#worst part about him coming home? the next night you’re battling crumbs in the bed because all this guy is going to want to do is cuddle
comfortless · 6 months
Im exhausted and have come to the conclusion that sleepy cuddles with könig would cure me
there is something about fluffy scenarios with König that activates an otherworldly emotion in me.
König is probably exhausted when he does finally come home from leave: all of the adrenaline finally out of his system and all he wants is to carry you off to bed for a while. There’s no real reason why he even invested in that massive mattress and bed frame, because he curls into you so tightly most of the room is entirely unused. He could fall asleep in minutes cozied up with you, would sooner die than go without listening to your voice prattle on about what you’ve done, made, or saw while he was away. He wants to know everything while he perches his chin on your shoulder, one arm beneath your back and the other curled over your middle.
He would tell you rather candidly what he’s been up to, too, about how he had to buy a new pair of boots or a vest because there’s just no getting the stains out this time, bluntly tells you how terribly he’s missed you and what he’s had to do to push those thoughts away because he may have just convinced himself to go awol and return to you otherwise. The short conversations during the weeks he’s been away just have not been enough. He wants to consume you in the most benevolent way: breathe in your hair and bask in the floral scent of your conditioner, press kiss after kiss to each inch of exposed skin, squeeze you tighter than what would be comfortable just to hear you squeak and feel how you inevitably begin to relax with him, grapple on to each word you speak and watch you with rapt attention because my god - this is all he’s ever wanted.
To have someone with him like this, telling him that they’ve missed him too, that they love him… returning his affection with slow nuzzles and soft kisses, quiet laughter as you pull a blanket over the both of you and twist around on your side to be nearer to him. When you both go quiet and you begin to hear his soft snoring, it’s almost a comfort in itself. He’s home, comfortable, and so very in love… how could you not just want to admire him for a little longer? Give him a kiss on the cheek just to hear him mumble some little pet name in his sleep as he pulls you in closer.
In the morning, when you find your legs tangled and his head on your chest, you drowsily ask him what he wants for breakfast or if he would like for you to ready the coffee pot. König would only tell you to order in something, you’re going to be here for a while.
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madpanda75 · 5 years
“Taking Chances Part Two: The Kiss”
Rafael realizes who the reader is related to and emotions are acted on 😱! Check out Part One on my Masterlist. 
Thanks for all the amazing feedback. You guys are the best! ❤️
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Rafael sat in his usual seat at Forlini’s bar, drinking a glass of scotch. It had been three weeks since he had first met you. Since then Rafael had visited the gallery almost on a daily basis, always under the facade of looking at a new piece of art when in reality it was to see you. The only problem was Rafael had seen every piece of art several times and he was beginning to run out of excuses to stop by the gallery after work or during lunch.
But did he really need an excuse? Judging by the way your cheeks turned bright pink and the coy smile you gave him when he walked through the door, Rafael suspected the feelings he had for you were mutual. Except what did he know? He had been out of the loop when it came to flirting, relationships, and dating for far too long. Maybe you always behaved that way with clients when you wanted to make a sale, laying on the charm with older men. Still there was something about you that was genuine. Being with you, Rafael didn’t feel the need to have his guard up. He felt safe.
Finishing up the rest of his drink, Rafael ordered another all while racking his brain for a reason to visit you. Perhaps he left a glove at the gallery? That was when he heard your voice calling his name. He turned his head to find you standing at the bar with those pink cheeks and a smile that made his pulse quicken.
You leapt across a patch of black ice, nearly falling in the middle of the bustling street. The weather man had predicted snow that day. A throng of people surrounded you, anxious to get home and away from the cold. You shivered within your coat, quickening your steps. Forlini’s was just on the next block. You had promised to meet your brother, Sonny, there after work and as usual you were late. While stopped at the crosswalk, you felt your phone buzzing in your coat pocket.
