls but not really directly telling it to my face... One of them was giving a side comment if I was just around but not really in-front my face. They acted as if we were in a university that the 3 of them were the "cool girls".... Commented that something like "So, what?! If I'm the one! I'm gonna be the lead or the cool girl"!
I was just quiet coz my really focus is to work and I have maturity that I was thinking perhaps they were doing something...
For a couple of times that girl on one of the 3 girls was really commenting negatively on someone that she is the one and she is the cool girl than someone..
Anyways, I'm just lucky to meet good new people like Aizzy in spite of some trouble in life...
2:51 pm
I just loaned again from Tala... I badly need to keep my job in Teleperformance for a year or more coz I need to pay my creditz on Tala and Ely....
Thanks Tala!
I just realized that nobody can help me in the family... I'm not super intelligent but I'm not stupid to analyze some weird things in life and whatever it is that is happening in the society. Sometimes I'm avoiding to ask help from the family coz I don't wanna hear some negative things that they will keep on blaming me on something that they can't understand that there are group of people in the society who are organize to ruin my entire life...
Supposed to be I'm not arrogant but I hate being smashed by other people who are just wanting to put me down in the society... You know what I mean,angels...
I keep on explaining things to some family members but some of them are dropping me as if I'm really stupid or always a problem in the family... Most specially that biological mother, she is always smashing my pride and ego and I hate being compared to my other siblings....
I pointed out this a bit to my adoptive mother or Aunt Teresa who raised me... I'm not being arrogant, but I want them to support me on my start expenses supposed to be even if other people are planning to damage me again and again...
But I can't blame her coz she told me that she is really having a hard time on creating money these days... I just realized I'm so fucking scared to be a mother in reality having a human baby is hard and thinking of John that I can't totally support him these days is very,very painful to me...
It is very,very, painful in my part that I can't support totally my son-dog these days... But I'm giving him the extra TLC( Tender Love & Care ) that he needs...
My loan money is for my start expenses for my job. John is out of dog food now... What if he is a human baby,then I can't support, probably will kill myself.
8:28 pm
Still,have windblow...
I don't know why, I feel that Mayee ( Supposed to be my gf, I met in Cebu Pacific, which I considered having a special place than others ) is keeping a secret from me... I sensed it but it remains a theory in my head for so long...
I just don't wanna judge friends who are just somewhere and they are with some other friends that they are keeping something for so long...
I just feel, I'm being left-out for so long....I just wanna tell them that having a child or kids, it doesn't mean that they already have a "full genuine maturity"!
What did they do for so long???
I feel out of place... I feel left behind... I feel that they stabbed me for so long....Until when?
Then, I received a document via mail that I'm already insured and what does it mean???
8:57 pm
Still, have windblow...
I feel mixed-up....I feel betrayed by my old fakers friends...
I really want my cousin-white someone who is really English...
I want cute faces, angels... I want someone who is sensitive... I really like my cousin-white and Matthias...
I feel insecure for 17 years that I can't get a new bf! That I want my cousin-white...
About Revo, I really don't like him! I just want him there coz of job but to be my bf I don't like him. Coz I wanna cute faces like a Barbie and Revo is chinky eyes beauty, white as bond paper. But I don't like Revo to be my bf....I want someone matured and on the real middle-class like my cousin-white.
I really wanna know the "Entangle Thing" of Aunt Ten2x here and my cousin-white...
11:07 pm
Still,have windblow...
I wonder if there is a spirit again on our street gate coz the CCTV light is switching on... Goosebumps...
Is there really a shifter? I need to kill my cousin-white to get it??? I want it but why? But I truly like my cousin-white...
I like my cousin-white, angels...
11:42 pm
The morning he shouted on me coz of allegation that I damaged their toilet bowl... Scary Uncle DD.... Chian's group... I hate them!!!
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ireceived-p8250000 · 3 months
Sunday, October 20, 2013
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Hollmae accompanied me to get my piercings done, just above my ears where the cartilage is strong. The piercer gave me an aftercare kit. Afterward, I bought some underwear and bras, and we had lunch at The Old Spaghetti House.
Hollmae's been having some problems at home. I tried to listen and advised her that her family is toxic. She's really immature and it's hard to get through to her.
Monday, October 21, 2013
I attended CompSci and completed some tasks in the computer lab. It's a really relaxed class, and our professor, Nanette, is very laid-back. We often just share stories. In English 7, we worked on an art project.
In Experimental Psych, Professor Jean already knew about me and Mansoor and thinks we are cute, so we got teased again. During our breaks, we were surrounded by classmates who asked questions, especially Meg, but I shut them down. I heard some people have crushes on him. I can't blame them. He's good-looking, smart, and a real gentleman who shies away from toxic masculinity. Despite people questioning his sexuality, he's confident in his masculinity.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
We started planning for the video with my groupmates in Abnormal Psych. The topics are getting more interesting. There was an earthquake in Cebu, and Kate, one of our classmates, was getting married there. She's nice to me and laughs at my deadpan jokes. Mansoor and I both like her.
I attended my afternoon classes and started on the reporting for Economics. There are just four of us, and Steph and I are workers, though I work in the formal economy part-time. That still counts.
There wasn't any special interaction with my History professor today. Myla and Robbie chatted with him while I focused on my experiment paper. He glanced at me from time to time.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Today was experiment day. It was fun searching for respondents and conducting experiments in the booth. During the process, I noticed a girl flirting with Mansoor. She stood too close, laughing a lot. I didn't mind; he's naturally friendly with everyone, and it’s part of what I love about him.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
I had some work to submit in the morning, so I was running late for CompSci. Abnormal Psych was once again a heavy topic. This class should be held in the evening or afternoon. Discussing psychological disorders and the darker corners of the human mind during the day feels wrong, like watching a dark series in the morning or smoking with the sunshine out. It's uncomfortable.
