#working my way thru these comms
hachiibun · 9 months
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Commission for @alans-snz ft. this fun pairing of gen/shin guys ✨
If you like my drawings, and are willing and able to do so, please consider pledging to my Patreon or donating through ko-fi ☕! You're not obliged to, but every bit helps to keep me living decently and I really do appreciate it!
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virevon · 9 months
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two recent finished comms :) thank yall so much
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machineprayer · 5 months
I'm gonna open a (digital) humanities/(video) game studies studyblr I think
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possiblytracker · 2 years
I should just sit down and get some of my commissions out the way this morning so I don't rapidly contract in on myself and implode anticlimatically before my copy of scarlet delivers
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lyriumsings · 2 years
i’m so close to being done with this stat homework so i can take my exam just two more to power thru and then exam and then i’m far more free
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cosmic-robot-menace · 2 months
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Hi, capitalism sucks bla bla, you get the gist of it! As you know I recently moved out, and at the moment I depend on disability money and what I earn thru my work. It's barely enough to cover some essential expenses and a job would help with earnings, but it's not easy to land one.
If you want to commission me, you can find all the info HERE
If you want to financially support me but cannot afford a comm, here are other ways to help me!
Can't afford at all? No worries! reblog to spread the word around, thank you!!!!
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stealingpotatoes · 11 months
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hi!! so i got a lot of skywalkers apart au asks last night and rather than obliterate everyones dashes with like 5 posts, just doin it all in one!!!! and i made a banner so this post looks cuter
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YEAH he rlly does!!
its a little awkward when they reunite -- don't get me wrong, SUPER loving and everyone's trying so hard to make it work and like it-- mostly does work? but there's a lot of growing pains lol especially given Luke's only been raised by his very civilised mum, so suddenly having a dad that's 6'2 of bug-eating chaos is a bit of whiplash loll. but they all love each other very much and the twins are old enough to mostly understand their parents' decision
luke's rlly going thru it tho loll he's got that family going on while he's also dealing with going from senator's son to recently-liberated-force-sensitive-rebel-fugitive
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LMAO i mean i assume they don't BLAST (in a lot of cases you don't want to let the enemy know you've got an ace up your sleeve lol) but you can bet there's been a couple times where they've found their least secure comm to say it over lolll. then again if you see a blue lightsaber absolutely whipping everyone's shit on the battlefield you can just guess, who needs an announcement <3
BUT LMAO I LOVE THAT Anakin gets back and Leia's like I CANT BELIEVE THAT ACTUALLY WORKED??? meanwhile Obi Wan and Ahsoka are like ohhh that tactic. classic. and Leia's even more shocked that he's made this work MORE THAN ONCE??
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@mayordomogoliat loll i mean. he was a jedi fugitive!! he can't predict when the empire'll spot him!! sometimes that's during grocery shopping when he's got his baby daughter (who's weirdly gleeful in the fight??) strapped to him!
LMAOOO YEAH "if i could avoid falling, so could you. do better" hes not angry hes just disappointed
YES ABSOLUTELY i mean obvs i've drawn Kanan fangirling but so many other younger jedi would be so happy to see him omg also COOLEST PERSON TO BE SAVED BY!! tbh anakin not falling definitely leads to more jedi survivors (as in ppl not the game) partly bc palps doesn't have that immediate killing machine
loll anakin's absolutely spending any downtime he doesn't spend with leia working on ships etc. probably gets annoying sometimes bc "Hey mr jedi can u do this mission" "no look i worked out a way to make this ship respond .3 seconds quicker i NEED to finish this first" local jedi forgets he's a useful jedi and thinks he's just a mechanic
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yes absolutely. like canon threepio's absolutely ???? all the time bc nobody tells him what's going on and
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@british-sarcasm YEAH!!!! palps is so pissed off he didn't turn anakin bc that means he's alive and rebelling and MY GOD is he annoying for everyone involved.
and omg YES good for them. if they ever ran into each other/ did a mission together they'd make everyone there regret ever signing up for the empire
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samipekoe · 11 months
hi sami! do you ever use a lightbox or some other method of doing multiple passes for complex drawings? i'm curious how you prevent drawing through and keep the lines clean when there's a lot of layered clothing and hair, is it just pure yolo or is there a planning phase :o
hi! well I had to Google what a lightbox is lol i can't believe I've never heard of it before. I do in fact yolo my way thru...I JUST finished a comm and took some pics so I can actually show you a bit of the process! I usually doodle a vague idea I have of a pose multiple times until I'm happy w it/feel like I have what I wanted
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like these, which makes me waste a lot of paper btw lol. then eventually I come to a more clear idea to sketch!