You answered it, already knowing who it was. “Hey, Sonny. I’m sorry. I know I’m late but I swear this time it wasn’t my fault. My boss made me stay past closing to make sure the new art installation was set up.”
“Actually, Y/N. I called to tell you I can’t make it,” Sonny sheepishly replied. He hated letting you down.
“Dominick Carisi Jr., I just walked 15 blocks in the freezing cold because you insisted on meeting tonight and now you’re ditching me!?” You exclaimed.
“I’m sorry. I was busy working on a case and I completely forgot this term paper I have to write tonight on capital punishment.”
“Cheerful topic,” you dryly said, now standing outside Forlini’s. “You owe me. How about basketball this Saturday at the park near my place. Loser has to buy the winner a box of cannolis from Antonio’s.”
“Unbelievable, it’s snowing and you still want to play basketball!?”
“A little snow is not gonna stop me from beating you. So what do you say? 10 at the basketball court?”
“Fine, I’ll bring coffee,” Sonny grumbled, knowing he would give into your every whim. You had your brother wrapped around your little finger.
“Did I ever tell you that you're my favorite big brother?” You teased.
Sonny laughed. “I’m your only big brother. Love ya’, sis.”
“Love you too.” You hung up the phone and went into the restaurant. You were already there might as well have a drink and warm up.
Walking over to the bar, you froze in your tracks. There was Rafael. Immediately butterflies began fluttering in your stomach. His back was to you, nursing a drink, occasionally glancing up at the TV screen behind the bar. The man hadn’t even glanced your way and already you were a wreck.
It had been a while since you had felt this way about anyone. 18 months to be exact when you came home early to find your fiancé in bed with another woman. After that you had sworn off love. You were devastated, your heart all but ripped out of your chest and thrown into a blender. Being alone was easier and less painful but meeting Rafael changed that. There was something about him that made you come alive again. That made you believe that not every man was a misogynist, cheating pig.
So rather than run out, pretending you never saw him, you cleared your throat and stepped closer. “Rafael?” Rafael set down his drink and whipped his head around, meeting your gaze. Those green eyes seemed to pierce right through your soul. You were beginning to experience borderline dangerous heart palpitations. “Mind if I sit here?”
“No, please,” he replied, motioning to the chair next to him. You shrugged off your coat and sat down, ordering a glass of merlot from the bartender. “So what brings you here? Kind of out of the way from your gallery.”
“I was supposed to meet my brother but he ditched me. I can’t really blame him. He’s a detective with the NYPD and going to school at the same time.” You shrugged and took a sip of your wine. “He’s pretty busy these days.”
“That is a lot to take on.” Rafael said, eying you almost suspiciously. Your brother sounded a lot like a certain gangly, obnoxious, blue-eyed detective he knew. But there was no way you were related to Sonny. The NYPD was one of the largest police departments in the country. Surely there were other detectives who happened to be attending school at the same time. It was just a strange coincidence. “I’m an Assistant District Attorney with Special Victims Unit so I work a lot with the NYPD.”
“Then you must know my brother! Dominick Carisi, but everyone calls him Sonny.”
Rafael choked on his scotch, his worst thoughts now confirmed. “Carisi is your brother?”
You arched a brow, watching Rafael cough and sputter for several seconds. “I take it you know him.”
“You could say that.” Rafael’s eyes widened. Amazing. Out of all the people to have a crush on he had to pick a Carisi. There was no way he could pursue you now. He downed his drink and quickly ordered another. Studying your face for a moment, he tried to find any family resemblance. Perhaps there was a faint trace of a Staten Island accent when you spoke but that was it. “I’m sorry. I just didn’t expect you to say Carisi was your brother. You two don’t look anything alike.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment,” you teased, but your heart fell. You liked Rafael and the last thing you needed was your big brother getting in the way. “Can we change the subject? I’m sitting at a swanky bar next to a handsome man and the last thing I want to talk about is my brother.”
A smile tugged at Rafael’s lips. “You think I’m handsome.”