In Economics, we presented our reports. People asked about my work as a freelance graphic designer, but Stephanie's job as a bot chatter captured more attention.
During History class, we engaged in a small group activity, starting on Noli Me Tangere, discussing it chapter by chapter. Then I attended Ecology class. Mansoor picked me up afterward.
For the rest of the day, I focused on studies and work. I played with Ran and promised to take him to the park this Sunday, just the two of us. Mansoor wanted to come, but I told him maybe next time.
I had a really heavy period this week, and it was quite painful. During History class, I discreetly slipped a note to my professor, asking if I could leave early due to cramps.
"Namumutla ka," he said, then nodded, allowing me to leave early and go to the clinic. We weren't doing much anyway. I finished the essay, and there were only 10 minutes left until dismissal.
At the clinic, I requested a hot water bag and some mefenamic acid. The bitterness of the medicine lingered, making me nauseous. I rushed to the bathroom and vomited, the taste of bile burning my throat. I rinsed my mouth with water and lay down on one of the beds, trying to find some comfort. As I closed my eyes, exhaustion washed over me, and I drifted into a restless nap.
I woke to someone softly calling my name. Groggy and disoriented, I asked, "Why?"
"It's me. Nakalimutan mo notebook mo sa chair mo."
Opening the curtain that divided the clinic beds, I saw Sir Apollo standing there, holding my aesthetic notebook binder.
"Thank you," I said, managing a weak smile.
"How are you feeling?" he asked, his voice gentle.
"Okay naman, thanks for letting me leave early."
"It's okay." I thought he was going to leave, but then his fingertips lightly grazed my forehead and cheeks. My eyebrows furrowed, but he didn’t stop. His touch was tender, almost hesitant, as if he was waiting for me to respond.
"Sir," I muttered softly, my voice barely above a whisper.
"Yes?" His hands were now gently stroking my hair.
"I'm going back to my nap," I whispered, my voice carrying a hint of vulnerability.
"Aalis na ako. Take care," he said softly.
I nodded, feeling a strange warmth spreading through me. My stomach, which had been cramping earlier, now fluttered with a different kind of sensation. It was a strange, funny feeling that lingered even after he left. I took a deep breath, feeling his touch as if it had imprinted on my skin, and I drifted back into sleep.
In my dreams, I saw him tying my shoes with a tender smile on his face. When I woke up later, I felt groggy and debated whether I should skip my Ecology class altogether. I texted Robbie to update me about the class or send me screenshots because I still felt unwell.
I messaged Mansoor, but he wasn’t available. They had gone somewhere for leadership training, and I missed him terribly.
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krischanix · 5 months
The experience I will never forget is that when I looked after my sick uncle in the hospital, there was no one else to look after him because he had no children or wife, and his siblings could not look after him because they had jobs, so I was the only one who looked after my uncle. I was sent back to the province and because I also wanted to visit and return to the province again so I agreed, because I haven't been back there for a long time, I was still modular then so it was ok, sometimes I complained because I was always the one left in the hospital to keep an eye on my uncle but it's ok because my uncle is the one I rely on, that's when I saw the change in my uncle's body, his healthy body has weakened and he has no appetite to eat, before he could speak decisively and move but a few days ago It's like he can't talk and move anymore. I also experienced changing his diaper and carrying him by myself, I ask people who are in the hospital to help me because I can't do it by myself, and when I'm the only one left to look after him when he was still able to speak I will never forget he told me "this boy will go far because he is so strong that he can carry me and support me by himself" every time I think of these words I suddenly cry silently sometimes he apologizes my uncle because he is said to be a burden but my aunt and I tell him to get better because his birthday is coming up and then he told my aunt that it seems like he won't make it to his birthday and even if he gets better he wants us to take a bath in the sea because it's been a long time who can't take a bath and he wants to see his other siblings who are in Cebu and Manila sometimes they talk on video calls and cry so sometimes to keep me from crying I amuse myself by playing ML, and in the hospital I'm going to sleep, I'll just go home after taking a bath, that's when my uncle's other sister, auntie Roma, went with my cousin to the hospital.
So we waited for the guard to leave so that my aunt could enter, and my cousin and I got in her car because she said maybe I would like something to eat, so I said Jollibee. We went to the drive-through, and when I came back, I was told that next to my uncle in the hospital, my uncle was looking for me. Where did he say I was from? I told him that I picked up my aunt and sister outside. They talked and cried as if our family had accepted that Tito would never get better because he was very ill because of his illness, so in Tito's last moments only I and my aunt were with him. Aunt left him for a while because there was prescription medicine to buy, and I fell asleep because I watched over Uncle all night. When I woke up, he was dead. The person next to him told me that it's a shame your uncle seems to want to say something but he can't speak and he just stares. He said I was sleeping next to him. I was angry with the nurses there because they took so long to arrive. I cried even more when I saw my uncle's other brother crying because they couldn't enter the morgue because they said it wasn't allowed and only me and my aunt. I don't want to look at Tito because I feel sorry for him. I know there are a lot of things he wants to say, but he can't say them. He was alive. I feel that he is fighting his illness, even though he is struggling. That's why my aunts always tell him that if he wants to rest, it's okay to accept it. They were there, and if he was worried about his pet animals, he said it would be up to him and his house. Tito seemed to want to answer, but he really couldn't speak. I myself feed him because he can no longer move, and in the last moments of his life, I witness how much he wants to live and fight his illness. Rest in peace, Tito.
