izzymalec · 6 years
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sapphic september
30. halloween or favourite pairing
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enkelimagnus · 6 years
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Sapphic September Prompt 1: Favorite Shadowhunter/Shadowhunter ship
Clary Fray/Isabelle Lightwood - Clizzy
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Hello, Angels! Join us for Women of Shadowhunters’ first ever Sapphic September!
What is Sapphic September?
It’s just like Femslash February, but with a fall twist!
How do I participate?
Create any kind of f/f fan content (fic, edits, moodboards, etc.) involving the lovely ladies of Shadowhunters
You don’t have to participate every day, nor do you have to follow the prompt list - it’s just there to give you inspiration
If you’d like your work to be featured on the Women of Shadowhunters blog, make sure to use #wossapphicsept18 in the first five tags (you can also tag it with #femslashrevolution or #femslash if you’d like to be reblogged by @femslashrevolution)
Please rate your work so it can be tagged appropriately
If posting a work to AO3, you can add it to the Sapphic September collection by putting wossapphicsept18 in the ‘Post to Collections’ field
Crossovers are allowed but the pairing must have at least one (1) woman from Shadowhunters
Prompt List 
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ghafahey · 6 years
your heart is glowing and i'm crashing into you | isabelle lightwood / maia roberts rating: mature (for implied sexual content) additional tags: canon divergence, beach house, honeymoon, morning kisses for sapphic september ; sept 22nd - favorite shadowhunter/downworlder pairing
It's barely past seven in the morning and already the air is hot and humid, leaving a bone deep warmth behind that is not yet unpleasant. Isabelle's toes dig into the wet sand underneath before another wave rolls over them. Ocean water spills over her legs and up to her thighs, the seam of her silk button down pajama clinging to her stomach. It's a welcome contrast to the heat even though the water can't be considered cold by any means but the drops it leaves behind on her skin enhance the soft breeze blowing over the beach. She can still see Maia's bright smile when she had jumped into crashing waves yesterday, amazed at the blue of the ocean, the welcome cool it left on her skin which the sun would lick up later when she had laid down in the sand next to Isabelle.
It's perfect, a small, quiet piece of paradise, just what they wanted. (Well, Maia's criteria had been “warm and by the sea” and Izzy had wanted something with less restlessness and stress, no loud voices. Some place where no one could easily find them with a portal. That had left quite a few choices but Magnus had smiled knowingly and who is Isabelle to not trust her brother-in-law's recommendation.)
She had left Maia tangled up in white sheets, her chest rising and falling in a slow rhythm and dark curls splayed upon the pillow. She had looked so peaceful, no lines of worry on her forehead and only exhaustion from the past few days making her sleep through Izzy crawling out of bed. A part of her had wanted to curl up to her and try to go back to sleep but years of staying up until late at night or waking up before 5am for her patrols are making it impossible to sleep in, even on days like this one.
The sun has made her way over the horizon by now but a few last streaks of pink and red remain, reflected in the unsteady ocean. Almost on instinct, Isabelle reaches for her phone to capture the moment and send a text to the Lightwoods group chat but her hand comes up empty instead. The phone left in her suitcase, not even unpacked yet. There were other more important things to pay attention to last night like the moonlight reflecting in the water and later in the droplets on Maia’s skin; like catching those with her lips or the warmth leaving her positively tired and worn out next to another body, breathing heavily.
A new kind of heat warms up her skin as she thinks back to happy, lazy kisses and hands finding each other’s bodies beneath white sheets. To Maia’s eyes flashing with all the emotions she had felt in her own heart. To the way her touch had drawn sighs and moans and her name from Isabelle’s lips. To the all-consuming thought, she had tried so many times to put into words but never quite managed.
Absentmindedly, her fingers draw shapes into the wet sand beside her as she replays the memory; a rune for love, for protection and trust and… Isabelle smiles as she looks down, the symbol one she had familiarized even as a child with eyes wide in wonder and a warm sense of hope and longing in her chest. The pattern in the sand is slightly less accurate than the matching one on the back of her right hand resting next to it. With the next wave spilling over the beach all runes are washed away anyway.
The one on her hand however remains, permanent and forever. A few years ago, she would have never believed anyone telling her that this was just around the corner for her; that Clary stumbling into their lives and turning it around with chaos would lead her here with a word so powerful echoing in her mind and making her smile. Forever. It’s not in the literal sense of the word (Not like Alec who had said it with such sincerity, voice soft like a profession of faith the first time he mentioned it. There had been no room left to wonder what exactly he meant.) but an as long as I have you, as long as I live. It’s a promise and a vow and Isabelle would have never thought she would share this with someone from a completely different world. A woman, moreover.
A bird sings somewhere in the trees behind her, breaching the constant sound of waves crashing upon sand. It’s a beautiful, lonely melody; a song she is sure has some meaning that is lost to mundanes and Nephilim alike. When she turns around to find the singer her eyes fall back on the small house. The imprints her feet have made earlier when she snuck out to find a place to sit down have long been washed away but other than that the image is still the same as when she left. The doors leading from the terrace to the bedroom are still open, light white curtains blowing in the breeze the ocean sends.