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which sometimes ends up in a different angle than the one I start with if I feel like I can't get it to work in the original one I had in mind. and then you draw the rest of the owl
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sorry a lot of my process happens in my Mind Palace so this is probably not very illustrative LOL but I guess a benefit of having stuck with traditional my whole life is that I am very confident in my lines so I don't have to sketch much :]
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monsterkissed · 2 years
look i love fandom and fandom history as much as the next autistic queer but some of the “fandom elder tells you about how it was in the good old days” posts are straight-up historical revisionism. “back then fancreators and their readers/fans had healthy relationships where we respected free labour and didn’t harass people over what they made or liked and we had healthy communities uwu” literally what are you talking about. where. when.
i’m not even talking about the rampant bigotry (do you remember the reason “this contains yaoi m/m don’t like don’t read!!” was a common refrain?) i mean the entire comms that existed solely for insulting bad fanart or “sporking” bad fic. these weren’t just people outside fandoms mocking it, those calls were coming from inside the house and those comms were Popular. going thru ff or deviantart to find some poor kid’s mediocre work so you could put it up there for scores of other people to laugh at was a bonding activity. people put “no flames plz” in their descriptions and summaries because ye olde fandom loved to burn people to the ground for shits and giggles, c’mon
and it wasn’t one-way either. aside from fancreators picking on their peers, writers and artists could be plenty shitty to their fans. whenever i see those posts about how authors love comments on ao3 i am reminded of being back in the day on ff where certain BNFs would be openly hostile to the “wrong” kind of reviews. “don’t just say ‘i loved this!’, that tells me nothing, which is an insult to all the hard work i put in. but don’t leave long reviews trying to sound smart about it either, you don’t know my work better than me.” in fact the entire BNF ecosystem in general was an absolute toxic cesspit on fandom as a whole, as any given scandal from that era makes readily apparent. there were cliques and harassment campaigns and discourse and drama comms and tracing and plagiarism and suicide baiting and literal fucking cults and also the aforementioned rampant bigotry
there was no golden era that got ruined, you were just too young back then to realise how fucked up so much of it was at the time and now you’re old enough to see how fucked up the current stuff is. stop lying to children on tumblr dot com.
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cicada-circuitry · 2 months
I'd like to hear more about "acute problems in life-ruining mentorships / lessons in the advanced physics of self-sabotage" and "trapped-in-a-closet fic" 🥰
hi hi hi hello again!!! thank you so much for indulging me i am having way too much fun being given excuses to ramble about the wip pile
12. acute problems in life-ruining mentorships / lessons in the advanced physics of self-sabotage [placeholding multiple half-formed title variations on that theme] is the absolute dumping ground for every single Aleida / Margo mentorship related thought and emotion i had on second watch thru. suffers from... being a completely disconnected set of thoughts and emotions related to Aleida and Margo's mentorship i had on second watchthru haha. and from being very split in tone between some like, 'people on the outside looking in have gotten the completely objectively hilariously wrong impression about these two's relationship' bits (e.g. the multiple boyfriends who literally come in and out of Aleida's life across seasons 1-3 in direct reverse proportionality to how much she's working with Margo) and some more serious stuff (a la "You got in my head, Margo! Then never! Left! Your voice just... pushing me, telling me how to live up to you then shooting me down the second I was starting to succeed, over and over and over and—" which we'll call an excerpt of this one!)
13. trapped-in-a-closet fic is a margo/molly fic I actually really really want to finish!! the scenario is like right there at the end of S2 ok like it would actually make more sense if the reason that storage room was left open for Aleida to overhear Tracy and Gordo trying to make contact on the old comm was because that closet has a busted lock right??
honestly the only strugg with this one is trapped-in-a-closet is generally not the trope you apply on top of a situation as sad and serious as the end of s2 but listen you can get trapped in a closet for uncomfortably close-quarters grief and anger just as well as Other Things!!
start of the trapped-in-a-closet fic under the cut!
As soon as communication was reestablished with Pathfinder, Margo spotted Molly booking it out of Mission Control. 
Mid-conversation with Bill, she briefly closed her eyes. She knew where Molly was going. Three of her astronauts might be safe now, but two were still unaccounted for. She had to debrief with Ellen, but made her excuses two minutes in, and went after her. 