We are lucky in the life we have, so let's not waste it. Let's do what will make us feel good and happy. Let's fulfill our dreams in life, whether it's hard or easy. Nothing is impossible for someone who works hard in life, as long as they believe we belong to God and we will overcome all our trials in life. As long as we do the right thing and just enjoy life, not everything should be a problem. We also need to have fun from time to time. Everything in the world is something we can't rush; we have to take it slow so we can get through it. So whatever we want to do in life, let's do it as long as we can, because we don't know how long we'll be here on earth.
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purplesurveys · 7 months
When’s the last time you ate bread?  I had a burger from Wendy's earlier today.
What’s the last movie you watched on your own?  I watched a local comedy movie called Ang Tanging Ina, which translates to The Only Mother. It's one of those movies that are almost deliberately bad that it ended up a comedy classic, but the plot is really nice so I ended up liking it. It's an easy watch for sure.
What about the last movie you watched with another person?  You've Got Mail. It was an event of a client and they were screening that for Valentine's Day, and I snuck into the cinema for a few minutes to watch a few scenes since I've never seen it before.
How many coats do you own?  None. I don't need coats where I live.
What about shoes?  Somewhere around 10-15.
One word to describe your most recent ex?  Selfish.
Where, in your current country, would you like to live, other than where you do now?  Realistically I would love to move somewhere like Cebu or Davao, so that it can still be in the city but life can also be quieter and slower.
Do you like snow?  I've never seen snow, so I wouldn't know yet how I feel about it.
Do you like sheer clothing?  Eh not really, they demand creativity and some style knowledge and I'm not nearly as passionate about fashion to decide on things like that lol.
Have you ever seen anyone famous in the street?  Sure, but being in PR I deal with a lot of famous people on a regular basis so seeing celebrities isn't really something I'm limited to encountering in the street.
Are you hungry right now?  I am, a little bit. I'm seeing someone for early dinner in around an hour or so though so I should be alright.
Are you regularly tired?  Yes, being in the corporate world and having your braincells sucked out of you on a daily basis isn't the best walk in the park.
What was the last thing to upset you?  Continued from this afternoon. Being late to the said dinner I mentioned earlier. I hate wasting people's time by being late, and Metro Manila traffic is just the worst for making you late no matter how much time you allot for travel.
How’s the weather been today?  I was indoors and in air-conditioned rooms all day long so it'd be hard for me to tell how it was like today haha.
What was the first tattoo you got or what would be the first tattoo you’ll get?  I'd love a really small and subtle reference to BTS. Seven dots, and then each color is matched to their mics.
What was the last store you went into and did you buy anything?  I went to a Lawson yesterday to get the biggest bottled water available, because I had a mini fainting/dehydration incident and all my companions insisted I get the fuck inside and get some water, lol.
Have you ever been late for school or work?  I was late for college classes more times than I can count, but the most unforgettable moment for me was that time in like...high school (or like Grade 6 or 7? I can't quite remember) when the bus broke down and we got to school by ~8:15 AM – extremely late. Everyone else went down but my anxiety was through the roof that day and I didn't want to have to face walking into the classroom while the first subject was already starting, so I just asked them to take me home.
As for work, I technically have a grace period which allows me to report to work by 10 AM latest and yeah I tend to maximize that from time to time.
Do you prefer to shower in the morning or at night?  Morning. I need to shower first thing in the morning – it makes me feel refreshed and calm before work.
What is your favourite kind of fruit cobbler?  No thanks.
Is there a basement in your house? If so, what is it used for?  We don't.
Have you driven a car today?  Yep. In fact I'm taking this survey from my car just for a bit of change.
Do you have a small, medium or large bedroom? It's the smallest bedroom in the house but I'd say it's still medium-sized for me; it fits all of the things I own comfortably.
Where was your first job and how old were you?  I was an intern in my current workplace. I was 22 when I started.
Have you eaten soup this week?  No, it's not really something I tend to get a lot.
Are you a fan of The Office?  I've started with a few Season 1 episodes last December but haven't gotten back on it since. It's hilarious, but it hasn't given me that ~spark or oomph the way Friends immediately did.
When was the last time you started a new medication?  Never really been on long-term medications. Last thing I had to take was stuff to help recover from Covid.
What is your favourite type of nut?  Pecan, pistachio.
Do you know anyone who doesn’t have a middle name?  Used to.
Have you put your phone on silent today?  Yep, it's always on silent Mondays through Fridays.
Can you name all 50 US state capital cities?  I cannot.
Do you read John Green novels?  I did when I was in grade school.
Have you ever been to Universal Studios?  I've been to the one in Singapore.
Can you tie balloons?  I cannot.
When was the last time you were at a pet store?  Years and years and years ago.
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goteamphilippines · 2 years
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Job Hiring: HR Generalist - GoTeam Philippines
Are you an experienced HR? Take a look at this job opportunity!
One of our clients is looking for an HR Generalist who can recruit new candidates, process the payroll, and handle the onboarding and offboarding of employees.
Earn up to PHP45K monthly while working in a hybrid (work-from-home and office) set up on the night shift.
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Embracing the Future: Best Cities Outside Metro Manila for Remote Work in the Philippines
In the ever-evolving landscape of work, remote jobs and remote work have become not just a trend but a necessity. As professionals increasingly seek a work-life balance and companies embrace the flexibility of remote work, the focus is shifting beyond the bustling metropolis of Manila. The Philippines, with its diverse landscapes and growing infrastructure, offers a myriad of options for remote professionals looking to escape the hustle and bustle of the capital city. Let's explore some of the best cities outside Metro Manila for remote work.
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Cebu City: The Queen City of the South
Cebu City is not only a popular tourist destination but also an emerging hub for remote work. With a robust IT-BPM industry, a growing number of co-working spaces, and a laid-back lifestyle, Cebu provides the perfect blend of work and relaxation. The city's strong internet connectivity ensures that remote professionals can seamlessly connect to their virtual offices from the comfort of their homes or vibrant co-working spaces.
