#works best on a 5 sec crossfade i think :-)!
starspaces · 6 months
extraterrestrial love | a chinese indie/pop playlist
"i'll find you again in every universe. let us be a little more honest, let us have a little more time." — ruporas / [youtube link]
01. 天外來物 / Extraterrestrial Object ✦ 你降落的 太突然了, 我刚好呢 又路过了 ✦ Your arrival was so sudden, I had just happened to pass by 02. 我睡不著 / I Can't Sleep ✦ 你 心臟秘密 等待某個人開啟 ✦ The secret of your heart is waiting to be opened 03. 烟火星辰 / Fireworks & Stars ✦ 你越過星海 攜著光而來 ✦ You crossed the sea of stars and came to me, bringing light 04. 火星記 / Mercury Records ✦ 穿过时间的缝隙 它依然真实地 吸引我轨迹 ✦ From beyond a rift in time, [your eyes] pull me into orbit 05. 我會等 / I Will Wait ✦ 在於你一起去看 外面世界 到底有多大 ✦ I will go with you, to see how big the world really is 06. 黑月光 / Black Moonlight ✦ 無論走多久星塵風沙 那月光於我是鎧甲 ✦ No matter how long I walk through the stardust, wind, and sand, the moonlight shining upon me is my armor 07. 行星戀 / Parallel ✦ 我等待恆星划過天空的那一天 實現著約定的時間點 ✦ I'm waiting for the day when stars streak across the sky, signaling the reunion we promised 08. 睡 / Sleep ✦ 菸兒的火光是代表存在的連結 ✦ The cigarette's flame represents the connection of our existence 09. 行星 / Planet ✦ 清醒卻發現 你仍然遠方 ✦ When I wake, I find that you're still far away 10. 披星戴月的想你 / Miss You Day and Night ✦ 我會披星戴月的想你 我會奮不顧身的前進 ✦ I'll miss you day and night, but I'll keep going forward fearlessly
11. 夜空中最亮的星 / The Brightest Star in the Night Sky ✦ 夜空中最亮的星,能否记起 ,曾与我同行,消失在风里的身影 ✦ The brightest star in the sky, can it remember, the shadow who once walked beside me? 12. 星月花火 / Star, Moon, Sparkle ✦ 静 静静地听 月亮说什么 ✦ Listen quietly to what the moon says 13. 藍夜 / Blue Night ✦ 藍色的夜 擁抱著我們 ✦ The blue night embraces us 14. 月落 / Moonset ✦ 每首歌 想你是否醒著 ✦ Every song wonders whether you're awake 15. 月旁月光 / Besides the Light of the Moon ✦ 好大的月亮 妳有看到嗎 ✦ What a big moon, did you see it? 16. 愛到宇宙爆開 / Love Bomb ✦ Oh 親愛 請你填滿愛到宇宙爆開 ✦ Oh dear, I hope you're filled with love until the universe explodes
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