Sure enough, she found Molly hunched over the shelving, illuminated in outline by that staticky glow. Speaking on repeat: “Stevens? Stevens, do you read me?” 
She said it three times while Margo hovered in the doorway, working up the courage to tell her it was no use. 
When Molly’s voice broke on “Gordo? Tracy?” she stepped inside and closed the door. 
Molly’s head whipped around towards her. “Shit.” 
She held up her hands. “Didn’t mean to sneak up. I can see you’re very focused. But, Molly. You saw the timer. Even if they made it back in, the damage they’d’ve taken in almost twenty seconds of hard vacuum? In the Lunar day?” 
Molly glared at her. “I’m not giving them up for dead until someone shows me a damn body, Margo.” She leaned back towards the mic, voice harsh. “Gordo, if you’re ignoring me just to get even after I swapped out your liquor stash, so help me I’ll—” 
It was heartbreaking, how Molly’s voice cracked just then. 
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iraprince · 2 years
okay okay fine hold on i AM gonna get a little sappy/excitable here. literally just last night i was having a long talk w my wife abt art and what i want to do next and stuff and i was talking abt how like.... i started tvrn at a time when i had honestly given up on the idea of art being my job, so i was like "fuck it i'll just do something really silly and stupid and self-indulgent, who cares," and then (bc it turns out this is how these things work) it was the first time since acid soup i felt like. people were like. really really suddenly paying attention to what i was doing and appreciating it and like, Getting me, as an artist. which was really revitalizing and encouraging and ended up having a domino effect of me deciding to give patreon a go -> being gobsmacked that ppl were actually pledging -> starting to go "okay hey whoa maybe it is not time to give up on art yet."
(ppl did respond really passionately to acid soup and i've always appreciated that, but i also have some really complex/tender feelings abt acid soup bc it's like... so raw, and so without the boundaries i have now abt what to share, and a lot of times i have had a relationship with acid soup that hasn't been healthy. if it makes sense to talk abt having, like, a relationship w specific parts of your own work. so that's why like, tvrn isn't the first time ppl have tuned in to what i'm doing in a very real way, but it's the first time it's been like... uncomplicated and something i was just super happy about instead of it being mired in a bunch of like, unavoidably very layered personal stuff.)
ANYWAY all this to say that like.... the thing about going fulltime is u think "great now i will have UNLIMITED TIME to work on [passion project] now that my DUMB JOB is out of the way!!!!!" and then u very quickly realize like. actually no because this is your job now!!!!! and so in the past few years of me stumbling thru freelance and trying to figure things out i felt like i haven't had the time to really do something like that again, where i'm just like, throwing my whole heart into something with abandon and being really REALLY good at it, and. the upcoming webcomic i'm working on feels like returning to that, and i'm really excited for the way it's going to let me share art that's important to me really enthusiastically and freely with you guys again in a way that i think is unique to my original fiction, and. agh!!! i'm just so excited!!! i feel like i'm BACK, kinda.
it's scary because this shit is like, not going to make me any money. i don't wanna host on tapas or webtoon for a variety of reasons. but i hope -- and pls forgive me for talking shop here, but it's just realistically something i have to consider when i'm deciding what to spend my time on -- i hope that what i make is exciting enough that ppl will want to help support me doing it, like via patreon and stuff, so that it can stay viable for me. i am gonna try anyway either way though bc i'm really excited about this story and i think it's going to be beautiful and really good. also i have to scream abt it like this bc i can't just dump all the concept work i've been doing between comms on you guys!!! it has to stay a secret!!!!! i'm eating myself from the inside out. ANYWAY. thanks for reading. i like to draw
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nkogneatho · 8 months
BELOVED, PLS — the way i have a ss-comm of the little fam in the works; it's going to be so beautiful.
our first born daughter—bc karma is a bitch & someone like naoya needs to be humbled in the basest way possible—is named after me (in a way) bc technically she's a bastard child born out of wedlock sooo, if he wants the kid to have his last name, i get to choose the first name.