Maia is still asleep when Isabelle makes her way back inside, lying on her stomach and stretched all the way to the other side of the bed as usual. Her sleeping habits had been the spark of more than one lighthearted discussion but who was Izzy to complain when the woman she loves had thrown her arms around her in the middle of the night and curled around her. She tiptoes towards the bed now, leaving the door to the balcony open. The soft sound of waves mixed with bird song is a sweet background noise to the silent bedroom. Not quite silent as Maia’s breathing is just barely audible, swallowed by Izzy’s pillow.
Her skin is warm and soft beneath Isabelle’s fingertips. It feels even better against her lips, making a path along her spine, between her shoulder blades and lower. Her tongue tastes the residue salt of sweat from last night, her hands gently dig into shoulder blades and massaging away at knots and stress.
“Mmmhh.” The sound is slow, almost silent as Maia’s arms stretch to the sides of the bed, a wave of tension going through her entire body before it goes lax beneath Izzy. Warm brown eyes blink open slowly, closing a few times before she is able to locate Isabelle hovering above her back. “Good morning.
Her morning voice might be Izzy’s favorite. When it’s still low and rough from sleep, so similar to whispers under heated sheets and unsteady, lacking its usual forwardness. She rewards it with a kiss just below Maia’s right shoulder. “Morning.”
“Someone is up early.” The statement lacks judgement, just a hint of teasing since Isabelle is the first to complain about not being able to sleep in yet on the days that she could she is restless and usually up before seven.
The teasing is so familiar it makes her smile even brighter, rubbing her nose along Maia’s spine which rewards her with a soft sigh. She does it again simply to prolong the sound, in lieu of an answer.
“So, yesterday huh?”
Isabelle almost snorts, abandoning her spot between Maia’s shoulders to bring their faces closer together, eyebrows raised. They’re both grinning by now, happiness so full in their hearts it’s very likely visible within their eyes. Their noses bump as Izzy leans forward to plant a kiss at the corner of Maia’s mouth. “Yeah… that happened.”
Her voice is laced with wonder. Despite the years, the struggles they’ve faced alone and together and against each other. Despite the fact that it’s been months since she had clutched Maia’s hands within her own and asked the question which had been burning on her tongue for months before that. Every day waking up and looking at the woman lying beside her is a wonder on its own. She never thought she could have this and how long had she been scared it wouldn’t last, that she would screw it up?
“I’m glad.” The statement is soothing, even now, even on the morning after. It curls around Isabelle’s heart and she closes her eyes for a moment, pressing her forehead to Maia’s cheek. “I’m happy.”
“Me too.”
They stay like this for a moment, content with silence and smiles and being close. At some point, Izzy’s breathing begins to match Maia’s slower rhythm, her front rising and falling in sync with Maia’s back. It could be enough to pull her back to sleep, she muses, just the warmth of another body and the sound of the waves outside and the knowledge that they’re safe and free of any worries for the next two weeks. Two weeks filled only with each other and going exploring along the island and letting Maia coax her into diving to see what type of fish are out there in the ocean.
Two weeks of just kisses like these as Maia leans up, her lips soft and pliant underneath Izzy’s, warm from sleep and undemanding. It’s there you are and this is perfect and most of all I love you so much. The angle is weird, with Isabelle straddling Maia’s waist and her front pressed to her back so she releases a soft grunt of approval when Maia twists beneath her to turn around. The only thing separating them now are the thin sheets and the material of Isabelle’s pajama and the realization sends a shiver down her spine, releases another groan off her lips.
Maia’s hand finds her neck, adding just a bit of pressure to bring their lips closer as if they could, as if they’re not pressed together from head to toe. Still she complies, her tongue sweeping along Maia’s bottom lip – as a reward and an answer and simply because she wants. It draws a moan from her girlfriend her wife which Isabelle swallows gladly, grinning into the kiss. Her legs bracket Maia’s hips, the sheets pulled halfway down her body and revealing inches of warm skin. Izzy’s fingertips eagerly run over her sides, dip into her belly button, up over her breasts to earn another sigh of pleasure. It’s a path they’ve taken countless times in the last four years.
She can’t wait for this to be the rest of her life.
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lewispandawrites · 6 years
Bonfire, Clizzy, 807 words, T rated
Part of the Sapphic September
With an amazing moodboard by @enkelimagnus!
“Here you go.” Izzy straddled the big log, and handed Clary a mug. The redhead sniffed at the content, then made a pleased sound before taking a sip. Apple cider. Izzy found it utterly adorable.
“Every year, I drink it first here. The smell of cinnamon, apples and cloves always reminds me of this night.” Clary closed her eyes, and turned her face towards the fire. They were sitting close enough to feel the warmth, but not enough for it to be unpleasant, even though they both wore warm hoodies and jeans.