Davao City: Gateway to Mindanao
Davao City, known for its safety and cleanliness, is making its mark as a remote work destination. The city offers a peaceful environment, allowing professionals to focus on their tasks without the distractions of a bustling metropolis. Davao's strategic location also makes it an ideal base for exploring the natural wonders of Mindanao during breaks from work.
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Iloilo City: A Rising Star in the Visayas
Iloilo City, with its rich cultural heritage and growing infrastructure, is emerging as a top choice for remote professionals. The city boasts a lower cost of living compared to Metro Manila, making it an attractive option for those looking to maximize their earnings. With the development of modern business districts and a range of dining and leisure options, Iloilo is transforming into a remote work haven.
Baguio City: The Summer Capital of the Philippines
Nestled in the mountains, Baguio City offers a unique remote work experience with its cool climate and scenic views. The city's creative atmosphere, coupled with a burgeoning start-up community, makes it an inspiring place for remote professionals. Baguio's well-established infrastructure and high-speed internet ensure a smooth remote work experience, allowing individuals to balance productivity and relaxation.
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Tagaytay City: A Serene Escape
Known for its picturesque views and cool climate, Tagaytay City is an excellent choice for remote workers seeking a serene environment. While not as bustling as Metro Manila, Tagaytay provides essential amenities and a growing number of co-working spaces. The proximity to Metro Manila also makes it a convenient choice for those who occasionally need to visit the capital.
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As remote work becomes a permanent fixture in the professional landscape, exploring cities outside Metro Manila opens up new possibilities for remote professionals in the Philippines. Whether it's the vibrant atmosphere of Cebu, the tranquility of Davao, the cultural richness of Iloilo, the creative hub of Baguio, or the serene escape of Tagaytay, these cities offer a balance between work and lifestyle. Embrace the future of work by considering these remote work-friendly cities for your next career move in the Philippines.
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12.23.23 Saturday
7:50 am
Went HOME while riding a bus... Still, I have windblow.... I'm with Jocelyn....
Grrr... Here we go again... I will not stop angels until I can be a trainer and get a German language angels.....
Bullshit those modules... Though, I'm done with the others... Still, one left before the product training...
I will feel bullshit if I can't make it to the top... Where is the fucking killer there? I NEED AN ELEVATOR LIFT...
The modules are about the company and it is somehow difficult coz there is a time pressure.... Grrr....
Then, we will have basics English grammar exam next Wednesday... A big challenge for me....
9:01 am
Here in Baga2x Burger for our breakfast-omiyage ( pasalubong )... In fairness this is yummy... Still, have windblow...
9:32 am
I still have windblow.... I don't wanna go back to the old road... Past is past...
I wanna perfect my nose and remove my deep smile lines... I need to earn and beat this job...
I wanna be a trainer or product manager angels... I also want an elevator lift... I feel ugly and I wanna leave Cavite... I still, wanna see sand-dunes and see mixed plastics rocks and pebbles...
I wanna perfect my nose coz I feel so ugly and fat... I want to have someone I like, along the way of my journey in Conduent...
I'm not in a hurry coz if there is no one, there is I know probably just somewhere, aside from the "ELEVATOR"...
3:10 pm
Still, have windblow.... Yeah! I have to finish the 6 months in Conduent or I will feel bullshit hmm... The bullshit emotion is because you need a money and the challenge of getting into a higher position as time goes by... A personal achievement...
My experienced in Iqor, I wanted to overcome the stress that I had, I wanted to reach the mastery of calling and nature of job. It is something a personal agenda or personal achievement...If I can't do that, I will not stop doing this and I will always cry.... The crying part is an emotion of why other people can do it and why I can't do it... I wanna reach the point that I can handle this job even my eyes are close... Gets?I wanna reach the point just like the time that I started in Cebu Pacific Air where I started crying and I almost wanna give up and after a couple of months when I reached my regularization, shit! I can do my job in a snap of my fingers even my eyes are close and I'm no longer stress. I wanna reach it again...
They don't know before I became a one of the super hero agents or one of the fastest agents in Cebu Pacific Air, I cried and I almost wanted to give up that I told my Aunt Jasmine and my X-partner that I will stop working and I can't do this... Then, they told me you can do it!!! Then, after a couple of months I got the regularization but something happened that I left the job coz of something...
The ELEVATOR thing is it an alien or a handsome and tall Filipino? But nobody knows what kind of elevator is that??? I mean is it for a lift or for a lifetime...
3:54 pm
Even if the elevator is an alien will tell him Daddy, I really wanna know and learn and beat this job in OUR COMPANY AWWW!!! Any company that I can have coz of elevator or elevator but external it is the same thing, Daddy I still wanna do this though I have a foot spa and nose perfection schedule...
It is a big deal for me....It is a big deal if I can't get the mastery of this job... I will feel bullshit!
RIP? Can't sync the music daddy??? Yeah! Pukekeh... argh! I wanna beat that job!!! Plus Money... Money...
4:48 pm
Advance Merry Christmas!!!
I need to get a foot spa while my Daddy is still missing,angels...
Seriously, will collagen down there as well while waiting for my daddy...
I badly wanna beat this job...
5:19 pm
I'm a ghost Daddy,will you come home with me???
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5:55 pm
Still, have windblow...
It is really impossible that I can't perfect the metrics in a call center coz this is just a job like in Cebu Pacific Air...
It is impossible that is my inner complex and my intimidation on people who are able to perfect the metrics...
6:14 pm
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7:48 pm
Happy Birthday tita Let!!!
Birthday of mother of Ely today...
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8:47 pm
Still, have windblow...Still,here in Ely's house, we're doing Karaoke...