second born daughter—bc straight Ls for my mans & a funny li’l ha ha nod to king henry viii's dumbass—will probs get the naochi nod since naoya ofc wants his children to be made in his image lmfao jackass
third, and last—bc i am not a fuckin’ factory despite what naoya believes—born is a spoiled ass little son (just like daddy :///) with an undecided name; he's a mama's boy thru and thru tho & treats his big sisters like they're the younger siblings (in a cute, protective way). naoya's big mad about it sksksk
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narzissenkreuz-ordo · 7 months
oh yeah i forgot i wanted to touch up on the future of my doodle blog here as well:
i am very burnt out and Something Bad always seems to happen when i think im in the clear and will def be back to do some doodles over the winter holidays since im helping out with a renheng event on twt
but ive been dealing with too many health scares for me (autoimmune testing and stuff) and my mom (possible cancer) so i've started taking a back burner on content for other people (besides comms im still working thru those)
its not worth it to run myself into the ground trying to draw what i think other people want or work on fanart shit for my portfolio in hopes to get accepted to fan projects not to be negative but like. ive never been accepted to anything so spending so much time on work JUST to boost my chances to get accepted to just be rejected anyway made me not want to do Anything
dont get me wrong i appreciate and am amazed that my silly doodle blog got this much attention and ive made new friends because people found me through that. and i love that so much but. im burnt out on hsr almost completely and theres some parts of it just make me feel Icky and bad to even touch (how the hcq was handled and certain ships)
but ive also been like. terrified to start/stop doodles again because this is the first time ive ever got even the SMALLEST spotlight and i dont want to risk being irrelevant again. but also im not a content machine and content consumption / algorithmic based social media has just become to distressing and soul crushing to keep using
idk where im going with this but again im so happy to the people ive met and became friends with everyone who likes my work but im just in the worse headspace and could get some good vibes sent my way
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too-much-sunshine · 1 month
i am a common sucker for superhero aus, so you really made it onto my top 3 of the Super!Hermitfics ive read it was genuinely so fun to read <333
I DID LOVE YOUR WAY OF KEEPING BOATEM A FAMILY. literally was so IN Love with how you made Boatem disappear from the corrupt Council and didnt let us readers know what was going on with them until Really the end! i think it was a super fresh way of going about the common Grian-Pearl sibling relationship and how you portrayed everyone in the dreams/flashbacks was So So Good. and im glad you kept them aware of Scar's place because without it i feel like it wouldve been a completely different story!! also love that you Also kept the common "server and comm device" aspect a ton of fics use, although i do have a question about that? what does "Server" mean in this universe? because if it were true inhumane treatment, surely Upper Hub Admins would step in? idk maybe i missed that ( doesnt help i didnt read thru the comment ,, sorry ,,, )
FIRST OF ALL!! Sorry for the late response I fell asleep on accident TT BUT SECOND OF ALL! Thank you so much for reading and liking my silly little fic TuT
ASDFGHJHGFGHJK I'm glad you liked Lizzie and Joel!! A added so maybe little secret people and this was even before Joel was added on hermitcraft!! You could probably say I'm a prophet but idk UuU I just loved added as many people as possible, and how else except have them own a strip club? I see no other way of that going (other than maybe being villain of course ahaha)
And thank you soo mucchhhh I spent too much time awake at night making sure the relationship between them all was something that felt real to me! Something that people who read, as well as myself could relate to! I really happy that you love itt! <3<3
As for the question about the sever! In my mind, 'server' is synonymous with 'world.' So unfortunately there isn't a hub, or admins. Just the 'sever/world' they live in, and then the city they live in within the sever... if that makes sense....
Basically I'm trying to say in book two there will be other cities and places introduced! But there is no hub world or anything!
Anyways! Thank you so mucch for reading and letting me know what you think! You made my week!! I can't wait to work on book two and for you to read that one!! <3<3<3<3
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pawbeanies · 3 months
mm, random thought. nasty t4t sex in the gundam cockpit, making it live up to its name. but also, the intimacy of being inside the giant robot. having direct access to its weakest spots. being able to run your hands over countless buttons and uncovered wires and circuit boards. seeing all the electrical and mechanical and engineered parts as you're being fucked. idk, just something to think about
- 🌹
good morning to you tooo my rose (or. it was morning when you sent this its no longer morning and i hav been working thru my drafts...) gjskfjs something to think about indeed ...
kicking my feet all cutely mech pilots is such a good. concept i love it. coming off the adrenaline high of piloting a giant fuckoff robot and having liek ... "glad you're still alive that was great" messy nasty t4t sex?!?! pulling someone into the cockpit still a little battered and bruised and sweaty and just going wild i think. is so.
like like like. hands running over spots aching from the Sensation of your mech being hit ? taking every second to admire you in the way too cramped cockpit, backlit by screens and buttons?? teeth and hands and nails scratching and biting all messy because in the moment you can't think of being gentle and thankful you're alive, you can only think of more, more, closer ... really close quarters and intimate. intricate. intimate (i need to fidn that post gksjf)
the likee . having to press in close (so close, Too Close) because the cockpit is really only built for one. gotta be quiet or else the others can hear your voice over the fucked up crackly comms radio. struggling with those fuckass tight suits (tearing them??? maybe??? perhaps??? that would be fun) because you're too shaky to get them off properly and too impatient to pull away and for even a second ......