“Actually I was talking about the other guy,” you said, motioning to the man sitting next to you on your left side. Rafael peered over your shoulder to see Judge Nelson, drinking a beer and munching on pretzels while watching a basketball game on the TV. Bits of crumbs flying over the counter as he called out the coach for pulling a player. Judge Nelson also bore a striking resemblance to the crypt keeper.
Rafael snorted a laugh, starting to feel a little more at ease now that the initial shock was wearing off.  
“Okay, Rafael. You know where I work and who my family is, so now I want to know about you.” You giggled and set your drink down, turning your chair to give him your full attention. “Tell me everything.”
Now knowing who you were related to Rafael tried to resist temptation, quickly realizing it was a losing battle. You were his version of kryptonite, glancing up at him from beneath your lashes while innocently biting your bottom lip, your leg brushing up against his. A man could only take so much. It didn’t take long before Rafael found himself flirting right back.
You completely lost track of time talking to Rafael. The conversation flowed between you both. You told him how after your father’s heart attack, you realized that life was too short and decided to switch from a business administration major to an art history degree. He told you that he briefly considered a career in theater before ultimately deciding that the law was his passion.
The hours flew by and before long the bar was closing. “I can’t believe it’s so late,” you said, hopping off the chair. “Thanks for keeping me company.”
“My pleasure. I had fun tonight.” Rafael held out your coat for you to put on. You silently cursed the cold, wishing you didn’t have on so many layers so you could feel the warmth of his bare hands on your body.
By the time you left, snow was beginning to cover the streets and sidewalks, showing no signs of stopping. “Which way are you going?” You asked.
“Uptown. You?”
“Same. I was gonna take the subway home.”
Rafael rocked back on his heels. “Well since we’re going the same direction. We could split an Uber or a taxi or something,” he suggested.
“Sure. As long as it’s not too much trouble.”
“Not at all,” Rafael replied, taking out his phone to get an Uber. He wasn’t quite ready to say good night to you just yet, even if it was just a 15 minute car ride home.
The drive uptown was mostly in silence. Rafael glanced down at your hands resting in the middle seat between you both, inches away from each other. He slowly moved his hand closer, his pinky finger barely brushing up against yours. Turning from the window, you locked eyes with him, a soft smile on your lips as you placed your hand in his.
Suddenly the driver came to an abrupt stop, pulling up to the front of your apartment building. Rafael stepped out of the car, insisting on walking you to your door. “Wait for me, please. I‘ll be right back,” he told the Uber driver. The man nodded his head, grumbling that the wait time would be added to the fare.
The heavy wet snow made the sidewalks slick. One misstep on an icy patch and you were about to make a slapstick tumble. Rafael was quick to react, catching you in his arms before you hit the ground.
You looked up into the eyes of your rescuer and blushed. Rafael’s pulse was racing. His face so close to yours, he could count the snowflakes landing on your cheeks. Once you found your footing, he reluctantly let you go. “Are you ok?”
“I’m fine. Nice catch,” you said but your feet had other plans. You tried to take another step and ended up sliding even closer to Rafael, gripping onto the lapels of his jacket to steady yourself.
The heady scent of his cologne stirred your senses. He smelled like citrus and spice, woodsy and crisp. Like the type of man who would read Tolstoy to you and then later fuck you up against his cedar desk. He electrified you. Reaching up with one hand, you cupped his cheek before placing a soft tentative kiss on his lips. You pulled away a fraction of an inch, gauging his reaction.
Rafael stared at you with lust-filled eyes. Your warm breath mingling with his in the frosty air. His nose nuzzling yours. “Oh God, what was he doing,” he thought. “This is Carisi’s sister. Don’t do this. You can’t do this.”
“Rafael,” you breathed, wrapping your arms around his neck, your fingers running through his hair.