My mind is splitting, I'm thinking of money and my fucking job that I need to beat... I will be 43 in a lil while...
9:28 pm
I'm in the house now... Still, have windblow...
I'm thinking of my future and I can't see anyone that I like, yeah! I know I'm bisexual...
I still wanna know, is there an elevator in Conduent???
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bigstudentcoffee · 1 year
MyGlit.com: Your Number One Portal for BPO and Call Center Jobs in the Philippines
Are you seeking call center jobs near you? MyGlit.com offers the most comprehensive job listings for BPOs and Call Center Jobs. With a wide range of listings spanning from Manila to Davao, MyGlit.com is your one-stop destination for finding the perfect BPO job opportunity tailored to your skills and location.
Call Center Jobs in Manila
MyGlit.com provides a large number of call center job Wfh jobs listings in the Manila area, allowing you to choose from many different options. No matter if you're new to the industry or have years of experience, you'll be able to find a position that matches your level of expertise and experience. Manila is a vibrant metropolis with a wide range of BPO firms. This offers ample opportunities for those looking to start or advance their career in this field.
Call Center Jobs Cebu
Cebu is not far behind Manila when it comes to providing BPO job opportunities. It has become a major hub for BPO, with many call center companies establishing operations. MyGlit.com features a number of call center jobs available in Cebu.
Work From Home (WFH) and Online Jobs
MyGlit.com offers WFH listings and online jobs in response to the evolving work environment. You can find flexible jobs that allow you to work from home. It's an excellent option for those seeking a balance between their professional and personal lives.
Call Center Jobs in Cavite, Makati, Davao, and Bulacan
MyGlit.com, in addition to the major cities such as Manila and Cebu offers listings of call center jobs for other regions, including Cavite Makati Davao Bulacan. This availability of jobs across the Philippines gives everyone the same opportunity, regardless where they reside.
Makati is a financial hub in the Philippines, and there are many opportunities for call centers. Davao and Cavite have also seen an increase in BPO positions due to the growing BPO industry.
MyGlit.com has the most comprehensive and diverse listings to meet the needs of every job seeker, making it the number one platform in the Philippines for BPO jobs or call centers. We have a comprehensive and diverse listing that caters to the needs of every job seeker, making us the top job portal in the Philippines for BPOs and Call Centers. Browse through our website today and take the first step towards your new career.
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blenderscaty · 1 year
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I am R-jay Sevillon Requierme a grade 11 student (sy.2022-2023)16 years old. now I live in district 8, Cuyapo, nueva ecija.My home town is in Bohol, I was born there on April 29, 2006.Third of four siblings and dreams of becoming a good police officer.
Our life there is neither easy nor difficult. Can eat three times a day. When I was in kindergarten, I just walking to go school with my siblings. My father was a seaman and my mother was a housewife, until the problem came that almost now is still etched in our memory. I was an elementary that time a grade 3 student, when my father came to us because he have a vacation, he was leaving one after the other with his friends and comeback almost the next day.One day we woke up and our mother was not at home, and our neighbor told us that my mom go to the hospital because our father had a stroke. Since then, we have been having "problems and troubles that are like illness" . to have enough money , mom said that she would work  because my father could not return to work. My mom worked in Cebu and for a few months we heard that she met someone else there.that time I was in the age of below 10 that I can't understand what is happening in our family. Efforts were made to fix that problem, but no way was found. the time that "my family is like a broken glass" . I was in elementary grade 4 student when my parents got divorced, it was even more difficult because my father didn't have a job. We decided to come with our father because my mother is the one who have wrong decision. I was in 5th grade in elementary when I came to my father's brother because I also helped in the farm. They treated me like their son and I appreciate that. I walked a far to go to school because I didn't have a bike it's look like "I walked a million miles to get there" . I'm at Grade 6 when my father and siblings go to Manila because my father's siblings want to help us to our school. Me and my grandmother left there in bohol. It was difficult at first because there was no one to play with, no one to do activities with.I always leave home To entertain myself with my friends. I wasn't a good grandson because I didn't take good care of my Grandma.I used to cry almost all the time because I missed my siblings, I regretted my mistakes with them and I want to be with them again. When I graduated from g6, me and my grandmother followed in Manila, I was happy because I didn't meet my siblings and father for almost a year.i came to cavite and only my father and my younger sister is there because my ate and Kuya is in baloy, Cuyapo nueva ecija.After 2weeks since we came to Manila, we traveled to meet My ate and Kuya and yes we are complete again even though my mother is not with us anymore.I was in grade 7 when I started studying here at pius, my cousin and his wife was taking care of me. "a change is a good as holiday". A lot has changed in my life since I came here, I can focus more on my studies, even though I'm not smart. Grade 8 in high school when I experienced the Las face to face class before the pandemic. 2years of modular class Grade 9 and 10. It's not easy because sometimes I need the discussion of the teacher to answer the modules, but thanks to God that I overcome the 2years of modular class and pandemic.Now I'm an senior high school student "busy as a bee" , the school works become more difficult that sometimes I want to give up. "friends are the best antiques" I'm grateful to have a circle of friends that willing to help me to my school works, and I'm willing to help them too. "success is swimming, failure is drowning" Now I'm still hoping to graduate and to become a good policeman someday.