Some people were making S’mores and chatting happily, while others gathered around the kegs, or went inside to make more apple cider. A handful of people parted from the party, to chop more wood, in case they would sit there into the early hours of the dawn.
Clary heard the familiar ‘click’, and opened her eyes to look at Izzy. Her phone was still aimed at her, and the brunette hadn’t stopped to take pics. “Iz!” Clary chastised her companion, without any heat behind it. Moreover, the smile she was sporting had an opposite effect on Izzy.
“I’m testing the camera. Look at those pictures.” Izzy handed her phone to Clary, and the girl wiped her hand on her hoodie, before taking it. The photos were truly amazing - focused and bright, even with fire being the only source of light. The redhead could see all the freckles adoring her face, and blushed. She didn’t feel like wearing make-up to such a party “Delete those. I look bad.”
“No.” Izzy took the phone back. “Look at my face.” She raised her chin, and pointed out to a pimple on her jaw. “This place is for being cozy, not looking as if we just left the catwalk in Paris.” She turned on her front camera, and took a selfie. “And now there’s imperfect me as well.” Izzy scrolled through the photos again. “I don’t know why you think you look bad. You have amazing facial features, and no pimples.”
“But the freckles…” Clary started, but stopped after seeing Izzy raise an eyebrow.
“They honestly look gorgeous. I am so jealous of them.”
Clary smiled into her mug, before taking another sip of her drink. “Don’t you have one?” She raised her cider, to show Izzy what she meant.
“No. I recruited Alec to make me hot chocolate with marshmallows. I’ll have some cider later.” She hid her phone in the front pocket of her hoodie, and just kept her hands hidden there. “Maia and Simon went to bring more food. The kitchen already run out of it, but we still had some funds. Honestly, this year the place is swarmed with people. Remember how it had been a few years back?”
“Yes.” Clary remembered that first party well - she had met Maia and Alec there. Which was weird, since she and the Lightwoods had attended the same high school. They had never been close, though, not until college. “Simon spilled his drink all over Maureen and Meliorn. To this day I have no idea how.”
Both girls chuckled at the pleasant memory.
Izzy looked down, and started playing with one of her shoelaces. “I totally made out with Maia that night. But we both decided that we would be better friends anyway.” She kept her gaze fixed on her sneakers.
Clary just sat there, stunned, needing time to process. Izzy. Kissed. A girl? Kissed. Years ago.
“I made it awwwkwaaard.” Izzy muttered under her nose. “I’ll go and see if Alec is done with that hot chocolate.”
Clary reacted quickly - she surged forward to grab Izzy’s arm, and keep her in place. Unfortunately, she had chased after her with the hand that had been holding the mug, and sloshed some onto her white sneakers.
“Shit!” Her eyes widened, seeing the yellow stain. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” She put the mug down, and searched through her pockets, frantically, hoping she had a pack of kleenex that could save the situation.
“No, you don’t…” Izzy had started, but Clary cut in.
“Gay. Me. I mean, me - gay.” She gestured between herself and Izzy. “Into women.”
Izzy stared at her, before bursting out laughing. She was so loud, a few people turned around to see what all that noise was about.
“I had no idea you were into girls!” Clary exclaimed, her search for tissues long forgotten.
“Well, I had no idea you were into them, either. You can make it up to me by taking me out for drinks one day.” Izzy sounded confident, as she wiped at the corners of her eyes, but Clary could see the familiar dread that came with asking another girl out. So she puffed out her chest and replied, grinning at the brunette.
“I’d love to take you out on that date.”
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dark-alice-lilith · 6 years
Title: The Barista’s Number
Pairing: Isabelle/Clary
Rating: G
Summary: “Okay, but don’t take too long flirting with the barista this time. I’d like my drink to actually be hot when I get it.”
A/N: For @womenofshadowhunters’s Sapphic September day four prompt: coffee shop au.
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izzymalec · 6 years
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sapphic september
17. lipstick or pick a color palette
↳ femme love
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izzymalec · 6 years
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sapphic september
2. kissing or human au: when you’re supposed to go on a date but your girlfriend stole your dress again
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izzymalec · 6 years
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sapphic september
22. scary movie marathon or favourite shadowhunter/downworlder pairing
↳ special thanks to @enkelimagnus
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izzymalec · 6 years
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sapphic september
13. over-sized sweaters or a song/quote (about love)
↳ Julie Anne Peters
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izzymalec · 6 years
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sapphic september 
15. date night or favorite rarepair ship
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izzymalec · 6 years
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sapphic september
6. rain or a quote
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izzymalec · 6 years
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sapphic september
1. leaves or favourite shadowhunter/shadowhunter pairing
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izzymalec · 6 years
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sapphic september
9. hot bath/shower or an OT3
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izzymalec · 6 years
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sapphic september
3. windy or two colours
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izzymalec · 6 years
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sapphic september
5. chills or favourite battle couple
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