“Fuck it,” he said in a husky voice, pulling you into a searing hot kiss. Rafael’s mouth moved fervently over yours, his tongue gently parting the seam of your lips. You tasted better than he could ever imagine, sweet and tart. You let out a soft, pleasure-filled moan, returning the kiss with vigor, sliding your tongue over his. Rafael ran his hands up and down your back, holding you close. Despite the frigid temperature, a warmth spread throughout your body, radiating through every vein. Your lungs were burning.  It felt like you were going to explode.
Needing to catch your breath, you eventually broke the kiss. Slowly you opened your eyes, meeting Rafael’s gaze, both of you panting hard. He smiled at you, running his thumb over your bottom lip. “Would you like to have to have dinner with me sometime?”
You leaned forward, kissing him one more time, your forehead pressed against his. “Yes,” you softly replied.
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cyanidefactory · 5 years
Robin Hood
this is a blurb, believe it or not. a very very long blurb. 
might write more if i feel motivated.
just some luke hemmings flirting with his sister’s friend. yup.
smut in the next chapters. none here tho
late at night and luke heard footsteps up the stairs, but he simply ignored it and and cranked his music up higher, not particularly in the mood to be bothered by his little sister. it was 2am and she was just getting home? he rolled his eyes, it wouldn't be the first time he'd catch her sneaking back in. he heard a voice that sounded vaguely like her.. wait. No, he heard her own name being called.
"what the fuck.." he muttered to himself, sitting up from his bed where he was playing on his phone, and pulling the door open. He opened it just in time to see another girl, knocking frantically on his sister's door.
"hey! come on, you gotta be kidding me." she groaned, kicking desperately in hopes of it magically opening from her poor efforts. "fuck." he heard her say under her breath, before turning around and seeing that she was infact, not alone in the dark hallway. "shit!" she cursed again, backing up against the door abruptly. her head hit the wood with a soft bang.
"what the hell are you doing?" luke chuckled, crossing his arms. he leaned on the door frame of his room opposite to her, and it was apparent that he found it all amusing. strange, indeed. but amusing nonetheless
"what am I doing? i was just- wait who are you?" she said incredulously, keeping her back to the wood and looking at him suspiciously.
"I happen to live here. I should ask you that question." he said with a small smile. she looked at him curiously before it settled on her that she could probably guess who he was. "oh. oh! um.. sorry. Mr. Hemmings. er, i mean what? what was your name again?" she muttered, her eyes searching the floor as if it has the answers. she seemed to be talking mostly to herself. "are you drunk?" he laughed, closing the door behind him when he realized just how loud the music was playing. "what? no. I don't think i am. You know what? i'm just gonna go.. crash on the couch or something." she said.
he raised his eyebrows at her, and she just bit her lip, as if having an internal battle on why the hell she was being so vague. "sorry if i woke you.... yeah. I'm gonna go. Bye, Mr. Hemmings, or whatever." she said, looking exhausted. "hey, wait. what the-" he said, more confused than amused now. "Sorry! fuck. this is weird. see you in the morning. Hopefully not in a weird way though. I'm too sleepy for this." she said rushed but slowly at the same time, as if she wanted it to be over but she was too tired to get through with it.
yawning, she shook her head an descended down the stairs. "what?" Luke whispered to himself once again, watching her disappear out of view. He would definitely have to ask his sister about this weird encounter. He could guess it was a friend but she was acting so weird, it only intrigued him more.
he stood there in the dark for a few moments, the muffled music still playing and only adding to his clouded thoughts. he shook his head and went back inside, deciding that it was time for sleep.
"Luke! honey, get up. breakfast's ready!" his mother's voice echoed in the hall, muffled by the door in between but still loud enough to snap him out of his slumber. he grumbled under his breath, reaching for his phone and checking the time. 9:30am, but still too early.
he suddenly remembered that stranger from last night, 'mr. hemmings' she called him, as if he were a middle aged father of 3. or a mathematics professor. he chuckled to himself at the thought.
climbing out of bed and putting on some pants, he went for breakfast. the voices from the kitchen got louder and clearer as he approached.