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thepensociety · 1 year
40 domestic flights cancelled after power outage at Manila airport
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We all dream of traveling and seeing the whole world, that's why almost all of us travel every day or maybe every end of the month. There are people who have a goal in life, to meet or discover the different cultures of the Filipinos. It is rarely reported because it has become a normal day for people. But just recently there was an unexplained power outage on Monday (May 1) at Terminal 3 of an airport in Manila that led to about 40 domestic Cebu Pacific flights being canceled. It's natural for Filipinos that even if the flight is at night, they will wake up early to avoid being caught and left behind by the bus. Not only because there is traffic but also because they are carrying a lot and to be processed early. We are all excited when we are at the airport because there are many gifts that we can buy or we can't afford to buy anything on the plane. Traveling is fun, but if you are one of those who experienced it today, how would you react? At such points, if you are the passenger, there is nothing you can do but accept and adjust. Because if there are really unexpected things, you will be forced to find a new way to continue whatever you plan for that day. It is said that there were flight delays and they are expected due to the outage. The Ninoy Aquino International Airport said in a statement posted on Facebook, without disclosing the cause of the power failure. Maybe they did this so that everyone wouldn't be nervous and so that people wouldn't rush to refund their money.
But no matter what they do, people's anger will overflow because of scheduled business meetings or any work elsewhere. It's inevitable to have different emotions whenever these things happen. They just waited for the people to calm down so they informed them of what happened and they informed them that they have already done something and that is to refund what they paid at the airport. According to Balita, the airport operator and supplier Manila Electric Company were looking into the cause of the power failure, which comes during a peak travel season, with many Filipinos about to return home from three-day weekend trips. Due to the extreme heat and many passengers going out and entering the country, it is inevitable that there will be a problem or power failure, especially since everyone is busy and the heat we experience every afternoon is strange. They even said in the news that In a statement, Cebu Pacific offered its passengers departing to and from Terminal 3 an option to rebook or to request refunds to be put in a travel fund for future use. If you are asked to rebook or refund? Maybe if you have a lot of money just rebook or if you have a lot of options you should actually rebook. Especially if the destination or business meeting is really important, just rebook. But for people who have enough fares and can't afford to travel home or people who just commute. Maybe a refund especially if the next schedule takes a long time and they really need to go home to their hometown. People who just save for the vacation and have enough money. The travel disruption comes after a power outage at the country's main gateway in January disrupted some 300 flights, affecting about 65,000 passengers.
A lot of passengers will really wait when something like this happens at the airport. It's hard to explain to the people one by one, especially since many of them are in a hurry or haven't slept because they left early to travel further. This is also pressure on the workers at the airport because they know that they are doing their jobs properly, we are known for being boyscouts or girlscouts when they come here but when there are things that are very unexpected they know that their work can be affected and their names because of the anger of the people. Especially for foreigners who are just visiting the country, it is difficult for them because foreigners might think that it is no longer safe in the Philippines. We know that other foreigners want it to be quick, and don't want the hassle of the flight. Ninoy Aquino International Airport was last year ranked the world's worst international airport for business-class travel, according to a ranking by California-based luggage storage app Bounce, which cited the gateway's lack of facilities and poor record of delays and cancellations. As it is, we know that the airport in the Philippines is international and we are known as a responsible airport, but because something bad happened, it could be affected. The Philippines is building multibillion-dollar airports in provinces surrounding Manila to help take pressure off the main gateway. There are actually many people from the provinces who always visit Manila and many flights happen every day in the Philippines. So it's difficult if a problem happens and not everything can be solved and big costs can also happen if that happens and many people can be affected. On Sunday, Marcos Jr said his administration would step in to assist efforts to resolve power outages in the central islands of Negros and Panay, where residents have experienced blackouts of up to 12 hours since Thursday. This just happened in the Philippines and that's because it's new to our president, but he said he will find a way to fix the power outrages at the airport.
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elbertoko · 2 years
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nemuelalcordo · 2 years
In life you should be goal digger, passionate and be an optimistic and live life to the fullest while we can. She is Nickie Alcordo the eldest daughter of the family known as Kie, gra, negs and other nicknames given by the people surrounds her. This young lady was born on yhe 4th of January year 1998 at Cebu City Medical Center. During her time she was so precious and so blessed taht she got all the attention, things and all the stuff you maymention as a kid. As she grow older her family becomes bigger too, whre in I have my older brother named Noel and I arrive in the family and as the time pass by I got 5 siblings and my mom and dad got 6 children in total. All of us given a chance to met our grandmother where Nickie was so close to her to the point that she comes along with our lola selling slippers in the local market. Her daily routine was school and slipper market with lola and in front of our Lola's store there is a egg store where lola help and earn extra money, out of confusion and eagerness to learn the thing that her lola is doing she give a help and eventually she knows everything cycle that her lola is doing. By that attitude she become more eager to learn things and slowly getting know what life and how life works by earning money. Every money she got she give it to her mom and lola to have a good meal in the end of the day. From that day on, she was more into taker part time jobs, rackets,sideline work even she become a house cleaner when she was on her first year high school. she She was once a tutor, carnivals ticket that her shift start at 3pm and got home at 3am a 12 hours shift with a small amount of salary (200 pesos),she was a vendor at someone's store and once a house helper. Shes a big sister in a family that never be obliged to her younger siblings but she saw and understand that their life is not a gold reserve one. As a Filipino we help and lift up and grow as a family. There are lot of things that she is capable of and doing them passionately at the same time she earn money to help her growing family. She share whatever amount she have as she cant be gold wheel while her siblings and parents are in thorns. Moving forward, our father had a cataract on his eye that leads him not to drive anymore as we're afraid that he might got into accident. She went to college attended first semester only with a couse of bachelor of science in hospitality management but she stop as she cant pay her tuition and can't provide the needs of her course. As she stopped studying and applied as a Customer Service Representative or as known as call center agent. She's been a call center agent for almost 5 years now and since the day she become a call center àgent she provids our needs and some of our wants was also provide through her help and job. There are time that shes breaking out and feel so much pain, anxiety and was exhausted by her not so ordinary job since shes working at night, a grave yard agent. All throughout the years she never complain how hard and heartbreaking that she cant finish her study even that's her main goal in the very beginning. Whenever she's mad due to stress and problem, we just let her vent out to us even there are things she says that hurts our ego sometimes. We just understand her as we know how shes been dealing her struggle alone. We may understand her job but we haven't experienced how it works, so all we can do is to help her the things that we can and support whatever shes into and appreciate her. As she always say, never surender in life traumatic experience yet enjoy and take each circumstances as a challenge to become stronger.
