#world's least corniest lead up to an announcement about a new project
ferninapot · 6 months
You know guys, I really don't like some fanon interpretations all that much when it comes to kokushibo in specific
ive noticed a lot of the time he's deemed possessive, which is cool and all but the way it's executed will either seem rapey, codependent, or straight up abusive in a "romantic he means well" way. And that's the case for most kny men and i've seen it especially with self inserts in mind, lmfao.
That's not to say that canon-divergent interpretations are invalid. My say isn't the end all be all and it would be straight up ignorant/arrogant to say otherwise, for I am 1. only an adult on paper, and 2. one of billions of people on this big oxygen rock bubble we call planet earth. So.. to whom this may concern, If I don't like it, I don't finish reading it. I'm only complaining because there is a very small amount of content that caters to my tastes on this platform and nothing else.
anyway I'm gonna get rambley now so idk brace yourselves.
When it comes to the topic of possessiveness, especially with Kokushibo, I don't see a lot of people look too deeply into the why. It's just the what, and then behaviors that I personally find confusing. There are a few reasons why the trait "possessive" could work based off of his upbringing at the cost of concerning undertones.
becoming used to or accustomed to humanity again (a lot of ships/x reader works start and end with cracking that shell or finding a catalyst, and so are out of character/canon by default if not handled with that aspect in mind) and not wanting that to be taken away
His inferiority complex stemming from his past with yoriichi, or his childhood being based in who is powerful and most likely to succeed and who isn't
A sense of control and wanting to control (see, wanting to control his fate by becoming a demon or his assertiveness in sustaining the hierarchy)
With this in mind, his behaviors would proooobably, give or take be quite different from stalking since all of these factors are a stretch on their own. Like a lot of other traits he has, this aspect would be multifaceted and multi-layered as well because different factors constitute different lessons to be learned, and therefore different reactions.
Let's start with this: A lot of people forget that Kokushibo didn't grow up around love. We misconstrue Yoriichi's relationship with their mother for Kokushibo going through the same, but it was quite the opposite.
Their father was solely focused on the rate of success and nothing else. If you weren't strong or weren't interested in fighting, you were neglected while your brother received proper training, food, education, and overall treatment. Yoriichi might have been able to better develop emotional intelligence and empathy because he grew up with his mother, who very apparently seemed to care for him a great deal if she gave him a good luck charm while he was thought to be deaf. Kokushibo was never taught this. He saw how his brother was treated and was instead given the message that love and favor was conditional—which is why he was able to make the choice so easily to leave his wife and children when he learned Yori became a demon slayer.
Now factor in him becoming a demon and easily killing thousands in his 400+ year lifespan, and his humanity and capacity for reflection is close to none.
To him, based off of his upbringing alone, hierarchy is order, and control is the path to it. Centuries of serving muzan only adds to that mindset. So it makes sense as to why, as upper 1, he would have the least humanity left—he wasn't looking for love, he was looking for greatness because there was favor to be found in greatness, and power as well. That's why him and Yoriichi butt heads. When yoriichi says fighting to him is pointless and he'd rather play games, Michikatsu finds games stupid because he most likely never had the time for them. Not to mention, having a power as great as his brothers and casting it to the side/deeming it pointless would've pissed him off because strength meant everything if there were rewards to come out of it. It's like seeing someone with extreme wealth go "actually money doesn't buy happiness."
So.. With that part of his psychology in mind, how does it affect his behaviors? I believe he would be "possessive" in a more unconventional way. The message to be received is that sufficient power breeds respect and order. So if we crack the shell of his callousness and allow him room for humanity (much like sanemi did when allowing him to see what a monster he became), what do we have? He won't instantly become healthy. he's been conditioned for centuries to have the mindset he does—what will one moment do to untangle that mess? He's internalized what he's been taught over and over again. No doubt that should be applied to his love life.
Essentially, I think it would take a long ass time for him to "learn" and develop but I've found many people arent willing to explore that side of him. so i will with an upcoming project I'll (for the time being) call "Virtue"
happy new year by the way.
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