"i did not! shut up." he heard his sister laugh.  then he heard that voice, the one cursing at the door in the middle of the night, last night.
"yeah, you did. unfortunately." she said, followed by insults and teasing.
the two girls laughed, and the sound of utensils clinked in the background. he decided then it was a good time to enter the dining room.
"how nice of you to join us, oh graceful one." his sister said dramatically, putting down her fork and raising her hands up in the air to "acknowledge his presence".
"whatever." he said, realizing how low his voice was from just waking up. Evie just rolled her eyes as she sipped her coffee.
"Hello, man i’ve never seen before prior to this moment." the other girl said grandly, buttering her toast carelessly. he looked at her curiously. she didn't seem at all phased by his presence, unlike his sister's other friends.
"what?" luke said, raising an eyebrow at her comment. it seemed to be the only word he could come up with when she was present. she shrugged, taking a bite out of her toast. when Evie didn't look up from her phone to introduce them, she took matters into her own hands.
"hello, i'm Robin. like the bird. or the comic book character. whichever you prefer." she said cheekily, holding her hand out for him to shake. Evie just snickered upon hearing this, as if she's heard it a billion times.
"pleasure." he muttered, still taken aback by her forwardness, despite their weird first impressions last night.
she frowned when he didn't shake her hand, dropping it to her side. he chewed on his lip, plopping down on the chair opposite to her. "sorry, your hand has crumbs on it." he said, not thinking before it left his mouth. she just laughed softly at his words.
"alrighty then." she said, a smile creeping up her lips as if there was never a frown on it. he decided he found it cute how easy it was for her to smile.
"good enough reason. I respect that."
"glad you're up, Luke. tea? or is it coffee now?" his mum said sweetly, looking up from her magazine. he saw Robin nod to herself in the corner of his eye and mouthing 'luke' silently, making him chuckle.  "whichever, mum. thanks." he said, grabbing a bowl and the box of cereal. his mother nodded and he heard her footsteps walking away, followed by the sound of water pouring into a kettle echoing in the kitchen. he yawned, rubbing his eye to try and wake himself up.
"not a morning person?" Robin inquired conversationally, to his dismay. he couldn't tell if her question was genuine or if she intended to tease him for his ragged appearance.
the look in her eyes as she grinned wickedly at him, suggested the latter. he opened his mouth to quip back, but his sister beat him to it.
he didn't want to admit it, but she pretty much took the words right out of his mouth. "i say he's hardly a person at all." she sighed, again, very dramatically. Robin licked the breadcrumbs off her lips, smiling at the two, clearly amused.
"shut up, Evie." he said, clearly not energetic enough to think of anything better to say.
"hey! language!" Robin scolded, putting her hand on her hips and pouting cutely. the sight making him laugh for the first time this morning. "tell that to yourself last night." Luke mumbled, before shoving a spoon of cereal into his mouth as if to shut himself up. he had a bad habit of verbalizing his thoughts without thinking. the worst part was that it almost always sounded dirty, even without meaning to. especially without meaning to. silence followed his words, making it so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Robin's eyes widened, while Evie finally looked up from her phone.
"WAIT, WHAT?" Evie almost screamed, eyebrows furrowed so hard it made Robin burst out laughing
"Rob, explain!" she exclaimed, as Robin only continued to laugh, throwing her head back on the chair and covering her face with her hands. Luke looked around frantically, not knowing whether to apologize for saying what he said, or scold her for making it look worse.
"I thought you said you just crashed on the couch, not on my brother. oh god." she groaned, squeezing her eyes shut as if she was repulsed by the thought.
the other girl's laughter died down into giggles, she uncovered her face and it was red as a tomato, and Luke knew the case was the same for him.
Evie, on the other hand, her question still unanswered and confusion still evident on her face, just rolled her eyes and scrunched her nose in disgust. "Jesus, Rob. not my brother for fuck's sake." she said. Robin just chuckled at her words, her eyes meeting Luke's.