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n0resistance · 2 years
         Backpacking the Philippines 2019
After I lived in Studio City I was on my way to Singapore to visit a friend who grew up there. Haven’t seen him since we went to college in Manhattan. Then the plan was to go to Manila to meet my two friends who never met each other and backpack (a New Yorker and a Angelino). The only person I’ve ever known who really back packed was my dad who’s from Rahway, New Jersey. My dad was a backpacker for 3 years and did it at the age of 22-25. He never left Jersey and he decided to backpack Europe for 3 months in his early 20s. After Europe, he just kept going and going. He saw a lot of the world. All before cell phones, only used a map, worked place to place, and stayed in hostels, or better yet made friends and couch surfed. I learned traveling through my parents at a young age which made it less scary as I got older. This trip to the Philippines we backpacked Coron Palawan, Oslob Cebu, Bohol, and then back to Manila where my cousin was getting married the day I got there. When my friends left after the two weeks, I wanted to stay in Manila to spend time with family. Then it’s time to get ready for my move back to New York. My trip was a smart move. I planned it in half a year. Traveling is expensive and to make it affordable with a portion of my paycheck every week. I bought tickets, an Airbnb, or an excursion. Chatting with the girls to make plans. Every corporate job only allowed 2 weeks of vacation. So knowing that and not wanting to go from working 50 hours, quitting a job, and not having a break. Since moving cross country is stressful. You have to find a job, an apartment, and create a life again. My mother emphasized that the Philippines is where we come from and never forget that, no matter how far away we are. Or however long it’s been. So I decided to go home.
I got rid of all my stuff. Futons, so many clothes, a bed, all the things I accumulated in about 3 years in LA. What I was bringing back to New York was the big suitcase I moved with. I made sure my layover on my way to New York was LA, so I could see friends and get my luggage. Give the people I cared for most, a one last hug goodbye. 
    I travel light, even more so now. I’ve mastered it. I brought a hand carry and my ukulele on this month journey. I started in Singapore. I remember sitting next to an old couple from Florida.
    An elderly Singaporean woman and an elderly American man. When you talk to people on the airplane you connect quickly. Sometimes I find it’s easier to get into deep conversation with strangers. The mere fact is you’ll never see them again. I found out that they lived half the year in Florida and the other half in Singapore. Have children and retired from IBM. My grandfather worked for IBM so I was able to relate. An old computer company that gave employees great pensions.
  When we arrived at our destination, the elderly woman was so nice to offer me a ride to where I was staying. I declined and she persisted “Let us bring you home, we have a driver.” She didn’t take no for an answer which in traveling is a red flag. Why would an old couple want to take a 27 year old girl to her friend’s house? That they never met nor would get anything out of. So I didn’t trust it. What’s the benefit for them? This is how people get tricked and god knows what else. So, when we got through immigration I told the elderly woman that I have to go to the bathroom and lost her on purpose and got the Grab. The old people seemed harmless but being in a foreign country, it just felt like a perfect trap. Most important thing is as females traveling you have to prioritize safety.
    Seeing my friend in Singapore was like no time had passed and he was an amazing host. We went to Gardens by the Bay which is an indoor botanical garden. I never seen anything like it. It had tulips, man made waterfalls, and so many different plants. The malls have everything you can possibly imagine in them. Asia is known for malls and humidity. However, Singapore is known for the best of everything. Best malls, best gardens, best restaurants, and the best airport. I’ve been to a lot of airports. It’s crazy beautiful.    Singapore is clean, the cleanest, like Japan or Korea. It’s so refreshing. I went to Japan when I was 7 years old with my parents and I never seen any place so clean. Everyone speaks English. In Singapore, I heard if you drop your cigarette on the ground it’s 200 Sing as a fine. There are no homeless people. I also was able to meet all his friends who were from all over the world. My friend showed me his job and brought me to a work party that had a private room upstairs. It was a restaurant with amazing catered food, but it looked and felt like a home. Wooden tables, brick walls, a fire place, a balcony outside to smoke. They hosted private events in that space and their work has outings on the regular. We went to the Intercontinental Hotel for live jazz and cocktails, there was a gorgeous view on the roof, we went for tea and had a real tea party, got food at the Singaporean market, and saw wild trees and flowers you won’t ever see the States. I enjoyed seeing his life and having a true local experience.
From Singapore, I was headed to Manila. My friends were on the plane together who have never met each other. As soon as I got off the plane my brother was waiting for me. He brought us to get hot pot and we got vegetarian because my friends are vegetarian. Which is majorly difficult if you want to backpack the Philippines. We stayed at a Hotel that I got completely for free as an award for signing up mostly every customer as a member. With Kimpton every customer that wasn’t a member became a member. I received over 100,000 points for singing up every customer into the program and the reward was hotel rooms from the company IHG.
Coron Palawan
    We made sure our hotel was near the airport because our next flight was early in the morning to Coron, Palawan. My friend went months before us and gave us tips for an all inclusive package. We stayed in a guest house that gave us breakfast, as well as excursions. Took us on a boat where we found really great snorkeling, we were brought to private islands to get lunch, and the hiking was unlike anything I ever seen. 
     I spoke Tagalog a little, but it was more than I ever had to because I had the responsibility to guide and lead my friends. Tried to establish “Hey! I can understand you” (Nakakaintindi ko) I used it to find the bathroom, or where our guest house was, or to bargain prices. 