or smth ! much to ponder on this day. im totally not thinking of stifling my own voice by biting into your neck as we rut against each other desperately in the cockpit of your mech. nope. not at all
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mongreldyke · 1 year
dhole relistens to pasithea powder s1 teasers thru e2 (spoilers for a few later eps in the season)
s1 teasers:
god elinor lopez is so fucking girlboss (slash derogatory) CAPTAIN SOPHIE GREEN ITS MY BEST FRIEND CAPTAIN SOPHIE GREEEEEEN HGH. i missed her jane gonzalez you are sooo <333 i am endlessly enamored with you and a little in love with you also GOD the voice acting in this show is so good
sophie's "i had to ask somebody for this" the fucking. the fucking contrast in even just a few episodes! she doesn't actually hate her, really :((( she hates herself most of all even if she doesn't know why :((( i'm so mentally normal about this podcast <3 (i was able to mouth sophie's whole rant almost Word For Word! yeah) "this is sophie btw. sophie green. call me back." "captain green! i'm afraid you're mistaken." two of the most iconic lines of ALL TIME i'm so gay about the whole "sophie yelling drunkenly into the comm link" bit its not even funny I AM SO GAY ABOUT THE WHOLE "JANE BEING PATRONIZING AND EXPLAINING EVERYTHING" BIT ITS NOT EVEN FUNNYYY ewwww blanc. murder death kill "its funny but, whenever you call my captain green i actually believe it" that whole bit runs through my mind rent freeeee. i think i recorded myself saying it at some point "and will gut you. kidding?" the way jackie hedeman does the delivery on these is so insane hrgh she shook his hand so hard she scared him! shes what kept him from cracking up! h. some cute old euphemism for no easy way home :((( :((((((
the lettuce monologue. awful.
sophie's immediate reaction that is almost childlike and realizing they arent kids anymore. god i'd be one of those kids with weird hair fawning over u sorry sophie green anders li <3333 i love u anders li <33333333 girlboss sophie, drugging people with baking soda. fr me when janes vocal fry. im very gay! jane in the closet joke jane in the closet joke no one wants to see what they do out of the public eye! god knowing sophi doesnt believe her for another three episodes. :((( "what, no? what? SPEAK UP. forgive me im not in jail, im in holding. i'm being held, it's very romantic" sophie green woozy face emoji. i am so enraptured by u sophie ball kicker green she said she doesn't know when to turn it off :(( "like shush, please, say no more. i said no more. she said, "i know you see them too." then she gave me the smallest, saddest smile and left. i nearly burst out crying right there, i- i can't handle this anymore, jane." no comments. im just sobbing YOU MUST SO YOU CAN SO YOU WILL. HGH. jane sounding like a giddy high school boy with "you got into a fight with alegros" i love her "or was he afraid to give his secrets away to the military?" heugauheugauegh jane's actual worry seeping in while she talks about her cover story ahagahagahgah. she has gone through so much i will say that "these two guards are working together" could just mean theyre both buds who wanted a cut of the funds but also jane definitely has experience with government conspiracies so i do get it! PEOPLE FROM THE SKY ARE EXACTLY THE SAME COLOR AS THEY ARE ON THE GROUND UNTIL THEY GET HIT BY WHATEVERS RAINING DOWN ON THEM AND THEN THEY ARENT ANYMORE. sophie you are SO full of guilt. hurgles. black bean burgers, are you making plans to kill yourself. i think the guy i was partnered with giggled the whole time i think i did too. (said so flatly. said so matter of factly because she knows its real now. she does she's seen it) im going to chew glass sometimes i think about mia and lia very hard theyre something alright effite, debauched. etc etc etc. im fucking sick of it. i want to crack skulls over it but all the skulls are most likely long dissolved and it wouldnt make any difference anyway!! "Yes, obviously, I wanted to drain the bar. It's been a while since I did that and this was looking like the night for it. I was already thinking of how I could layer all that liquor. Sunsets and Blue Giants, so much color, and you don't even have to fly to ship to see it." <- most inconsequential line to make me insane AGENT CULLEN TIME! he is so mildly offputting in these next few episodes <3 sophie's voice cracks make me feel emotions fr. cullen time!!!!
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