She winked at him, and blew him a kiss, right in full view of his sister. he knew she was just doing it to annoy her friend, but he couldn't help but blush even deeper. Christ, why was this girl so weird?
"I don't know why i'm surprised. I should have guessed." Evie added, looking annoyed indeed.
"hey! what the hell's that supposed to mean?" Robin exclaimed, her eyebrows raised.
"nothing, I didn't mean anything by it." Evie said, shaking her head and returning her gaze to her phone. Robin just glared at her, crossing her arms.
Luke could tell she was genuinely upset.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, okay, I'm just saying. It's Luke!" Evie defended, gesturing to Luke as if it proves any point. Luke just raised his eyebrows at the two girls and their conversation. Robin dropped her glare as Evie continued to look at her apologetically, as if to say she really was sorry.
Robin raised her hands in surrender. "Hey, don't look at me, I just laughed at what he said. I have no idea what he's talking about." she said, biting her lip to hold in more laughter as Evie stared him down, still confused as to why exactly he said that.
"Jesus! I just meant you swear a lot, okay?" Luke said defensively, dropping his spoon into his now empty bowl with a clink!
"Sorry, you just talk weird." Robin shrugged, making him chuckle once again at the irony of her words. "Yeah, he does." Evie muttered, clearly over it. Luke glared at his sister, but she ignored it. She stood up from her seat, taking her cup with her as she heard the kettle whistling.
"Hey, mind making me another too?" Robin hummed, holding up her own cup. "sure." Evie  mumbled, walking out of the room. The two were left at the table. she rested her chin on her hand and peered up at him, as if waiting for him to say something.
"Sorry, I just, I say weird things without thinking sometimes." he muttered shyly, feeling conscious under her stare.  "I'm not a total pervert, it just comes out sounding dirty, okay?" he added, looking up to meet her stare.
"That's okay. I happen find it quite entertaining." she said, grinning at him.
a smile tugged at his lips, he never knew a smile could be so contagious. it was hard not to, with the was she was looking at him.
"Yeah? You don't say." he said sarcastically, playing with the spoon in his bowl. she laughed softly, leaning back on her seat.
"No, really. It's kind of like a hidden talent. I bet you're a natural at dirty talk" she said, wiggling her eyebrows up and down.
he opened his mouth to respond, but he couldn't think of what to say without sounding like a complete idiot. she just smirked at him as he narrowed his eyes at her. he obviously couldn't tell if she was flirting or just trying to get a reaction out of him, and she found it hilarious.
"Wouldn't you like to know." he scoffed, finally pushing his bowl away and crossing his arms over his chest, leaning back on his chair like her.
She raised her eyebrows, a blush once again creeping up her neck and on her cheeks. He knows she's flustered at his words, but she shakes it off.
"Oh come on! I was just teasing. Lighten up, Mr. Hemmings. You're so serious." she pouted, pushing his shoulder gently.
"why do you call me that? You make me sound so old." he said, scrunching up his nose. She laughed in response, shrugging. "suits you. you're so grumpy, like an old man. or my Maths professor." she explained as if it made perfect sense. he found himself laughing as well. maybe it did.
"alrighty then. good enough reason." he said, copying her words from before. she just smiled at him, a glint in her eye that says 'hey, you're not so bad.'
But maybe that was just him.
Evie and her mom walking into the dining room again, both holding two steaming mugs each.  they joined them at the table, and continued breakfast.
Robin muttered a thanks to Evie as she handed her her cup. She met eyes with Luke once more, he couldn't tell if he imagined her winking at him or not, before engaging very deeply in conversation with his mother.
He sipped on his tea, amused at her nodding at whatever his mum was saying about the "Victorian style porch renovations". Robin seemed genuinely interested on the topic. He couldn't keep the smile off his face, but she seemed oblivious to it, thank god. then, a question ringed in his mind:
was he really crushing on his little sister's friend?
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