    Now that I’m an adult I wish I was better and am trying to be better. My vegetarian friends lived off rice, vegetables, and french fries. Drinks were cheap too. 
     We spent about 5 days in Palawan. My friend was scraped by coral and still has a mark. The spots we went swimming on the island were the most beautiful we ever seen. Clear water where you can see your feet and fish. It really was magical. Not in a corny way but in a real way where you believe in magic. 
Oslob Cebu
    We soon flew to Oslob, Cebu. Specifically to see whale sharks. We got there pretty late and my family arranged a driver to get us. He brought us to our hotel which wasn’t in Oslob it was in a place called Dalaguete. Maybe an hour away from Oslob. 
     At first we were upset. I booked the wrong hotel. When we woke up in the morning and went outside to go get breakfast. I kid you not we were in the most beautiful place with the most beautiful ocean that goes on for days. We were beyond thankful to have gotten to be there and have breakfast. The driver came back and brought us over to the real Oslob.
     When we arrived to this place it was supposed to be a treehouse that I booked on Airbnb and it was severely wrong. I knew $40 was too good to be true, I booked a tent. An actual tent. The tent had an air mattress, a fan, and a light. The place had food, drinks, out door showers, and down the steps was an ocean. With a bench and a deck to jump off of.
    There were shared bathrooms and showers. They spoke basaya and there were beautiful cats there. One of my friends was so excited to stay in a tent, the other not so much, I felt sorry for putting us through this but felt indifferent about staying. We couldn’t get anything better; everything was booked out for tourists that wanted to see whale sharks. But the one who didn’t want to stay; her being a cat lover. This beautiful pregnant cat won her over. 
    The host was there for a summer job which summer is in June. She was studying sustainable tourism and she was super nice to us. Perfect English and made us feel like home. She also brought us to see the whale sharks. 
    Now I didn’t expect the whale sharks to feel like Disney land, but it did. The line was long and we were brought out by boat to see them and were able to swim with them. We only got 30 mins with them as there’s animal rights now for them. At 6 AM they uncover the net and the whale sharks are able to chose to come get fish or not. The guys row the boats and feed them fish. We noticed only the baby whale sharks but they are huge. As big as the boat. I got a water proof case for my iphone so I could take videos and I still have them. 
    It was a once in a lifetime opportunity and I’m so happy I did it and with friends. When we were done we were talking to other hostel guests and one said to our host; “how often do you get to see WhaleSharks?” Her answer was “never gone, I’m working to pay for school.” It produced a feeling that I’m familiar with. Of being so close to something but never having the opportunity. I hope she does one day but I did understand that it wasn’t important to her. Paying for school and the summer job was important to her. 
    Surprisingly our favorite place was Oslob in a tent. It was wholesome. A feeling you can’t really fake. We enjoyed it and we were off in a boat to go to Bohol. 
To Be Continued …
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abodevera · 2 years
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Guess what? Not all dreams do come true! 
—2019 and the memory still feel like it was yesterday. The first time I traveled overseas was with my best friends from Cebu, it was just random talks, and the next thing we knew we were already in Bangkok hopping from one bar to another and walking for hours trying to figure our way in the city. And, it was also the beginning of my journey toward living a life as an ex-pat.
One thing I know for sure and the feeling hasn’t changed is that I wanted to find that place where I can finally say “this is it” - now, I’m trying to recall my track and answer the question, is it home that I’m looking for or I’m just trying to escape from my reality. Either way, I know for a fact that I don’t regret every single step I take with me on this journey. I must go on until I can finally say “I’m made it!” 
The first country I traveled to alone was Singapore. It took me a lot of courage and risk to make the decision of leaving Cebu City. I have been applying for jobs bound for Singapore for a month or 2 until I finally got a call. The company I applied for mostly was in the fashion industry, particularly in retail. I remember that when I was in college I never dreamt of working in any industry other than fashion retail. You might probably be thinking why? To be honest I just love the idea of connecting with customers and giving fashion advice to them. 
Fast forward, I was in Singapore exploring the beautiful and vibrant city with my 2 favorite cousins. It was amazing and overwhelming. On my first day, I was already picturing myself working in one of those luxury brand outlets in Marina Bay. 
After a couple of days, my agency called me and asked me to come to the store to discuss the job. The feeling was over the top and when I arrived there, it felt like how I imagined it, the luxury items, the smell of expensive garments and perfumes, and the people were just too fancy and classy. I feel like the kid inside me was just on cloud 9, until the agent I was working with told me that the post was moved to Hongkong and they have to move me there but at my own expense and they will refund it after 3 months. I was distraught and shocked, I have spent so much for this already and everything changed. 
Guess what? Not all dreams do come true! Hahahaha! I was broke, I can’t afford the plane ticket to Hongkong, pay for a hotel or house, and I don’t know anyone there. I mean it was my first time trying my luck abroad and I was not ready for other rushed decisions. I was just lucky enough that I had my cousins with me in Singapore. 
So I ended up staying for almost a month in a hostel, exploring the city, meeting new awesome people which whom I am still friends now, and once my visa was almost expired I moved to Malaysia and lived with my mom for 2 days. And, that’s where it all started. 
You see, it doesn’t mean your dreams didn’t come true, it will be the end of everything. Absolutely not! It means that there is still something big awaits for you out there, you just have to be brave enough to take the step and summon all your courage to take that risk, that mistake, and learn from all of it. 
The world is your beacon. Don’t settle for one rejection or abrupt change. You make sure you control your narrative, it’s your life and the only thing that you need to do is to keep in mind that no matter what happens, you always need to GOT YOU! Because no one is gonna save you BUT YOU! 
So good luck, Good riddance and God bless you! 
See you somewhere, May our path cross someday.
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