#would anybody like to talk about the wreckers saga with me
chrometheraptor · 5 months
springer my beloved <3
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elfdragon12 · 2 months
Re: Earthspark Tarantulas, there were a couple of posts I saw a while ago that might help explain the intent behind his characterization…here they are (https://www.tumblr.com/maecatt/711181400887394304/queer-elder-tarantulas), and (https://www.tumblr.com/maecatt/710831474456297472/me-pitching-tarantulas-oh-hes-this-awesome), and yeah, it doesn’t seem that anybody cared about his original character at all, and just used his name and design for a completely different character. And it’s not like radically reinterpreting a character is always bad, TFA OP is amazing and he’s very different from G1 OP but what they did for Tarantulas…it just doesn’t really work
I know I've seen the second post. These are a part of why ES Tarantulas doesn't click for me. Maybe Mae Catt offline really does get how Tarantulas actually is in the Wreckers saga, but their tumblr posts just lean hard into the "he's a father!!" woobification so popular on tumblr that... Ruined my reading of Sins of the Father (and it took me so long to get to after how violent, graphic, and grim LSOTW was). I know you shouldn't let fandom ruin that kind of thing for you, but it's all I can think of when I read Tarantulas commit the most heinous war crimes for a war he's not even a part of.
If the canonical IDW1 Tarantulas had actually gotten to parent Springer, he would have been an unholy mix of Mother Gothel of Tangled (smothering, controlling, and "loving") and Endeavor of My Hero Academia (controlling, domineering, and with purpose). He was a terrible person. It's why he worked together with Overlord. He made horrible war weapons, he convinced Roadbuster to torture and kill his students, and so on. He has "terrible taste in men" because he himself is evil.
"I love [character]! That's why I changed literally everything about their personality when given the chance to write them myself!"
I actually wouldn't say TFA OP is actually all that radical of a reinterpretion of Optimus. You take G1 Orion Pax in the army, give him a traumatic event that disgraces him, and boom! TFA OP! I don't think TFA Prowl is strictly that radically different from the basic idea of Budiansky's Prowl either.
I mean, I like TFP Wheeljack, Knockout, and Breakdown. I even like WFC trilogy Skyfire... But also, I think it's fair for fans of the original versions to be bummed out the character they love is only superficially present and, sometimes, overshadows the personality they love so much. Not to mention that there's usually a character that already fits the role but hasn't gotten some spotlight in a while. (Blackarachnia would have been perfect for the role in Earthspark. That scene where she fakes threatening Silverbolt to "make it easier" plus the episode with Una and that time she only overheard part of Primal and Rhinox talking about the Maximal coding make her perfect for it.)
I also wouldn't be so bothered by ES Tarantulas if his fans wouldn't keep tagging posts on him with Beast Wars. I would love to just ignore ES Tarantulas, but he keeps popping up when I look for Beast Wars.
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